Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions


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  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions



    reserve The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Green Reserve o 2009, through the State Revolving Fund,

    provides unding or a wide variety o qualiying projects in the categories o: green inrastructure , energy efciency,

    water efciency, and other innovative projects. For more inormation on ARRA, to fnd out i your current or uture

    planned project meets the necessary criteria, and how to apply, visit

    Green Streets

    Stts s a sgat tag

    b w a st ts, a

    ths a q tt t aag

    ta ts. A G Stt ss a

    ata ssts aah t stwat

    w, wat qat, ba

    hatg, ha sta sat,

    ab tts, a bat ghbhs.

    Thgh as bats ats a

    ss, ths bjtsa sa ths

    a b t t ts stts

    a sttgs. G Stt ats

    gtat b tss, swak ats,

    asa as, gtat swas,

    ab ag, a stt ts. Ths g

    s a w t statgs that

    a b tastat ghts--

    wa at th a ghbh sa.

    A Green Streetis a street that usesnatural processes

    to managestormwater runo

    at its source.

    A concepTuAl Guide To

    eecTive Green STreeTS

    deSiGn SoluTionS

    Residential Streets

    Commercial Streets

    Arterial Streets


    Green Street designs provide better environmental

    perormance while creating attractive, saer environments.

    Green Streets

  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions



    Green Streets

    Residential Streets

    Stormwater curb extenSionS

    Conventional landscape

    SidewalkStreet tree

    Vegetatedcurb extension

    Two-way car travel

    20 minimumthrough zone

    On-street parking

    Optional: Existing curb and plantingstrip can be retained as is or

    incorporated into curb extension

    Conventional curb extensions(also known as curb bulb outs,chokers, or chicanes) havebeen used or decades to

    enhance pedestrian saety andhelp in trac calming.

    A stormwater curb extensionsimply incorporates a raingarden into which runo fows.





    TypicAl STreeT


    Stormwater curb extenSionS

    Permeable Paving

    vegetated SwaleS

    rsta stts th gatst tta

    bg G Stts w ghbhs

    tttg stg stts bas th stts

    a ta sw, ss tafk, a k t

    aa ha s asa ts.

    Ths as, t s a hs t haa gas at t th asag t

    t a st stwat ts,

    was, a ats. ra ga s th ga

    t s t sb stwat statgs that

    s ats a ss t t, absb, a sw

    awat th asa sa.

    Sa ts a gas a tak as s

    wth th stt ght--wa tsth gs

    th stt a b bt t aw stwat t w

    t a asa aa, sa wth th a

    aa th stt a b t t asa,

    asg abt. Ata, ab

    ag that s ab, a-bag, a bt wth

    a g s a ta st wat

    t tat.

    i w stt stats, G Stts

    a b sg t ha sgat s

    wat. i tt stats, th a taha a th a sa sts, wh

    ss wat ag sts a w t

    stg st sw ssts.

    Rain gardens are beautiullandscape eatures that

    naturally lter runo andrequire less maintenance

    than tur grass.

  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions


    Green Streets

    Residential Streets

    Permeable Paving


    Pervious pavers

    Concrete band,flush with pavers


    On-street parking

    Existing driveway

    Travel lane allows onecar to pass while the cartraveling in the oppositedirection waits in theparking zone

    Permeable paving (pavers,or porous asphalt andpervious concrete) in theparking lane convertsimpervious suraces to allow

    stormwater to absorb into theground, which reduces theamount o runo without anyloss o parking on the street.

    The aesthetics o permeablepaving can also give theillusion o a narrower streetand thereore help calm trac.




    vegetated SwaleS

    On-street parking on oneside of the street only

    Vegetated swale on oneside of the street

    A mid-block pedestrianaccess point providesaccess to the sidewalkon the other side of thevegetated swale

    Two-way car travel


    Street tree

    Swales are long, shallowvegetated depressions, with

    a slight longitudinal slope.As water ows through theswale, it is slowed by theinteraction with plants andsoil, allowing sedimentsand pollutants to settle out.Water soaks into the soil andis taken up by plants, andmay infltrate urther intothe ground i the soil is well-drained.






  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions


    Green Streets

    Commercial Streets


    Stormwater PlanterS

    Stormwater curb extenSionS

    Permeable Paving

    ca stts st ba aas t

    aat a w ag ss a ss

    g stas, s, bks, tast

    s, -stt akg, t satg,

    ghtg, ts, t. Bas a ths as,

    g sa t t a aag stwat

    a at st aa hagg. Th a,hw, sa sg ts that tws a

    ts a s wh tgatg stwat

    agt t th st at stts.

    Th k s thkg at g sa

    that a aat t ss

    sa, sh as a stt t t sg t t

    , th b tss (as kw as

    sta bb ts) at th s sg

    t g ssg stas stas

    that a as ta a a ga. Ths sg

    ts a as aat w

    stts wh th at g

    tts s s th stat. m

    statg sg s ssa stts wth

    stg tts. Th a- ths ts,

    thgh, s a attat, wakab stt

    that sab s t .

    Stormwater PlanterS

    Bicycle lane

    Building frontage

    Pedestrian egress zone

    On-steet parkingConventional landscape



    Two-waycar travel


    Street tree

    Stormwater planter

    Stormwater entry/exitcurb cut

    Planters are long, narrow land-scaped areas with vertical wallsand at bottoms, typically opento the underlying soil. Theyallow or more storage volume

    than a swale in less space.

    Water ows into the planter,absorbs into the plants andtopsoil, flls to a predeterminedlevel, and then, i necessary,overows into a storm sewersystem. I desired, planters canaccommodate street trees.





    TypicAl STreeT



    A communitys identity isoten most evident on its

    commercial streets.Green Street techniques notonly achieve environmental

    goals but can greatlyimprove the look and eel

    o a community.

  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions


    Green Streets

    Stormwater curb extenSionS


    Permeable Paving

    Bicycle lane

    Pervious paversOn-steet parking


    Street tree

    Stormwater curb extension

    Concrete band,flush with paving

    Shortercrossingdistance forpedestrians

    Two-waycar travel

    Permeable paving oncommercial streets can be

    incorporated into sidewalksand parking lanes.

    Recent advances in permeablepaving technologies nowmake many appropriate orhigher speeds or where large,heavy vehicles are expectedto be parkedareas such asloading zones and bus stops.






    Commercial Streets

    Building frontage

    Stormwater curb extensionPervious pavingAngled parking


    Street tree


    distance forpedestrians

    Two-waycar travel

    Stormwater curb extensionson commercial streets aresimilar to those on residentialstreets. They are rain gardenstypically located near the

    corners that can also providethe pedestrian with a morecomortable crossing.

    Curb extensions can alsobe located mid-block byconverting one or moreparking spaces.



  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions


    Green Streets

    Arterial Streets


    vegetated SwaleS

    Ata stts tws a ts a

    t haatz b w ass

    at, tt g, a tt t ass

    sta s. Sh a ata stt

    aa ha asa aas ajat t

    th awa wth gass as, th

    tttg ths aas t aatawat w sgat

    a h tt wat qat.

    Wh ajat asa sa s t

    st, a ss a tg a b

    tak. Ths s tg jst

    hw h a sa s ssa t

    sa aag ta, a hw h a

    b t t g sa. i at t

    aagg , ths s as a tt

    t tt th tat ata

    stts, akg th t-a b

    atg swaks, -stt bk as,

    asa-saat bk gwas.

    Aga, as wth sta a a stts,

    thgh t s as t a a sg a ths

    ss t a awa th bgg, st

    atas st tts t atG Stt ats, a a b hgh sss.

    Busy arterials neednot only be a conduitor trafc. They have

    the potential to beattractive, green

    boulevards that reduceruno and reinorce acommunitys identity.

    vegetated SwaleS

    Bike lane

    Side swale

    Street trees


    Like residential streets, arterialroadways are good streettypes or swales because theytypically have long, linearstretches o uninterrupted

    space that can be usedto manage stormwater.

    Some arterials may not havelandscape space in placebut do have travel lanes orpaved shoulders that can benarrowed to create space orswales.



    TypicAl STreeT



  • 8/9/2019 Green Streets - A Conceptual Guide to Effective Green Streets Design Solutions


    Green Streets

    Al leys


    Permeable Paving

    vegetated SwaleS

    i a tws a ts, as s a

    sgat at s sa a

    a sts t g bas th

    a t t t t th sw sst.

    G Stt thqs k gtat swas

    a ab ag t a

    tat , aat g, a a a sss tha stag ts t sws.

    vegetated SwaleS

    I the alley is crowned in sucha way that water ows to theside, then stormwater can beaccommodated by simplygreening edges o the alleywith swales and planters.

    I necessary, water canow through pipes orcovered trenches to allowvehicle access to garagesand driveways.



    TypicAl Alley

    Alleys are the low-hangingruit o Green Street

    designa good startingpoint or towns and cities

    to begin incorporatingstormwater management.

    Permeable Paving

    Alleys are typically low-speedand low-tracked streets andthereore suitable locationsor using permeable paving.

    The entire surace could bepermeable, or i heavier vehiclesare anticipated or loadingand unloading, or the alley isreversed crowned (slopingtoward the center line), thenonly the middle section needsto be permeable.



    TypicAl Alley


    Illustrations and photographs used in this brochure are rom the EPA publication

    Stormwater Management HandbookImplementing Green Infrastructure in Northern Kentucky

    Communities and were created by Nevue Ngan Associations o Portland, Oregon.

    This handbook, as well as other valuable resources, are available at both and

    EPA-833-F-09-002 | August 2009 |
