Guillame & Marcusio Chesnakov .doc



backstory for two characters

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Guillame & Marcusio ChesnakovBorn the youngest sons of the eldest house in Fyndhorn. Twin heirs to the throne. they lived their lives in relative comfort, well as comfortable as one could in Fyndhorn. The year of their birth was the year of total conjunction, at the hour of the moon's mid career. The two were close, nearly inseparable in fact, a closeness which would prove to catalyst their fates to unseen events even by the most wise of sooth sayers.The house of Chesnakov was a proud aged house whose lineage included heroes, saviors, conquerors, and kings. Not a mark on the house was foul, not a blemish to behold. The house was pure, a shining sigil for the weary and feint of heart, for the down trotted and lost, a guiding light in the dark overcast which held the land of Fyndhorn as a toy clenched tightly in the hand of an ill willed youth. The younger houses held a high respect for the house of Chesnakov, all except for the Kondeu, the mad house of savages, scallywags, scoundrels, thugs, thieves, and terrorists, which instead held difference for the house of Chesnakov, for they were the ones who had displayed the horrors produced by their devious actions, and placed on them the mark of Damascus, the worst color a house could, no must fly. This lead to utter resentment, and hatched the seeds of dissension within the Fyndhorn houses the likes of which they had not seen for an eons age. The two brothers were unaware of such contention, and lived their early lives in ignorant contention, displaying only their natural kindness to all who they meet. Their pleasantness was known the land over, which unfortunately would eventually lead to their downfall.The early years of their lives were spent attending the royal academy, being trained in the arts of diplomacy, and the ways of nobility, and honor. Marcusio was not at peace at school and spent more time dreaming of time outdoors, while Guillame was perfectly at home, content to spend his time studying, and sitting. The dynamic duality of the pair made them able to accomplish much together, each providing strength where the other fell short. In time they grew accustomed to this and eventually dependent upon it. This also was unfortunately not a secret between them, in fact it is possible they were the only ones who didnt know. However it proved nothing but beneficial for them during their childhood, especially whilst at the academy. So much so that they graduated valedictorian, and man of the year. The two highest honors a Fyndhorn elf could achieve.After graduation they had sought to venture away from home for a while, and see what they had up to that point only read in books, or been taught in class. This however had to wait as at that time a war broke out between the warriors of Balduvia, and the neighboring nation of Telaria. This stalled all trade and travel to and from the nations of the northern Taiga. The lives of the Fyndhorn elves had just become immeasurably more harsh; their peaceful ways would forever be forgotten.Later that year the twin's father Maurice Chesnakov called a meeting of all the noble houses to gather together and devise a strategy to protect the people of Fyndhorn with as little interference with the war as possible. The meeting was set to take place at the Grand Cathedral of Vashiella at the very center of the Fyndhorn nation. They considered this place to be the most holy and safest location for such a meeting. The letter was set out at first seed and was set to commence on the first setting of the harvest moon. This would be the first gathering of all the houses since the Valition council, three ages ago, before the age of cold began.The night was at hand and the elders of each house began to rive; there were the Natolians from the north, the Quirrians from the east, the Jorgas from the Titania forests, the Vyshians from Turntimber, the Daquir from Greensweever, the Borilians from the Scrublands, the Cylians of Ghitu, the Farhaves from Enhalm, the Wirewoods from Arboria, the Willows from Weatherseed, the Argathorians from Birchwood, the Bloodbraids from Blightsoil, the Boreals from Bramblewood, the Copperhorns from Darkwatch, the Eladamri from Trest, the Chesnakovs from llyanwar, and lastly the Kondeu from the Brushlands. Maurice Chesnakov sat at the head of the table, his boys at his side, and the others houses sat according to rank on either side with the Kondeu, below even the youngest house, the Daquir. When Maurice stood and raised his glass to call the meeting to order an utter silence overcame the room, no one wanting to upstage the most respected elder, and king.His first word were simple, and he spoke with a heaviness that was felt in the hearts of all the men sitting at the table, resonating in them like a dirge bell through the still morning air. It was then that all the men realized the gravity of the situation, and its imminent effect on them all. Maurice then made his earnest plea that they not engage themselves in the war, until it becomes absolutely necessary that they do so. He then relayed to them the current standings of the Balduvan forces and the advance across the taiga. At this the elder of the Kondeu rose and declared that they must engage them before they are to close, and to squelch them before their forces grow to strong. Maurice quickly spoke urging him to consider the time it would take for them to build their forces up to strength and by the time they were complete the Balduvan horde would be to large to assault. Maurice suggested that instead they fortify their cities and gather all the farmers and all the miners, everyone who lived outside the city walls, and give them shelter. Then to build their forces from within the city walls and to build them to protect not to assault.The elders began to discuss and debate for hours, trying to decide whose idea was right but unfortunately neither would be right. For neither had thought of what the Balduvans were willing to do to win. While they sat there debating the Balduvans were doing the unthinkable, they marched their horde into the forbidden Uurborg forest, to meet with the lost necromancers and the lord of them the Ebon Proctor. this news however did not reach the elves for a long while as the Balduvans were not fond of leaving survivors to tell the tale.During this the twins sat patiently by watching as the most wise and aged men in all of the Fyndhorn lands began to squabble like children. the gravity of the situation caused their emotions to flare beyond the limits of their control, and reduced their well meant arguments into pitiful banter. All except for their father who stood stoic unwavering in his indignation and countenance, but the twins could see through his layers of display and saw deep within him grew a fear, and sadness, and that is when they learned just how serious this was. The two of them excused themselves from the table and adjourned to a quiet room to converse. they spoke in a tongue shared by only them so as to avoid the possibility of anyone eavesdropping on them. The matter on which they spoke was of action, what they could do to help protect their people and the lands they so loved. they conjured the notion of assembling a small group to venture on a diplomatic mission to enlist the aid of the neighboring lands of Ravnica and the armies of Borborigmos and the Gruul. they knew their father was right, that the Fyndhorn elves alone could not stand to assault the approaching hordes, but they thought maybe with added help they might just live through it.Less than an hour into their conversation, the chapel doors flung open wide and a bloodied man of human descent, carried by two of their fathers guards come through the door, the boys run up to them and quickly address the men asking who the man was and why they had brought him here. The guards regaled them saying that they were on patrol in the woods to the north when the man came crawling up to them covered in blood and pierced with arrows still attached to his back. They then quickly took the man and administered the best aid they could, before questioning him. When he was well enough to talk he told them everything he could; he told them that he was part of a military detachment from the Vesper kingdom to the south under the order of Lord Tezzeret. They were sent to learn what they could of the Balduvan forces and return before the day was out, but they were caught while making their return home, and shown no mercy. He was lucky to have made it away alive at all, which is more than you could say for his teammates. He did however get to see some of what the Balduvans were attempting to do but not to the full severity of it. The twins listened to his story and gave the man a place to sleep and adequate medical attention to heal his wounds. They then went straight away to inform their father and the other elders of this recent development.The walked back into the room and the door came to slam behind them, attaining the attention of the all the men around the table. they headed right to their father and told him the news first, so as to allow him to inform the others (as would be proper). When they had informed him they went back to ensure care was being administered to the man from Vesper. Maurice then turned to the table to enlighten them of what he had heard, which was; the Balduvan horde had advanced into urborg and had settled at the ruins of the ancient shrine to Mishra and Urza. They seamed to be gaining strength both in numbers, and in each troop. The men seemed to be unnaturally strong and quick but no more intelligent than ever, and there seemed to be a vile aura to their presence. This news was received as an exaggerated story of a frightened man and was spoken upon deaf ears. The only ones to head these words were the Chesnakovs and the Bloodbraids (as they lived nearest to urborg and new all to well the horrific power held there).At the end of the meeting the elders had decided to stay back and wall up their cities and build a defense against the horde, but were preparing only for the strength of a natural army of natural strength, they had sealed their fates. The boys however were permitted to take a small team and depart under the cover of darkness, to head straight to Ravnica, and possibly some other neighbor, but they were to be back before a fortnights passed. So that night they left right at the culmination of the sun's descent. The trip was arduous and worried Guillame but with his brothers help they made it without hindrance to their destination in two days. Once there the boys requested an audience with Borborigmose, which was naturally hesitantly granted. Borborigmose was a man of mythic proportions, his skin and hair was human but his body was more like that of a minotaur, he had the strength of ten men and was twice as fast, a truly intimidating form. His origins were unknown and his rise to power historic, so he was naturally the first place to seek aid.They had their meeting on the night they arrived, and it was held in the great hall of his castle. The two boys wasted no time past what was formal and appropriate for such a meeting, Guillame had studied their rituals and etiquette before the trip began. Impressed by this Borborigmose's mood changed from skeptical to welcoming and concerned. the boys told him what was occurring in their land and pleaded him to lend them aid. He was hesitant to engage in confrontation outside of his lands but the stories the boys told resonated with his natural concern for others and he graciously agreed to send aid. He even assigned a small detachment of men to accompany them on their trip east to meet lord Tezzerett. The trip would be a difficult one, but with the added aid they could make it in half the time. During the trip Guillame briefed Marcusio, on what would be required of them in their next encounter, Lord Tezzerett was a bit more skeptical than Borborigmose an would want a showing of their honesty and determination, before he would readily hand over aid. He knew this would probably require some physical task, so naturally Marcusio would be the one to complete said task, since he was formally trained in martial combat, and much more adept than Guillame.They arrived ahead of schedule and went immediately to the Castle entrance. There they were meet by two constructs, standing guard armed with lances and dressed in full plate armor. They addressed the twins and ascertained as to their intentions within the castle. The Twins responded politely and quickly as is appropriate in their land. They informed them on the current situation in which they found themselves. The construct guards regarded them with caution but believed that their words were true and granted them entrance with escort. they were taken straight to the throne room where Lord Tezzerett was holding council, when they entered the room a silence fell upon it and Lord Tezzerett stood and sternly ascertained as to their purpose. They provided to him a short but complete answer which he found pleasing but as was expected requested them to display their conviction. Tezzerrett challenged them to a duel one on one. Marcusio stepped up to accept and Tezzerrett was excited to accept. The duel was to take place immediately, and Marcusio was thrown a cutlass and told to ready himself. Then at once he took his stance, and the duel began. It was a long and and arduous fight, volleying back and forth, each man coming closer to landing his strike, but immediately after dodging a close strike to the throat, Marcusio rolled and came to land his strike on Tezzerett at his throat and was declared the victor.Tezzerett was most pleased and agreed to send them as much aid as he could muster. He promised that his army would be up and running in one weeks time and would arrive to them within two days after. The army would be a conglomeration of his finest constructs and most able bodied men. At that they were set up with lodging for the night and went to sleep, during which a shared dream came upon them granting glimpses of unnatural beings and dark shades filled with fear. The images seemed to bear a resemblance of the twins themselves, but distorted, corrupted, twisted into forms of discomfort, and emptiness. This stirred them from their slumbers, and they came to each other to gain the opinion of the other, but neither could conjecture an appropriate reason for this "vision". So they went back to sleep, and the rest of the night was peaceful.In the morning they mounted up on horses granted to them by Tezzerett and they the journey was supposes to be easy and quick, just one day's and one nights ride to get there. However this was not what destiny had fated for them. On the way back home, after half the day's ride was complete, on a trail tread fairly well,the twins fell into a trap. A detachment of the Balduvan horde had made it south far away from where they had expected them to be, and had laid a trap to ambush the young princes and eliminate them. They did not waver and kept strong at their attempts to bring down the crowns of old. with the help of the Grull the twins were able to hold their ground and after a few hours it seemed the Balduvans were breaking down, incapable of changing their direction without direct instruction which was no where to be found, and after a few more hours they were eliminated. The twins were battered and bruised and Marcusio knew that Guillame was unable to continue traveling, so they decided to find a place to make camp and as Marcusio began to look at Guilllame's wounds he realized that they were much worse then he thought. He didnt know how long he had, or if he could make it back. The Grull sergeant took a look at the bleeding prince and knew there was only one cure, a nymphs tears. Marcusio head out immediately to find these fabled tears and bring them back to his brother. He traveled several hours as fast as he could, and just when he thought he couldnt travel any farther, he found a pond, and heard the voice of something so beautiful, he ventured closer to see what it was. He saw their a symbol of beauty, the most perfect sig one could imagine. He realized what sat before him was a true water nymph and it was crying. Marcusio approached with great caution knowing not t trust what he saw, for the nature of the fey is to be mischievous. The closer he got however the harder it was not to believe. He was within grabbing distance before it knew he was there, but as he extended hi hand to take hold its preternatural reflexes took action and averted his grasp. It was quite furious that someone was able to get close enough to touch it with out its knowledge. Marcusio comfronted it and pleaded that it forgive him, for he was only there for his brothers life depended on it. It was naturally uninterested in his story, but when he told them who injured his brother, and why they were there, the nymph's mood seemed to change. It became instantly, and oddly interested in what Marcusio had to say, and was almost to quick to lend its hand to help. Marcusio was taken aback but his desire to save his brother overcame his usually caution, and he lead the nymph back to Guillame. As they approached the other men tried to raise their weapons, but were instantly stunned in place. The nymph then laid down at Guillame's side and gathered a tear on its finger then opened Guillame's mouth and dropped it on his tongue and breathed into his mouth, then closed it and gave him a kiss. Guillame awoke and was seemingly healed, he seemed better than he ever did prior, but before he could thank the nymph it disappeared out of sight.A bit confused, he turned to his brother, and embraced him saying he owed him his life. Marcusio retorted with a jestful remark saying he'll remember that later. The sergeant then said they should be on the move lest this occur again. So the mounted up and rode out. They rode clear through the night, and arrived back home before the sun rose. They ran to their fathers throne to deliver the messages, but when they got inside they saw that every one was dressed in black and morning, as the door closed behind them the crowd turned and saw the new kings, and bowed. the boys were shocked, and confused and called out to their parents, when their mother stood and approached with a look of both sadness, and loss, and joy. She was morning the loss of her husband but was relieved to see that her sons had returned and proud to see them share the throne. She told them that their father had died one night ago, in his sleep and decreed that the twins share the throne, and to trust in his advisers to aid them as they did him. The boys were struck with grief and fell to a knee, but knew that they must look strong in the presence of others and rose hiding their emotions, and asked to be lead to their fathers side. Their mother took them to hi casket, and the knelt beside it and each said their peace and prayed that his soul be ushered forth to a more peaceful place.That night the new kings held council in the high tower's central room with their cabinet of advisers to discuss their plans on dealing with the impending attack. They told them they had the armies of Tezzerett and Borborigmose on their side and that they would be on their lands in less than a weeks time. the cabinet seemed pleased and as the night progressed became more and more confident in these young kings, and all seemed to believe that they might just yet survive the horrors to come. when the had settled on a plan the meeting was adjourned and everyone was given lodging for the night.The plan on which they decided, was simple: they had conjectured to open the castle stores and all extra rooms to house the citizens of their lands, those who could not fit would be housed in the buildings closest to the castle, and armed. The planned to take the oldest, and the youngest into the castle first, and house the most trained combatants in the surrounding houses first. then they would try to arrange everyone else in as they could.Over the next few days they sent scouts out to track the progress of the Balduvans and find how much time they had before the raids would begin. The first couple of days were inconclusive, having not made any contact with the enemy. On the third day the Gruul arrived lead by Borborigmose himself. when they arrived the twins went out to meet them, and were greeted by an army of the strongest most ferocious warriors, they had ever seen. Borborigmose had kept his word, and greeted them as equals, and kings. The twins were proud to have him there and began preparing a place for him. By nightfall Tezzerrett and his army arrived cloaked by shadow, and covered by darkness. The scouts alerted the kings and they ran out to meet him, once again an army was waiting for them this time however Tezzerrett was at their lead and the army was comprised of war constructs, and sorcerers of great strength. Tezzerret greeted the new kings, and gave his condolences, and congratulations. they took him inside the castle, and the army set up camps, butting against the tents of the Gruul. That night the four kings met to devise their defense strategy, and estimate how long they could hold the line against a siege. They were about to adjourn when a scout runs in through the door holding a blood covered letter, and faints before them. They quickly call for aid, and send the man to receive medical attention. They then opened the letter which read: Dear kings Chesnakov, This is lord Daquir of Greensweever, my scout reported in today, last seed day 21, our worst nightmares have come to fruition. The horde will attack by day break, and we will not prevail, the Copperhorns have already fallen, and the few survivors are scattered and in retreat.We will hold as long we can, but what is most importantis that you know the truth of our enemy. they are notwhat we thought them to be. They have engaged in congress with the necromancers of Uurburg. Theirpower is overwhelming, and I fear it may be more thenthey know themselves. Tread cautiously young kingsthis is a sorrowful time for us all, but you may still have achance that we did not. Long live Fyndhorn The men all stood silent, knowing there was nothing they could do to help, the young house Daquir, as they were a full days march away, and sunrise was nigh but an hour away. The evil infused machine march over them like a boot to a bug. This it seemed was the beginning of the end.Over the next few weeks they stood vigilant waiting for the horde, the scouts returned each night with no sign but a few lone survivors seeking refuge from whom ever they could. Then one day the army from blight soil the fierce Bloodbraids arrived with a message for the kings. The messenger was the Bloodbraid king himself Rofellos, a man of fearsome charisma. He arrived with news of the remaining houses, and so they gathered in a private room and spoke. He told them only a few houses remain, the Balduvans have cleared out much of the plains lands, and most of the central forests. The houses that werent destroyed are now with the Kondeu, who have claimed all the lands of the people they are protecting. The Horde has been spotted, and will be at their doorstep in less than a week. So the time for preparing is officially over, but he ensured them that the Bloodbraids would be standing by to lend their hand, and he believes with their four armies combined that they might stand a chance.His predictions were correct for two days after the Bloodbraid arrival, the Balduvan horde reared its ugly head and began to assault the Chesnakov house from all sides, wave after wave came crashing against them, each stronger than the last, getting closer and closer to breaching their walls, and taking over this land as well. The kings stood with their men, not willing to ask some to fight if the wouldnt themselves. The Gruul took the front line stance, while the vesper constructs took care of siege weaponry and war machines. Marcusio's scouts flanked the enemy ranks disrupting their rank structure to weaken the attack, the Bloodbraid assassins took out field leaders and disrupted the command chain. Guillame's casters controlled battlefield movement and hemmed in the enemy to be within their soldiers grasp. Tezzerets casters provided illusions, and delusions to confuse the enemy and distract their charge. the battle raged on for days, and the castle was nearly collapsing but in the end the Balduvans were driven off, when in the last minutes beasts and plant began to strike back against the unnatural force of undeath. In the last second Guillame caught a glimpse of a very familiar creature among them, and once their eyes met it was gone.This was not the end of the horde by far however, the remaining bands continued raids until the last one was slain, one hundred years later. During that time the once united lands of Fyndhorn were torn into civil unrest, the Kondeu house made accusations against the twin kings saying they sold secrets to the foreign lords, in exchange for the aid they provided, and spread propaganda against them. The twin kings however were unwilling to engage in petty disputes when their lands were in need of restoration, and kept at that until one fated night, not a year after the last Balduvan band fell.They were sitting in their council chambers talking when a message arrived, Lord Tezzerret has been assassinated, and Borborigmose is ill, on his death bed from poison. They immediately sent out to see their old friend before he died. The meeting was sorrowful, This would be the last time their nations would be at peace. They sat by his bed and shared stories recollecting times of old, and honoring their late friend Tezzerrett. A union between the Gruul vespers, and Fyndhorns would never again exist. Just before he died Borborigmose said something oddly ominous to the twins. He said a shadow will fall over them soon, and they must be strong lest they be consumed. They were taken a back for a bit but decided to put it aside for now, as they watched their friend's life fade away. They then called for his wife and for the coroner. They departed in the morning, but their ride home was a bit slower than usual. The twins decided that to honor their lost friends, the lands and houses for which they fought so long ago needed to be truly healed. They decided to donate a portion of their land to build monuments of the men who died and added their names to the history books of Fyndhorn. They set out rebuilding the old houses constructing or repairing castles, and towns and provided them with everything they needed to start over again. they even managed to get back a significant portion of the usurped lands taken by the Kondeu, and restored them to the best of their abilities. This obviously angered the Kondeu and made them try ever harder to dishonor the Chesnakov name. Fifty years after their work began the were finished and elected to sit back for a while, and allow the lands repair themselves. In all the restored six of the original houses, this made seven houses loyal to them and seven houses loyal to the Kondeu. This tension rose year by year until the semicentennial lands meet to award houses their colors, and establish house hierarchy was to be held. The lands meet was to take place on the lands of the most senior house so the Chesnakovs chose to hold it at the great cathedral where it all began.The houses gathered and all were attentive to hear the trumpet call to start the celebration. when it sounded it was as if happiness had finally found Fyndhorn again. It was however unfortunately short lived for when the time came to announce the house awards the Chesnakovs stood to give the awards and as Guillame started his speech a cross bow bolt flew at him scraping his face just below his eye. Pure panic, and utter pandemonium broke out as each person fled the cathedral, and ran back to their homes to prepare for war, the match had just been lit and the fire was starting to burn.What followed was all out civil war, all allegiances were severed it was every house for itself, the wounds were to fresh and in times of strife it is easy to forget to whom you owe debt. It is however easy to remember who did you wrong, and strife is a catalyst for wild emotions. Mix this with fear, and armies, and thats exactly what they had. This civil war was worst then the previous war in that there was no reason to be fighting, but not fighting meant certain death. The twins attempted to not engage in direct combat, and to be diplomatic and peaceful with others. They were successful on a small scale, but unfortunately on the larger scale they simply angered the ones who hated them most. Then one night when the lands appeared to be calm an attack fell upon their castle, but it seemed to come from the inside. It seemed that a few of the soldiers didnt agree with their diplomatic ways they believed them to be to caring and to generous to deserve to lead and they saw an opportunity for change, and when they were backed by a powerful source, an enemy can become an ally, and an ally can become an enemy. That night the castle would be completely overrun. In the heat of the battle the twins found each other and made their way out, but unfortunately only one would make it out that night. they were in a second story hall way when the leading insurgent assassin cut them off at a dead end, there seemed to be no way out. then Marcusio looked and saw below a window was a large pile of hay. it seemed like a soft enough landing place but he knew as the assassin came closer, they had no other choice, so they dove out of the window. then shortly after they were on the ground they began to walk and as they were turning a corner, a stray ballista bolt came flying straight towards Guillame's chest, when Marcusio dove to push him out of the way, and was instantly impaled. He didnt breath or move for long, so his suffering was brief. Then his body withered and disappeared, but Guillame could not identify the cause or the source of the magical effect, so he ran into the nearby forest as fast as he can, until he broke down and couldnt run any longer. He sat for a few days thinking of how he could get his brother back, when he finally thought of the creature whose gaze he met all those years ago, and a strong feeling came over him, and he felt a strong sense of direction. He then began to walk and follow this feeling where ever it took him. In one day he made it to a small pool of water and then the feeling went away, disappointed he sat down and a single tear rolled down his face. When it hit the water, a beautiful light began to shine and up from the water came a beautiful creature, a symbol of perfection in humanoid form. The very same nymph that saved his life so long ago. It said to him, it knew he would come and it was waiting for him. Guillame was taken aback and asked why, it responded you want your brother back dont you. He was astonished and asked how it knew. it only smiled and said i thought so. It then said i know where he is, but i need something from you. Guillame asked what he could possibly want from him, it said i want you to meld with you. He knew of this from stories and books but didnt think it existed. the nymph said it had looked for a deserving soul for eons now and knew when they first met that he was the one. Guillame asked why, it only said that knowledge could change what was true, and that he was deserving. The nymph said if he was wiling that it could take him to his brother but couldnt get him back. Guillame thought and decided to accept and at once their two forms became one and he was instantly transported to the realm of Shadow in search of his brother.

Guillame has asked me to regale you with the remainder of our tale. I am not as verbose as my twin by any stretch, and sadly I wont be nearly as...ahem succinct but I imagine we will all survive. Dying in itself is not a painful experience, and it is fortunate for me that my method was fairly quick. Though in all fairness there is only one thing I am not quick with my dears. I was unaware of the withering my twin described, my memory of that time is fuzzy, understandably I would say. What happened next for me though is still I didn't open my eyes so much as I began to note my surroundings, or lack there of. Reaching forever around me was a bleak expanse of nothing. No clouds or light, no fire and wailing just emptiness. Contrasted by a spotlight, of deeper black. If around me was a bleak void, I could not fathom what the deeper blackness moving towards me was. It stopped merely a meter from my outstretched hand breaking like a wave and encircling me. It flowed around me keeping a perfect distance between myself and it, tongues of nothing dancing like flames kept me from going around it. Those in front of me weaved higher and higher, until they arched together and froze, forming a portal into the deepest black. Not one to except an invitation so implied I did nothing. However, seeing as there was nowhere for me to go that outcome probably fell into her planning. She's a sneaky one too, her perfume began wafting to me the second that door opened, but I didn't catch on till I was half-way to off my gourd. To call it alluring would have been insulting, the aroma was dominating, tyrannical. The smell of the wind rushing past you on a moonless night, the shadows that fall after the sun sinks but before the stars light the night. She wanted to make me pliant before I could be on my guard. It only partially worked. I hope. When she came to me, she was overwhelming. Her hair formed a corona of dark amethyst, her skin the pale brilliance of a lightning strike in all the darkness. Of her features I can only recall that I would do anything to make those plum lips to smile. Though her eyes kept my nerves together. They were empty and black, a reflection of the cage around me. Though in retrospect it was probably the reverse. Marcusio, you have been through too much. Her words smokey velvet, had me near to my knees. Sleep and I shall soothe you, everything will be alright. She spread her arms and the deep black coiled to her flesh, cleaving to her curves in a manner far to similar to my own thoughts for my comfort. Her touch thrilled through my body, the chill of night to naked skin. I pushed her away unaware of when she had gotten so close (because it most assuredly was not that I walked into her arms...). She spoke, more words wrapping around my mind calming my call to arms and throttling a summons to a different appendage. I couldn't think straight my thoughts always directed away from plans or questions to her body or the need of my own. She wasn't speaking anymore, just whimpering and moaning, sending her will directly into my thoughts. Everything was turning the most delicious of blackness. When a single clear thought from an unmolested part of my mind. If I succumb I will die completely, soul and all. And so would Guillame. The realization gave me strength to want to rebel but not enough to command my hands and body away from their engagement. With such little action at my disposal, I had to be fairly clever. And unfairly cruel to myself. As intended things ended with...crushing...abruptness and my head cleared. I threw her away as I reeled backwards. I really have a crushing grasp, I must say. She tried to weave her words again, which I interrupted. With my foot. I caught her fully in the solar plexus, her velvet words heaved out in a hilar.... sorry you just had to be there. So I stood in a prison of deep blackness surrounded by nothing above a naked sex goddess mockingly laughing at how she reacted when I kicked her. Which is when things started getting better. Suddenly she stood in front of me the deep blackness wrapped around her as a robe. She smiled You will due after all, dear Marcusio I nearly keeled at her smile, though that wasn't because of any weave on her part, just me...What do you know of the Fae Marcusio? I'm afraid my knowledge of them is more intimate dear. she smirked. the only fae I know of is the one that helped to save my twin. A nymph. The smirk slid into a pearly smile as she began again. The fae are spirits and beings of nature, we came from the land and the sky. Unlike elves and humans and others, we do not have souls. Our other half is far more literal. We exist both in the physical realm and in its shadow. While our shadow and physical halfs are separate beings we share all of our lives. And sometimes our deaths. We cannot die as long as our other half lives. And when one half dies, the remaining faeling wastes away to a point between life and death. Things varied slightly for me though. She turned away from me suddenly and doubled over with a brief cry. I made no move, I had no intention of falling into any other trap of hers. When she faced me again it seemed like the luster of her skin had faded some, and her hair had ceased floating in the air. When my other half was killed, we shared our death. Because of....with help I brought her here to me and we locked ourselves in the nothing around you. But Fae are nothing without balance. The shadow must mirror the physical, and the physical cannot lack what the shadow world possesses. We were torn apart. She was a fae with no shadow, and I was a shadow cast by nothing. Both of us reduced to wasted faelings though our other still lived. I do not know what she did in her time with out me except for one thing. She lurched towards me again, fell to her knees by a wail of pain. Not long ago a soul trailed through the Shadow on its way to the End, when a silver light came and brought it back to the physical. These were our twins Marcusio. I had found her plan. When I saw your soul pass through the Shadow I used what was left of my life and drew you wholly to me. She paused and caught her breath, she grew more sallow as she spoke, her hair lank, her skin covered in sweat. She looked miserable. I didn't buy in. We stood staring at each other for ages, her breathing growing ever more ragged. So? I broke first. So you owe me Marcusio, we saved your twin you will save us. I batted aside the hand she had risen to my face. My dear madam. I am very disinclined to help you, your story is well told and fairly interesting but if I am dead I think I should be moving on, and by the looks of things you'll beat me there. Her response was to wheeze, staring at me with her eyes of oblivion. Which, yes, was unnerving. More time passed. Seriously, even if what you said is true, when we first met you broke into my mind and tried to kill me. I don't help people that do try to kill me, and would like to keep my record of such. She had stopped wheezing, stopped everything, only stared at me with her deep black eyes. Look, you're going to die. If you're not already. And then I can continue on my way to the afterlife. Her eyes continued to bore into me when her jaw fell open. If I die now, my twin will as well. Yes well that's nic- And as my twin is part of your twin now, so will he. WHAT!? Her only response was to hold out her hand. I railed and yelled at her but she said no more. She sank to her knees, her hand hovering, waiting. Flesh began sagging, soon she was nothing but a skin and bones staring at me with eyes of deep blackness hand held open. With no other choice I took her hand. I cant really describe what happened. It was purely sensation. We melded and became one, body mind and soul. A few things became clearer then. She was bluffing. Well it was a half truth. If Guillame had melded with her sister then he would have died when she did, but she had no way of knowing whether or not he had yet. Only that was what her twin had planned since she saved his life. However the more pressing matter was the sudden realization as to where I was: the gates to Beyond. She had decided to wait where all souls would have to go to catch me. To clarify, there are many roads through the Shadow to reach the End. But the gate to the actual afterlife is very very deep into the Realm. There is nothing, living or dead or otherwise, anywhere near it. It is a truly humbling and utterly terrifying place. It calls to you, beckoning you to where you are will to return. It is alive, whatever it is, and it is not patient. I fled from there with all the haste I could and began my trek through the Shadow Realm. To skip a good deal of time I moved close and closer to that closest to the physical. There were adventures had within this time but most of them involve me looking the fool getting accustomed to the rules and customs of the denizens of Shadow. Or the secrets behind my tricks, which shall see neither the light of day nor candle. It was in the near lands that I found my twin. Guillame had gotten into a disagreement with a gaggle of fetchlings. Little creatures that feel big when they are many. They had insisted he was their supper, and Guillame was not smitten with this idea. Ages had passed for me but we fell together quickly as ever. The argument concluded, we were elated to be reunited. I was told that it had only been days since my demise I was nonplussed. The laws of the Shadow Realm are strange, but consistent. So then you have the story of our unusual differences. But we should move away from the topic of the Shadow, have we told you how we met our companions? No, no I will speak of it no further. Because there is a great deal of things, that like to hide in the shadows. And mon cher I am the only nice one.
