‘gr’ -...


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The W.R.L. is a selection of words based on a heirarchial grading according to phonic


i.e. 1) Phonetically regular 3 letter words with like patterns

e.g. pat, cat, sat.

2) Simple, regular 4 letter words based on initial blends

e.g. frog, slap, tram.

3) Simple, regular 4 letter words based on final blends

e.g. fist, lump.

4) Combination of initial and final blends within the word (5 letters).

e.g. blind

5) Triple consonantal blends e.g. strap.

6) Words that include double consonants e.g. ball, puff.

7) Words that include phonograms (a term used to embrace dipthongs and digraphs). These are roughly graded in order of difficulty and generally correspond to those

treated in grade 1 and 2.

8) At the back of the book is included a list of compound words that can be taught after each level has been treated e.g. after 3 letter words there is a list of compound words that incorporate 2 three letter words. The same applies to words that include

blends only and phonograms.

9) Syllabification—there is a list of words graded according to the number of syllables

they contain that should be taught parallel to the above.

10) As an appendix to this list we have attempted to list some of the more difficult phonograms (which could be considered grade 3 and above) that should be taught/

treated after the traditional grade 2 phonograms.

We stress that this list of words is simply a random selection arbitrarily graded that may be a useful resource if the teacher chooses to instruct children on the basis of

‘phonic logic’.

If this list is used we recommend that it be used as an aspect of word study rather than as a strategy of teaching reading. Hopefully skills learnt in this activity will be

transferable and will be used as one device that can be used to unlock words.



‘gr’ ‘pr’ ‘gl’ ‘pl’ ‘tw’

grub pram glad plan twin grab press glum plot twig grill prod glug plug grim prop glut plum grin plus grip plod


‘sn’ ‘cr’ ‘tr’ ‘dr’ ‘sp’

snag crab tram drag span snap cram trap dress spat snib crib trim sped snip crop trip drug spill snob cross trot drum spin snub drop spit snug crack truck drip spot crag trick drug spun


‘sk’ ‘sc’ ‘sm’ ‘bl’ ‘br’

skull scat smell blot brick skill scum smog bless brim skim scan smug bled bran skip scab smut brag skin scuff smack

skid small

‘fl’ ‘fr’ ‘cl’ ‘sw’ ‘sm’

flop fret click swell smell flag frog clag swan flat from clap swig fled frock clip swim flip clog swam flap clop swell

clot swag



blend crank grand smell stuck black crept grant smelt stump blink crest grill snack stunt blank crust grunt sniff swank blond dwell grump spank swell block front plank spend swept blunt frill plant spell tramp brand frank plump spent track brick froth pluck spill trend brink frost prank spilt trick clang drank prick stand truck clank drink print stack trunk clamp drill scamp stamp trump cliff drift scant stiff twang cling fling skill still twist clock flick sling sting clump flock slick slept crack frock slink stick cramp flint slump stink flank smack still glint smash stock smell stomp smelt stuff


clutch stitch strung strung scrag snatch twitch string split scram squint strap scrap switch strip scrub strum sprig




‘ck’ ‘sh’ ‘ay’ ‘ee’

black fish pay see block shut day bee clock dish hay feed duck shot lay free pack wish way seed rock shop say weep sick she play need brick shed stay wheel neck crash away peel stick smash clay green track splash may sweet back ship tray creep ticket hush today tree trick dash stray keep truck delay been pick rash yesterday steep pocket shell birthday seen bucket shack always bleed chick pray teeth lock shank ray week stock shock dray asleep stuck shall sway nick shunt gay deep cock shift bay keep mock shelf fifteen buck bash speed suck finish beef hack shag sweep pick shin feet dock sham street tuck heel sack shum peek kick shod creek luck weed lack lash greet tack mesh steel lick gush peep lock rush reed sock seek muck mash tee tick breeze wick gash reef freeze ruck lush seep between shrill jeep knee shrink meek indeed shrunk meet heed queen leak



‘wh’ ‘all’ ‘oy’ ‘th’

when tall boy then whip ball toy this whizz hall joy that whack wall coy them wheel fall enjoy thin call annoy thud small with stall both bath thing thank ‘ch’ ‘ar’ gather

thick chip star think chop barn thunder chill farm cloth chin cart thong chest hard theft chicken yard thump children dark such mark thumb bunch party sloth lunch carpet thrash chat market thrill kitchen spark thrust rich shark moth branch park thus much card than catch match start inch apart ‘ing’ ‘y’ patch car champ far ring cry chunk bark sing sky scotch bar king dry blotch dart ping try clutch harp ding shy snatch ark wing fly switch yarn string by twitch arm bring spy carp sling ‘ong jar swing ‘ung’

art song ‘ang’ sung

long garb hung gong part rang lung dong lark bang clung thong hark sang flung strong tar fang stung tongs bark gang strung oblong darn hang jungle prong harm sprang sprung along




sensible noble predictable soluble horrible terrible


‘k’ ‘h’ ‘w’ knit khaki wrap knot ghost wreck knock hour answer know honest sword knee school write kneel rhyme wrote knob dinghy wren knife rhubarb wrist knives scholar wriggle knock scholarship wrinkle knocker schooner wring knight John wrench knave rhinoceros wreath knowledge knuckle knicker knap-sack knelt knead knew


‘s’ ‘b’ ‘g’ ‘p’

scone bomb sign psalm scissors numb foreign pneumatic jamb gnaw lamb gnat comb gnash climb gnome crumb doubt plumber dumb thumb debt limb




‘t’ ‘n’ ‘l’

whistle autumn calf castle hymn half thistle solemn listen pea nut mouse trap rose bud tea time dog house home land tea spoon out side fire hose tea pot house boat life saver leap frog rain cloud play time steam ship sun shine sea gull sun rise sea port hill side sun beam in side day dream road work lunch time stream line work shop sea side home work bush fire patch work fire man back fire fire side rain cloud wire less mail box saw dust fire truck mail bag strawberry mail man paint brush rain bow high way rail way night gown waist coat oil can head light rain drop top soil light house mid night snow man sun burn snow ball bird cage match box watch band blue bird air craft suit case hair brush dew drop arm chair fish pond air port dish cloth chair man fish tank hair dresser ship wreck dairy maid air man



mid day snow flake type writer hay stack space man black board hall way space ship sun glasses ash tray base ball news paper drive way play mate wall paper play ground sea plane after noon birth day fire place sign post day light trades man break fast cob web can not sun set nap kin tom cat lap dog hat box sun tan top hat hat pin bat man kit bag rat bag pop gun pig sty cat nap egg cup up set pig pen up on

dust pan wind mill hand bag post man dust man red skin hat band rat trap sun spot lip stick fan belt milk man under stand off spring tip truck letter box pack rack back stop quick sand pad lock hat rack her self drum stick grand stand band stand dust bin cuff link ship wreck

beet root ship yard toy shop bee hive farm yard cow boy sea weed star fish car wash car port



school room thunder storm cow shed roof top pop corn down stairs school yard sea shore eye brow class room air port moon beam tea spoon cross road bath room steam boat bed room door way dust coat broom stick door mat soap dish moon light door bell boat shed foot step coat rack foot ball oat meal foot print road side book case rail road foot path rain coat much room meat loaf

bag/gage rub/ber west/ern mud/dy lad/der traf/fic trig/ger fol/low jel/ly pil/low ham/mer din/ner pep/per hap/pen les/son gos/sip cot/ton bet/ter kit/ten but/ter but/ton rib/bon rab/bit rub/bish bul/let ad/dress slip/per shop/ping big/ger yel/low dig/ging zip/per cros/sing let/ter suf/fer col/lect con/nect ab/sent trac/tor ad/mit plas/tic ban/dit mem/ber tem/per en/ter den/tist com/ic vis/it cab/in ped/al pun/ish med/al hel/met pic/nic sal/ad jack/et buck/et van/ish con/vict pis/tol lem/on con/fess pub/lic mus/tard plas/tic gob/lin for/get per/son am/bush ab/sent car/bon com/fort wit/ness sig/nal ob/ject prob/lem num/ber sub/ject lob/ster sus/pect her/mit pil/ot mi/nus dri/ver spi/der ti/ger fro/zen mo/ment hu/man ba/sin



ra/zor de/fend e/vil o/val o/pen a/gent a/larm pan/ic wag/on vis/it sol/id

pun/ish/ment yes/ter/day ham/bur/ger en/joy/ment Sep/tem/ber gar/den/er un/der/stand kang/a/roo Sat/ur/day No/vem/ber but/ter/fly um/brel/la hos/pit/al un/der/stood con/nect/ed car/a/van choc/o/late pun/ish/ment dis/con/nect con/tent/ment con/tin/ent bul/let/in un/der/neath ac/ro/bat con/tin/ue af/ter/noon in/stant/ly to/geth/er ob/stin/ate a/mend/ment chim/pan/zee dog/mat/ic de/fence/less flam/boy/ant cent/i/grade gal/van/ise in/no/cent per/pet/ual ex/tens/ive af/ter/noon vol/ca/no ad/van/tage am/bul/ance ad/mit/tance ar/gu/ment ad/vert/ise ban/ish/ment bom/bard/ment com/pre/hend cir/cu/late car/pen/ter cal/cu/late com/man/do dy/nam/ite dip/lo/mat dic/ta/tor in/dig/nant im/por/tant in/spec/tor do/mes/tic e/las/tic en/ter/tain gal/ax/y gen/er/al hyp/no/tise lib/er/ty mess/en/ger nav/i/gate oc/to/pus pas/sen/ger ro/man/tic rep/re/sent sar/cas/tic tor/pe/do to/bac/co tur/pen/tine

pres/en/tat/ion un/der/stand/ing ex/hib/it/ion im/ag/in/at/ion ad/vert/ise/ment com/pre/hens/ion pre/par/at/ion reg/ul/ar/ly ex/clam/at/ion pre/his/tor/ic e/mer/gen/cy hes/it/at/ion tem/per/at/ure mon/ot/on/ous ap/par/at/us com/bin/at/ion des/tin/at/ion es/tim/at/ion ther/mo/met/er in/tel/li/gent vo/cab/ul/ary il/lust/rat/ion bud/ger/i/gar en/thus/ias/tic veg/et/ab/les un/der/stand/ing pop/ul/at/ion cat/er/pil/lar sat/is/fy/ing aut/o/mat/ic



kook/a/bur/ra man/u/fac/ture im/pris/on/ment re/mem/ber/ing ex/plor/at/ion rid/ic/ul/ous cul/tiv/at/ion as/tron/om/er dif/fic/ult/y in/ter/est/ed in/quis/it/ive ir/rit/ab/le im/med/iate/ly e/con/om/ise in/vit/at/ion in/cred/ib/le ped/est/ri/ans hip/po/pot/am/us rep/res/ent/at/ive par/tic/u/lar/ly i/dent/if/ic/at/ion sup/ple/ment/ar/y re/frig/er/at/or ob/serv/at/ion ex/cep/tion/al/ly sym/path/et/ic in/dep/end/ant un/iv/er/sit/y dis/ap/point/ed kin/der/gar/ten sat/is/fac/tor/y ac/cu/mu/late trans/plant/at/ion

GROUP 1. ORANGE a I too to two the in see into and up blue she yellow he go you we big red jump it play we for old ride GROUP 2. BLUE

is me look can good brown funny be put not little one black my at all so by do are him her on green eat of ran GROUP 3. GREEN

said away run with that going did who like come had saw no after yes an three this around was what ten get if soon its five may GROUP 4. BROWN

some from fly but as under over stop out his make your have help call here went cold has give will came find don’t fast am carry know



GROUP 5. PURPLE white six today take four say or they work long there about just walk ask sing must side myself cut let again new well how keep drink GROUP 6. RED sit made sleep then seven right why please upon once together us tell now where many warm laugh live ate buy very cold would hot open light wish GROUP 7. YELLOW their pull before goes small pretty could fall think far found read were best because grow off draw bring got always much show any toes try kind done GROUP 8. BLACK them round only pick when gave every which our want thank better clean been never those write first those both shall own hurt eight start wash full use



aeroplane apple baby back ball barn basket bear bed bell bird birthday boat book box boy bread bus cake cap car cat chair chicken children coat corn cow eggs dog doll door dress duck ear fire elephant eye face farm father feet hand fish flower garden girl grass hair kitten hat head hen hill horse house monkey leg letter man men milk money pig mother nest nose paper party picture school pony puppy rabbit rain ring road street sheep show snow squirrel stick store wagon sun table tail toys train tree watch water window wood a be do had into my people soon time went about because dog have is night play that to were after big down he it not ran the too what all but for her just of said their two when an by from him like off saw them up where and came get his little on school then us will are can go home man one see there very with as could going I me our she they was would at day good if morning out so this water yes back did got in mother over some three we you




EDWARDS AND SUMMERS WORD LIST (2) (from 101 to 200)

way food own amount between large need earth well find those body she back paper look our point take second after too until enough before right while land down another day given three end since necessary great often both family set part Australia few where during several home now found surface shown air usually using give her high children left different just world table even being man speed long little us around does following hand sometimes form said upon put however without off still important every cut did known get side money line help under think year my keep above By the end of year 4 at school (approx. grade 4) all children should be able to speel all 200 words.




Change y to i and add es

baby—babies pony—ponies story—stories enemy—enemies party—parties puppy—puppies DOUBLE LETTERS Short vowel before final consonant tap—tapped hot—hottest get—getting rub—rubber hid—hidden skip—skipping ADD ES

For words ending with s, sh, x, z, zz and ch

dish—dishes church—churches bus—buses bus—buses fox—foxes glass—glasses ADD ING

For words ending in silent e, drop the e

drive—driving race—racing please—pleasing taste—tasting move—moving smile—smiling ANTONYMS Words that are opposite in meaning day—night up—down fast—slow under—over work—play ANAGRAMS

Backwards words, juggled letters wolf—flow three—there now—won draw—ward stop—pots




ck—duck sh—fish ay—day ee—seed wh—whip all—ball oy—boy th—that ch—lunch ar—star ing—sing y—cry ong—song ang—bang ung—lung oo—moon ai—snail oa—boat a-e—gate o-e—home i-e—ride ea—leaf ow—snow oo—foot ir—bird er—never ow—cow y—happy or—port aw—yawn u-e—cube ur—burn oi—soil ew—few au—sauce ei—veil ie—pie ui—fruit ey—they aught—caught ought—bought igh—thigh our—famous ious—furious sion—excursion tion—action ture—picture eigh—weigh dge—edge ear—pear ear—spear eir—their air—pair are—care eer—deer oar—roar ore—core oor—poor ire—fire ure—pure our—flour ph—photo soft c—city ce—fence ary—canary ician—magician SILENT LETTERS k—knit h—ghost w—wrap b—bomb g—sign t—listen n—autumn l—calf COMPOUNT WORDS

pop gun sun tan wind mill lip stick milk man sea weed school room boat shed thunder storm POLYSYLLABIC WORDS

den tist tem per pic nic pun ish ment gen er al en ter tain ham bur ger yes ter day un der stood pres en tat ion trans plant at ion ex plor at ion



LEARN YOUR NUMBER FACTS Learn these number facts thoroughly, so you can answer questions about them without even thinking. Lightly shade the number facts that you have learnt.
