Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013


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Guidelines for Fellows

Year 2012 - 2013

The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals

February 2012

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Published by API Regional Coordinating Institution

Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University3rd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building, Phyathai Road, Bangkok

10330 ThailandTel: +66-2218-7422 Fax: +66-2652-5283


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Table of ContentsAPI 3

Key Institutions and Operational 5

Terms and Conditions of the API Fellowship 13

Calendar of Activities and Important 29

The API Regional 31

Appendix 1: 35

Appendix 2: Visa 53


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Declaration

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

We, representatives from five countries in Asia, are gathered here today to inaugurate a new collaborative endeavor.

As we enter the 21st century, we recommit ourselves to unified action toward a better future for Asia, even as we celebrate our cultural differences. While we uphold our national borders and traditions, we seek a regional response, aware as we are that the political, economic, and social challenges which our nations face transcend our national boundaries.

Asians unfortunately remain strangers to each other. The lack of familiarity and strong bonds among us prevents us from articulating regional approaches to the difficulties that are upon us.

The shared challenges beckon us to come together to fashion a shared, collaborative response. We take on the challenges with confidence because, while we take pride in our differences, we are all unified by a common heritage and spirit that is Asian.

An effective response to regional problems will invariably require the participation of public intellectuals - men and women committed to working in the public sphere and to collaborating beyond traditional boundaries in articulating common concerns, in proposing effective solutions and in fostering a perspective that is regional in scope and universal in value.

We announce herewith the establishment of The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals, a program designed precisely to help build a community of Asians who can think and work in the public sphere. The Program will be initiated in the five countries we are representing today, and public intellectuals to be identified are to be given opportunities for research and professional activities in other participating countries. By promoting mutual understanding and shared learning among Asian public intellectuals, the API Fellowships aim to contribute to the growth of public spaces where effective responses to regional needs can be generated.

All of us gathered here are determined to work together to realize this goal for ourselves, in the hope that our collective effort will bear fruit for the betterment of humanity.

April 2000







Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Key Institutions and Operational Structure

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

The API Fellowships Program is a regional program, operated through the partnership of The Nippon Foundation with five institutions in the region.There is one designated academic institution (called a Partner Institution or PI), which operates as the secretariat of the Program in each of these five participating countries: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Currently, the Thailand PI acts as the secretariat for the Program in the countries of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam as well.

The API Executive Committee, consisting of representatives from the Partner Institutions and The Nippon Foundation, oversees the Program’s administration and policy making.

The Nippon Foundation (TNF)

The Nippon Foundation (TNF) is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization founded in 1962. TNF supports projects that fall under one of these following three major categories: 1) domestic programs, 2) maritime affairs, and 3) international programs.

Under the category of international programs, The Nippon Foundation has particular interest in cross-border and transnational activities; local and regional undertakings that may fall outside the reach of the public sector or other donor agencies; and initiatives that tackle pressing issues and long-range or persistent problems which require prompt and systemized care. Grants are given by The Nippon Foundation to programs planned and conducted by overseas non-profit organizations in such areas as basic human needs, human resources development, and promotion of international cooperation. The Nippon Foundation provides both the fellowship grant and operational budget for the API Fellowships Program. TNF representatives also plays crucial role in partnership with other institutions.

The Nippon Foundation International Program Department

Address: 1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8404 Japan URL:

Tel: +81-3-6229-5181 Fax: +81-3-6229-5180






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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

The Partner Institutions (PIs)

The Five Partner Institutions (PIs) since year 2000 are as follows.

Indonesia: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)The Indonesian Institute of Sciences is a non-departmental institution under the control of the President, reporting directly to the President. The main tasks of LIPI are: to assist the President in organizing research and development, to give guidance, to provide services, and to advice the government on national science and technology policy. In order to accomplish its main tasks, LIPI was assigned the following functions:

To carry out research and development of science and technology; • To provide guidance on science and technology development; • To encourage and develop science consciousness among the Indonesian • people. To guide and improve capability of scientific society; • To develop and improve cooperation with national as well as international • scientific bodies in accordance with the existing laws and regulations;To provide service on science and technology; and• To provide the formulation of a national science policy to the government. •

Research Center for Regional Resources, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PSDR-LIPI)

Address: Widya Graha, 9th Floor, Jln. Jen. Gatot Subroto No. 10, Jakarta 12170 Indonesia

Contact Person: John Haba /Yekti MaunatiURL:

Tel: +62-21-526-5152 / 525-1542 ext. 680 / 737 Fax: +62-21-526-5152 / 570-1232

E-mail: /

Japan: Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) is a multi-disciplinary research institution attached to Kyoto University. Since its start in 1965, the Center has used a comprehensive approach to investigate the contemporary and historical dimensions of problems confronting present-day Southeast Asia through original research. The Center’s staff includes scholars in the humanities,

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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

social sciences, and natural sciences who pursue research individually and jointly with collaborators in Japan and Southeast Asia, and other parts of the world.

CSEAS has published the quarterly journal Southeast Asian Studies since 1963 and in 2002 launched an internet journal of Southeast Asian affairs, Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. The Center also publishes two research monograph series in both English and Japanese — Monographs of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Kyoto Area Studies on Asia.

Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto UniversityAddress: 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan

Contact Person: Naoko Maeno / Motoko KondoURL:

Tel: +81-75-753-7348 / 7391Fax: +81-75-753-7165


Malaysia: Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)The Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS), formed on 1st April, 1995, is an independent centre for research and post-graduate teaching in the field of social sciences and humanities within Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (the National University of Malaysia) or UKM. IKMAS has the following objectives:

To conduct scholarly research within the identified areas;• To produce a series of publications in the form of working papers, • monographs, books, etc.;To promote collaborative work and dialogues with other scholars and • institutions in Malaysia and in the region as well as with scholars and institutions in other parts of the world on various themes of mutual interest;To develop the Institute as a regional centre for globalization and social • transformation studies.





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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS)Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

Address: 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MalaysiaContact Person: Dorothy Fernandez-Robert / Noraini Dhiauddin

URL: + 60-3-8929-3576 / 3205 Fax: +60-3-8926-1022 / 9253

E-mail: / /

Philippines: School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)The School of Social Sciences of Ateneo de Manila University consists of eleven departments which administer undergraduate/graduate programs and research centers in the fields of Communication, Development Studies, Economics, Education, European Studies, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology, Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies.

Among the Loyola Schools of the University, it has the largest number of academic programs, faculty members, and students.

It strives to bring about a world made more human by its commitment to teaching, research and action. The School fosters a multiplicity of perspectives from which to examine society, its history, and its social, political and economic lives. While it has particular familiarity with the social realities of the Philippines, it strives to contribute not only to local development, but to that of the region and indeed of the broader world.

School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila UniversityAddress: Ground floor, Center for Community Services (CCS) Building

Social Development Complex, Ateneo de Manila UniversityLoyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines

Contact Person: Isabel Consuelo A. Nazareno / Kristine Santos URL:

Tel: +63-2-426-6001 ext. 5205Fax: +63-2-426-1279

E-mail: / /

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Thailand: Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn UniversityThe Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, is an inter-disciplinary research and service organization established in 1967, primarily as a unit of the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University. On May 1985 it was officially recognized as a separate University Institute, thereby giving it a status equivalent to that of a University Faculty. Its objectives are as follows:

Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn UniversityAddress: 2nd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building

Chulalongkorn University Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand

Contact Person: Michiko YoshidaURL:

Tel: +66-2218-7409 / +66-2218-7422 Fax: +66-2218-7409 / +66-2652-5283E-mail:

The Regional Coordinating Institution (CI)

Among the PIs, one institution designated by The Nippon Foundation as the regional coordinator of all the other PIs assumes the role of a secretariat for regional level activities. Since year 2005, the Institute of Asian Studies of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand has been serving as the Regional Coordinating Institution.

To promote academic excellence in the field of Asian Studies; • To build genuine interest in Asian affairs among the general public • both within and outside Thailand; To promote better understanding of Thailand and the rest of Asia; • andTo promote better understanding among Asian communities and in • relation to other communities in the rest of the world.





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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), Chulalongkorn UniversityAddress: 3rd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building

Chulalongkorn University Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand

Contact Person: Michiko Yoshida / Ratana PoopitakchatkaewURL:

Tel: +66-2218-7422 Fax: +66-2652-5283


The Executive Committee (EXECO)

The API EXECO reviews, discusses, and decides on the policy and management of the API Fellowships Program in the region towards its continued improvement. It reconsiders the themes and other conditions of the Program to determine if they are appropriate to the needs of society, and modifies the same, if necessary. It also discusses and decides on the activities of the API Community including the Regional and Country Projects.

The API EXECO is composed of one representative each from: each of the Partner Institutions, the Coordinating Institution, the Regional Committee of the API Community, and The Nippon Foundation.

The International Selection Committee (ISC)

The API ISC screens the applicants and finalizes the list of successful applicants for the API Fellowships Program and other related programs. The API ISC consists of one representative from The Nippon Foundation and one representative from each of the Partner Institutions, as well as two to three public intellectuals from the region, as designated by The Nippon Foundation.

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Terms and Conditions of the API Fellowships Grants

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013


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s Introduction

The following Terms and Conditions (hereinafter called the “T&C”) are morally and legally binding on the awardees (hereinafter called “Fellows”) of the API Fellowships Program (hereinafter called “API”).

Prior to signing the Grant Agreement with The Nippon Foundation (hereafter called “TNF”), the Fellows are requested to read the T&C carefully. Failure to comply with any one of these T&C may lead to penalties which includes the revocation of the Grant and return of the Grant.

I. Duties and Responsibilities of Fellows

A. Full-Time Commitment

Fellows shall carry out on a full-time basis the research and/or 1. professional activities (hereinafter called the “API Activities”) described in their project statement and approved by the International Selection Committee (hereinafter called the “ISC”). During their fellowship period, Fellows are not allowed to engage 2. in any profit-making activities, or to carry out or participate in any research and/or professional activities funded by any source other than TNF, without the prior written approval of TNF. Fellows are not allowed to accept any grant/s from other institutions, 3. whose effective dates overlap or fall within their fellowship period under the API.During the fellowship period, in the event that Fellows are to accept 4. honorarium from non-profit activities relevant to and/or enhancing their API Activities, Fellows should obtain prior approval from TNF.

B. Deliverables

Fellows shall submit Activity Reports which contain the required 1. information as specified in the template provided in the Appendices in accordance with the specified schedule.Fellows shall participate in the API Regional Workshop which is an integral 2. part of the API. Participation in every activity during the Workshop, including the closing dinner, is a must.* Detailed announcements on the Workshop scheduled for November 2013 will be made in March 2012.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

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*Note: The cost of participation in the Workshop will be covered by the API. However, in the event that a Fellow is travelling from a country other than that where he/she was selected as a Fellow, he/she will have to shoulder the cost of travel (airplane ticket, travel insurance, etc.), in excess of the amount that would have been incurred otherwise.

C. Credit

Fellows shall submit papers for participation in the API Regional 3. Workshop. Detailed guidelines for the Workshop papers will be issued in May 2013. The due date of the first draft is August 15, 2013. After the API Regional Workshop, Fellows shall submit the papers, in 4. accordance with the detailed guidelines provided, for inclusion in the Workshop proceedings.

D. Compliance with the Approved Fellowship Plan

Fellows shall acknowledge the assistance of the API in cases wherein 1. their work resulting from their API activities are published in any form such as newspaper articles, essays, research papers, exhibition catalogues, and online publications. The disclaimer accompanying their published outputs should read thus 2. “The views of the author do not reflect those of the API Fellowships Program, The Nippon Foundation, the Coordinating Institution, and/or the Partner Institutions.” Fellows shall provide TNF with copies of their published works.Fellows are obliged to credit the work and opinions of others, and 3. to avoid presenting these as their own. Unacknowledged quotations or the close paraphrasing of other people’s writings amounting to the presentation of these other persons’ thoughts or writings as the Fellows’ own constitutes plagiarism.

Fellows shall not make any substantial change(s) in the nature or 1. content of their approved API Activities without prior written approval from TNF. Fellows shall not make any change(s) in the schedule of their approved 2. API Activities without prior written approval from TNF. Fellows may request for a change of schedule up to two (2) times only.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

E. Visa Designation and Research Permit

Fellows are obligated to obtain an appropriate visa and/or research 1. permit from their host country(ies). The responsibility of securing an appropriate visa and/or research 2. permit well in advance of the start of a Fellow’s planned fellowship period, rests solely on the Fellow. It is the Fellow who shall monitor the whole process of securing a visa, even if the PIs may provide assistance. In other words, the PIs shall not bear responsibility for any delay or failure in obtaining the appropriate visa and/or research permit on time. The Grant Agreement concluded between TNF and a Fellow is the 3. important document when Fellows apply for the Visa. Fellows shall keep the original copy of the Grant Agreement all the time and submit only the copy of the Grant Agreement when Fellows apply for visa to embassies or consulates.Fellows shall read the information on Visa Procedures in the Appendix 4. of this Guidelines, also available in the “Information Kit” provided by their host country(ies). Fellows should have a clear understanding of the required procedures, especially with regard to the following:

Fellows may not commence their fellowship without obtaining an • appropriate visa and/or research permit from their host country(ies). API Activities in a host country after the expiration of an appropriate • visa and/or the research permit violates the T&C.It is recommended that Fellows start preparations for obtaining their • visas and research permit immediately, since issuance of them from the host country(ies) may take four (4) months or longer from the time of application.

F. Securing Host Institution

Fellows are expected to be officially affiliated with one institution 1. (hereinafter called the “Host Institution”) in his/her host country. The primary role of the Host Institution is to act as the Fellow’s official counterpart, which can facilitate the acquisition of the appropriate visa for research. Fellows shall be responsible for the following:2.

Identifying an appropriate Host Institution on their own by exerting • maximum effort in gathering information from all sources available; Establishing contact with the institution; and• Securing acceptance from the institution to act as their Host Institution. •


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

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G. Travel Insurance and Medical Check-Ups

The Host Institution shall not be changed without the prior written 3. approval of TNF.If it is found that the Host Institution does not or cannot fully 4. accommodate a Fellow for any reason whatsoever, the PI of his/her host country reserves the right to arrange an alternative Host Institution.If the (potential) Host Institution inquires about the payment of 5. affiliation fees, Fellows shall inform the (potential) Host Institution that the payment will be arranged by the PI of the host country. Fellows shall immediately report the matter to the Program Coordinator of the PI in the host country. The PI shall make contact with the (potential) Host Institution thereafter.The PI of the host country shall cover the cost of affiliation for only 6. one (1) Host Institution and only for the duration of the Fellow’s research period in the host country.

Fellows may commence their fellowship period only after they secure 1. overseas travel insurance.The travel insurance to be provided by the API will cover the Fellows 2. from the time they board the plane to leave their native country/country of residence, up to the time they disembark from their return flight home after completion of their fellowship period.The PI of the Fellow’s native country/country of residence (in case of 3. CLV Fellows, the Thailand PI) will arrange their overseas travel insurance. For the PIs to be able to do so, Fellows should notify their PI of the exact departure and arrival dates as soon as these are set. Any changes in the fellowship period must be relayed to the PI of the 4. Fellow’s native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fellows, the Thailand PI) so that an appropriate extension in the Fellow’s overseas travel insurance coverage can be effected. Fellows bear full responsibility for ensuring that the entire part of their 5. fellowship period is covered by overseas travel insurance. In instances where Fellows are accompanied by another person(s) during 6. their fellowship period at their own cost, it is the Fellows’ responsibility to ensure that the accompanying person(s) is covered by adequate overseas travel insurance.TNF, the EXECO, the ISC, the CI, the PIs, and the Host Institution(s) 7. shall not be liable or be otherwise responsible for any contingency experienced by a Fellow or accompanying person(s) during his/her


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

II. Fellowship Rules

A. Schedule and Host Countries

fellowship period if this results from negligence and/or the Fellow’s failure to maintain the required overseas travel insurance.Fellows are strongly advised to undergo full medical check-ups before 8. starting their fellowship period. Those found to have a medical condition requiring special attention should have with them at all times throughout the fellowship period a copy of the medical record on the condition written in English. The same should be presented to the attending physician in the host countries whenever the Fellow is in need of medical attention.

Fellows shall conduct their fellowship activities continuously unless 1. otherwise approved by the ISC and TNF. Fellows shall stay in one (1) host country for a minimum of one (1) 2. month, unless otherwise approved by the ISC and TNF.Fellows shall acquire the prior approval from TNF and the PI of the 3. host country when they plan to go to a conflict area. Any period spent outside the host country for whatever reason, 4. including time spent in the Fellow’s native country/country of residence for activities such as preparation or review or writing of reports and papers, will not be regarded as part of the fellowship period under any circumstances.

B. Commencement and Completion Dates

The fellowship officially begins on the day the Fellows arrive in their 1. host country and ends on the day the Fellows depart from their host country. When a Fellow travels from one host country to another in one day, 2. the fellowship period in the second host country starts the day after the Fellows’ arrival thereat.Fellows should complete their fellowship by July 31, 2013. 3.

C. Duration and Time Allocation Among Host Countries

The duration of the fellowship and the time allocation in host countries 1. (when applicable) is determined by the ISC and TNF, based on the


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

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D. Temporary Leave(s)

Fellows are encouraged to carry out their fellowship period continuously. However, if necessary, Fellows whose fellowship durations are six (6) months or longer, may take up to two (2) temporary leaves, provided that the following requirements/conditions are met:

Fellows’ project statement. This shall be indicated in the Grant Agreement issued in February 2012. In principle, the fellowship duration and time allocation, as stated in 2. the Grant Agreement, may not be changed. The fellowship duration, as stated in the Grant Agreement, may not be 3. extended under any circumstances. Fellows shall submit a letter explaining the reason(s) behind any request 4. to change or shorten their fellowship period, and obtain prior written approval from TNF for the same.

Fellows submit in writing, with reasons stated, a temporary leave 1. request and receive prior approval from TNF;Fellows take responsibility for all related costs including transportation, 2. accommodation, etc.; The total combined length of the temporary leave(s) does not exceed 3. 14 days; The temporary leave starts from the day Fellows leave the host country 4. and ends on the day Fellows return to the host country, and;The temporary leave(s) will not be taken at the end of the fellowship 5. period. In other words, the fellowship duration may not be shortened by a temporary leave(s).

E. Leave(s)

Similarly with “temporary leave(s),” Fellows may request for a “leave(s)” if their fellowship duration is less than six (6) months. Those who have exhausted the right to the two-week “temporarily leave(s)” also need to request for additional leave, should they need it. The procedure to be followed for the latter is similar to that for a “temporarily leave(s).” However, the Fellows must compensate for the days lost by either extending the fellowship end date, or by returning the equivalent grant that covers the relevant duration.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

III. Grant Benefits

A. Grant Benefits and Allowances

Grant benefits and allowances for Fellows consist of the following:Research allowance—covers such items as the purchase of a computer, 1. Internet connection, books and materials, interpreter and translation fees, research trips, and other costs related to API Activities; Stipend and Housing benefit—covers housing and living costs in the 2. host country;International travel cost;3. Ground transportation allowance in the home country; and4. Domestic travel allowance.5.

B. Provisional method

The research allowance, stipend/housing benefits, domestic travel 1. allowance, and ground transportation allowance in the home country will be based on a scale prepared by API. As these items are flat payments, any unspent amounts need not be returned.The international travel cost will be based on the actual amount paid to 2. the travel agency or airline. The Fellows will be provided the equivalent amount of the estimated cost initially, after which the same will be adjusted at a later stage.

C. International Travel Cost and Air Tickets

The international travel cost covers the cost of one round-trip ticket 1. for the Fellows from the approved point of origin to the port of entry, to the subsequent ports of entry, and back to the point of origin from the final host country. The tickets must be economy class, round-trip, covering the most direct route from and to their country of residence. In principle, Fellows are NOT permitted to enter the same host country 2. more than once, unless otherwise approved by TNF in advance. Fellows will only be able to purchase one (1) direct round-trip ticket, starting from and finishing at their native country/country of residence. Air tickets for a temporary leave(s) should be purchased at the Fellows’ own expense and shall not be connected in any way to the official round-trip air ticket provided to the Fellows.


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

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D. Expenses Not Covered

The Grant only covers expenses specifically indicated in the Grant Agreement issued by TNF to Fellows and in this T&C. Expenses not covered by the Grant may include but are not limited to the following:

If Fellows plan to take domestic flights in their host country, they 3. may find it less expensive and more convenient to buy one (1) set of tickets that will cover all the necessary flights, both international and domestic. If the Fellows’ travel agency or airline is able to produce an invoice showing the exact total cost for the international flight only (including the cost of the domestic flight, if any, to reach the nearest international airport in their native country/country of residence), Fellows can purchase one set of tickets which covers both international flights and domestic flights in their host country. If the Fellows’ travel agency or airline cannot produce such documents, however, the Fellows shall purchase the tickets for domestic flights in their host country separately from tickets for their international flights.

Expenses associated with obtaining passports, visas, certificates (birth, 1. health, identification, marriage, etc.) and other related documents, photographs, inoculations;Expenses associated with additional insurance, shipment of baggage, 2. baggage transfer, excess baggage, medical check-ups, bank charges; Additional transportation costs arising from changes in the fellowship 3. period and/or from taking temporary leave(s); andAll taxes, duties, bank charges, exchange fees and other fees or charges 4. of any kind imposed or otherwise applicable to Fellows in their native country/country of residence and in their host country.

IV. Grant Request and Disbursement Rules

The grant disbursement is being managed by the CI, in accordance with the Grant Agreement issued by TNF. Any matters regarding the grant disbursement should be addressed to the CI.

A. Requesting the Grant

In order to receive the fellowship grant in a timely manner, Fellows are required to submit the following documents to the indicated parties at least three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled date of issuance of each Grant installment. If the


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

required documents are not submitted, the Grant will not be released under any circumstance.

To CI only:1. Form 1: Bank Information as shown in the Appendix (The bank ac-• count may be with any bank and in a currency of the Fellow’s choice);Form 2: International Travel Cost Information Sheet as shown in • Appendix; andAn official quotation of airfares and routes indicating multiple options • from at least three travel agencies.

To TNF, CI and all concerned PIs:2. Form 4: Contact person in case of emergency, as shown in Appendix;• Form 8: Visa approval notification sheet, as shown in Appendix;• A copy of the visa and the research permit (if applicable); and• A document showing that the Fellow has obtained insurance coverage • from the designated insurance company.

B. Disbursement Rules

Fellows will receive the Grant in multiple installments as specified below:

The first installment: The first installment will be given two (2) weeks 1. before the planned departure date and will cover the following:

International airfare based on the invoice or formal estimate of • a travel agency or an airline, and an accomplished copy of the accompanying Form 2;Full Research Allowance; and• Stipend/Housing Benefits and Domestic Transportation Allowance • for the first three (3) months maximum of the fellowship period.

Note: Due to the taxation policies in Indonesia, the grant amount to be transferred to bank accounts in Indonesia will be adjusted and shall not exceed USD10,000 per installment/transfer.

Succeeding installments will be made every three (3) months in principle, 2. upon receipt of each Progress Report which should be written using the format for progress reports described in the Appendix. The last installment will be made upon confirmation of all deliverables 3. specified under I. B of this T&C (see page 14 and page 15).Fellows shall submit Progress Reports to TNF, the CI, and to the PIs 4. of their host country and their native country/country of residence,


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

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C. Reporting and Grant Adjustment

using the form in the Appendix. The submission of a Progress Report is crucial to further issuances of installments of the Grant.Detailed installment plan will be communicated to Fellows by the CI. 5.

Within two (2) weeks of the Fellows’ arrival in their first host country, 1. Fellows are requested to submit the following documents to the CI:

1) The original receipt for the air ticket issued by the travel agency or airline;2) A photocopy of their air ticket; and3) Form 3: Report on the International Travel Cost patterned after that which appears in Appendix.

If a Fellow’s temporary leave(s) exceeds 14 days in total, with the prior 2. written approval of TNF, but cannot extend his/her fellowship period for the same duration at the end, the Fellow, upon completion of his/her fellowship period, shall return to TNF, through the CI, those portions of the Stipend and Housing Benefits that cover the period of his/her leave of absence. TNF may, at its discretion, suspend any or all portions of a Fellow’s 3. Grant if, in its opinion, the Fellow has ceased to carry out the API Activities agreed upon. The suspension remains in effect until TNF allows the Fellow to resume his/her API Activities.

V. Communication and Reports

A. Communication

Fellows are required to communicate with TNF, the CI, and the PIs of 1. their native country/country of residence and host country(ies):

1) As soon as their final schedule is confirmed after they obtain the appropriate visa/research permit; 2) As soon as they arrive at their host country; 3) As soon as any change in the approved schedule becomes necessary;4) As soon as there is any change in their contact information as well as personal information (e.g., name change due to marriage);5) In the event that they have to return to their native country/country of residence temporarily; and 6) As soon as they return to their native country/country of residence upon completing the fellowship.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

B. Reports

Fellows shall submit the following reports in English to TNF, the CI, and to the PIs of their native country/country of residence and their host country(ies). Formats for the reports appear in the Appendix.

Note: Formats for communicating the aforementioned information are available in the Appendix 1.

Fellows should stay in close contact with the PI of each host country, 2. which they should visit at least once during their fellowship period. Fellows shall make a presentation on their API Activities when requested by the PI.

Final Activity ReportThe Final Activity report shall describe the API Activities carried out by the Fellows during the entire fellowship period. The narrative section of the Final Activity Report shall be five (5) to ten (10) page long. This is on the condition that a substantive paper shall be written for the API Regional Workshop.

Progress Reports Fellows with the fellowship duration of more than three (3) months shall also submit the Progress Report(s), two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled date of each Grant installment issuance.

VI. Revocation of the Grant and Early Termination of the Fellowship Grant

A. Causes for Revocation

TNF may, in consultation with the ISC, revoke a Fellow’s Grant at any time through a written notice, if it finds good cause for revocation. Causes for revocation include, but are not limited to, the following:

Violation by a Fellow of the law(s) of the native country/country of 1. residence;Any act(s) of a Fellow contrary to the objectives of the API and to the 2. T&C;A Fellow’s failure to fully comply with the T&C;3. A Fellow’s engaging in unauthorized income-generating activities;4.


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

onditions of the API Fellow

ships Grants

B. Procedure for Revocation/Termination

A Fellow’s inability to perform his/her duties as a Fellow for a period 5. of more than six consecutive weeks due to illness, an accident, or the onset of physical or mental incapacity;A Fellow’s failure to fully perform his/her duties as a Fellow for reasons 6. other than the Fellow’s incapacity, as referred to in above; andAny misrepresentation by a Fellow, willful or otherwise, in the 7. Application Form or in any other document submitted to the ISC, TNF, the CI, the PIs of their native country/country of residence and host country(ies).

The PIs of the native country/country of residence (in case of CLV 1. Fellows, the Thailand PI) and host country(ies), in consultation with one another and upon conducting an appropriate assessment, reserve the right to recommend to TNF the possible revocation/termination of a Fellows’ Grant.Upon receiving the above recommendation in writing, TNF will ask 2. the Fellow to submit a letter of explanation. TNF shall, with the ISC, fully evaluate all written documents submitted 3. by the PIs of the native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fellows, the Thailand PI), the host country(ies) and the Fellow himself/herself, before making a final decision.

C. Early Termination of Fellowship

A Fellow may submit to TNF a written request for the early termination 1. of the fellowship if he/she has accomplished the objectives of his/her API Activities earlier than expected, or must depart earlier than expected because of his/her professional obligations in his/her native country/country of residence. Should a Fellow be unable to complete his/her fellowship period due 2. to serious and compelling personal reasons, such as an illness, the death of an immediate member of the family, or any other emergency situation, the Fellow will be permitted to terminate the fellowship period upon the written approval of TNF. Should such a situation arise, the Fellow should immediately contact the PI of his/her host country and TNF.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

D. Financial Adjustment

Should the Grant be revoked or terminated for any cause,1. 1) All the remaining benefits and allowances still to be transferred by the CI will be immediately terminated, unless otherwise specified by TNF.2) All or part of the benefits and allowances already received by the Fellow but still unspent shall be promptly returned to TNF through the CI. 3) The Fellow may be requested to return to TNF, through the CI, all or part of the benefits and allowances already received and spent.4) The relevant amounts shall be decided by TNF, in consultation with the ISC.

The detailed information on procedures pertaining to the revocation 2. and termination will be communicated to the Fellows by TNF and the CI.

E. API Community and Post-Fellowship Activities

Fellows who successfully complete their fellowships, while consistently complying with the T&C, will become members of the API Community and will be eligible to participate in various API Post-Fellowship activities.

The API Community consists of recipients of API Fellowships who 1. have successfully completed their fellowships and of all individuals involved in the API, including selection members, program directors, and program coordinators. This growing community of individuals of varied backgrounds, but with a shared commitment, meets at national and cross-country functions, as well as through informal networks and collaborative projects, both regionally and nationally. Fellows are expected to participate in the API Community’s undertakings actively, in the quest to accomplish the API’s mission.There are a number of post-fellowship activities where members of the 2. API Community are qualified to participate. These include the following:

API Salzburg Global Seminar collaboration • (further details can be found at activities such as a conference participation grant for • International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA)


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Terms and C

onditions of the API Fellow

ships Grants

VII. Post-Fellowship Cooperation

After completing their fellowships and returning to their native country/country of residence, Fellows are expected to collaborate and cooperate with the API and TNF in the following manner:

by serving as members of various API committees, including those 1. that screen applicants for the API. by engaging in exchange activities with the public intellectuals of the 2. region, both during and after the fellowships, and contributing to the promotion of international understanding and maintaining close communication with other members of the API 3. participating in various projects and activities sponsored or supported 4. by API and providing API and TNF with copies of their published works or any 5. other outputs resulting from their API activities and beyond, in order that an effective collaborative relationship may be formed.

VIII. Contingencies

Exemption from LiabilityThe EXECO, the ISC, TNF, the CI, and the PIs shall not be held liable 1. or otherwise responsible for any personal injuries, accidents, illnesses, loss of personal property, or other contingencies experienced by a Fellow or an accompanying person(s), which may arise out of or in any manner be connected with the API Activities, travel to and from, and stay in his/her host country.The EXECO, the ISC, TNF, the CI, the PIs, and the Host Institutions 2. shall not be held liable or otherwise responsible for any contingencies experienced by a Fellow or accompanying person(s) during the fellowship period, resulting from the negligence and failure of the Fellow to maintain the overseas travel insurance coverage for the entire duration of the fellowship period.The EXECO, the ISC, TNF, the CI, the PIs, and the Host Institutions 3. shall not be held liable for any claim, which may arise from a Fellow’s failure to start or complete his/her API Activities.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

IX. Others

The PIs may translate this booklet of Guidelines into their local languages 1. or dialects. However, the English version will prevail in the event of discrepancies.Fellows are not eligible to apply for a second API Fellowship Grant 2. within three years from the date that the original Grant was successfully completed. They will, however, again be eligible to apply for an API Fellowship Grant thereafter, provided that receiving the second Grant will not deprive well-qualified applicants of the initial opportunity to conduct API Activities in the API Participating Country(ies).


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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Calendar of Activities and Important Dates

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013



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t February 2012 - : Preparation for your fellowships (Identify and establish contact with your Host Institution(s); Apply for visa and research permit)

July 2012 - July 2013: Fellowships activities

March - April 2013: Announcement of the API Regional Workshop 2013

August 15, 2013: Deadline of the first draft of your Workshop paper

October 2013: Deadline for the submission of the Workshop paper for participation

November 2013: API Regional Workshop 2013

February 2014: Deadline for the submission of the Workshop paper for publication


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

The API Regional Committee

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013



The Charter of the Regional Committee of the API Fellowships Programand the API Regional Committee Guidelines

were drafted and approved in Phuket, Thailandon the 30th of November 2006

by the following representatives of the API Fellows:

Herry Yogaswara (Indonesia)Wataru Fujita (Japan)

Motoko Kawano (Japan)Colin Nicholas (Malaysia)Sumit Mandal (Malaysia)

Danilo Reyes (Philippines)Nick Deocampo (Philippines)Prangtip Daorueng (Thailand)





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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

The A


egional Com




1. PREAMBLEThe API Fellowships Program is dedicated to achieving the API Community Vision by addressing critical issues at local, national, and regional levels. Fellows strive after three key objectives: creating a vibrant API Community; working effectively across borders; and making an impact on society.

As the Program gradually generates a growing body of Fellows across the region, a Regional Committee (RC) is needed to act as a driving force for the achievement of the API Community Vision. The RC will represent the Community’s interests, enhance interaction between country groups, nurture trans-border consciousnes, and promote activities which realize the core values of the API Community Vision.

The RC will strengthen the API Community by drawing on the experience of the Fellows, by facilitating networks and interactions within the Fellowship, by provoking innovative ideas and approaches, and by providing opportunities for Fellows to act collectively as a community, either independently or in cooperation with The Nippon Foundation.

The RC is committed to activities which are critical for the region, cross-disciplinary in nature, trans-border in scope, and multi-level in approach, recognizing the interlinkage of locality, nation, and region. The RC aims to foster a greater regional consciousness by promoting relationships among cultures, by initiating or endorsing collaborative activities, and by confronting public issues with discernment, integrity, and commitment.

The RC will achieve these goals by initiating or endorsing projects that translate the academic and theoretical into the practical and beneficial.

2. FOCUS OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEEThe RC represents the API Fellows in guiding the Community to achieve its collective aspirations.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

The RC serves as a mechanism to bridge API Fellows and the wider community in order to foster understanding, cooperation, and activities which promote a regional consciousness and solidarity.

The RC identifies projects and other activities which build on the researches and networks of the API Fellows in order to fulfill the API Community Vision.

The RC serves as an advisory and coordinating body to guide National Coordinating Committees in defining their own goals in line with regional aims.

The RC endorses projects and activities that address regional themes and issues.

The RC may initiate regional projects and activities that either address urgent needs or achieve the API vision in an extraordinary way.

The RC may submit applications for funding.In evaluating regional projects and activities, the RC will emphasize regional themes and issues that:

bridge regional knowledge gaps• have regional implications• respond to real-life issues or public urgency• create and strengthen regional sensitivities on critical issues• address inequalities based on ethnicity, gender, region, or socioeconomic • statusadvance human security and fair distribution of power and resources• translate the academic and theoretical into the practical and beneficial• bring together cross-disciplinary approaches• foster sustainable relationships between cultures within national and • regional frameworksaddress a wider public• expand public space and improve opportunities for self-expression• promote co-existence between API Fellows and our publics in line with • the API Community Vision

Phuket, Thailand30 November 2006





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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: Forms

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: FormsForm 1: Bank 37

Form 2: International Travel Cost Information 38

Form 3: Report of International Travel 39

Form 4: Contact Person in Case of 40

Form 5: Confirmation of Arrival Date in Host 41

Form 6: Report of Change of 42

Form 7: Request for the PRIOR Approval of The Nippon Foundation on Change of Schedule in Host 43

Form 8: Visa Approval Notification 44

Form 9: Report of Return Date to the Native Country/Country of 45

Form 10: Request for the PRIOR Approval of The Nippon Foundation on the Temporary Leave/Leave during the Fellowship 46

API Final Activity 47

API Progress 50

Note: All forms are available in the digital format.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

orms 1

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 1Bank Information

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Your address 4. Account name 5. Account number 6. Account type (e.g. savings, US dollar account) 7. Bank name 8. Branch name 9. Address of the bank 10. Bank swift code 11. Additional information (if any) Please submit this form to: API Regional Coordinating Institution (CI)Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn UniversityFax: +66-2652-5283Email: /

Please fill in this form and submit to the CI at least three (3) weeks before your departure date. Please TYPE or PRINT and fax or email this form.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 2International Travel Cost Information Sheet

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Your address 4. Telephone number 5. Fax number 6. Email address 7. Total fellowship period from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy)8. Route of your trip from (city/country of residence) to (city/country) to (city/country) to (city/country) to (city/country)Example) from Bangkok, Thailand to Osaka, Tokyo to KL, Malaysia to Bangkok, Thailand.9. Estimation of the most USD reasonable airfare in US dollars Exchange rate: 10. Name of the travel agency that provided the most resonable quotation*

Please submit this form to: API Regional Coordinating Institution (CI)Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn UniversityFax: +66-2652-5283Email: /

*If the original document from the travel agency is in other than English language, please provide translation.

Please fill in this form and submit to the CI at least three (3) weeks before you need the grant to be transferred into your bank account. Please TYPE or PRINT and fax or email this form together with three (3) airfare quo tations issued by three (3) different travel agencies and/or airlines.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

orms 3

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 3Report of International Travel Cost

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Your address in Host Country 4. Telephone number in Host Country 5. Fax number in Host Country 6. Email address 7. Total fellowship period from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy)8. Name of the travel agency or airline company (in English) 9. Airfare (in US dollars) USD Exchange rate:

Please submit this form to: API Regional Coordinating Institution (CI)Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn UniversityFax: +66-2652-5283Email: /

Please fill in this form and submit to the CI within two (2) weeks after you arrive in the first Host Country together with:1) a receipt issued by the travel agency or airline; and 2) a photocopy of your air ticket or a copy of your e-ticket. Please TYPE or PRINT and fax or email this form.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 4Contact Person in Case of Emergency

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Host Country (ies) 4. Total fellowship period from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy)5. Name of your contact person 6. Relationship with your contact person 7. Address of your contact person 8. Telephone number of your contact person 9. Fax number of your contact person 10. Email address of your contact person

Submit this form to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fel-lows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT) and submit to us before your departure by fax or email.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

orms 5

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 5Confirmation of Arrival Date in Host Country

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Your next Host Country 4. Your planned arrival date 5. Period of your stay in the Country from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy)6. Planned place to stay (address) 7. Telephone (or mobile phone) number 8. Name of the Host Institution (HI) 9. Address of the HI 10. Telephone number of the HI

Submit this form to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fel-lows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

This form should be submitted separately for each Host Country you visit. Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT) and submit to us by fax or email before your EACH departure.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 6Report of Change of Address in Host Country

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Host Country 4. Your email address 5. Date of the following change occurred/effective (dd/mm/yyyy) 6. New address 7. Reason(s) for change

Submit this form the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fel-lows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT) and submit to us as soon as such changes occur by fax or email.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

orms 7

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 7Request for the PRIOR Approval of The Nippon Foundation on Change of Schedule in Host Country 1. Submission date: (dd/mm/yyyy)2. Your name: 3. Your telephone number: 4. Your email address: 5. Requested Schedule (dd/mm/yyyy) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: )6. Reason(s) of change: 7. Previous record Original schedule stated in Grant Agreement From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) 1st schedule change approved by TNF (approved date: ) (dd/mm/yyyy) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) 2nd schedule change approved by TNF (approved date: ) (dd/mm/yyyy) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: )Submit this form to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fellows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT) and submit to us as soon as such changes occur by fax or email.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 8Visa Approval Notification Sheet

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Your address 4. Telephone number 5. Fax number 6. Email address 7. Host Country 8. Visa type 9. Validity of your visa from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy)

For the Fellow accompanied by his/her family member(s), please fill in below and fax or email it us together with their copy of visa

10. Name of accompanying person(s) 11. His/her visa type 12. Validity of his/her visa from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy)

Submit this form to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fel-lows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT) and submit to us together with a copy of visa issued by the embassy/consulate of your Host Country by fax or email.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

orms 9

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 9Report of Return Date to the Native Country/Country of Residence

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Your name 3. Your native country/country of residence 4. Return date (dd/mm/yyyy) 5. Address 6. Telephone number 7. Email address

Submit this form to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fel-lows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT) and submit to us before your departure date by fax or email.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

FORM 10Request for the PRIOR Approval of The Nippon Foundation on Change on the Temporary Leave/Leave during the Fellowship Period

1. Submission date (dd/mm/yyyy): 2. Your name: 3. Your latest schedule (dd/mm/yyyy) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: )4. Request for: Temporary leave OR Leave5. Requested period of your temporary leave/leave From to (Total: days)6. Reason(s): 7. Proposed revised fellowship plan (dd/mm/yyyy) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: ) From to (Host Country: )8. Previous record Temporary leave approved by TNF (approved date: ) From to (Total: days) 1st leave approved by TNF (approved date: ) From to (Total: days) 2nd leave approved by TNF (approved date: ) From to (Total: days)Submit this form to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fellows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:

Please fill in this form (Please TYPE or PRINT), fax or email to us and get approval from The Nippon Foundation before you take Temporary Leave(s) or Leave(s).Note: The temporary leave(s) will NOT be taken at the end of the fellowship period for each country.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

inal Activity R

eportAPI Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API FellowshipsFinal Activity Report

A. General informationYour name: 1. Fellowship category2. API Senior Fellow API FellowHome country: 3. Home address: 4. Email address: 5. Home telephone number: 6. Home affiliation: 7. Your position and title: 8. Address of the affiliation: 9. Telephone number of the affiliation: 10. URL of the affiliation: 11. API theme of your project12. Identity Social Justice GlobalizationYour project title: 13. Your entire fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to 14. Host country(ies)15. Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

Please fill in this form (TYPE or PRINT and submit to us within one (1) month of the completion of your fellowship period by fax or email together with your narrative report. The narrative report must be five (5) to ten (10) pages double-spaced in English with taking the following points into account:1. A comprehensive account of your project activities and their outcome;2. Major professional accomplishments resulting from the fellowship activities;3. Plans to disseminate your project findings and experiences to the public;4. The possible impact of API Fellowships expe-riences on your future professional activities and career.


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

B. Detailed informationHost country1. Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

a. Fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to b. City(ies) you stayed: c. Host Institution (HI): d. Address of the HI: e. Telephone number of HI: f. Fax number of HI: g. Contact person of HI: h. URL of HI:

Host country2. Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

a. Fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to b. City(ies) you stayed: c. Host Institution (HI): d. Address of the HI: e. Telephone number of HI: f. Fax number of HI: g. Contact person of HI: h. URL of HI:

Host country3. Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

a. Fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to b. City(ies) you stayed: c. Host Institution (HI): d. Address of the HI: e. Telephone number of HI: f. Fax number of HI: g. Contact person of HI: h. URL of HI:

Host country4. Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

a. Fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to b. City(ies) you stayed: c. Host Institution (HI): d. Address of the HI: e. Telephone number of HI: f. Fax number of HI: g. Contact person of HI: h. URL of HI:



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: F

inal Activity R

eportC. Please share constructive comments or ideas with us, which might help us to further improve the API Fellowships Program (if any). Date: Signature: (dd/mm/yyyy) (When sending by email, type your name)

Submit this form and your narrative report to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fel-lows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

API FellowshipsProgress Report

A. General informationYour name: 1. Fellowship category2. API Senior Fellow API FellowHome country: 3. Home address: 4. Email address: 5. Home telephone number: 6. Home affiliation: 7. Your position and title: 8. Address of the affiliation: 9. Telephone number of the affiliation: 10. URL of the affiliation: 11. API theme of your project12. Identity Social Justice GlobalizationYour project title: 13. Your entire fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to 14. Host country(ies)15. Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

B. Detailed information1. Host country

Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailanda. Fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to b. City(ies) you stayed: c. Host Institution (HI): d. Address of the HI: e. Telephone number of HI: f. Fax number of HI: g. Contact person of HI: h. URL of HI: 2. Host country

Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Thailand

Please fill in this form (TYPE or PRINT) and submit it to us by fax or email together with your narrative report which describes the progress of work on your project.



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 1: P

rogress Report

a. Fellowship period (dd/mm/yyyy): from to b. City(ies) you stayed: c. Host Institution (HI): d. Address of the HI: e. Telephone number of HI: f. Fax number of HI: g. Contact person of HI: h. URL of HI: C. Bank information for the next installment of the grant1. Account name: 2. Account number: 3. Account type: 4. Bank name: 5. Branch name: 6. Address of the bank: 7. Bank swift code: 8. Additional information (if any): D. Comments (if any):

Date: Signature: (dd/mm/yyyy) (When sending by email, type your name)

Submit this form and your narrative report to the following offices:1. TNF (fax: +81-3-6229-5180 or Email: CI (fax: +66-2652-5283 or Email: / PI of your native country/country of residence (in case of CLV Fellows, the Thailand PI)4. PI(s) of all API Host Countries you will visit Indonesia PI (fax: +62-21-570-1232 or Email: Japan PI (fax: +81-75-753-7165 or Email: Malaysia PI (fax: +60-3-8926-9253 or Email: Philippines PI (fax: +63-2-426-1279 or Email: Thailand PI (fax: +66-2218-7409 /+66-2652-5283 or Email:


Appendix 2: Visa Information

Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Appendix 2: Visa InformationIndonesia Visa 55

Japan Visa 69

Malaysia Visa 78

Philippines Visa 91

Thailand Visa 100



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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Indonesia Visa Information


A. Preface

According to Government Decree No : 41/2006, every foreign university, research institute, enterprise, and individual are welcome to conduct research in Indonesia. They are encouraged to participate in R & D activities in order to develop Science and Technology cooperation and finally increase Science and Technology transfer in Indonesia. Foreign researchers who will conduct research in Indonesia have to involve local scientist as counterpart from local university, research institute or Non Government Organization (NGO) who has competency in the research topic.

Appendix 2: Indonesia V

isa Information


Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

A1 : FR (Foreign Researcher) sends or submits research application documents to Indonesian Representatives (Embassy or Consulate general) in his or her home country.B1 : The Indonesian Representative receives research application documents, and then issues a recommendation, and forwards to RISTEK in Jakarta.A1 : FR send or submit directly research application documents to RISTEK with CC to Indonesian Representatives (Embassy or Consulate General) in respective home countryC1 : RISTEK receives research application documents from FR or from Indonesian Representatives (Embassy or Consulate General) with recommendation letter. Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit (FRP) RISTEK prepares Matrix of research application data and forwards it to Coordinating Team’s monthly meeting.D : Secretary FRP RISTEK invites Coordinating Team to conduct monthly meeting for evaluating research application and issues approval or disapproval on the applications. Secretariat FRP RISTEK will send formal letter of notification to FR or his/her counterpart.C2 : If Coordinating Team disapproves the research applications, Secretariat FRP RISTEK will send formal letter of notification to FR or his/her counterpart.A2 : FR receives the letter of notificationC3 : Once research application has been approved by Coordinating Team, Secretariat of FRP RISTEK will prepare visa 315 applications and submit them to the Immigration Headquarters in Jakarta.E : Immigration Headquarters receives and processes the visa 315 application and then issues and sends visa 315 authorization to Indonesian Representatives where the visa 315 will be collected by FR.C4 : RISTEK collects the visa authorization papers and prepares letter of request addressed to Indonesian Representative in order to issue visa 315 for FR. B2 : Indonesian Representative receives visa 315 authorization and issues visa 315 for FR.A3 : FR brings his/her passport to Indonesian Representative to collect the visa 315. Having collected the visa 315, FR leaves his/her home country for Jakarta.C5 : FR comes to report at RISTEK office to receive Research Permit and Research Permit Card and other cover letters to report at other related government agencies ( Police HQ, Home Affairs Dept. and Immigration Office).



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F : FR brings cover letter from RISTEK and comes to Police HQ to report and get Travelling Permit (SKJ).G : After getting Traveling Permit (Surat Keterangan Jalan) FR come to the Home Affairs Ministry (Kemdagri) to obtain Research Notification Letter (Surat Pemberitahuan Penelitian) H : FR comes to Immigration Office to report and apply for Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS)I : FR who will enter conservation area (National Park or Nature Reserve and Wild Life Reserve) should apply for Entrance Permit to Conservation Area (SIMAKSI) at Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Forestry Department (Ditjen PHKA, Departemen Kehutanan)J : When FR arrives in research location, FR should come and report to Provincial Government Office (Badan Kesbang Linmas Provinsi) K : After getting KITAS, FR comes and reports to the Provincial Police Headquarters to apply for Certificate of Police Registration Card (SKLD) A4 : FR can begin his/her fieldwork of research project

B. Research Permit Procedure

For every non-Indonesian citizen researcher that plans to conduct research within Inodnesia territory, prior to the passage, he or she should apply individually for receiving a research permit from the State Minister for Research and Technology. Without such consent, any research activity (ies) by a foreigner is illegal. The Completed application by form of hard copy must be addressed to:

The Secretariat of Foreign ResearchThe Ministry of Research and Technology– Republic of Indonesiathe 2nd building of BPPT, 8th floorJl. M.H Thamrin No.8 Jakarta 10340Tel : (+6221) 316-9293Fax : (+6221) 21 3983-6180Email : frp@ristek.go.idHomepage : http://www.the Ministry of Research and file_upload/lain_lain/frp/frp.htm

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C. Documents Required for Application

The following enlists required documents should be prepared during the submission for research permit application:

A formal letter addressed to The Ministry of Research and Technology, 1. f.d.t Secretary to the Minister for Research and Technology. A copy of this letter, which is designated to the Indonesian Representative abroad where the researcher will obtain the visa, must also be enclosed.6 (six) copies of research proposal contains at least: title, objectives, 2. methodology, location, and duration of the research in Indonesia.6 (six) copies of abstract on the research proposal.3. 4 (four) copies of the researcher’s passport must be valid until at least six 4. months after the completion of the proposed research.6 (six) copies of the curriculum vitae (CV) of the researcher(s). 5. 4 (four) recent close-up photographs (4x6 cm) with red background.6. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Material Transfer Agreement 7. (MTA) between the researcher and his/her Indonesian counterpart are needed if the researcher plans to take specimen or samples to analyse either in his/her home country or in Indonesia.2 (two) letters of recommendation from: [a] professor or researcher 8. supervisor and [b] official letter of recognition issued by the institution or university where the researcher(s) works.A recommendation letter(s) from a related Indonesian representative(s) 9. abroad. A letter(s) of support from Indonesian counterpart(s).10. Health certificate from legal-practising medical-doctor stating that the 11. researcher is both physically and mentally capable to conduct the research.A letter guaranteeing sufficient fund to cover research and living expenses 12. during conducting research in Indonesia. A list of research equipments that will be brought to Indonesia, along 13. brief technical specification and mention the estimated value for each equipment on the use.If the researcher plans to bring his/her spouse and children, he/she should 14. submit a copy of marriage certificate or other citizen partnership certificate, child (children) birth certificate(s), copies of his/her family passports, and 4 (four) recent close-up photographs of each family member.In particular, for point 2-7 the documents should be submitted by soft 15. copy and hard copy.



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D. The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit

The Ministry of Research and Technology, on conducting foreign research permit is published, by legal, set the operations with the availing governance assistance from The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit.

The members of The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit body consist of Government Institutional officials from various institutions; such as The Secretariat of the State, The Ministry of Home Affairs, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, The Ministry of Defence, The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, The Ministry of Agriculture, The Ministry of Forestry, The Ministry of Industry, The Ministry of National Education, The Ministry of Environment, National Intelligent Bureau, Strategic Intelligent Bureau of National Army Forces, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping, National Atomic Energy Agency, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology.

The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit duty is mainly giving approval or refusal recommendation to The Ministry Research and Technology for each research application, through a periodical decisive committee meeting. The committee meeting usually held by the mid of the month, discuss foreign research application that has been submitted to the secretariat before day-10 of the month.

The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit may however, engage a meeting to discuss foreign research application under perceived urgent and crucial condition. If the application of foreign research is approved, it will be submitted to the Immigration Office in order to proceed visa authorisation. Then, this visa will be sent to the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General as requested by the researcher. However, under certain condition, foreign researcher(s) or the researcher’s counterpart must fulfil the requirement(s) as recommended. Visa authorisation will then be proceeded after all the required documents are submitted. Upon final refusal decision, the foreign researcher(s) and the counterpart will receive a formal letter informing that the application has been disapproved.

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E. The Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit

In order to process the foreign research permit, The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit assisted by The Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit. Their main duties are:

Receiving and processing research application.1. Preparing letters needed to issue new or extended research permit.2. Organising or facilitating an entry visa and an exit permit for foreign 3. researcher as well as his/her family, preparing free fiscal letter only for foreign researcher.Documenting research permit.4. Forwarding three monthly research report/progress report/final report 5. to researcher’s counterpart and to The Coordination Team of Foreign Research Permit. Their report will be evaluated by institution(s) which is correlated to the particular topic.Developing directory and database for foreign researcher.6. Giving technical as well administrative support.7. Conducting other administrative duties regarding foreign research permit.8.

F. Arrival at Jakarta

After foreign researcher receiving visa, the foreign researcher(s) should 1. report to The Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit at BPPT 2nd building, 8th floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.8 Jakarta 10340.Foreign researcher has to fill a questioner presented by the secretariat and 2. attach a red-background recent photograph within the questioner sheet. By the following day, 1x24 hours of working day, the applicant(s) will 3. receive some letters from Secretariat as listed below:

a. Letter of Research Permit and Research Permit Cardb. Letter of request for Traveling Permit (Surat Keterangan Jalan addressed to Kepala BAINTELKAM POLRI, up. Kabid YANMIN, MABES POLRI, Jl. Trunojoyo No.3, Kebayoran Baru Jakartac. Letter of request for Research Notification application (Surat Pemberitahuan Penelitian) addressed to Direktorat Fasilitas Organisasi Politik dan Kemasyarakatan, Ditjen Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Ministry of Home Affairs, Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara No.7 Jakarta.d. Copy of Certificate of Police Registration (Surat Lapor Diri) forwarded to foreign researcher’s counterpart.e. Letter of request for KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, Limited



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Stay Permit Card) addressed to the local Immigration Office where the research will be conducted. Foreign researcher has to report to the Immigration Office not later than 7 days from arrival date. Late report will be fined Rp 200.000,00 per day.f. Letter of recommendation requesting for receiving grace time to make a self-report and area denizen registration among the immigration offices/representatives. The complete data required for issuing KITAS which forwarding to Doklan director, Visa and Vaskim, Ditjen Immigration.g. Letter of request for Certificate Police Registration Card (SKLD=Surat Keterangan Lapor Diri) addressed to Provincial Police Headquarters (Kepala Direktorat IPP, MAPOLDA) or Kepala BAINTELKAM POLRI, up. Kabid YANMIN, MABES POLRI, Jl. Trunojoyo No.3, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta if the KITAS is issued by one of Immigration Office in DKI Jakarta.h. Foreign researcher may start his/her research in Indonesia after submitting all requirements and receiving documents from Secretariat as described at number 3.

G. Document Needed by Related Institutions

Besides to the Research Permit Letter and Research Permit Card, submitted by the State Ministry of Research and Technology, a foreign researcher must make an individual-report to get permits from the following offices:

Travelling Permit addressed to Police Headquarters (MABES POLRI), 1. requires:

a. Copy of passport.b. Copy of visa.c. Copy of Departure Card.d. Two pieces of 4x6 photograph in red background.

Letter of Research Permit Notification addressed to Ministry of Home 2. Affairs, requires:

a. Copy of Travelling Permit Letter from MABES POLRI.b. Copy of Research Permit Letter from The Ministry of Research and Technologyc. Copy of passport.d. Copy of visa.e. Two copies of 4x6 photograph (red background).

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Letter of KITAS addressed to Immigration Office, requires:3. a. Copy of passport.b. Copy of visa.c. Copy of Departure Card.d. Two pieces of 4x6 photograph in red background. e. Finger Printing will be taken at Immigration Office

Letter of Certificate of Police Registration Card (Surat Keterangan 4. Lapor Diri) addressed to Provincial Police Headquarters (MAPOLDA), requires:

a. Copy of KITAS.b. Copy of Travel Permit Letter (SKJ) from MABES POLRI.c. Copy of Departure Card.d. Two pieces of 4x6 photograph in red background.

Letter of Entry Permit to Conservation Area (SIMAKSI = Surat Izin 5. Masuk Kawasan Konservasi), requires:

a. Copy of research proposal.b. Copy of CV.c. Copy of Travelling Permit Letter (SKJ) from MABES POLRI.d. Copy of Research Permit Letter from the State Ministry of Research and Technology.e. Copy of Research Notification Letter (SPP) from Department of Home Affairs.f. Copy of passport.g. Revenue stamp values 6000.

H. Foreign Research Permit and Type of Visa

The validity period for a Research Permit is maximum 12 months. Extended period is possible only for two terms; each is 6 months on time-length. Types of visa which might be used for research are VITAS number 315, while VITAS number 317 for foreign researcher who brings his/her family. After a foreign researcher receives VITAS either number 315 or 317, he or she must report to the Immigration office by at least 7 days after the arrival date.

Foreign researcher will get fining from Immigration Office for Rp 200,000 each-day for belating report. Foreign researcher who hold VITAS number 315 valid for 6-12 months and receive KITAS, might request for Exit Re-entry Permit (ERP) or Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit (MERP) if he/she leave from Indonesia temporarily then return to Indonesia for to continue research.



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I. Stop Temporarily and then Re-continuing Research

Foreign Researcher who holds KITAS and VITAS number 315 and valid for 6-12 months may apply Exit Re-entry Permit (ERP) or Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit (MERP). Foreign researcher must follow these requirements below:

If the researcher plans to make temporary recess and to leave Indonesia 1. prior to his/her continuing the work, he/she should resubmit a written request to the Secretary to the Minister for Research and Technology, Rep. of Indonesia, and as well enclose a consenting letter from the local partner. This request must also include six copies of progress report.Based on the foreign researcher’s request letter, The Ministry for Research 2. and Technology will issue Exit Re-entry Permit (ERP) or Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit (MERP) which should be addressed to the Head of Immigration Office where KITAS has been issued.Exit Permit Only (EPO) is needed for foreign researcher who has finished 3. his/her research. Letter of request for such exit permit must be addressed to Secretary to The Ministry for Research and Technology. Both The recommendation letter of local partner, and 6 (six) copies of the tentative final report should be enclosed.Referring to foreign researcher’s request letter, The State Ministry for 4. Research and Technology will issue Letter of Request for Exit Permit Only (EPO) and it is addressed to the Head of Immigration Office where the KITAS has been issued. Instead of Exit Permit Only (EPO), The State Ministry for Research and Technology will request for free-fiscal rate which addressed to Head of Taxation Service Office at one of International Airport in Indonesia from where the researcher will depart.Foreign researcher conducting research less than six months might exit 5. directly without reporting to the Immigration Office, but submit tentative final report is a must.

J. Research Permit Extension

A foreign researcher who holds Letter of Foreign Research Permit from the State Ministry of Research and Technology might apply for research extension. The application should be addressed to Secretary to The Ministry for Research and Technology not later than 30 days before the expired research permit date. To extend research permit requires the attachments below:

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Letter of request research permit extension and development explaining 1. the reason of extending research.Recommendation letter from counterpart to extend research permit.2. Six copies of tentative final report.3.

Those documents have to be received at least one month before the foreign research permit expired. Research permit extension might be given twice, maximum for 24 months.

K. The Rights and Obligations for the Local Counterpart

The individual/organization party that is justifiable to become working 1. counterpart of the foreign researcher could be either from government or private higher education institution, research and development either government or private, and non-governmental organisation which are suitable with a research topic.The counterpart should help the foreign researcher by giving a technical 2. direction, support and effort during his/her research in Indonesia.The counterpart should take active responsibility and give guidance to 3. foreign researcher during his/her research.The counterpart should report to the Ministry of Research and Technology 4. if his/her foreign researcher partner exits from Indonesia.The counterpart might ask one or more Indonesian researcher to help 5. her/his research.The counterpart should either involve or become the starter party in 6. preparing Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and data sharing referring to International and National legal aspects.The counterpart could make an agreement with foreign researcher in term 7. of co-authorship of Intellectual Property Rights such as patent , and any publications : books, journals, or scientific magazines.The copy of all material agreement between counterpart and foreign 8. researcher should be forwarded to Secretariat of Foreign Research Permit, the Ministry of Research and Technology, RI.

L. Foreign Researcher Obligation

The foreign researcher should submit completely report to the Ministry of 1. Research and Technology after the research application has been approved in order to get preliminary letters which addressed to the stakeholders, Research Permit Letter and Research Permit Card.



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The foreign researcher should make pre-project consultations with his/2. her counterpart before starting research.The foreign researcher should completely comply to his/her approved 3. working plan with the local partner.The foreign researcher is not allowed to take any other job during 4. conducting research in Indonesia.The foreign researcher should perform good/agreeable manner, tolerant, 5. and obey all custom rules in every area in Indonesia.The foreign researcher has to submit a progress report in every three 6. month and final report once he/she finishes the research project in Indonesia.The foreign researcher is prohibited to bring any specimen/samples 7. without the stakeholder permission.The foreign researcher should make an agreement between the Ministry 8. of Research and Technology and counterpart refer to the existing Indonesia’s positive law if there is any patent, intellectual property rights, brand, and registered mark as resulted from the research.The foreign researcher has to submit three copies of research result 9. include thesis/dissertation, paper, report, or another publication to Ministry of Research and Technology.Any publications to be issued in Indonesia should get permission from 10. The Ministry of Research and Technology prior to publicising registration itself.The foreign researcher should give one copy of photo, slide/microfilm, 11. video cassette, and cast as research result to Ministry of Research and Technology.

M. Writing Report Standards

Progress Report1. The progress report, must contain the following1. Research objectives2. Description of study field3. Research material or object to be investigated4. Research approach or methods5. Provisional results6. Problems encountered7. Planned activities in the next three months

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Final Report2. The final report, must contain the following:

a. Introduction, include:Background information1. Scientific justification on the selection of subjects and sites to be 2. investigatedReview on and comparison with other studies that have been 3. conducted previously on the same subject and or in the same region or else where with similar conditions.Hypotheses to be tested (if any).4.

b. Objectives, include: Objectives and scope of research have to be described clearly.1. Local research description in detail covers physically aspects (geography, 2. topography, climatology) as well as Biology, social-economic, cultural, and other aspects which relevant to scope of research.Detail reason of chosen method that being used.3.

c. Result and Discussion, include:Description in detail of research result which has been acquired.1. Discussion of research result cover its valuation, interpretation and 2. significance, as well as suggestion for subsequent research.The benefit for Indonesian development program.3.

d. Conclusion, include:Crucial points which may encountered from research result.1. Problem solving of research, encouraging or discouraging of hypotheses 2. stated in the research objectives.

N. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Foreign Researcher who will bring or take research sample/specimen out of Indonesian region must have written permit from related governmental stakeholder and must sign Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) with related governmental stakeholder.



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O. Research Vessel

Foreign researcher who will conduct research in Indonesian waters and use research vessel should request for permission to the Secretary to the Minister for Research and Technology. In addition, he/she should request for security clearance as well as security officer to Ditwilhan, Dirjen Strategi Pertahanan, Ministry of Defence, Jl. Dr. Wahidin I No.1/11 Jakarta.

P. Payment of Research Permit Fee

Research Permit Fee subject to Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 47 Year 2009.


Permit of Research and Development for Foreign University and Foreign Research and Development Institution, Foreign Entity and Foreigner. 1. Permit for Foreign University a. New permit for period of Per person USD 250.00 1 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.b. New permit for period of Per person USD 500.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months. c. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 125.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months. d. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 250.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months. e. Granting a recommendation letter Per person USD 100.00for Spouse and Dependent for administering a travel document. f. Granting a recommendation letter Per person USD 50.00for Spouse and Dependent for administering travel document extension.

2. Permit for Foreign Research and Development Institution: a. New permit for period of Per person USD 250.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.b. New permit for period of Per person USD 500.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months.c. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 125.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.

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d. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 250.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months.e. Granting a recommendation letter for Per person USD 100.00Spouse and Dependent for administering a travel document. f. Granting a recommendation letter for Per person USD 50.00Spouse and Dependent for administering travel document extension.

3. Permit for Foreign Entity : a. New permit for period of Per person USD 500.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.b. New permit for period of Per person USD 1,000.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months.c. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 250.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.d. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 500.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months.e. Granting a recommendation letter for Per person USD 100.00Spouse and Dependent for administering a travel document. f. Granting a recommendation letter for Per person USD 50.00Spouse and Dependent for administering travel document extension

4. Permit for Foreign People: a. New permit for period of Per person USD 130.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.b. New permit for period of Per person USD 150.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months.c. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 65.001 (one) month up to 5 (five) months.d. Permit extension for period of Per person USD 75.006 (six) months up to 12 (twelve) months.e. Granting a recommendation letter for Per person USD 100.00Spouse and Dependent for administering a travel document. f. Granting a recommendation letter for Per person USD 50.00Spouse and Dependent for administering travel document extension. A



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Japan Visa Information

1-1 Obtaining a Visa

To enter Japan, you must first obtain a Visa from a Japanese embassy or consulate that indicates the purpose and length of your stay in your passport.

There are two types of Visa applicable to API Fellows:1) Short-Term Stay (up to 90 days)2) Long-Term Stay (more than 90 days)

1) For Short-Term Stay (up to 90 days) VISAThe Host Institution will send a Formal Invitation Letter to the Fellow 1. describing the period of stay, the status during the stay, and the actual activities of the Fellow. The Fellow will have to send a copy of the Grant Agreement issued by The Nippon Foundation to the Host Institution for this purpose.

The Fellow will apply for the Short-Term Stay Visa at the Japanese 2. Embassy/Consulate in his/her country of residence. To obtain this, the following items need to be prepared:

(1) Passport(2) A completed Visa Application Form (to be filled out by the Fellow him/herself). The form is available at the Japanese Embassy/Consulate and online).(3) Formal Invitation Letter from the Host Institution describing the period of stay, the status during the stay, and the actual activities(4) A copy of the Grant Agreement issued by The Nippon Foundation(5) One (1) photograph of the Fellow(6) Confirmation slip or boarding ticket for an airplane(7) Certificate of Employment

* Please check the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information;

- For those with nationalities other than China, Philippines, Russia or NIS Countries: For Philippine Nationals:

Appendix 2: Japan V

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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013 Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

* For a Short-Term Stay, Resident Registration is not required.

* If the Fellows leave the country temporarily, they will need to apply for another Visa to re-enter Japan. 2) For Long-Term Stay (more than 90 days) VISA

API Fellows who will stay in Japan for more than ninety (90) days shall 1. apply for the Cultural Activities Visa (unless you have been advised to apply for the “Professor” Visa by your Host Institution or Immigration Office).

The Fellow may apply in the same procedures for the Short-Term Stay 2. Visa as above mentioned in items 1) 1. and 2.

If the Japanese Embassy/Consulate in the Fellow’s country requires the 3. Certificate of Eligibility (CoE), the Fellow shall request his/her Host Institution to apply for it at the local Immigration Office in Japan. To obtain this, the following items need to be prepared:

(1) A completed CoE Application Form (to be filled out by the Host Institution). The form is available at the local Immigration Office and in the following website:* For Application Form of Cultural Activities, please refer to #2 of above website.(2) Formal Invitation Letter from the Host Institution describing the period of stay, the status during the stay, and the actual activities.(3) A copy of the Grant Agreement issued by The Nippon Foundation (supplied by the Fellow)(4) The Fellow’s CV and a copy of the Certificate of the Highest Educational Degree (supplied by the Fellow).(5) Certificate of the Fellow’s Current Occupation/Status (supplied by the Fellow). As no fixed form is available, a letter from the employer should suffice.(6) One (1) photograph of the Fellow (40mm x 30mm, must be clear enough without background, taken within six (6) months before the application, showing upper body with uncovered head) (supplied by the Fellow). (7) Photocopy of all pages of the Fellow’s Passport (supplied by the Fellow).(8) Others (Host Institution to consult with local Immigration Office)



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After receiving the complete set of documents above, the Immigration Office will issue the CoE (in about one to three (1-3) month(s)). The Host Institution will collect the CoE at the Immigration Office and courier it to the Fellow.

The Fellow is to take the CoE and his/her Passport to the Japanese Embassy/Consulate in his/her country of residence and apply for the Visa. The Visa will usually be issued in about a week.

* Please check the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information;

NotesThe above explained procedures for Visa application are generally 1. conducted, however, required documents (and size of the Fellow’s photograph) may vary depending on nationality of the Visa applicants and the place of application. The Fellows are advised to inquire directly to the Embassy/Consulate well in advance.

There will be a Visa application fee payable by the Fellow at the Japanese 2. Embassy in his/her country of residence and this fee will vary from country to country. Fellows are advised to check the current fee beforehand.

If the Fellows will accompany their family members, they are advised to 3. prepare additional photographs and documentation of family members’ relationships. This is particularly important where family names are not the same.

No minimum validity period is required of the Passports. The only 4. requirement is that the Passport is valid on the day of entering Japan.

Japanese Embassies in Participating Countries

Thailand 177 Witthayu Road, Lumphini,Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330(Tel) 662-207-8500 (Fax) 662-207-8510

Philippines2627 Roxas BoulevardPasay City, Manila 1300(Tel) 632-551-5710(Fax) 632-551-5780

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MalaysiaNo.11, Persiaran Stonor Off Jalan Tun Razak50450 Kuala Lumpur(Tel) 603-2177-2600(Fax) 603-2167-2314

IndonesiaJl. M.H. Thamrin No.24, Jakarta 10350(Tel) 6221-3192-4308(Fax) 6221-3192-5460

CambodiaNo.194, Moha Vithei Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh(Tel) 855-23-217161~4(Fax) 855-23-216162

Vietnam27 Lieu Giai Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi(Tel) 844-3846-3000(Fax) 844-3846-3043

Participating Countries’ Embassies/Consulates in Japan

Thailand Embassy:2-1,2-Chome,Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074(Tel) 03-3222-4101Consulate: Bangkok Bank Bldg.,4F.,1-9-16 Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056(Tel) 06-6262-9226/9227

PhilippinesEmbassy: 5-15-5 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8537(Tel) 03-5562-1600Consulate: Twin 21 MID Tower 24F,2-1-61 Shiromi, Chuo-ku,Osaka 540-6124(Tel) 06-6910-7881

MalaysiaEmbassy: 20-16 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0036(Tel) 03-3476-3840Consulate:1-10-13-401,Noma, Minami-ku, Fukuoka 815-0041(Tel) 092-554-3620

IndonesiaEmbassy: 5-2-9 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022(Tel) 03-3441-4201Consulate: Resona Semba Bldg., 6F.,4-4-21 Minami-Semba, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081(Tel) 06-6252-9826



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CambodiaEmbassy: 8-6-9 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052(Tel) 03-5412-8521Consulate: Espasion Umeda Bldg.9F 12-6 Chayamachi, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0013(Tel) 06-6376-2305

Vietnam50-11, Motoyoyogi-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0062(Tel) 03-3466-3311Consulate: 4-2-15 Inchino-cho Higashi, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 590-0952(Tel) 072-221-6666

1-2 Status of ResidenceYour status of residence and period of stay in Japan are officially determined when you are granted entry permission by an immigration officer at the airport. A landing permit will be stamped in your passport.

New designs for various certificates, including the landing permit, certificate for change of status of residence and extension of period of stay, have been introduced. The new landing permits (shown right) are now in the form of stickers and are currently in use. !1-3 Alien Registration / Residency ManagementFor the Fellows arriving in Japan before July 9, 2012If you plan to stay in Japan for more than 90 days, you must apply for Alien Registration at your local municipal office within 90 days of the date of entry into Japan.

Alien Registration verifies your identity and residence, and is needed for the administration of public programs such as for education, welfare, medical fees, as well as immigration control.

For the Fellows arriving in Japan after July 9, 2012From July 9, 2012, the new residency management system will be applied to all foreign nationals residing legally in Japan for more than 90 days except for those who granted “Temporary Visitor” status. A Resident Card will be issued to those residents.

Those Fellows who land at Narita, Haneda, Chubu, and Kansai Airports will be issued a Resident Card upon arrival. Those who land in other airports must

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apply for the Resident Card at the regional Immigration Office.

There is no need to apply for Alien Registration (Please refer to item 1-3-1 for the required registration).

Please refer to the link below for more information

Since there would be some confusion expected during the transition period to the new system, Fellows are advised to check the latest status through the host institution and the websites concerned.

1-3-1 Registration ProceduresFor the Fellows arriving in Japan before July 9, 2012As a rule, you must register in person at the municipal office of the city, ward or town where you reside.

For initial registration, complete the Application for Alien Registration form available at the municipal office counter. You will need to show your passport and submit two photographs along with your application.

The photographs must have been taken within six months before registration and be 45 mm x 35 mm in dimension. The face must be of designated size, clear, and meet other specific requirements (see below). You should print your full name on the back of each photograph.


The photo must be of the applicant only. 1. The photo must have been taken within 2. six months before the application for registration. The measurements excluding the border 3. of the photo must meet the required dimensions in the illustration on the left (the size of the face includes the top of the head, including hair, to the tip of the chin). The photo subject must be facing forward 4. and without a hat. Photo must not have any background 5. (including shadows). The photo must be clear.6.



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You will be given a date when your Certificate of Alien Registration will be issued. Please pick up this registration card within the specified period.

For the Fellows arriving in Japan after July 9, 2012Those who have received a Resident Card at the airport must visit the municipal office where you reside with your Resident Card within 14 days of finding a place to settle down to notify the place of residence.

Those who land in other airports and eligible for a Resident Card must register your place of residence at the municipal office of the city where you reside, and at the same time, must apply for a Resident Card at the regional Immigration Office.

1-3-2 Carrying/Returning Your Certificate of Alien Registration/Resident CardFellows who have been issued a Certificate of Alien Registration/Resident Card are required to carry this certificate/card at all times and to present it to immigration officers, immigration security officers, police and other officials when requested.

Furthermore, this certificate/card must be returned to the immigration inspector at your port of departure when you leave Japan.

1-4 Residency Procedures You will need to apply at your regional immigration bureau or your district immigration office for any procedure related to your status of residence. When making such applications, you must present your passport and Certificate of Alien Registration/Resident Card.

<Certificate of Alien Registration> <Resident Card>!

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1-4-1 Temporary Leave of the Country and Re-entry Permit From July 9, 2012, Fellows with Certificate of Alien Registration/ Resident Card and a valid passport, could leave Japan for your home country or other countries and then re-enter Japan within 1 year of your departure to continue your activities in Japan. If your period of stay expires within 1 year after your departure, please ensure that you re-enter Japan before the expiration of your period of stay. Please make sure to present your Certificate of Alien Registration/Resident Card at departure.

1-4-2 Activities Other Than Those Authorized Foreigners who would like to engage in an activity involving the management of a business or remuneration other than that authorized under the assigned status of residence must apply for and obtain permission to do so in advance. Foreigners engaging in an activity other than that authorized are subject to punishment by law.

1-4-3 Extension of Your Period of Stay Your period of stay is determined together with your status of residence at the time of your landing in Japan. Foreigners are only allowed to stay in Japan within that period of time. If you would like to remain in Japan under the same status of residence beyond your authorized period of stay, you must apply for and obtain an extension. To do so, you should apply at your regional Immigration bureau no later than the expiration date of your authorized period of stay (applications are usually accepted up to two months in advance). When you submit an application, you need to present your passport, Certificate of Alien Registration/Resident Card and other documents. For details, please inquire at the regional Immigration Bureau where you live or the Immigration Information Center.

The Application for Extension of Period of Stay can be obtained directly from Web site of the Ministry of Justice ( english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/03.html). If the extension of stay is approved, you will need to go to the regional Immigration Office to have your Certificate of Alien Registration/Resident Card updated.

Anyone staying in Japan beyond their authorized period of stay is subject to punishment and/or deportation by law.

1-5 Procedures for Family Members The spouse or children of those residing in Japan under the status of Cultural Activities or Professor are eligible for the status of residence of Dependent.



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If family members accompany the Fellow, a separate visa application must be made and extra time may be required to process the application.

If the Fellow is already in Japan, he/she can either submit an Application for the Certificate of Eligibility at an Immigration Bureau in Japan for his/her family to obtain a Visa, or the main family member can apply at a Japanese Embassy or consulate abroad. For application forms and details, please inquire at your regional Immigration Bureau.

If the accompanying family was planning a long-term stay exceeding 90 days and mistakenly enters Japan under the status of temporary visitor (normally called a “tourist visa”), please be aware that the process for changing their visa status while in Japan is extremely difficult.

Dependents staying in Japan for more than 90 days must also apply for Alien Registration/ Resident Card.

Detailed information is also available at the Website of the Ministry of Justice (

In addition, there are Immigration Information Centers in the following locations in Japan, providing information and advisory services concerning immigration and residency not only in Japanese but also in English, Korean, Chinese, Spanish and other languages.

Immigration Information Centers

Sendai 1-3-20 Gorin, Miyagino-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi 983-0842Tokyo 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8255Yokohama 10-7 Torihama-cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 236-0002Nagoya 5-18 Shoho-cho, Minato-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 455-8601Osaka 1-29-53 Nanko-kita, Suminoe-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 559-0034Kobe 29 Kaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo 650-0024Hiroshima 6-30 Kamihatchobori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 730-0012Fukuoka 778-1 Shimousui, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 812-0003 Tel:0570-013904 (8:30am-17:15pm., Weekday only) Tel:03-5796-7112 (IP/PHS/International Call)

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Malaysia Visa Information

To conduct research in Malaysia, the following documents are required:

1. A Research Permit from the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia (EPU) 2. A Professional Visit Visa from the Immigration Department Malaysia

It will take a minimum of four (4) months for the authorities to process and approve the two (2) documents. As such, you are advised to commence on obtaining the necessary information and submitting it as soon as you know that you have been successful in your application for a fellowship.

Research counterpart: In order for Non-Malaysian researchers to gain approval to do research in Malaysia, it is essential to have written support of a collaborating Malaysian counterpart from a government-linked university, research institute or department that has the relevant experience. To assist you in your search for a local counterpart, you may refer to the link:

Application for Research Permit from EPU

The application is to be made through the internet directly by you. Please refer to In summary:

First, go to 1. to get to the Online Researcher Information Database (OriDB).Create an on-line account.2. Fill EPU Research Form1 (Sections 1 – 6) on–line. (Click Submit to save/3. up-date and then click Next Section button.)Please ensure that you have the documents below ready for submission:4. (1) The completed Declaration/Agreement - Section 7 (using the available template at - signed, dated and coloured photograph affixed);(2) Proposal Submission (using the available template at;(3) Research Proposal (as approved by API Fellowships International Selection Committee) and concerning Malaysia only (rationale for project, why Malaysia, research sites in Malaysia, methodology, output(s)).(4) An Official Letter from Funding/Sponsoring Agency (with amount of funding stated);A



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(5) A Letter of Consent from Malaysian Counterpart (using the available template at and the counterpart’s CV;(6) A copy of Passport (Passport has to be valid for at least 6 months after the completion date of the research); and(7) Passport–sized Photograph, save as *.gif (GIF-Image) or *.jpg (JPG-Image) format.Scan all of the listed documents above and send to as 5. attachments. Also send a copy to API Malaysia Office. Lastly, send the original copy of the documents by post to the EPU.6. A separate application has to be submitted to the following government 7. agencies depending on the research site(s) or output:(1) In Sabah, to the State Planning Unit of Sabah and an additional application to Danum Valley Management Committee, if going into the rainforest (Please refer to APPENDIX 1),(2) In Sarawak, to the State Planning Unit of Sarawak (Please refer to APPENDIX 2),(3) Orang Asli or Indigenous People, to the Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (Please refer to APPENDIX 3),(4) Video / Film output, to the “Central Agency for the Application for Filming and Performance by Foreign Artists (PUSPAL)”, (Please refer to APPENDIX 4).

Processing of Application

EPU will co-ordinate and decide on all applications received after taking 1. into consideration comments from the relevant agencies as stated below:(1) Ministries/Departments/Government Agencies, local institutions of higher learning/local research institutions and other agencies that have a direct interest in the research area proposed or whose comments and co-operation are deemed necessary to ensure the successful completion of the research;(2) The relevant state governments in which the research is to be conducted; and(3) The Malaysian counterpart as stated in the application form.EPU will contact the applicant if necessary to:2. (1) Obtain additional explanation as to particular aspects of the research proposed;(2) Incorporate amendments to the research proposal relating to the area of research, scope and other aspects if deemed necessary; and

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(3) Co-operate with the Malaysian counterpart for mutual benefit.EPU will make its decision by taking into consideration the comments 3. of the agencies referred to, and will then inform the applicant and the relevant agencies. The approval letter given to the researcher will stipulate all the conditions for the conduct of the research.

Research Permit and Conduct of Research

Applicant who has received the letter of approval for a Research Permit is 1. required to report to EPU before beginning the research. The researcher has to submit two (2) passport size photographs for the Research Permit. The Research Permit will be issued based on the period in the application, with a maximum limit of one year. The Permit will have to be returned to EPU on completion of the research or before the end of the validity period.The Research Permit issued by EPU will enable the researcher to obtain 2. assistance and co-operation from the relevant government agencies. However, the assistance rendered is subject to the provisions of the Official Secrets Act, 1972 and other related laws.The foreign researcher, after obtaining the Research Permit from EPU, 3. is required to obtain the professional visit pass from the Immigration Department. The researcher is subject to the Code of Conduct as in APPENDIX 5, 4. when conducting research in Malaysia and in the collection and distribution of specimens as provided for in APPENDIX 6. The researcher is also required to abide by all the conditions set by the agency concerned and the relevant current legislation.

Procedure to Extend Research Permit

Should a researcher intend to extend the duration of his/her research, a written application has to be made to EPU at least a month before the expiry date stating the reasons and attaching the following documents:

(1) Progress Report;(2) Schedule of Work for the period extension is sought;(3) Letter of Support from the Malaysian Counterpart;(4) The old Research Permit;(5) A copy of Passport (if renewed); and(6) Two (2) passport–sized Photographs



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Completion of Research

The researcher should submit to EPU a preliminary report of his/her 1. findings in Bahasa Malaysia or English at least two weeks prior to the expiry date of the duration of the research. Should it be deemed necessary, the researcher will be required to present and discuss the findings.Before leaving Malaysia, the researcher should return his/her Research 2. Permit to EPU and obtain a letter from EPU stating that he/she has complied with all the regulations. Should a researcher want to take specimens out of Malaysia, approval will 3. be subject to the following:(1) Guidelines as provided in APPENDIX 5 have been complied with;(2) The researcher consents that all benefits accrued from the use of the specimens will be notified to the government to ensure equitable benefit; and(3) Sharing of royalty from any product that is marketed as a result of the use of the specimens.The researcher is required to submit three (3) copies of his/her final 4. report or publication in Bahasa Malaysia or English together with the diskettes as soon as the research is completed. Researchers who fail to submit their final report to EPU will be banned from conducting further research in Malaysia.EPU will co-operate with the relevant institutions to disseminate the 5. findings to all interested parties.The researcher is barred from raising or touching on controversial issues 6. in their findings/reports (progress, preliminary or final) and/or in papers published on the basis of the findings of the research conducted.

Contact informationDirector, Malaysian Development Institute (MDI), Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department, Level 4, Block B5, Parcel B, Federal Government Administrative Centre62502 Putrajaya(Attn.: Puan Munirah Abdul Manan)

Tel. : 603-8872 5272/5281 or Fax: 603-8888 3798E-mail address: /

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Application for Professional Visit Visa

The Visa Application must be made through The Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS). To enable IKMAS to process the application for visa, please proceed as follows:

When forwarding a copy of the documents for the EPU Research Permit 1. Application to the API Malaysia Office (for information and subsequent follow-up with EPU), please also forward the following documents to IKMAS:(1) 6 passport sized photographs;(2) A copy of all the pages in your International Passport; and(3) A copy of the Grant Letter from The Nippon Foundation indicating the value of the Grant. Once the materials have been received by IKMAS, IKMAS will obtain the 2. necessary approval from the Immigration Department for entry for you. The Approval for Entry will then be sent to you by IKMAS.3. You will then have to go to the Malaysian Embassy in your country of 4. residence to get your passport endorsed for entry into Malaysia.On arrival of the Fellow into Malaysia, you will have to go to the Immigration 5. Department with a staff member of the Malaysian API Office for the Professional Visa issuance.For a Professional Visit Visa, the charges are currently as follows: 6. (1) For a stay of 1 to 3 months or any period less than a month, the charge is RM90(2) For a stay of 4 to 6 months, the charge is RM 180(3) For a stay of 7 to 9 months, the charge is RM 270(4) For a stay of 10 to 12 months, the charge is RM 360The maximum period for which a Professional Visit Visa is generally given, 7. is twelve (12) months. An extension will be considered if there is sufficient justification. For a Temporary Exit from the country, a Re-entry Permit will not be 8. required if the visa is a Multiple Entry Visa. For a Multiple Entry Visa an additional fee has to be paid. This fee varies by country and ranges from RM 15 to RM 36.Accompanying family members will not be issued a Professional Visit 9. Visa. However, they can apply a Social Visit Visa. Please check with the Malaysian Embassy in your country as to whether the Social Visit Visa can be obtained at point of entry into Malaysia or has to obtained prior to entry.



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Contact Information Visa, Pass and Permit Section Immigration Department of MalaysiaLevel 3, Blok 2G4 (PODIUM) Precinct 2, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan62550 Putrajaya Tel: 603-8880 1409/1000 or Fax: 603- 8880 1374/1200

Participating Countries’ Embassies / Consulates in Malaysia

Indonesia Japan233, Jalan Tun Razak 11, Persiaran Stonor50400 Kuala Lumpur. Off Jalan Tun RazakTel: 03-2116 4000/4012/4016 50450 Kuala Lumpur.Fax: 03-2141 7908/2142 3878 Tel: 03-2177 2600 Fax: 03-2143 1739/2141 4593

Philippines ThailandNo. 1, Changkat Kia Peng 206, Jalan Ampang50450 Kuala Lumpur. 50450 Kuala Lumpur.Tel: 03-2148 9989/4233 Tel: 03-2148 8222/2143 2107Fax: 03-21483576 Fax: 03-2148 6573/6527

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Appendix 1: Research in Sabah

Researchers have to get special approval from the Sabah State Government for conducting research in the State. It is also advisable to get a local counterpart who is residing in Sabah.

Send the same documents, which are to be sent to the EPU, to the 1. following address:

DirectorState Planning UnitLot 6-10 Wisma SediaOff Jalan Pintas Penampang 88300 Kota KinabaluSabah, Malaysia

If the research involves going into a rainforest, an additional approval 2. is needed from the Danum Valley Management Committee (DVMC). Application form & guidelines can be downloaded from the link below:

(1) Fill in the form and collate supporting documents, which should include:

a) Project proposal detailing objectives, scope, methodology, duration, stages, area(s) where research will be conducted, financial/sponsorship and other support required;b) An Official Letter from Funding/Sponsoring Agency (with amount of funding stated);c) A Letter of Consent from Malaysian Counterpart (the same letter as the one sent to the EPU is acceptable) and the counterpart’s CV;d) Photocopy of Passport

(2) Send the complete set of application materials to the following address:

Danum Valley Management Committee(c/o Conservation & Environmental Management Division)Yayasan Sabah Group12th Floor, Menara Tun MustaphaKompleks Ibu Pejabat Yayasan SabahTeluk Likas, 88813 Kota KinabaluSabah, Malaysia



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(3) Contact information:a) Danum Valley Management Committee Secretariat:

Tel. No. : 6088-326 321 (Dr. Waidi Sinun) / 6088-326 318 (Ms. • Rose John Kidi)E-mai Address: or wsinun@ysnet.• (Dr. Waidi Sinun / (Ms. Rose John Kidi)

b) Sabah State Planning Unit:Tel. No.: 6088-450 823 / 6088-450 800 (Ms. Gwendolyn Vu / • Ms. Nurvina Intan Najib)E-mail Address: Gwendolyn.Vu@sabah / Nurvina. •

Appendix 2: Research in Sarawak

Researchers have to get special approval from the Sarawak State Government for conducting research in the State. It is also advisable to get a local counterpart who is residing in Sarawak. Please again check with the local counterpart, to confirm details on Research Permit & Visa requirements for Sarawak. In summary, below are the procedures:

Go to the following link to get to the Application Form to Conduct 1. Research in Sarawak: in the form and collate supporting documents, which should also include:2. (1) Research Proposal detailing objectives, scope, methodology, duration, stages, area(s) where research will be conducted, financial/sponsorship and other support required;(2) An Official Letter from Funding/Sponsoring Agency (with amount of funding stated);(3) A Letter of Consent from Malaysian Counterpart (the same letter as the one sent to the EPU is acceptable) and the counterpart’s CV;(4) Photocopy of Passport;Send the complete set of application materials to the following address:3.

DirectorState Planning Unit Chief Minister’s DepartmentLevel6,7& 8, Wisma Bapa Malaysia, Petra Jaya93502 KuchingSarawak, Malaysia

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Contact information:4. Tel. No. : 6082-319419 (Ms. Khuraiza bt. Ibrahim)E-mail Address:

Appendix 3: Research on Indigenous People

Researchers, on indigenous people in Peninsular Malaysia or Orang Asli, have to get special approval from Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli before conducting research.

Go to the following link to get to the Application Form to Conduct 1. Research on Orang Asli: the ‘Research Permission Form’ link.2. Fill in the form and collate supporting documents, which should also include:3.

(1) Research Proposal detailing objectives, scope, methodology, duration, stages, area(s) where research will be conducted, financial/sponsorship and other support required;(2) An Official Letter from Funding/Sponsoring Agency (with amount of funding stated);(3) A Letter of Consent from Malaysian Counterpart (the same letter as the one sent to the EPU is acceptable) and the counterpart’s CV;(4) Photocopy of Passport;

Send the completed Application Form and additional materials to the 4. following address:

General DirectorJabatan Kemajuan Orang AsliLevel 10, 20 & 20 M, Blok BaratWisma Selangor DredgingJalan Ampang50450 Kuala Lumpur(Attn.: Director, Planning & Research Section)

Contact information:5. Tel. No. : 603-2161 0577 ext. 331 (Mr. Azri)



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Appendix 4: Video or Film as Research Output

Researchers who are filiming their research and the film will be the major output, have to get approval from the Central Agency for the Application for Filming and Performance by Foreign Artists (PUSPAL) before conducting research.

Get a local licensed film production company as a ‘Local Sponsor’. 1. This company will be responsible for obtaining Filming Permits and Professional Passes for foreign film and media researchers. Give the following documents to the appointed Local Sponsor:2.

a. 4 x passport-sized photo (.jpeg),b. 1 copy of the passport (All of the pages), c. Research Proposal detailing objectives, scope, methodology, duration, stages, area(s) where research will be conducted, financial/sponsorship and other support required;d. Synopsis / Blueprint / Treatment / Itinerary (for Feature Film / Documentary / Interview),e. Letter of appointment (to appoint Film Hosting, as Local Sponsor)f. Applicant’s company brief background using company letter headThe Local Sponsor will be liasing with PUSPAL to get the filming approval. Researcher may be called for an interview with PUSPAL, if necessary.

Prior to scheduled shoot dates, foreign film and media researchers are 3. required to hire at least 1 (one) Production Coordinator or Representative from the Local Sponsor company for local communication & production assistance. This is to ensure the entire shoot meets the approval guidelines given by PUSPAL.

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Appendix 5: Code of Conduct for Foreign Researchers in Malaysia

A foreigner granted approval to conduct research in Malaysia should comply with the following Code of Conduct:

On arrival in Malaysia, the foreign researcher should report to the Economic 1. Planning Unit (EPU). The foreign researcher will be issued a Research Permit, which must be returned to EPU on completion of his/her research or on expiry of its validity. In the event of the Research Permit being lost, the foreign researcher should submit a copy of the police report before a replacement can be issued.The foreign researcher must ensure that he/she has adequate funds for the 2. duration of the research and his/her stay in Malaysia.The foreign researcher should confine himself/herself only to activities 3. related to the research as approved by EPU.The foreign researcher is not permitted to make press statements or 4. release any information to the media.Under no circumstances is the foreign researcher allowed to discuss policy 5. matters with the media.Any collection and distribution of specimens must be in accordance with 6. the guidelines attached. The researcher has to obtain written approval from the relevant department(s), stating details of the specimens and submit the same to EPU before taking the specimens out of the country.The foreign researcher should notify EPU of his/her Malaysian counterpart 7. and in the event of a change, the researcher should obtain approval from EPU by submitting the curriculum vitae of the new Malaysian counterpart.In the case of studies of more than one (1) year’s duration, the researcher 8. should submit progress reports to EPU annually.Prior to leaving the country at the end of the research, the foreign 9. researcher should submit a preliminary report to EPU. EPU may request that the preliminary report be discussed.On completion of the research, three (3) copies of the final report, and in 10. diskette form, should be submitted to EPU. All research reports must be written in Bahasa Malaysia or in English.Should the research be used for publication overseas, prior agreement must 11. be obtained from EPU and payment of royalty should accrue to Malaysia according to the relevant international conventions in force.The foreign researcher must at all times conform to the code of conduct 12. and other rules and regulations that may be stipulated from time to time. EPU can revoke the validity of the Research Permit at any time without having to provide reasons.A



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Appendix 6: Guidelines for the Collection and Distribution and Specimens

Herbarium SpecimensAll foreign researchers collecting herbarium specimens for research 1. purposes must work in collaboration with the collaborative institution.Specimens collected must adhere to the following mode of distribution:2.

(1) The first set of specimens must be deposited in the herbarium of the collaborating institution, or any recognized Malaysian herbarium of his/her choice. These are:- Herbarium, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur- Herbarium, Sabah Forestry Department, Sabah- Herbarium, Sarawak Forestry Department- Herbarium, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur- Herbarium, National University of Malaysia, Bangi- Herbarium, National University of Sabah, Malaysia- Herbarium, National University of Sarawak, Malaysia- Herbarium, Dept. of Biology, UPM, Serdang- Herbarium, Faculty of Forestry, UPM, Serdang- Herbarium, Faculty of Forestry, UPM, Bintulu- Herbarium, Science University of Malaysia- Herbarium, MARDI, Serdang, Selangor- Herbarium, Botanical Gardens, Penang- Herbarium, Sabah Parks Department, Gunung Kinabalu, Kota Kinabalu.- Herbarium, Department of Sabah Museum.(2) The second set of specimens must be deposited in the Forest Research Institute Malaysia which functions as the National Herbarium, if the first set of specimens has not already been so deposited;(3) The third set of specimens may be kept for use by the researcher;

Subsequent sets of specimens may be distributed by the researcher in 3. accordance to his/her choice or to any respective specialists in the country or overseas; andFor the following groups of plant specimens, it is strongly recommended 4. that a set be distributed to the following herbaria:

- Fungi - Herbarium, University of Malaya- Lichen - Herbarium, National University of Malaysia- Bryophyte - Herbarium, University of Malaya- Pteridophyte - Herbarium, National University of Malaysia

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Museum Specimens

For the collection of museum specimens of fauna, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

All collection of animals should be referred to the Department of Wildlife 1. and National Parks in Peninsular Malaysia, the Wildlife Department in Sabah, and the Forestry Department in Sarawak. In Malaysia, most wildlife species are protected and a licence or permit is needed to trap, keep or export whether they are entire specimens or parts of specimens; and The Forest Research Institute Malaysia should be consulted with regard to 2. collection and distribution of insects and other invertebrates.

Living Specimens

Living specimens, both plants and animals including microbes, may be 1. distributed to relevant institutions overseas for the purpose of scientific research with the prior approval of the collaborating institution.The Quarantine Division of the Agriculture Department (for plants) 2. and the Veterinary Department and Department of Wildlife and National Parks (for animals) should be consulted on all matters related to the distribution of living specimens to institutions abroad for scientific research.In the event that living specimens distributed to overseas institutions for 3. the purpose of scientific research are developed into commercial products, the royalty should accrue to Malaysia according to the relevant international conventions in force.



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Appendix 2: P

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ationPhilippines Visa Information

Introduction on the Philippine Visa

The Philippine Visa is an endorsement made on a foreign national’s 1. passport by a consular officer at a Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad with the implication that: (1) the visa application has been properly examined, (2) and on this basis, the bearer is permitted to proceed to and enter the Philippines. The visa issued to foreign nationals at this stage is regarded only as an entry visa. Actual admission into the country and approval of the period of stay is the task of the immigration authority at the port of entry. Please refer to the following website for more information on Philippine immigration policies, visa descriptions, procedures and fees <>Fellows are encouraged to obtain a 47(a)(2) Special Non-Immigrant Visa 2. from the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in their respective countries. This is considered the appropriate visa for foreign nationals proceeding to the Philippines as “scholars, trainees, participants, students, or fellows” under the auspices of a foundation or program related to research, as defined under Section 47(A)(2) of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940.The consular officers may exercise their discretion to approve applications 3. from Fellows for the 47(a)(2) visa, and have the prerogative to issue instead a temporary visitor’s visa such as 9(A) Tourist/Business/Health Visa or a 9(E-1) Visa/9(E-2) Visa for those holding diplomatic, official, or government passports. A temporary visitor’s visa is issued to a foreign national for a “legitimate 4. non-immigrant purpose such as sightseeing, sports, health, family reasons, training or study (excluding enrollment in schools for the purpose of obtaining a title or a degree), religious pilgrimage, business, cultural, and scientific purposes” as defined by the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

Visa Application Prior to Travel to the Philippines

Fellows are advised to inquire regarding the period of processing and 1. application requirements for the 47(a)(2) Special Non-Immigrant Visa from the Philippine Embassy or Consulate that has jurisdiction over their place of residence at least three months prior to departing for the Philippines.The following are the minimum requirements for applying for a temporary 2. visitor’s visa:


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(1) Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;(2) Duly accomplished visa application form with recent colored passport-size photos;(3) Proof of bona fide status as a researcher, in this case the Notification Letter and Grant Agreement from The Nippon Foundation;(4) Proof of support in the Philippines, in this case a letter of invitation/endorsement/ acceptance from the Host Institution (HI); (5) Proof of confirmed round-trip plane tickets for return or onward journey to the next port of destination; and (6) Payment of visa fees.

These guidelines may differ with each Philippine Embassy or Consulate, 3. and are subject to change without prior notice. Additional requirements may be asked from each Fellow on a case-to-case basis.Fellows who wish to guarantee the issuance of a 47(a)(2) Special 4. Non-Immigrant Visa for their visa application have the option to choose institutions such as the Institute of Philippine Culture (IPC) as their Host Institution (HI) in the country. The IPC is a social science research organization of the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) that administers the Visiting Research Associates (VRA) Program. For more information on the IPC, the VRA Program, and the corresponding affiliation fees, please refer to their website <>.

Arrival in the Philippines

Fellows entering the Philippines with a 47(a)(2) visa or a temporary visitor’s visa are allowed a period of stay not exceeding 21 days. However, immigration authorities at ports of entry may exercise their discretion as to the exact period of stay the entry visa would be valid. Fellows need to ensure that the Immigration Officer at the airport indicates the type of visa and period of stay (number of days) in the arrival stamp on the passport.

Application for Visa Extension or Visa Change

Fellows whose fellowship period exceeds twenty-on (21) days for research 1. are required to apply for either an Extension of Stay as Special Non- Immigrant under Section 47(A)(2) or Change of Admission Status to Special Non-Immigrant under Section 47(A)(2) within the first week of their arrival in the country.Fellows should submit four complete (4) sets of their visa applications 2.



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for Extension of Stay/Change of Admission Status with a request for multiple-entry privileges to in the Department of Justice (DOJ). The DOJ, through its Legal Staff Department, is the government agency that acts on applications for the grant of special non-immigrant visas to foreign nationals under Section 47(A)(2) of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940. The following are the requirements for the DOJ visa extension/change 3. application:

(1) Duly accomplished Extension of Stay/Change of Admission Status application form. The application form may be downloaded from the website of the DOJ <>;(2) Request letter addressed to the DOJ Secretary (to be provided by the PI);(3) Photocopy of pages on passport and personal information, 47(a)(2) visa stamp or temporary visitor’s visa stamp, and immigration arrival stamp from the valid passport;(4) Photocopy of Notification Letter and Grant Agreement from The Nippon Foundation; (5) Photocopy of Letter of invitation/endorsement/acceptance from the HI; (6) Photocopy of DFA Department Order 14-68 on the 47(a)(2) Special Non-Immigrant Visa (to be provided by the PI); and(7) Payment of Filing and Legal fees.

The following are the basic fees involved in the DOJ visa extension/4. change application:

Filing and Legal Fees: PhP 2,525.00 Notarial Fee: PhP 100.00 / Photocopying Expenses: PhP 25.00

It will take a minimum of two (2) weeks for the DOJ Legal Staff Department 5. to process the visa extension/change application of a Fellow. The DOJ issues an Indorsement to its attached agency, the Bureau of Immigration (BI), which “administers and enforces immigration, citizenship, alien registration and related laws”. The BI implements the approved Indorsement “for the extension of the 6. special non-immigrant visa” or “for the change of admission status from temporary visitor to special non-immigrant” with a new visa stamp with multiple entry privileges that corresponds to the approved period of stay in the Philippines. There are no fees involved in the implementation (visa stamping) of the Indorsement that would take a minimum of two (2) weeks after submission of the original passport that should be left behind at the BI.

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Fellows who wish to have the visa stamping and receipt within the same 7. day or after a day of submission of the original passport will have to pay the Express Processing Fee of PhP 500.00. Submission of original passports and implementation of 47(a)(2) visas are accommodated on Tuesdays and Fridays only.Fellows must have a valid visa while the 47(a)(2) visa application is being 8. processed. This may necessitate an extension of the entry visa until the 47(a)(2) visa is issued to the Fellow.Fellows should remain in the country while the processing of the 47(a)(2) 9. visa application is going on.

Application for Alien Certificate of Registration

The BI Alien Registration Division (ARD) requires foreign nationals 1. whose period of stay in the Philippines exceeds four (4) months to apply for an Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) after receiving the 47(a)(2) Special Non-Immigrant Visa extension/change. Fellows who are planning to return temporarily to their home countries within the four (4) months period of stay are also required to apply for an ACR. The following are the requirements for the ACR application:2.

(1) Duly accomplished ACR application form with a colored 2x2 size photo;(2) Photocopy of the DOJ Indorsement regarding 47(a)(2) visa extension/change;(3) Photocopy of pages on passport and personal information, 47(a)(2) visa stamp or temporary visitor’s visa stamp, immigration arrival stamp, and implemented 47(a)(2) visa extension/change from the valid passport; (4) Ten (10) pieces of colored 2x2 photo; and(5) Payment of ACR application fee.

The following are the basic fees involved in the ACR application: 3. ACR Application Fee: PhP 50.00• Photocopying Expenses: PhP 25.00•

Regular processing period of the ACR application takes at least three 4. (3) weeks from the time of submission up to the release of documents. Fellows must inform the BI-ARD if they plan to pay for the Express Processing Fee of PhP 500.00 at the time of submission of the ACR application for processing of the documents within one (1) week. Fellows need to ensure that the approved ACR includes the exemption stamp bearing the words, “THIS SERVES AS YOUR EXIT CLEARANCE”.



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Application for Special Return Certificate

Fellows with approved ACR are required to secure a Special Return 1. Certificate (SRC) from the BI-ARD prior to traveling out of the country for approved temporary leaves from their fellowship. The SRC permits the holder to return to the country with the same admission (visa type and period of stay) prior to his/her departure.The following are the requirements for the SRC application:2.

(1) Duly accomplished SRC application form with a colored 2x2 size photo;(2) Five pieces of colored 2x2 photo; (3) Photocopy of Alien Certificate of Registration; and (4) Payment of SRC application fee.

The following are the basic fees involved in the SRC application: 3. SRC Application Fee: PhP 50.00• Photocopying Expenses: PhP 25.00•

Regular processing period of the SRC application takes at least two (2) 4. weeks compared to 2-3 days processing for those who paid the Express Processing Fee of PhP 500.00.

Temporary Departure from the Philippines

1. Fellows departing the Philippines for approved temporary leaves would 1. pick-up the approved SRC (two copies) but leave the ACR at the BI-ARD at least a week prior to departure. On the day of departure, the SRC should be shown to the Immigration Officer at the airport for proper registration. 2. Upon return to the Philippines, Fellows would surrender one copy of 2. the SRC to the Immigration Officer at the airport. Within two (2) weeks upon return, they would retrieve the ACR by presenting the other copy of the SRC. Fellows must make sure that they have their original ARC and SRC after this procedure.

Exit Clearance and Final Departure from the Philippines

Foreign nationals on temporary visitor’s visa are exempt from paying the 1. Exit Clearance at the airport. Fellows with an ACR and SRC departing the Philippines are also exempt since the ACR has the stamp bearing the words, “THIS SERVES AS YOUR EXIT CLEARANCE”. Fellows without an ACR are required to secure an Emigration 2. Clearance Certificate (ECC) at the BI-ARD at least two weeks before final

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departure from the country. The following are the requirements for the ECC application:

(1) Duly accomplished ECC application form with a colored 2x2 size photo;(2) Photocopy of pages on passport and personal information, 47(a)(2) visa stamp or temporary visitor’s visa stamp, immigration arrival stamp, and implemented 47(a)(2) visa extension/change from the valid passport; and(3) Payment of ECC application fee.

The following are the basic fees involved in the ECC application: 3. ECC Application Fee: PhP 700.00• Legal Research Fee: PhP 10.00• Photocopying Expenses: PhP 25.00•

Regular processing period of the ECC application takes at least one week 4. compared to one (1) to two (2) days processing for those who paid the Express Processing Fee of PhP 500.00.

Note: All Philippine amounts cited herewith are effective as of January 2006.

Contact Information

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUREAU OF IMMIGRATIONPadre Faura Street, Ermita Magallanes Drive, Intramuros, City City of Manila of ManilaTel. No. (632) 523-8481 to 98 Tel No. (632) 527-3248, 527-3279, Website: 527-3314, 527-3265 Website:

One-Stop Shop Processing Hotline: (632) 3384537



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ationINDONESIAPhilippine Embassy (Jakarta)# 6 - 8 Jalan Imam Bonjol, Menteng, Jakarta Jakarta Pusat 10310, Republic of IndonesiaTel. No. (6221) 310-0334Fax No. (6221) 315-1167Email:;

Philippine Consulate General (Manado)Jalan 17 Augustus, Tanjung Bato Manado, North Sulawesi, Republic of Indonesia 95119P.O. Box 1079, Manado City North Sulawesi, Republic of IndonesiaTel. No. (62431) 862-181 or 861-178Fax No. (62431) 862-365 or 861-705Email:;;

Philippine Consulate (Surabaya)JI Kaliwaron 128 Surabaya 60285 IndonesiaTel No. (6231) 393 8889 or 594 6748Fax No. (6231) 584 6746 or 594 6748

JAPANPhilippine Embassy (Tokyo)5-15-5, Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8537, JapanTel. no. (+813) 5562-1600 (+813) 5562-1600 to 05 (except 03)Fax No. (+813) 5562-1603 / PC PLUS No: (813) 5562-1570Website: http://tokyo.philembassy.netEmail:;

Philippine Consulate General (Osaka)Twin 21 MID Tower 24F 2-1-61 Shiromi, Chuo-ku Osaka 540-6124 JapanTel. No. (+81-6) 6910-7892Fax No. (+81-6) 6910-8750Hotline: (+81-90) 4036-7984Email:;


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Philippine Consulate (Naha)2nd Floor Aljon Building2-35-1 Aragasuku, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan 901-22Naha City, Okinawa 901-22 JapanPhone: (+81) (98) 892-5486Fax: (+81) (98) 892-5487



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n Philippine Consulate (Sapporo)1-2-27 Ichijo Nishi HakkenNishi-Ku, Sapporo-shi 063-0841 JapanPhone: (+81) (12) 386-2026, (811-1) 6111633 / 6112225Fax: (+811 1) 641 80 90

MALAYSIA Philippine Embassy (Kuala Lumpur)No. 1 Jalan Changkat Kia Peng 50450 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel. Nos. (603) 2148-4233, 2148-4654, 2148-4682, and 2148-9989 Fax No. (603) 2148-3576Website:

THAILANDPhilippine Embassy (Bangkok)760 Sukhumvit Road, cor. Soi Philippines (Soi 30/1), Klongtoey, Klongtan, Bangkok 10110 ThailandTel. No. (662) 259-0139, 259-0140 and 258-5401Fax No. (662) 259-2809, 259-7373Website: www.philembassy-bangkok.netEmail: or


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isa Information

Embassy of Indonesia185 Salcedo Street, Legaspi Village Makati City 1229Tel: (632) 892-5061, 892-5068Fax: (632) 892-5878, 818-4441

Embassy of Malaysia29th - 30th FloorThe World Center BuildingNo. 330, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue 1200 ManilaTel No. (632) 864-0761 to 68Fax No. (632) 864-0727 (Ambassador) (632) 864-0724 (Administration)

Embassy of Japan2627 Roxas BoulevardPasay City 1300Tel: (632) 551-5710Fax: (632) 551-5780

Royal Thai Embassy107 Rada Street, Legaspi VillageMakati City 1229Tel No. (632) 815-4219, 815-4220 816-0696, 816-0697Fax No. (632) 815-4221


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Thailand Visa Information


I-1. For Short-stay (less than 90 days)

For those who will conduct research in Thailand for less than 90 days, in addition to the Non-Immigrant Category “RS” visa (which is for those who will conduct scientific research or training or teaching in a research institute), and other sub-categories of Non-Immigrant Category visas are also available. Please check the regulations and further procedures at the embassy of your home country.

I-2. For Long-stay (longer than 90 days)

Non-Immigrant Category “RS” visa is applicable for those who wish to conduct research in Thailand and allows them to extend their stay in Thailand up to 1 year. In order to obtain this visa, a permit from the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) is necessary.

I-2-1. NRCT Permission

To obtain the Non-Immigrant (RS) visa, it is a REQUIREMENT to get research permission from the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). For this purpose, Fellows should submit the following to their host institution 4 MONTHS IN ADVANCE so that the host institution can assist with submitting the applications to the NRCT on their behalf.

(1) Completed Application Form (NRCT-01), which should be downloaded from the NRCT URL:;(2) Details of the project, including the research plan, source of the funding and name(s) of collaborating Thai researcher(s);(3) A letter of reference on official letterhead from the Fellows’ supervisor or department head at their home institution to verify their position and institutional affiliation (for Fellows working independently, API Partner Institutions in their home countries are in a position to issue this letter for them);(4) Three photographs sized 3 x 4 cm.;(5) A copy of the Grant Letter from The Nippon Foundation;(6) The complete report from the most recent project completed under the NRCT’s supervision (if any).A



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Foreign researchers will be classified into one of 4 categories by the NRCT (please refer to Article 8 in Chapter 1 of the NRCT regulations) and API Fellows will be classified under the 4th category with the requirement of a deposit (10,000 Baht). Upon approving an application, the NRCT will issue a Research Permission Letter and will send it to the Fellow and his/her host institution (for example, if you are affiliated at the Institute of Asian Studies or IAS at Chulalongkorn University where the API office is located, the letter will be sent to both you and the API office). For those who will be affiliated with the IAS, please send a copy of your passport (only the pages containing personal information) to the API office in Thailand. The IAS will issue a Letter of Visa Endorsement that will be sent to the Fellows. It is strongly encouraged that you thoroughly study the NRCT Regulations on the Permission for Foreign Researchers to Conduct Research in Thailand B.E. 2550 and the NRCT Guidelines for Foreign Researchers. For Fellows who plan to bring their family members, please also read the information on visa extensions carefully for a thorough preparation.

I-2-2. Visa Application

The following are required to be submitted to the Royal Thai Embassy to request a Non-Immigrant (RS) visa:

(1) A passport with a validity of not less than six (6) months. A validity of 18 months is required for a one year visa application;(2) A completed visa application form, available at the local Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General;(3) Two (2) photographs (4 x 6 cm) that have been taken within the past six (6) months;(4) The Grant Letter from The Nippon Foundation;(5) A Letter of Visa Endorsement from the Fellow’s Host Institution in Thailand (if any);(6) A Research Permission Letter from the NRCT;(7) Birth Certificates of children (if accompanied by children);(8) Certificate of Marriage (if accompanied by spouse);

(Fellows are advised to check the information needed with the local Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General to ensure that there are no additional requirements/changes that have been put in place.)

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If every document is in order, the visa processing at the local Royal Thai Embassy will take only a few days. Fellows will then be granted a Non-Immigrant (RS) visa which will allow them to stay in Thailand up to 90 days. Those who will stay in Thailand more than 90 days are required to extend their visa after their arrival in Thailand. For more information, please refer to the section below on “Visa Extension.”


II-1. Checking and Reporting

It is important for Fellows to check if they have obtained proper visa stamps upon their arrival at Passport Control. If they have not obtained the correct stamps for some reason, Fellows need to go to the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok to make the necessary corrections to the stamp. For Fellows who entered Thailand after obtaining permission from the NRCT, they need to keep up with the regulations of the NRCT in reporting themselves to the NRCT in person with their completed form (NRCT-02) within 7 days upon their arrival in Thailand. Fellows will be required to pay a deposit fee of 10,000 Baht per project to guarantee their submission of a complete final report to the NRCT. [Note: This deposit fee will be returned upon submission of the complete final report [both hard copy and CD) to the NRCT.] Fellows then will receive an ID prepared by the NRCT and guidelines on reports there. Also, Fellows will be advised by the NRCT to report to their collaborating Thai researcher(s) or the participating organization(s) that they have listed in their research application before conducting research.

II-2. Visa Extension

In the cases of Fellows who plan to stay more than 90 days in Thailand, they must report themselves to the Thai Immigration Bureau in Bangkok at least 2 weeks prior to the indicated expiry date of their visa to file for an extension of up to a year of their Non-Immigrant visa. The following will be required for this process:

(1) A completed visa extension application form, available at the Immigration Bureau;(2) A completed form to acknowledge the conditions of stay in the Kingdom, (available at the Immigration Bureau and API office);A



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(3) One recent photograph (4 x 6 cm);(4) A copy of the Grant Letter from The Nippon Foundation;(5) Photocopy of the passport (on A4 paper only), especially those pages that contain:

- Your personal data;- Thai visa issued at the Royal Thai Embassy in your country of origin;- Immigration arrival stamp (obtained at the airport);- Immigration arrival card (the white card attached to your passport by a Thai immigration officer on arrival);

(6) A letter from the NRCT certifying the research title, research duration, etc. of the Fellow and requesting the Thai Immigration Bureau to extend the Fellow’s visa until the end of the fellowship period in Thailand;(7) Visa fee of 1,900 baht per person.

For Fellows accompanied by their family members, additional documents needed apart from those mentioned above are:

(1) A copy of each family member’s passport (prepared in the same manner as that of the applicant’s);(2) A Marriage Registration Certificate (if not in English, translation into English by a notarized translation agency with an approval stamp from the embassy of the Fellow’s country of origin is required);(3) A Birth Certificate (in case a child accompanies the Fellow. If not in English, translation into English by a notarized translation agency with an approval stamp from the embassy of the Fellow’s country of origin is required).

For Fellows accompanied by a research assistant, they will need to clearly indicate the assistant’s information (name, passport number) in their completed application forms to be submitted to the NRCT to let the NRCT be aware of the accompanying assistant and to arrange a research permission letter and a visa extension letter for the Thai Immigration Bureau accordingly.

Notes:a. In case Fellows need to extend their period of stay in Thailand beyond what was stated in their application form to the NRCT, they have to apply for a research extension from the NRCT. Fellows will be required to submit the following documents to the NRCT in person or via e-mail at least 60 days prior to the indicated expiry date:

- Application for Research Extension Permission (NRCT-04);

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- Previous summary report in English or Thai;- A research plan during the extension period.

After their research extension is approved, the NRCT will issue a new ID card and other concerned documents including the Letter of Visa Extension in accordance with the new research permit period. To avoid this extension process, which requires substantial time and documentation, we strongly recommend that you state a research period in Thailand one month longer than your actual research period at the time of your initial application to the NRCT.

b. According to the NRCT regulations, Fellows are required to submit the following to the NRCT:

(1) A progress report in English or Thai using Form NRCT-03 to the NRCT office and/or collaborating Thai researcher(s) every 6 months; (2) A summary report of activities in English or Thai using Form NRCT-05 to the NRCT office and collaborating Thai researcher(s) prior to leaving Thailand;

(3) One copy of the complete final report in English or Thai using Form NRCT-06, both hard copy and CD, to the NRCT within one year after completing the research in Thailand;

(4) One copy of each published research article related to the research in Thailand, both hard copy and CD, within three months of publication in the spirit of disseminating research results in their country of origin.

c. Even for those who have already obtained a “One-Year Multiple Entry Visa” from the Royal Thai Embassy in your country of origin, proper extension at the Thai Immigration Bureau is STILL REQUIRED.

d. Anyone planning to stay in Thailand for any length of time should keep a ready supply of photos and copies of his/her passport. These are always handy in case of the passport being lost.



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II-3. Re-Entry Permit

In instances when the Fellow leaves Thailand temporarily during his/her Fellowship Period, a Re-Entry Permit (either single or multiple permit) needs to be obtained from the Thai Immigration Bureau or at the Immigration Counter located inside the Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport. Failure to do so will invalidate their research visas. The whole process of application for a visa will then have to be repeated if the Fellow is to enter Thailand again to complete his/her Fellowship period. The fee for a single re-entry permit is 1,000 Baht and 3,800 Baht for a multiple re-entry permit. A passport-sized photo (4 x 6 cm.) and a completed Re-Entry Permit Application Form are required.

Note:Any visa related forms can be downloaded from the URL of the Thai Immigration Bureau at


III-1. Thai Immigration Bureau2nd Floor, Building B, Bangkok Government Center, Chaengwattana RoadTel: +66-2287-3101~10(Call Center: 1178)URL: http://www.immigration.go.thThe office hours are from 8:30 to 16:30 (from Monday to Friday). The office is closed on weekends and public holidays.

Suan Plu Office507 Soi Suan Plu, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120Tel: +66-2287-1983This office is open for Re-Entry Permit application on Saturdays, with office hours from 8:30 to 12:00.

III-2. National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)Office of International Affairs196 Phaholyothin RoadChatuchak, Bangkok 10900Tel: +66-2940-6369, +66-2579-2690URL:

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III-3. Foreign Embassies & Consulates in ThailandThe Embassy of Japan177 Witthayu Road, Lumphini, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330Tel: +66-2207-8500, +66-2696-3000Fax: +66-2207-8510URL:

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia600-602 Petchburi Road, Ratchatewi, Bangkok 10400Tel: +66-2252-3135~40Fax: +66-2255-1267, +66-2255-1261URL:

The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines760 Sukhumvit Road, Soi Philippines (30/1), Klongtoey, Klongtan, Bangkok 10110Tel: +66-2259-0139Fax: +66-2259-2809URL:

The Embassy of Malaysia35 South Sathorn Road, Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120Tel: +66-2629-6800Fax: +66-2679-2208URL:

III-4. Thai Embassies & Consulates in API Participating Countries Indonesia, Royal Thai Embassy74 Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Pusat 10310Tel: +62-21-390-4052Fax: +62-21-310-7469URL:

Japan, Royal Thai Embassy2-1, 2-Chome, Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Tel. +81-3-3222-4101 Fax. +81-3-3222-4114URL:



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Japan, Royal Thai Consulate-GeneralBangkok Bank Building, 4th Floor, 1-9-16 Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056Tel: +81-6-6262-9226~7Fax: +81-6-6262-9228URL:

Malaysia, Royal Thai Embassy206 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala LumpurTel: +60-3-2148-8222, +60-3-2148-8350, +60-3-2148-8420, +60-3-2145-8004Fax: +60-3-2148-6527, +60-3-2148-6615URL:

Malaysia, Royal Thai Consulate GeneralNo. 1 Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman 10350 Penang Tel: +60-4-226-8029, +60-4-226-9484, +60-4-2286784Fax: +60-4-226-3121, +60-4-226-2533URL:

Malaysia, Royal Thai Consulate-General4426 Jalan Pengkalan Chepa, 15400 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel: +60-9-744-5266, +60-9-744-5934, +60-9-748-2545Fax: +60-9-744-9801URL:

Philippines, Royal Thai Embassy107 Rada Street, Legaspi Village, Makati, Metro Manila, P.O. Box 1228Makati Central Post Office, 1252 Makati, Metro ManilaTel: +63-2-815-4219~20Fax: +63-2-815-4221URL:

Philippines, Royal Thai Consulate Eastern Shipping Lines Building, M. J. Cuenco Street, Cebu City Region 7 P.O. Box 561 CebuTel. +63-32-412-1688Fax. +63-32-254-8827

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III-5. Additional Information for Fellows from CLV countries

III-5.1 Embassies & Consulates of CLV countries in ThailandThe Embassy of Cambodia518/4 Pracha Uthit Road (Soi Ramkamhaeng 39) Wangtonglang, Bangkok 10310Tel: +66-2-957-5851, +66-2-957-5852Fax: +66-2-957-5850E-mail:

The Consulate of Cambodia in Sa Kaew 666, Sowanasone Road, Thakasem, Meung, Sa Kaew, ThailandTel: +66-37-425-430~1 Fax: +66-37-425-432 E-mail:,

The Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos 520, 502/1-3 Pracha-Uthit Road, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310Tel: +66-2-539-6679, +66-2-539-6667Fax: +66-2-539-3827, +66-2-539-6678 E-mail:, URL :

Consulate of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos in Khonkaen19/1~3 Phothisarn Road, Khonkaen, Thailand Tel: +66-43-223-473, +66-43-223-698Fax: +66-43-223-849

The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam83/1 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330Tel: +66-2-251-5836~8, +66-2-251-7202, +66-2-251-3552Fax: +66-2-251-7201E-mail:

III-5.2 Thai Embassies & Consulates in CLV countriesThe Royal Thai Embassy in Cambodia196 Preah Norodom Boulevard, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamcar Mon, Phnom PenhTel: +855-2372-6306~10A



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Fax: +855-2372-6303E-mail: thaipnp@mfa.go.thUR:

The Royal Thai Embassy in the People’s Democratic Republic of LaosAvenue Kaysone Phomvihane, Saysettha DistrictVientiane .P.O. Box 128 Consular SectionUnit 15 Bourichane Road, Ban Phone Si Nuan, Muang Si Sattanak, VientianeTel: +856-2121-4581~2Fax: +856-2121-4580E-mail : thaivte@mfa.go.thURL:

The Consulate of Thailand in Savannakhet, the People’s Democratic Republic of LaosP.O.Box 513, Khanthabouly DistrictSavannakhet Porvince Lao P.D.R.Tel: +856-4121-2373, 252-080Fax: +856-4121-2370, 252-078E-mail: thaisvk@mfa.go.thURL:

The Royal Thai Embassy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam63-65 Hoang Dieu Street, HanoiTel: +844-3823-5092~94Fax: +844-3823-5088E-mail:,, thaihan1@fgt.vnURL:

The Consulate of Thailand in Ho Chi Minh City, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam77 Tran Quoc Thao Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh CityTel: +848-3932-7637~8Fax: (848) 3932-6002E-mail : thaihom@mfa.go.thURL:

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III-5.3 Embassies & Consulates of CLV countries in other API participating countries

Indonesia, The Royal Embassy of Cambodia Jl. Kintamani Raya C-15 No. 33, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12950 Tel: +62-2-1781 2523 Fax: +62-2-1781-2524E-mail:

Indonesia, The Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of LaosJi, Kintamani Raya C 15 No 33, Kuningan Timur Jakarta 12950Tel: +62-2-1 522 9602~3Fax: (+62) (21) 522 9601E-mail:

Indonesia, The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of VietnamJl. Teuku Umar. No 25, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Tel: +62-2-1310-0358 Fax: +62-2-13149615 E-mail: or vietnamemb@yahoo.comURL:

Japan, The Royal Embassy of Cambodia8-6-9 Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 1070052Tel: +813-5412 8521~2 Fax: +813-5412 8526E-mail:

Japan, Consulate of Cambodia in Osaka 12-6 Chayamachi, Kita-Ku,Osaka, Japan (530-0013)Tel: +816-6376-2305 Fax: +816-6376-2306 E-mail:,

Japan, Consulate of Cambodia in Nagoya2-47 Kamotsuki-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya Japan 453-0843Tel: +8152-419-3006Fax: +8152-411-2611 E-mail:



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Japan, Consulate of Cambodia in SapporoSOC Bldg. Nishi 11-chome, kita 4-Jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, 060-0004Tel: 81-(0) 11-231-3511Fax: 81-(0) 11-231-3325 E-mail:

Japan, The Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos3-3-22 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031Tel: +81-3-5411-2291Fax: +81-3- 5411-2293

Japan, Consulate of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos in Nagoya1-100 Kusumoto-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi 464-8650Tel: +81-52-751-2572

Japan, The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam50-11 Motoyoyogi-cho, Shibuya-ku, TokyoTel: +81-3-3466-3313~4Fax: +81-3-3466-3391URL:

Japan, Consulate of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in OsakaEstate Bakurocho Building 10F, Bakurocho, Chuo-ku, OsakaTel: +81-6-6263-1645 / +81-6-6263-1600Fax: +81-6- 6263-1770E-mail:

Malaysia, The Royal Embassy of Cambodia46 Jalan U Thant, 55000, Kuala LumpurTel: +60-3-4257-1150Fax: +60-3-4257-1157E-mail:

Malaysia, The Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos25 Jalan Damai, 55000 Kuala LumpurTel: +60-3-2148-7059Fax: +60-3-2145-0080

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Malaysia, The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam4 Persiaran Stonor, Kuala LumpurTel: +60-3-2148-4036, +603-2148-4534Fax: +60-3-2148-3270E-mail:

Philippines, The Royal Embassy of CambodiaUnit 7A-B/7th Floor Country Space, I Bldg., Senator, Gil Puyat Ave, Makati City, Metro Manila Tel: +63-2-818 -9981, +63-2-810-1896Fax: -632-818-9983E-mail:

Philippines, The Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos34 Lapu-Lapu Street, Magallanes Village, Makati City, Metro ManilaTel: +63-2-852 5759, +63-2-852-5979Fax: +63-2-852 5759

Philippines, The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam670 Pablo Ocampo St. (formerly Vito Cruz)Malate, ManilaTel: +63-2-521-6843Fax: +63-2-526-0472E-mail: ;

III-5.4 Embassies & Consulates of other API participating countries in CLV countries

Cambodia, The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia90 Preah Norodom Blvd.P.O.Box 894 Phnom Penh, Khan Daun Penh District, Phnom PenhTel: +844-217-934, +844-216-148 Fax: +844-217-566, +844-217-947 E-mail: URL:



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Laos, The Embassy of the Republic of IndonesiaPhone Kheng RoadP.O. Box 277VientianeTel: +856-21-413-909, +856-21-413-910Fax: +856-21-214-828 E-mail:

Vietnam, The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia50 Ngo Quyen Street, HanoiTel: +84-4-825-3323, +84-4-825-3353Fax: +84-4-825-9274 E-mail: URL:

Cambodia, The Embassy of Japan194 Moha Vithei Preah Norodom, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhTel: +855-23-217161-4Fax: +855-23-216162URL:

Laos, The Embassy of JapanRoad Sisangvone, Vientiane Tel: +856-21-414400, +856-21-414403 Fax: +856-21-414406URL:

Vietnam, The Embassy of Japan27 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh District, 1674, New Petchburi Road, Hanoi Tel:+84-4-846-3000 Fax:+84-4-846-3043 E-mail: URL:

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Cambodia, The Embassy of MalaysiaVilla No. 5, Street 242, Phnom PenhTel: +855-23-216176, +855-23-216177Fax: +855-23-216004E-mail:

Laos, The Embassy of Malaysia23 Singha RoadP.O Box 789 Vientiane Tel: +856-21-414205, +856-21-414206Fax: +856-21-414201E-mail: , mwvntian@laopdr.comURL:

Vietnam, The Embassy of Malaysia16th Floor, Fortuna Tower 6B, Lang Ha Street Hanoi Tel:+844-831-3400, +844-831-3404 Fax:+844-831-3402 E-mail: mwhanoi@hn.vnn.vnURL:

Vietnam, Consulate of Malaysia in Ho Chi Minh City1208 Me Linh Point Tower No. 2, Ngo Duc Ke Street, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +848-829-9023, +848-829-3132 Fax: +848-829-9027 E-mail:,

Cambodia, The Embassy of Republic of the Philippines33 Road 294, Khan Chamcarmon, Sangkat Tonle BassacP.O. Box 2018, Phnom PenhTel: +855-23-215-145, +855-23-222-303 Fax:+855-23-215-143E-mail: ,



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Laos, The Embassy of Republic of the PhilippinesBan Sibounheuang, Sisattanak District P.O. Box 2415, VientianeTel: +856-21-215-826, +856-21-219-318 Fax:+856-21-223-725 E-mail:,

Vietnam, The Embassy of Republic of the Philippines27-B Tran Hung Dao Street, Hanoi Tel: +84-4-943-7873, +84-4-943-3849Fax: +84-4-943-5760E-mail:,

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B.E. 2550

(Information downloaded from the NRCT Website)...........................................

To improve the efficacy of the Regulation on the Permission for Foreign Researchers to Conduct Research in Thailand B.E. 2525, the Executive Board of the National Research Council of Thailand issues the following regulations as authorized in Sections 6, 11 (12) and (13) as well as in Section 13 of the National Research Council Act B.E. 2502, amended by the National Research Council Act B.E. 2507, and the Announcement of the Revolution Party Vol. 315 dated December 13, B.E. 2515 : Article 1 These regulations shall be called “Regulations on the Permission for Foreign Researchers to Conduct Research in Thailand B.E 2550.”

Article 2 These Regulations become effective on the next date announced in the Royal Gazette.

Article 3 The Regulation on the Permission for Foreign Researchers to Conduct Research in Thailand B.E. 2525 is repealed.

Article 4 These regulations on the permission for foreign researchers to conduct research in Thailand have been formulated to achieve the following objectives:

(1) Enhancing cooperation and collaboration between Thai and foreign researchers, and providing opportunities for the exchange of knowledge, technical expertise, and experience(2) Promoting research activities in Thailand so that the results can be used to further the country’s development(3) Stabilizing the social and economic security of Thailand(4) Controlling and regulating the country’s natural resources to ensure that Thailand receives their benefits.

Article 5 In these regulations:

“Research” means scholarly or scientific investigation, exploration, excavation, analysis, or experimentation. The goal of this enterprise is to not only to search A



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for new principles and knowledge in order to formulate theories or to establish guidelines for implementation, but also to gain in-depth knowledge or develop modern technology in the subject being researched.

“Office” means the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).

“Thai researcher” means a researcher who is a Thai citizen and conducts research in cooperation with foreign researchers; a Thai university faculty member who serves as a co-advisor, an academic, and/or an official of a participating organization who is assigned to jointly conduct research or collaborate with foreign researchers. “Foreign researcher” means a researcher who is not a Thai citizen, who resides in Thailand or elsewhere, and conducts research in Thailand as an individual or with a group.

Article 6 The Secretary-General of the Office is charged with administering these Regulations and has the authority to issue announcements or alter procedures related to conformity with these Regulations. In the event of any ambiguity in these Regulations or other problems regarding procedures not specified in these Regulations, the decision of the Executive Board of the Office will be final.

Chapter 1General Provisions

Article 7 Research should possess one or more of the following characteristics: (1) Useful to each party or participant; not for the benefit of one researcher only (2) Fulfills graduation requirements for the degree program of a foreign researcher (3) Constitutes a cooperative or assistance program between a foreign government or institute and a Thai institute of governmental branch.

Article 8 Foreign researchers will be classified into one of the following four categories:

Category one - foreign researchers who conduct research in Thailand under an aid program or a cooperative program with the Thai government.Category two - foreign researchers who conduct research in Thailand under a cooperative agreement between a division of the Thai government and a foreign organization. Letters of verification including a Memorandum of

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Understanding (MOU) signed by each organization are required. If a foreign researcher conducts research with a Thai governmental organization or governmental academic institute, a letter of recommendation from the organization is needed.Category three - foreign researchers who conduct research in Thailand to fulfill graduation requirements for a degree program at a foreign university * Category four - foreign researchers whose qualifications differ from those specified in the above three categories.

Article 9 Research involving a foreigner must be conducted jointly with a Thai researcher or consultant. However, a foreign researcher can apply to conduct research as an individual. Authorization for research by a foreigner acting as an individual depends upon the decision of the Office and related organizations. Article 10 Depending on their researcher category, foreign researchers must take responsibility for expenses incurred in Thailand in accordance with the following stipulations:

Foreign researchers in category one will be responsible for all expenses.

Foreign researchers in category two will be responsible either for some or all expenses as specified in the MOU. Foreign researchers in categories three and four will be responsible for all expenses, including remuneration for Thai researchers, laboratory fees, and the wages of research assistants (if any) unless a Thai organization agrees to take responsibility for such expenses.

Article 11 The Secretary-General is authorized to require a monetary deposit that will be returned upon submission of the complete and final research report.

Article 12 If a foreign researcher violates these regulations or strays from the stated research objectives or proposed research plan, the Office reserves its right to terminate the researcher’s research permit in Thailand. If a foreign researcher’s conduct is deemed to be detrimental to natural resources, the environment, society, or the security of Thailand, the Office reserves its right to terminate the researcher’s research permit in Thailand.



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ationChapter 2

Applying for Permission to Conduct Research in ThailandArticle 13 Foreign researchers must review this document, Regulations on the Permission for Foreign Researchers to Conduct Research in Thailand B.E.2550 and request an Application Form for Permission to Conduct Research (NRCT-01) from the Office.

Article 14 Thai organizations conducting their own projects with foreign researchers in category one are required to provide the Office with information concerning the foreign researcher using the Form “ /1” within 15 days of the project’s commencement.

Foreign researcher under categories two, three and four should submit the following documents to the Office at least 90 days prior to their anticipated starting date:

(1) Application for Permission to Conduct Research(2) Letters of recommendation

Article 15 If the foreign researcher is in Thailand when submitting the application, he or she should not start research until receiving the permit from the Office.

Article 16 Upon receiving authorization to conduct research in Thailand, foreign researchers should bring the permission letter from the Office to a Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate to apply for a non-immigrant visa.

Article 17 If a foreign researcher receives the permission letter while he or she is in Thailand, he or she should report to the Office in person or via E-mail within seven days from the date the permission letter was received to complete Form NRCT-02 and receive an identification card and reporting letter(s) addressed to collaborating Thai researchers or other specified organizations.


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Chapter 3Reporting and Paying the Deposit for the Complete Report

Article 18 Foreign researchers must report to the Office in person or via E-mail within seven days after their arrival in Thailand or after the date they receive their permission letter to register (Form NRCT-02), receive an identification card, and receive reporting letter(s) addressed to the collaborating Thai researchers or organization(s). Article 19 Foreign researchers in categories three and four must pay a deposit guaranteeing submission of the complete research report of 10,000 baht per project. The deposit will be returned to the foreign researcher upon receipt of the complete report by the Office.

Article 20 Foreign researchers need to meet with their Thai collaborators prior to conducting research.

Chapter 4Conducting Research in Thailand

Article 21 Foreign researchers must not conduct research other than that described in their research plan and must comply with all pertinent regulations of the Office and of other Thai organizations that have jurisdiction over the research activities or localities of the researcher(s).

Article 22 Should it become necessary to change the research plan, the foreign researcher must inform the Office at least 60 days before the project’s scheduled completion date in accordance with the Office’s specifications.

Article 23 While conducting research, the foreign researcher must submit a progress report in English or Thai to the Office and to collaborating Thai researchers in agreement with Form NRCT-03 following the time schedule specified by the Office.



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Chapter 5Applying for a Research Permit Extension

Article 24 Foreign researchers who wish to extend the duration of their project must submit the Application Form for Research Extension Permission (NRCT-04) to the Office at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of their permit.

The decision to approve the application for extension will be decided by the Office together with the researcher’s collaborating Thai organization(s).

Article 25 A summary report in English or Thai and a research plan must be submitted to the Office as a supplement to Form NRCT-04 when applying for a research permit extension.

Chapter 6Completing Research in Thailand

Article 26 After completing their research in Thailand, foreign researchers must submit a summary of their research activities in English or Thai on Form NRCT-05 to the Office and to their Thai collaborators within one month from the day that their research in Thailand terminates.

Article 27 Foreign researchers must submit all research samples collected during the course of their research together with the summary of their research activities to the Office and/or to a Thai organization(s) approved by the Office.

Article 28 If a foreign researcher needs to take research samples abroad for further analysis, he or she must receive permission from the Office or from the collaborating Thai organization(s) involved.

Article 29 Foreign researchers must submit a CD with a copy of their complete report in English or Thai following the guidelines in Form NRCT-06 to the Office within one year from the termination date of their research activities in Thailand.

If a foreign researcher has requested an extension of their research permit, the deadline for submitting the complete report may not exceed two years after the completion of the research conducted in Thailand.

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Article 30 A foreign researcher who has previously received a permit to conduct research in Thailand must submit the complete report from their latest project to the Office before applying for a new research permit. The Office may allow a foreign researcher to conduct research on more than one concurrent project in Thailand if appropriate.

Article 31 Foreign researchers must submit all published research articles related to their research in Thailand as a hard copy and on CD within three months of publication in the spirit of disseminating research results in their country of origin. Article 32 Violating the provisions specified in this Regulation, conducting research other than that specified in the approved research project, or failure to submit research reports or other documents in a timely manner are sufficient grounds for the Office to revoke a researcher’s permit. The Office may cancel a foreign researcher’s permit or non-immigrant visa by coordinating with the relevant Thai organization(s).

Issued on June 29, 2007



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(Information downloaded from the NRCT URL)

1. Applying for Permission to Conduct Research in Thailand1.1 Request the “Regulations on the Permission for Foreign Researchers to Conduct Research in Thailand B.E.2550” and the “Application Form for Permission to Conduct Research in Thailand” (NRCT-01) from the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). These documents may be downloaded from the following URL: www.nrct.net1.2 Request a list of any regulations regarding authorization for conducting research from all Thai governmental organization(s) that have jurisdiction over the research activities or localities of the proposed research (if any). 1.3 Complete the “Application Form for Permission to Conduct Research in Thailand.”1.4 Summit the following documents to the NRCT, allowing at least 90 days from the date of receipt to the intended start date :

1.4.1 Application for Permission to Conduct Research in Thailand (NRCT-01)1.4.2 Details of the project, research plan, expenses and name(s) of Thai researcher(s)1.4.3 A letter of introduction on official letterhead from the applicant’s supervisor or department head at their home institution to verify their position and institutional affiliation, as well as evidence of research funding from a funding agency (if any)1.4.4 The complete report from the most recent project completed under the NRCT supervision (if any)

1.5 Foreign researchers should not enter Thailand with the intention of doing research until receiving a letter of approval from the NRCT.1.6 After receiving the letter notifying the applicant that the request to conduct research in Thailand has been approved, bring that notification letter and any other necessary documents to apply for a non-immigrant visa at a Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate.

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n 1.7 If a foreign researcher is in Thailand when the request to conduct research in Thailand has been approved, he or she should report to the NRCT in person or via E-mail within seven days after receiving the approval letter to register and pay the complete report deposit fee of B10,000 per project. Payment of this fee is only required of researchers in categories three and four.

2. Reporting and Complete Report Deposit Fee2.1 Report to the NRCT in person or via E-mail within seven days of arriving in Thailand to register, and pay the complete report deposit fee of B10,000 per project in person or via bank transfer. This fee only applies to foreign researchers in categories three and four.2.2 Report to Thai researcher(s) joining the project and/or the collaborating government organization(s) before beginning the research.

3. Conducting Research in Thailand3.1 Follow the proposed research plan. If it becomes necessary to change the research plan, inform the NRCT at least 60 days in advance.3.2 Submit a progress report in English or Thai to the NRCT and/or collaborating Thai researcher(s) in a timely manner.3.3 Do not conduct research beyond the time period specified on the permit. If a research extension is necessary, submit the following documents (NRCT-04) to the NRCT at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the research permit in Thailand:

3.3.1 Application for Research Extension Permission3.3.2 Previous summary report in English or Thai3.3.3 Research plan for the requested research extension period

3.4 Foreign researchers in categories three or four are required to report to the NRCT in person or via E-mail after receiving the letter granting permission to extend the research period.


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4. Completing Research in Thailand4.1 Submit the summary report of activities in English or Thai to the NRCT and to collaborating Thai researcher(s) prior to leaving Thailand.4.2 Return all samples collected in the course of research to the NRCT and/or to collaborating Thai organization(s). If it is necessary to take the samples abroad for experimentation or analysis, permission from the NRCT or the collaborating Thai organization(s) is needed before the samples can be exported.4.3 Submit one copy of the complete, final report in English or Thai as a hard copy and on CD to the NRCT within one year of completing research in Thailand.4.4 Submit one copy of each published research article related to research in Thailand as a hard copy and on CD within three months of publication in the spirit of disseminating research results in their country of origin.

December 2007

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Guidelines for Fellows Year 2012 - 2013

Published by API Regional Coordinating Institution

Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University3rd Floor, Prajadhipok-Rambhai Barni Building, Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330

ThailandTel: +66-2218-7422 Fax: +66-2652-5283

