GUARANTEED BETROTHED . . . Miss Dorris, Jean Willies ... Jan … · FROM EXTENSIVE TRIP T. A. (Ous)...


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2.A' t 1, 1948 TC-RRANCE HERALD,

POER DUB HOMEPfc. Roy C. Poor is at San

Francisco awaiting his discharge after which he will join his wife and family residing at 1551 W. 213th at.




in Nation! Home Appliance Co.

1317 SARTOR! AVE. Phone 78 Torrance


T. A. (Ous) Bray, of 2011 An- dreo ave., has returned from a six weeks' vacation spent visit­ ing his father, Thomas Bray, of Glace Bay and other relatives and friends In Nova Scotia cit­ ies. Enroute home he was a guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Tho­ mas, of Boston and in New York City, where he was enter­ tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lombardo, he was joined by his son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bray, of Miami, Fla.


The first money-making affair for the Walterla Parent Teacher Association this year -will be a breakfast on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. August 8, to which the pub­ lic Is Invited, it is announced.

The breakfast will be for rais Ing funds for parent-teacher ac tivitles in the Walterla school, and it will be held in the home of Mrs. John Garner, 803 Ama pola ave.

Etta McCullocK, Vernon E. Alfter Wed In'Garden

At twilight on Saturday, July 27, In the attractive patio of Mrs. Lucy L. Edmunds, 198 S. Wheeler ave., Fontana, solemn wedding vows were exchanged by Etta McCulIoch of this city and Vernon E. Alfter, of Long Beach. The Rev. Clyde H. Shaft- stall, of the Fontana Community! church, performed the ceremony.

The bride wore an aqua blue crepe dress complemented by an orchid corsage. Clay Y. Mc- Culloch, brother of the bride, and Mrs. Margaret Blakcmorc attended the couple. Mrs. Blake- more wore a blue frock and a gardenia corsage. After the wedding a delicious supper, in­ cluding the traditional wedding cake, was served by the bride's sister, Mrs. Edmunds. Later, the couple left for a short honey­ moon, and upon their return they will reside temporarily in San Bernardlno.

Mrs. Alfter has been employed at the Torrance Memorial, hos­ pital for several years. Her bridegroom was in the armed forces for three years,, two of which were spent in Iceland. He is now construction foreman for Foster-Kleiser Sign Co. in the San Bernardlno area.

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HVis Tarplay Says Vows In Glendale Wedding Chapel

Wedding vows were exchanged Sunday, July 21, at 1:00 p.m. n the Little Church Around the Corner in Inglewood, by Miss Chris Torplay, "daughter of Mr. Lee Tarplay of 1537 W. 223rd St., Torrance and Mr. Richard Furlano, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Furlano of 4124 Victoria afe., Los Angeles. Rev. J. Arthur Fish read the ceremony.

The bride was attired In a while silk crepe afternoon dress with matching accessories and

rried lavender and white or­ chids on a Bible. She was given In marriage by her father.

, Miss Lenora Navarr, maid of honor, wore a grey wool suit with a yellow rose .corsage. Louis Furlano attended his bro­ ther and another brother, Domi­ nic, and Richard Wass, were ushers. Ralph Reitz played "Medley" on the organ.

Sixty guests enjoyed a recep­ tion at the home of the bride­ groom's parents in Los Angeles.

After a honeymoon trip in the San Gabriel mountains, the couple will reside in Torrance.


Plans for the coming year were outlined at the executive board meeting of the Walterla Parent-Teacher Association held July 23. ',

The first meeting will be Oct. 10, with a "Father's Night" pro­ gram and pot luck supper.

The theme for the year will be: "Understanding the High­ way to a Free World.!,'

Mrs. Berle Conner is presi­ dent, and Mrs. Evar Jannson Is program chairman. Mrs. Edsel Newton is-publicity chairman.

Mrs. Don French was ejected treasurer to succeed Mrs'. Wi! 11am Bates, resigned. ___ * * *


The birthday of Mrs. Robert Tulin of Long Beach provided the incentive for a delightfu evening party Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. John Kecfer en­ tertained in their home, 2259 Torrance blvd.

Following the presentation of a group, gift cards furnished diversion.

Yellow pompom dahlias dec orated the rooms'and the table where refreshments were served,

Those present were the hon. oree and Mr. Tulin, Messrs, and Mmes. Fred T. Fischer, T. A Fallihec, Mmes. Grace Olson, A. L. Burger, and Mrs. Reefer's house guest, her sister, Mrs A. H. Amcs, of Great Falls, Montana.


Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gerbor, 1512 Fern, .were rccerft specta tor-diners at Earl Carroll's in Hollywood with Mrs. Gabriel Gerber, Los Angeles.

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Wedding Reception At Lakewood Club Attended By 150

Highlighting the social activi­ ties of the week was the wed- dis% reception held Sunday af­ ternoon at Lakewood Country club when Mr. and Mrs. William Rojo entertained honoring their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Rlppy Jr., whose wedding took place in Las Vegas, Nov., on June 29. About 150 guests were bidden.

The bride was lovely in a white lace and tulle gown. Her mother received her guests in gold colored silk jersey and Mrs. Hippy's gown was of rose hued crepe. "

Mr. and Mrs. Rippy will live in Torrance. He will resume his studies in law at U.S.C. in Sep­ tember.

Mrs. Gordon Peterle, an aunt of the bride, entertained In her honor at a recent post nuptial shower given in her Los Angeles home. A pink and white them was followed for floral and table decorations and menu. M,any beautiful miscellaneous gifts were presented.

About 30 guests attended, in­ cluding the following group from Torrance: Mcsdames C. T. Rlppy, William Rofa Guy Kel- ley, Frank Paour, F. A. Coving- ton, Guy DeWItt, Richard Rojo (Jo DeWitt), and the Misses Nadine . Paour, Patty Townsend and Dolores Hanks.


Mrs. Orville McGlothin enter­ tained at her 218th st. home with a luncheon at high noon last Wednesday.

The rooms were attractively decorated with cut garden flow- ers and at the luncheon table, centered with blossoms, places were set for Mmes. John Hall Emil Jamey, Stanley Sparrow and Fred Bolin. A decorated birthday cake and ice cream were served as dessert.

The gracious hostess was then presented with lovely gifts, the occasion being her birthday.

Group pictures taken at the conclusion of the luncheon rec­ orded the ' happy gathering for the hostess and her guests.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grcem of 1508 Hickory ave., are the proud parents of their' first child, a soni Richard Dennis, born Sunday, July at 28 Cedars of Lebanon hospital, Los .Ange les. The baby's mother is th< former Norma Levy and th grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Sam Levy of 1503 El Prado, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Grcene, of Beverly Hills,


Mrs. Carol Brown, of 1008 Crenshaw blvd., has returned from three weeks' vacation spent with her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. C. B. Sundbcrg. A tour of Portland, Salem and Dallas, Oregon, were highlights of the vacation trip, she re ports.


Mr. and Mrs.' W. P. Taylor, of 903 Cota' ave., have returned from a week's vacation at Ca- talina.


Mr. and Mrs. Von M. Bergen, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Raymond Grow, enjoyed "The Fortune Teller" at Philharmonic auditorium Saturday evening.


Mrs. Wiliis M. Brooks enter­ tained as her dinner guests Sun day evening Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burroughs, of Hollywood.


Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Shcphard, 1552 W. 215th St., are vacation- Ing with relatives at Big Bear.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berar'd, 1602 W. 215th St., are enjoying a short stay at Big Bear in their recently completed cabin.


111', and Mrs. Geo Kopas and son have recently returned from visiting their daughter, M Chas. Nobbs of San Francis

Methodist Women Announce Dates For Forthcoming Affairs

Mrs. W. H. Sinclair will open her home at 2326 Sonoma avo., for a meeting of Methodist Cir­ cle 1 at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, Au­ gust 6.

Members of Circle 3 will meet,t 12:30 p.m. the same day at Forrancc city park, for a picnic iunch.

On Thursday, August 8, mem bcrs of the Woman's Society ofJhristian Service will gather at the church at 11:00, where trans­ portation will be arranged to San Pedro for a picnic lunch at Averill park.

Thursday and Friday, Sept. 5 and 6, have been set as the dates for the ladles rummage sale. The sale location to be announced in a later issue.

* '* *

Dandoy-Himmelrick Marry Thursday In Long Beach Ceremony

In simple rites performed in Long Beach last Thursday, July 25, Miss Ethel Himmelrlck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hlmmejrick, of 904 Crenshaw blvd., exchanged nuptial vows with JSf. Norman C. Dandoy, son of Mrs. Esther Dandoy, ol 2221 235th st. Judge Leslie S Still read the marriage lines

Attractively attired in - brown gabardine suit dress with white accessories, the bride was attended by her sister, who wor blue silk with contrasting ac cesorles. Vernon Lynch, of Ah meda, attended the bridegrooir

A small dinner for famil; members followed at the horn, of the bride's parents. At an other informal party, held the next day, a double wedding cakt 'topped with two diminutive brl dal party figurines was cut. The one was a wedding courtesy foi the principals of the Dandoy Himmelrlck wedding, and the other for her sister, Miss Vera Jane Himmelrick, whose mar­ riage to Mr. Vernon Lynch w; solemnized the following day First Christian church.

Mrs. Dandoy attended Tor. ranee high school. Her bride­ groom, a recent volunteer in the U.S. Marine Corps, Is stationed at Los Alamitos, Long Beach where they will make thci home.


Mr. and Mrs. W? R. Lee, _. 1923 Arlington ave., accompa nied by her mother, Mrs. Ca mille Dunioht, also of this city, returned Friday from a week's vacation at Sonoma Pass on tl Walker River, where they repo trout fishing was - good. En route home they visited Rcno, Truckec and Lake Tahoe


Mr. and Mrs. James Matthew: 1615 W. 214th St., and Mr. an Mrs. J. H. Raynor, 2260 To: ranee blvd., arc entertaining M.. and Mrs. O. C. Virden, of De­ troit, Mich. During the pas. two weeks the group has been visiting points of interest in Los Angeles and adjacent cities.


Jack Schlanger, of the Tor ranee Men's Shop and Mrs Schlanger are entertaining their houseguests his sister,


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AUGUST 20, 1946

Mrs. Rose Kossack and. IK. daughter, Mrs. David Burnsten and Patricia, of New Orleans, La., who arrived recently to spend the summer.


Mrs. Ben B. Brown left Mo., day following a two weeks' visit with her son and daughter-ln law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B, Brown, of 2404 Gramercy ave Enroute to her home in Tulsa Okla., Mrs. Brown will visit San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Salt Lake City, Denver and other points of Interest.

K * *The executive 'board of Wal

tcrla Parent-Teacher Association will meet Tuesday, August G, In the Walterla school. The meet Ing will start at. 10 a.m.

Buffet Supper Parties At C. V. Jones Home

lompliment Son, BrideMr. and Mrs. Gray Ver Jones,

of Long Beach, whose marriage was solemnized recently in Chi­ cago, were complimented when ils parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Jones entertained on Sat-

rday evening of last week at a buffet supper at their home, 1552 Post -avc. Guests were Long Beach school day friends of the bridegroom.

White carnations and pelar goniums with matching tapers in crystal holders centered the buffet table where delicious re­ freshments were served to about. 20 guests.Piano and vocal selec­ tions, presented by Mr. and Mrs. Hal Grecnc (Norma Levy),if this city, were enthusiastically

received.A similar party given to honor

their son and daughter-in-law was that enjoyed Sunday eve nlng, when Mr. and Mrs. Jones entertained about 20- family members from out of town, in eluding Mr. and Mrs. Max ,Bu chanan, of Pt. Huenemc; Mrs, Lily Carruthers, of Salt Laki City and a group from Long Beach.


Mme. Teala Bellini, her daugh tcr. Teala Rosemary and thel giles.t,. .WlUctta Warberg, all o: Twin Falls, Idaho, have been enjoying a constant round o social activities during theii visit here.

On Tuesday afternoon, Charles Wakefleld Cadman, noted com poser and a personal friend 01 Mme. Bellini, was a caller a< the home of Miss Esther Max well, where the Twin Falls vis Itors have been guests. Tha' evening Mme. Bellini was errter- talned by- Mrs. Colette Nanci at Hollywood Bowl, where the) enjoyed an all-Russian program

On Thursday Mrs. F. L. Park; was hostess to Mme. Bellini Miss Maxwell and the girls al a luncheon at Laguna Bead and the same evening she enter talned at dinner at a Bit ol Sweden followed by a tour ol Olvera street.

Mme._ Bellini was again fetec at an ' evening party at thi Los Angeles home of Mr. an Mrs. Myron Carr, who had been her hosts at the Bowl Satui day evening when the Ballc Ruesc was presented.

A dinner and theatre party I her honor had earlier been give by Mr. and Mrs. David A. Simp son of Los Angeles. ] t

A visit to the i Paramount st dios during the week was o: particular interest to Mme, Bellini's daughter and their young guest.


The new Pomona home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ashley am their children, Laurlc and Mar) Elizabeth was a setting for a enjoyable picnic luncheon Sun day, when Mr. and Mrs. Edwarc Rhone, Julic and David, and Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hlnshaw, VI torla, Diane and Gordon, wc entertained.


James G. Crawford, 18, Sea­ man 2/c, 'son of Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Crawford, 1221 Madrli ave., is serving aboard th< cruiser US8 Los Angeles, now at Shanghai.


The First Christian Church Council will meet for breakfas at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday Au gust 7 in the church social par­ lors. Mrs. Florence Vicllenave, president, Invites all the ladli to .attend.



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BETROTHED . . . Miss Dorris, Jean Willies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-James R. Wilkes, of 2463 Canon st., whose engagement to Paul Vincent Woofteal«k

is city, is announced. The^' couple will be married in theof this city, is announced. The couple will be marrii early spring of 1947.

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wilkes, of 2463 Sonoma avenue, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorris Jean, to Mr. Paul Vincent Woofter, son of Mr. Melvin Woofter, of this city. Miss Wilkes was grad­ uated from Torrance high school with the class of summer 1948 and is now employed in the Los Angeles offices of Occiden­ tal Life Insurance Company. Her fiance is associated with the American Pipe and Steel Com­ pany, of Alhambra. The wed­ ding will take place early next spring.

* -K *

AT SON'S HOME i^Mrs. Frances Clark spent ItlB

week at the Long Beach hortnr of her son and daughtcr-ln-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. David F. Clark.

Torrance HeraldEstablished, Jan. 1, 1914.

Published Every Thursday Grover O. Whyte Editor-Publisher

E. B. Brown, Business Mar.F. S. Selover, Manaping Editor

1336 El Prado. Phone 444Torrance, Calif.

Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Log

Angeles County.Entered as second class mat-'

ter, January 30, 1914. at post- office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879.

,. Official Newspaper of City of Torrance

Subscription Rates ^^ Anywhere In Los Angeles County

$2.00 per year




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