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MARINE ENERGY• Marine energy or energy of the seas (also sometimes

referred to as ocean energy or ocean energy) refers to the renewable energy produced by ocean waves, tides, salinity and temperature differences in the ocean. Water movement in the world's oceans creates a vast store of kinetic energy, or energy in motion. This energy can be harnessed to generate electricity that feeds households, transport and industry. The main types are:






WAVE ENERGY OR WAVE OLAMOTRIZWave energy or olamotriz energy is the energy generated by wave motion. It is

less known and widespread than other types of marine energy, such as tidal, but increasingly longer applies.Some systems may include:

A turbine anchored to the bottom and with a buoy attached to it with a cable. The motion of the buoy is used to drive a generator. Another option would be to have the machinery on land and buoys introduced into a well communicated with the

sea.A floating device is powered articulated parts relative motion between these

parts. As the "sea serpent" Pelamis.A well sealed with upper and berruga communicated with the sea. At the top

there is a small opening through which air expelled out by the waves. This air drives a turbine which generates electricity.

A volume of water contained within a curved tube (OWC HORIZONTAL - HORIZONTAL oscillating water column Egúsquiza Loayza invented by Jorge

Lima-Peru) on a boat or platform, when the wave swings the boat or platform, the volume of water contained oscillates within the tube and pushes the air into the

turbine wells located at one end of the tube, at the other end the reverse happens, a vacuum and to occupy the air turbine drives the other. Based on the

principle of conservation level.


TIDAL ENERGYTidal energy is obtained taking advantage of the tide, by fitting an

alternator can use the system to lageneración electricity, transforming electrical enenergía tidal energy, a more secure form usable energy. It is a type of renewable energy, while the primary

energy source is not exhausted by its operation, and is clean and in energy transformation occur no polluting byproducts gaseous, liquid

or solid. However, the relationship between the amount of energy that can be obtained with today's media and the economic and

environmental cost of installing the devices for processing have prevented significant penetration of this type of energy.

Other ways to extract energy from the sea are the waves (wave power), the temperature difference between surface and deep waters of the ocean, the ocean thermal gradient, salinity, ocean currents or

offshore wind


ENERGY FLOWSThe energy of ocean currents form of marine energy obtained from the use of the kinetic energy of ocean currents like the Gulf Stream. Although not widely used everything he could, ocean currents have significant potential for future electricity generation. Sea

currents are more predictable than wind energy and wind energy solar.1Sea currents are mainly caused by the rise and fall of the tides as a result of gravitational

interactions between the Earth, the moon and the sun, making it flow around the sea. Other effects, such as regional differences in temperature and salinity and the Coriolis effect due to the rotation of the earth are also major influences. The kinetic energy of ocean currents may become largely the same way that a wind turbine extracts energy from the wind, using various flow rotors abierto.3 potential generating electricity from

currents sea tide is enormous. There are several factors that make electricity generation from ocean currents very attractive compared to other renewable energy:

The high load factors due to fluid properties. There predictability of resources, so that, unlike most other renewable energy future availability of known and can be provided,

avoiding intermitencia.3Potentially large resources that can be exploited with low environmental impact,

providing one of the least harmful methods for large-scale generation of electricidad.4The viability of energy facilities currents to also provide power to the electrical grid base,

especially if two or more interconnected separate arrays with mismatched maximum flows in time.


MAREMOTERMICAThe viability of energy facilities currents to Also Provide power to the electrical grid

base, Especially if two or more separate interconnected arrays with mismatched maximum flows in time.salinity, ocean currents or maremotérmica energy (also known as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, conversion ocean thermal energy, OTEC or OTE

for short) is a type of renewable energy that uses the differences between the deep ocean, cooler, and surface warmer to move a heat engine and produce useful work, usually in the form of electricity . It was originally conceived by the French physicist

Arsène d'Arsonval. So far he has had the performance problem, but new designs in heat exchangers and other devices make it approaches the theoretical maximum. In different

parts of the world have different water temperatures depending on the depth you are, especially in the tropics, 2 where can distinguish three thermal layers:

a) Surface: 100 to 200 meters thick, which acts as a heat sink, with temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees.

b) The middle: between 200 and 400 feet deep, with a quick change of temperature and thermal barrier between the upper and deep layers.

c) The profound: in which the temperature decreases smoothly to 4 ° C at 1000 meters and 2 ° C at 5000 meters.

Thus, using surface water for heating a liquid with a low boiling point (using a heat exchanger), this is transformed into steam which could drive a turbine to generate

electricity. Then, this steam will cool in another heat exchanger in contact with the cold water from the depths to then resume the cycle of generation



The power blue or osmotic energy is the energy obtained by the difference in salt concentration between seawater and river water. The residue in this process is only brackish water. This renewable

energy source has great potential in regions with rivers: In the Netherlands, for example, more than 3300 m³ of fresh water per

second flow into the sea average. The potential energy is therefore of 3300 MW, assuming 1 MW / m³ of fresh water per second.

Two complementary technologies based on the use of membranes are currently under development: pressure retarded osmosis (PRO:

pressure retarded osmosis) and reverse electrodialysis (RED: Reverse electrodialysis).






ADVANTAGES OF THESE ENERGIES• You do not need any fuel to be operated• No waste generated• As for the disadvantages:• It takes a key place for the highest efficiency of the

wave• The transfer of energy obtained is very costly• It depends on the tidal range• Although still under development, marine energy is a

major renewable energy sources and perhaps more chances to succeed. They are stronger advantages than disadvantages, is in sight.

