Grammar Test



grmmaryear 4chap 1-6kssraverage

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A. Write the plural form of the nouns given.child -wolf -

peach -man -

knife -tooth -

car -orange -

book -fox -

B. Write the noun types in the correct column.treebrothercinemafishmosque




C. Group the nouns correctly.catbuttersugarbottleriver



D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. There are __________ (many, much) trees in the park.2. I have _________ (a few, little) ringgit in my pocket.3. She ladled _________ (some, several) soup from the pot into her bowl.4. There are not ___________ (much, many) seats left in the hall.5. You can put _________ (some, many) things in the box.

E. Circle the correct answer.1. Dharma met (his/him) friend yesterday.2. Those shoes over there are not (my/mine). 3. Siti and I enjoyed (our/ours) ice-cream.4. The cat licked (it/its) wet tail.5. The blue pen is (yours/you).6. I bought a hat yesterday. The hat is (my,mine).7. That is her dress, It is (his,hers).8. The pencils belon to Siti and Abu. It is (they, theirs)9. They gave us their address and we give them (our,ours).10. The bird did not eat yesterday because (his,its) owner was not at home.

F. Match the sentences below with correct form of Possessive Pronouns. My father gave me a new laptop. It is __________.theirs

The camera cannot be used because ______ lens has broken.his

Siti has a new hand phone. It is ________.mine

Ali has a cat. The cat is ________.hers

Those laptops on the table are _____________.its

G. Fill in the blanks with Who, Whose, Which or What.1._________ is going to Melaka with you?2._________ time are you leaving tomorrow?3. ________ dish tastes spicy, the porridge or chilies?4. __________ did you do on your last birthday?5. _____________ laptop is this?

H. choose the correct interrogative pronouns.1. ________________ purse do you want; the blue or the pink one?a. Whoseb. Whatc. Which2. ________________ is waiting for you at the bus station?a. Whatb. Whichc. Who3. To ____________ should you give the flowers?a. whoseb. whichc. whom4. _______________ school bag is left at the canteen?a. Whoseb. Whatc. Who5. _______________ is your full name and address?a. Whob. Whatc. Whom

I. Write the simple past tense for these words.feed










H.Underline simple past tense for the statements below.1. A long time ago, there (is,was) a wise woman named Freda.2. The elves (shakes,shoke) the tree.3. The gnome (slept, sleeps) under the tree.4. The beanstalk (grows,grew) until the tips touched the clouds.5. The princess (cut,cutted) her long hair.6. The rabbit (slide,slided) down into a hole.7. The prince (take,took) the apples.8. The knight (fight,fought) the dragon using his sword.9. The carpenter (make,made) a round table.10. The queen (eat,ate) the magic potion.

I. Rewrite the sentences in the Present Continuous Tense.1. She goes to school by bus.__________________________________

2. The girls decorate the room with balloons.__________________________________3. Azniza cooks some vegetables soup.__________________________________4. The cat jumps over the fence.__________________________________5. The children visit a bee farm in Malacca.__________________________________6. Raja and Selvan sit at the canteen.__________________________________7. The tiger hunts for food.__________________________________8. We visit our cousins at the Avenue Hotel.__________________________________9. We wear some thick clothes during winter.__________________________________10. My brother draws the picture of a car.__________________________________