Grant Stevens - South Australia Police - Effective multidisciplinary approaches to Domestic Violence


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Commissioner Grant Stevens South Australia Police

Multi-Agency Protection Service


Inter-Agency Collaboration


• S.A. Police Strategy and policing model

• Other Agency interaction

• Information sharing

• Lack of integration

• Community and culture

Family Safety Framework

• Commenced in 2007

• Principle of information sharing

• Family Safety Meetings to case manage imminent high risk

• Doesn’t ID risk or failure at agency level



MAPS AGENCIES South Australia Police Department for Correctional Services Department for Communities and Social Inclusion • Housing SA

• Office for Women

SA Health Department for Education and Child Development • Education

• Families SA (Child safety)

Domestic Violence Response Review

• Office For Women

• Circuit Breaker

• Immediate response to flaws/concerns

• Not a complaint system

• Access point for NGO DV service providers and government agencies

The Advertiser May 19, 2015

“I wish it (MAPS) had been in operation for me.”

“I will go as far as to say that if this kind of service had been operating for Luke and I, the outcome could have been very different.”

Ms Rosie Batty Australian of the Year 2015
