Grinnell College - Sexual Assault Policy Changes



Changes to policies regarding sexual violence at Grinnell College

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  • Overview of Changes since Spring 2012

    Staffing changes Appointed a Title IX coordinator with a direct line to the college president Developed a team of Title IX deputies, each with specialized focus Created a campus-wide Title IX Task Force on safety, responsibility, and prevention, including students, faculty, and staff Policy changes Eliminated mediation and cross-examination from all sexual assault cases Introduced the option to use outside investigators, to enhance our investigative capacities Required all investigators to attend off-site training Converted conduct process from a hearing model to an single adjudicator model Engaged a former Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice as our first external adjudicator Reaffirmed that those involved in the conduct process could choose anyone they wished as support persons to accompany them in the process Centralized the institutional response process, making it easier for students, faculty, and staff to seek help More clearly defined the types of sexual harassment prohibited by the policy Accepted student-led proposal to change the standard from effective consent to affirmative consent Issued statements defining acceptable behaviors and affirming our commitment to prompt and thorough response Instituted timeframes for the conduct process Launched a biannual sexual climate survey, starting in 2013[JR1] Increased the retention time for audio recordings of conduct hearings to seven years after conclusion of the process Ensured that each party has the full and fair opportunity to review case information Provided trained support persons for complainants and respondents Resource changes Published a wide array of sexual assault resources, including a website and FAQ Strengthened our relationship with crisis intervention services, local law enforcement, and campus advocates Completed 75+ trainings for students, faculty, staff, Trustees, and alumni volunteers Developed active bystander and peer-to-peer education programs
