GREATER FIRST COLONY NEWSLETTER · expensive, looking into options. Hope to paint fence during park...


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Volume 38, Issue 3 March 2020

Hi All, It may be winter but your board, committees and volun-teers are hard at work! Roger Hunt is taking point on the tennis courts, looking at adding pickle ball courts and cleaning up the courts. Kathy Colburn is leading this year’s Easter Egg Hunt – look for announcements. The Lake Committee, along with keeping our spillway flowing, is waiting to hear back on the grant and is de-veloping a long-term maintenance plan to keep the lake beautiful and healthy. Do you have problems with standing water in the drain-age ditches in front of your house? You may be able to get some help from VDOT – they will come out and clean out your ditches to allow storm water to flow. To request this service call VDOT at 757-253-5138 during office hours or 800-367-7623 anytime. Membership Drive – Our totals have risen to over 322 renewals and new members. This is great – we are slightly ahead of last year’s pace at this point. The more members we have, the easier it is afford current mainte-nance and future improvements. Thank you to Pat Burke for reaching out to our new neighbors and intro-ducing them to GFC! She does a great job explaining the benefits and value of membership, and most new neighbors join the Association. And the new, online payment system that Meagan Shultz set up makes it easy to register online and pay with your credit card. If you know of anyone who hasn’t ever joined or you have a new neighbor, please reach out to them! We just couldn’t maintain and enhance our community – the entrances, park, clubhouse, marina, pool and lake – without our great group of volunteers. The work nev-er stops and their many hours allow us to keep our membership dues low. If you have any free time or haven’t had a chance to take point on an event, please reach out to anyone on the board or myself and we’ll help you find an opportunity that fits your interests. Best regards, Terry Walker, President Phone: 703-966-5700



President’s Corner Board Meeting Minutes

The February 13, 2020 Board meeting was called to or-der by President Terry Walker at 7:00 pm in the club-house. Other board members present were: Brian Day (VP), Brian O’Day (Treasurer), Jan Walker (Standing in for secretary), members-at-large Kathy Colburn, Becky Loving, Brett Major, Liz Robbins, and Troy Tuckey. Bobby Jankovic (Pool Chair & Past President), Patricia Burke (Welcoming Committee Chair), Roger Hunt (Tennis Chair?), and Matt Wawersik (Lake Chair) were also present. Minutes of the previous board meeting held January 9, 2020 were approved. Brian O’Day presented the GFCACA budget perfor-mance summary. A summary for January 2020 follows: Revenue: $116,001; Operating Expenses: $35,259; Cap-ital Expenditures: $5,551; Net Income: $75,191; Total liquid assets were $378,775 consisting of $71,143 in checking and $307,632 in the reserve fund (Davenport). Swim team account: $17,488. There are currently 322 association members. Still awaiting relief from water bill. We may see an uptick in membership before the pool opens. Number of members on pace with last year. Marina – there are people who haven’t renewed their slips. Will call to see if they’re going to renew. Cards will be turned off shortly. Committee Chair Updates: Lake. Matt reported that we are still waiting re JCC grant. Has the impression that they may have received more requests than there is money. -Met with Clarke Lake Management Co. re duckweed man-agement. Previous estimate from them was for control during high summer when duckweed was everywhere. They will provide a new estimate for hitting the duckweed early as soon as it appears; hope that this estimate will be lower. Duckweed isn’t dead, it has just sunk down to bottom. As weather improves, it will start popping up. $15K was allocat-ed in budget, may not need all of that if new estimate is low-er. Pool. Will have 2 co-managers this year. Pool is full (water). Adding bleach now. Will turn on water at pool and park soon. Are getting a new lifeguard stand. Electronic payment & water fountain – discussed by previous chair, not being pursued at this time.

Welcoming. Visited 2 new residents. Still waiting to hear back from 2 others. Last 2 new residents have joined assoc. Anyone with ideas of info to include in welcome package or local company give-aways should contact Pat. Old Business: Directory. No update on status

Tennis courts (Roger Hunt) – Want to add additional shuffleboard court and pickleball court, fix cracks, pow-er wash pavement, paint fence, work on lights. Esti-mates for fixing cracks, adding the pickleball courts, are high, $20-40K. Estimate for replacing backboard also expensive, looking into options. Hope to paint fence during park work day. Ultimately, hope to have 1 tennis court, 2 pickleball courts and shuffleboard at the ends. Roger will forward the proposals to the President and hopes to get an addi-tional quote. Upcoming Events - Fools Regatta (Roger Hunt) – wants to bring this back. Will be first weekend in Au-gust. Easter Egg Hunt – Kathy Colburn volunteered to lead. Will be on Saturday before Easter, rain date on Easter Sunday. Memorial Day Picnic – need volunteer to head it up.

New Business: Drainage ditches. People can call VDOT to request ditch be re-done. Movie night at pool (Roger Hunt) – has to be early or late in the season, otherwise it gets dark too late. Lake Fund Charter. Hope to create an administrative infrastructure to manage donations dedicated to lake. Spending priorities will be approved, voted on by the Board. Fund would be managed by Lake Committee with Board oversight. The Lake Committee wants to create the fund to accept donations because there are not enough general funds available to cover all potential expenses. Priorities: spillway, water quality (to include duckweed removal, aeration, removing trees), better community access (make it easier for those not on the lake to gain access and use the lake). The Committee hopes for broad community involvement, to spread info via the newsletter. Matt presented a document to the Board, the Charter for this Fund, that outlined the pur-pose, priorities and organization/management of the fund. Board members will send him their edit.

There being no further business, the board meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Denise Thomas, Secretary Via notes provided by Jan Walker who attended in place of Denise

Upcoming Events

March 16 Garden Club Meeting 2 pm, Clubhouse

Yoga with Kelly at the Clubhouse at 5:30 on the follow-ing days in March: 2,4,16,18,23,25 & 30th. All levels are welcome.

From the Lake Committee: Did you know that all GFCACA members have access to the lake for paddling and fishing? You can put in boats near the dock located on The Maine across from the JCC pump station. Cars should park along The Maine next to the dock, and must display a GFCACA sticker. No gas-powered boats and please be respectful of pedestrians and neighbors. To sustain this neighborhood resource, please also consider yard maintenance choices throughout our watershed.

Fertilizers, pet-waste, and blown leaves negatively im-pact water quality and lead to duckweed and algae growth. For info on alternative yard care practices, JCC has put out the following information: Also, stay tuned for information about a lake cleanup day this spring!

Photo courtesy of Bobby Jankovic

Welcoming Committee

Patrick Jones and Catherine Mountjoy have moved to 3344 Timber Ridge in Heritage Landing. They have always lived in this area, so it was not a hard decision to move to Greater First Colony. They wanted their sons, Elliott and Marshall to grow up in a friendly neighborhood with a beach/marina, pool, park, and near the bike trail. Patrick is a contractor and Cathe-rine works in finance at William and Mary. They have two cats- Cooper and Jackson. Please welcome them. If you hear about someone moving into our neighbor-hood, please let me know. Phone or text at 757-532-2459 or email Patricia Burke Welcoming Committee

Garden Club

The Garden Club held its annual Valentine’s Tea in February, graciously hosted by Marion Wolfe. A lovely after-noon was had by all. The Garden Club’s March meeting will be an education discussion lead by our neighbor, Fran Geissler, on the care of our lawns along with our concern for the health of Lake Pasbehegh. The meeting will be at the Club House on Mon-day, March 16 at 2 p.m. New members and interested neighbors are always welcome to join us.

Jan Brooks, Secretary

First Colony Employment Helpline First Last Job Age Email Phone

Benjamin Hardy Mowing 14 871-1754

Jessica Lee Babysitting, Pet Sitting 16 345-9432

Dalton Mara Babysitting, Pet Sitting 15 804-931-5122

Quinn Mara Babysitting, Pet Sitting 10 804-931-5105

Rebecca McCann Babysitting, Pet Sitting 14 757-561-4532

Eli Prichard Tech Help/Assistance 15 532-0538

Quinn Prichard Pet Sitting (adult super-vised)

10 532-0538

Andy Tuckey Lawn mowing/yard work, Pet Sitting

13 757-206-3656

Calling All Master Naturalists! The Lake Committee is looking for assistance in identifying and/or describing the flora, fauna and other natural resources here in our community. We are hoping to develop materials that will help us all to better appreciate our surroundings, particularly Lake Pasbehegh. If you would be interested in help-ing with such a project, contact Fran Geissler at 757-869-2954 or




A beautiful, spacious and affordable facility, the

Clubhouse is available for rental by members and

non-members for business meetings, private

functions, community events, and much more. The

Clubhouse features high ceilings, patio, deck, full

kitchen, seating for up to 150 people, ample

parking and a beautiful view of the park. The

Clubhouse is located at 125 Pasbehegh, adjacent

to the playground, pavilion and pool.

Number of attendees 1-50 51-100 101-150


Up to 3 hours $45.00 $55.00 $100.00

Up to 5 hours $65.00 $85.00 $140.00

Up to 8 hours $95.00 $130.00 $200.00

For events sponsored by non-First Colony residents:

Number of attendees 1-50 51-100 101-150


Up to 3 hours $65.00 $75.00 $150.00

Up to 5 hours $95.00 $115.00 $200.00

Up to 8 hours $140.00 $175.00 $275.00

Clubhouse Fee Structure

Call *Marion Wolfe to make reservations for the clubhouse.

You may contact any Clubhouse member for information or to take a tour.

(Clubhouse members are listed below)

Sandy Tarantelli 221-8195

*Marion Wolfe 565-1860

Kerry Armbruster 564-0447

Ann Hunt 229-1384

Dion Walsh 220-1638



To subscribe to the Greater First Colony mailing list which includes a link to the newsletter and occasional emails from the Board, send an email to and include your name, street address, and email ad-dress. To view the newsletter on the First Colony Website as well as accessing information regarding membership, Committee information, community events, the activities calendar and booking community facilities go to


Submit ads to by the 20th of each month. Payment must accompany ad. Prices: Busi-ness Card: $15, Quarter Page: $25, Half Page: $38, Full Page: $75.

Make checks payable to GFCACA. Mail to: PO BOX 5123 Williamsburg, VA 23188


Newsletter Editor – Teresa Turner or 757-817-6797. The Greater First Colony Area Civic Association publishes this newsletter monthly for the benefit of the membership. Unless noted, the deadline for all newsletter submissions is the 20th of each month.

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First Colony--Williamsburg

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PO BOX 5123

Williamsburg, VA 23188
