-.-GUAM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - Guam Solid … · 2010. 1. 14. · layon municipal solid...


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P.O. 80x 22439 GMF· 8ARRIGAOA, GUAM 96921TEL: 475·1658/9· FAX: 477·9402


Mr. David L. ManningReceiver RepresentativeGershman, Brickner, & Bratton, Inc.542 North Marine Corps DriveTamuning, Guam 96913Attention: Christopher Lund, Vice President

NOV 232009

RE: Notice of Decision to Issue, Solid Waste Management Facility PermitApplication for the Layon Municipal Solid Waste Landfill, Located on LotNumber B-3-REM-2, Dandan Road, Malojloj, Inarajan

Dear Mr. Manning:

The Guam Environmental Protection Agency has completed its review of theinformation submitted to date in support of your application for a permit to operatea Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) on Lot Number B-3-REM-2, DandanRoad, Malojloj, Inarajan. We have also completed our review of the commentsreceived during the public comment period.

As a result of our review, we have determined that the application materialssubmitted comply with the requirements of the law and regulations. Therefore, theAgency is hereby approving your application for a permit to construct a MunicipalSolid Waste Landfill on the aforementioned location. Operation of the facility iscontingent upon the successful completion of the conditions set forth in thepermits.

Enclosed are the permits and conditions that the Agency is imposing as part of thepermit approval. This Agency recommends that the Permittee thoroughly reviewthe enclosed permit, conditions, and compliance schedule.

Failure to comply with the enclosed permits, conditions, and compliance schedulemay result in the suspension or revocation of the MSWLF permit and issuance of aNotice of Violation and Order of Compliance. Should you have any question(s),please feel free to contact Ms. Conchita SN Taitano or Vincent J. Pereira at (671)475-158/9.

~LO ILE T.,CRISOSTOMOAdmini trator



cc: Ms. Alicia Limtiaco, Attorney General of GuamMs. Karen Ueno, USEPA Region 9,Mr. Michael Wolfram, USEPA Region 9, Guam's Program Manager




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Facility Phone No.: N/AOperator Phone No.: 671-646-3215Owner Phone No.: 671-646-3215


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NOV 232009DATE






Permitted Area (in acres):(Table 1 - Appendix F, Book 2)Total Landfill Footprint Area

Design Capacity (Net Refuse Airspace):(Table 2 - Appendix F, Book 2)Total Landfill Footprint Capacity

Cells Final Grade:Maximum Elevation (Ft.MSL):

Cells Base Grade:Maximum Depth: (Ft. MSL):

Construction, operation, closure, andpost-closure care of Layon MunicipalSanitary Landfill Phase I (Cells 1 and 2)

11.07 acres (Cell 1)11.33 acres (Cell 2)127.4 acres (Cell 1 - Cell 11)

360,109 yards3 (Cell 1)1,047,064 yards3 (Cell 2)15,808,794 yard3 (Cell 1 - Cell 11)

460 Feet above MSL

305 Feet MSL

Floor Liner System:(Section 4.4, Book 2, Drawing L2.8)(from top to bottom:)12-mil scrim-reinforced polyethylene rain cover3 ft. protective soil layerGeocomposite primary LCRS drainage layer80-mil HPDE geomembraneGeocomposite secondary LCRS drainage layer50-mil HOPE geomembrane24 inches low permeability soil (max. 1.0 X10-6 em/sec)12 inches compacted native soilGeocomposite subdrain layerPrepared subgrade above subdrain system

SUbdrain System:

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290 Feet MSL


In the United States Territory of Guam, a civilian community of approximately 150,000 iscurrently disposing its solid waste at the municipal solid waste dump commonly referredto as the Ordot Dump located in the Municipality of Ordot-Chalan Pago. It is not knownprecisely when the Ordot Dump started being used as a waste deposit area but it hasbeen routinely used as a waste deposit area since the late 1940s. As with all suchdumps, the Ordot Dump does not meet current design requirements of the UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Because the Ordot Dump isobsolete and does not meet current environmental standards, the Government ofGuam, Department of Public Works (DPWJ: is under a Consent Decree from USEPA tocorrect a number of operational deficiencies at the Ordot Dump and to eventually closethe facility.

The Ordot Dump has a long history of operational and environmental problems, in 1986USEPA issued an administrative order under the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. §§1251-1387, to DPW, Guam. The order directed DPW to cease discharges of leachatefrom the Ordot Dump by May 1, 1987, but DPW failed to comply with this order.

A study by a consulting firm in 1994 indicates that the civilian population of Guamgenerates an average of 82,306 tons of solid waste per year. When the draftenvironmental impact statement study was initiated in 1995, the Ordot Dump wasnearing capacity. It has since exceeded its anticipated capacity. In addition, TyphoonPaka wrought major destruction on the island in December 1997 and created a hugevolume of MSW, much of which was disposed of at Ordot, further taxing theoverburdened facility that increased the urgency for a new landfill site to be identified.

After years of inaction and noncompliance with the administrative orders, the UnitedStates initiated a suit on August 7, 2002, when it filed a Complaint asserting claims.under CWA with the intention to force the closure of the Ordot Dump and initiate theopening of a new Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) that complied with all federaland local environmental laws and regulations. This suit asked the court to issue anorder requiring the Government of Guam's DPW to take any measure needed toeliminate the un-permitted discharges. The Complaint sought both injunctive relief andcivil penalties well above $50 million.

In December 2003, the Consent Decree was submitted to the District Court of Guam.Following the publication in the Federal Register and period for public comment, JudgeJohn S. Unpingco approved and entered the Consent Decree (Docket Number 55) onFebruary 11, 2004. This Consent Decree established schedules for the closure of theOrdot Dump, the site selection for the new MSWLF, the construction of a new MSWLF,and commencement of operations of the new MSWLF. The Consent Decree requiredthe Government of Guam's DPW to meet these schedules but DPW failed to meet therequirements of the Consent Decree.

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The Government of Guam prepared and then published, in March 2004, its PreliminaryLandfill Site Suitability Report explaining its justification of and methodology used in theselection of the three (3) candidate sites for the new Guam MSWLF. A screening projectteam comprising of DPW and Guam EPA, with mapping assistance from the Water andEnvironmental Research Institute (WERI), screened the sites. The Consent Decreemandated the selection of a minimum of three (3) sites within 30 days of the signing(February 11, 2004), reducing the time for public participation in the process. Of thesethree (3) sites, Guatali and Malaa were eliminated from further consideration because itdoes not meet the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle Drequirement for landfill siting. On January 31, 2005, Government of Guam selectedDandan, specifically Layon, based on the Preliminary Site Selection Report as Guam'sMSWLF. USEPA accepted the selection of Dandan as the preferred site in a letterdated February 14, 2005.

Layon is located in the higher scarcely vegetated areas on the west side of the Dandanparcel, southwest of the former National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA)tracking station. The Dandan parcel (Lot B-3-REM) in which the Layon footprint islocated is approximately 2,800 acres of undeveloped, privately-owned land. Theexisting land use on the 127-acre Layon footprint is a mixture of agricultural andrecreational. The Layon footprint contains five (5) vegetation communities - savannah,grassland, ravine forest, disturbed vegetation/badlands, and wetlands. No threatened orendangered species were observed during the surveys although wetlands at the sitemay provide habitat for the endangered Mariana common moorhen. No formalarchaeological sites were identified during the survey.

Design and landfill operating features for the Layon landfill will be in compliance withRCRA and the Rules and Regulations for Guam's Solid Waste Disposal, 10 GuamCode Annotated, Chapter 23, Title 22, Division 4. The landfill will also requirecompliance with other applicable local and federal laws and regulations.

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II.A.l. Effect of Permit - 2 -

II.A.2. Permit Modification, Suspension, Revocation and Termination - 3 -

II.A.3. Permit Renewal - 3 -

II.A.4. Severability - 4 -

II.A.5. Definitions - 4 -

II.A.6. Duty to Comply - 4 -

II.A.7. Permit Expiration - 5 -

II.A.8. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense - 5 -

II.A.9. Duty to Mitigate 5 -

II.A.l0. Proper Operation and Maintenance - 5 •

II.A.ll. Duty to Provide Information - 6-

II.A.12. Inspection and Entry - 6 -

II.A.13. Monitoring and Records - 7 -

II.A.14. Reporting Planned Changes - 7 -

II.A.15. Transfer of Permits - 7 -

II.A.16. Twenty-Four Hour Reporting - 8 -


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IV.A.l. Operations Plan, General - 15 -

IV.A.2. Solid Waste Accepted - 15 -

IV.A.3. Solid Waste Excluded - 15 -

IV.A.4. Procedures for Excluding the Receipt of Hazardous Waste - 16 -

IV.A.5. Special Wastes - 16 -

IV.A.6. Cover Material Requirements - 17 -

IV.A.7. Vectors, Birds, Odors, Noise, Dust, and Litter ControL - 17 -

IV.A.B. Explosive Gases Control/Landfill Gas Monitoring - 18 -

IV.A.9. Air Criteria/Burning of Waste - 19-

IV.A.l0. Access Requirements - 19 -

IVAll. Surface Water Run-on and Run-off Control Systems - 19 -

IV.A.12. Impact Buffer Area - 19 -

IV.A.13. Liquid Restrictions - 20 -

IV.A.14. Safety - 20-

iiVersion 22-Nov-09

IV.A.1S. Facility Operating Hours - 20 .

IV.A.16. Adequate Equipment and Personnel. - 20 .

IV.A.17. General Inspection Requirements -21-

IV.A.18. Personnel Training -21-

IV.A.19. Emergency Response and Contingency Plan - 21-

IV.A.20. Sa]vagingofWastes - 22-

IV.A.21. Permanent Sign - 22-


IV.B.l. Landfill Gas Collection and Removal System - 23 -

IV.B.2. Landfill Gas Treatment and Disposal - 23 -


IV.C.l. Leachate Collection and Removal System (LCRS) - 24 -

IV.C.2. Leachate Management & Monitoring - 24 •






V.A.l. Closure Plan Notification - 28 -

V.A.2. Performance Standard -28-

V.A.3. Amendment to Closure Plan - 28 -

V.A.4. Notification of Closure : - 2B -

V.A.S. Time Allowed For Closure - 29 .

V.A.6. Certification of Closure - 29 -

V.A.7. Title Recording - 29 -

V.A.B. Closure Cost Revision - 29 -

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VI.A.l. Post-Closure Care Period - 30 .

VI.A.2. Post-Closure Care Cost Revision - 30 -



VII.A.l. Special Condition I - 31-


VII.B.l. Special Condition II - 32 -


VII.C.l. Special Condition III -33 -

ivVersion 22-Nov-09



The Permittee shall operate the facility, and construct or install associatedappurtenances thereto, in accordance with the provisions of Guam's Solid WasteManagement and Litter Control Act, 10 Guam Code Annotated, Chapter 51, Guam SolidWaste Disposal Rules and Regulations, 22 Guam Administrative Rules, Chapter 23, theconditions of this permit, and the following permit application documents which areincorporated herein by reference:

(List of all final and Guam EPA approved documentations and applications applicable tothis permit)

FSSRIEIS Final Site Selection Report, Environmental Impact Statement for theSetting of a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility, Guam, dated March14,2005.

SEIS Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Setting of aMunicipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility, Guam, dated July 15, 2008.

FINAL HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORTFinal Integrated Hydrogeologic Assessment, Volume I, dated November26,2008.

CERTIFICATION OF ZONING COMPLIANCEDated January 16, 2009, Guam Land Use Commission.

Final and Approved Application Documents:

Books 1

Books 2



Technical Specifications, dated December 12, 2008, amended May 22,2009, amended July 10 and 23, 2009, amended August 5,2009, toincorporate Book 1A and 1B to Book 1.

Design Narratives and Attachments, dated December 12, 2008, amendedMay 22,2009, amended July 10 and 23, 2009, amended August 5, 2009.

Supplemental Geotechnical Laboratory Test Results and Site SpecificGroundwater Monitoring Plan, dated December 12, 2008, amended May22, 2009, amended July 23, 2009.

Stability Analysis Review, Shake Acceleration and Output Files, 06g,Shake Output and Acceleration Files amended May 22, 2009, amendedAugust 27,2009, to include the Slope Stability Analysis.

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Book 4


Operations Plan and Closure and Post-Closure Plan, dated December 23,2008, amended May 22, 2009, amended July 10 and 23, 2009, amendedAugust 5, 2009.

Guam Solid Waste Municipal Landfill Permit, dated December 23, 2008,amended May 22,2009, amended July 23,2009, amended August 5,2009.



1. The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth hereinare "Permit Conditions" and as such are binding upon the Permittee andenforceable in accordance with the provisions of 10 Guam Code Annotated(GCA), Chapter 51, Solid Waste Management and Litter Control (SWMLC), asamended, Public Law 23-64, Guam Solid Waste Disposal Rules and Regulations(GSWDRR), and 22 Guam Administrative Rules, Chapter 23. The Agency willreview the permit periodically and retains the right to initiate enforcement actionfor any violation of the "Permit Conditions" by the Permittee, its agents,employees, servants, or representatives.

2. The permit shall be kept at or near the operation site for which the permit isissued and shall be available upon request [GSWDRR, §23312].

II.A.1. Effect of Permit

a. The Permittee is allowed to dispose solid waste within the permitted area inaccordance with the conditions of this permit. Any disposal of solid waste notauthorized in this permit is prohibited. Subject to the 10 GCA, SWMLC,§51104(a), compliance with this permit generally constitutes compliance, forthe purposes of enforcement, with the GSWDRR.

b. Issuance of this Permit does not convey any property rights of any sort or anyexclusive privilege; nor does it authorize any injury to persons or property,any invasion of other private rights, or any infringement of federal or local law,regulations or ordinances.

c. Compliance with the terms of this permit does not constitute a defense to anyorder issued or any action brought under 10 GCA, Chapter 51, SWMLC andSection 7003 of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); or anyother law providing for protection of public health or the environment.

d. Issuance of this permit does not provide approval of other applicable permit

- 2 -Version 23-Nov-09

requirements of the federal or local government including but not limited toGuam Air Pollution Control Standards and Regulations (GAPCSR), andGuam Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations.

e. The Permittee and all contractors of the Permittee shall be bound by thisPermit and all applicable laws and regulations.

f. The Permittee is responsible for ensuring that all contractors, subcontractors,and other persons carrying out any work related to this facility/activity shall befully informed of all permit conditions and all applicable provisions andrequirements of GSWDRR prior to commencing any solid waste managementactivities. The Permittee shall submit a plan to Guam EPA identifying allcontractors and delineating specific responsibilities for compliance with thispermit and the GSWDRR. However any such delineation of responsibilityshall not be construed as preventing Guam EPA from taking any necessaryenforcement actions or seeking other remedies as provided for by statute.

Prior to the initial commencement of solid waste management activities by acontractor, the contractor shall provide Guam EPA with written notice thatthey:

i) understand the conditions specified in this permit;ii) understand all other applicable provisions and requirements of the

GSWDRR;iii) acknowledge that they may be subject to enforcement actions for

non-compliance with these requirements and regulations.

II.A.2. Permit Modification, Suspension, Revocation and Termination

This Permit may be modified, suspended, revoked, reissued, or terminated for cause,as specified in the SWMLC §511 04(f) and GSWDRR §231 04. The filing of a request fora permit action, or the notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance bythe Permittee does not stay the applicability or enforceability of any permit requirementor condition.

The permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for andindicated in the submitted application and additional submittals on file with the Agency.Any unauthorized deviation from the submitted application, approved drawings,operations manuals, additional submittals, or conditions of this permit may constitutegrounds for revocation of this permit and enforcement action by this Agency.

II.A.3. Permit Renewal

Review of any application for a Permit renewal shall consider improvements in the stateof control and measurement technology, as well as changes in applicable law or

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regulations. The Permittee must apply for a renewal of the permit at least one hundredeighty (180) days before the expiration date shown on the signature page of this permit[GSWDRR § 231 04(b)(6)(b)].

II.A.4. Severability

The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or theapplication of any provision of this permit to any circumstance is held invalid, theapplication of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this permitshall not be affected.

This permit does not relieve the Permittee from liability for harm or injury to humanhealth or welfare, animal, plant or aquatic life or property and penalties therefore causedby the construction or operation of this permitted source, nor does it allow the Permitteeto cause pollution in contravention of Guam Statutes and Agency rules, unlessspecifically authorized by an order from the Administrator.

II.A.5. Definitions

For purposes of this Permit, terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those in10 GCA, Chapter 51 (SWMLC), GSWDRR, GHWMR, and the Consent Decree, unlessthis Permit specifically provides otherwise; where terms are not defined in theregulations or the Permit, the meaning associated with such terms shall be defined by astandard dictionary reference or the generally accepted scientific or industrial meaningof the term. The following words used herein which are not defined in the SWMLC,GSWDRR, GHWMR, and the Consent Decree, are defined below:

a. Consent Decree means the decree in the United States ofAmerica v.Government of Guam, Civil Case No. 02-00022, issued on February 11,2004.

b. Issued date means the date the Administrator signs this permitc. Permittee means the Department of Public Works (DPW), or its designee,

including the contractor(s) who operate(s) the Layon Landfill on behalf of theDepartment of Public Works.

II.A.G. Duty to Comply

The Permittee shall comply with all conditions of this Permit, except to the extent and forthe duration the Administrator has issued prior authorization for such noncompliance.Any Permit noncompliance, other than noncompliance which has received priorauthorization from the Administrator, constitutes a violation of the SWMLC and theGSWDRR and is grounds for enforcement action; for Permit termination, revocation,suspension, or modification; or for denial of a Permit renewal application.

- 4 -Version 22-Nov-09

If. for any reasons. the Permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply withany condition or limitation specified in the permit, the Permittee shall notify the Agencyverbally within eight (8) hours followed by a written Non-compliance report within three(3) days of the verbal notification. The report shall contain the following information:

a. A description of and the cause of non-compliance;b. The period of non-compliance. including exact dates and time. or. if. not

corrected, the anticipated time of non-compliance is expected to continue;and

c. Steps being taken to reduce. eliminate. prevent recurrence of the non­compliance.

II.A.7. Permit Expiration

Pursuant to GSWDRR §23104(g). this Permit shall be effective for a period of five (5)years following the date of issuance. If a timely renewal application is made and thepermit renewal is not complete by the expiration date, this permit will continue to beenforced until renewal is completed or denied.

II.A.a. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense

It shall not be a defense for the Permittee, in an enforcement action that it would havebeen necessary. to halt or reduce the Permitted activity in order to maintain compliancewith the conditions of this Permit.

11.A.9. Duty to Mitigate

In the event of noncompliance with this Permit, the Permittee shall take all reasonablesteps to minimize releases to the environment and shall carry out such measures. asare reasonable. to prevent significant adverse impacts on human health or theenvironment. and to come into compliance as rapidly as possible.

II.A.10. Proper Operation and Maintenance

The Permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facility, equipment.contracts, and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) that areinstalled or used by the Permittee or its contractors to achieve compliance with theconditions of this permit, as required by the Agency's rules and regulation.

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II.A.11. Duty to Provide Information

a. The Permittee shall furnish to the Administrator, when specified by GuamEPA, any information required by law which is needed to determinecompliance with the permit.

i. to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking andreissuing, or terminating this Permit, or

ii. to determine compliance with this Permit or any applicableenvironmental requirements.

b. The Permittee shall also furnish to the Administrator, upon request, copies ofrecords required to be kept by this permit.

c. Whenever the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevantfacts in the permit application or in any report, notification or submission, orthat it submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report,notification or submission to the Administrator, the Permittee shall promptlysubmit such facts or information.

II.A.12. Inspection and Entry

Pursuant to the SWMLC §511 06, the Permittee, by accepting this permit, specificallyagrees to allow the Administrator or his/her designee, upon the presentation ofcredentials or other documents as may be required by law, access to the premises, atreasonable times, where the permitted activity is located or conducted for the purposeof:

a. Having access to and receiving copies to any records that must be kept underthe condition of the permit or regulations;

b. Inspecting the facility, equipment (including monitoring and controlequipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit orregulations; and

c. Sampling or monitoring any substances or parameters at any locationreasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Agency rules.

Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern(s) being investigated andwhen specified by Guam EPA.

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II.A.13. Monitoring and Records

The Permittee shall comply with the following monitoring and record requirements:

i. The Permittee shall retain at the facility or other location designated by this permitrecords of all monitoring information (including all calibration and maintenancerecords and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoringinstrumentation), copies of reports required by this permit, and records of all dataused to complete the application for this permit. The time period for the retentionshall be at least five (5) years from the date of the sample, measurement,certification, record, report or application unless otherwise specified by theAgency's rules and regulations.

ii. Upon request, the Permitttee shall furnish all records and plans required underAgency rules [GSWDRR § 23312]. The retention period for all records will beextended automatically, unless otherwise stipulated by the Agency, during thecourse of any unresolved enforcement action.

iii. Records of all monitoring information shall include:

a. the dates, exact place, and times of sampling or measurements;b. the person responsible for performing the sampling or measurement;c. the date(s) the analyses were performed;d. the person responsible for performing the analyses;e. analytical techniques or methods used; andf. results of such analyses.

II.A.14. Reporting Planned Changes

The Permittee shall give notice to the Administrator, immediately, of any plannedphysical alterations or additions to the Permitted facility.

II.A.15. Transfer of Permits

a. This permit is not transferable, whether by operation of law or otherwise,either from one location to another, from one solid waste disposal facility toanother or from one person to another, without the written approval of theAdministrator [GSWDRR § 23104(1)]..

The Administrator may require suspension, termination, modification,revocation, or reissuance of the Permit as required by GSWDRR §23104(h),(i), and U).

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b. Before transferring ownership of or contracting for the operation of the facilityor implementation of closure activities or post closure care, the Permitteeshall notify the new owner or operator in writing of the requirements of theSWMLC, GSWDRR and this permit.

c. Copies of the notification shall be provided to the Administrator concurrentwith notification to the owner or operator.

. The Permittee shall be liable for any non-compliance of the permitted activity until thetransfer is approved by the Administrator.

II.A.16. Twenty-Four Hour Reporting

The Permittee is required to notify the Agency, whenever there are incidents such asfire, explosion, or release of regulated substance/waste, which could threaten humanhealth or the environment (i.e. air, soil, surface and subsurface waters). Initialnotification shall be made immediately by phone to the local Fire Department by calling911 (Emergency Call Center). The Incident Report shall be submitted within three (3)days and shall include the following information:

a. Name, address, and telephone number of the owner and operator;b. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility at which the incident

occurred;c. Name and quantity of material/waste (i.e. polychlorinated biphenyls, hazardous

wastes, petroleum contaminated soils, etc.) involved;d. The extent of injury, if any;e. Date, time, and type of incident (i.e. fire, explosion, release of regulated

. substance/waste etc.);f. An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the

environment, where applicable; andg. Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered and unrecovered material that

resulted from the incident.


1. All applications, reports, or information submitted to or requested by theAdministrator shall be signed and certified by the Receiver during the period thefacility remains under the control of the Receivership; and after the Receivership,the public official designated pursuant to GSWDRR §231 04(b)(3).

2. Except as otherwise specifically stated, all reports, notifications, or othersubmissions required by this permit or requested by the Administrator shall beeither sent by certified mail to:

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AdministratorGuam Environmental Protection AgencyPost Office Box 22439 GMFBarrigada, Guam 96921

Or delivered to:

AdministratorGuam Environmental Protection AgencyBuilding 17-3304, Mariner Ave.Tiyan, Barrigada, Guam 96921

3. All reports, notices and other submissions to Guam EPA shall be signed andaffirmed by a responsible official of the Permittee using the following certificationstatement:

I certify under penalty of law that I have examined and am familiar with theinformation submitted in this document and all attachments and that thisdocument and its attachments were prepared either by me personally or underdirection or supervision in a manner designed to ensure that qualified andknowledgeable personnel properly gathered and presented the informationcontained therein. I further certify, based on my personal knowledge or on myinquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there aresignificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility offines and imprisonment for knowing and willful submission


As required in Book 4, Section 9 and 10 of the Operations Plan, reports shall besubmitted to Guam EPA annually or as specified. These reports shall include:

a. Total refuse tonnage accepted;b. Refuse tonnage accepted from small haulers and private individuals;c. Data on waste excluded (volumes, character, load count, and tonnage if

possible);d. Record of location (waste management unit, cell, etc.) where special

wastes are located;e. Scale data of recyclable tonnage and types accepted;f. Explosive Gases Control (Gas Monitoring) shall be conducted and

submitted Quarterly in accordance with § 23306 GSWDRR;g. Leachate collection and treatment monitoring results;h. Cover material usage;i. Detection Monitoring Program (Groundwater Monitoring) shall be

conducted and submitted semi-annually in accordance with § 23505

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GSWDRR;j. Discussion on pending designs, construction or expansion plans; andk. Other items as directed by the Administrator.

The Annual Operating Reports shall include the following Information:

a. Discussion and summaries of the quarterly report data, including trackingof trends throughout the year, as well as historical trends;

b. Total annual and cumulative volumes of refuse placed and cover materialexcavation, based on controlled topographic surveys;

c. Quantities of semi-solid liquid waste (ton) received and how it is handledor disposed;

d. Quantities of leachate (gallon) generated and how it was handled ordisposed;

e. Proposed refuse placement for upcoming year and cover soil excavationplans;

f. Updated estimates for landfill closure and post-closure maintenance costs,and updated financial assurance information;

g. On or before July 31 of each year, the Permittee shall submit an annualtopographic survey of the site as prepared by a land surveyor registeredin the island of Guam or an approved alternate method. This survey shallclearly show the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the landfill area, andlocations and spot elevation of the settlement monument withcomparisons with baseline year 2011; and

h. Other pertinent details required by the Administrator.


The Permittee shall comply with the following financial assurance criteria GSWDRR §§23701, 23702, 23703, 23704, 23705, and Book 4, Closure and Post-Closure Plan,Section 7. In addition, the Permittee shall maintain the approved financial assurancemechanism ("State Assumption of Responsibility") as specified in the permit documentsat all times throughout the active life of the landfill, and during the required post-closurecare period. The amount of funds assured must be sufficient to cover the costs ofclosure, post-closure care, and corrective action for known releases when needed, andshall be made available in a timely fashion when needed. The estimated landfill closureand post-closure care costs shall be updated annually, and the amount of fundsassured shall be adjusted as necessary to account for changes to these costs, as wellas any corrective actions that may become required under the GSWDRR. All facilityAnnual Operating Reports must contain updated cost estimates and updatedinformation on the status of the financial assurance mechanisms.

a. A "pledge of revenue" that appropriate funding will be set aside for closure andpost closure. The Permittee shall establish a separate account for the closureand post closure of the MSWLF. Furthermore, a percentage of the tipping fee

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shall be allocated to this account; and

b. Annual update of closure and post-closure cost estimates.


1. The Permittee shall notify the Administrator by delivery of the commencement ofa voluntary or involuntary proceeding in any bankruptcy, including bankruptcyunder Title 11, U.S. Code, naming the owner or operator as debtor, within 10days after commencement of the proceeding. A guarantor of a contractor mustmake such a notification if he is named as debtor.

2. The Permittee who fulfills the requirements of financial assurance by obtaining atrust fund, surety bond, letter of credit, other local approved mechanism, orinsurance policy will be deemed to be without the required financial assurance orliability coverage in the event of bankruptcy of the trustee or issuing institution, ora suspension or revocation of the authority of the trustee or institution to act astrustee or of the institution issuing the surety bond, letter of credit, or insurancepolicy to issue such instruments. The Permittee must establish other financialassurance or liability coverage within 60 days after such an event.


Unless the submitted documents and other information secured by the Agency from thePermittee contain confidential information, such as secret processes or methods ofmanufacture, they shall be made available for inspection by the public [5 GCA, Chapter10, Freedom of Information].


The Permittee shall maintain at the facility and at the Department of Public Works,Division of Solid Waste, until closure is completed and certified by an independent,registered professional engineer, and the Administrator provides written approval thatthe Permittee may remove them, the following documents and all amendments,revisions and modifications to these documents:

1. Summary of Layon Landfill's Solid Waste Acceptance Plan, as required byGSWDRR §23312(a)(8) and this Permit.

2. Inspection schedules and plans, as required by GSWDRR §23312(a)(2).

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3. Personnel Training Program Plan and personnel training documents and records,as required by GSWDRR 23312(a)(2).

4. Emergency Contingency Plan, as required by this Permit.

5. Hazardous Waste Exclusion Program, as required by this Permit and GSWDRR§23303.

6. Operating record, as required by GSWDRR §23312(a)(9).

7. Closure Plan, as required by GSWDRR §23312(a)(6).

8. Post-Closure Care and Maintenance Plan, as required by GSWDRR§23312(a)(6).

9. Annually adjusted cost estimate for facility closure and post-closure, as requiredby GSWDRR §23312(a)(7).

10.Gas Monitoring Plan and Sampling and Analysis Data, as required by GSWDRR§23312(a)(3).

11. Ground-water Monitoring Plan and Sampling and Analysis Data, as required byGSWDRR §23312(a)(5).

12. Surface Water Monitoring Plan and Sampling and Analysis Data, as required bythis Permit.

13. Final Filling Plan and Layon Landfill Assessment Report, as required by thisPermit.

14. Operations Plan, as required by GSWDRR §23104(b)(1)(C).

15.Vector Control Monitoring Plan and Deterrence Program, as required byGSWDRR §23312(a)(11).

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The Permittee (and its contractor(s)), shall construct the municipal solid waste landfillunits and all appurtenances in accordance with the plans and specifications submittedand approved by Guam EPA as part of the permit application and in accordance withGSWDRR § 23401. Any proposed modifications or changes to the Guam EPAapproved Plans and Specifications shall be submitted to Guam EPA for review andapproval prior to construction of the modification or change. All plans must be updatedto incorporate all approved modifications or changes.

Any future municipal solid waste cells at the Layon landfill site shall be constructed withliners and leachate collection systems similar to the approved liner system for Cells 1and 2, and meeting the requirements of GSWDRR § 23401. Construction of any newdisposal cell or area will require submittal of design plans and drawings, a constructionquality assurance/quality control plan, and an application for a new permit, all subject tothe requirements of GSWDRR § 23104(b). The Permittee shall adhere to a Guam EPAapproved Dust Control Plan for the duration of the construction.


Prior to construction of any landfill cell, sub-cell, engineered control system, wastetreatment facility, or final cover, the Permittee shall submit construction designdraWings and a Construction Quality Control and Construction Quality Assurance(CQC/CQA) Plan to the Administrator for approval. BUildings do not require approvalfrom Guam EPA. The Permittee shall construct any landfill cell, sub-cell, cell liner,engineered control system, waste treatment facility, and the final cover in accordancewith the design drawings and CQC/CQA Plans submitted and approved by theAdministrator.

Subsequent to construction, the Permittee shall notify the Administrator of completionof construction of any landfill cell, sub-cell, engineered control system, waste treatmentfacility, or final cover. Landfill cells may not be used for treatment or disposal of wasteuntil all CQC/CQA documents and construction related documents including as-builtdrawings are approved by the Administrator and local building official (DPW). ThePermittee shall submit as-built drawings for each construction event that are signedand sealed by a professional engineer registered in the Territory of Guam.

The Permittee shall notify the Administrator of any proposed incremental closure,placement of any part of the final cover, or placement of the full final cover.

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Construction of any portion of the final cover shall be considered as a separateconstruction event and shall be approved separately from any other construction orexpansion of the landfill. Design approval must be received from the Administratorprior to construction and must be accompanied by a CQC/CQA Plan, for eachconstruction event where incremental or final closure is performed.

A qualified party, independent of the owner and construction contractor shall performthe quality assurance function on earthen components, liner components, covercomponents, and other testing as required by the approved CQC/CQA Plan. Thequalified party shall be supervised by a registered engineer. The final documentation,which contains all construction reports and results, must be submitted in a finaldocumentation report, including as-built drawings to the Administrator.

The final documentation report and all engineering drawings submitted to theAdministrator must be stamped and approved by a professional engineer with a currentregistration in Guam.


The Permittee shall not commence disposal of solid waste within Cell 1 & Cell 2 until thePermittee has submitted to the Administrator, by certified mail or hand delivery, a lettersigned by the Permittee and a registered professional engineer licensed in the Territoryof Guam stating that the facility has been constructed or modified in compliance with thepermit, design, construction quality assurance plan, and any Guam EPA approveddesign modification; and

a. The Administrator has reviewed the final documentation report, and found it tobe complete and accurate;

b. The Administrator has inspected the mOdified or newly constructed facilityand finds it is in compliance with the conditions of the permit; or

c. The Administrator has either waived the inspection or has not within 15 daysnotified the Permittee of his intent to inspect.

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IV.A.1. Operations Plan, General

The Operations Plan included in the permit application and the solid waste permitissued by the Administrator shall be kept onsite and readily available at the landfill, andshall be kept up to date with all revisions as approved by Guam EPA. The landfill shallbe operated in accordance with the Operations Plan as included in the permitapplication. If necessary, the facility owner may modify the Operations Plan, providedthat the modification meets all of the requirements of GSWDRR § 23104(h), is asprotective of human health and the environment as that approved in the permitapplication, and is approved by the Administrator as a minor modification underGSWDRR § 23104(h). Any modification to the Operations Plan shall be noted in theoperating record.

Any modification to the Operations Plan must be submitted to the Administrator forapproval and is considered a minor permit modification in compliance with GSWDRR §23104(h) unless the Administrator determines the change should be subject to publiccomment under SWMDLC § 51104(d)(1) and (2)

IV.A.2. Solid Waste Accepted

This permit is for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste that may include municipalsolid waste, commercial waste, and special waste as allowed by GSWDRR § 23301 (b),Book 4, Operations Plan, Appendix B, and the Administrator.

IVA3. Solid Waste Excluded

The Permittee shall implement GSWDRR § 23302 and Book 4, Operations Plan,Appendix B, for those solid wastes excluded for disposal.

No hazardous waste as defined by GSWDRR § 23102(45), SWMLC § 51102(10) andGuam Hazardous Waste Management Regulation (GHWMR) [40 CFR 260.10 [40 CFRPart 261.3]] or Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) as defined under the Toxic.Substances Control Act (TSCA), 40 CFR Part 761 shall be accepted for treatment,storage, or disposal at the landfill. Any prohibited waste received and accepted fordisposal at the facility will constitute a violation of this permit [SWMLC § 51111]. Thesolid wastes excluded from the MSWLF to include but are not limited to the following:junk vehicles, appliances, construction & demolition debris, PCB wastes, contaminatedsoils (petroleum), E-wastes, DIY used motor oil, batteries, radioactive wastes, solvents,

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paints, oily wastes, acids, corrosives, green wastes, industrial wastes, explosives,asbestos, sludge, and asbestos containing materials, unless otherwise indicated withinthis permit.

No containers larger than one (1) gallon household size holding any liquid, non­containerized material containing free liquids or any waste containing free liquids incontainers larger than one (1) gallon shall be disposed at the landfill [SWMLC § 23311].

The Permittee shall implement a screening program at the entrance of the facility toensure that only acceptable solid wastes enter the facility. If the facility inadvertentlyaccepts unacceptable wastes or receives unacceptable wastes from transfer stations,the Permittee shall properly manage and dispose of the unacceptable materials(wastes), in accordance with applicable federal and local laws and regulations prior tocausing a nuisance, health, or environmental threat.

IV.A.4. Procedures for Excluding the Receipt of Hazardous Waste

The Permittee shall operate the landfill in accordance with the approved WasteExclusion Plan contained in Book 4, Operations Plan, Appendix B, GSWDRR § 23302and § 23303 to ensure that regulated hazardous wastes and PCB wastes are notdisposed of at the landfill.

IV.A.5. Special Wastes

Special wastes may be accepted in accordance with the provIsions in Book 4,Operations Plan, Appendix B which provide instructions for the acceptance and disposalof the following special wastes:

a. Infectious Wastes. Infectious waste may not be disposed of at any solidwaste facility unless it is incinerated, sterilized, or otherwise rendered non­infectious in accordance with Book 4, Operations Plan, Section 5.5.3 and22 GAR, Chapter 20. Section 20114(a);

b. Dead Animals and Offal. The Permittee shall immediately place aminimum of two (2) feet of soil over any accepted dead animals, offal, orodorous waste. The cover soil shall be compacted and be of sufficientthickness (2 feet or more) to control the release of odors [Book 4,Operations Plan, Section 5.6];

c. Sewage Sludge meeting the no free liquids requirement as defined byEPA Test Method 9095 (Paint Filter Liquids Test); and

d. Asbestos Waste may not be disposed in the landfill without the prior

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and written approval of the Administrator, provided such disposal is inaccordance with 40 CFR Part 61, National Emission Standards forHazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations, 29 CFR 11910.1001,Department of Transportation (DOT) 49 CFR 100 - 199, GAPCSR,Section 1103.14 and Book 4, Operations Plan, Appendix C.

e. The burial locations of all special wastes shall be recorded and reported inaccordance with the record keeping and reporting requirements specifiedin the Operations Plan and permit.

IV.A.G. Cover Material Requirements

The Permittee shall comply with GSWDRR § 23304, 23305, 23306, 23307, and Book 4,Operations Plan to ensure that the solid waste received at the landfill shall becompletely covered at the end of each working day with a minimum of six inches ofearthen material. Aggregate size shall be less than 2.5 inches and well-graded. Inaddition, the earthen material shall be indigenous to Guam and free of anycontamination from hazardous constituents, SUbstances, and/or wastes.

Request for the use of an Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) as cover shall be submitted toGuam EPA. The request shall evaluate the proposed ADC to its specific characteristicsand appropriate use at the facility. The Agency requires demonstration periods in six (6)months increment to show that the ADC and its thickness can control disease vectors,fires, odors, nuisance, litter [GSWDRR § 23305, 23306, and 23307], and scavengingwithout presenting a threat to human health and the environment. The Permittee shallobtain Agency approval prior to the commencement of the demonstration project. Theuse of ADC is limited to daily cover increment period; the Permittee shall report theperformance of the ADC as to its specific characteristics and appropriate use at thefacility, The demonstration period or the approval use of an ADC may be rescinded orcancelled by either the Agency or Owner/Operator at any time without cause.

Records shall be maintained on file at the facility and information within verified as to itsauthenticity by the appropriate' personnel. The daily cover monitoring verification shallinclude digital photos of the workface, quantitative records of daily waste disposed,approximate cell dimensions and daily soil cover used in tons and cubic yards.

IV.A.7. Vectors, Birds, Odors, Noise, Dust, and Litter Control

The Permittee shall comply with GAPCSR, GSWDRR § 23305 and Book 4, OperationsPlan, Section 6, Maintenance and Control for the reduction of vectors, odor, litter, mudand dust.

The Permittee shall provide measures to evaluate, prevent, and/or control on-sitepopulations of disease vectors and minimize nuisance conditions, and document any

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associated activities. At a minimum, such measures shall be taken on a monthly basis.The measures shall meet the requirements of GSWDRR § 23305.

The Permittee shall provide measures to minimize free litter in the landfill and preventits occurrence beyond the property line of the facility. During the course of the workingday of operation, all windblown material shall be collected and be properly disposed.The measures, at a minimum, shall include:

a. The use of portable litter screen which shall be deployed within 100 yards ofthe active workforce;

b. The use of permanent or semi-permanent litter screen or fences in primaryand secondary control positions;

c. Litter clean-up in the event of major storm or other incident in which litterescapes the normal litter containment systems; and

d. Provision for a truck clean-out area near the active workface that shall havelitter control fencing and disposal receptacles for truck clean-out.

The Permittee shall provide measures for minimizing the tracking of mud onto publicroads, and the generation of dust from vehicular traffic on-site. The measures shallinclude on-site road maintenance and cleaning, a wet-weathered disposal area, and atruck wheel cleaning area for vehicles prior to leaving the site. Possible truck or truckwheel cleaning measures that may be implemented include: rumble strip, drive-throughtire wash, trash clean out pad, and/or wash pad.

Dust control measures such as water sprays and barriers shall be established for thesite. Dust monitoring shall be conducted, if needed.

IV.A.8. Explosive Gases Control/Landfill Gas Monitoring

The Permittee shall monitor explosive gases at the landfill in accordance with the GasMonitoring Plan contained in the permit application and shall otherwise meet therequirements of GSWDRR § 23306, GAPCSR, and Book 4, Operations Plan, Section6.8. If necessary, the Permittee may modify the Gas Monitoring Plan, provided that themodification meets all of the requirements of GSWDRR § 23306 and is as protective ofhuman health and the environment. and approved by the Administrator as a minormodification under GSWDRR § 23104(h). Any modification to the Gas Monitoring Planshall be noted in the operating record.

If the concentrations of explosive gases at any of the facility structures, at the propertyboundary, or beyond the property boundary ever exceed the standards set in GSWDRR§ 23306 and Book 4, Operations Plan, Section 6.8, the Permittee shall immediately takeall necessary steps to ensure protection of human health and notify the Administrator.Within seven (7) days of detection, place in the operating record the explosive gaslevels detected and a description of the immediate steps taken to protect human health.Implement a remediation plan that meets the requirements of GSWDRR § 23306 and

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Book 4, Operations Plan, Section 6.8 and shall submit the plan to the Administrator priorto implementation.

IV.A.9. Air Criteria/Burning of Waste

The Permittee shall comply with the air criteria requirements specified in GSWDRR§23307, SWMLC § 51110(8), GAPCSR, Section 1103.11, and Book 4, Operations Plan,Section 6.3.

The Permittee shall manage the landfill to control wind dispersal of dust and particulatematter in accordance with GAPCSR, Section 1103.4, and Book 4, Operations Plan,Section 6.3.

IV.A.10. Access Requirements

The Permittee is responsible for providing measures to control public access inaccordance with SWMLC § 51107, GSWDRR §23308, and Book 4, Operations Plan,Section 5.1 and 6.1. In addition, public access will be controlled to minimizeunauthorized vehicular traffic, unauthorized and illegal dumping, and public exposure tohazards associated with waste management.

When natural barriers no longer prove to be an effective means of providing controlaccess, then fences and gates shall be provided to meet the requirements of controlledaccess. All gates shall be kept locked when an attendant is not on duty.

IV.A.11. Surface Water Run-on and Run-off Control Systems

The Permittee shall at all times operate and maintain all drainage channels, detention(ponding) basins and other run-on/run-off control structures and systems in accordancewith GSWDRR § 23309 and § 23310 and Book 4, Operations Plan, Section 6.10.4,Annual Surface Water Management Plan.

IV.A.12. Impact Buffer Area

The Permittee shall manage an Impact buffer area, which shall include any adjacentpublic roads or environmentally sensitive areas, by maintaining appropriate fire breakand controlling litter. The buffer area to be managed shall be identified within theOperations Plan drawings and agreed upon by the Agency.

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IV.A.13. Liquid Restrictions

The Permittee shall provide measures to restrict the disposal of bulk or non­containerized liquid in accordance with GSWDRR § 23311 and Book 4, OperationsPlan, Section 8.9.

IV.A.14. Safety

. The Permittee shall comply with GSWDRR § 23313 and Book 4, Operations Plan,Section 6.12, Safety Procedures. Facility personnel shall be trained in the properprocedures for maintaining health and safety.

IV.A.15. Facility Operating Hours

The Permittee is authorized to accept waste and operate during the followingtimeframes:

Normal hours of operation and waste acceptance are from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Transfer loads mayalso be accepted as early as 5:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday. The facility will beclosed on Sundays, New Year's Day, and Christmas Day.

Alternate waste acceptance hours and alternating operating hours may be required forspecial occasions, special purpose events, holidays and other special occurrences. Forthese days, the operator/owner operating hour may be extended by two (2) hours.

When warranted, the owner/operator shall request approval from Guam EPA to allowadditional temporary operating hours to address disaster or other emergency situations,or other unforeseen circumstances that could result in the disruption of wastemanagement services in the area. The facility owner/operator shall document thereasons for the delay for each day on which a delay occurs and place thedocumentation in the operating record.

IV.A.16. Adequate Equipment and Personnel

The Permittee shall operate and maintain the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfillfacility to include provisions for back-up personnel and equipment. At an averageoperating rate of less than 400 tons per day of MSW, the site shall have a minimum ofone (1) dozer, one (1) compactor, one (1) water truck, and one (1) spotter. At anaverage rate greater than 400 tons per day of MSW, the site shall have additionalequipment and personnel as designated by the owner/operator, sufficient to meet on­site operating needs, and is expected to consist of a minimum of two (2) dozers, two (2)

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compactors, one (1) water truck, and two (2) spotters, or the equivalent as substitutedby the owner/operator and provided in writing to the Agency: These equipment andpersonnel requirements .shall be met unless otherwise approved by the Agency.

IV.A.17. General Inspection Requirements

The Permittee shall inspect the facility to prevent malfunctions and deterioration,operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes orcontaminated materials to the environment or create a threat to human health or theenvironment. These general inspections shall be completed quarterly and shall cover,at a minimum the following areas: Waste placement, compaction, cover; cell liner;leachate collection system; fences and access controls; roads; run-on/run-off controls;ground water monitoring wells; final and intermediate cover; litter controls; and records.A record of the inspections shall be placed in the daily operating record on the day ofthe inspection. Areas needing correction, as noted on the inspection report, shall becorrected in a timely manner. The corrective actions shall be documented in the dailyoperating record.

IV.A.18. Personnel Training

The Permittee shall provide training for on-site personnel in landfill operation, including,but not limited to, waste load inspection, hazardous waste identification, and personalsafety and protection; and in accordance with the training provisions contained in Book4, Operations Plan approved by Guam EPA

Within 24 months after issuance of this permit, landfill operations shall be supervised atall times by an individual who has received a Manager of Landfill Operations trainingcourse conducted by the Solid Waste Association of North America or a comparableorganization as determined by the Agency. Records of such training shall be placed inthe Operating Plan files.

The facility shall have a Site Manager and/or Environmental Compliance Officer, whoshall be knowledgeable of Guam's solid waste laws, regulations, this permit conditionsand the permit application component including the Operations Plan.

IV.A.19. Emergency Response and Contingency Plan

The emergency and contingency plan shall be designed to minimize hazards to humanhealth or the environment from fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non­sudden release of harmful constituents to air, soil, or surface water.

Upon issued date, the Permittee shall implement the provisions of Operations Plan,Appendix A, Section 3.11-Emergency Response, as amended by Guam EPA. In

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addition, the Permittee shall comply with the following conditions:

a. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the issued date, the Permittee shall submitto Guam EPA, a revised Emergency Contingency Plan (Appendix A, PermitAttachment 11-6) to include the following:

i. Describe the arrangements agreed to by local police departments, firedepartments, hospitals, contractors, and federal and local emergencyresponse teams to coordinate emergency services.

ii. List names, addresses, and phone numbers (office and home) of allpersons qualified to act as emergency coordinator, and this list shall bekept up to date. Where more than one person is listed, one must benamed as primary emergency coordinator and others shall be listed in theorder in which they will assume responsibility as alternates.

iii. Include a list of all emergency equipment at the facility (such as fireextinguishing systems, spill control equipment, communications and alarmsystems (internal and external), and decontamination equipment), wherethis equipment is required. This list shall be kept up to date. In addition,the plan shall include the location and a physical description of each itemon the list, and a brief outline of its capabilities.

iv. Include an evacuation plan for facility personnel which describes signal(s)to be used to begin evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternateevacuation routes (in cases where the primary routes could be blocked byreleases of hazardous waste, harmful constituents, or fires).

b. The Permittee shall implement the approved revised Emergency ContingencyPlan (ECP).

c, The Permittee shall notify Guam EPA within 24-hours when implementing theECP

IV.A.20. Salvaging of Wastes

Scavenging or salvaging of wastes at the facility is prohibited.

IV.A.21. Permanent Sign

The Permitttee shall post permanent signs at each entrance and/or exit at the facilityidentifying the facility, the hours and days of operation, and the name and address ofthe owner/operator, an emergency telephone number, and other pertinent information(waste accepted or not accepted). [Book 4, Operations Plan, Section 3.9.6]

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IV.B.1. Landfill Gas Collection and Removal System

The Permittee shall comply with the Title V Air Permit for the facility.. Federal NewSource Performance Standards (NSPS) regulation requires the design and installationof a gas collection system after the landfill reaches the threshold of 50 mega grams peryear (Mg/yr) of Non-Methane Organic Compound (NMOC). In accordance with the TitleV Air Permit, the Permittee shall:

1) monitor landfill gas generation and submit annual NMOC reports;2) submit a design plan within one year of the first report that shows a

calculated NMOC rate that equals or exceeds 50 Mg; and3) install, maintain, and operate a collection and control system within 30

months of the first report that shows a calculated NMOC rate that equalsor exceed 50 Mg.

In addition to the distribution specified in the Title V Air Permit, a copy of these reportsshall also be submitted to Guam EPA's Solid Waste Management Program of the Airand Land Division.

The Permittee shall submit a landfill gas sampling and analysis plan for approval prior tothe acceptance of waste. Prior to any construction of the landfill gas collection andremoval system, the Permittee shall submit final design documents for review andapproval by Guam EPA.

IV.B.2. landfill Gas Treatment and Disposal

The Permittee shall obtain all permits required for the treatment and or disposal oflandfill gas prior to the construction and operation of the landfill gas collection andremoval system. Such permits may include air emissions permits for the operation offlares, underground or aboveground storage tank permits for the collection ofcondensate, and disposal permits for the discharge of collected condensate.

The landfill shall be assessed for the viability of energy recovery from the gasproduction.

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IV.C.1. Leachate Collection and Removal System (LCRS)The Permittee shall construct and operate the Leachate Collection and RemovalSystem in accordance with the Guam EPA approved design plans, construction qualityassurance plans, operations plans, closure plan, and post-closure plans. The leachatecollection system shall be designed to maintain less than a thirty-centimeter head onany portion of the liner system per GSWDRR 23401.

Installation of any geosynthetic liner shall be performed by an experience installer whohas installed a minimum of 500,000 square feet of similar type liners or shall beperformed under the supervision of the manufacturer. An experienced COA/GOC landfillinspector, who is employed by the qualified GOA/CQC party, who has at least five (5)years of experience in landfill GOA, and is supervised by the COA/GQC party'sregistered engineer, shall observe liner installation and grade elevations. The Permitteeshall notify the Agency in writing, five (5) days prior to any liner installation work.

IV.C.2. Leachate Management & Monitoring

Collected leachate must be managed in accordance with the design plans and reportscontained in Book 4, Closure and Post-Closure Plan, Section 2.4, LeachateManagement.

The leachate collected from the facility will be managed through a wastewater treatmentsystem operated by the Guam Waterworks Authority (GWA) and no leachatepretreatment will be performed at the facility. The final agreement between GWA andthe Permittee documenting this arrangement and the terms and conditions ofacceptance is appended to this permit and the Operations Plan by the Permittee.

Should GWA indicate a change to the appended leachate acceptance that will result inpretreatment or other management practices or changes at this facility, the Permitteeshall:

(1) Notify Guam EPA in writing within 24 hours of being notified by GWA thatleachate will not be accepted and will result in pretreatment or othermanagement practices or changes at the facility.

(a) This written notification shall list the short-term contingencymeasures contained within the Operations Plan that the Permittee willimplement, pending Guam EPA approval for pretreatment or othermanagement practices or changes at this facility.

(b) Within ten (10) working days following notification from GWA, the

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Permittee shall submit a revised Operations Plan, including a LeachateManagement Plan to Guam EPA.

(c) Changes or additions to the Operations Plan, including theLeachate Management Plan must be approved by Guam EPA andincorporated into the permit conditions, as appropriate, prior to anychanges in leachate management.

If GWA notifies the Permittee of changes to leachate acceptance that do not result inany pretreatment, or other management practices or changes at this facility, thePermittee shall:

(2) Notify Guam EPA in writing within five (5) working days followingnotification from GWA.

(a) This written notification shall include the revised arrangementbetween GWA and the Permittee and the terms and conditions foracceptance.


Monitoring of subdrain discharge is not required uniess leachate is detected in thesecondary Leachate Collection and Removal System (LCRS). Detection of leachate inthe secondary LCRS shall be determined by measurable discharge from the secondaryLCRS sump pump.

Upon detection of leachate in the secondary LCRS, the Permittee shall monitor thesubdrain discharge monthly for leachate indicator parameters. The Permittee shallsubmit for Guam EPA's approval, a list of indicator parameters for the subdrainmonitoring based on compounds expected to be found in the leachate. If leachateindicator parameters are detected above background levels in the subdrain discharge,the Permittee shall be required to perform batch monitoring of subdrain discharge.Liquid collected from the subdrain system shall be stored onsite and not dischargeduntil such time sampling and analysis results indicate the liquid is free fromcontamination by leachate. Monitoring of liquid in the aboveground storage tank shall becompleted when the aboveground storage tank is partially full, and results fromlaboratory shall be obtained on a quick turnaround basis. Subdrain monitoring resultsshall not exceed Guam Water Quality Standards prior to discharge.

The Permittee shall submit a Subdrain Monitoring Plan and Subdrain DischargeRelease Plan prior to the start of operations. The plans shall include, at a minimum,provisions for sampling quality assurance and quality control, a list of analytes designedto indicate the presence of leachate, and proposed limits and evaluation procedures fordetermining when contamination from leachate is present in the subdrain liquid.

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Alternatively, the subdrain liquid may be collected and discharged into the leachatecollection system for treatment and disposal.

The Permittee shall provide details on the aboveground storage tank proposedmanufacturer/local supplier prior to accepting waste at the landfill.


Following installation of the groundwater monitoring well network prior to construction,the Permittee shall evaluate the monitoring data and confirm that the backgroundgroundwater quality in the hydraulically up gradient or background wells have beenobtained for each of the monitoring parameters or constituents required in thegroundwater monitoring program (§ 235504(e)). If additional groundwater monitoringwells are required, the Permittee shall submit a plan, receive plan approval from GuamEPA, and complete the installation of the additional monitoring wells prior to acceptanceof waste.

The Permittee shall monitor the ground water underlying the landfill in accordance withthe Ground Water Monitoring Plan and the Ground Water Monitoring QualityAssurance/Quality Control Plan contained in the permit application.

If necessary, the Permittee may modify the Ground Water Monitoring Plan and theGround Water Monitoring Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan, provided that themodification meets all of the requirements [of GSWDRR §§ 23502, 23504, 23505,23506, and 23507, 23508, and 23509]. and is as protective of human health and theenvironment as that approved in the permit application, and is approved by theAdministrator as a minor modification under GSWDRR § 23104(h). Any modification tothe Ground Water Monitoring Plan and the Ground Water Monitoring QualityAssurance/Quality Control Plan shall be noted in the operating record.


The Permittee shall comply with GSWDRR § 233012 and Book 4, Operations Plan,Section 8 for the record keeping and recording requirements.

REPORTING: The Permittee shall follow all reporting requirements specified in theapproved Book 4 Landfill Operations Plan, Waste Exclusion Plan, and GroundwaterMonitoring Plan. In addition, the Permittee shall IMMEDIATELY notify GUAM EPA inany of the following circumstances:

1. Rejection of a waste load because it contains regulated hazardous waste,or PCB waste;

2. Discovery of regulated hazardous waste or PCB waste within the landfill;3. Occurrence of a fire in the landfill or appurtenant facilities;4. Spill of a hazardous material; and

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5. Failure of the leachate collection, treatment, or disposal system.

Emergency notification procedures shall be posted in a conspicuous location at alllandfill facility buildings and entrance.

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V.A.1. Closure Plan Notification

The Permittee must notify the Administrator that a notice of intent to close the unit hasbeen placed in the operating record and that a closure plan has been prepared andplaced in the operating record immediately or by the initial receipt of waste, whichever islater [GSWDRR §23601(d) and (e)] and Book 4, Closure and Post-Closure Plan,Section 5.7.

V.A.2. Performance Standard

The Permittee shall comply with GSWDRR § 23601 and 23602, Closure and Post­Closure Care and Book 4, Closure and Post-Closure Plan, for final closure or partialfinal closure and post-closure maintenance.

The Permittee shall retain a professional engineer registered in the Territory of Guamfor the supervision of the closure construction, and upon completion, the engineer shallsubmit a summary report to the Agency as to the completion conformity to the plans andspecifications as approved. This summary report shall include a documented controlprogram of the closure cap construction, and the quality assurance/quality controltesting procedures, laboratory analyses, and engineer's certification of construction

V.A.3. Amendment to Closure Plan

The Permittee must submit to the Administrator any proposed amendments to theClosure Plan for review and approval.

V.A.4. Notification of Closure

The Permittee shall notify the Administrator in writing at least 60 days prior to the dateon which closure activities of any landfill cell, or final closure of the facility is to begin.The notification shall state that a notice of the intent to close the unit has been placed inthe operating record, as required by Section 23601(e) and Book 4, Closure and Post­Closure Plan, Section 5.7.

·28·Version 22-Nov-09

V.A.5. Time Allowed For Closure

The Permittee shall comply with the closure schedule specified in GSWDRR § 23601 (f)and Book 4, Closure and Post-Closure Plan, Section 5.7.

The Permittee must complete closure activities of each MSWLF unit in accordance withthe Guam EPA approved Closure Plan within one-hundred eighty (180) days followingthe beginning of closure activities [GSWDRR § 23601 (g)].

V.A.6. Certification of Closure

Following the closure of each MSWLF unit, the Permittee must notify the Administratorthat a certification, signed by an independent registered professional engineer licensedin the Territory of Guam and approved by the Administrator, verifying that the closurehas been completed in accordance with GSWDRR § 23601 (e) and Book 4, Closure andPost-Closure Plan.

V.A.? Title Recording

The Permittee shall submit a survey plat no later than the submission of certification ofclosure of each MSWLF unit, in accordance with SWMLC § 51113 and GSWDRR §23601 (i) and 0). The Permittee shall meet the requirements by recording with theDepartment of Land Management as part of the record of title that the property hasbeen used as a landfill. The recording shall include waste locations and waste typesdisposed.

V.A.S. Closure Cost Revision

An annual revision of closure costs for inflation and financial assurance funding asrequired by GSWDRR § 23704(a)(2) shall be submitted to the Administrator as part ofthe Annual Operating Report. The Permittee shall submit a complete revision of theclosure and post-closure cost estimates any time the facility is expanded, a new cell isconstructed, or a cell is expanded.

- 29-Version 23-Nov-09




VI.A.1. Post-Closure Care Period

The Permittee shall begin post-closure care for each MSWLF unit after completion ofclosure of the unit and continue for 30 years after that date. Post-closure care shall bein accordance with GSWDRR § 23602 and Book 4, Closure and Post-Closure Plan,Section 6.2.

VI.A.2. Post-Closure Care Cost Revision

An annual revision of post-closure care costs for inflation and financial assurancefunding as required by GSWDRR § 23703, shall be submitted to the Administrator aspart of the annual report. The Permittee shall submit a complete revision of the closureand post-closure cost estimates any time the facility is expanded, any time a new cell isconstructed, or any time a cell is expanded.

- 30-Version 22-Nov-09


The following terms and conditions were developed in response to Guam EPA's reviewof the MSWLF Permit Application and comments received during the public hearingprocess [GSWDRR § 23104(b)(6)(b)].


VII.A.1. Special Condition I

1. Ownership of Waste Materials.Solid wastes subject to collection by a collection service operator shall becomethe property of the collection service operator subject to local ordinances orcontract conditions after such time as the authorized collector takes position ofthe wastes.

2. Equipment Construction.All equipment used for collection and/or transportation of solid wastes shall bedurable, easily cleanable and designed for safe handling, and constructed toprevent loss of wastes from the equipment during collection or transportation. Ifsuch equipment is used to collect or transport garbage, other wet or liquidproducing wastes, or wastes composed of fine particles, such equipment in allcases shall be leak resistance. All equipment shall be maintained in goodcondition and cleaned in a frequency and in a manner so as to prevent thepropagation or attraction of flies, rodents or other vectors and the creation ofnuisances.

3. Equipment Safety.Vehicles and equipment used in the transportation of garbage and rubbish shallbe constructed and maintained in such a manner as to minimize the health andsafety hazards to collection personnel and the public.

4. Equipment Parking.A refuse collection service operator must designate an off-street location whereall collection vehicles will be parked when not in service, except in emergency.

5. Identification of Operator..Each vehicle used for the collection and transport of refuse' shall be clearlymarked with the name of the agency, company, or firm operating the vehicle.

6. Inspection of Equipment.Equipment used for solid waste collection shall be made available for inspectionas requested by the appropriate Enforcement Agency.

- 31 -Version 23-Nov-09


VII.B.1. Special Condition II

1. The Permittee shall obtain a permit to operate transfer stations that meetsGuam's regulatory agencies requirements to include but not limited to thefollowing:

a. Site Mapb. Proof of Ownershipc. Meets local zoning requirementsd. Storm Water Discharge Requirementse. Operators Certificationf. Scaleg. Site Design Planh. Site Operating Plani. Emergency Response and Remedial Action Planj. Proof of Financial Assurance and Closure Cost Estimate

2. Authorized Wastes

a. Residential or Household Municipal Solid Wasteb. Commercial Municipal Solid Waste

3. Prohibited Wastes (to include but not limited to the following)

a. Regulated Hazardous Wasteb. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Wastesc. Industrial Wastesd. Construction & Demolition Debrise. Contaminated Soils (Le. Petroleum)f. Corrosives &Acidsg. Paintsh. Solventsi. Oily Wastesj. Asbestosk. ExplosivesI. Radioactive Wastesm. E-wastesn. Asbestos Containing Materialso. Green Wastesp. Appliancesq. Batteries (lead, cadmium, Lithium, etc.)r. Do-it-Yourself (DIY) used motor oil

- 32 -Version 23-Nov-09

s. Used-oil filters from internal combustion enginest. Junk Vehicles


VII.C.1. Special Condition III

a. The Permittee shall submit an accurate and complete updated Site SpecificWater Quality Monitoring Plan (SSWQMP) to include the results of the BaselineMonitoring Program (BMP) and the proposed Detection Monitoring Program(DMP) at least 120 days prior to the receipt of waste at the landfill, unless GuamEPA agrees to, an alternate timeline in writing. The updated SSWQMP shall becertified as describe under Vll.e.1.b. The final DMP must be approved prior toplacement of waste within the landfill.

b. All final documents submitted to Guam EPA in compliance with this permit priorto or following commencement of operation must comply with the GuamProfessional Engineers, Architects, and Land Surveyors (PEALS) Law and mustbe dated, signed, and sealed by the responsible licensed professional.

c. The operator shall participate in meetings with Guam EPA and the community todiscuss potential benefits to host community and implement agreed to benefits.

- 33-Version 22-Nov-09

";OLlll WASIl




November 18, 2009

Dr. Leonard Olive, Sc.D.General ManagerGuam Waterworks Authority578 North Marine Corps DriveTamuning, Guam 96913

Dear Dr. Leonard:

Thank you for your letter of November 18, 2009. We appreciate GWA's Willingness to work with usin a productive manner on the leachate treatment for the Layon Landfill.

In your letter you state that "GBB will" and then state a number of permit conditions. As a point ofclarification, it should be noted that the permit conditions you seek are from the Government ofGuam, not GBB. Your records and the records of Guam EPA should clearly reflect that when yourefer to GBB, it is in its capacity as Receiver for the Sol id Waste Management Division. In thesematters, GBB is acting on behalf of the Government of Guam pursuant to Orders of the DistrictCourt of Guam.

We accept the conditions as they relate to leachate treatment. Permit conditions 2 and 4 areunrelated to leachate treatment and appear to be inconsistent with the Consent Decree and Ordersof the District Court and/or the intended plan of operations at the Layon Landfill. We will discussthese issues with the Court at the next Status Hearing and seek gUidance as to the extent we maycomply with them.

We look forward to continuing our work together to achieve compliance with the Consent Decreeand address this iong-standing environmental problem for Guam.


.JDavid L. ManningReceiver Representative

c.c. Ms. Lorrilee Crisostomo, AdministratorGuam Environmentai Protection Agency

Mr. Tom Keeler, Office of the Attorney General

Mr. Harvey Gershman, President GBB

Government of GuamDepartment of Public Works. Solid Waste Management Division

542 North Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning. Guam 96913Phone: (671) 646-4379. Ext. 201 or 212www.GuamSolidWasfeReceiver.org




578 North Marine Corps Drive, Tamnning, GU 96913Phone: (671) 647-7681 Fax: (671) 646-2335

November 18,2009


David ManningGBB's Receiver RepresentativeGuam Department of Public Works,Solid Waste Management Division542 North Marine Corps Drive,Tamiming, Guam 96913

RE: GWA's Permit Requirements For Layon Landfill.

Dear Mr. Manning,

The following are the permit conditions from the GWA Guam Waterworks Authority:

I. GBB will credit biosolid and other disposal costs incurred by GWA, including thosecurrently outstanding, against future leachate disposal costs and not deny GWA theopporhmity to dispose of its biosolids at the Ordot or Layon facility.

2. From this day forward, GBB will charge GWA for biosolids disposal on a dry weightbasis until the biosolids can be resused in which case, GBB shall pay GWA a fairprice for the use of GWA's biosolids as cover for the landfill or at tlle Ordot dump.

3. GBB will review their cost basis for GWA's biosolids disposal.

4. GBB agrees to pmiicipate and assist GWA in every way possible to ensure thatGWA's biolsolids can be reused in accordmlCe with applicable envirOlffilentalregulations for uses such as farming, landfill topsoil and compost. GBB's assistanceshall include, but not be limited to, working with regulators to accept viable choices,assisting willi negotiations with private contractors, providing materials such as greenwaste or food waste to mix with compost.

5. GBB will pay leachate disposal rates set by the Guanl Public Utilities Commission.

6. The leachate is to be treated by GWA at it's lnarajan WWTP in accordance withGWA's Rules and Regulations, applicable environmental laws and as presented in theFinal Layon Landfill Leachate Treatment Feasibility Study (as amended), includingGWA's comments thereto (see attached).

7. GBB will fund all improvements to the landfill and the associated infrastructure toallow the leachate to be treated at GWA's lnarajan WWTP. GBB will further fund allimprovements or alternative treatment methods which may be necessary to treat theleachate ifnecessary to allow GWA to provide proper treatment.

8. GBB shall fund all improvements to GWA's Ugum Water Treatment Facility if theoperation of the landfill (regardless of cause) requires GWA to implement alternativetreatment practices.

SinceJ'.. , ely, /' U!., -r------7~--~{I I f i, j.{ -'"• ,. I" v-i ....,f 'J"", -

Leuhard J. Olive, Sc.D.GWA General Manager
