Grace Walk Canada ResourcesOvercoming … by cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard You can also order...


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Grace Walk Canada Resources Overcoming Barriers To Intimacy With God A common frustration many people express is that while they know in their heads that God loves them, they don’t feel a spiritual closeness to Him on a day-to-day basis. We all hunger to experi-ence a sense of our Father’s love with us but it’s often not what we feel.

5 - 30 Minute Teachings Audio CD: $25.00 DVD: $27.00

This Grace A verse-by-verse study of the fifth chapter of Romans. Dissecting and analyzing each verse practically phrase-by-phrase and word-by-word, he causes the listener to see the undiluted love of a God who refused to let sin have the last word in our lives. This series deals with doctrinal issues like atonement, reconciliation, salvation, for-giveness and faith.

14 - 30 Minute Teachings Audio CD: $42.00 DVD: $52.00

Life In The New Covenant In this series, Steve McVey teaches the truths from Hebrews 10 that will free you to understand and experience life in the New Covenant. These six sessions will move you from an Old Testa-ment mentality to a perspective of grace that will transform your life.

Audio CD: $30.00 DVD:$32.00

The Triumph Of Jesus Over Religion In this verse by verse study of the book of Co-lossians, Steve McVey brings us back to the basics of Christianity. The problems faced by the early church in Colossae are the same as those faced by those of us in the 21st Century. Through these teachings you will learn the practical keys for living out your faith in a culture that stands against it. Nineteen 30 Minute Sessions

Audio CD: $52.00 DVD:$62.00

GE - Grace Essentials This is the shortened version of the Grace Walk Conference, faster, punchier, and filled with more meat. Enjoy this fast paced teaching on our identity in Christ.

DVD: $25.00 Workbook:$10.00

Source Code The book of Philippians has been commonly known as the “book of Joy”. This is simply not true. It’s better than joy, it’s completely about Jesus. This series is about discovering who your source is and living from your source.

DVD: $25.00

Growing Deeping in Our Understanding Of The Finished Work Of The Cross Taught by Craig Snyder - Director of Missions for Grace Walk Ministries. 4 Sessions include Grace in the Beginning, The Power of the Cross in Holiness, God’s Grace is TOO BIG to Under-stand & The Truth of the Gospel. This also includes a bonus DVD with teachings by Michael Zenker & Craig Snyder.

DVD: $25.00

God’s Response To Us Challenging How We Traditionally View God Our view of God ALWAYS determines our re-sponse to Him. Be prepared to have your per-spective of God widened! What ‘if’ God is NOTH-ING like you’ve imagined Him to be?

DVD: $25.00

How To Experience The REAL Christian Life

By Exposing The Enemy’s Battle Plan This series is about ‘experiencing’ the Victorious Christiane Life. Too often Christians feel defeated and trapped in patterns that don’t reflect the life of Christ in them. In this series we will discover some of the key tactics the enemy uses to keep us in a false bondage. If you knew the plans your enemy has for attacking you, you would be far more aware of how to respond! DVD: $25.00

Christ Holds All Things Together - A Walk Through Colossians The book of Colossians is all abut Christ and how He holds ALL things together. You will discover that there is no separation between you and God, and that there never was! This excit-ing series till encourage you to be who you really are in Christ!

DVD: $25.00

Marketing Jesus To A World That Doesn’t Know He Loves Them

This series will explore a total different view on ‘evangelism’. Enjoy this stimulating journey of first knowing your product to finally sharing your product with others...the way Jesus intended you to share it. DVD: $25.00

Grace Walk

Nothing you have ever done, nothing you ever could do,

will match the incomparable joy of letting Jesus live His

life through you. Discover in Grace Walk how to

experience the reality of the kind of living described in the

New Testament by allowing Jesus to live through you!

Book: $15.00 Audio CD: $28.00

Bulk prices available on all books

A Divine Invitation

Steve had become distracted by his busy lifestyle and

had allowed the mechanics of ministry and the Christian

life to rob him of the exhilarating awareness of the

indwelling presence of Christ. From that awareness,

Steve was awakened to a divine invitation to a deeper

intimacy with God than he had ever known.

Book $ 15.00

The Grace Walk Experience

An eight week interactive workbook. Grace is

personified in the Person of Jesus Christ. In this study,

you will discover how to allow Him to live His life

through you, giving you the victorious Christian life we

all desire. An excellent tool for Sunday School classes,

cell groups or other small groups. Companion video &

audio teaching available for each week of study.

240 Page Grace Walk Experience Workbook:$18.00

The Grace Walk Conference

This series contains eight hours of foundational teaching and provides a complete presentation on what it means to experience the victory that comes from knowing our identity in Christ. The material presented here is the heart of what we teach. This series is divided into eight, one hour sessions.

DVD $62.00 Audio CD $47.00 Workbook $15.00

Satan’s Three Secret Weapons As you learn the biblical truths in these three sessions, you will discover the three secret weapons Satan uses against the Christian. His attack plan against your life will become clear to you and you will learn how to defeat the enemy when he attacks. Consistency in your Chris-tian life is possible! Session topics include: The Tempta-tion Attack; The Accusation Attack; The Deception Attack CD: $17.00

Walking In The Will Of God Wouldn’t it be great to find out that god doesn’t want you stressed and anxious about your life? That He has made knowing His will simple? You can’s true. The God of the Bible isn’t distant and manipulative. He’s not a formula to figure out. Instead, He’s a Father you can trust. And your grace-filled, relational Father wants to guide you. You’re His child and He wants to see you succeed. Book $ 15.00 DVD: $42.00

Promiseland This book is a children’s version of the Grace Walk Experience Workbook - it follows the same theme of the weekly topics. Promiseland is a place where kids have fun! It’s the place where Justin and Zoe learn that their heavenly Father loves them and wants them to enjoy--really enjoy--the life He has given them! Book: $12.00

Journey Into Intimacy

Do you find yourself wishing that you could experience a greater sense of intimacy with God? Have you hungered to feel His love for you in a more consistent and life-altering way? Here is a book that will impact your life in a way that will forever change how you understand and experience your Father’s love.

Workbook $ 18.00 DVD: $42.00

Think About It The Bible says, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” (NLT). Find yourself being transformed into a new person as you apply the grace based teaching found in this series. One: Five Common Types Of Thinking That Will Hold You Back In Life Two: Two Simple, Faith Filled Ac-tions That Will Transform Your Mind CD: $12.00

The Grace Walk In Everyday Life Many who have come to understand the truths of the grace walk often want to know what it looks like in the practical expression of everyday living. This series addresses that question by focusing on six main areas of the Christian’s daily lifestyle. As you learn the teaching of these sessions, you will find yourself experiencing the grace walk in greater ways than you have know. CD: $30.00

Grace Filled Marriages It is our Father’s plan that our marriages be a picture of heaven on earth. Sadly, that is often not the case, even among those who are Christians. This two part teaching by Steve and Melanie McVey will help you understand how our own fleshly techniques short circuit the joy of marriage and all our Father intends for us to experience and will show you what it means to allow Christ to express His life in your relationship. CD: $12.00

Freedom Through Forgiveness In this series, you will learn how Melanie and Steve were both set free from their past by finding freedom through forgiveness. You will learn how to break free from your own past and experience the joy and peace only found in the heart free from unforgiveness. CD: $22.00

Living In Heaven’s Embrace

The heart of our God has always been toward you! In this series, you will hear some things from a perspective that will enlarge your understanding of just how great His love really is! (Recorded live at the Living In Heaven’s Embrace Conference in Atlanta, GA.)

3 CD Set - Approx 1 hour per CD: $30.00

Dancing With Deity “This is the most comprehensive teaching on God’s plan for our lives that I have done in ten years. Over the past few years, my life has been trans-formed by the truths in this series in the same way I was transformed 20 years ago when I first began to understand the meaning of the grace walk.” - Steve McVey

17 - 30 Minute Teachings - 8.5 hours Audio CD: $47.00 DVD: $57.00

52 Lies Heard In Church Every Sunday For years, author Steve McVey passionately but unwittingly taught from the pulpit the very lies he now exposes. After burning out from religious self-effort, he began to discover and enjoy the relationship-driven Christianity the Bible reveals. Through this provocative but biblically grounded book, you will see that God’s undiluted truth is always best...and brings a fulfilling, intimate relationship with Him. Book $ 15.00

Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired You will discover the four most common feelings that steal the joy of Christians. You will learn the biblical prescription for applying grace to your emotions so that you can rise above them and embrace the joy in Christ which is your birthright. (How To Move Beyond Depression, The Key To Being Set Free From Anger, How To Exchange Guilt For Grace, Finding Freedom Over Fear) CD: $22.00

The Root And Fruit of Religion Jesus Christ didn’t come to help us be more reli-gious. He came to deliver us from both sin and religion so we might know and enjoy intimacy with God. If you’ve tried to do your best to please God, if you’ve dedicated and rededicated yourself to God but seem to still miss the mark - this series of teachings offers the help you’ve been seeking.

4 - 30 Minute Teachings Audio CD: $22.00 DVD: $22.00

Two Covenants, Not One In this series of teachings, Steve McVey teaches three aspects of understanding your Bible that can forever change how you understand the Scripture. Putting these three guidelines for interpreting the Scripture in place will allow you to enjoy your Bible the way God intends.

3 - 30 Minute Teachings Audio CD: $22.00 DVD: $22.00

Helping Others Overcome Addictions

Treatment...therapy...12-step programs...these methods

may change behavior for a time, but they cannot

change the heart. In this book by Steve McVey & Mike

Quarles you’ll see that freedom from addiction is found

not in a program, but in a Person - Jesus, God’s Son,

the One who can truly set people free.

Book: $15.00

Extravagant Love This teaching from Luke 15 may be a different perspective on the parable of the prodigal son that you’ve never heard until now. Steve McVey takes the characters of this story to teach us about our Father’s unconditional acceptance of us all, whether we have behaved as prodigal sons or pious sons.

4 - 30 Minute Teachings Audio CD: $22.00 DVD: $22.00

Grace Groundbreakers In a world that is hungry to experience unconditional love, nothing is more rewarding that breaking new ground in sharing grace among those who don’t understand it. In this four-part teaching, you will learn how to become a leader in sharing God’s loving grace with other people and in how to motivate them in the grace walk. Using the life of Joshua as a template for learning, these teaching set forth the four key compo-nents in becoming a leader in spreading grace.

Audio CD: $22.00 DVD:$22.00

The Grace Walk Devotional

Steve’s devotional draws on Scripture and the Grace

Walk message, enabling readers to take in life-changing

teaching piece by piece and day by day. This power-

packed book will lead believers to understand who they

are in Christ, help them relax and delight in Jesus’ love

and friendship.

Book: $15.00

When Wives Walk In Grace

Starting from the truth that a wife can’t change her

husband (or children) - only God can - Steve points

women toward how God wants to change them by

flooding their hearts with His generous grace.

Book: $15.00

Growing Deeper In The Gospel The good news of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross for everybody is the only message the Bible promises will be accompanied with powerful results. This series presents the gospel in such a way that will help you understand grace in a clearer way than you may have seen it before. Three 45 - 60 minute sessions

Audio CD: $30.00
