Grade 4 UNIT 5 : Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words


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Grade 4 UNIT 5 :   Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words 


Table of Contents  

Introduction 2 

Objectives 2 

Lesson 1: Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Synonyms and Antonyms 3 Warm-up! 3 Learn About It! 4 Check Your Understanding 8 Let’s Step Up! 9 

Lesson 2: Finding Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Definition and Exemplification 10 Warm-up! 10 Learn About It! 11 Check Your Understanding 14 Let’s Step Up! 15 

Lesson 3: Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using the Dictionary and Other Resources 16 

Warm-up! 16 Learn About It! 17 Check Your Understanding 20 Let’s Step Up! 21 

Performance Task 22 

Self-Check: How Well Did I Learn? 24 

Wrap Up 25 

Bibliography 27   


GRADE 4 |English  

UNIT 5    

Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words  Reading is essential when it comes to learning. The more you read, the more you learn. But                                 reading a text with unfamiliar words is a barrier to understanding the text. What are the ways                                 to unlock the meaning of these words? In this unit, you will learn to use clues from the text                                     and to use a dictionary in finding the meaning of unfamiliar words.    


In this unit, you should be able to:  

● use context clues (antonyms) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words;  ● use context clues (synonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words; ● use context clues (definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words; ● use context clues (exemplification) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words; 

and  ● locate information using print and nonprint resources.  


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Lesson 1: Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Synonyms and Antonyms 

    In a sentence, unfamiliar words usually have either               synonyms or antonyms. One way of determining the               meaning of an unfamiliar word is through synonyms and                 antonyms.    



Think-Pair-Share Activity: With a partner, examine the two sentences below and determine the meaning of the                           underlined words.             What is the meaning of the underlined word in the first and second sentences? How did you                                 come up with your answer? What words in the sentences helped you to determine its                             meaning? Share your answers in class. 

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 Learn About It!   

 You might have encountered situations where you found               an unfamiliar or difficult word but you were able to                   understand its meaning. The reason for this is that you                   used context clues while reading.  Readers identify context clues to unlock word meanings               without grabbing a dictionary in order to make sense of a                     word essential to the understanding of a sentence or an                   entire story. Using context clues enhances one’s             vocabulary and logical thinking.  There are four types of context clues: 

1. Synonym 2. Antonym 3. Definition 4. Exemplification 

 It is important that you know how to recognize context clues that signal the meaning of a word. Let us focus first on synonyms and antonyms as context clues.   

1. Synonyms  Synonyms are words that mean the same as other words. For example, alluring is synonymous to attractive, pretty, and beautiful. In reading, you may find synonyms as clues to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.  

Reading is essential for children’s success as it is important in developing the mind. 


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 The unfamiliar word is essential. Take note that the word as may signal synonyms for it shows likeness of ideas. By getting this, it means that the word essential is a synonym of the word important. Then, you get the idea that essential means impossible to do without. The sentence expresses that reading cannot be set aside for it is important to every child’s development.   

Children who read for pleasure and enjoyment develop a broader vocabulary. 

 The unfamiliar word is pleasure. Take note that the word and may signal synonyms for it shows an additional and similar idea. Therefore, the word pleasure is a synonym of the word enjoyment. It suggests that pleasure means the feeling experienced when one is happy with what is done. The sentence expresses that children who enjoy reading have broader vocabulary.   

Jashley is a prim, modest girl; likewise, many of her friends are very proper. 

 The unfamiliar word is prim. The word likewise may signal synonyms for it shows an additional and similar idea. Therefore, the word prim is a synonym of the word proper. It suggests that prim means having polite behavior.   Aside from as and and, other words that signal synonyms are also, like, likewise, same, similarly, and too.             

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  2. Antonyms  Another type of context clue is antonyms. Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of other words. For example, the word beautiful is an antonym of the words ugly and unattractive. In reading, you may find antonyms as clues to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.  


Mr. Sanchez said that broadsheet news are mostly accurate, but tabloid news are sometimes incorrect. 

  The unfamiliar word is accurate. Notice that the word but may signal antonyms for it suggests opposite ideas. The word accurate is contrary to the word incorrect. This shows that accurate means true or correct.   

Watching news causes my mother distress unlike watching telenovelas which brings her comfort. 

 The unfamiliar word is distress. Notice that the word unlike may signal antonyms for it suggests opposite ideas. The word distress disagrees with the word comfort. Therefore, distress means a state of pain.     

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Joan is neat in her appearance, but she is slovenly in her housekeeping. 

 The unfamiliar word is slovenly. Notice that the word but may signal antonyms for it suggests opposite ideas. The word slovenly disagrees with the word neat. Therefore, slovenly means sloppy or messy.   Aside from but and unlike, other words that signal antonyms are though, however, in contrast, and on the other hand.                             

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Check Your Understanding   


Choose the letter of the meaning that best defines the underlined word.   1. The boys tried to communicate a. weird 

and the girls finally talked to them. b. present c. exhausted 

  2. I thought the water was deep but d. get in touch  when I went in, it was shallow. e. hollow   

3. He was happy but you were weary.   

4. Jay did not realize how peculiar it was to film an odd product.  

5. Recent events made us remember past memories. 

 Use synonyms or antonyms as context clues to identify the meaning of the underlined word. Circle the letter of the correct answer. Box the synonym or antonym of the underlined word in the sentence.  

1. I looked up to the dusk sky and predicted it would remain dark after the rain. a. bright b. gloomy c. luminous d. violent 

 2. My brother abhorred washing the dishes, but he loved eating more. 

a. enjoyed b. valued c. hated d. claimed  

3. The vase on the side table seems fragile. However, when it accidentally fell on the ground, it proved to be strong. a. solid b. breakable c. nice d. tough 

 4. Allyson was furious when she found out her puppy was missing. She was also 

violent when she lost her rabbit. 

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a. sad b. calm c. relaxed d. mad  

5. Maria is adept at solving Math problems. Similarly, she is skilled in understanding English vocabulary. a. unwise b. poor c. expert d. average 

  On the space provided, write the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentences. 

 1. Birds are oviparous; similarly, fish and reptiles lay eggs that hatch outside of the 

body. ________________ 2. If you don’t conquer your fears, they will beat you. _______________ 3. The soft pliable wood was easy to bend. ________________ 4. The cat scuttled quickly around the room; he refused to lie down. _____________ 5. The ugly monster’s face was hideous to look at. ____________ 

 Let’s Step Up!  


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Lesson 2: Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Definition and Exemplification 


Other than synonyms and antonyms, writers also use               other context clues to state the meaning of an                 unfamiliar word. The readers use these clues to make                 sense of what was read. This lesson focuses on two                   other types of context clues: definition and             exemplification.  



Think-Pair-Share Activity:  With a partner, examine the two sentences below and determine the meaning of the underlined words.               What is the meaning of the underlined word in the first sentence? How did you come up with 

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your answer? What words in the sentence helped you to determine its meaning? Share your answers in class.  


Learn About It!   

 Definition and exemplification are also context clues that               may help you determine the meaning of an unfamiliar                 word.   

1. Definition  Definition is a statement of a meaning of a word. The                     writer provides a brief definition of a word for better                   understanding.    Here are examples:  


A hole in the ground made by a rabbit for shelter is called a burrow. 

 The unfamiliar word is burrow. The writer made use of is called to signal the definition. Based                                 on the sentence, the definition of burrow is a hole in the ground made by a rabbit for shelter.   

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My family plans to visit our orchard, or a place where fruit trees are grown, in Tagaytay. 

 The unfamiliar word is orchard. The writer made use of or and two commas to signal the definition. Based on the sentence, the definition of orchard is a place where fruit trees are grown.  

A souk is an open-air marketplace in North Africa. 

 The unfamiliar word is souk. The writer made use of is to signal the definition. Based on the                                   sentence, the definition of souk is an open-air marketplace in North Africa.   Other than using punctuation (commas), is called, and or, words such as is, are, and means also signal definition.    2. Exemplification Another type of context clue is exemplification. Exemplification is an act of using examples to explain an idea. The writer adds examples to illustrate the meaning of a word.  

After New Year’s Eve, hospitals released the number of patients who lost their limb such as their leg or arm. 

 The unfamiliar word is limb. The writer used such as to signal the examples to be given. Because of the examples leg and arm, it is now clear to the reader that limb means a human part extended from the body.  

Canines, such as collies, pugs, and poodles, are good pets. 

 The unfamiliar word is canine. The writer used such as to signal the examples to be given. Because of the examples collies, pugs, and poodles, it is now clear to the reader that canine is a type of animal or, specifically, a dog. 

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 Other than using such as, words like for example, for instance, like, and including also signal examples.   Here is another sentence which does not require signal words when giving examples for an unfamiliar word.  


My sister has arachnophobia because she screams and trembles every time she sees spiders. 

 The unfamiliar word is arachnophobia. Although arachnophobia is a scientific word, the                       sentence contains an example of its effects. The reader recognizes that the word means fear of                               spiders.              

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Check Your Understanding   

Choose the letter of the meaning that best defines the underlined word.  1. My peers Mark, Joe, and Zion a. hole were seen studying hard for this test.  

b. friends 2. We need to bring the essentials such as c. danger Toothpaste, toothbrush, and soap.  

d. blank 3. An expressionless look is also called a e. important vacant look.   4. A warning is a threat to the safety of others.  5. A burrow is a tunnel made by animals. 


Use definition or exemplification as context clues to identify the meaning of the underline word. Choose the correct word. Box the definition or exemplification of the underlined word in the sentence.  

1. The kiosk, a cart in the mall, sells special chocolate candies. car office department  cart 

 2. Edifices, such as skyscrapers and condominiums, are found in cities. 

ports offices buildings rooms   

3. The art or science of teaching is called pedagogy. classes  art or science of teaching art of walking  students 

 4. A zither is a stringed instrument played with a pick and fingers. 

a stringed instrument  drums a type of game piano  

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5. Klyde decorated his room in hues of blue and brown.  sizes textures colors designs  

  On the space provided, write the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentences and indicate the type of context clue used. 

 1. His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to me. 

___________________ 2. Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars, have fascinated man 

through the centuries. _____________________ 3. Piscatorial creatures, such as flounder, salmon, and trout, live in the coldest parts 

of the ocean. __________________  4. The old man always brings his dudeen, a short-stemmed clay pipe. ______________ 5. A limerick is a fun way to use words. You can make up poems, rhymes, and 

songs. _________________   


Let’s Step Up!   


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Lesson 3: Finding the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using the Dictionary and Other Resources 


When context clues are not present in what you are                   reading, you should know where to look for the                 meaning of unfamiliar words. When you are also               asked by your teacher to do a project or homework                   about a word or an idea, you should know where to                     look for them. This lesson focuses on using the                 dictionary and online resources for credible           information.   



 Triad Activity: With your group members, answer the question below.  

   Find the underlined word above in           the dictionary and take note of its             definition. Aside from the definition,         what other information about the         

word can you find in the dictionary? How were you able to find the underlined word in the                                   dictionary? Share your answers in class.     

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Learn About It!   

 Getting information nowadays is very easy. Besides dictionaries,               thesaurus, and encyclopedias, you also have the Internet.  The most reliable reference for finding the meaning of an                   unfamiliar word is the dictionary.  

1. Dictionary Dictionaries come in large books or pocket books. A dictionary                   defines words and describes how to pronounce and use them in                     a sentence. It is a reference book containing words listed in                     alphabetical order. Every page of dictionary contains             guidewords. The guideword on the left tells you the first word                     on the page, while the guideword on the right tells you the last                         word on the page.  Below is an example of a word entry from the Oxford Dictionary                       of English:  


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 2. Thesaurus 

A thesaurus is also a reference book of words and their synonyms, antonyms, and related                             words in alphabetical order. Unlike a dictionary, a thesaurus does not give definition of                           words. The main purpose of a thesaurus is to distinguish related words and choose the most                               appropriate word according to your intention.  

3. Encyclopedia Encyclopedias are a good place to start if you want to know more about a certain topic. An                                   encyclopedia provides general or specialized information on a particular subject. The topics                       in an encyclopedia are in alphabetical order. Like a dictionary, every page of an encyclopedia                             contains guidewords.  Below is an example from Brittanica Concise Encyclopedia:  


4. Online Resources Aside from these printed resources, there are also online resources, which can be accessed                           through the Internet. They are not in print form. The internet can be used as a tool to find valid                                       information about a subject. There are hundreds, even thousands of online dictionaries,                       e-books, educational websites, and videos that you can find in the internet.   In both print and non-print resources, especially the online resources, you are responsible to                           check the credibility or validity of the information you have. You need to be extra careful in                                 finding information online because anyone can write anything in the Internet. Some people                         even write fake news or misleading information. 

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 Here are some guide questions to check if your resources are credible.  

1. Who is the writer of the material? Is he or she an expert about the subject? 2. When was this material published?  3. Where was it published? 

● Is it from a reputable publication? ● Is it from a legitimate website? 

❏ Some examples of legitimate websites are known news outlets and                   educational websites. 

❏ Websites with .org, .gov, and .edu are usually credible resources.  Examples: 

   Now that you know how to evaluate a source's credibility, you now have to know what to do                                   with the information you collect.  

1. Read the material thoroughly. Be sure that you understand what it says.  

2. Take note of the important ideas. For example, if you want to know more about the                               solar system, you can look for educational websites that talk about it. Then, take note of                               its defining quality. Definitions and descriptions are important. Be patient and                     diligent in looking for relevant information. 

 3. Write the name of the author, title of the material you read, date it was published, and                                 

in which website/book it was published. It is important to give credit to a person’s                             

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research, work, or expertise.  

4. If you encounter an unfamiliar word, always consult a dictionary.                 


Check Your Understanding   

Fill in the blanks.  

1. A _______ defines words and describes how to pronounce and use them in a sentence. 

2. The words in the dictionary are listed in ________ order. 3. A _________ is also a reference book of words and their synonyms, antonyms, and 

related words in alphabetical order. 4. An _________ provides general or specialized information on a particular subject. 5. Online dictionaries, e-books, and educational websites are examples of _________. 


Use a dictionary to define the following words. 

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1. salient 2. buoyancy 3. smirk 4. rendezvous 5. queue 

  Use a dictionary and a thesaurus to define the words in the table. 

 Word  Definition  Synonyms  Antonyms crafty       frantic       jagged       

peculiar       valiant       


Let’s Step Up!   


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Performance Task   

Crossword Puzzle  

 Goal:  Your task is to create a crossword puzzle which 

will be published in the local newspaper.    

Role: You are a young crossword writer.  You have been tasked by a newspaper company to create a crossword puzzle. 


Audience: The target audience is the newspaper company’s subscribers.   

Situation: The challenge involves coming up with a crossword puzzle and making it as interesting and unique as possible. 

  Product/Performance and Purpose:  

 You will create a crossword puzzle using the following guidelines: 

 1. Choose 20 unfamiliar words that you encounter from reading a newspaper article and 

create a clue for each word.  2. The clue should be in sentence form containing the different types of context clues (5 

synonyms, 5 antonyms, 5 definitions, and 5 examples/exemplification. 3. Print your finished product on short bond paper, size font 12, double-spaced. 


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Standards and criteria for success: Your work will be judged by the following rubric:  


Criteria  Beginning (0-12 points) 

Developing (13-16 points) 

Accomplished (17-20 points) 




Content (Focus on details/events are clearly evident; it is clearly related to the topic.) 


Organization (Logical progression of details/events; clear transitions between ideas.) 


Language (spelling, mechanics, grammar and usage) 


  Clue sentences that contain synonyms 

0-1 clue sentence  

2-3 clue sentences 

4-5 clue sentences 


Clue sentences that contains antonyms 

0-1 clue sentence  

2-3 clue sentences 

4-5 clue sentences 


Clue sentences that contain definitions 

0-1 clue sentence  

2-3 clue sentences 

4-5 clue sentences 


Clue sentences that contain exemplification 

0-1 clue sentence  

2-3 clue sentences 

4-5 clue sentences 


Punctuality of submission  More than 1 day late 

1 day late  On time   

Total Score   


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  Self-Check: How Well Did I Learn?  

Do a self-check on how well you learned the lessons in this unit. Place a checkmark in the                                   appropriate box. 

Skills I think I need more 

practice and assistance 

I am familiar and can perform well 

with minimal assistance 

I am confident that I can perform this on 

my own 

I can use context clues (antonyms) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. 


I can use context clues (synonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words. 


I can use context clues (definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words. 


I can use context clues (exemplification) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. 


I can locate information using print and nonprint resources. 



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Wrap Up  

 Context Clues 

 Synonym  Antonym  Definition  Exemplification 

 Synonyms are words     that mean the same       as other words. For       example, alluring is     synonymous to   attractive, pretty, and     beautiful. In reading,     you may find synonyms       as clue to understand       the meaning of     unfamiliar words. 

 Antonyms are words     that mean the     opposite of other     words. For example,     the word beautiful is an         antonym of the words       ugly and unattractive. In       reading, you may find       antonyms as clue to       understand the   meaning of unfamiliar     words. 

 Definition is a     statement of a     meaning of a word.       The writer provides     a brief definition of a         word for better     understanding. 

 Exemplification is   an act of using       examples to explain     an idea. The writer       adds examples to     illustrate the   meaning of a word. 

Signal words are as, and, also, like, likewise, same, similarly, and too. 

Signal words are but, unlike, though, however, in contrast, and on the other hand. 

Signal words are is called, or, is, are, and means. Commas also signal definition. 

Signal words are such as, for example, for instance, like, and including. 


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Dictionary  Thesaurus  Encyclopedia  Online Resources A dictionary defines words and describes how to pronounce and use them in a sentence. It is a reference book containing words listed in alphabetical order. Every page of dictionary contains guidewords. 

A thesaurus is also a reference book of words and their synonyms, antonyms, and related words in alphabetical order. 

Encyclopedias are a good place to start if you want to know more about a certain topic. An encyclopedia provides general or specialized information on a particular subject. The topics in an encyclopedia are in alphabetical order. 

Online resources can be accessed through the Internet. They are not in print form. The Internet can be used as a tool to find valid information about a subject. Examples are online dictionaries, e-books, educational websites, and videos that you can find in the Internet. 


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Saylor Academy. 2012. “Using Context Clues.” In Writing for Success. Accessed February 13, 2018. 

“Types of Print Resources.” College of San Mateo Library. Accessed February 13, 2018. 

“Using Context Clues.” The Reading Teacher’s Sourcebook. Accessed February 13, 2018. 


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