Green Team Gazette 3.7 March 2011



Green Team Gazette Season 3, Issue 7 Mar. 2011

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Earth Hour Education

Part2: View the Video

A picture is worth 1000 words, and a

video is worth more! Go online and find the Earth Hour

2010 fun facts and this year’s challenge to try to turn out

the lights for more than 1 hour:

as well as Follow up your

viewing by brainstorming a list of things you could do minus

lights for your 60+ minutes of eco- activism/“lights out!”

Marvy, Meaningful Multiplication

Math always means more when you tie it in

with something “real world.” Take the Earth

Hour opportunity to tie the event not only to

the concept of time, but also to multiplication. Write some

word problems…or better yet, invite your youngsters to try

their hand at writing a few of their own. Pose questions

such as “ If every house on the street turns off 5 lights,

and there are 12 houses on our street, how many lights are

saving energy?” Or, you could pose similar questions based

on the class population or that of the whole school.

Earth Hour Brainstorm

Tie in the information of Earth Hour and

the informative video with your writing

program. Duplicate a copy of page 2 of

this month’s Green Team Gazette so that each student can

have a web. Watch the video at the Earth Hour site above,

once to share the information with your students, then a

second time for them to soak in the details and begin filling

out the web using the Earth Hour Facts. Then, have

students take it the next step by turning their

brainstorming pre-writing activity into both an expository

rough draft and final paragraph. Go the extra mile by

having students “enlighten” other students in other classes

by giving them the opportunity to share their paragraphs

with others in your school.

A variation to this activity would be to share the video

before Earth Hour, then have the students write up a web/

paragraph about what they each did to celebrate Earth


The Green Team Gazette Volume 3, Issue 7, page 1 March 2011

Lights Out: A Month

of Bright Ideas

February’s GTG got the ball rolling with

the invitation to do a “Lights Out” audit

in your home or classroom. This activity paved the way for

this month’s Earth Hour. Use some of these ideas to give

greater meaning to your Earth Hour!

Earth Hour Education

What: A global event now in it’s 5th year!

What began in 2007 in Sydney,

Australia has been a growing eco-event ever since.

Who: You…and everyone else on the planet!

Where: Right in the comfort of your own home…or go out &

create an event in your neighborhood, church,

school, community, or even city!

When: Saturday night, March 26th from 8:30--9:30 pm

in your time zone. In the dark.

Why: Turn out those lights to make your message seen &

heard! By turning off your lights, you are voting to

speak out & silently shout out about climate change…

and to show that small individual actions can and DO

make a statement!!

Where to find out more:,, or To find interactive

games for kids, go to


The Green Team Gazette is a publication

co-sponsored by the founders of CynerGreen

CGKidz, and Eagle Cove School (formerly “Gibson Island Country School”), a Green

School in Pasadena, Maryland. Our mission is

to educate and share ways to “go green”—both big & small--

and be environ-mentally-proactive at home, in school, and

beyond. It is written by Vicki Dabrowka, 3rd grade teacher

& co-Green Team Leader at Eagle Cove School. To learn

more visit,, and You can also follow us at or find us at “Green

Team Gazette” on Facebook or on Twitter,

Please print on recycled paper. Copyright © 2011 Vicki Dabrowka

Name _________________ Date __________________

Earth Hour

Main Idea: Make it a “grabber!” _____________________________________________________________________

Be sure to include:

What is it?

When is it?

Who is taking part?

Why is it important?

Are you planning to be involved? If so, how?

Anything else you know or feel about it!

Where can you go to find out more?

The Green Team Gazette Volume 3, Issue 7 , page 2 March 2011

Powerful Wrap Up Sentence:

___________________________________ _____________________________

Copyright ©

2011 Vicki

