
Citation preview

It’s hard to believe that another snowmobileseason is just around the corner, and after anotherbanner sledding season last year with a recordpayout of $1.2 million going to the groomingclubs, we have to wonder what the upcomingseason will have in store for us.

The $1.2 million sounds like a lot of money butin reality there are a few factors that made thishappen:

• Early good snow in most parts of the provincemade for a longer than normal season

• All clubs in the province had their trails inplace early

• A record number of snowmobiles was regis-tered in the province (over 20,000).

The $1.2 million being divided up amongst the50 grooming clubs this season is being dispersedto more of the clubs as the last few years haveseen hit and miss snow conditions throughout theprovince. Therefore the payouts going to theclubs are more evenly spread throughout theprovince.

Clubs who had a poor, short snow season in2009/10 and an excellent long season this pastyear received a substantial increase in funding,whereas clubs that had a full season this year andlast year received a smaller increase. A good ex-ample is my own Yorkton Sno-Riders club, whichhad basically the same season length as the2009/2010 season, but we were short approxi-mately 20 kilometres of trail due to flooding con-ditions. Therefore our payout basically remainedthe same. This is how the payout system was de-signed to work, making it fair for all the clubs.

Another factor in the payout is an importantone and that is trail signing. Over the last fewyears trail signing throughout the province hasgotten a lot better; therefore the clubs with bettertrail signing get a bigger payout.

Some of the other highlights of the past winterseason include another very successful tradeshow the first week of November in Saskatoon. Iwant to once again thank Chris, Jeannie andKelsey in the SSA office for all the hard work inputting the trade show together (selling boothspace, setting up, etc.). Also all the SSA board



EVENTS>>2011 SSA Snowmobile ShowNovember 4 - 6, 2011Prairieland Exhibition Park,Saskatoon, SK

Risk ManagementZone 2 MeetingDecember 2, 201110 a.m., Jack Pine Room,Evergreen Centre, Nipawin, SK

Risk ManagementZone 1, 4 MeetingDecember 3, 20111 p.m., Shellbrook CommunityHall, Shellbrook, SK

Risk ManagementZone 3 MeetingDecember 10, 201110 a.m., Sask Abilities,Yorkton, SK

Board MeetingDecember 11, 20119 a.m., Comfort Inn,Yorkton, SK

Provincial SnowmobileSafety WeekJanuary 15 - 21, 2012

SnowaramaFebruary 11, 2012Yorkton, SK

ProvincialSnowmobile FestivalFebruary 24 - 26, 2012Brooks Hall, Hudson Bay, SK



members that volunteered their time to helpout—thank you.

We also must not forget the four snowmobilemanufacturers—Arctic Cat, Polaris, Ski-Doo andYamaha—for their continuing support of ourtrade show as well as their support throughoutthe year.

Last but not least are the dealers, businessesand grassroots snowmobilers who came out to at-tend and support our trade show. Oh yes, pleaseremember that the SSA trade show is once againin Saskatoon at the Prairieland Exhibition ParkNovember 4, 5 and 6, 2011.

The trail inspection program, which I am heavi-ly involved in, also had a banner year. We man-aged to get all but two of the snowmobile clubs’trails inspected in the province that were on theschedule. For this upcoming season we are up-dating the signing inspection sheets to work on apercentage basis, trying to make it easier for boththe trail inspectors as well as the clubs. The trailinspectors will also be making arrangements withthe clubs much earlier in the season to do theirinspections. Approximately 35 clubs are on theschedule to be done this coming season. Thanksto all the inspectors who worked hard to get themdone last season and the great co-operation thatwas received from the clubs.

The season wound up with just a great time atthe provincial festival in Creighton and FlinFlon. Our hats go off to the Border Explorerssnowmobile club of Creighton for the tremen-dous job they did of being the hosts of the Man-Sask “Border Bash.”

A record number of club members fromthroughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba trav-elled by snowmobile to attend the event and, yes,the Yorkton Sno-Riders did manage to retain thetrophy for most riders attending. It was a greatride from Yorkton to Creighton via Swan River,Mafeking, The Pas, etc. The highlight of the re-turn trip was the overnight stop at Moose RangeLodge; thanks again to Dave and Sherry McCannfor the great hospitality in looking after all 15 ofus.

▼Continued on page 2 sidebar


2010/2011Membership Prize

Congratulations goes out toTyler, Kevin, Karli and CandiBlair of Star City, SK, whowon the 2010/2011 SSAmembership prize of a 2011X-Team winter jacket cour-tesy of Bombardier Recre-ational Products (BRP).

2 SnoRiderswest.com » FALL 2011


Here it is early in the season and the editor ofSnoRiders magazine is after me to get my articlesubmitted for the first publication. So I’m askingall of you to understand that while it is still hotoutside it can be very difficult to think about win-ter. I can give it a good try and I will let you in ona few upcoming events and some happenings forthe upcoming season.

The SSA will be hosting our annual Snowmo-bile Trade Show in Saskatoon, November 4 to 6,at Prairieland Exhibition Park. Make plans to at-tend as the show continues to grow—a number ofnew clients will be in attendance for you to visit.As always, you will find a vast amount of prod-uct under one roof—snowmobile shopping madeeasy, a great place to do that early Christmasshopping or get that added item you alwayswanted.

The SSA is stepping it up on a snowmobilesafety campaign for the upcoming season; youwill see a full campaign on the provincial TVnetworks. Following a higher than average snow-mobile accident and fatality season the SSA andpartners in snowmobile safety feel the need to in-crease snowmobile safety awareness. We areproud to be working with the SaskatchewanLiquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA),

Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association(SPRA), Saskatchewan Government Insurance(SGI), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Royal Cana-dian Mounted Police (RCMP), SaskatchewanSafety Council (SSC), Saskatchewan Snowmo-bile Trail Fund (SSTF) and the Ministry ofTourism, Parks, Culture & Sport (TPCS).

The Provincial Snowmobile Festival will behosted in Hudson Bay, February 24 to 26, 2012.For information on the festival go to www.sasksnow.com. The Hudson Bay Trail Riders in-vite all to attend and promise you will enjoy theweekend.

We all enjoyed a snow-filled 2010/2011 sea-son, and we all look forward to another snowy2011/2012 season, but I must remind everyone tolicense your sled with SGI. You can visit anySGI issuer to register your sled—this will pro-vide you with $200,000 liability coverage andaccess to the snowmobile trails.

If you were born after January 1, 1989, youmust take the snowmobile safety course offeredby the Saskatchewan Safety Council. For infor-mation on course times and locations visitwww.sasksnow.com.

Let’s all make plans for a fun, safe and enjoy-able snowmobile season.


Here’s hoping Mother Na-ture will bless us with anothergreat snowmobile season forthe upcoming year. I’m goingto end this article with a quotethat came off the SSA website,that I am beginning to believeto be very true—“The trail isthe thing, not the end of thetrail. Travel too fast and youmiss all you are travellingfor.”

BroadviewSnow Busters—by Joyce Richter

Club members were busylast fall building our newshack. In late winter they real-ly got busy finishing the build-ing and we were able to moveit out of one of our member’smachine shed. The shack nowneeds to be painted inside andthe finishing touches done.We are all excited about thenew Missing Link shack andhope to have the building at itspermanent location soon.Thanks to all our memberswho worked long hours and tothe local carpenters whohelped give our guys the di-rection they needed, as well asthe Broadview community fortheir support.

It was our club’s turn tosponsor a Rider Tailgate bar-becue lunch on August 12th.It was well received by ourcommunity— thanks againBroadview.

Our first meeting will be inOctober to get ready for theseason.

The Sno-Riders executive re-elected for the2011/2012 season are as follows:

President: Jason PopowichVice-president: Rick BilousSecretary: Jolene KindiakCo-treasurers: Derrick Larsen and DonThompson. Directors are: Jerry Holowatuik, Barry Brad-

shaw, Eugene Holowatuik, Gerald Muzyka, PhilLane, Trent Kresak, Terry Seib, Colette Melny-chuk, Sandi Konkel, Kyle Raddysh, Danny Is-mond and Don Thompson.

We are proud to again have a safety course in-structor in our club. Jerry Jemieff has hostedquite a few classes this past year, and will belooking forward to hosting a few more classesagain this season.

This past August we held our Sno-Riders mem-bers golf and steak supper social where a recordnumber of members came out to the CherrydaleGolf Course.

Bombardier presented the Sno-Riders club witha cheque for $1,500 and a brand new sled worthover $10,000 as a result of our Bombardier Mil-lion Dollar Program. Each member signed up bythe club submitted a certificate at King’s Sport,Leisure and Marine, entitling the club to $10 anda chance to win a sled. We are currently lookingat different options to most benefit our club.

Thank you to all the members who came downto King’s Sport, Leisure and Marine and com-pleted their certificates before the deadline.Thank you to Paul and his staff at King’s forhelping us qualify for the $1,500 and the newSki-Doo snowmobile. Their commitment tohelping the Sno-Riders was amazing. Thank youto our membership chairperson this year, TerrySeib, and past chairperson, Larry Wilson, forsending the membership renewal letters in themail this year as well as the last three years thisprogram has been on. Finally, thank you to Bom-


▼Continued on page 3

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015

▼ CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGEContinued from page 1

PorcupineTrail Blasters—by Kelly Dahroug

It was an interesting year lastyear for trail cleaning andfreeze-up, but we did manageto get all the trails cleaned andgroomed. Our new groomer

▼Cont’d. on pg. 3 sidebar

FALL 2011 » SnoRiderswest.com 3

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015


Thirty-five curve signs, 54 stop-ahead signs, 50stop signs—hey wait, where did the last four stopsigns go? Sign inventory always needs to be doneearly so there is time to get those missing signsreplaced—especially those stop signs! We allknow how important the signs are for successfulriding. Now comes counting all those stakes—two for every tenth of a kilometre means lots ofstakes and lots of counting but it sure makes adifference on those dark, blustery nights. Ridingdown a well-staked trail is very reassuring know-

ing you are going the right way.Only recently our groomer was able to make its

way out of the bush. The last pass with thegroomer was really the last pass as the bridge hadalready become impassable. We had to wait untilthe bush had dried sufficiently to bring thegroomer home.

Reports from the many people out quadding ad-vise us the bush is still very, very wet so we willprobably be in for a very interesting first couple

Pasquia Snow GoersBY KATHY LINDSAY

▼Continued on page 4

Insurance protectionfor landowners underSSA policy

The claim and underwritingdepartment has reviewed thepolicy and regulations of theSnowmobile Act, and it is evi-dent that trail managers andthe association have an obliga-tion to provide liability cover-age for landowners andoccupiers who provide per-mission for the construction ofa trail on their land. SGI willdefend, as necessary, anyclaim of the landowner/occu-pier in relation to the snowmo-bile trail on their property.

Remember...Don’t Drink & Ride!

ter with the new groomer. We are also selling ourlike-new 1994 Massey tractor groomer and 1998Bombardier 400 in very good condition equippedwith drags. Please call Jason at 621-1923 orBarry Bradshaw at 792-4761 for more info.

At the year-end Landowner Appreciation andMembership Awards this past April, the clubpresented the following awards:

Member of the Year: Ralph MooreExecutive Member of the Year:Don ThompsonDealer of the Year: King’s Sport, Leisure andMarineFamily of the Year: Tyler and Jolene KindiakNon-Snowmobile Related Business of theYear: Yorkton Welding and MachineWe are also proud to announce one of our exec-

utive members, Darrell Mirva, was nominatedand awarded the Volunteer of the Year award bythe Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association attheir awards banquet in June. Congratulations!

bardier for providing such a fantastic supportprogram, providing snowmobile clubs across thecountry with funding to build and improve thequality and safety of snowmobile trails. In thelast year, the club has had repairs in excess of$20,000 to both our groomers and this programcould not have come at a better time. The clubhas received over $5,000 as a result of this pro-gram and what better time than now when weneeded a financial boost. We look forward toparticipating in the program again this year andremind current members to please renew theirmembership at King’s. We welcome new mem-bers to sign up as well.

The Sno-Riders also decided to upgrade theirfleet and have ordered a new John Deere 7330tractor from Maple Farm Equipment and alsoequipped the tractor with a Soucy Track kit. Theclub looks forward to maintaining trails this win-

▼ YORKTON SNO-RIDERSContinued from page 2

The Big River Timber Trails Sno Riders areonce again gearing up for this coming snowmo-bile season.

Our summer has brought us rain, storms andeven a plow wind but most of our trails have es-caped the major damage that has taken place inour area. Our TC115A and TC115B trails are allopen with no problems other than the normal oddtree down. However, our TC115C, D & E trailshave not been so lucky and plans are being for-mulated to deal with these blocked trails. Wealso have water issues on some of our trails butwe will be ready for winter.

Our community has received funding from ourprovincial government for the loss of oursawmill, and our snowmobile club expects to re-ceive some of this funding to reroute, widen andimprove our trails and shelters.

The good news for Big River now is that oursawmill is expected to reopen or a new mill willbe built in the near future.

Our great group of volunteers has been in-volved in meetings and planning all summer andsnowmobiling has never been off our mind.

We have one new shelter complete with a cov-ered deck, solar lights, etc., on 115C Trail thatwill be available for this coming winter for thesnowmobiling public.

Big River has a good number of new resort de-velopments in our area and our snowmobile clubwould like to welcome all new cottage ownersand anyone looking for resort property to comeout and enjoy our trails and join our club.

We welcome all snowmobilers to Big Riverthis coming season—make Big River your snow-mobile destination and you won’t regret it.

Timber Trails Sno RidersBY BARRY NONTELL

has been a very nice additionto the club. Our club againwould like to thank all thebusinesses as well as thosewho personally donated to-wards the purchase of the newgroomer. Our communitywould like to thank theWeekes Bush Pushers for do-nating the snow ambulance,snowmobile and trailer.

The snowmobile trails in thePorcupine Plain area offer abeautiful scenic wonderland oftrails from the forest to trailsacross country. We have somegreat places to stay whether itis in town or at the beautifulcabins that are new in the lastyear right along the trails. Weoffer approximately 230 kilo-metres of some of the mostscenic groomed trails in theprovince. Our town offerseverything you need for aweekend getaway. So youdon’t need to go to the moun-tains for beautiful scenery andgreat trail riding—it is all righthere. With great places to rentand trails to ride, this is asnowmobile-friendly commu-nity.

▼PORPUCINETRAIL BLASTERSCont’d. from pg. 2 sidebar

4 SnoRiderswest.com » FALL 2011

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015


Our third warm-up shelter, complete with newoutdoor toilet, was moved to its new location inDecember. A dedication ceremony of the shelterwas held March 6th, complete with a good old-fashioned family wiener roast. It was dedicatedto the memory of Darren Dagg who was not amember of our club, but someone who did enjoysnowmobiling and assisted in the direction of oursouth trail.

The Tisdale Snowmobile Club wrapped up an-other great season on April 2nd. A large “bee”was again organized and the north trail was dis-mantled on the Saturday. Most of the same groupstruck out again on Sunday, meeting first forbreakfast at Hidden Meadows Golf Course at thesouthernmost point of our south trail. We workedbackwards from there and were done taking

Tisdale Snowmobile ClubBY CINDY BECK

Partnership formedWe have formed a partner-

ship with Flaman Group ofCompanies to bring you abrand new Sled ’n Snapphoto contest.

Through the formation of anew website, Saskatchewansnowmobilers will be able tosubmit, comment, and vote onthe photos submitted by oth-ers.

Every snowmobiler thatmakes a submission will beentered to win a Flaman alu-minum two-place tilt open-sled trailer. There will be agrand prize of the use of anall-aluminum Nash Stealthtrailer for one year, valued at$26,000.

Watch for more informationon the Sled ’n Snap photo con-test.

again the SSA did a wonderful job of organizingthe evening. Pasquia Snow Goers were againproud to receive the award for Promotion andDevelopment of Snowmobiling and the NewsAward. Our president and main groomer opera-tor, Dwight Thesen, was recognized as theGroomer Operator of the Year. You have Dwightto thank for the smooth trails you enjoy riding onin our area. Congratulations to all the otheraward winners as well. Without everyone pitch-ing in and doing their part, snowmobiling inSaskatchewan would not be as successful as it is.

Remember, when you are booking your winterholidays—think snow and think Saskatchewan,especially the northeast.

Please keep in mind the four-sled raffle ticketsyou have tucked away. Start selling them now asyou don’t have to wait until the snow comes.They are a wonderful fundraiser for our clubsand who wouldn’t want to win their choice ofsleds?

of passes until we can get the ground frozendown. Many of our trails cross swamps andcreeks where all the additional water we have re-ceived this summer is not going to be a benefit.

The people on their quads are enjoying ourtrails out in the bush and all this extra moisture isa total plus as far as they are concerned. Theyfind the mud an adventure whereas water, mudand grooming just do not seem to be a positivefit.

We are very pleased to welcome the YorktonSno-Riders and the Pembina Valley Snow Kick-ers into our family of Soucy Track operatorsalong with Hudson Bay Trail Riders who pur-chased their tracks last winter. After having usedthese tracks for a number of years, we believethey will successfully handle any condition ourSaskatchewan winter can throw at it.

June brought us all together again for anotherfantastic Diamonds in the Snow gala night. Once

▼ PASQUIA SNOW GOERS Cont’d. from pg. 3

▼Continued on page 5

FALL 2011 » SnoRiderswest.com 5

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015


>>Please contact Tom Beck at 873-3191 for furtherinformation.

We are all looking forward to our fourth year ofoperation and some fun family riding. Fall andwinter plans are already underway.

We plan on getting more stakes to enhance ourtrail system to double staking. A “bee” has yet tobe set up to gather, split and stack firewood at theshelters. The crops are still not allowing us to getthat job done, but harvest will be here before weknow it and there will be plenty of work to bedone then. Now all it has to do is snow.

down the signs and stakes by early afternoon. Itwas a very productive weekend and a fun way toend the season.

In June our club purchased a new-to-us powerunit. It is a 1995 Cat Challenger and we are ex-pecting great trails to be made by it. It arrivedfrom Regina at the end of July, and we are all soexcited about the new purchase. We can’t wait tohit the snow in the Cat. If anyone is interested,our 1973 Bombardier power unit is for sale.

▼ TISDALE SNOWMOBILE CLUBContinued from page 4

“Blast in the Bay”2012 ProvincialSnowmobile FestivalFebruary 24 - 26, 2012Hudson Bay, SK

The SSA is proud to an-nounce that Federated Co-Opwill be sponsoring this eventagain this year and wishes tothank them for their continuedsupport.

Snowmobilesafety courses

Contact the SaskatchewanSafety Council at 306-757-3197 for a course in your areaor visit their website atwww.sasksafety.org or emailthem at ssc@sasksafety.org.

Zone 3 report—by Paul Ficken

Crazy weather or what? Lastfall was very wet, this springwas unbelievable—the ’50swet years are back. If it snowsthis winter like it rained thissummer, look out, we willhave mountains of snow.

The wet is OK in some re-spects, but has its downfallstoo. No crops were grown inareas of the southeast. Lakesformed where small sloughsusually are. The result is thatit’s going to affect snowmo-biling this winter—routes aregoing to have to be altered toget around water and summer-fallow. People are going tohave to be more cautious.Water is in places it has neverbeen before and it’s a lot deep-er than it usually is. If it snowsheavily before the frost or be-fore we have good ice, it willbe dangerous all year.

I guess the message is aboutcaution—we will have to beaware this year that a lot ofthings are and could be differ-ent; we’ll have to adapt.

Supported by

ACCOMMODATIONSTree Line Motel: 306-865-2228 • Norwood Motel: 306-865-2216 • Desrocher’s Hotel: 306-865-2461

Fir River Ranch: 306-865-3105 • Phillip’s Lodging: 306-865-4588Curtis & Bobbi Binkley’s Cabins: 306-865-2867 • Etomani River Cabins: 306-865-4288

Don’t be disappointed - please register by February 6, 2012For information call: Hudson Bay Tourism 306-865-2263, Peter Lewellin 306-865-3222 or 306-865-3450,

Lewellin’s Sales & Service 306-865-2286 or Karen Dolezsar 306-865-2113


6 SnoRiderswest.com » FALL 2011


Contact your local snowmobile club to purchase a $2.00 ticket.Contact the SSA @ 1-800-499-7533 and purchase your

tickets using Visa, MasterCard or American Express!






75% of proceeds goes to local clubs to promote trail development and safe snowmobiling in Saskatchewan

Lic. No. RR10-0229 • Must be 14 years or older to win.81,174 tickets to be sold No 00001

Draw Date:February 25, 2012

at Brooks Hall, Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan

In co-operation with The Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association Inc.Box 533, Regina Beach, Sask. S0G 4C0 Ph. 729-3500


Club Name: ___________________________


or $9,000 CASH!WIN A WIN A WIN A SLED! SLED! SLED!Sponsored by


(prizes may not be exactly as shown)

YOU COULD BE THE LUCKY WINNER!Winners will be announced on www.sasksnow.com

Your membership ensures that the SSA can deliver snowmobile safety,provincial/national and international representation, accessibility toland access for trails, a strong government partnership, insurance fortrails and long-term planning to keep snowmobiling alive and well inSaskatchewan. For only $25 you receive an entry for the 2011/2012membership draw, Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association fridge mag-net, four issues of SnoRiders magazine, snowmobile information, tworeflective helmet decals, and snow/trail conditions and event informa-tion on the SSA website. Purchase your SSA membership by visitingthe SSA website at www.sasksnow.com and click on membership!

All 2011/2012 family/individualSSA memberships are entered towin a free “Rental of TrailerCoupon” from any Flaman loca-tion in Saskatchewan for a week-end (pick up Friday before 6:00p.m. and return Monday morning)valued at approximately $200.


▼ SSA YOUTH AWARD FUNDContinued from left

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015

in the northern part ofSaskatchewan.

These volunteers workeddiligently for 10 years to ac-complish their goals of com-pleting this trail and marketingtheir product inside and out-side of Saskatchewan. Theyhave decided that the future ofsnowmobiling in Saskatche-wan must be carried on by ouryouth. To encourage the youthof today to become involvedwith snowmobiling and tothank them for their hardwork, they have turned thebalance of their bank accountover to the SSA, and the SSAhas set up a Youth AwardFund. This award will beawarded up to and includingthe Diamond Awards to beheld in June 2018.

The SSA is pleased to an-nounce that the winner of theDiamonds in the SnowAwards category of JuniorAchiever will be awarded acheck for $50 funded by thepast Forest Fringe Snowmo-bile Trail Association.

It is that time of year again for Prairie Womenon Snowmobiles to be getting ready to embarkon Mission 2012. This mission promotes the saferecreation of snowmobiling throughout this won-derful province, while at the same time raisingfunds for breast cancer research. In total over thepast 11 missions for Prairie Women on Snowmo-biles, more than $1.6 million has been con-tributed towards breast cancer research.

Let us introduce to you our Mission 2012 coreriders: Crystal Paulson, Wadena; Jackie Togg-weiler, Christopher Lake; Kelli Hayward, War-man/Tisdale; Natelle Nordick, Engelfeld; AndreaLehoux, Meadow Lake; Lisa Zunt, Warman;Tracy Schwebius, Wilkie; Rosalie Vanderbuhs,Humboldt; Colette Leblanc, Saskatoon; and Mal-lory Sittler, Landis. Alternate riders will beDorinda Thompson, Martensville, and TerriLynn Ferguson, Star City. When you see any oneof these ladies in your community please givethem your support!

Prairie Women on Snowmobiles has recentlyreceived the National Elizabeth Eisenhaurer

Award from the Canadian Cancer Society in Mayof 2011 for raising funds for over 10 years. Thisis the first time this award has been awarded inSaskatchewan to any organization.

“Thanks to the great support that we have re-ceived throughout this province from our corpo-rate sponsors and to the people in the commu-nities we travel through,” says Carol McKnight.“We could not have achieved this without them.”

We would like to thank Louis Sigouin from Ar-borfield who is restoring a 1974 Roll-o-flex WildOne with a 340 fan-cooled Kohler engine andgenerously donating it to PWOS to use as afundraiser. If you would like to purchase ticketson this sled please contact Prairie Women onSnowmobiles at cmcknight@sasktel.net.

If anyone is interested in riding along withPrairie Women on Snowmobiles for this year’smission we would love to have you join us as asupport rider. Visit our website at www.prairiewomen.ca for our tour. Hope to see you on thetrail. We wish everyone a safe snowmobilingseason.

Prairie Women on SnowmobilesBY CAROL McKNIGHT

The Forest Fringe Snowmobile Trail Associa-tion was a group of volunteers that organized in2001. They organized and worked hard with thenorthern snowmobile clubs to finalize the Trans-

Canadian Snowmobile Trail from Nipawin to theAlberta border. Once this trail was complete theyput their energy into informing snowmobilersabout the great snowmobile trails maintained

SSA Youth Award Fund set up

FALL 2011 » SnoRiderswest.com 7

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015

8 SnoRiderswest.com » FALL 2011

For snowmobiling info visit www.sasksnow.comRegister your sled; call SGI at 1-800-667-8015

After having given more than $2,000,000 to snowmobile clubs in the past years through this program, BRP will continue its pledge to snowmobile clubs’ volunteers and their trails for the 2011-2012 snowmobile season. For each snowmobiler who fills out and drops off a coupon at a Ski-Doo dealership of their choice between September 1, 2011 and November 15, 2011, BRP and its dealers will donate $10 cash to the member’s club. It’s that simple! Each snowmobile club is eligible for a total Ski-Doo donation of up to $1,500 in cash (150 members X $10 = $1,500) paid directly to clubs by BRP and the Ski-Doo dealers, upon program completion.


