Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1919-06-07 [p ].€¦ · spine, malnutrition cases, weak...


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m -hH-'i v- v. u.-ii. ' K i • jm*;• k>&nm

.BJNEX1W0. Brown



i r»

Sixty Children , Are Examinep ^

fiiAt Clinic Today • ;<k - -

kitepkg the score of helpers and physicians on the alert thin morning

B*-" tvere sixty little children who were brought to the Roosevelt school for

uj a • •> examination at the last Baby Confer-» " - , ence to be held in the south end of

"1" the city. The oommittee reports a M -'-'-tV large number of defective children. St".and among the complaints were in-S-, i cipient tuberculosis, cuviturc of the

spine, malnutrition cases, weak eyes, th -i.• it' adnoidH and bad teeth, m i Ahealthy lot of children outnum-

' bered the defective children' in this, as well as all former examinations,

jU and, -according to Miss McCulloch, «r

: Grand Forks may boast a line collec-•.v-;.,av tion of blue ribbon babies. Mrs. H.

(j. Vick, president of the North Da-v'' ''if Uota Federation of Women's clubs £ was a visitor at the cliific this morn-T . i i n g a n d e x p r e s s e d k e e n i n t e r e s t i n t h e

V; . 0 work of the nurse committee and its • i' .score of assistants.

..j. The physicians in- charge of the clinic this morning were Drs. Grass-

ci: ick, Woutat and Engstad. They were in assisted by the nurses' committee and H-- among the women who have served as sti • i assistants during the Baby Clinics of tri _ the past several weeks arc Mrs. J. A. «>v Poppler, Miss Mae McCulloch, Miss fa . ..Hedwift* Djupe, Mrs. Robert Green,

^S^'M^^igPi CUffotd, Mrs. O. G, Libby,* le 4*!-w Mrs. J. Sheehy. Mrs. C. M. Cooley and' enr#-' Mrs. Dennison. Girls who have at-«sv;J, terided the clinics almost every Sat-l»?j urday and helped with the care of the th4 children were Margaret Schulz,

Catherine Finch. Dorothy Barnes, !"; J# Grace Griffith, Margaret Randall and

Margaret Libby. WijT The Moore Auto Co. has assisted w# with transporting luggage each Sat-

urday and assistance has also been T^. given by the Ontario Store and Van-

derhoefs. The various printing es­tablishments have donated consider­able help.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sidney Elfred. former residents of Grand Forks, will be interested in hearing of the approaching marriage of their eldest daughter, Florence May, to Bernice M. Downey of Se­attle. A number of local residents have received invitations to the affair which is to take place in Seattle, on June 25.

Mr. and Mrs. Elfred have made their home in Seattle after leaving this city several years ago. While here Mr. Elfred was manager of the New York Life Insurance company.


Children's Day At M. Ei Church

-ff ••• N






% $ * *'•


Under the guidance of Mrs. W. C. Keough of Chicago, a state organiza­tion of business and professional women was organized in Grand

^p ocks, last^ycning. Mrs.- Agnes Rex, cahof -this city was named' president.. ot>

the organization and with her the other officers for the new association were: Mrs. Laura B. Saunderson, of

r"'~ LaMoure, N. D., first vice president; Miss Anna Kaufman, second vice president; Miss Medora Knox, record­ing secretary; Miss Helen Hamilton, corresponding secretary; Miss Henri­etta Danens, treasurer.' The board of directors include Mrs. J. A. Poppler, Grand Forks; Mrs. Ethel McVeaty, Fargo; Mrs. Anna Chisholm, Fargo; Mrs. Jean Taylor, Grand Forks; Miss Aldyth Ward, Bismarck, and Mrs. C. S. Sanger of Liakota.

* * * . . K committee of local women Jwas

named to draw up a. constitutioniand by-laws, Misa. Frances Owen -5 was named chairitgan of this committee.

According toi Mrs. Keongh, who left the city last night for Louisville, Ky., where she will attend to similar work, all states, in the union will be repre­sented at the national convention in St. Louis which is being held July first for the purpose of forming a national federation of business and profession­al women.

Delegates to this convention from the North Dakota organization will be chosen very soon.

•k sk 5k The War Mothers of America will

meet Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the auditorium of the public library. A special invitation is sent out to all mothers of soldiers to join the organization. The officers of the club wish to extend a cordial welcome to any new members and are urgent that all mothers of soldiers enter the organization. A very good program is being prepared 'by the program committee and this will be announced at a later date.

* * * Miss Sadie Fisher, a pupil of Miss

Adelaide Okell, was presenred in a piano recital last evening at Corwin

? hall. Miss Fisher is also graduating • from the high school this year as 't valedictorian of her class. Mies t Dorothy Wright, soprano, added to ; the attractiveness of the program j with several pleasing songs. For > these Miss Geraldine McN'ichol wad f at the piano. ; * * • j Mrs. G. W. Buckingham, Sr., Mrs.

% Harry Burton and Dr. Nellie Bahlke t have returned'from Fargo where they J attended the annual assembly of the l North Dakota Rebekahs. Mrs. Buck-[ ingham as president, presided at the ( meetings and gave the president's ad-, dress at the opening meeting Wednes-i day. f » » *

Dr.- E. J. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, 307 First avenue, expect to

i leave for Maple Lake at the close of > school. Here they expect to remain J with their family during the summer, P having leased the Bray cottage on ; Washington Heights. I * * * F Mr. and Mr*. A. M. Thoreson of t Devils Lake are guests of friends in S the city. They expect to return this | evening. • £ 4? | Mrs. Ole Arnegard of Hlllsbofo is

f: here for several days visiting frfends. t Mrs. Arnegard formerly made her

home in Grand Forks. 4c sk «k

Miss Edith Youngberg, princlpjU of the Northwood schools, has completed her school duties for the year and is spending the week end with hir par­ents in this city.

» * * The board of directors will meet

(Monday evening at the T. W. C. A. All inembers of the board are urged to atiand the meeting. ,

(By Eaotoe) The fast-approaching month of

June will bring new ideas in wedding gowns and veils. The war weddings of the past few years have had little need for the white filmy costume and June has been quite overlooked as the wedding month. In all the haste and turmoil weddings were held in any months, at any hour, on any. day, and it might be said in almost any cos­tume from the bloomers of the land army girl to the last year's party dress of the debutante. things are getting bacfeiio' norrftal *a«d the month of Jun«P1B coming back into favor as the wed­ding month. The future brides are choosing white .stuffs for their wed­ding gowns and long trains, full veils and all of the marks of formal wed­dings are back in style. t

This net frock was created for the very young bride. Flowers and ruffles of taffeta trim the skirt and give an air of lightness and fullness to the flounces. Green leaves are appliqued on the petticoat and white satin ones are appliqued on the long veil. A wreath of orange blossoms holds the veil in place and a cluster of the blos­soms is fastened at the waist. De­mure, indeed, is the little round heck and the- little .puttings; at . the shoul­ders and neck. At prayir book ft car­ried instead of the bouquet complet­ing a very quaint ahd attractive bridal gown.

French Club to Have Last Meet

II i is

To Fillmore The Union .. Commercial College,

Gnusd Vorks, N. Dak., has placed an­other stadent with the Bovey-Shute * Jackson IAr. Co. This time it is Mr.

. Otto . NasliiHM who has • aeeepted • a pealtlea th» oappany at FObMM, N^JMk. It pays to have 'a UwrM|h of bpokkeej"

typtwfp^ : aMtb«ta.. This katn :; aMaas of helping J"MW# aien. aad wito


As a fitting termination for an un­usually successful year, the French club of the state university will hold a meeting next Tuesday evening at the Delta Gamma house, Hamline ave­nue. President Thomas P. Kane and Mrs. Kane will be honor guests and a very good program will be given by members of the various French classes. These are the numbers:

Piano Solo—Eleanor Short. Vocal Selection—Maude Stephens. Scene from "Le Bourgeois Gentil-

homme"—Mademoiselle Le Tessier, Mademoiselle Bentegeat.

Dance Solo, "Minuet"—Hazel Chaf­fee.

Cutting from Selection toy the French-Canadian Poet, Drummond— Grace Moackrud.

Marseillaise—Members of club. An informal social hour will fol­

low the meeting. Refreshments will be served under the direction of Miss Margaret Blanding and Miss Blanche Forbes. The' French club has grown to be one of the most progressive clubs on the campus and the officers who have succeeded in raising the organ­ization to the present standard will be retained next year. They are: Presi­dent, Prof. Henry Haxo and secretary, Anna Holohan. The program com­mittee is composed of Miss Kathleen Robison, Mademoiselles LeTessier and Bentegeat and George Crane.

The regular meeting of all sections of St. Paul's Guild will take place on Wednesd^K-afternoon, June 11, at 3 o'clock in the Guild hall. Section 1 will be the hostesses for the afterno6n and all members are urged to attend. After the general meeting, section 3 will hold a meeting and every member of this section is requested to be pres-ent.::

* * * 'Miss Bessie Sherwood, business sec­

retary of the Y. W. C. A at Fargo, re­turned to her home today after at­tending the organization meeting of the North Dakota Federation of Busi­ness Women's clu-b which was held at the Hotel Dacotah Friday evening. Miss Sherwood represented Fargo as a delegate from the Business Wom­an's club in that city.

sic sk • .Mrs. Prank Dorgan has received

word that her husband, Private Prank Dorgan, has arrived in this country and is at the present time in Newport News, Va. Private Dorgan expects to leave soon for Camp Dodge to get his discharge from service. He has seen several months' service overseas as a memfter of the 88th division.

•: y_".: * • • . ' Ifiss Lou Reading has returned to her home In this city after spending the past winter at Long Beach, Cal. Miss Gladys Curtis of who Is also en route from California, is a guest at the Reading home and will 'remain for the week end.

* * * Hugh ROrke of Pargo Is enjoying

a jfbort vacation In the clty. and Is a guest at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ernest Rorke, 4*1 North Fourth « ': , &

Jt -% • K * * WwA ii j*. MIM •'•wtha Jacobeon of tfefiritfn and Hiss Margaret Jacobeon of Me-nomonie. Wis., are spending a. few days in the cHy as the guests of f r i e n d s . - • ,

'— Julia and c«*lla MeHuch

The children of the various Sunday school classes of the First Methodist church will give a program on Sun-, day at 12 o'clock in honor of chil­dren's day. Miss Marjorie 'Moore will beM^t the piano for a«oompantanents aal program has been worked up by the little tots. A cordial invitation Is extended to all friends and mem­bers of the parish to hear the pro­gram. These are the numbers and those who will take part:

Hymn—Audience. Spripture Reading—W. A. Mcln-

tyre. Prayer—F. L. Montgomery. Baptismal Service—Rev. Gallagher.

' Cradle Roll Ode — Junior depart­ment.

Address, "The Importance of the Cradle Roll"—Mrs. J. G. Moore.

Presentation of Cradle Roll Certifi­cates—Mrs. L. Anna Bullis.

Song—Robert Wirieman Carter. Presentation of Cradle Roll ' Di­

plomas—Mrs. L. Anna Bullis. Hymn—Audience. Recitation—George Carter. Duet, "Just for You and Me"—Hel­

en Anderson and Janet Fraser. Songs— (a) Jesus is Calling to Children;

(b) A Children's Day Prayer—Pri­mary department.

>. Kicerctee, "Daisy Chain"—Gradu­ates of beginners' department. ^. Presentation of Diplomas to Begin-rterA Mrs. • R. A. fraser. ,

Song, "Just a Little Pansy"—Pri­mary girls.

Ottering. ' 1 "Hymn—Audience.

Benediction. ' ,

The North Dakota *Dames will hold their last regular meeting of the year on Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock. If weather permits the meeting will he held out of doors in Riverside park. In case of rain it will take place at the home of (Mrs. H. E French, Hamline avenue. This will be the last meeting of the $orth .Da­kota '1 Dames until the reopening of school and all members are urged to be present at this gathering.

The women of this club are prepare ing a "shower box" for the French orphans and would like to have any donations that are to be sent in to be •brought to this meeting as the box will be packed and sent this week. A goodly collection of underwear, dress goods, stockings and even buttons, needles and thread will make up the "shower box."

• • * Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burgess, 1115

Belmont arenue, will go to Maple Lake with their children at the close of school and will spend the summer thefe. They, have rented the Ed Smith! cottage on Washington. Heights. ^ — * * *

'A jULl&ianIs enthusiasts have been asked to meet at the Y. W. C. A. this evening at 7:46 o'clock. The tennis club is to be organised, officers elect­ed and a plan for the coming summer will be devised. Already a large membership has been entered and the club has all appearance of becoming a popular one.

• * * Miss Jule Honrig, formerly a stu­

dent in the East Grand Forks city schools, expects to leave this evening for her home in Scobey, Mont: Miss Horvig suffered a badly fractured ankle in an automobile acoident re­cently and was taken to this city to have an X-ray taken of the injured irthmber. ,,;While here Miss ;1 ff orvig was the guest of her sfater, MrsOvil-li^n TI^prvaldSQn, 814 Upl^irsity

* * * j Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McDonald and two children, 503 International ave­nue, left Friday evening for Bemidji where they will be the guests of Mrs. McDonald's parents. Mrs. McDonald and children expect to spend the summer at the lake and Mr. McDon­ald will return after a brief visit.

a * * Miss Margaret Gillette, daughter of

Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillette, 602 South Fourth street, will go to Crookston Tuesday to take part in the juvenile program which is being put on there Tuesday afternoon and evening. Miss Gillette will give a solo dance "The Flower- girl." About seventy-five^, of the children of Crookston will take part in this entertainment which is being given for the benefit of the re­turned soldiers and a large number of people of this pity expect to attend.

y ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Quigley, 516 Al­

pha avenue, are entertaining as their guest Mrs.. Quigley's mother, Mrs. S.

THE CHERRIRS PIG&Ef>. The first- night Cousin Bruin pick-

ed-.Cherries, when -he backed down* thtft tree, he., had his market .basket full of thoae delicious cherries. His market basket was a very big one. I am not going to tell you what his market basket is, you will have to guess that. The red Juice run dpwn both sides of his mouth. Now' you will guess, that his mouth is the way to his market basket.

Cousin Bruin said, "Jimmy Coon, I have my big basket full and I am going to take all the cherries I have picked back to my big Btone bouse to be canned."

Teddy Possum laughed and poked Jimmy in the ribs and said "Well, Mother Boar wont get any of those cherries to can," and Jimmy chtfe-ktefl. '

Hi* very next niirtit this cherry pickirtg party aCalii came to the cher­ry tree. Again Cousin Bruin took his place in the tree and never stopped filling his huge basket until he had picked or grabbed the very last berry on that tree. N

But- as Ranger was away with little William visiting; there was no more in his disii for Jimmy Coon to eat, So Teddy Poraum and Jimmy Coon be­came very restless. With not a bite to eat it was^ard. to see Cousin Bruin stuffing himself.

So Teddy Possum and Jimmy Coon took their stand near the hen- house. Teddy Possum couldn't resist the fun of pulling the old rooster's tail. and what a noise he made. It woke up: all those, chickens, and what a squawking there was then!

Cousin Bruin had t'o back out of that cherry tree quick as lightning. The red cherry juice was dropping

j i i

' • r •' jPKU?

Teddy Possnm couldn't resist the foil of pulling that old rooster's tall

froth his mouth. Don't you really think Cousin Bruin ought to be ailittle more careful of his looks even when he is in a great hurry?

Those two rascals at the hen house, Jimmy Coon and Teddy Possum, each grabbed something out of that hen house. They weren't in too much of a hurry for that Teddy Possum took the old red hen by the neck. Jimmy Coon draged a young pullet by the left leg, and they made off in a hurry.

Now do you think that those two rfescals eould eat their chickens in any peace? No, Cousin Bruin had the bear's share, and they only had the scraps.

Mr. and' Mrs. R. H. VanSotehof Crookston, who have taken the Moart-0n oottage for the summer are enter, taining as their house.guests for sev­eral. days. Supt. and Mrs. N. A. TJore-son and family of Crookston.

About twenty students of the Bel­trami high school motored to the lake on Wednesday and spent the day plc-nicing in Buhn's Park. The people were chaperoned by Profes­sors C. W. Rand and ?J. W. Johnson.

Mrs. R. Leich and son Merrill of Crookston have opened their cottage here for the summer. Dean I*l«». a student at the University of North Dakota, expects to Join them »t the close of school. ,

Joseph and Tllman Hagen of Grand Porks are enjoying a week s outing at the lake visiting friends.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Levins and daugh­ter Florence of Crookston: spent the last week at their summer cottage.

Mr. and J. L. Heitman and family of Grand Porks have rented the Fer­guson cottage "Kamp Kill Kare for the coming, season and expect to. come to the lake at the close of, school. j

Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Kent and j children of Grand Porks, spent the l week end at "Two Oaks." They re- j turned to Grand Porks but expect to > come to the lake for the summer at the close of school.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilby and son Alton are enjoying a few days' vaca­tion at their cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pinch returned to their home in Crookston after en­joying a short vacation at the lake.

erpect tospend the summer there., With their family.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Getto leased the G41by cottage for the<om_ ing season. As soon as school closer they will go to the lake with the family. , .

Mrs. M. H. Redlek of Grand Portal haa opened her cottage and is taining as her guests Mrs. Pordney and Ed Redlck of Grand Porks.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Garvin and t*m-ily expect to come to the lake on July flrst to spend the summer. They have taken the BrynJolfson cottage for the season.

Mrs. J. S. Thorvaldson accompanied her daughter, Mm. C. S. Highness, and children to their home in Crooks­ton for a -brief visit. Mrs. A. Fadness of Scoby, Mont, who is a guest of Mrs. Thorvaldson, accompanied the party to Crookston.

* * # The memorial services fof the de­

parted members of the Daughters of Norway will be held on Sunday after­noon. All members of the local chap­ter are requested to meet at.the Knights of Pythias hafl at 3 o'clock. These services were to have been held iaBt Sunday but unfavorable weather conditions necessitated the postpone­ment.

* * * Dr. and Mrs. H. W. F. Law and two

children, Frank and Goldie, left Fri­day evening for Maple Lake, where they expect to enjoy a few days' out­ing. They will return to the city Sun-daiy evening. *

4* *k 4c Mrs. Herman Wolff, Belmont Apart­

ments, will entertain informally at dinner this evening in honor of Cap­tain Donald K. Woods and Mrs. Woods <Alta Smith), who expect to leave -for -their home-in Great Falls, Mont, in -a short time.

4? sk 4c The regular Meeting of the Kappa

Alpha Theta Alumnae club which was scheduled to be held on Monday, June 9, has been postponed until Wednesday evening, June 11. TTie meeting will be held at the home of (Margaret Ko-lars, 417 North Second street. East Grand Forks.

• . * * Friends of Mrs. W. J. McAllan of

Minot, who has been confined to a lo cal hospital for several days, will be pleased to hear that her condition is reported to be much improved. Mr. McAllan will return to Minot this eve­ning.

v, ° 4c 4c * Mrs. MaSfice'Kirsner andlso'n, Al-

vin (Henry.^arrived in the Wty this morning'from their home inTSt. Paul and will remain for several weeks as guests of Mrs. Kirsner's sister, Mrs. Ben Cooperman, 617 Walnut, street. Mr. Cooperman, who has spent the past week in Chicago transacting busi­ness, returned this morning.


7 a. m. Observations. Temperature, 58. Maximum, 12 hours, 87. Minimum, 34 hours, 5S. Wind southeast, IS miles. Barometer, reduced, 80.


FORMER STANDARD Berlin, May 15.—(Correspondence

Of the Associated Press)—A huge meeting was held here the other day to protest against the efforts to strfp Berlin of its status as a capital. Mayor Wermuth and several others painted Berlin as a world city of art, a city for visitors and a city of the future. Despite its present smuttlness, . crime and disorder, they said, Berlin will re­gain its reputation as the deadest, safest and best governed city in the world. Wermuth said that further disturbances would bring agony, and urged all to work to improve condi­tions.

Sydicus Wiliner admitted that Ber­lin never was popular, especially in Germany and that "Berlin is consid­ered a black sheep among German cities." He explained that its position necessitated the presence of good, bad and indifferent.

Dr. Max Osborn declared that im­perial Berlin had clogged' Itaqlf with' lonely buildings and senseless monu­ments. "The real Berlin is hidden behind these pretentious character­less things but now there is no bar­rier to recreating it as a city of art without parallel," he declared.

WEATHER PREDICTIONS. Washington, June 7.—Weather pre­

dictions for the week beginning Mon­day, June 9, issued by the weather bureau today, are:

Region of Great Lakes, Upper Mis­sissippi and Lower Missouri Valleys: Generally fair, with nearly normal temperatures.


Safe Milk

Ferbfuts it faraUt


A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Quick T*mch; Home or Office.



mm at DflHCE AUDITORIUM Saturday, June 7



Montana Jazz Band / The Boys That Made Dancing a Pleasure

FLETCHER .will be present—hear him in all the latest song hits. Free Dancing From 8:80 to 8 P. M.

Admission 28o—10c a Danoo JAZZ


21611 P. M. I Oonttmtons

REEL THEATREl Oaly Theater Operating


Adult 85c Child 18c

| Evenings, all Seats 25c

We Pay Tax


lliey expelled her from hoarding school, bat Betty thanked then for the favor.


Sullivan, who arrived in the city last, evening from Minot. Mrs. Sullivan, who formerly made her home here, expects to spend the summer here with her daughter and #ith friends.

* * * Miss Ada Sheppard arrived in the

city Friday morning from Minneapolis and will remain for several weeks as the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Sheppard, 112 North Sixth street. f • i $ « *

Mr. and Mrs. J. . Mitchell (Lucy Quinn) enjoyed a short visit with friends in Grand Forks Friday en route to their home in Minot after a visit with friends in Gilby. Mrs. Mitchell is well known here, having resided here for several years.

4c * * Miss Eva Rorke is'expected to re­

turn this evening, .from Casselton, where for the last year she has been engaged in teaching in the city, schools. Miss Rorke has completed her duties there and will remain for the summer with her mother. Mrs. Ernest Rorke, 401 North Fourth street.

$ £ - -v • • Mr. and Mrs. 7. H. Haverland, 617

Sixth avenue, entertained at a picnic supper last evening In Lincoln park in honor of Harold McDonald, who is leaving the city. Guests included fourteen young men, all intimate friends of the honor guest.

sk 4c The marriage of' Harold D. Ayls-

worth of this city and Miss. Elsie Schmidt of Crookston was solemnized in Crookston Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the German Lutheran parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Aylsworth will make their home In Crookston.

Mr. and MM. E. G. Witheiil. 117 Vernon avenue, are entertaining as their guest for several weeks, Mr. Witheril's brother,'Alfred Witherll. of Spokane,'-Wash.


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THE MET LAST TIMES TODAY One Marriage in Nine Ends In



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