Guy ritchie


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Guy RitchieGuy Ritchie was born on the 10th September 1968 in the UK, he dropped out of school at the age of 15 realising he wanted to pursue a career in film making. He was against attending film school as he believe that the quality that came out of them was poor. He triggered his career by becoming a runner and started then making commercials and music promos. With the money he made he then made his short film The Hard Case which lead on to the prequel Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, this film really launched the careers of Jason Statham, Jason Flemyng and Vinnie Jones. His next film was Snatch which had a bigger budget and featured actors such as Brad Pitt.

Guy Ritchie • His style of directing has been very influential in the British gangster

genre. I have noticed in snatch he uses a lot of direct address and voiceovers so that it feels like you are talking to the character he uses this when he is trying to show the more powerful character so you also feel the sense of power he is trying to convey. He uses various types of lighting depending on how he wants to represent the character for example he would use dark lighting and a high angle to portray the feeling of fear and to show the person is weak. He focused on London and his main characters usually had strong cockney accents, he uses a lot of comedy and classic gangster movie conventions when creating his films. A thing for me I enjoyed about snatch is the way there are over 8 main characters and they all have quite a balanced time on screen and there's more than one story within the main plot.
