Green Computing Recycling and Disposal of Waste IT e-learning for the environment the ‘e’ is for...


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Green Computing Recycling and Disposal of

Waste IT e-learning for the environment

the ‘e’ is for ‘e’nvironmental

Green IT

The 3 colours of Green IT Being Greener with IT, Using IT to help you be a Greener

Organisation, Recycling and Disposal of Waste IT

What links?


The Green Value Chain

Our story begins in Japan:

The WEEE Directive

Reduce Re-use Recover Recycle

Not forgetting that the directive also asks to improve the environmental performance of equipment over its lifecycle

The WEEE Directive

Transported Round the Country

To be Processed



Or Recycling

WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

A Cost Cost to Handle Cost to Process Cost to Landfill

An Opportunity A New Green Value Chain


The Learning Light Project

Training offenders in recycling Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Trialled in HMPs Wealstun and Everthorpe

In response to the Recycling Industry learning requirements

To Do This

By e-learning

The Project

Set up workshops to carry out the disassembly of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

To skill up offenders to carry out these tasks using energy efficient techniques

To harness the power of e-learning to deliver the skills required

To offer a meaningful work experience

To provide a qualification for the learners

Leading to….

Employment opportunities on release in an expanding market

Less likelihood of re-offending

and incidentally……

Major environmental benefits:

Carbon saving of: 450.2394tpa in a 4mth period

An inkjet printer weighing 7kg

reduced to 1g of waste to landfill

The Results

Enhanced learning experience Increased ICT skills Meaningful work while in prison Understanding of environmental issues Delivering almost 99% reuse or recycle Massive savings in product sent to landfill A work based qualification Job opportunity in an industry set to expand


Delivering So Much More………..









Prison ServiceWorkshop

Meaningful Work and

Valuable Learning

Employment Opportunity

NVQ RecyclingOperations

(WEEE) /Accredited

LearningCIWM & EU Skills

Less WasteTo


Reducing Re-offending

Delivering So

much more than a

Tick in a Box

The Qualification

First of its kind e-learning based Maps an NVQ to a mandatory regulation NVQ level 1,2 (and 3) mapped to the Waste

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (The WEEE directive)

Delivers practical work based skills to meet a regulatory requirement by using e-learning and hands on work

Learning to Work

The e-learning delivers:Health and safetyTeam workingUnderstanding of the WEEE directive and

environmental issuesQuizzes to test understanding

Learning to Disassemble

Practical techniques shownRecognition skills – Plastics and MetalsInstructional modules:

Computer base stations Printers CRTs Street Lighting

The Endorsement

Industry led learningAccredited by the Chartered Institute of

Wastes Management (CIWM)Listed as part of the UK learning portfolio

by Industry qualification awarding body WAMITAB

Supported by the industries technical steering group

Encouraged by DeFRA, WRAP, EU-Skills, NOMS and Yorkshire Forward

The Flexibility of the e-learning

Fully accessible – pictorial, text and audio

Letting learners control their own learning

Easily updated

Easy and cost effective to deploy CD rom delivery VLE/LMS delivery over the internet PC or Thin client - intranet SCORM compliant – meets all standards

The Learning

Developed with leading subject matter experts

e-learning – blended with workplace assessment

Very cost effective

The ‘e’ in e-learning is for ‘e’nvironmental
