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11.,.,..,..1" ,~. G,P,O. ... f{, ..,~,..

APRIL, 1956

Mic:hael Harmel




By Helen Joseph


"Can Con",", B. Nau".1In Th. Cold W.,1"









How WNG WIll i' be before E""'I'Can wnding m<>thc.. at. laced wilb lbisproblem, already 10 acu" """......, ..here millio... of ....ool chik!ten m""

oomc Joomc .....,. day to an ....p,y I>owc and • c"-l door. no;, is not ..'I""""'" 01 c,kilco .00 "W'lCry ochools for ,be child....

LATCHKEY of worling m<>thcn-thal'. anoth<r p<oblcm and • veryCHILDREN I ",a1 0""', wi'h our GoverJunc", "'{....ng .ulJoid.i<o; the

m"nicipali'y ck>lirlg nunocry ochools; and the Ed ....lionDeporlmen. p.>ying ont ~2i'J a year lor a Whi.. child. J:1O • }"ar for aColoured child .00 noIhing at all lor an African ch~d] 11", "'" la'chJtC)l childio 'h. IChooI.going cJilld-wb., of him~ E"ropean """-wi..... arc warnedtha' ..... dorncotic ocrv&J>' is di.-wearing I""" South A1Tica_(oh. wan" '"worl in ..... facuwy eigh, houn a day ..nd for cash wages in.lead of workin3'sixtee" hoW'I a day for a "nice room and all f""nd" and a few J'O"nW amonth]) South Afnca, you arc only fOO'Tj" yu:n ou, cl da..1 nu. happenedjn Europe wi'h ,be f",' world ..... when ,he dorn..,,,,,, bcea"'" muni'ion pisand ncwr wm' hack to ,he basen><"l., p .,.;....nd <he allies. B,,' isthe "la'chkC)l child" really _lI>ing to Sou,h Africa~ Wha, abon' the:nWld.-..ls cl thousand. 01 N"".Ew-opean ochonI child"'" who come home 10tinpT}', cIooed ho<I-, '0 play in ,he "-l>----'f ........ you can call ,hcm~

Thl, ...onth', w",.,:H~LIN JOSE,H


.. EDUCATION BY DICTATION!" 'That', whl' F.thot Martin Jam'"Ken- todIo it .nd how right be il! Dic"", ;"dott""."', dool', 1<, the

children Ihinl: loo- 1hnnoeI~,'. Ilanl~ l'Aluea.ioo. "'nd the lr2g<dy is 'bo'the undermining of ,be child"'" ;, a oIow, p<miciouo,indiocernible ~. It doeo,," 11_ in • yr.a.r, or two

year>. It ...ill ""'•• gcneratiom 1><1",...... can rulIy ...wha, Verwoml 10.. d<>oe to <he chikl",n. AOO be may

be 8""" by <hen, b"l lI>e evil ""', be h... done will li"" ..her him. (AOO therei> no S""'llo be inlen'ed will> VerwQl:n:l". boneo!) M.am.'hiIe ....r1r. two yu:nha.... poooed and po~..' mind' 10...... been lulled. "A, le.., ,Ile ch,ldttn learn'" ",ad .000 wri~," <hey oay, ..nd the Iong-'""" damage P'""'"" """"'iced. B,,'there " a """" of~, omalJ eoo"gh but .. ye' indc"'uctihle-the culum.lclubo. Owl" four thousand children 00 the Reel and in the Ea,,,,,,, Cape­and <bey ha"" lOrD< forty cl"h lcadcn ..ho ha"" 10 "nbelie~y ~ '0COJI" with the children. Hea""" I<nowo ""'" they ha,'. done i'l No huildinl!l"DO dcab, no hoob, for the d"ho are not_m"" not-be ocloool<. H_ lJ>ll>y of'" could, day aher day, year in and year onl, handle tIoetc , .., n"inben ofchiId",n in .1><10 rondi,ioJ>l~ n.. "".rQ" nnmbe, of children '0 ..... clubleader i> ....... onc hund~1 And for pay, tIoetc pa'ien' people mw' be roo"n'with a oporadic pju~ >ort of "Now j ........ i._oo.. }'OIl don',]" 'ra'om.B,,' lhe club leaden <:any on. And ..~ .. the "",,,n.. of lour 'hoosandchild",n "ill declare tIo<ir oppooition, ,he figh' ..gain" Ban." Education ..~lBO on. his. '1"",tion, ~, ""'" Ioog lb. cluho will be able to con,in""on tIo< presen' hand·,.,.""",lI> basis. If BO they mu", beea",. tb<y are cru!bedby V....-.!·. mw:ileoo leI<itJation, ,ha, .. DO vie,,,,.,. for him. Bu. if <beydtsappeu cl the rq:1e<, 01 if.., 00"8"'"' movr:lJ>CIIL ,h.n 'hat will be V....-.!·•lriun>ph,


DlAWING$ ...,..I_~-,~

..... GoWrri<~

._ THI SIDlLnusa, H.u. ']o<4,l _ 2

HUHGAIlT-r"eT • "CTIONIJ, MI,l..l H._I __ J

.U......'TNISS IN IUDAPlSTCl.,."" Co.'" $

.. C1UISTIlI.I4 STOU8, AI.. lA 0."", •

00001'1 OVIl IllsTI'CT S'X8, /1;,..,4 M..,.. 1

..... IMGLIl.H ....TIIT IN $OUTH...,.,0;.0.J, , .., H.,u'lo I

OPEN WIOI THI DOOU •.•_, Al/.,4 H."Io 10

THl Tl.....AS""", 5'.., l, T. H.GoNIo


ntl "ASSIl GOVIlHM£HT11, L. SPot'';'' IJ

lOOKS IlVIIWS._.........,....~_S_'_loo ......... kI S. "'"Ko

UllFil IIV,IWS .. IS


............ _~'" ~ "'I0Io''''T••~ C__• '.0. 'us........-..•

.......1 So............ , 1/1•

(4'_' OUTH "UT


BUT IT ISN'T .. child oaying this, i,'. the pol...1 A microphone j. lonOOplaced overui~h\ in a hall hi~ 10 lhe AIr;"." NaTional Congr..s for a

cooIcrcnc:e. And " waJh't exactly. ol:.illed job: • few ho/eo. drilled in theroof, and • microphone I.....ned above <hem _ with

"IT WASN'T ME"plaoticin<:! W.. i' ('"'hap' done by • fa'beT, who hadthis .<range device JJ> hi> pocl<et? Perh.p' he w .. takingi' home '0 h" children? A child'. "'Y '0 be uoed lor

...... a purpooc~ tu lea.. i' may iOOica'e tha, ewn poIM:<men ha"" familyli..........oo, then. cl coune, il wasn·' the police who 1"'1 ,he m;"ropb""" inthe roof. Or 10 ,hey ay.

H.~ th. SootJ., U..I.... th. ",ht to I.., ?...... _,,"' ~o.."..N .. 'l ..... w•• plot ....

w.. thi•I..,.o,unl

th. " .. po.iriOll of 5o<."li.... fo_ ...."l~.l Whit of

Io4ICHAEL HARIo4EL w.iln ....

HUNGARY - FACT OR FICTIONCAN YOU icEMl.IdBEl, i. Iho l\ood of _ .- _

V , '- '- _", .... _.1 ol s..ie<-.,.. Bud ' eh~·. ,,-;'01 ...................1 It w.. ..: ,.1«1 by SAPA_a.. ,,", ,.......-........ ia "'" d.ily ,.....

Now. "" N.......... l! .... Amorioo. (Iou, ...... I I1_ "'" _th Al..,,,,) _ p"hI' Md • ;om' ...-.., by tb< <xx, , ...... ol tbo t<d Pr.a. dw U..t<d".. """ Ilnt<... Tboy ~tod tb.o' b>d~ tb<boopI1>l. h WO> """"-Pd. No< .... of tbo ..... ""'" bw>d.-..ldriId..... b>d -. b.o........

A TII"Nc1 P.n.

IT SEEMS to .... tha' 'hi> inciden' ilIU11rata the d<Jem."'" 01 the teriow "uden' 01 --=ld affw. <r0ng to

undenland ond ....igh ,be ~ninc 01 <be H"nprianrising.

0..• ......,.. ol iaI............ (-" f.... tbo /i AI'. _b.od <I<- • ..,J<nd0l iol> _ ,••" low _Iu, ""'" _i.-........ ill inoti.......bm'l') .....;"t<d_ ..-ndio, """ i.I<..",,;.,,ol OOW"~ wlUdo b.o.. 00. dU.........' ..... d.-...t<d 'bN~ onatico """ _ocity_>nb SorirI R.......... _ .....1' of I....,.~_.... i. Vx=. b.o"" .It• ..,. inun>rtiono to .. to ""'" ...H_• .,.. ...,...;.oIly;" of ......... to d.......' .It..,,,,,

f............ ol £npL

I am I>Ol ''''''ng to "I' tha' the Hung....ra.. ~.. ate"'" ....."". ond imponan,. Jnd«<I they we, .nd ,her< io"" _ ..;,h feelings who Un bu' deq>ly "'Jre' the...neting .nd bloodshed of HUI\li:.n.n .nd Soviet people.But 'Y"'pothy i. "'" <nO<Igh. W. "'0,1 f', ,. d,ow ,h.",rr«' ,...<lo,i.... / ••,., ",h.1 h'" h~"....d, ud "", ,.ba ,,,,.~, .WII, h, 11.. IUlol wow ./ htlJ. P'''fHl,.>Id..,.,i..., ,h. SO<Ji., U ..;,,", w~k~ ;, <>lJ. 11.., ,~. ,";"fod"''''N''''''' <no ,.<>lJ., i.for.".d i•.

"ODI' p<oPle, .-. _ .... tII< L<fL -0.. "" tbdr ...odl.bou' .... H..,.. ", ....'. w;,....., ..olly kO<>witltl wha' hoodh.--!, n.. pie _"ed by <be _ ~

.nth tbo d.......' ..,;." ol 0<_ 1', Iy .....,"""".Prio< to tb" d... .,..",..... bod boon dim:tod """.nI.!'oW>d, _.-..I ,_ WO> bmriDa- n-• __• ...-I", Budopeo' ..mod i... "';Id rio<q.Tb........... told, ..... """" "Pi"" __..,..........<be N.,. ...--' wt>.kII <>lied i. .so..;" ,_, lrIollr........... i. tb< """".,., to ..._ d<pi<.......k-.li. -';""tod "po.<ppe, .d,.i tion." Th<n .. NorI!>er. to .....1'1' • "".,. .... __ *""",_ "...boo, ",Uq~_ SorirI _ to w;'''''...w f.... aud.",,, (wbi<b ....,.did), 01'"",,- hi...bine, ,_ d.1' to dal' to bri". ;" __..... __ J;t!'~.n.. ' , ', 1"""..,1'-...m.c W , .,. lli"l f<Io W ",."'.'''''. .... told .. 'b" I>< ,,', • "'"PP''' of ,I><K-kio Iou, • ..WnaJ ....., n. _ "'" ;"...-..... 0(.... c.o..n.a..., of J...... k>d i.. _01 to ,I\< 5<M<, A....,......... l\ood ol • ....,.;ty I Vio : ............ "",Uqof ~,olo, "to Sibori.,· "" ....

no. 1 <td ..... "'" -. .- ol ........1.Ilo.tlt I.. i" 1....-, bno'olly C<\UI>td by 00rripia.......tion.

......... ...,. • _, ,__' ....... un

1 do .... ""'........., ... hoo.. 011 ,11< I..,..........,. I........"It.. •__It ol wbo< h.ppet>Od, Iou, I _ _"-I...., tb;, ;, • 1 ' i"l, -.impbhed """ di._........ : .... ""id> It , .... liol I"","" >it>l!1 -'I'

to • -" o "'ondi ol wha' "'" hoo""'......

o..lI.ltM I..N tlDn

IN \he fire' pla«, it leave. O\<t ,he wlIOl< baclground of<be «>Id W1r ond America'. vast intrigueo in £.o>..,n

EllI'OpO. TIu U.i"d S',"., G_,,"'"I IUu boo. ""Ill,,,,«di"l 1(1() m~li... d.Il.... 0 "'.0. ;. ",b,..,,"'. ;",~ <......, ....., ;" eoTO". Thu .... wn ....n' partly011 Jl"'lP"PI'lIa. co.Iuns '<It mooJ' from radio ond kaIktbollooo. lI'anJD1inen in West Gerntany and doewbeTe. Itwould he IoTOOI to un<le<estima.. ,he ,flee, of in/Jam­matory 1"'?Fll&nda, "'f'<clally in a critis oi,...tion., TheWest Berlin correopottdent of ,he H.w SIO'''''''"'1I7.JU6) rq>O<ted that the F... DtDlOCtatie Pany had"""'ploin<d to the Adt>ta..... Goo<ernm<n' "ll';'" br<>e<!·coots fTOm the Americ.on-oot'ltrolkd "Radio F... Europ<,~

.....ich co.Iled "poll tht Hunguia... to UlTy on ftghtinga. fo..ign aid ..... (It, its """I'. lie ab<> ci,.. the So.d·doo'u~. ~oi,".." wl>ich

...._. _t>;)i.,. I.. hlood>ntd iD H.'I..,. "pon tII<..

..".d >Ad "'"'"" tb., ,be ..d................Id .. _--..od I c.r..." t<rritooy,.

American in""",nti.of1 in HWlpry was by "" mt2fiIlimi'<d to radio and leaflet ballooo~ Emip"oad u.Hrmlr, p.o."'" h .. 1<>., bo... """"U,~ ia'" ".",.doa;It ll.',h ""../,JI,.foUl i>/<>... ,,, <f"U 'Iu Ix><d.. fr.,.Ao"'i" ,,' " /"",,",0/)1. ,,~,.,.,••it, ....d ,,, <rut, ••, "miu'"" ,.It<h, H.... """ .oould ",f•• to the deeply'i«nifican' ....temen, by Dulb 'hot he k...... in advance......., w.. g<>in@: to happen in H"ngvy.

The 'eopI..' o;.."",N_t

HOWEVER, to "",rib< tit< Hungariato oritio ",.",:)1' toAmericon ond otho. imperialin in"""'nt;",, .nd in.

,rig.... would be a gnJII ........u..pJ;r...tion.. S.oh ia'ri,."W010Jd hoc bo•• ,.,..,..1..., h, f" du<".,." i. f~.

"""'l' bot~ wid. oal dup, ...,,"d b,~ ''''''', mal·otdmi""l,o'''', ".d h""o..",k I.otd..,~;, >Odl, .., "f,,,..oh wil~ IIu ~JHo. Roform, though promil<d in animportant ...Iu of decioiono in July, was .low in being"implemented. And "',tieismo of patt.....". had been mad.in a OtIHided _I' which COIlIwed ond <pIi, not onlf tlt<_le but a!><> tlt< Iudinjr W'l'ktn' Partl'.

M ........., tlt< inois"n' .......nds 1<1< ..;thdrowa! of Sovie'''''''''' ond f<lt ",lationl of full <quali'y ..;th tit< U.s.s.R.(token lOfl.tIt<r ";th ,he Sovie,', own .....n' .­....t.....nt on fut.... ",lat,,,OI with oocialist """ntries) moll.Jl clear that the .so..;., Un;"" on its part had not wnpihlea of bigh·handed_ in onme 01 ,to~

Thoro- """'I' _." ..- up ia <ho """"..... ti,..bo""'" __ in Ho....,. I 0<""'" :rI. Woo, ol <ho ...._,x." ...." ,_ .. Bud tb., d.l', "'...... pi<""'" ofN.II' "'" I.<"i", '"' 4000bt bo6<votI "to, ,hq. -.. _ ..~i, I.vow 0( Iho 1""1<..... of _,.b< _, wilbm ....


,,__ 01 --.- ....-. olftAdy ___"''''0 .' _-. .... Ioaolw,. _ -. .... Ioaol-.-. _ ...._........-_ .. _ ...-<.~&-

KH.,', St._LET. W1l1O doe •• 01 J- Kador,""""'".. ---' Irr doe ...., s-h IofricM ,.. .nib """~ ...,.,...... 01 ~'_ ....110_-. .... ·._..... _ • •• HiL~ __ fioII -.- ______ ... __, _ .. hoE ....... Iioo 01 d .. -. .._ ... _ ofSlalio,-. ........... __ .. -... _ _tIoo .. "";.. of_' -+

...,..,. tIoo~ Kadu, ..................... '-- Aa..- _ tIoo ..~ --.,.. Aaodoor .1tOdo_.... all;" of _per &...... N•• ..... no priotiDa _to-.. -....... .. locoory .... <A<risd off • Ior..........11.., 01 ....,. 0IMt, _ Iooria, ......ed• .-..I,..... d"",p, ,I<-

""'Inp ""." to ,... plooo ... IIlQs< I, wao ,I<..""', <lllo wOO ...d-p«pUod .lilt..,. lu 1_""', "" _ ...-........ Ioaol ...nod • .....Ioaol -..0..;..- oil ..... -. .,;, KadoI, .. _ '""'" ....

....... _ ,. '; IUdiooI .. _ r_,"",,_ , Tt" ., __ ..,.,. .. ,_ ,'otI; -., ______ _ .. r... -.Ln.,._, 'u .. lIotfi" '__1<1>_-'_"" ..... io __-_ ....-,....-' --- --_ .. _-. ...- ...- _.c...hf.b ,..·pEIl.HAPS ............revoIuoioa .,

dewrIr arri<d ......- _ K.odat. Id fllCt doe ditu·~ bnJna l:ept arefully bd>iIod """ "T1w .-.1_ of ,Iu ............ _ "-./ ., IIw I'" I.... Itw,..tu .AI _,. 11,...,. i.'1 'Iu II......."•.,...,~. _,,.1111 s..: lI~ih iI .orJiI, ,~. tIi."~ of ,''''_ ...., «>01.1 ..".". ,.-

_ <II~ --.. of , of 11_............ 10......,.;,d, ,..., ... Oft "";do _ ""Isofuot: .- of "'""o<>di.. 01 _ 0._ DM/1 10'",1..~ "-'''''''' dill.. "'orpIr 1_ K ...wyWo. no.,. .., ;, • _'........,_r."""" Ioaol w..o -.. '"Iloo PD' .... 01.... 11_- - ..,. I'rjor• .,.... __ .. """"..~. n.., Kadu"Y' _., .......~ ..............· ...... 00-. __ --.._ ............. ,...... r;diooa: _ of .... -'"' --..__ I. la« """""'" of tIoo•_~ _ of tIoo H"""" .~ _ ... -. dosri;o -.....-_

_ ..... I._._--. .. _. of .......Ai"'I_,... _-.__ ~~

of...... ....10 __0 _....,&0 __.."' ... _ .. -, _ _

..... _ of .... of """"'"'" _ ..... __ io io .,. Itotat __ -. TkN_ T..I J_. _" ' .H. IIipn, ..... "'-'" _.......----~._~__ '_of ......... .-. ..... " .. _..~_ .. _-... __ N_ " ..1 H ...T'-_'I ' ~_ .... _ .... -._ 1Ioo


.".". _. of .........K .... wao ' of ""- 1uo4.__ ..pi<a&-. UIo. 'r' ...............of..-_--.. ................ Iou,fioa~ c .-~u· 1 ,'. op«do • _.. . .s.- ..~ .. _._ =" ·,,,-._s..,............. - ..~. , ..._.... ,"'"______ ),000 __

.............. _.. ,.__ __ &Abo......~_ .... _.Oooloo; ... --....,;, ~. "'_:'l:"C\'''' __...._-. ---..

• )1' " __ _ .......---h <loa _ dear. Ihat ,Iu '''ju~ 1I••,a01 the .....iftary .,......, wed by Fryer """ DaYid-_ """ oohon, IIw II;,"~ it~ 'k H..~ """"_ II~i"6 hi "'oil" 1_,," ,~. ,..._in 01 '"/dfll.io.. , ..4it~ ;. H.cf"'rM• ..../is;.", ·.orU AI"" ni,"""'_""lull '1 '''''''';c, • litl.'''',~i' '" I l..ro,'~Ir"'" et;" 10 l~cI 01 A4"';,cI Ho,'h, ..,"'... ,Iu",ItS,1._,..,"..., ..... SoIf·d,I I.ltIoIo

EVEN In''L<d tha, Ihio 10, ",""y wiU ..y. wlI.'~, hod 1Ioe S<Mrt UIlion 10 ~> 1/ 1Ioe

ooo:i.oIiot ....non of HWlp<y Iad«d the ..- "'I'P"" 10IOIIlntain """ I'ooploo' RrpubI:ic did thio 0l0I l'f""'"' Iba,u.. <:1lOUI"1' __ rip< (O< _==1;"".. ? I> i'_ tnoo Iba, .,. <aaIOOI be • flOlD wi.......?"''lw the ....' ... DCtionaI . cnd d·......-ip m.., _ boi<1I inlri<c<d "" """ Sorinu.....?... _, ,*"' ,' ,-of .. · , _ __ ... hioa", ..__ of ... _ wao. I, 10 " " .. _ ~

. ,,- .......... _--..I .. ' .... _ .. _01._· .,. .......-. ... _ _O'- .... SATOC_'"-'" _ Iloo w ,,.. _I.... ..m.aI

...... ..- " "'" '_10 :_ ..~/. _1 • __ it " *..,4 ....,.... ,., _ 11_ ..,;", ...... _ ... _,.... 0/ *,,,_ ,..;.n"" ..._..,..d re'" __ JUs ...

W. __ ~ <OIIMO loo ......- _ ,.

... I"""'. if..,." wao _ .........."'" .""" .... _ ...,. _ 01 "'" 11'''' of_k _ ;, lo _iool)< _101-"""", doriol ....01 w;''-' mo, nd """.... 110, .... "'" ....._ 01 S<wio' io-..... ID 'm.- -;"Ii.ol'" I do ...okioIo ., 1 do ... "" , of H-""" ......... __ .. ..,n.1;" '" , wall, .. Iori.., ....<.....- """'""-I~ .- Dodo ',· I. .... _ilarinI,: __ ......all'aif ..~ .. __ '" .- 'C' .. .,;,. Jioo .....cr. ... U.li.5.L _ ... _ Co. ...,;po ..u.--,_ .. ,. - "' ...._u-. ...... _ __ __ ••,... io .. -... 1

1100 0...,... of WooU WI'

WHAT to _.' _.;, _ I t"'- PI_. 1'_ .-. .. ---... ]i,. io iI I -,..01,

iIIrnoaf ", w TIu __,... of J-T ;" H...,.,., _A.ori<_"'~ t-i# ~cI. /iiId ....~"""1_ ..,,_ _ -.t>,twS- u..ar4 H•.,.."• • /in --.. ,......•• <MU _ ....,.,wtI"'I~dff""" ., 11' of ...... HItl ..................,...........11 ., ,tw ;"/1...""", -wJa/i., ]iIV

_ ...... _,1-'_.'_

i Hl'l!Ir.I'rl~j![.HI· ; ti·lW!l.'!:il!!·i;~IUll'i t' '1 1ft., ;I·!l.•r-'l'f I" 1 1··Elllj'!!'."" l"ill~'IUrl " '!.I.! 'I' ~. Ill ••1"",'1,. ,f.


0 ~:II;mrIHMifr.~f. ii!J;li"li HU~;.hI!!~;:0·1.!, lilt ,I r'! t 'l ,f ,t ..l't In.! "I

, "If '1,.[1,1 'filIi fa jJr.!i' h r"~[ !I~!ll"I n'HII' tr l it ,~! "1'1 I 11';'0 "1' I"l' . " •• l f",',!. .." 11 I, "i ullll.lil .lttl !Il !lli H.f !hll fir "rHlr;r~ 11 11I l' l'!llfp'}fl II'tI1'ili:tj~ll'iW' 1£('i!llIt:dir i d~h':hiil N~i,!NliiH~i hli!··'n.·t·lfl· ~ ••·.Ilo~ rhf 1!!'I'['raF!ltl'; lp,

II .1 I,.

~:I~iU~'i' I~~!.~l iUI'!fr; 'jr.ml ;h~ IVllIfftlirJ!J l~r[Jf' \'" h,t. IIIi " IU , Ir~l. ni rllll 'fl J.~ H" ;l.th frliu! ~EH "

Wm;I'rJJlm~I'[IIl~W'11 I UHI:l1~WllUl-..h••,,tJ:ll ~~~) P.I'I!'H fil!li~'jP'"

d' f I I hi! ['I '. ",

'lHUiHiV~~lmnr IbJl1 f ~ :!df~i lil!' hif I-E!'"SI .s ....t.th&'''! :I..

I lli":' "I-!J':.;·ut ,~t'[; t hhr;r! }i,! .I UI hi tI.EI ,dilll hll.. , tllh' It h"f ,I

r ,,,,.,.'If'Io 'r''f f· - ~-a~·

1;1~ tfti!I'I,h~l~It·.'r' ,.} ll,rll.~'I I' 11 'f 't~·..- "J" . lClt~~E'

CD I'f"}!; fal,lh!hi! f'f." rD: 8..c.~--. "1'1111, ,. 'I,r~i

r1' rf l! I'," 1)1'~ It JriullV .fl ~t~ h hIm nIt;; f1_.::l 1.~l~l~~.•tl'€lf}lHttC:J !lhirr'l~li,"Ii.'"c: lrfl-r.rlitfHlttHig- [! rr.l·! f ~fiiJI·ti'•.~... ~ti ~ ..~.~

"OCD i'l"!111.. 01 1,·VI r a ·.t.~"'''11o '1j~ u·S

r1' 1:~nllU~jtfHIfI

It s .Jr¥ih ,lhl]!U.;! 1HJff1f.,'tr11hl 1 th 'l-~r

• Inn l n~:lll


" WELL,H said my old pol, South p<ople who _nt r.o li...n \(I tJ,..,.W.... "h', almoo. Chris'mas." boIy-lloli<o jllS' did "" out 01 busy.

''T"",nty ID '_l"",~ added Ham_ bodineol &rid moybe b<c.a.... it w•••m<rkoppir, glancins at .be bo.lt...,.j 1_ >bow almoo. be..... than the Wo.clock OD the~...p~ So u.... holy.holy f"'OI'le didn't get

w.,.,.,., in M. Henry'. I"",• .-n, ma~ pe<>llle ..ved by the LortI..drink;"g wbite port at r,." bob. <TbOy 'opt it "" """'" time and IboIlle, which wu • oh.meIul prioo, ndon they wm, jus. about to paciI_ing it wu Chri,ltJW time. From up and """'" on, _q,g .bere wam'.there ....., cov.ld .... her ....".ling in.he much b...u-, ""'"" what to youlilcilen, p10rling • fowl, with • t<doo happef>td? Well, "Il< nilh' .hec;,arttle dangling from her fat lip<, whole DtaRon Gang wal10 lnw theand • yelk>w-1Dd.bJ... l""!'Or e>p on place. Weir, .....rybody moo r<ci;O<\Iher heod. TI>e eeil;"g 01 I!>e r"",. then ",ill be plrn'y of .....tiono be·room ..... hung with po.,... •..-umtn <.0.... the Dragon Gang .re • lot oIand ba1JooJ>I whi<;b hid the ny·.pottrd hMdcut root... who smoke d"",, and00ard0, and • row of I"""ting anb rob and kill all ~ the p1ou. -'00lined the ....nll< pi<ce OD nch side >1..., noOOdy dared '-'2lI< ou, be<:auoeof \he clock. lb. Dragons migl.. ha.... I!>ougb' it aD

Soutb We....... Iooling. little find" imult.nd maybe 00 """",!hill( .bout.nd .f,.,.. • while IU~ tha..... iL So """rybody .., light.nd I ndonling a <:ouple of ""rot.. Hammer_ for !he fin' time tb..., w... i>rn~va

1~ l""'l"""d "Soo" Noon: but lo< of praying going OD. B~, to twry.So~,h 1'0'.., didn't lo>o>r all ,k words, body', .ulprioe tb< Drag<>os didn', do10 .....,tled 1..- ''Or>o! In Royal a thing bu, throw """" people ou,David', City." Well, ..........bout 01 a row 01 oellU, you know tbooe tha,halfwa.y thrwgh and no, do;ng 10 """" to be ,_.tu!'P<_, aDd .....bad, wh.n Ma H.nry atatted ra"ing their pIaca .. quietly .. you pIeax.hen and ..ying wha, would Ihoo people "w.n, the Dragon Gang j_ oa,_, <10..- oh;,,}, he< I>ou;tc waa and oh..." listening to Ihoo ainging and thebelid.., ..... cousin J""', wife, Maria, praying and ",,110 to the Lord, untilwa.o about to ha.... a baby "'y minu.. 'hey goIlO rored up with ~ligion, .ndou' in tb< ~.yard hoU.ic, and ."y. I r«:kon ....,. boom, and the ""'"""y our V<>i.ces ...... l<Iriblr. thing ...-uybody 1new .... tha, tb<

So ... p"" i, up and had anothor whole lo< of them ..... con....rted toround 01 whi,. port and La.... I could the Lord. TI>.y jumped up and..., Hammerkoppie luoIUng sad .. ben. •..rt<d ainging although I rccl..,., non<

"Cb,.;,' alwaY' mab. ID< think 01 them 1""", ,i>r ""'f'd~ and ~01 the , ,ime I J-n in cburclI," b. they hopped ""'" ,i>r .tag< and they..id. all ,oaned pulling ou' their .....pom

"When wu tha,?" South W.., and Laying ,hem a' ,be I.., of ,i>rasked. w. ca1Ied him ,ha, beo:a"", he holy.hoIy.-"le. n,.,.. ..... a goodhad open, many yurs wa.n<kring a· coIlcaion 01 "kni..... bicy<ic cb.aUu,"",nd South 1'0'.., Africa, ~king 1..- 'yre.rim>, ohatpen<d ,.,......-dri~ andd.. Gc......"., leod P;pco....nd even 0"" ... ,_ p<n-

"I ""n', ..""..",I><r," lhrnmcrl<oppic hi.....a",wend. "1'0'.11, tbooe hoIy.boly p«>plc ..",..

"wen," South Wcat Wd. "Cb.......... blrny pIeao<:d with Ihoomoclva, "';ngis a ,ime for ...lip>n. Md tailing tb<y had ouc«ed<d in corwcrting !heabou' religion brinp in'o my mind ,h. Dragon>,.nd I r«:1ron nth« pc:<>pI.time oom< of , ..... hoIy.hoIy 1>OOPI< I." the ...... way, bul 10< diff....n'hired the old Uoion~ foi bold. l'<UOIlS.

ing lOO>< holy.hoIy """;nill and c:on- "Well," South Weo' Wd. '"Iba,vening all ain..... '" the Lord. w.. bow the Dragon Gang go< lOved

"Wen, ,0- holy-holy peoplc s:or by the Lord.""uck in and you could heat ,he """'" "Ti""" 10< rq • dop," HammeT_<l<rwn in ...ddetley Street the wa.y they loppie oaid, and p...... around ,h<",••It on. Singing and cLappiog hand> whi.. port.and calling on olI lio".... to IP.... up ... , tha' momrnt midnigh' ,lI'\OO:1.Iin .nd he oavcd. and ... all SO' up and ""'0' into Ihoo

.....W!~hl TI>.y carried on Iil.. tha, kitcben"" wish Ma H.nry 'be com·a .....p/< of nigh" and the tNoorope pli_nu of ,he seaaon.w.. crowded ou, every time, j ..., like "Tcnlr. you, boyo," oh< retIIrnfl<l.i, wu in the old da~ wheo i, wu "...nd the '" you,~ W. IOW tha,a .....1 biooc<>R<. I ndon moo' of the 'h<re running frem her-- ..

~'"(A ......r.~ A,'h. GoU..u~,)

eyu. "I'm 10 i>rppy bcca"", i,',Ch.....",.. and ~fMia'. j ..., 10' a _.~

I .uppoo< the ....n ""',.. tb... ofhappi......, but I had " wopicioo ....old lady had b«n ha'lng """" wbi..pori on the oide, 100. Anyway,_wio/><d her hd, .nd lhmmerkoppi<made an improp<l" ouggmion tha, "'"male • coIlec,ion 10< Cowin J",,',lill", _. We ...iood ..........nd.four·pc:nce am<mg """"M:> and Ma H<Of)'Ir""'" h.wy 01.... th.. ,h., oh< w....lJl .nother bouk of whi.. port, on the~

We oa' down in the 11'0<11 nx>mog.i" 10< """,her round .nd I :ukedSouth Wcat whether the Dragon G_""',.. otill CQIlwned.

"HeI~ ""'~ "" ..id ''They onlymy«! ..V<d by ,i>r Lord 10< a 1_minu'", booc."", righ, then OIl>tI>tbndybrough' ""'f'd ,h., ,h< Q-o StreetBoo........... noiding their l<Iritory..o.nd you can', "pc:<:1 .....n '" ".yoaV<d ....... a thing ILk. ,ha, happeoo.~Wen," South W... Wd... Merry

Cbril'mao,"-- ...... -. ,--........ '..'



....,,,RICHARD MooRE

THE m<>O<I ....., in a~l<MIy gay mood

.00 ohouted "HappyNe", y ••r" to .be .laD.Tb< .u,... b<jng older.nd """'" <epee..b",mod".liy .",mU«! bad">am<: to you" Themoon, a gay young roolldid • corn;'; donoo&fOUOO .taid ~pi"".ry

Table "'ounl.oin, ...'­"Mlr miuNI L ion'.Head and bouoced d;'·lily ••""", ,h. >ky. Di>·tric. Si.. hopp«!, Ik,pp<d

.nd joOl""".TII" Itn.t]amp'

laughed .... handful of....... "'fi' .~ing

dowJ, TenDon' Streetinto Ha"""", Strft'.

"B~y my ........Sce <km blow in '. """...

..ng ,h. '''''I<,_m.n who waoo'. ",,,,,b of • po<1. Youcould rod ,h.o.l the It...,,..,.,.,, lnew tho. it wo. Ne...Yur'. Eve. The "'...,,, .loo kn .

''TIloy make me wa,,' to wh ,.. lao;ghecl • I'>unggallant to IW girl.lri<nd .,.,...00 at hi> OWn ,,·it. lit .1<0w... no..,...

"What', wh<aeo?" ""'lu~ «>yJy."Ob ",b.....,. is wh Don', you lnow who:tt<:l?" h.

I..nd at h... ,uU"'tivcly."Oh Si< Ilc>ttic'" .......id with the li,,1e dignity oh<

could my,,,r. Then tit< Olt-.a <w<1'Wh<lm<d ber and .....bunt out into Wl<Ooltrolable giggles.

Up Ha"""", s,..- to Star llioocop<: 'b'<.med thet<&O<N. ID pa.... at the Fish Market.

"Happy New Ye.' Merrim," ..id an ~a,ly «!<brat.,pi'ouct"ng "" the pa"..nl<Jot with a fancy cap which,<O<l "Ku. .... luvvy." I" 10" hand was a half-emptybot,1e 01 "Van d<r St<l whici, ohooted "M. 'oo!"

"You mus' loam 10 """,roi YOU' filthy ,,,,,,,tI,,'· ...ida I""im. lair Colour«! lady who ""ly <pt>ke English a'

"-"H.ppy New Ye~' MerTim," ...id drunk pi<rot, oIf.,.·i"l! her a dt;"k.

"Go 10 1><11, you diny hastard," si>< IWo<d at him, for·Il"tting for ,I>< """",nt ,ha, oh< wa, • prim Colouredl.dy tha, OOlly <p<JoO.~ EnglM at home,"Why did '. Whit. man bla__ boca....'!'rn CuuuUid....<a"l! .n amo",,,, """in lamen'ing ,he f.1e 0/ hi. peopleto .n empty 10"", Th. lane di5pl.y<d no inle,..t lo0' ache<lly, y<Uow you'h Wed up mom.ntarily I""" apair 01 dice I>< wa> roiling.

''I'm a guy wlso ..."..' don< IXI lu''''"''''''''m .. , "

_ ~... " _. , .....J ......" , ...

Duwl~. byPfTU CLAn

twangod the alt>Ol'OUl OIl<

"" hi, gaudy guita,."You ungin' balls,"

Ibouled the y<11ow dice­...."Go 10 heU" retali·

.ted the imita';';" Lan...."Vou' mama', ,h~

q u a rt er .." ."'!d the",,",,"y OIl< 'pottmg ""10;" d<ce.

"Corn quid, m" my·nklll"

"Buy my tu>o",

See <lem blow in '.IJI'eezoos • • ,"

...ng the ........ man whohad ""VU htard 0/Shall<>pe>rt:.

''1b<re', a f,ght OIl '.come<, they bugg<,in'up you' hutban'," IaDKan urclUn 10 a ,ired ,....

"Lern"", ~ H• •tat_• man with Ured I>reao,..

led fin'," lObbed h., husband wbn tried 10 obi<1d hisfa« from nying boo...

"Lea.. 'm alonc:lll" olwu,ed the """"",n hy>t<rically aI

oh< triod 10 part 10.. huob.aOO."J...",...,.. n...,', a h<lvu Iotta blood," whispon,d the

utthin Io'ho liIled fi«hu, 10 his gU'ltn/'lipt lis..,.''Buy my ,~...See ..... blow in '. -... ..•."

..ng the '~·man who prefund 10 mind 10;" own hmi·,-"Hie, k,>' 'i< Law!!!" warned a Irightene<l ,bin·necked

sper;t.a\tlO" who kept In ,he fringe nf tM: crowd."fIre.ok i, up. ""'ak i, up. BreaIl it upl" ..id authority

in tI'e form of a young Whi.. """'tabt. with his handon 10;" ~I".., boI"...

"Die law It <ling ;, vim," """'led an obtcW't ....,;ur""" the crowd, tha, prefernd ,,, remain oboe",••

"Who ..id ,ha')'" the bruo button> .00 revnl,.., dc·

-""""Heppy New Vea' ha...... lhouled a j<Uy-drunk manwbn was trying to cnnvince the crowd 11.., he was oobo'.

"Bclie".. III the Lord and thou shaI. be saved." foameda ,tree,-<X>l1l<' bible.thurnpe,.

"Here'•• penny fi, C'Uoctioo," oaid a lacetinuo )"""ll....ofly who WlWl', int.....te<i in his .oouI. ''Gn home .,,'I.... a d,ink."

"Sinnon!" th~mped ,he preach« ignoring the ungodlyonc. "whm the Lord tokl ,.,. 10 rome, I came."

"Here', """,be, penny. Buy y<...1I a ,...........id thefacetiom _.

"Buy my'........See dem blow in '. b<-ee<a . , ~

sang 'he mu'" inglo<..... Maton."Gie me ''''0,'' said " reckIeu. bighly.rnug<d houoewif.

who wanted 10 bribe tM: kid, bocawoe obe w,," never .,"-.

(c..ti...~ .. ,.,. 'J --

An English Artist South Africa.y 'AUl HOG.....TH

TilE ut4. abroad ""n be regardedwith tile wild... .o!hnla"" cc

wiili ,he pro{ou,Idt,,,.uopicioG. InChina I ..,.. """'*'<d by k<""S"" .odhad to <omplele • d",win~ from in_lid. an anny In.Icl<. In Rhodesia, •boa! While official glonxl at me andadlO<l if I had come: to draw ''n.ti....nude.' Un·uu.",.j pt'OlOt..,.. brusheda>i<le with th< ",,,,,'k tha' <hi. IO<lof thing wall all v<')' well in Eu...".but no< in Africa, nor """'. 1 l<pl myupper lip ,tiff and insi<t<:<l ,ha' myinla'd' w;u iIJ the evuyday lif. ol,he African people but j ..., '0 rn..o.k., .."' h. had ,he .pociaJ br.""" keepa" ey<: 0" me.

An>tiooul to .void the .,len';"" of,I><;r South African ron.agu<s, Iha"" to amI... ,ha, I did not applyfor pumi.. to draw in the Jocauons.Aocompani<d by intrepid African .00Europ<an fri<nds, my drawi"S" ...,...,mad. in ill oor" cl plwoet under o.lIoorlS 01 ronditionl which may no<

ha"" bc<n 'p~i"od; "" we cocldn'tafford the ri<I<. I rtmembt.- one JUsbtin Johannesburs. I drew ocvcnl pan_rai.. of the _le', Ie>d.... """ of,.,.another ~I into It>< nigh~ They had~ brought '" the """'" in. wb;cl,I wa. Jlaying. What ra«ol Among,hem "'"" ,he rodoobtablo "UncleJII," • giant with great warm,h ofpenono.lity with • .me. like an ami.oble 1!'<'8.horn. "We'll win in !he Io<>grun," he boomed, and I immed"'oIyklo' any doubt 'ha' "'" ..'OU!dn'L

Shanty town. in EW'OpO are eilb"a oouree'o/ lun or embaraMlIl<n'; inthe Union they ha"" bocom< anacupI<d port of 'h< <v<ryday """"",Whi,., "ra"~,, r<gard<d not un_....'ur.lly, "",d, picion and ...".",_""""' bu' it mllS' 1>< n>o>dettly admi't<dthat Ibis cbonge<l to olamorow «llbu_,WIn wb.lI<VU I .., down and beganto dq»c' IOD1< flOIlliJiar 00<'"' or I""e,Hordes of piooanins would ra<:e


"I ..y paauaI, buy'" two or><-an.lourt," ..id alLuhily draotd dandy m pink 100.. wh.o _nt<d '0 jump'h< I»ooot:>pc: queue.

"Im a'rtddy buying li"" ';cl..., li<d a lrigh"'''''''•'raJll«t.

"O'ny 'wo man," pin. IIOCiu insist«!."Bu, I'm a·rtddy buying five," ..id lb. ,",rvnwI

"ra,,'!"r."It. New Y...· an' I'll rip your !Ut>," ..id pin. IIOCiu

who had no knife,··You be,t<r buy i' an' doo' tal. a 10<.""A·righ,,'· .aid 'h<~ lright<n<d ,1raIlgtt.-_.

AN ,HDl ...H fAMilY IH l>U .....H

(c••r;...~ f' ... ,......, toP!

"So I <is to be" how abou'", dol< hor><y," ..;<I a dirty""""l«,,_y<u-dd<r lying arou' his I<:oual ""pIo; ...

"Honty. ,ink you flUUly," ..id an adminng wiL"Widou' no _,'...id ano,htr,"10 you' buo""y," chim<d ,h. Ia.l' my""l<r.Th. mooo rig_ugg<d cn.zlly across the dr.y bumpiog

into a .tar or two on the way and rouncing off~Hill. All<r all i' was New Yur", E,.. and Distric' Six..... hysterical wilb joy.

..Buymy'........~demblowio·eb_..... ~

Iltng lb. ",",,""_man.

........ nl> • _ ..., ,~......,.. 'N'


"""00 whiII. otben woWd be "",."'D''''' for .b<ir porttaito by proud iD_,;,I<n, motben. I oh.alI newr r~.

that pan:hed inci>od hilIOO.e on wlUchthirty thouso.nd Africans "ti_" nu.dtuty p'-""""ma of _.bIocI:.uding and flattened .in bean the"""antic n..... 01. Orl>.ooo Sb<11U1.And on what "'nu li.k .he >Wi_of the """'"', <h<:d·ahirted gangs of'''''sU .1rOlJ by like buccant:fls. Libthe homew..... bound .um....... 01. .heThirty Yea.. W.,., old mm drift bywith .taring bopelcu 0)<:0; d«lPaddicts. Twilight falls 00><1 • mul< de­~.tion '0 """.... is uught in .hef!&nlo of """"lIesI f~ as tinging andlaugh .... fUl the night air.

,\nd th.n the lim timo I saw •"""".hall" It WlU crowd<d ""ithhundred. of African won.... whomilled in and IOlllUIl<l • huge corn·pour>d. African police "ood at the.nlr&DC< ....lChing ev<'yoo" lea"".Th<n: qui", ."<kI<nly, a police patrol.car ocn«:h<d 10 • stt.nd,till and rou,anned Whi,. police .pr>."l!" out do_mandinll: _ and • ..,.,. !><:hind mecried, "Dn.w 'his Whi", "",ni" 1bepolice drogg<d • yOUng African ;n'othe waiting ar and .. they d"",,, byI IOW that they ...'" beating him aodthe blood w.. on hi> I...:e.

• •Early""" """",iog r>eat l>hroUbutg

I JbooI< handl with • bnot>J.lool.ing""il.·1>ooo and oho<tly .I"'......rd> foundmy>elf racing "-" an inolined >haIlat ICrrUJoinll ,peed. l.<><>king bac.l:, •"'!='" of ~h' the ,iz< of • po<Ull".lamp ...01 an that was loft of day.light. Thrn .... claml>tred out "" ,h.' ....n.y-oorond Ievd ond turned off •I""'"ge to worm ""r woy down ''''''''rtraminS wi,h 'er.A~ our!><.adlwaa tho stinting' ,. of qklUU androd< in which loy "'" gold. Furtherohood, hundred. of .woatins AfrieonsIuclod and drilkd tho roclllaco; inthe Ilicllering light 01 comdo lamps,_ por.rtroued .till further, pauoinBDOW and then '" poor down """" un·Olql1oinod ohaI, 01 yawning omptrn...TIIa, <!oy I rn><Io many drawin!!" lor"'" opodOclo 01 in_ hwnon lohour'""'" ono which I hod never ...n lholiko nl bot"",.

Tho>1 _.h""lUdo into ,he r"",State, to Bloml""..in who", IOCOII be­come: implocoblo .nd hoo,il. ot ,hooound nl "" Englioh vni<e. Where youcnuJd .it for 0 Ions: ""'S .;"", in 0....."""", and not .....,..;... ony o"on·tinn. K"'I"' ond Ctonjo gllled downon you and =ry major dof.., of tho

...- ...... _. 'fOOl'....... 'N'


Britioh woo dnomati<.>.lly depicted ;010'S" litlu;Woph.; Col.,.,.." Sp;oo Kopand Elaodogute. And 0<"'"' ,he •...,.tcould be ~imr.-l an 00d sight; 0pooter for ihe film T~. Rai... of R."·</Up' "" ,.!rich Richard 8,.."",'."Indian" f""" wo. blotted oot oo heb<ot~ 00 ivory white Laoo Turner.It did not -..n '" crazy 'hoo ... il... _.

• •10 the ....... of Durbao, the vioitor

con be amuood by the antic< 01 the~ifiototly-cootumod Zulu riclloha...Ixr-to who ]X>Und their !i....way pull­ing I""",to round lbe citY. •...,....Pitiful ,..minder< of the humUiation ofa proud nalion. 8~, the,.. '"'" 0 day,.1..0 1 ..... ..,..".!hi0S of the Zuluheritage in tho p.".oo 01 a disniliodon<! noblo man ...hooe Item aristocraticface concealed a WlU'm e~in~ per­IOoati,y. Chiof Lu,huti, ahllou3h de-

--,~, ..ill kop! ,he l<J,.., and ""'l"'C'01 Itio poople. I won' with him through,he flolds of .uga,..,.."., ond mad."'awins> 01 the ~;Sho"P"n familia, the POO"" 0{ thepoor wl>ooe l>oo>os woro made f,omlho """,to 01 ,he crop they culti...,od.

Thooo "'" ocly brief impraoions ofthe Union .. I IOW it; nl '-" it al·,.0y" '"'" and '-" tho White ......ho. modo it. But not oll White mon>ccop' tltU ...to 01 alfoi.... I mo' monond """""n, White, lI1ad ood Brownwho were. invoh""] in on hetoic fightfor a din...nt ....y nl life; 0 lifo inwhich 'hey could live together ..equols. To """" them ,... 0 privilege,without their help my drawio!!" couldnot ha"" boon made ond I W2tlt thornto know thi>. Without thio .podal &ind01 help on<! o.-..rogemon', an on;'.wouJd be tiko &0 ""'or withou, "".I>dieoce. --

: iWl~iI~illlfHir~lfHnl!h I 'l~r:8i,~f:IHJ"~fm~mimt~H~ ~J'j' !.l· f

l' H"'Ut Jf. "~i' tt II w! 'Ui,J~~~'t' -or I'T1

~i.iJmh~Nhtli~!. n~I f ~[~~fJHhrllli;:N~f H:tHn ~..,~~ W,lls J-.~ f ! I f.f'.~ t~ _~i"l ,., h ••JJf;~;~~nr.r··h~'JI }tl: ~~ Hrh{i~:!VI ~, :1~~i:I rtm~~t ....

sbhiri:r.f~.··;~l ..~IU., ..h,·r~!EJI .~rf~'I!h ~~'nin 0

t·mi 1'i;~Pti~lj't "'ki HI~'Ff'i~lil~ H~J:r~~f-~ Ht~iW :tli~'J'l 1" ~liiir f In"1 t lil f I.', 't"! f • lr..·f I'T1!lH , ,,!U., UI! .. ~., t .1 H~hl ,lH.! f· ;f.Hll 0

~~rl m:q~U f~~rn\ iWt:1 'fJ.W!jn.WlH!~{H;~1 ~ Hi:lHfm~~Jt 00." ·'h~!' "',.I." '. ,i· ~ r Hf f"l' 'r'" r,lt.. pjJh . i i ,h,i··[·i' I'} ." • hu i r, ,·rF••~ ~

. ,- ~i~ r'l h li'~ l·!ItI. ~{Il'Jtt'~~,;i ~H!' J~r~~· W~· .I ~i~r HJ~lh ;rlJHr lit! Hl £}! lhI~!hf't~: Hi~ ihf~V'U;'~',- Hr ;Hk~t iIf"!f,r! r.*L; !J~r!~~i~ii~U1~.t l:m~:lW~ i~. .' 11' r . l '1 ' , i ! ~.. " ~hJ - l r ! il il' ~ S; d1 hr.h, ,,,tilt r~.1iL ,~fhf rm,!llJl~r, b,.,r,fH, z

CIlOW05 of ...... - _ .. __T,_... ;" __ ..-. ..w.I ..

......... .... i,. of' Ui --. ...

...... 01 .. s.- co-. -... .... _, __-.. ...- ..-.

Tloo -. ..IooIr _ • _ -. "'Of<Io< .. Cowl!"_..__ .... _- .,' ...._-­..... _ ... 01 ,....,., ltO'l, t : "" -. _ ........... ...-.-.Tloo__.--._of • ..,...r Tloo _ jooIaooo _It< ____ ........ of,......,. _ _ ....... .-..-,......---....T1oo.....,.__ ., _ __ ...... dioco

k.o.oP'I -.,. , __ d <loo...-. TIl<n ~ ..... n.s...of -. " tall &NI U iIoilt, u' "'t11 ",", olitn'''01 • z..>". riot. TII<, ...,..,,, _.Y': th<i, ..... _ ..01....,.. plo."" it! rroo' and J. .,..,. fololool. n.e;, _at--, """. _~ oddo<l -. d!pi", ., Ibei, beoriool.

A r.... _-apI , '_Ir _ioodfal 01 all ...., w..

takiaI ,.-. 0... .. _ , , """.... Iow ;.0... Now..... ..... ... _ • r... 110_ __ bobioll .-no r.- _.no.,- ............. +..1------... ......... _ .............. -.-u· ....

_...... - ..--...._. '...

....~ St...,....,T. H. CWALA

,......- ........ _....----.,.;,l, if ..... l WIlo -... ...........___ 01___ 0011-...__.- ...----_ ... __ .lola<l no.. t- woo __ .. loo _ ...

...... ,.- 'a ...... il .... _ .. ____ _Iioo oI"'_.Toio_'"......... - u.,._ .... _--.- __,.601_ h __ .. _-mr_ -"'" iIor _01 : il __ .. ___ _-

Dorp __+ .. +" : of ..... itooo Iioo Ioy .....w. _ .. old .. __If __ pg. _ ..-IIad _ .....c r , ' .. _ -. b1 ................

d.l"> _ .. _ 01 _.' ..."........" ""'._.1iooo, ..._ ill·.,.. ,. no.,. _~ .... wOo __Ill·...' ~_ "'" , ~ 0( ,..u,iool o.t><l dnl"Wo. lNy __

_n ..1>0 ...re • ..,.....,.. .nd """"",,,001 thot oria<!m. ...,rtoIr.. --""'-

T. th<. ~r. had '*- • __ lNy "'" w......ol .. f_ ud "" Udo ........ -..I T100y _.. __ ""'- .., ....f• .-. _ ,d ....- .... ··$· F.. wlu ...... _0( _ __ loo. io .... oIoAdof _ _ ,__ ..-,..,.., _"_of _ .. ,_ ...... __ adooI¥ __ _ __ t

AI>. ....... ol w-do. $106 loo d' I__ • --. of .... __ """"" • _ ..alIMt. -no .1(..",. ..... _ ....... -. .... t .._ ......... _ ..--w _ .. -'e ""'" _• 1.' .. _-. ,1 _.... -no--. +. __ .._of ..~ ~ , ..- .._.._..-'---- .......­_.-

•••s."..... -..I ..; .... ...,., ......... ..-. Itio ............. __ ol. Io ....

,",,10 of 1_ MU ..... ""* ..., __ lop .....,w._ ~~l¥._bMI~ ....tio ..., ..I, d.,.. loo bMI , ...' •~ ..I'll .... bAR __ ha......110_ iu hood "" • ""k. wIIIlo iI trio<! ...UoI ... _ ...fl_ iI .... tho 1....,. .. 11 000111", 1104 ,...u., 1I0pp0n0d. !tU..."b 11.", Iooo<lr .. IUo .........!all' ho<k......... thio w••.... <ho, w••• Hio Ioat -.. ..I'" th... otab _ w..d,,_ <looo ..... ,..;- .. 11 loo 11... _ bMI _ .... _.,

-no .- ... __-riopI _ ' ..10 ....._ 0 oNaoIl< __ ................ "Wloo _

.-. _ 10 ....1'"--,. ~I'" no. _ -....' 'zol.A.-_:..;..., .... ..... _

It< _"'''''''''''1'"""'" - ate_I'"~- ~-_ .._-~ ......

_ fi.. 10 1'"s., _._.•OM_ ......

'-""w of__ .... wan ....... -no.-...---I ;,. low .. _ s..,............ _ ...__011 -.


111< .-.. ..." "-' _ -.;". ...""_ ""'"" <h< 01<1___,,,to y. N""".l "'" •"11 h.uw-ci ,.;.n h"", oholl ..- dd...t. ,... bom<o,"

"Elooh.l" Ib&ndl «d.''Y.., bu, I.... .- «>Id ,11< dUd' .t-, ;,r' SUhiohili, <h<

II<ad indu". ot Cm.! M• ....tw.odlo S;<boIo, j"",pod yp.''Tho dud k"""" """", Ib mo.....," w p ...........L"Now oh~, up ,11< ..I>0Io <I of Who, .nU _

My if <b<y ."... ,he dn<f loo "". ,_"""1 Who .." ......t><ro.. <h< Wh;" ........ 1 W},m, io .............. p<lo=> _,..,,', "'" ..Ik li.. ""'" "'"ad of hellowUo.r lil. 1>0'-"0."

"I .... _ ...1>0 io IRO.... ,ho ,Md .. <h< _.1 N_•.lua ..w ,,,,a.. hio ohup ,.;...m" .,... .. the ;,,0......

"The _10 _le." 1_ ,ed."N.,... _ h had ......... ot doio """ 01 ..... ,;'" ....

belloorioc. 1 .." ... "'" won' to kin .,. v H to to .--.kn.b ..,.,.. I <tiol>&nd do.........bl,.; Sioh....lli wd h...ne/;~.

"W <kad......... killed ...... ...,," lboodl• ...-..d,

The ,.... he... ..'" """"""" ..;th peopk ....Rna ond.......h .

£adI ,.....eed '" _ .w.y. Now .. lWoo ond du...,od li"le .."..po. 11I<y 101_ tho r_ hoek '" ,...;.kt..... £o<h me" "0> 1 • h"",u.. !tie WDIhl.. ("w.otiekl. IId«1y -.. Iked y >lowly ..Kh ..,..th<ir _n. <ba, hand, boId;.. <hem 00,," al.....,.;.. 'heio.1_ '" hotll Iooo<Iy thoi. Dd«. Some b>'....... ;" <h< ...;pt- b.a!> .od <I;.",... <hei, """' .......'" Q_""" ""', thJ .

"I told "'" Iona qo .t-, ",-" .....~" .... ""'" .....~to N...,olozo .. <b<y __ waJ>.;.. ;" ••".,. hle,

"V.., ......""'p io • ,ool 01 <h< ......."-"" ';""Id.·, Iik<to 0- hio _."

"Pub. -..ill bow to ."""""" '" .Ilow <he <...- to r.ll ;"tu, dirty -.-do."

n..,. f,U ;"to pe"'" .Ie_. E.eh ...... woo now do;,w".01 wh" to do ouL 11I<y h.d ...., tho 1'101;'" C<-mi,n.-r....... time> """", t1U, ....,"", H••"'.,. ".--i>od ""0. ,..... .-tIU". oho<", io boo, ;. the did """'u... 111< Not;"......m; '=', KoIa!embub<. w __, 10_ 01 ......a.. who ".... ..Id ....." to boo, dKl """'..... 1.0<01la..,.... ,. oomplU.... ,ha, <b<y ....l<l ro... !Wo

w ....., tu It w.. Wd do., ho 0' 'M" 01ha li d,; ,nd .

... Un!< I YP .- 01 <h< """ ,_ "";........ mo' ''''' polietmoo 0_ 01 , """"'"• ,Mal) l""'P 01 mo" , r q""liom l.don<! -.... ;o_."p:<!. M.!> Ie of the ;1:"..1<11. "" ......otl .... ..".._ boolle' ~ to< ~im "" l<f, """J>l<. 1. "'"....... ot • ",,",,'. ''';1 """ .._ "' f..- .U d....-.... duh hod ,..," P"" ond " .., """ r_ the ,lib< lay ""<h< ....,..... d<&d ....;It OM poI'" .od ..... r....n aloa layd.>d- .

I'oopJe <oIleetod i" I;'t!e ,_po. 1bt ..- .. Si>h;ohiH',, .... I"'"' .. uo:><o peopl< .,...;...s, Ao "'''''P1 od _ ...."" "",otdo S1Ih;"'W'•• , bo.<I.....h PO" ,_. H.,tood ond _.... F ,he >Iopeo __" "" hoe.._

hoe' ....'" rio...., 'he _1< reo'. "' ,he "'dU"", .,..l111< foIIow;"1 d.y 'he poIl<e eo , N.;pbouri..

r..-" aloa ...... ......... ... "'" • ...,. , ,...... .... lond,

"-le __ b<."'a indUeru....",1y ond oaly ,,- hod_...... ;,,'" .... fo",,', the """'0' ....s th<ie i"•.c.".. __ lot. 10<.. roo the "" laod,. Lik. So..."'" I""" hell .... poI'" .nd f."""" let 10<.. ,heir _etlOOOft .... _10. W.-." clWd..", """'.... itlnlid, __ .U...._ .';0, "<bou., ...,..

111< 11 now .., Oft <h< _" b<..heo r>tin..... j Tho poIioet had -.I .ll _,hod. to ....... n,,,......".. loo "",ok,;"", W..... -.. .od ooI,-poddJi". f.iIodto.....1 I""" pplied, M<a who ..." ;.... ...y _ ....

"'''' .... '''''' ~, ro, triol Enemleo _I, , ......,......••od 1, fI;';"', '" ooia • U,,,, y... to. .'" to< ..........' to. trial. Somo mm ...,. ,iN Oft , ....

be.".. Pllen ppt;od Oft the ...- .

The ,<41 """y "!h p .,.. """"c ,." the...... 01 "" """""d. Thio followod· b>' ...." pie... f"do"'"'" p1eo4eC ,.,. r-UI'Y '" <h< <ha,..

SioI>iohil; ' '" .... wio """ ...... ru..~ ..._.rot .od ""'" n""", lIy.

"0. _ 1<_ .11 .....=oedr·"Y.b<> "",,".""Do,.... u.- 1'I.....ala..!""moa."·Who, ... "'" ,h 1'"'" 'm the """""" ;• .dUri 01 .11 the mho 01 Cho.l


''Y "momboe .... d.y ...... 1'<""1"'''' oecw<d No. Iitld """ '" <kfy ."tt..;.;'Y>"

e...-, loo <Ief..... ob;.. , tb, ,row» w....Una Iood_

lo. Q""''''< 00>0 of 'ho jod ..w,"Wh.. io yow ob;....... O<1",-,lIy. ><, f.emo 1'""My ob)<e""". my Ioed•• io ..." • """' liO. thJ. _ ..Iy

...1<........, ..... , p."",","The d<-!.na """ •..-....... sooOhi!;."V y "'" ...... " ...Ily ..,. "" <h< ••",. ot <h< ",-",r'"V .."The. bow did ""' ... all,h" , .... pl",,1'""The , ..w ;'.""au, "'" tho ..'V••,r·"111< , ;, lb• .,.. 01 ~'; ;1 ........m_

mo"' d. d aloa h.""110..- "'" r" 1Ie<."" bo ;, "'" '1"."M' ,ho loo, dole_ ..-i ....... AI"", .... ,...",;"'''''''

;" dUof h< ..-.-...mioed by 'he '<ow"." ..... _ "' "'" ....y ..w 'eo people on<! "'"

-".., h.", .........ood. rua,""Y MY _ ...." ,hot< '" io...';'.,,: "h'" .topped _

it ",,,.- ... to the .""'!"-rh,.. w.. 1ieintl on<! _le ","ol" y .. 1 aloa nD."""""'" _ ....Id .... _de --.. _ ... ot ""u..

'he",!""Wh<" "body .... "'"";"• ....y!""0.." q ~. ono_ """ _ to< _Id _ ha 100 fouch'!""I did "'" to ,he.. _",ot;". "" I.,"", ;"",n,;""""00 the <l>y 0( ,;"" , <h;,1o we-. ,he><. _

""" ....'" ""*""« "''''''11 "", ""I -., r...1y "" ,h<'"


Ho.......Id <ho N (\<WO"""",, _--..' thio1 FinI the -..po_ ;" ;, Wti< 00 """-d by """to

• od 0 1 "'" not ,,,,-<ho, ....., <ho __ '" ",.-_y. ""id. ,he GoYe",_o' ;,,,,r..",",," hod ...."'y l>keo ;" ......od..... ill le... d;~ ....... Thi,dJy. bo---

..." ..,." if ,h< G<>Y«n , h.d ..." ....

.. dri.., ....""" Oft ...y '" ""•No .....";,,d ".iled 10«>.0 "';,«<1.E....,..,.,. "«<I hod ........ndOft 11 IeodirIa .. wha,.... h.~" •.

Fo<od "l!:l """ Koda.- .od"- lead<n ble '" _ .... itl·

(c••,;.".~ """,,.,. ,)

"-;,.i>Ie "",,- itl • ",,;hit di""' .t .." ;, i, ' ,hoi: owo poli,;e&l .od•

........... _<Iy ,. <oU loo "" ....ot SOOo' ........ to ,;.., <h< time .........'" .,.,.w" .nd to -'>itioe ,h< "",,k;,,.-cl.. o. dek_ ot Soc.i ......MO. Bi,,,, """"'1. m,," ~ ..00<•• I " w" <he ooly _bit ....;" .... , .......

....,........... • _. , __........' ,OO't


Boot .. ,.... pom. ;" • dlI,",- dOl T_ ...... ' . , T_ "'" R£ ] 'ice''Y C '"'

Couod diid"'Od aI poli...... ,...... _ t;"., d .....

~ T... paIioEaI 01~ ""old, "'"c . _ "'" of ....., won

~ =O<d~":':~~~";''':';;:;'.~rtpoN " ...aiJa<y dieta 00 • __~

i<lc r.... dounot>.tically itu....~ ill ~.;a" biolG<y.

c....m.tiooorH!:: new c:......ilUbon f"""'ula.... by "'" Mi~W'y RoYO>

lutionary eom"",nd Oouncil _ procl&imrd ""J""""'Y 16th, 19~ ....n,y-<>ne """'\ho f""" Ih< ,a",01 "'...., •••ppoin"ncn' '" ""ad lb< Cou.ncil.~ aimo of.'ho r>tw ~,ilUlion, it wa.o 'IatM, ....... "d • _iaLio.",noun," and """,>:I oboIi.h -.lal diocriminatim .nd thecruUool oi civil 'itla. ~i,,"y, i' _ said in th< {'"'"o:nl>lt, ...".,.Id be -...I in ,he J>"OIllr, and .... _would be ~"""" and de_otic." All IqiW.li...powtr -w he:~ in • _ N.Uon.oI "-mbIy 10be ......ood by~ ..cl....... -nb 12<CIO""" :wrhDrity"""""" in :uI """"":l f'midotM.. The _ ...... oh", _

"'~'";'''J f"""~ and .. hiac _ It.­rio:.o. I..... pr<cio< proAbtt .... ..,.,.;__-.. :._,,__ 100.' .. ' '-, _.......... "" ' _-..-.TIrioll___ ; eo .. '· .......r_I{'-~.AII__ "' "",,·, ..-_ ......... _ ..-.,_ ...

$ k j.o.:._c 1uoI-",.Ia.. _....... - of pokicol ...-. .. __ ..- ....-- : "no........... • ''J ..- _ •• "'"'"'-...- __ loo ' • ............... _IIr_ ...10" 1 'I1M ro-. __ .._ tor ........ __ ........' .. _10_ "' ...."--'01,. Ilio .... _. _ !! .-.-. _;...;" _ 01 ... "-" ~ ...._ boo _ tlWty._ re.... 0( ... .".j _ 10

,0. Ion-< ..".J ,.....,.. _14 01.. bo ~_I~-CIoi<I

01 ....."""" f-.~~ liI"", .....od;.. 1.-.. 01 _ ~f<, ...--, roll·

........... _ 10 """"' too .......-.1 ........ __1~_ r.-.. 01 _ pwbIl<o_ ...,j .....,..;p,_ loo ..1__ '.•.. ;" ... 10_ '" ...... wd­'-. ... wDio .... ..-.....__ .... Iow.· C ..._ .. ._ ..w.n..~

a.;: ~. ~ ., " , "' ... FOU_-' -_ ..... _100 ••. ,.... Jiq ............ "'-- __ ...---. ' .. "' -... - "'-"'_--. _ ... _J _',¥"'" _,.r h _ ...- • ...-. _ ..

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~..-1lfll __ "l.lYl

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1'A$.IIVt. RUI""IIC1. III SOUTH""IICA ;0 __ .. • ....., _

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no. _ ,..10< -............... - 1t5! .-.,.... ....... __ ~a( c........ _n'~.... .....,_ ....I .. <aob tu.odf _. "'~fl .

_1l.<lNo _ fin. """""....al;>l 00 Coont- ;.;,,0.1 .......od "I.t>b&.loao, .od _ _ onlyv.l..".. <10<.-...,.,. _tff,.J d Ill;' ........ loa' oloo oIIlo M ....... ' -e-.......... by 51&, 'loo 00..,_.,'.,,_ , f«oiPq by N_r-.,. ......,.~.ull'~ RU,rrAJICM '" SOurH

~FIIlCA• ...... 1(_.............

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0. ..... ., ... Lofo, do<--.,--. .,_, Clonio __ _..... _, -......_ .. _;. .. 1 1 I........- ........--- .._-_ .........__ W .... II=' ..._.-..1 .,---... .-.. ..-. ..-- , .. ,,,...........- ' ,TlIioio_._., _'"': -I _, io -.' " ...-.'- _- ...;.,......................_ ...-., .........- ....T'" sv. 01 .", ,..trio a.-;,~ ,,__ 1_ r.- ...H~ ».... pt!" ''''!IodI.... w......~ 1"f. ,.,.,. ".

11/6. L.a..

SI.¥GU '£UU, ..,.)-.-..,..p'r'dlor __ 1'ri<e

tbouth theoo _ ......, oarpt> 'ram""" .......10 _ will> no ~1c<:lIo ofwhrn IlIo ''''''Y ........ plIa _ IhiI"""\11)'1 Lao, «<"''1'1 Pre-wu .,.f""'1.wvl It iI ;rn~bIo '0 ~1l>ey at. ......... no< 01 thio timr 0<

11..." but i~" 'lOI'ie~ Wi,h ,I>< poWbIouccplion of Sa''''', Wilh • ""'1' ofm. ol'trma,h of d.. Sponish CivaWu-not. in my <>pin;"" ""ywhen:Dtar "00 '--thil "timeleoo" clatw:lc<__ to apro. a wi""'",,,.,aJ 01 theoool<mp<l<aty WT;.... ~ot<d b<n'mm the """"""'P"'&'Y !if<, of FJ'&I><I<"""F~ Hen, tb<re is Wen.•.pIraty; bu' Ji,.lo .... i< twntd "f'O"anycltbo ........._~ .... """.-..tirtII 0<'''111)'• ..,.,.. the !Mo ""'"-w ItnIlalIot 01 ......~ Ihio.. the f ' "'" 01 <be ..n..... boo, 01.the ..a..: for i< _ appum'tha' flUl<C Mo .. (lIUI • --'* 01~otrary IAlnot =:.. Id' -............ " ........_ ...... flr-ItaI.M..un, F._' sr.n... E4ioed bor J.

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It.liF RlVIEWS wlI"r THI: ,.IIAI WORLD lIuurWA..W'l"S", __ ". :Iio;

'_M ."nCHC~ TO WOIlLD __ ~ r.- _HULTH. lo .. -. .. _ Wluo ~ ... _,-- ......... _ .-.. .. , _, ..___ .. -i":!" riool.~...·..:._ ...~ .t_...... _,..~ '" WOtIol. "Wi<\d.lo l.uo. <IiI _<rioo. .-lIr ....,!K<alll. (),p..oioo..... ,*,,\w'riooo ,.... N~ to .so witll ..., of......". I"""'.... 01 -w.-;.. io __• MW- 10.. 06<....." ..,. ...J..,. "",_ I",,~ in .- ~ writ... i n<k•..., r_ .....".. - -"""do "'" , ... f !i"c. 01 ~ aIIioKc .. "",""t..t b _.... ,.... of ~;,!~.~. I nil _ ..' .. IooiId _1 ...... ~_ • .-.!looo •~ Iilr. l·~ .... _ .• ~: ... t" ...... _ ......~ .. _""-'" ...... -"(__ .. ,f .. ""'" ._....,. • ....-_ .. 011,.__11 .. 0lil __ _ ........... '1 ,_•......... }OI_ ..:' " 1"lloo~""'Io_'"VIo<i".,. . :",aI;' " , __ ... oIiow- loo • ,

...wdIioc -',......... "" ;"" .', ...."I fiaoIIJ ......-...... 01_ r.- ;, _ _..- io t11 _ .. ,. __ _ .. _ loo ;'_0' '" _

_n'n.. ..~ .....~ .... pooi,"", ...d.., of .- " ... poru to ,''' Sov;"--" .. hKllh. ao..-.,n_n' 011,.. 01 _i,_ ......;".111 So ..,.l ...... ],o/l. I'uIolloIlod ... 1.0... ..... _OIrial ....p.

....."..... I'ri«I nil..... . 'r _ A U.... 01 0._ c__ ..It'H"T IS .Acn No -, •• - • __~ Do' 101.

"""l/NUlXI __ .... _ --1", !I _.-.._. __-_._.__ ...._.._-- ..":.-.-...1 ... It __ .-11<.- .................I"'AlI __ _

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EIItn IJ/ THE WUnD. Ao< __I1"'---V Xii,Ioo_n._ol" _

-,..., ..-----­...._.. ,...- .......,.-...__ .......- hod.A __ ""'I<L Pm< W.

• Tbu ' ••1......,,, .', .''''U4 /'_n. _,,041, 27 Hi,~ Coo" Ch..·6.m, 7"".......".

_ ... , ...~ ..... is''' __ It ..
