GS1 STANDARDS EVENT Plenary Session Dallas, March 19 th, 2013 Miguel A. Lopera


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GS1 STANDARDS EVENTPlenary SessionDallas, March 19th, 2013Miguel A. Lopera

© 2013 GS1

Top 5 Priorities 2013 / 15

1. Continue strengthening our Core: providing Excellent Service to our Core Strategic Sectors (Retail, Healthcare, and Transport & Logistics) by driving the GS1 System (AIDC, eCom, GDSN, and EPC)

2. Become a key player in the DIGITAL WORLD (internet) by:• Data Quality (DQ)• Business-to-Consumer (B2C)• Visibility

3. Winning and engaging New Strategic Sectors

4. Step-change GS1 Brand Awareness by implementing the new Brand Architecture

5. Continue developing a world-class, INTERDEPENDENT organisation


© 2013 GS15

Our Global Organization

1. Strengthening Global Organization with more resources

2. New Leadership in Standards and Systems (Steve Bratt)

3. Simplifying our services by merging B2B and B2C (GDSN and B2C Project) into B2B2C

4. Re-energizing EPCglobal

5. Continuous improvement of current GSMP and working on GSMP Best-in-Class

6. Reviewing GS1 Strategy

© 2013 GS1

Why are we reviewing our Strategy


There are some strategic questions that require a review of our long term strategy and alignment by all GS1 stakeholders:

1. What is our Core Value Proposition and ‘Reason for Being’

2. Products: Are we a Standards Consortium (Standards) or a Services Organization (Standards, Services and Solutions)? If the later, how to preserve our neutrality?

3. Sectors: Do we want to focus on current Sectors that use the GS1 ID System or expand to other Sectors requiring different identification systems?

4. Digital: What is GS1’s role in an increasing Digital World?

5. Organization: Are we a global, highly interdependent federation or a loose confederation of 111 country-based organizations?

© 2013 GS18


© 2013 GS1

Your role….

• Each of you (Users, MOs and Solution Providers) plays a critical role to the GS1 global standards development work• Expertise• Business needs and requirements• Regional and industry perspectives

• GS1 values your continued support in all aspects of Industry Engagement and Standards Development

© 2013 GS110

THANKSThanks to the longlasting members!

Thanks tonew comers!

Keep the GSMP spirit

☻ !!!
