Greek Mythology Part 1: Places and How the Earth Began


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Greek Mythology

Part 1:

Places and How the Earth Began



How the Earth Began



Mt. Olympus

The OceanThe River StyxEarth

The Underworld

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Mt. OlympusBack to


Olympus was where the gods lived. Zeus married his sister and together they ruled Olympus. There really is a Mt. Olympus and since it was so high up the Ancient Greeks decided it was the realm of the gods. Humans and other creatures could only visit Olympus if they had an invitation.

EarthBack to


Earth is where the humans lived. Sometimes gods visited Earth, and often fell in love with one of Earth’s inhabitants. Sometimes they would have children who would be half human/half god. Many strange and dangerous creatures roamed Earth and heroes had to slaughter them.

The Underworld

The underworld was a place inside the earth that was made up of three places; Tartarus, The Asphodel Fields, and The Elsyian Fields. The underworld was ruled by Hades, a.k.a. Pluto. Hades was Zeus’s brother.

The AsphodelFields

The Elsyian Fields



The OceanBack to


The Ocean surrounded the Earth. The Ocean was ruled by Poseidon and his wife, Amphitrite, who was a sea-nymph. Poseidon controlled the wind and the waves. Sailors often made sacrifices to him so they would have smooth sailing.a

The StyxBack to


The River Styx was the way to get to the underworld. To get across you must pay Charon, the boatman. The cost was one obol, a Greek coin. After you paid him he would take you across.

The Asphodel Fields


Normal commoners went to the Asphodel Fields. This was a gray, shadowy, misty, and ghostly place. Here their souls wandered around like shadows.



Tartarus is where the worst humans and gods went. They suffered horrendous punishments such as eternal hunger and thirst, being tied to a wheel of fire, being hit with thunderbolts, climbing a mountain endlessly, and shameful donkey’s ears. These people had to suffer for eternity.

The Elysian Fields


Heroic, kind, and noble people went to the Elysian Fields. Here they rested and enjoyed lives of luxury and bliss. You could be sent to Earth to live another life after you died. If you went to the Elysian Field three times you could go to the Isles of the Blessed and never leave.

How the Earth BeganBack toINDEX

Mother Earth and her child, Uranus, had children. Rain fell from the sky, so the plants and animals appeared on Earth. Then, monsters came. Uranus banished these monsters to the Underworld.

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•Greek Myths and Legends by: Cheryl Evans and Anne Millard


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