Gulf Shores Elementary School SCHOOL-WIDE ANTI- BULLYING PLAN 2013/2014


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Gulf Shores Elementary School SCHOOL-WIDE ANTI- BULLYING PLAN 2013/2014 Slide 2 Anti- Bullying Video (Click on the blue box to watch video) Slide 3 WHAT IS BULLYING? BULLYING IS ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR BY ONE OR MORE STUDENTS AGAINST VICTIM OR VICTIMS. Slide 4 BULLYING CAN BE: A DIRECT ATTACK TEASING, TAUNTING, THREATENING, STALKING, NAME- CALLING, HITTING, MAKING THREATS, COERCION AND STEALING. AN INDIRECT ATTACK THROUGH MALICIOUS GOSSIPING, SPREADING RUMORS, AND INTENTIONAL EXCLUSION. Slide 5 BOTH DIRECT AND INDIRECT BULLYING RESULTS IN VICTIMS BECOMING SOCIALLY REJECTED AND ISOLATED. Slide 6 ANTI-BULLYING MISSION STATEMENT Our goal is to make the school environment safe for children both physically and psychologically. 1.There will be no bullying rules enforced by faculty/staff. 2.The students will help others by speaking out and getting adult help. 3.The students will use extra effort to include everyone. Slide 7 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Reporting incident (s) Dont be a bystander speak out Use extra effort to include all students in activities at our school We will not bully other students Slide 8 TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES Review bullying behavior chart with students and answer questions Discuss procedures for recording bullying infraction (s) on Log Turn in Log to Counselor monthly for data collection Slide 9 TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES Communicate program to students Post and/or discuss with students: Bullying Behavior Chart Tattling vs. Telling (Elem. School) Classroom Bill of Rights How to inform adults Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Ideas For Consequences Missing recess/break Making an I Caught You Caring award, button, or poster for use in the school Staying after school to perform a helpful act Having to call ones parent(s) to explain ones behavior Teachers have a class on thinking errors at a lower grade level Cleaning up trash on the playground, break area, or cafeteria Slide 13 Tutoring another student Writing a report about an altruistic leader (e.g. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa) Having lunch with or doing something nice for the student one bullied (this requires adult supervision and victim willingness) Role playing the victim of the same behavior with the teacher Meeting with the counselor to discuss ones behavior and to process thinking errors Observing playground time, recording journal observed acts of kindness Observing the playground time of younger students, passing out rewards to children who display caring, kind behaviors to others Slide 14 COUNSELOR RESPONSIBILITIES Train Faculty/Staff Provide to students anti-bullying guidance lessons Post anti-bullying posters in halls Compile data from teacher logs of student infractions Coordinate school climate survey Provide counseling services Slide 15 Bullying/Harassment Assessment Report I, ____________________ have been counseled about Bullying and Harassment. I realize that the teachers and administrators will take appropriate action when it occurs. Describe in your own words what you did to receive a Bullying/Harassment referral to the counselor? Are you bullying/harassing someone? Slide 16 If you have any doubts, answer these questions: Am I making the person feel uncomfortable/afraid/left out? Would I do the same thing in front of a parent, teacher, or others that I respect? Would I be okay if someone did the same thing to my sister, brother, or even myself? How would my family and I feel if my actions were reported on the local news? Student Signature:Date: Slide 17 ADMINISTRATOR (S) RESPONSIBILITIES Provide support/materials for the School- wide anti-bullying program Enforce Bully Behavior Chart consequences Inform parents of program through newsletter/website Slide 18 PLAN FOR WORKING WITH PARENTS Orientation letter explaining the School- wide Anti-Bullying program Parents will be informed of bullying situation involving their child by teacher, counselor and/or administrator when needed Slide 19 Specialty Teacher/Staff Responsibilities PEMusic/Art BathroomComputer Lab CafeteriaBand BusProject Jubilee HallwayResource Classroom Library Slide 20 Behavior Notice Student _____________________________________ Date ________________ Today in: O ClassroomO Bathroom O Lunchroom O Hallway O PE O Library O Bus O Other__________________ The following inappropriate behavior occurred: O ThreateningO Hitting/Kicking O Calling Names/Making fun O Inappropriate contact O Destroying property O Harassing behavior O Other __________________________________________________________ Your child has been reported for this behavior at school by _____________ Please discuss with your child the importance of making appropriate choices each day especially in his/her behavior toward others. Slide 21 Gulf Shores Elementary Faculty/Staff Anti-Bullying Pledge We, the faculty of Gulf Shores Elementary, agree to join together to stamp out bullying at our school. We believe that everybody should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, religion and nationality. Bullying can be pushing, shoving, hitting, and spitting, as well as name calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at, and excluding someone. Bullying causes pain and stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as kids being kids, just teasing or any other rationalization. The victim is never responsible for being a target of bullying. Slide 22 By signing this pledge, we the school faculty agree to: 1.Develop a clear school policy on bullying and display it prominently in classrooms and around the school. 2.Receive faculty training in appropriate handling of incidents. 3.Develop or adopt a curriculum that educates students about bullying. 4.Teach students about less obvious forms of bullying like gossiping and exclusion. 5.Discuss pro-active anti-bullying measures (such as having lunch with a student who has been excluded in the past). 6.Establish support systems for pupils involved in incidents such as peer counseling and mediation. 7.Establish a system to support and inform parents when incidents of bullying occur. 8.Offer counseling to students who bully. Slide 23 9.Ensure an atmosphere where students feel safe reporting incidents of bullying and confident they will be dealt with and not ignored. 10.Document incidents of bullying. 11.When an incident is reported all students involved will be given the opportunity to give their version of the incidents. 12.Put in place sanctions for bullying such as verbal warnings, removal from a classroom or school grounds, a verbal or written apology to the victim, a parent/teacher meeting, and detention or suspension for repeat offenders. 13.Monitor cases of persistent bullying and be fully informed of all incidents and their progress. Signed by:Date: Print Name: Slide 24 Gulf Shores Elementary Student Anti-Bullying Pledge We the students of Gulf Shores Elementary, agree to join together to stamp out bullying at our school. We believe that everybody should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, religion and nationality. Bullying can be pushing, shoving, hitting, and spitting, as well as name calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at, and excluding someone. Bullying causes pain and stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as kids being kids, just teasing, or any other rationalization. The victim is never responsible for being a target of bullying. Slide 25 . By signing this pledge, we the students agree to: 1.Value student differences and treat others with respect. 2.Not become involved in bullying incidents or be a bully. 3.Be aware of the schools policies and support system with regard to bullying. 4.Report honestly and immediately all incidents of bullying to a faculty member. 5.Be alert in places around the school where there is less adult supervision such as bathrooms, corridors, and stairwells. 6.Support students who have been or are subjected to bullying. 7.Talk to teachers and parents about concerns and issues regarding bullying. 8.Work with other students and faculty, to help the school deal with bullying effectively. Slide 26 9.Encourage teachers to discuss bullying issues in the classroom. 10.Provide a good role model for younger students and support them if bullying occurs. 11.Participate fully and contribute to assemblies dealing with bullying. I acknowledge that whether I am being a bully, being bullied, or see someone being bullied, if I dont report or stop the bullying, I am just as guilty. Signed by:Date: Print Name: Slide 27 Rules for Bullying Proofing Our Classroom 1.We will not bully other students. 2.We will help others who are being bullied by speaking out and getting adult help. 3.We will use extra effort to include all students in activities at our school. Slide 28 How Not To Be A Bully Sometimes it is difficult to know what is or is not bullying. Often, actions start out just being fun, but may at some point actually turn into bullying. If you are not sure whether something has become bullying, stop and think and ask yourself these questions: 1.Are my actions or words hurting someone elses feelings? 2.Are my actions or words hurting someone else physically or making them feel afraid? 3.Would I want someone else to do this to me? 4.Am I unfairly taking my anger out on someone? 5.Am I trying to control someone against his or her will? Slide 29 Slide 30 Slide 31 Slide 32 GULF SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANTI-BULLYING PLAN MONTHLY DATA REPORT Year __________________ Month ___________________ Number of Bullying Incidents by Grade Level: K _____ 1st _____ 2nd _____ 3rd _____ 4th _____ 5th _____ 6th_____ Total _____ Number of Students with More Than One Reported Incident: K _____ 1st _____ 2nd _____ 3rd _____ 4th _____ 5th _____ 6th_____ Total _____ Number of School Suspensions for Bullying Behavior (includes OCS): K _____ 1st _____ 2nd _____ 3rd _____ 4th _____ 5th _____ 6th_____ Total _____ Number of Parents contacted concerning bullying behavior (note/comment sheet, telephone call, e-mail, conference): K _____ 1st _____ 2nd _____ 3rd _____ 4th _____ 5th _____ 6th_____ Total _____
