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at Page Chapter Page(s)
2 FAQs on CSC 2.0 6 6 - 12
3 Central G2C Services 14
3A Passport Services 15 - 18
3B PAN Application Services 19 - 22
3C Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana 23 - 24
3D Food Safety & Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) 25 - 26
3E Soil Health Card 27 - 30
3F Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 31 - 32
3G Election Commission Services 33 - 34
4 State Government Services 35
4A E-Stamp Service 36
4D Labour Registration 40
5 Aadhaar Services 41
5B Child Enrollment 45
7 Legal Services 59
7B E-Legal Service 62 - 63
7C Tele-Law Services 64 - 67
7D Tele-Entrepreneurship Course 68 - 69
8 Other Educational Services 70
8A NIELIT Courses 71 - 72
8B NIOS Courses 73 - 74
8C Basic Computer Course 75
8D Elnglish Learning Course 76
8E Tally Courses 77 - 79
8F IGNOU Courses 80 - 84
8G Sarkari Pariksha 85 - 86
9 Skill Development 87
9B Persons with Disability (PwD) Scheme 91 - 92
9C Self Paid Course 93 - 94
9D Cyber Wellness Course 95 - 96
10 Financial Inclusion Services 97
10A BC Points : Bank Mitr Registration 98 - 99
10B BC Points : PIN PAD 100
10C BC Points Transactions 101 - 102
at Page Chapter Page(s)
10E DigiPay - Operational Trouble Shooting 105 - 106
10F DigiPay - Technical Trouble Shooting 107 - 109
10G Insurance Services 110 - 112
10H NPS - Pension Service 113 - 120
10 I FasTag 121-124
11 Healthcare Services 131
11A Tele-Medicine 132 - 134
12 Tours & Travels 147
12B Air Ticketing 151
13A Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) 153 - 155
13B Electricity & Water Bill Payment 156
14 E-Recharge 157
14A E-Recharge 158
CH-1 : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Introduction
CSC E-Governance Services India Limited (CSC SPV) has established the Central Helpdesk at
its Headquarters in New Delhi to address the issues and complaints of Village Level
Entrepreneurs (VLEs).
CSC 2.0 envisages setting up of a Local level Help Desk in each State for providing
Handholding of the VLEs. As per the project outlay, the Local Helpdesk at State level may be
set up with a maximum of 4 (four) Helpdesk Executives. As per this mandate of CSC 2.0
Project, CSC E-Governance Services India Limited is in the process of establishing local level
Helpdesk in every State and so far it has established Local Level Helpdesk in 20 States,
which are manned by 63 Helpdesk Executives.
Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) can contact the Central Helpdesk over the Toll free
Helpdesk No. 180030003468. The working hours of Central Helpdesk : 10 am - 1pm &
2pm – 6 pm. The VLEs can register their complaints at helpdesk.csc.gov.in. VLEs may
contact the State level local helpdesk on State specific number.
As the system requires and the essentiality of Helpdesk underlines, the following system is
put in place for resolution of calls raised by the VLEs – VLE can call Helpdesk Toll Free number to register their complaint.
VLE can call Toll Free No. for any query. Executive can resolve his issue on call or
can raise ticket on behalf of VLE.
VLE can raise call ticket through CSC National Portal i.e. Digital Seva Portal.
On the basis of calls on toll free number, the Helpdesk Executive also can raise call
ticket on CSC National Portal on behalf of the VLE.
Helpdesk Executive to provide resolution to the VLEs on the basis of fact files. Some time executive resolve issues then and there or will resolve issues after
taking correct reply from the concerned department such as Tech team or recon etc.
Assignments of tickets to Verticles for resolution. This feature is not available, but executive can transfer tickets to concerned
department if raised in incorrect department. Only admin or Vertical head can
assign tickets to particular person.
Closing of Calls – Call can be closed by the executive but ticket can be replied & closed by the
concerned department only.
Fact Files/FAQs play an important role in the call resolution process. The Helpdesk
Executive can provide resolution to a good section of calls from the Fact Files or FAQs. They
contain the past resolution mode as well as answers to the commonly asked questions in
some context, and pertaining to a particular topic.
As the local level Helpdesk at the State level is being established at every State
Headquarters, avenues of registering calls and grievances are expanding, resulting in
increased number of calls and call tickets. Therefore, there is an essentiality of enhancing
the skills of the Helpdesk Executives for efficient resolution of the call tickets to the
maximum satisfaction of the VLEs. One way of enhancing the skills of the Helpdesk
Executive is to provide them a useful exhaustive list of FAQs pertaining to all the services
that are offered to the citizens through the CSCs on Digital Seva Portal.
Keeping this objective in view, this compendium of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
regarding various services is prepared, which we believe, would come very useful to the
Helpdesk Executives.
CH-2 : FAQs for CSC 2.0
Q1. What is CSC 2.0 ?
CSC 2.0 is an extension of the original CSC Scheme. The CSC 2.0 is approved in August 2015.
The Project aims to establish self sustaining network of 2.5 lakh CSC centres at Gram
Panchayat (GP) level under Digital India - Pillar 3-Public Internet Access Programme
– National Rural Internet Mission and deliver various citizen centric services. The model
of CSC 2.0 is envisaged as transaction based and service delivery based model, delivering a
large bouquet of e-services through a single delivery technological platform, which would
increase the sustainability of the CSCs across the country. This new Project would also include strengthening and integrating the existing one lakh
CSCs already operational under the initial CSC Scheme.
Q2. What are the eligibility criteria to become a VLE ?
The Applicant should be a local resident
Age of the Applicant should be minimum 18 years
The Applicant should preferably have passed the 10th level examination from a
recognized Board
The Applicant should be fluent in reading and writing the local dialect and
should also have basic level knowledge of English language
Prior knowledge in basic computer skills would be an advantage
The Applicant should be motivated enough to be prime driver of social change
and disperse his/her duties with utmost dedication
The Applicant should be financially capable of investing for infrastructure
requirement of CSC.
Q3. How to register for CSC ID ?
To register for CSC ID, the Applicant should follow the following steps : a) Visit the URL http://register.csc.gov.in.
b) Click on “Apply” button displaying on the homepage.
c) Enter you Aadhaar number, name, select the authentication type and further add the
Captcha Text. Click on “Submit” button”.
d) After authentication, please fill the details under the tabs, Personal, Residential, Kiosk,
Banking, Document and Infrastructure. Read all the terms and conditions given on the
“Certifications” tab.
e) Review your details and click on “Submit” button to register yourself and an
application ID will be generated.
f) You will receive an acknowledgement email regarding successful completion of your
application on your email address provided during the registration process.
Q4. What are the documents/proofs required at the time of registration for CSC ID ? The following documents are required to be uploaded at the time of registration –
Photograph of Applicant
Proof of Identity of the Applicant
Proof of Address of the Applicant
One leaf of cancelled cheque
Copy of PAN Card
Copy of Aadhaar Number
Photographs of CSC (inside and outside) Q5. What is an Application number ?
a) The application number is a unique number that is generated after successful registration.
You can track your application status by this unique number. Q6. How can I check the status of my application after completing the
registration ?
b) Click on “Applications” menu and select “Application Status” option.
c) Enter your application id and Captcha Text. Click on “Submit” button. You will get the
update on status of your application.
Q7. How I will get the DigiMail credentials ?
a) After successful creation of your CSC id a web link will be sent to your registered
email ID with “DigiMail” login credentials.
b) Click on the link and you will be directed to “DigiMail “Portal. Q8. How I should get the credentials for Login into “Digital Seva Portal ?
a) The same will be sent to VLE’s DigiMail with Wallet Pin.
Q9. When would I be able to provide CSC services after acceptance of my
application? a) Once the Application is accepted and quality check is done, a web link will be sent to
your registered email ID with “DigiMail” login credentials. In Digimail, VLE will get the
CSC ID and Password alongwith e-Wallet PIN.
b) The VLE is required to top up the e-wallet with a minimum amount of Rs 1,000/-. The
credentials of e-Wallet are provided alongwith the credentials of Digimail.
c) Once the E-Wallet is activated with minimum top up amount, the VLE can start
making transactions on Digital Seva Portal.
d) There are certain services for which the VLE is required to register separately such as
DigiPay (banking services through Aadhaar Enabled Payment System), IRCTC
e) There are certain services for which the VLE is required to clear the Test such as
Insurance Product Sales. To sell insurance products, VLE has to clear RAP (Rural
Authorised Person) Test and get the licence from IRDA. However, any VLE can collect
renewal insurance premium.
f) A VLE cannot make banking transactions as BCA unless bank allots KO code in favour
of the CSC.
g) Each registered entrepreneur has to pass the Tele-Entrepreneurs Course available on
CSC Academy Portal.
Q10. How can I provide the services available on “Digital Seva Portal” ?
a) Visit the URL https://digitalseva.csc.gov.in
b) Click on “Login” menu and give your user name and password which were sent to
your “DigiMail” account.
c) You will find following menu :
1. DASHBOARD: All the new announcements with new services are displayed in the
Dashboard menu.
2. SERVICES : All the services available on Digital Seva Portal is shown in the “Services”
Menu. You can click on a particular service to get the transaction done.
3. WALLET : Summary, Add Money, Balance Transfer, Revoke Balance and Recharge
History are available in Wallet Menu.
4. PASSBOOK : Wallet Ledger, Refund, Cash Back, Operator Ledger, Fund Transfer and
Fund Revoke are available in Passbook menu.
5. ORDERS: Order History is available in order Menu.
6. ACCOUNT : VLEs profile is available in account menu where he can update his profile
including Bank account details.
7. SUPORT: VLE can create a ticket for getting support/queries/assistance for his
transactions. VLE can also see the status of his open/pending tickets. Q11. How can I add money/ recharge/ Top up my Wallet ?
a) After Login into the https://digitalseva.csc.gov.in
b) You can add money to your wallet by various modes like: Digipay, Payment Gateway
and NEFT.
a) Visit the URL https://register.csc.gov.in/myaccount.
b) In “My account” section you can create a request to reset the same.
Q13. How Can I change my “Digital Seva Password ?
After Login into the https://digitalseva.csc.gov.in in account section, VLE may kindly use the
following steps :
(i) Enter your old password.
(ii) Enter the new password.
(iii) Confirm the new password.
(iv) Click on Update button to change your password. Note : Characteristics of strong password
1. Should contain at least three of the five following character classes
2. Lower case characters
3. Upper case characters
6. Special characters (e.g. @#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";`<>/ etc) except ( $ > < ` " ).
7. Contain at least 8 alphanumeric mixed with special characters and should not exceed
15 characters. Q14. How Can I change my “Wallet PIN ?
(i) Enter your current Wallet Pin
(ii) Enter the new wallet pin.
(iii) Confirm the wallet pin
(iv) Click on Submit button to change the Wallet Pin. Wallet Pin Criteria :
(i) It is a 6 digit numeric only.
(ii) Must be non sequential e.g. 123456 is NOT allowed, must be random e.g. 730287
(iii) Same numbers cannot be repeated consecutively e.g. 111111, 222222, 333333
(iv) Pin must be changed at least once in 30 Days.
(v) Pin should never be written down or stored on-line without encryption.
(vi) Do not reveal your PIN in email, chat, or any other electronic communication.
Q15. When a CSC ID can be deactivated/blocked/deleted from the system ?
A CSC ID can be blocked/deactivated/deleted in the following cases – E-Wallet not created by the VLE within 3 months of ID creation
No transactions made by the VLE within 3 months of creation of E-Wallet
VLE overcharged the citizens for providing any e-Governance Services
VLE used the CSC ID for any fraudulent activity.
Not passed the Tele-Entrepreneurship Course.
Q16. What is the procedure for closing or surrendering of a CSC ID ?
(a) The VLE may send a mail to the Head of Operations, CSC 2.0 informing that he/she is
surrendering his/her CSC ID and requesting him to close his/her ID.
(b) The VLE should give specific reason for surrender.
(c) The request will be sent to the State Head for State Team’s comments.
(d) On receipt of necessary comments from the State Team, appropriate decision is taken.
Q17. What is the procedure of getting Wallet balance refunded after closing CSC ID ?
After the CSC ID is closed, e-Wallet balance available at the time of closing of CSC ID would
be transferred to the bank account which was registered with CSC SPV at the time of
registration for CSC ID. Q18. Which is the implementing agency for CSC 2.0 ?
CSC e-Governance Services India Ltd (CSC SPV) is the overall implementing Agency of CSC
2.0 as appointed by the Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY)
currently known as the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology(MeitY). Q19. What is the Project Duration ?
4 Years, starting from December, 2015.
Q20. How many CSC will by established in India ?
At least one CSC in each Gram Panchayat across the Country. Q21. What are the infrastructure requirement for setting up of a CSC ?
100 – 150 sq ft Space
3 – 4 PCs with - licensed Windows 7 or XP-SP2 or above Operating System, at
least 500 GB Hard Disc drive, at least 4 GB RAM, Cd/DVD drive
Minimum 1 Printer (Deskjet/Laser) and Scanner
Digital / Web Camera
Broadband Connectivity/Wireless Data Card
Biometric/IRIS Authentication scanner for banking/Aadhaar services Q22. What is the procedure of selection of VLEs ?
The interested entrepreneurs may apply online for registration of CSC. If all the parameters
are satisfied, CSC ID will be created in favour of the applicant. Besides, selection of VLEs and
CSC location may also be undertaken by the State/UT Administration and DeGS, supported
by CSC SPV suitably. In this case also, the selected persons are to apply on-line for obtaining
CSC ID and Password.
Q23. What will be the location of CSC ?
CSCs may be located within the Gram Panchayat Office complex or Point of
termination (PoT) for the National Optic Fibre Network (NOFN) or other
appropriate public building in Rural/ Urban/ Semi Urban areas.
In case, it is not possible to locate the CSC within one of these institutions, the
CSC may be set up under the guidance of DeGS near by the Gram Panchayat
Office, preferably in a government building or any other place (private/public
building) having good footfall and where NOFN horizontal connectivity will be
made available.
Q24. Is setting up of more than one CSC at a single location allowed ?
As per implementation Guidelines of CSC 2.0, CSC would be a transaction and service
delivery based ICT based outlet. The sustenance of any CSC will be decided by the market
driven force. Therefore, there is no bar in setting up of more than one CSC in any location.
Q25. Is setting up of more than one CSC in one Gram Panchayat allowed ?
As per implementation Guidelines of CSC 2.0, there should be at least one CSC in each Gram
Panchayat. There is no upper limit. Therefore, setting up of more than one CSC in a Gram
Panchayat is allowed under CSC 2.0.
Q26. Is there any Monetary Support from Government to CSCs ?
The CSC 2.0 is a complete entrepreneurship model, with State/UT Administration leading to
enablement of the factors that would lead to self sustenance of the CSC outlets. So, there is
no monetary support to CSC.
Q27. Is there any manpower support from the Government to implement the CSC
2.0 ? Yes, there is provision for manpower support at the State and District level to implement the
CSC Project as well as handholding the VLEs. There will be 2 district level resources in each
District, while there will be State level resource as per the following scale – 1. States having upto 20 Districts : 1 State level resource per State
2. States having more than 20 Districts, : 2 Resources per State
but upto 60 Districts
3. States having more than 60 Districts : 3 State level resources
Q28. Is there any provision for Capacity Building of the VLEs under CSC 2.0 ?
Yes, there is provision for conducting entrepreneurship development Programme for the
VLEs of rural areas at Government’s cost at least once in the lifetime of the Project. CSC SPV
has already prepared Training Contents and Training Module for conducting such
Q29. Is there any provision for Branding of CSCs under CSC 2.0 Project ?
Yes, there is provision for fixing Glow Sign Board displaying Common Branding of the CSCs at
the Gram Panchayat level at the rate of one CSC in each Gram Panchayat at Government’s cost.
Q30. Who are the key stakeholders in CSC 2.0 ?
I. National Level
CSC e-Governance Service India Ltd - CSC-SPV
National Level Resources (NLR)
State Level Resources (SLR)
Village Level Entrepreneur
Q31. What is the revenue sharing with the VLEs ?
CSC 2.0 recommends that revenue sharing with the VLEs is at least 80% of the income from
the commission on the transactions and balance 20% shall be apportioned to other
stakeholders, leading to sustainability of VLEs. This may, however, vary in specific services
keeping in view the requirement of service provider.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Navin Patwardhan General Manager 9792002905 navin.patwardhan@csc.gov.in
2. Shri Vineet Kapoor Manager 9839131660 vineet.kapoor@csc.gov.in
General FAQ
Q1. What types of passports are issued in India? Following three types of passports are issued in India : 1. Ordinary Passport : An ordinary passport has blue cover, and consists of 36 or 60
pages. It is valid for 10 years from the date of issue and can be renewed for another 10
years. An Indian citizen can use this passport for ordinary vacation or business travel.
2. Diplomatic Passport : Has maroon cover ; Issued to designated members of the national
government, judiciary , statutory authorities, diplomats, official public couriers and any
other person specifically authorised by the Government.
3. Official Passport: Has grey cover ; Issued to designated Non-gazetted Government
servants or any other person specifically authorised by the Government deputed
abroad on government business.
Q2. What is the definition of minor for issue of passport ?
Applicants less than 18 years of age are considered as minor for issuance of passport.
Q3. My passport is getting expired shortly. When can I apply for reissue of the
passport ? If you are a student, you can get your passport reissued within two years of Expiry of your
existing passport (as per the 'Date of Expiry' printed on the passport) by specifying the
reason for reissue as 'Validity Expired within 3 Years/Due to Expire'. Other applicants can
apply for reissue of passport within one year of expiry of existing passport by specifying the
reason for reissue stated above. Q4. Is Identity Certificate mandatory for Government/Public Sector/Statutory
body employees?
For issuance of a fresh passport, Government/Public Sector/Statutory body employees
need to submit either Identity Certificate in original as per Annexure "A" or No Objection
Certificate (NOC) as per Annexure "G" or Prior Intimation Letter (PI) as per Annexure "H" as
an additional document along with the application form. If he/she submits Annexure "A",
passport will be issued without police verification and if he/she submits Annexure "G",
passport will be issued on post police verification basis and if he/she submits Annexure "H",
passport will be issued on pre police verification basis. For re-issue of passport,
Government/Public Sector/Statutory body employees need to submit No Objection
Certificate (NOC) as per Annexure "G" or Prior Intimation Letter (PI) as per Annexure "H" as
an additional document along with the application form.
Q5. What benefits do government employees and retired government employees
get for issuance of passport ? Government Employees : Government/Public Sector/Statutory body employees can be
issued passport without police verification, if they submit Identity Certificate in original as
per Annexure "A" as an additional document along with the application form. They can be
issued a passport on post police verification basis, if they submit No Objection Certificate
(NOC) (as per Annexure "G") and on pre police verification basis if they submit Prior
Intimation Letter (PI) as per Annexure "H" as an additional document along with the
Application Form. Retired Government Employees : Retired Government employees can be issued a
passport on post police verification basis if they submit Pension Payment Order as an
additional document along with the application form.
Q6. What is the procedure to apply for duplicate passport in case of lost or
damaged passport ? To apply for duplicate passport in case of lost or damaged passport, you have to fill the
Passport Application form and apply for "Re-issue" of passport.
Q7. There is a mistake in the spelling of my name in the passport. What can I do ?
If you find any mistake/error in the particulars printed in the passport booklet as per the
application form submitted, please return the passport for necessary rectification. Any
additional fees required to be paid would depend solely on merit of the case as decided by
the Assistant Passport Officer / Passport Issuing Authority. If there is a misrepresentation
of facts, then penalty could also be imposed. However, applicants are requested to apply
online with the view to ensure that the passports are delivered without any typographical
errors since applicants have themselves fed the data. Q8. What is the process to change the date/place of birth in the passport ?
To change the date/place of birth in the passport, you have to apply for a "Re-issue" of
passport and get the specified change done in the personal particulars. To check the
complete list of documents to be submitted along with the application form, please click
on "Documents required" link on Home page. Q9. What are the various locations where I can submit my application for
obtaining a passport? You can submit Passport Application Form Online.
Q10. What are the various channels through which I can apply for Police
Clearance Certificate (PCC) ? For Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) you need to fill the PCC Form online via e-Form
Submission (preferred) or via Online Form Submission for submitting your PCC application
Q11. Is it necessary to paste the photograph in the printed copy of online filled
Diplomatic/Official Passport Application Form? If yes, what should be the
specifications of the photograph? Yes, all applicants need to carry two coloured photographs (size 4.5 x 3.5 cm) with white
background. Applicants should affix photographs on the printed copy of the online filled
Application Form. First photograph needs to be affixed on the first page of the Application Form without any
signature/stamp. Second photograph needs to be affixed on the third page of the application form, and then
stamped across with office stamp and signature of the Head of Office.
Q12. Do I need to provide original documents or will certified copies or extract
be enough?
Applicants are required to attach self -attested photocopies of all the required documents
with the application form. Original documents must be produced at the counter; which will
be returned after verification.
Q13. Is it mandatory to submit Birth Certificate for applicants who are born on
or after 26.01.1989? No, you can submit the one of the following documents – Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths or the Municipal
Corporation or any other prescribed authority, whosoever has been empowered under
the Registration of Birth and Deaths Act, 1969 to register the birth of a child born in India.
Transfer/School leaving/Matriculation Certificate issued by the school last
attended/recognised educational board having the date of birth of the applicant.
PAN Card issued by the Income Tax Department having the date of birth of the
Aadhaar Card/E-Aadhaar having the date of birth of the applicant
Copy of an extract of the service record of the applicant (only in respect of Government
servants) or the Pay Pension Order (in respect of retired Government Servants), duly
attested/certified by the officer/in-charge of the Administration of the concerned
Ministry/Department of the applicant, having his date of birth.
Driving licence issued by the Transport Department of the concerned State
Government, having the date of birth of the applicant.
Election Photo Identity Card issued by the Election Commission of India containing the
date of birth of the applicant.
Policy Bond issued by Public Life Insurance Corporations/Companies containing the
date of birth of the holder of the insurance policy.
Yes, it can be re-scheduled thrice in a year.
Q15. How do I apply for a passport in the new system through CSC ?
You have to just login Digital Seva Portal and go through the government services and
choose Passport Service and for issue of fresh passport and re-issue of passport, you need
to fill the application form online via e-Form Submission (preferred) or via Online Form
Submission. For Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) also, you need to fill the Police Clearance
Certificate (PCC) Application Form online via e-Form Submission (preferred) or via Online
Form Submission.
Q16. How can I fill Passport on line form through CSC?
Select RPO, select type of passport such as normal, tatkal , fresh or reissue etc. Fill on line,
pay Rs.100/- through CSC wallet, then click on pay and schedule appointment, make
passport fees through net banking/Debit/credit card and schedule on line appointment as
per time slot given for your state or area. Handover appointment slip to customer and ask him
to visit PSK or passport office along with all original documents on specified date and time.
Q17. What can I do if Authorization Fail ?
Clear browsing history, re-start system, connect CSC connect, go to passport link. IP
mapping of both systems required in passport service. If still not working, use other net
connection then try.
Q18. What is the Fee structure for passport service through CSC ?
Rs.100/- will through CSC wallet and actual passport fees will be paid through SBI NET
BANING, debit or credit card
Q19. What is the validity of Fee ?
Payment will remain valid for one year from the date the payment has been made. If you
have booked appointment, then the validity of fee will be one year from first appointment date. Q20. How can I get Refund My payment?
Payment once made for availing passport Service will not be refunded, If the payment is
successfully done, Please do not Pay again.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Smt Sefali Bharti Executive 8285752332 Sefali.bharti@csc.gov.in
Q1. How do apply for Pan?
One can apply for PAN by filling up Application for Allotment of Permanent Account
Number (PAN application form). The forms are –
1. Form 49A (for Indian Citizens)
2. Form 49AA (for Foreign Citizens) Kindly login Digital Seva portal and select PAN Card service under Government Services.
PAN card service is open for all VLEs.
Q2. Can I make an application in plain paper ?
No. Application for PAN can be made only be done using the prescribed formats notified by
Central Board of Direct Taxes. The notified forms are as under –
1. Form 49A (for Indian Citizen)
2. Form 49AA (for Foreign Citizen).
Q3. What will I receive on submission of the PAN Application Form to a CSC
Portal ?
You will receive an acknowledgment with a unique 15-digit acknowledgment number on
submission of the PAN application form.
Q4. How do I fill pan application form ?
You should fill the application form legibly in English capital letters and preferably with
black ink. Read all the instructions before filling up PAN application form.
Q5. What document should I submit along with the application form ?
You have to submit the following documents with the application form : Proof of identity (POI)
Proof of address (POA)
Proof of date of birth (PODB) (applicable only for Individual & HUF status of applicant)
The documents for POI and POA depend on the citizenship and the status of the applicant.
Q6. What is the procedure for applicant who cannot sign ?
In such cases, Left Hand Thumb Impression (preferably in black ink) of the applicant should
be taken on PAN application form at the place meant for signature. This should be attested
by a Magistrate or a Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer, under official seal and stamp.
Q 1. How to use PAN Service ?
GO to the Government services, select UTIITSL option and fill online form.
Q2. How to fill form off line or on line ?
It will be filled online, then take print out, paste photograph, get it signed from applicant.
Q3. How can I upload document in UTIITSL portal ?
You have to scan the photo with 300 DPI in JPG format and pixel must be in 213x2013 and
PAN Application for front Page and Back side. And supporting document - ID Proof, Address
Proof and Date of Birth Proof as provided by the applicant to be scanned in 200 DPI colour-
PDF format Size : Maximum up to 2MB and convert it to PDF/A using www.docupub.com
and Signature should be with black ink, scanning of signature in 600 dpi Size: less than 60
kb black and white.
Q3B. How to set pixel 213x213 & size of File ?
Use software “www.docupub.com”
Q4. Is it mandatory to send the hard copies of the applicant ?
First upload all documents, pay pan card fees i.e. 110/- and forward all documents at
address given : CONTACT US. Always keep soft copy of all documents in records
Q5. How to track status of ARN ?
Click on Track Status, fill ARN, if ARN is under objection, remove objection and Upload
documents related with objection marked by UTIITSL.
Q6. Does objection related documents needs to be sent to UTIITSL ?
Q7. Can VLE apply for duplicate PAN card form Digital Seva portal ?
Yes, option is given, he has to fill on line application and follow same procedure.
Q8. Where to fill the name if applicant do not have middle or last name ?
He has to fill name in last/surname field.
Q9. If applicant is minor, what will be the procedure ?
Fill on line form, affix photograph of minor, it will be signed by his parents, DOB of minor is
required, all other document required of his parents.
If still there is some issue so you go through with this Youtube link -
In case of any issue you may contact UTI at utiitsl.gsd@utiitsl.com or csc.panindia1@gmail.com
1800220306 B. PAN Application Through NSDL Q1. How to apply for NSDL pan card ?
Go to NSDL - PAN Card Service->> PAN Application->> New PAN for Indian Citizens (Form
49A) and fill form. Q2. In case of any correction or lost Pan card ?
Changes or Correction in PAN details and Reprint of PAN card respectively under PAN
Q3. From where i have to get AO code ?
Kindly check on “For Non International Taxation AO details, click here” then choose your
district/city name’s first letter then select name of your location then select radio button
related to your area and click on submit. Q4. How to upload documents ?
Go to NSDL - PAN Card Service->> PAN Application->>Upload of scanned documents. You have to remember following points -
Resolution - 200DPI(Dot Per Inch)
Type of scanning – Color
File Format – PDF (Original scanning must in PDF not in converted form JPEG or
other format to PDF)
File name should be as acknowledgement number
Maximum allowable limit for PDF is 400KB per page. For eg. If PDF is having 5 pages,
then size of PDF should not exceed more than 5 X 400 = 2000KB. Getting Error :
a. Kindly upload file with application acknowledgment: Kindly rename PDF file as
ack number, then upload the same.
b. If objection marked by NSDL then you should mail clarification to tininfo@nsdl.co.in
(Objection may be name mismatched in documents and ack form, DoB
mismatched in ack form and documents) Q5. Where to fill the name if applicant do not have middle or last name ?
He has to fill name in last/surname field. Q6. If applicant is minor, what will be the procedure ?
Fill on line form, affix photograph of minor, it will be signed by his parents, DOB of minor is
required, all other document required of his parents.
Q7. Can Aadhaar be used as PI/PO/POB ?
Documents required- If Aadhaar contains full DOB, then no any other document is needed.
In case full DoB is not mentioned in Aadhaar, then proof of age i.e. TC or matriculation
certificate must be submitted. If still needs help, visit https://youtu.be/TG84OUwvEiI
In case of any issue you may contact NSDL at tininfo@nsdl.co.in
or csc.panindia1@gmail.com : (020) 27218080 C. Common FAQ
Q1. What should I do if there are any changes or correction in Pan Data ?
The applicant is required to fill all the columns of the form and tick the box(es) on the left
margin of the appropriate item where change/correction is to be done. Q2. How can I regenerate acknowledgement receipt ?
You are to go the Cases to be resolved - Discrepancy cases; download Your excel format and
take your acknowledgement number then go to Re-Generate Acknowledgement Receipt. Q3. Is it compulsory to send physical document to service provider after
uploading document ? Yes. It is mandatory that the physical documents should be sent through courier to the
NSDL/UTITSL office address within a week from the date of application. Q4. How can I get refund of my payment in case of not processing cases ?
Refund claim is processed automatically only in cases of failed transactions. In case of successful
transaction, kindly check your online status or Discrepancy cases details on daily bases and
complete the documents as per the remarks given for further process of the applications. If you have not received acknowledgement No., please visit the Cases to be resolved -
Discrepancy cases and download Your excel format and take your acknowledgement
number then go to Re-Generate Acknowledgement Receipt. Q5. Which document will serve as a proof of identity, proof of address and
proof of date of birth in case of individual applicants and HUF applicants ? The list of documents is given in Annexure-A. Q6. Which document will serve as proof of identity and address for Foreign
Citizen located within & outside India at the time of application for PAN?
List of documents which are acceptable as proof of identity and address for applicants other
than individual and HUF is given in Annexure – B. Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Smt Alka Pandey Senior Executive 9953415223 Alka.pandey@csc.gov.in
Q1. What is PMAY
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) is an ambitious housing scheme under which the
government will create affordable housing units for urban poor. It is a Credit Linked
Subsidy, is a scheme launched by our Hon’ble Prime Minister for Economically Weaker
Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG). The beneficiary would be eligible for interest
subsidy on purchase/construction of a house.
Q2. Is PMAY Scheme is available in every Town of the Country ?
Entire urban area consisting of 4041 statutory towns will be covered under the Pradhan
Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY), but initial focus will be on developing housing units in 500
selected cities in the phased manner.
Q3. What is the User Charge
The service is now live through the CSCs located in urban areas at Rs 25 per application.
Q4. Which component to select?
a) If citizen is from slum : ISSR (Insitu slum rehabilitation component)
b) If Citizen is from non slum :
i) The Applicant has to own land and should be interested in construction :
Beneficiary led construction (BLC) - New Construction - in case existing structure is
kutcha or semi pucca; BLC (Enhancement) - in case existing structure is pucca and enhancement of
minimum 9 sqm and max area after enhancement should not be more than 30 sqm.
ii) Can afford to construct or purchase house using housing loan : Select CLSS Credit
Linked Subsidy Scheme. Citizen will get subsidy on home loan.
iii) Do not have any land to construct or cannot afford home loan Select Affordable
Housing in Partnership AHP Component.
Q5. Is there any income criteria?
Household income -
i) Rs 0-25000 per month (EWS): Any component can be selected
ii) Rs 25000 - 50000 per month (EWS and LIG) : Only CLSS component can be
iii) Greater than Rs 50000 per month : Not eligible to submit application.
Q6. What benefits a citizen will get under the scheme?
a) ISSR: GoI grant Rs. 1 lakh per house and State & ULB share will be at the
discretion of State at the time of formulation of project;
b) AHP & BLC : Central assistance of Rs.1.5 lakh per beneficiary and State & ULB
share will be at the discretion of State at the time of formulation of project;
c) CLSS : Upfront subsidy @ 6.5% for EWS and LIG for loans upto Rs. 6 lakh.
Subsidy calculator at http://www.pmaymis.gov.in/EMI_Calculator.aspx. Bank
should have MoU with NHB or HUDCO. Check for MoU at---. CLSS helpline
numbers are :
HUDCO: 1800-11-6163
Q7. Does the citizen have to pay anything?
a) Pay for application at CSC Rs 25/-+service tax; b) Beneficiary share will be told by ULB/Municipality in case you are given a benefit
under the scheme. Currently this is only applicable for interested applicants
Q8. I do not have Aadhaar Card, Can I apply?
Aadhaar Number is mandatory for Citizen to apply. Please get Aadhaar number from
nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre. CSC locator available at
http://www.apnacsconline.in/csc-locator/ Q9. I am a resident of Delhi / Lakshadweep and am unable to fill my
Application Form. Whom should I approach for this? The State Governments of Delhi and Lakshadweep are yet to execute their respective
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry. And as such option is not
available for residents of these two regions. However, potential beneficiaries opting for
Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme are requested to approach a Bank/HFC of their choice and
location as per the list provided at :
Q10. Whom should I contact for further information?
Citizens may contact the in-charge of PMAY(U) of their Municipalities. List of State Level
Nodal Agencies is at Annexure-C. Q11. How can I know about my application status?
The citizen may visit http://www.pmaymis.gov.in/ in the menu Citizen Application, and
track their application status. Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Devesh Kumar Executive 9654039667 Devesh.kumar@csc.gov.in
Q1. What is FSSAI?
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) along with CSC e-Governance Services
India Limited has launched Food Business Operators (FBOs) registration service through
the Common Services Centers (CSCs) across rural hinterland. This initiative would largely be
aimed as a tool to register the large number of unregistered FBOs in the country with the FSSAI.
Q2. Does the citizen get the Registration Certificate through on-line
registration ?
The CSC model envisage the auto generation of Registration Certificate after filing the online
application on to the FSSAI website www.fssai.gov.in. Data thus entered on this centralized
website would be electronically transferred to the concerned State registration authority
for verification and other follow up action if needed.
Q3. How does an FBO make the Registration through a CSC ?
The FBO should register itself online for the username and password (or) by providing the
contact details can apply for Licensing / Registration. The FBO can log in at …….. with User
ID and Password thus obtained, fill up the Registration Form and submit on-line.
Q4. What is the Registration Fee and what is the VLE Commission ?
The Registration fee is Rs.100/Year out of which Rs.22.80 is VLE commission, Rs.112.60 will
be deducted from VLE’s wallet. System will provide the VLE valid registration certificate
then and there.
Q5. Registration money is Rs 100, but from my wallet Rs 112.60 will be
deducted. How to get commission in wallet ? Registration fee is Rs.100/Year; Rs.30 is the CSC commission; and Rs.5.40 is for GST and
other taxes. Thus the Total Amount works out at Rs.135.40 to be charged from the customer
directly. Out of which Rs 22.80 will be VLE Commission up front. The remaining amount of
Rs 112.60 will be deducted from VLE Wallet.
Q6. I applied for FSSAI Registration with all necessary information filled in the
Form on-line, but when I made the payment, the acknowledgment receipt
as well as Registration Certificate was not generated. How to get the
Acknowledgement Receipt and Registration Certificate? Due to some technical problem your Payment is not accepted through our portal. Hence,
the transaction is failed although you can again generate your certificate by going to the
home tab and click on the incomplete application. You may go to the dashboard where you
can see all the incomplete application details.
Q7. I wanted to apply for FSSAI registration, but I don’t know to apply. Can you
tell me the process?
To know more about the FSSAI registration click on the below link:
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Sandeep Kumar Attri Senior Executive 9911267927 Sandeep.attri@csc.gov.in
Q1. What is Soil Health Card (SHC) ?
SHC is a printed report that a farmer will be handed over for each of his holdings. It will
contain the status of his soil with respect to 12 parameters, namely N,P,K (Macro-
nutrients); S (Secondary- nutrient); Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo (Micro - nutrients); and pH, EC, OC
(Physical parameters). Based on this, the SHC will also indicate fertilizer recommendations
and soil amendment required for the farm. Q2. How can a farmer use a Soil Health Card (SHC) ?
The card will contain an advisory based on the soil nutrient status of a farmer's holding. It
will show recommendations on dosage of different nutrients needed. Further, it will advise
the farmer on the fertilizers and their quantities he should apply, and also the soil
amendments that he should undertake, so as to realize optimal yields.
Q3. What are the benefits of the Soil Health Card Scheme ?
The scheme will monitor the soil of the farmers well and will give them a formatted
report. So, they can decide well which crops they should cultivate and which ones
they should skip.
The authorities will monitor the soil on a regular basis. One in every 3 years, they
will provide a report to farmers. So, farmers need not worry if the nature of the soil
changes due to certain factors. Also, they will always have updated data about their soil.
The work of the government does not stop at listing down measures required to
improve the quality of the soil. In fact, they will also employ experts to help farmers
in carrying out the corrective measures.
Farmers will get a proper soil health record, thanks to the Soil Health Card Scheme.
Also, they can study the soil management practices. Accordingly, they can plan the
future of their crops and land.
Generally, in government schemes, the person carrying out the study for a particular
farmer gets changed. But in the Soil Health Card Scheme, the government is paying
attention that the same person carries out soil analysis for a farmer. This will further
enhance the effectiveness of the scheme.
The soil card will give the farmers a proper idea of which nutrients their soil is
lacking. And hence, which crops they should invest in. they will also tell which
fertilizers they need. So, ultimately, the crop yield will see a rise.
The main aim behind the scheme was to find out the type of particular soil. And then
provide ways in which we can improve it. Even if a soil has some limitations, we can
do something to get the most out of it. And that is what the government is trying to
do with the help of this scheme.
Q4. What are the uses of Soil Health Card ?
A Soil Health Card is used to assess the current status of soil health and, when used over
time, to determine changes in soil health that are affected by land management. A Soil
Health Card displays soil health indicators and associated descriptive terms. The indicators
are typically based on farmers' practical experience and knowledge of local natural
resources. The card lists soil health indicators that can be assessed without the aid of
technical or laboratory equipment.
Q5. Which Department/Organisation promoted Soil Health Card Scheme ?
Soil Health Card (SHC) is a Government of India's scheme promoted by the Department of
Agriculture & Co-operation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare. It is
being implemented through the Department of Agriculture of all the State and Union
Territory Governments.
Q6. How will the quality of soil sample test be ensured?
The State Government will refer 1% of all the samples in a year to a ‘Referral Laboratory’ to
analyze and certify on the results of Primary Laboratory. The State Government will be
supported to establish ‘Referral Laboratories as required.
Q7. What is the payment per sample?
A sum of Rs. 190 per soil sample is provided to State Governments. This covers the cost of
collection of soil sample, its test, generation and distribution of soil health card to the
Q8. How many soil samples will be tested in three years to generate Soil Health Card?
As per grid pattern adopted by the Ministry, 253 lakh soil samples will be tested every three
years to generate approximately 14 crore Soil Health Cards.
Q9. Is there any software for generation of uniform soil health cards across the
Yes, National Informatics Center (NIC) has developed a web portal
(www.soilhealth.dac.gov.in) for generation of uniform soil health card and fertilizer
recommendation, which has four modules : a) Registration of Soil Samples.
b) Testing of Samples in Soil Testing laboratory.
c) Fertilizer recommendation based on Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) equations.
d) MIS Reports.
Q10. Which Division in the Ministry of Agriculture will guide the State Governments
regarding implementation of the scheme? Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Division, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
will visit the States regularly and provide guidance in technical matters.
Q11. Contact details of concerned Central and State Government Officials?
Central Government : Additional Commissioner (INM), Government of India, Ministry of
Agriculture, DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi,
Telefax – 011 - 23384280 , E - mail – dwivediv@nic.in State Government: The concerned State Director of Agriculture/ District Agriculture
Health Card Scheme.
Q12. What is Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme ?
It is a Government of India’s scheme promoted by the Department of Agriculture & Co-
operation under the Ministry of Agriculture. It will be implemented through the Department
of Agriculture of all the State and Union Territory Governments. A SHC is meant to give each
farmer soil nutrient status of his holding and advice him on the dosage of fertilizers and also the
needed soil amendments, that he should apply to maintain soil health in the long run.
Q13. How can a farmer use a SHC ?
The card will contain an advisory based on the soil nutrient status of a farmer’s holding. It
will show recommendations on dosage of different nutrients needed. Further, it will advise
the farmer on the fertilizers and their quantities he should apply, and also the soil
amendments that he should undertake, so as to realize optimal yields.
Q14. Will the farmer get a card every year and for every crop ?
It will be made available once in a cycle of 3 years, which will indicate the status of soil
health of a farmer’s holding for that particular period. The SHC given in the next cycle of 3
years will be able to record the changes in the soil health for that subsequent period.
Q15. What are the norms of sampling ?
Soil samples will be drawn in a grid of 2.5 ha in irrigated area and 10 ha in rain- fed area
with the help of GPS tools and revenue maps.
Q16. Who will draw the soil sample ?
The State Government will collect samples through the staff of their Department of
Agriculture or through the staff of an outsourced agency. The State Government may also
involve the students of local Agriculture / Science Colleges.
Q17. What is the ideal time for soil sampling ?
Soil Samples are taken generally two times in a year, after harvesting of Rabi and Kharif
Crop respectively or when there is no standing crop in the field.
Q18. How will soil samples be collected from a farmer’s field ?
Soil Samples will be collected by a trained person from a depth of 15-20 cm by cutting the
soil in a “V” shape. It will be collected from four corners and the centre of the field and
mixed thoroughly and a part of this picked up as a sample. Areas with shade will be avoided.
The sample chosen will be bagged and coded. It will then be transferred to soil test
laboratory for analysis.
Q19. What is a soil test laboratory ?
It is a facility for testing the soil sample for 12 parameters as indicated in reply to question
number 2. This facility can be static or mobile or it can even be portable to be used in
remote areas.
Q20. Who and Where will the soil sample be tested ?
The soil sample will be tested as per the approved standards for all the agreed 12
parameters in the following way :
(i) At the STLs owned by the Department of Agriculture and by their own staff.
(ii) At the STLs owned by the Department of Agriculture but by the staff of the
outsourced agency.
(iii) At the STLs owned by the outsourced agency and by their staff.
(iv) At ICAR Institutions including KVKs and SAUs.
(v) At the laboratories of the Science Colleges/Universities by the students under
supervision of a Professor/ Scientist.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Devesh Kumar Executive 9654039667 Devesh.kumar@csc.gov.in
Q1. What are the Pre-Requisites for filling up IHHL Application ?
Scanned copy of Applicant's Photograph (Mandatory).
Bank Account Details (Mandatory).
Scanned copy of First Page of Bank Passbook showing Account Details (Mandatory).
If Applicant does not have Aadhaar No. then copy of Aadhaar Enrollment Slip is
Q2. What is the amount available as 1st installment for individual toilets ?
Rs 2000/ as Central share. The second installment of Rs 2000 central share would be
released later after utilization of the 1st installment and other conditions.
Q3. What is the total assistance available for construction of an individual toilet?
The assistance is Rs 4000/- from the Central Government and an amount of Rs 1333/- at
least from the State Government. However in the case of the North East States, the states are
required to contribute only Rs 400/- per individual toilet. However, there is no bar on
releasing any extra funds at any stage by the ULB/State Government through additional
Q4. What is the basis of arriving at the above figures ?
For the Swachh Bharat Mission, the Centre and the State/UT shall be responsible to bear
any contribution in a 75:25 ratio (except the NE and special category states, where it is
90:10) . Thus where the Centre is pledging Rs 4000/, the State/UT shall contribute Rs 4000
x (25/75) = Rs 1333,33/- for each household. ((In case of the NE and special category
states, the State shall contribute Rs 400/-).
Q5. What is the definition of a toilet to fulfill the requirement under the Mission ?
A toilet constructed under the Mission must provide hygienic conditions once completed.
Thus the prerequisites of the toilet area) Supply of clean water for cleaning the pot and the
user’s own self. (This may be running water through a pipe or in a bucket). b) Safe disposal
of Excreta – which consists of excreta proper (faeces+ urine) and the anal cleaning water
discharged during ablution.
Q6. My household is occupying Railway land. We do not have any proof of the
ownership. Are we still eligible for assistance ? Yes, provided the Municipal corporation is satisfied that the individual toilet is required as
opposed to building toilet for a group of neighbouring houses that may be combined in a
Q7. I already have a toilet in my house, however it is insanitary which is
emptying its contents in open drains. Are we eligible ? Yes, with the same conditions as described in Ans No 5.
Q8. I already have a pour flush toilet, but it is single leach pit. Am I eligible ?
Yes, with the same conditions as described in Ans No 5.
Q9. Can I use the money to connect my household toilet to the public sewer
system running in close vicinity to my home ? Yes provided the toilet is insanitary.
Q10. Can the money be used for building septic tanks if a sewerage system is not
available within 30 meters ? Yes.
Q11. Can the money be used to build a sewerage system if all other component are
in place ? Yes.
Q11. Can persons living in slums avail money for individual toilets ?
Kindly study pdf provided at our portal. Go to www.swachhbharaturban.gov.in, fill on line
form if toilet is not built in customer’s house of Urban area resident. Filling application is
phase-1 and commission is Rs.12/- which will be paid in your wallet after verification.
Phase 2 is uploading photograph of constructed toilet after getting aid from Govt. Kindly
contact Nagar Palika officers for payment related queries.
Q13. Does this scheme is valid for Rural Area ?
Q14. VLE commission for phase-1 and phase-2 ?
Phase 1- Rs.12 and Rs.4/- for Phase 2. Taxes extra as applicable.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Nutan Kumar Executive 9818319317 nutan.kumar@csc.gov.in
The Elector Photo Identity cards are being printed in the
state of Tripura. Discussions are underway to Initiate
various Election Related Forms to be rendered soon.
2. Punjab EPIC Printing Started at CSCs with all Other Forms have
been Integrated
5 Bihar
are being discussed with the authorities and integration
shall commence upon approval.
6 Tamilnadu Forms has been Integrated and the Services are being
made available
7 Gujrat Forms have been Integrated and the services are being
made available. EPIC services shall be made live shortly
8 Haryana Transactions Started for all Election Related Services
9 Maharashtra Service being initiated in Ahmednagar District
Q1. What are the Forms that are used for various electoral registration ?
Form 6 : To add a name in the electoral list.
Form 6A : To add a name in the electoral list for overseas citizens of India.
Form 7 : For deletion of name from electoral rolls.
Form 8 : To modify the name details in electoral rolls.
Form 8A : For transposition of name in electoral rolls in case of change of constituency.
Q2. State Where the Election Services have been initiated.
In the following States, the various Electoral Registration Services have been launched –
Q3. What is the process followed after is Form is submitted ?
After the successful submission of any Form (Online) by the VLE, citizen will receive an
acknowledgement receipt for further tracking of the same. A hardcopy of the Form with the
enclosure needs to be forwarded to the respective Booth Level Officer for processing the same. Q4. Is the process same for all the Forms ?
Yes, Process flow of all Forms remains to be same, except Form No. 8/8A for which the data
gets fetched from the Electoral Roll Management System (ERMS) Application. Q5. Any documents to be uploaded with Form/(s)? Are they mandatory ?
Yes, as per the requirement of the ECI, necessary documents like Proof of Address
(PoA)/Proof of Identity (PoI), need to be submitted alongwith the respective Forms.
Q6. What is EPIC number ? How Do I get the EPIC Printing Facility Link from CSC ?
EPIC number is the Elector’s Photo Identity Card number or the voter ID number. EPIC
printing facility will be provided to those States wherein the State ECI has given permission
to start election related services from CSCs including EPIC Printing. If the VLE belongs to the
State where CSC SPV has got the permission, then the VLE needs to contact the CSC SPV’s
State Office for getting the Link. Q7. How can the VLE check the transactions (EPIC or Forms) made ?
Status against the Form/EPIC Printing submitted is available on the application or the VLE
may visit to the AERO office to know the status.
Q8. How one VLE is going to print the EPIC Card ?
VLE is going to use a specialized printer (Printing exclusively on PVC Surface) for printing
the Aadhaar Card. Q9. What all Brands of printer are available for EPIC printing on CSC Platform ?
There are 4 Brands of printer available on CSC platform which is Evolis, Magicard, and
Fargo & Zebra.
Q10. How to Order Printer/Consumables & Card from CSC E-Governance Platform ?
After Login into Digital Seva Portal, VLE (Using his/her OMT ID) has to click B2C Service
Section and order for Printer, Consumable & Card. Printer, Card/Consumables will be
delivered in 3-4 Weeks and payment will be deducted from the VLE’s Wallet.
Q11. Will the voter’s ID card be dispatched to the mentioned address also ?
No, Citizen will receive the EPIC Card from the CSC Centre.
Q12. What are the size of the documents and photos to be uploaded ?
The size of the individual Photo and document should not be more than 20 KB.
Q13. Can VLE print the Receipt again after closing the window ?
No, such option is not there.
Q14. How the reconciliation happens especially when Cards doesn’t get print
and money got deducted ?
Reconciliation would be done at the end of the day and the money would be refunded to the
VLE wallet. If VLE hasn’t received the same by end of the day/month, then VLE should
provide a consolidated sheet of all such cases with Transaction Date & Time, Transaction
Number, Aadhaar or Epic No. along with the error details to helpdesk. Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned official for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Sachin Pal Singh Executive 9760287973 sachinpal.singh@nic.in
Q1. How to get e-stamping service from CSC portal ?
Presently service is operational only in 3 states i.e. Assam, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. CSC is
forwarding list of VLEs who are interested in getting this service to State Government
Department will issue credential then only VLE is allowed to use this service.
Q2. Commission structure for VLEs ?
No commission for this service.
Q3. Does VLE need special equipments for this service ?
Yes, he has to purchase printer which may cost Rs.25 to 30 thousand.
Q4. Procedure to get stamp paper for customers ?
VLE needs to pay through CSC wallet, State Government allow him to issue stamp paper of
such amount, which is being paid in advance to that department.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned official for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Madhukar Sharma Manager 9893301393 madhukar.sharma@csc.gov.in
Q1. What is e-District ?
It is a Mission Mode Project for online delivery of Government services to citizens in a time
bound and hassle free manner nearest to their doorstep through Registered CSC Centres in
case applied through them and directly to registered account if applied through citizen
Q2. How to avail of on-line services ?
Click on Login, enter User ID, Aassword, captcha and submit. After successful login,
welcome page will appear. The list of services available to online users will appear. Click on
a service you wish to apply for. This will open the respective online application form. Fill-up
the form, click on attach annexure, upload scanned supporting documents and submit.
Q3. Within what time should the service be provided ?
Different services have been notified to be delivered within stipulated time which has been
indicated against them in the notifications.
Q4. I am applying online, what documents do I need to submit at the counter
for processing my application? You need to submit filled up prescribed application form at CSC along with the Passport Size
Photo, self-declaration certificate, copies of other supporting documents of the services as
mentioned at the E-District portal
Q5. How to upload photograph ?
Photograph can be uploaded on online form in 2 ways. First, if you have a webcam (external
or in-built) attached to your system, turn on the webcam. Click on the icon below your
image to capture your photo. Alternately, you can also upload scanned photograph after
resizing it. This can be done using any image resizing tool. E.g. In Microsoft Paint
Q6. What do I do if I do not have a valid Aadhaar Number ?
Aadhaar Number is not mandatory for registration or applying for any e-District services,
you may use copy of ration Card, copy of Election ID Card, etc. as proof of ID.
Q7. Can I edit/delete/update the uploaded documents ?
No, once the document is uploaded it cannot be edited/deleted/updated
Q8. Why there is no Ink Signature in the certificate ?
The service delivers Digitally Signed service output. The IT Act, 2000, has enabled the
Digital Signature to be considered at par with the Ink Signature.
You can track your application status in two ways :
(a) By clicking on Track Application Status Report link.
(b) Login with your credential, click in View Status of Application. Then click on
Track application status
Q10. What should I do if my application has been rejected ?
You will have to apply again after completing the documents/procedure, because once the
application is rejected by the concerned authority, no further action can be taken on it. For
further information on reason of rejection you may contact to the respective approval
authority of the district.
Q11. What should I do if my application remains for more than the specified
number of days ? Please contact the concerned approval authority of the concern district.
Q12. What happens to my application if I do not attached the supporting
documents while submitting the application ? Your application will get rejected if necessary attachments are not found at the time of
verification process.
Q13. My Issued Certificate is not verifying online. What should I do ?
Please contact concern district administration/approval authority with your original
Q14. What if the e-District software does not work on my system ?
Either your browser is outdated and does not meet the system requirements or your
internet connection is too slow. E-District Website should be viewed in a screen resolution
of 1024 by 768. For best performance your browser version should be IE 8 or higher.
Q15. How to get soft copy of Certificate / License ?
One can opt for soft copy of the service output by selecting Service Delivery Preference.
Once the decision has been taken by authority and certificate / license has been issued, the
Digitally Signed soft copy (PDF) will be sent to the applicants email id given in the online
application form. Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned official for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Madhukar Sharma Manager 9893301393 madhukar.sharma@csc.gov.in
Q1. Who can avail of this Service ?
Resident’s who is having Ration Number.
Q.2 How one VLE is going to print the PVC Ration Card ?
VLE is going to use a specialized printer (Printing exclusively on PVC Surface) for printing
the Ration Card.
Q3. Where VLE can find the service ?
After Login into Digital Seva Portal, VLE (Using CSC ID) go to PVC cards and Biometric
Service and click Tamil Nadu Ration card Printing Service, then enter the related details
flow with payment page and after that print the Card.
Q4. How to Order Printer/Consumables & Card from CSC e Governance ?
After Login into Digital Seva Portal VLE (Using his/her CSC ID) has to click Biometric & PVC
Card Order Section and order for Printer and Consumables which will be delivered in 3-4
Weeks and payment will be deducted from the VLE’s Wallet.
Q5. How the reconciliation happens especially when Cards doesn’t get print
and money got deducted? Reconciliation would be done at the end of the day and it would be refund in the wallet. If
VLE hasn’t received the same by end of the day/month, then please provide a consolidated
sheet of all such cases with Transaction Date & Time & Transaction Number along with the
error details to Ms. Sefali Bharti His Email ID is Sefali.Bharti@csc.gov.in.
Q6. What is the charges citizen will pay to VLE ?
Citizen will pay Rs. 30/- per cards to VLE.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned official for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Sachin Pal Singh Executive 9893301393 sachinpal.singh@nic.in
Q1. Who can become member of the Board ?
Any construction worker whose age is between 18 to 60 years and has worked in respective
State in any construction work for minimum of 90 days in a year is eligible. Q2. For how long period a construction worker can get registered at a time ?
A construction worker can get membership for a maximum period of three years at a time. Q3. Where VLE can find the service ?
After Login into Digital Seva Portal VLE (Using CSC ID) go to Labour Registration services
and click on respective state icon. Q4. What is the rate of registration fee ?
The rate of registration fee as per notify by state at the time of registration. It is a one time fee. Q5. How to apply for registration ?
Any construction worker who is of 18 years and below 60 years age and has Worked in
respective State for not less than 90 days shall apply for registration as construction worker
on the prescribed form which is available on the Digital Seva Portal. Q6. Documents required for registration ?
The documents required for registration are, age proof(If no age proof is available self
declaration), residence proof, Aadhaar card(if available), Bank Account details (Bank
branch, account No. and IFSC/RTGS number), detail of dependents, and employer’s
certificate of working for 90 days as construction worker, and nomination form. Q7. Who can get benefit of various welfare schemes of the Board ?
Any construction worker who is a registered member of the Board can get benefit of the
welfare schemes for himself and for his family members. Q8. Who are the family members ?
Husband or wife, minor sons (including major sons who are insane or physically
handicapped and unable to earn), unmarried daughters and the parents of the building
worker, who are solely dependent on him. Q9. Whom to apply for getting benefits of welfare schemes ?
Labour Inspector of the area. Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned official for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Smt Archana Gangwar Trainee 8447773710 archana@csc.gov.in
CH-5A : Aadhaar Services : Aadhaar Enrollment
Q1. How to start Aadhaar Enrolment Center (PEC) under CSC SPV ?
Currently Aadhaar enrollment center activation process has closed. **
Q2. What is the Configuration of Laptop at the PEC ?
The recommended configuration is as under -
2Ghz, Core i3
Windows 7 and Above Operating System
Windows Vista Operating System is not supported
Windows 8 and 10 (64 Bit) (Only compatible with Cogent biometric devices)
C drive capacity at least 100 GB
Webcam Logitech 2 megapixel and above and preferably with auto focus
Q3. What are the criteria to be a PEC Operator ?
The VLE needs to be a certified supervisor/operator as per UIDAI requirement. Also, the
VLE needs to arrange for a Document Verifier whose presence will be required mandatorily
at the enrolment center. VLE will also need a permission letter from the Block or any of the following Government
Offices allowing the VLE to operate from the concerned Government Office, because
Aadhaar enrollment centre will be open only in Government Place.
Government Offices -
Block Office,
DC office,
PDS centres etc.
After having satisfied the above pre-requisite, the VLE needs to register on the below link to
register his/her request to start Aadhaar Enrolment Centre with CSC SPV.
**For the time being PEC registration is closed. CSC SPV will inform the VLEs once the
registration re-opens.
Q4. Will CSC SPV provide me a UID Kit and if not then from where can I get the
UID Kit and how much will be the cost of it ? CSC SPV is selling UID kits. VLE may kindly contact the respective State team.
Q5. How to get certified as a Supervisor ?
There is only one agency, NSEIT which conducts the UID Supervisor/Operator tests. VLE
may visit the websites of this agency where the complete details regarding the certification
is given. The link is : https://uidai.nseitexams.com/ Q6. Who is a document verifier ?
A document verifier as prescribed by UIDAI should be Class 3/Group C and above
Working/retired Government Servant. His responsibility will be to eminently present at the
enrolment center and to verify the documents copy of the residents against their Originals
and only after this verification the operator will enroll the resident for Aadhaar. His
presence is mandatory at the enrolment center. Q7. When will UID Enrolment start in Assam, J&K and Meghalaya States ?
As of now, there has been no definite timeline given by UIDAI or the Government of India
regarding this, but once any such information is released it will be communicated to the
VLEs of the respective States. Q8. How much is the payment per Aadhaar generation and what is the cycle of
payment ? The total payment is of Rs 40 per successful Aadhaar generation where the VLE will be paid
Rs 38 and Rs 2 will be the document verifier share. The payment is made as per the release
of the sanction order by UIDAI. Q9. How many machines can I get registered under CSC SPV ?
As of now, a VLE can get 1 ECMP and 1 Tablet kits registered. Q10. I have registered with CSC SPV, but did not receive any call for the kit
registration ? Currently Kit registration process is closed. Q11. My mobile number is not registered in Aadhaar, how can I get my mobile
number Updated in Aadhaar? One needs to visit the nearest enrollment centre to update his/her mobile number. No
additional Documents are required. Q12. My Aadhaar is suspended and has been asked to update. How do I know, what to
update and how” ? If an Aadhaar is suspended, the normal mode of update is through a physical visit by the
Resident to the enrollment centres. You will need to do the required update as informed to
you in the communication sent by UIDAI.
Q13. How to create payment related and any other query for CSC UID?
Our payment portal cscuid.in is live now so kindly refer all our VLE to check their payment.
for any Payment related issue or other grievances VLE need to mail us at new e mail id
cscuid@digimail.in by VLE own digimail. Q14. How to receive VLE district/state coordinator mobile no and mail id ?
For district/state coordinator mobile no and e mail id VLE need to visit cscuid.in and in
contact us VLE find his district/state coordinator details.
Q16. How to purchase UID Kit through CSC SPV ?
VLE needs to contact his district/State coordinator to purchase machine. If kit stock is
available, VLE will be able to purchase it.
For contact details, VLE may please visit http://cscuid.in
Q17. How can a VLE check the payment status ?
VLEs are requested to please check payment details on cscuid.in
CSC id is user name
Pan Card no as a password
Q18. What should I do when "CLIENT ERROR" message appears ?
Please reinstall the client and check, if issue persists VLE may please contact Helpdesk.
Q19. Can we update photo as well as demographic update at same time ?
In one time one thing can be done only either photo update or demo update.
Q20. What will we do if my system showing server connection failed ?
If this error is showing, then VLE may check below details first :
Network issue (Check your network connection)
Server issue (Server issue from UIDAI) It will resolve as soon as possible from backend
technical team.
Supervisor activation is held up by UIDAI at present.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Vivek Chand Baloria Assistant Manager 9971479002 Vivek.chand@csc.gov.in
2. Shri Mayank Rawat General Manager 9811645178 mayank.rawat@csc.gov.in
CH-5B : Aadhaar Services : Child Enrollment
Q1. Please find below the Proof Collected from resident for child enrollment
through Child Android tablet. Operator needs to capture the photograph of the PoR document at the time of enrolment.
(local Public Health Centers (PHCs)/ ASHA/Anganwadi Worker Certificate is valid)
Q2. How to start Aadhaar child enrolment work ?
The VLE needs to buy Tablet and Single Fingerprint device.
The VLE also needs a supervisor certificate. (https://uidai.nseitexams.com ) VLE may purchase any of the following Tablets -
1. I Ball George 4G
2. Iball slide cuddle 4G
3. Iball Q700
5. Micromax P702
6. Zyncz900 Plus
7. Lenevo Yoga Tab 3.8 If a VLE is having a tablet and the specification is matched with UIDAI specification, then the
VLE can work with the tablet. The total payment is Rs 22 per successful Aadhaar generation. The payment is made as per
the release of the sanction order by UIDAI.
Q3. Why after 5 years old child not able to update from UCL ?
As UCL has not the facility to update Biometric data and a child more than 5 years needs
biometric update.
Helpdesk Executive(s) may kindly contact the below mentioned officials for
assistance in case of any difficulty –
Sl No. Name Designation Mobile No. E-Mail ID
1. Shri Vivek Chand Baloria Assistant Manager 9971479002 Vivek.chand@csc.gov.in
2. Shri Mayank Rawat General Manager 9811645178 mayank.rawat@csc.gov.in
Q1. What is PMGDISHA?
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyaan (PMGDISHA) is the scheme to make six
crore persons in rural areas, across States/UTs, digitally literate, reaching to around 40% of
rural households by covering one member from every household having no digitally literate
person. The Scheme is aimed at empowering the citizens in rural areas by training them to operate
computer or digital access devices (like tablets, smart phones etc.), send and receive e-
mails, browse Internet, access Government services, search for information, undertake
digital payment, etc. and hence enable them to use the Information Technology and related
applications especially Digital Payments to actively participate in the process of nation building.
Q2. Who can be the training Partner?
Basic requirements to become a training partner under PMGDISHA scheme are as follows : A training partner must be an organization registered in India, conducting business in
the domain of education/IT literacy for more than three years and having Permanent
Income Tax Account Number (PAN) and audited statements of accounts for at least last
three years.
The institution/organization should be registered under any act of law in India, e.g., in
the case of a company it must be registered with the Registrar of Companies, in case of
Society, it must be registered with the Registrar of Societies and so on and so forth.
The partner must have clearly defined objectives, well-documented processes and
procedures covering the entire range of education/ IT literacy training. Q3. What is the role of training partner under the scheme?
A training partner shall be responsible to own or set up the Training Centres in the
identified Districts / Gram Panchayats that would impart digital literacy training to the
A training partner shall be responsible for ensuring that the training centres adhere to
the scheme requirements.
A training partner shall be accountable for monitoring the overall working of the
centres under its purview.
A training partner shall be liable for accurate and timely reporting of the
aforementioned work ascribed in respect of its Centres.
Detailed Norms for the Training Partners shall be as per Standard Operating Procedure
(SOP) published by CSC-SPV
Q4. What are the documents needed to become training partner?
To become training partner, any Company/Institution/Organization/NGO has to submit
following documents in hard copy :
1. Certificate of Registration
2. Proof of prior experience in conducting Education/ IT Literacy Programme
3. List of minimum 10 Training Centres with complete details as per the format
provided by the PMU
5. IT Return of last three Financial Years
6. Audited balance sheet of last 3 years
7. Bank account details in the name of the organization/society/trust/institute/NGO
along with copy of cancelled cheque
8. Recognition certificate (if applicable)
9. Affidavit attested by Notary (format available on the portal)
Q.5. What is the process for empanelment of training partner under the
Following are the steps for empanelment of training partners :
Applicants are required to fill the Training Partner Application form on the portal
https://www.pmgdisha.in/app/registertp and attach the following prescribed
documents online :
Proof of prior experience in Education/ IT Literacy
List of minimum 10 Training Centres with complete details as per the format
provided by the PMU
Photocopy of the PAN card and IT return of last three years
Audited balance sheet of last 3 years
Bank account details in the name of the
organization/society/trust/institute/NGO along with copy of cancelled cheque
Recognition certificate (if applicable)
Affidavit attested by Notary (format available on the portal)
After successful submission of the registration form, the applicant will receive an
application number.
The applicant should also submit a hardcopy of the above documents quoting the
application number to the PMU/'s address.
PMU would assign a serial number for each of the applicant in an electronic format
on first come first serve basis.
PMU records all the relevant information supplied by the applicants in an Eligibility
Matrix and verifies it from the documents submitted.
PMU prepares a list of applicants who satisfy all the eligibility criteria as prescribed.
After physical verification, an internal committee re-verifies the data prepared by
the members. Each case of eligible Training Partner is recommended by the
committee for its empanelment to the Competent Authority.
Based on the recommendations, Competent Authority approves the empanelment of
Training Partners. Training Partners are assigned specific state and targets; their
progress would be reviewed periodically. Training Partner desirous of working in
other states has to apply afresh.
PMU creates login credentials of the Training Partners for respective State and an
email is sent to all empanelled Training Partners along with the Training Manuals.
The list of empanelled Training Partners is shared by PMU with the State
counterparts and will be uploaded on portal. The Training Partners are advised to
get in touch with PMU State counterparts and SIA of the state. They are also advised
to inform the Nodal Officers of the SIA in their States/Districts for effective planning
& reporting of the project.
After receipt of the login credentials, the Training Partners are authorized to create
Training Centres on the portal with a declaration that the information given by the
training partner about their training centers is true and correct. PMU would physically
verify the existence of these Training Centres through visits and other methods. The
location (latitude/longitude) given by the training partner would be verified.
Once the information is verified, a Training Center would be approved and would be
able to access the portal. PMU reserves the right to deactivate any training center if
any discrepancy is found.
In case the documents/files sent by applicants are not complete or not fulfilling the
eligibility conditions, their application will be rejected and the concerned applicants
will be informed of the same. No further correspondence in this regard would be
The entire process of empanelment will take a minimum of 20 days and should be
completed in maximum 30 days.
Q.6. What is the training fee under PMGDISHA?
A training fee of Rs. 300/- per candidate is payable directly to respective Training
Partners/Centres through CSC-SPV on successful certification of candidates trained by them.
Q.7. What is the payment process for the partners?
The invoice has to be sent printed on the letter head of the partner duly stamped. All the
necessary details in the invoice should be completed i.e. Invoice number (assigned by the
partner), PAN number,