Government of Odisha


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Government of Odisha


Rural Development Department

Sl. No. CONTENTS Page No.



Introduction 1-16



Outcome Budget, 2014-15 Statement (Plan & Non-Plan)




Reform Measures & Policy Initiatives 101-103



Past performance of programmes and schemes 104-112


Financial Review 113-120


Gender and SC/ST Budgeting


Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page I


The Outcome Budget of Rural Development Department broadly indicates

physical dimensions of the financial outlays reflecting the expected intermediate

output. The Outcome Budget is a tool to monitor not just the immediate physical

"outputs" that are more readily measurable but also the "outcomes" which are the end


2. The Outcome Budget 2015-16 broadly consists of the following chapters:

Chapter-I: Brief introduction of the functions, organizational set up, list of

major programmes/schemes implemented by the Department, its mandate, goals

and policy frame work.

Chapter-II: Tabular format(s)/statements indicating the details of financial

outlays, projected physical outputs and projected outcomes for 2015-16 under

Plan and Non-Plan.

Chapter-III: The details of reform measures and policy initiatives taken by

the Department during the course of the year.

Chapter-IV: Write-up on the past performance of the year 2013-14 and

2014-15 (up to March-2015)

Chapter-V: Actuals of the year preceding the previous year, Budget

Estimates and Revised Estimates of the previous year, Budget Estimates of the

Current Financial year.

Chapter-VI: Highlights of the outlays provided for the schemes benefiting

Women, ST and SC groups along with the corresponding physical output.

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page II

Monitoring Mechanism of Rural Development department

The establishment of the Millennium Development Goals has significantly

reinforced the concerns about non-income poverty. With the paradigm shift in

economic development from growth to broadly defined “development,” the concept

of rural development has begun to be used in a broad sense. The concept now

encompasses “concerns that go well beyond improvement in growth, income and

output. Connectivity – physical like roads, water and sanitation services to our people

in rural areas is not an administration but a mission.

Road transport is vital for the economic development and social integration of

the country. Easy accessibility, flexibility of operations, door-to-door service and

reliability have earned road transport an increasingly higher share of both passenger

and freight traffic vis-à-vis other transport modes. Transport sector accounts for a

share of 6.4 percent in India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Road Transport

Sector has grown significantly during the past five decades. Road Transport has deep

linkages with the rest of the economy and a strong multiplier effect. Transport is

essentially a derived demand depending upon the size and structure of the economy

and the demographic profile of the population. Greater the share of commodity-

producing sectors like agriculture and manufacturing, higher is the demand for

transport. Orissa’s surge in growth and expansion in public spending in the past

decade has created new possibilities for its social protection system. Social protection

strategy must aim at mitigating water poverty in rural areas. The Government is

firmly committed to the goal of providing safe drinking water and sanitation facilities

to the entire population of the State. The Government is equally committed to the

objective of ensuring source and system sustainability. Despite the efforts put forth in

the past, there is a growing concern over the widening gap between the expectations

of the people and the achievements. Paucity of funds, over-exploitation of water

resources, degradation of water recharge structures, competing demand on the

available water resources, depleting water availability due to continuous failure of

monsoon are some of the factors that cause concern on the supply front.

There is an inbuilt monitoring mechanism in the guidelines of each scheme of the

Department so as to ensure that the objectives are achieved by their implementation.

The Deptt. have 13 Sections. Two sections namely (1) Budget and (2) PMGSY are

headed by a F.A-cum-Addl. Secretary. Seven sections like (1) Office Establishment,

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page III

(2) RWS&S (Field Establishment), (3) RW (Establishment), (4) RW (Scheme),

(5) RTI/PMU, (6) Legal Cell and (7) DAK Sections are being headed by One

Additional Secretary supported by One Joint Secretary, One Deputy Secretary, One

Law Officer and two Consultants. Four Sections like (1) RWS&S (Scheme), (2) Bill

and Cash, (3) Coordination and (4) Computer Sections are being managed by one

Deputy Secretary. That apart, there are two Under Secretaries and one AFA-cum-

Under Secretary to assist Addl. Secretary and FA-cum-AS in discharging the official

duties respectively.

The Department has a huge field formation with 2 EICs, 6 Chief Engineers at

Heads of Dept. level (1 EIC and 4 Chief Engineers in Rural Works Organization, 1

EIC and 2 Chief Engineers in Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Organization), 23

circles headed by S.Es at Circle level (15-RW + 8-RWS&S) and 103 Divisions

headed by Executive Engineers at District level ( 65-RW and 38-RWS&S) and 321

Sub-Divisions (RW- 228+ RWS&S-93) headed by Asst. Executive Engineers (AEE)

at Sub-Division level, 1064 Sections (RW- 678 + RWS&S-386) headed by AEEs and

AE/JEs who are looking after the functioning of this Department. This is in addition

to 314 JEs recently engaged for O&M and sanitation work in each Panchayat Samiti.

There are two Agencies namely (i) Odisha State Rural Road Agency (OSRRA)-

chaired by Hon'ble Minister RD, to monitor the PMGSY works and (ii) Odisha State

Water & Sanitation Mission (OSWSM)- chaired by the Chief Secretary, to

monitor/execute the Swachha Bharat Abhiyan (Gramin) (previously known as Nirmal

Bharat Abhiyan/Total Sanitation Campaign programme). Apart from continuous

monitoring through periodical progress reports received from the office of EICs on

both the financial and physical progress of the programmes, Principal Secretary

monitors the progress of the schemes through Video Conference regularly. The

Department also emphasizes on E-Governance. Emphasis is being given on both

quality and quantity of physical progress. For effective monitoring of quality of works

for non-PMGSY works Third Party Quality Monitoring System is being established.

To monitor the physical progress of each project, provision has been made in WAMIS

for uploading the geo-tagged photographs of works. This system will facilitate the

high level officers to monitor both the physical as well as financial progress of

projects. The Department is also planning to have a Web GIS Asset Management

Information System taking all Roads, Buildings, Bridges/culverts and PWS

installations with the help of C-DAC and ORSAC.

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page IV

Furnishing of statement of expenditure, Utilization Certificates, Audited

Accounts and other requisite reports are submitted for the release of subsequent


The officer dealing with the implementation of the programmes visits regularly

the site to ensure that the programmes are being implemented satisfactorily.

Officers visit their assigned districts at regular intervals and the important

observations of such teams are shared with the Department advising them to take

appropriate corrective measures, wherever shortcomings are noticed.

A Performance Review Committee under the chairmanship of Principal

Secretary reviews the performance of various programmes being implemented by the

districts and recommends corrective action wherever found necessary.

With a view to fulfilling the objective of ensuring quality in implementation,

particularly in the context of large public funds being spent under all the programmes

of the Department the Monitoring Committees are constituted.

Work Plan for DoRD for the Financial Year 2014-15 was prepared with due

consultation of all stake holders. The work plan was drawn up taking into account the

annual budget provisions and past performance of respective areas of work. The Chief

Engineers were asked to draw up similar month wise and head of expenditure wise

financial and physical plans for all the Divisions to enable field functionaries to

appreciate the purpose and benefit of Results Framework Approach. Evaluation has

been made basing on the scheme-wise weightage provided to physical targets. It is

found that during the financial year 2014-15, the achievement was about 111%

(excluding the funds which have not been released by GoI). The RFD for the year

2015-16 is also prepared and submitted to P&C Department.

Public Information System

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) plays a vital role in

creating awareness, mobilizing people and making the development participatory

through advocacy and by transferring knowledge, skills and techniques to the people.

Moreover, IEC plays two most important roles – informative and persuasive and as

such is crucial for bringing about requisite social mobilization and facilitating

participatory development.

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page V

The following strategy that has been adopted by the Department would be

continued to ensure maximum benefits out of the programmes of the Department.

Odisha Right To Public Services Act 2012 – Repair of Handpump

Delivery of important services in a time bound manner is the hallmark of

Good Governance. Government of Odisha has time and again initiated steps for

improving the service delivery to its citizen. Keeping with the ethos of a Welfare

State, Government of Odisha has passed a landmark legislation "Odisha Right to

Public Services Act, 2012" that guarantees the delivery of public services in a time

bound manner. With the passing of Right to Public Services Act, Government of

Odisha has taken another strong step to bring efficiency, accountability and

transparency in delivery of the public services. Time period of services (Repair of

Hand Pump Tubewells) has been prescribed as detailed below:

(i) 7 days of Minor Repair (ii) 14 days of Major Repair(except replacement) (iii) 28 days for replacement.

Designated Officer .. Junior Engineer-II, RWSS Appellate Authority .. Assistant Engineer, RWSS Revisional Authority .. Block Development Officer.

All the Tubewells belonging to RWSS organisation are being painted in number Any

person who wants to repair the tubewells may apply to the Designated Officer (DO)

by giving the details of tubewell in a plain paper along with his address, and DO shall

repair the said tubewell within 7 days.

APPEAL : Any person whose application is rejected or not provided the service

within given time limit may within 30 days from the date of receipt of order of

rejection of expiry of given time limit prefer an appeal before the Appellate Authority.

Appellate Authority may within a period of 30 days from the date of filing of appeal

by order, direct the Designated Officer to provide the service within the time limit

mentioned in the order.

REVISION: Any person aggrieved by the order of Appellate Authority or in case of

non-disposal of the appeal in time may within 30 days from the date of that order,

prefer a revision. Revision with 30 days.

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page VI

Revisional Authority may impose penalty within the designated officer appellate

authority and the subordinate staff `5000/ or `250/ per each day of delay shall be

proportioned to be decided by the revisional authority. Public holidays shall not be

included in the given time limit. This is an act of the Government to provide service

within the given time.

Sanjog Initiative

Sanitation is essential to ensure a better quality of life among all sections of

people in rural and urban areas. 80% of common diseases are caused by lack of

sanitation and personal hygiene practices. Swatchha Bharat Mission (SBM)-Gramin

does not limit itself to safe disposal of human excreta; it forms a comprehensive

concept that includes safe disposal of solid and liquid waste, domestic and personal

hygiene. SBM in Odisha is being implemented in all the 30 districts of the State. The

Programme is “community-led” and “people-centered” with increased stress on

awareness creation and demand generation from people for sanitary facilities in

households for cleaner environment. The present Operational Guidelines and booklet

on Technology Options are developed to guide district as well as field functionaries

and core team members in smooth implementation of the programme. This is

necessary because of low coverage of IHL construction and less involvement of

Panchayati Raj Institutions specifically Gram Panchayats in the program.

The Sarpanch will monitor the progress of the household, school and

anganwadi sanitation in the GP. He /she will be supported by a team of AWWs,

ASHA, SEM and village motivators to make household visits, and assess the

participation of the households, installation of complete and usable toilets,

technologically appropriate and fitted correctly to ensure best benefits to the

community. An appropriate superstructure should also be done to render the toilet

usable immediately. The completed toilets will be verified by a two member team

consisting of SEM and AWW, AWW and ASHA or the SEM and ASHA. The

implementing agency, SHGs, the AWWs, ASHA, and Sarpanch will continue to

advocate the use of toilets after the installation is complete.

They should also emphasize the importance of other associated hygiene

practices, hand washing with soap after defecation and before handling food, safe

disposal of child fecal, safe disposal of waste water and solid waste, cleanliness

around hand pumps, clean tube well platforms etc. Nirmal Gram Puraskar has been

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page VII

awarded to 236 Gram Panchayats for achieving total sanitation and open defecation

free environment by HE President of India


Efficiency of delivery is increasingly becoming the focus of governmental

programmes. This is both on account of an explicit recognition of sub-optimal

achievements in reaching the targeted beneficiaries in many of the schemes as well as

in curbing wasteful expenditure. Realizing this, new tools, particularly application of

modern technology are being resorted to in achieving governance and delivery


As per section 4 of Right to Information Act, 2005 every public authority shall

maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed in a manner and the form which

facilitates the right to information under this Act and ensure that all records that are

appropriate to be computerized are, within a reasonable time and subject to

availability of resources, computerized and connected through a network all over the

country on different systems so that access to such records is facilitated. The Act U/S

4-4 further says that all materials shall be disseminated taking into consideration the

cost effectiveness, local language and the most effective method of communication in

that local area and the information should be easily accessible, to the extent possible

in electronic format with the Central Public Information Officer or State Public

Information Officer, as the case may be, available free or at such cost of the medium

or the print cost price as may be prescribed.

The e-initiatives of RD department were meant to answer the above need and

convert this threat into an opportunity to automate the processes that can be done

using latest technology platforms. e-Dispatch, iOTMS, e-Procurement, LMS,

OMMAS, IMIS, WAMIS, e-Abhiyog, Sanjog Helpline and OSWAS were major

steps, taken. In addition to the above the website of RD Department are maintained

and updated regularly.

Road Ahead

Rural Development Department is in charge of construction and maintenance

of rural roads, rural Govt. buildings (both residential and non-residential) and water

supply installations. We have got plan to connect habitations with population 250 and

above in 18 IAP districts and habitations with population 500 & above in plain areas

and 250 and above in schedule area for balance 12 Non-IAP districts in phased

Outcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page VIII

manner. Till 31.03.2014, 7308 habitations above 250 populations have been provided

connectivity under PMGSY. During 2014-15, approx. 500 habitations were targeted

to be provided with all-weather connectivity. Out of such habitations, connectivity

have been provided to 418 unconnected habitations till end of December 2014.

Similarly we have less than 2% rural house hold with tap-water in their household. 74

lakh rural household require 3-taps (kitchen bathroom and toilet) in their households

to enjoy water security at household level. Sanitation coverage among BPL is

encouraging but the same among APL is not so. This may require more intensive and

extensive IEC campaign for times ahead.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 1



The concept of rural development has changed significantly during the last 3 decades. Until the 1970s, rural development was synonymous with agricultural development and, hence, focused on increasing agricultural production. This focus seems to have been driven primarily by the interests of industrialization to extract surpluses from the agriculture sector to reinforce industrialization. Four major factors appear to have influenced the change: increased concerns about the persistent and deepening of rural poverty; changing views on the meaning of the concept of development itself; emergence of a more diversified rural economy in which rural non-farm enterprises play an increasingly important role; and increased recognition of the importance of reducing the non-income dimensions of poverty to achieve sustainable improvements in the socio-economic well-being of the poor.

The establishment of the Millennium Development Goals has significantly reinforced the concerns about non-income poverty. With the paradigm shifts in economic development from growth to broadly defined “development,” the concept of rural development has begun to be used in a broader sense. The concept now encompasses “concerns that go well beyond improvements in growth, income, and output. The concerns include an assessment of changes in the quality of life, broadly defined to include improvement in health and nutrition, education, environmentally safe living conditions, and reduction in gender and income inequalities.”Today there seems to be a universal consensus that the ultimate objective of rural development is to improve the quality of life of rural people. This makes it essential to go beyond the income-related factors such as prices, production, and productivity to a range of non-income factors that influence quality of life and hence inclusiveness. Inclusive rural development is a more specific concept than the concept of rural development.

Rural upliftment requires strong commitment, patience and perseverance. It is a challenging but interesting task. The Govt. can not by itself provide the required services/comforts without the cooperation of the all stake-holde` Physical connectivity like construction of roads and bridges and providing adequate safe drinking water as well as sanitation services to our rural population is indeed a mission and not a mere administrative function. With this concept, R.D. Department was created on 1st July, 1990 to look after sectors like construction of rural roads, buildings construction & maintenance of rural water supply projects and implementation of sanitation programmes to enhance the quality of life of rural population of the State.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 2

Work Plan for DoRD for the Financial Year 2014-15 is prepared with due

consultation of all stake holders.The work plan was drawn up taking into account the annual

budget provisions and past performance in respective areas of work. The Chief Engineers

were asked to draw up similar month wise and head-wise financial and physical plans for all

the divisions to enable field functionaries to appreciate the purpose and benefit of Results

Framework Approach. We propose to continue this in current financial year.

The Rural Development Department in its present form consists of two organisations

namely (i) Rural Works (R.W.) (ii) Rural Water Supply & Sanitation (RWS&S).

Organisational Setup:

The Deptt. have 13 Sections. Two sections namely (1) Budget and (2) PMGSY are

headed by a F.A-cum-Addl. Secretary. Seven sections like (1) Office Establishment, (2)

RWS&S (Field Establishment), (3) RW (Establishment), (4) RW (Scheme), (5) RTI/PMU,

(6) Legal Cell and (7) DAK Sections are being headed by One Additional Secretary

supported by One Joint Secretary, One Deputy Secretary, One Law Officer and two

Consultants. Four Sections like (1) RWS&S (Scheme), (2) Bill and Cash, (3) Coordination

and (4) Computer Sections are being managed by one Deputy Secretary. That apart, there are

two Under Secretaries and one AFA-cum-Under Secretary to assist Addl. Secretary and FA-

cum-AS in discharging the official duties respectively.

The Department has a huge field formation with 2 EICs, 6 Chief Engineers at Heads

of Dept. level (1 EIC and 4 Chief Engineers in Rural Works Organization, 1 EIC and 2 Chief

Engineers in Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Organization), 23 circles headed by S.Es at

Circle level (15-RW + 8-RWS&S) and 103 Divisions headed by Executive Engineers at

District level ( 65-RW and 38-RWS&S) and 321 Sub-Divisions (RW- 228+ RWS&S-93)

headed by Asst. Executive Engineers (AEE) at Sub-Division level, 1064 Sections (RW- 678

+ RWS&S-386) headed by AEEs and AE/JEs who are looking after the functioning of this

Department. This is in addition to 314 JEs recently engaged for O&M and sanitation work in

each Panchayat Samiti. There are two Agencies namely (i) Odisha State Rural Road Agency

(OSRRA)- chaired by Hon'ble Minister RD, to monitor the PMGSY works and (ii) Odisha

State Water & Sanitation Mission (OSWSM)- chaired by the Chief Secretary, to

monitor/execute the Swachha Bharat Mission (Gramin) (previously known as Nirmal Bharat

Abhiyan/Total Sanitation Campaign programme).

Principal Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer to monitor the work of the Department.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 3






Deputy Secretary Joint Secretary


Under Secretary Under Secretary

(1) Bill and Cash (2) Coordination

(1) RWS&S (Field Est.) (2) RWS&S (Scheme) (3) Computer Cell (4) DAK Section (Despatch, Diary and Distribution)

(1) Office Establishment (2) RTI/IMU

(1) RW (Field Est.) (2) RW (Scheme) (3) Legal Cell

1. Budget Section (Audit Report, compliance to SVP Report, Inspection Report, Efficiency Audit Report) 2.PMGSY

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 4

2.CHIEF ENGINEER,R.W-II (Constn. & Maint. of roads under ADB assisted PMGSY, MMSY & Quality Monitoring of PMGSY Scheme)

3.CHIEF ENGINEER,R.W-III (Constn. of roads under RIDF & Plan Scheme)

4.CHIEF ENGINEER,R.W (Constn. of RMSA buildings & Bailey bridges & Quality Monitoring of Non-PMGSY Schemes .)


(Planning, Budget, Accounts,Improment & mainteannce of RD Roads, PMGSY, BSY, RIDF(Bridge) & Establishment)






























12. S.E. P.H., BBSR












1.CHIEF ENGINEER,R.W-I (Constn. & Maint. of Bldgs. except RMSA Bldgs.)

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 5


ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF (Overall charge of Rural Water Supply

Establishment, Budget,installation, repair & maintenance of spot sources)

CHIEF ENGINEER-II ( In charge of PWS and deposit works)

CHIEF ENGINEER-III (In charge of Nirnal Bharat Abhiyan &













1. PURI 2. Khurda 3. NAYAGARH 4. DHENKANAL 5. ANGUL at Talcher















OFFICCE OF THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF/OSWSM Executive Engineer (Asst. to CE) Executive Engineer (Design)

Executive Engineer - MC-II Executive Engineer -MC-I

Executive Engineer – (T.P.) Executive Engineer – RWSS

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 6


The activities of the DoRD are supported by financial outlays in the Plan and Non-Plan

Budget of the State Govt.Besides the grants received from the Central Govt through ministry of Rural

Development for implementation of National Rural Drinking Water project on the sharing basis

50:50 in Coverage, Operation & Maintainence and Water Quality programme.Further Govt. of India

have provided 100% funds for implementation of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana for

construction of all-weather connectivity to all unconnected habitations in rural area of the

State having more than or equal to The existing PMGSY scheme aims for providing

connectivity to the unconnected habitations of 500 + population in general area and 250+

population in 18 IAP districts & upto 100+ population in 38 LWE blocks.

The funds were previously released by the Govt. of India under PMGSY not routed

through State Govt. Budget and the same is directly released to the implementing agency

i.e.OSRRA(Odisha State Rural Road Agency). Govt. of India launched “Swachh Bharat

Mission (Gramin)” with effect from 2nd October 2014. It aims to achieve Swachh Bharat by

2019, as a fitting tribute to the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The National

Flagship programme of GoI for sanitation i.e. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan has been restructured

and renamed as “Swachh Bharat Mission” (Gramin). The concept of Swachh Bharat

encompasses ways to access every person with sanitation facilities including toilets, solid &

liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness and provision of adequate drinking water.

In line with the national goal, Govt. of Odisha has also taken strong initiatives and strives to

make Odisha Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2019 by ensuring construction and use of

Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) alongwith environmental cleanliness. Previously, to

achieve the above targets, the above mission was addressed to through the centrally

sponsored “Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan"(NBA) previously known as "Total Sanitation

Campaign" (TSC). The SBM programme is being implemented in all the 30 districts of the

State. Government of India releases funds through State Govt. budget and the State Govt.

releases funds as matching state share after making appropriate provision in the state budget.

The entire operation under this campaign is being looked after by the OSWSM of RD

Department and the District Water and Sanitation Missions.

The Scheme-wise provision under State Plan for 2015-16 is as follows:

(` in TRS)

Sl. No.

Scheme Head of Account BE 2015-16

1 NRDWP 28-2215-01-102-2477-37285 2814637

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 7

28-2215-01-789-2477-37285 797481 28-2215-01-796-2477-37285 1078944

SUB- TOTAL 4691062 2 Capacity Building 28-2215-01-102-2604-37180 80000 3 NBA 28-2215-02-105-2940-41417-918 4000200

28-2215-02-789-2940-41417-918 1133390 28-2215-02-796-2940-41417-918 1533410

SUB -TOTAL 6667000 4 Off.BUILDINGS 28-4059-01-051-2148-37114 60000

28-4059-01-789-2148-37114 17000 28-4059-01-796-2148-37114 23000

SUB -TOTAL 100000 5 RES. BUILDINGS 28-4216-01-106-2148-37114 132000

28-4216-01-789-2148-37114 37400 28-4216-01-796-2148-37114 50600

SUB -TOTAL 220000 6 Rural Water Supply 28-4215-01-102-0007-37182 600000

28-4215-01-789-0007-37182 170000 28-4215-01-796-0007-37182 230000

SUB -TOTAL 1000000 7 RIDF 28-4215-01-102-2161-37182 900000

28-4215-01-789-2161-37182 255000 28-4215-01-796-2161-37182 345000

SUB- TOTAL 1500000 8 Completion of incomplete

Roads and &Bridges under different tranches of RIDF and other schemes

28-5054-04-800-1230-37158 1720000 28-5054-80-789-1230-37158 204000 28-5054-80-796-1230-37158 276000

SUB- TOTAL 2200000 9 Iincentive to Contractors 28-5054-04-800-1230-78218 30000

10 Improvement of existing RD roads

28-5054-04-800-1230-37247 342000 28-5054-80-789-1230-37247 96900 28-5054-80-796-1230-37247 131100

SUB- TOTAL 570000 11 B S Y 28-5054-04-800-2161-37257 900000

28-5054-80-789-2161-37257 255000 28-5054-80-796-2161-37257 345000

SUB -TOTAL 1500000 12 Dev. of Rural Road

Connectivity 28-5054-04-800-1230-37287 18000 28-5054-80-789-1230-37287 5100 28-5054-80-796-1230-37287 6900

SUB -TOTAL 30000 13 Capacity Building 28-5054-04-800-2604-37180 80000

14. PMGSY 28-5054-04-337-1077-37114 18000000 15. RIDF 28-5054-04-789-2161-37107 765000

28-5054-04-796-2161-37107 1035000 28-5054-04-800-2161-37107 2700000

SUB -TOTAL 4500000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 8

16. MMSY 28-5054-04-800-2161-37286-119 1500000 28-5054-04-789-2161-37286-119 425000 28-5054-04-796-2161-37286-119 575000

SUB- TOTAL 2500000 17 CWA 28-5054-04-789-0906-37107 48280

28-5054-04-796-0906-37107 65320 28-5054-04-800-0906-37107 170400

SUB- TOTAL 284000 18 SCA for KBK 28-5054-04-789-2526-37107 144500

28-5054-04-796-2526-37107 195500 28-5054-04-800-2526-37107 510000

SUB -TOTAL 850000 19 LAND ACQ 28-5054-04-800-2373-37105 5000 20 DECRETAL DUES 28-5054-04-800-2373-14001 1000 21 Construction of Bailey

Bridges 28-5054-04-101-1230-37281 1500000 28-5054-04-789-1230-37281 425000 28-5054-04-796-1230-37281 575000

SUB -TOTAL 2500000 GRAND TOTAL 47308062

The details are as follows:

A. STATE PLAN (i) Rural Works A total outlay of `332200.00 lakh has been proposed for the year 2015-16 under the roads & bridge sector/building sector of Rural Works Organisation Schemes to be implemented as follows. 1) Construction of R.D.Deptt. Building (Non-Residential) R.W ( `500.00 lakh)

A sum of `500.00 lakh has been proposed for the year 2015-16 for construction of office building for different office of Rural Development Department.

2) R.W Residential Building (`1200.00 lakh)

A sum of `1200.00 lakh has been proposed for construction of residential building under Rural Development Department for the year 2015-16.

3) Rural Roads and Bridges (NABARD Assisted Project) (`45000.00 lakh)

A sum of `45000.00 lakh has been proposed in the year 2015-16 for construction of bridges & roads under NABARD scheme.

4) Road Works (PMGSY) (`190000.00 lakh)

A sum of `190000.00 lakh has been proposed for construction of roads & bridges under this scheme during 2015-16. Out of this, `180000.00 lakh have been allocated as Central Share and `.10000.00 lakh towards State Contribution to meet the cost of

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 9

construction of bridges, tender premium & labour escalation etc. The amount of State Contribution i.e. `.10000.00 lakh has been provided under the scheme "Completion of incomplete roads and bridges under different tranches of RIDF & Other Schemes".

5) CWA (Constituency Wise Allotment) (` 2840.00 lakh) `20.00 lakh has been provided for each Assembly constituency (except five urban constituencies) in the budget for the year 2015-16 for improvement of Rural Roads.

6) Completion of incomplete roads & bridges under different tranches of R.I.D.F & Other Schemes. (`12000.00 lakh)

A sum of `.7000.00 lakh has been earmarked for completion of incomplete roads and bridges under different trenches of RIDF& other schems and `.5000.00 lakh for ongoing works of 2014-15 under onetime ACA.

7) Capacity Building(Resource & Infrastructure Development) (`800.00 lakh)

A sum of `800.00 lakh has been proposed under capacity building for Survey Expenses, Survey Equipment, Tech. Training,Consultancy charges-PMU & Quality Monitoring important roads, bridges & building projects, DPR preparation, Computerisation of offices, WAMIS, GIS exposure visit inside/outside country etc. for the year 2015-16.

8) Land acquisition charges (`50.00 lakh) A sum of `50.00 lakh has been proposed for the year 2015-16 towards land acquisition for different rural roads and bridges.

9) Decretal dues (`10.00 lakh) After settlement of the court cases, Govt. needs to pay decretal dues as and when necessary Provision of `10.00 lakh has been proposed for the year 2015-16.

10) Biju Setu Yojana (`15000.00 lakh)

`15000.00 lakh has been proposed for construction of bridges on rural roads under Biju Setu Yojana during 2015-16.

11) Improvement of existing RD roads. (`5700.00 lakh) There is a provision of `5700.00 lakhs for improvement of existing R.D. Roads. during 2015-16.

12) Incentive for early completion of Major Projects. (`300.00 lakh) There is a proposal of of `300.00 lakhs towards incentive to contractors for early completion of Major Projects during 2015-16.

13) Special Programme for KBK dist. (SCA). (`8500.00 lakh) There is a proposal of `8500.00 lakhs for improvement of road in KBK dist during 2015-16.

14) Construction of Bailey Bridges. (`25000.00 lakh) There is a proposal of of `25000.00 lakhs for construction of 103 Bailey Bridges in inaccessible areas IAP districts during 2015-16.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 10

15) Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana. (`25000.00 lakh) There is a proposal of `25000.00 lakhs for improvement of important RD roads during 2015-16. This is new scheme introduced during 2014-15 for construction/improvement of rural roads. The modalities of the scheme is being finalized.

16) Development of Rural road connectivity. (`300.00 lakh) There is a proposal of `300.00 lakhs for development of rural road connectivity during 2015-16. This is new scheme introduced during 2014-15 for construction/improvement of rural roads. The modalities of the scheme is being finalized

(ii) Rural Water Supply The availability of safe drinking water is an important role in the health and wellbeing of the people. Rural Development Department is the nodal department for providing safe drinking water in rural population.

1. NRDWP (SP: `46910.62 lakh) The rural water supply and sanitation organisation is functioning under the Rural

Development Department primarily aims at providing safe drinking water to the rural people of the state. From the year 2009-10, rural water supply is carried out as per the new guideline of GOI i.e. National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP). The goal of the programme is to provide every rural person with adequate water for drinking, cooking and other domestic basic needs on a sustainable basis. There is a paradigm shift in coverage from habitation to household. To meet the emerging challenges in the rural drinking water sector relating to availability of sustainable and qualitative drinking water supply, the components covered under the program are NRDWP-Coverage, Sustainability, Water quality, operation & maintenance and Support activities. The proposed fund includes provision to address water quality related issues in the fluoride affected districts particularly Nuapada.

To meet the above needs, an amount of `.46910.62 lakh under State Plan in the Budget for the year 2015-16 is available against anticipated GoI allocation of `.23528.00 lakh.

Target has been fixed to take up 1300 PWS and 33000 spot sources under NRDWP during the year-2015-16

2. Capacity Building: (SP: `800.00 lakh) An amount of `800.00 lakh is available in the Budget for capacity building. The scope of the works include survey & investigation, Source finding and preparation of detailed project reports for new rural PWS Schemes, Procurement of Survey Equipments, training, Exposure visit inside and outside India, consultancy charges, PMU establishment charges, quality monitoring, computerisation, WAMIS & GIS etc.

3. Construction of Buildings of RWSS Org. (SP: `1500.00 lakh) A sum of `500.00 lakh is available for construction of newly created office buildings

and `1000.00 lakh for Govt. Residentail Building during the year 2015-16.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 11

4. Rural Water Supply (SP: `10000.00 lakh) A sum of `.10000.00 lakh has been allocated under state Plan to cover PWS projects

as well as spot sources in villages and habitations where it is not possible to cover those locations under NRDWP. State specific projects can be taken up to meet the demand of public on priority basis. 6. RIDF: (SP: `15000.00 lakh)

A Mega Scheme covering all the Un-Covered habitations including Fluoride affected Habitations of Nuapada District is proposed to be taken up which is duly approved in the High Power Committee with RIDF Assistance. The approximate cost of the project is `75245.00 Lakh. To overcome the chloride presence in the coastal district of Puri One Mega PWS Scheme covering 59 Villages of Bramhagiri Block with an estimated cost of `1920.00 lakh is under Progress. (iii) Rural Sanitation.

S.S. `16670.00 lakh C.S. `50000.00 lakh

In order to address the rural sanitation needs through community empowerment, the centrally sponsored Swachha Bharat Mission (SBM) previously known as NBA/TSCis being implemented in all the 30 districts of the State. The entire operation under this campaign is being looked after by “Orissa State Water & Sanitation Mission (OSWSM)” of RD Department and the District Water and Sanitation Missions (DWSMs). In the Annual Plan for the year 2014-15 an amount of `16670.00 lakh towards State share and `50000.00 lakh has been proposed as state Share. B. NON- PLAN

(I) RURAL WORKS ORGANISATON: A total outlay amounting to `109417.05 lakh has been proposed under Non-Plan grant in Rural Works Organization during 2015-16.

Finance Commission Award Under 13th Finance Commission Award, provision of `3600 lakh and `8200 lakh

have been made for maintenance of 5 year completed PMGSY roads and R.D. roads respectively.

Maintenance of Roads and Bridges: `52648.23 lakh has been proposed for repair, maintenance, improvement/widening of R.D. roads and bridges during 2015-16. Maintenance of Rural Buildings:

`26059.64 lakh has been proposed during 2015-16 maintenance of residential and

non-residential buildings including `2300.00 lakh for maintenance of 20 years old,

`1500.00 Lakh for 30year old and `50.00 lakh for maintenance of 50 years old High School

Buildings borne in the books of R.D. Department.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 12


Maintenance of Water Supply and Sanitary installations - ` 611.93 Lakh Residential Building -

Maintenance of Water Supply and Sanitary installations - ` 381.18 Lakh Direction and Administration - ` 5538.43 lakh Machinery and Equipment - ` 1519.70 lakh RWSS M & R, WagesWork Charged Salaries etc. - ` 6544.21 lakh Suspense - ` 0.01 lakh Decretal Dues - ` 5.50 lakh Sanitary Technitians' Training - ` 9.69 lakh Labour and Employment - ` 11.00 lakh

Total - `14621.65 lakh


The role of drinking water for individual's survival, reducing illness, enhancing

economic growth and improving peoples’ quality of life has acquired prominence in the

process of the development agenda in recent years. The 10th Plan accorded topmost priority to

provision of stipulated quantity of safe drinking water to "Not Covered" (NC) habitations,

followed by coverage of “Partially Covered” (PC) and the quality affected habitations

(having contaminated water). In previous years, the habitations were mostly covered by

installation of hand pump tube wells and sanitary wells. But it is found that these sources do

not attend to the desired level of sustainability. Hence it is decided that desired goal can be

achieved by providing water to rural habitations through Piped Water Supply (PWS)

schemes. The State Government has a clear mandate to cover all uncovered rural habitations

and Government & Government aided schools. As on 31.03.2015, there are 1,57,296

habitations (115830-FC+35648-PC+5818-WQ) have been provided with drinking water

facility through 402590 spot sources (hand pump Tube Well and Sanitary Wells) and 9752

Piped Water Supply projects commissioned in the State.

National Rural Drinking Water Programme

National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) is being implemented w.e.f. 1.4.2009.

Under this programme, provision of drinking water supply to the rural population is made

through hand pump tube wells and piped water supply schemes. As per the new guidelines

under NRDWP, there has been a shift in approach of coverage which aims at household level

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 13

water security. The State Government provides a matching share of Central Assistance

released for implementation of NRDWP scheme. Under the modified NRDWP programme,

he drinking water supply projects are implemented with the following broad components:

Coverage - 47% Priority has been given to provide safe drinking water to "Not Covered (NC)" habitations followed by coverage of "Partially Covered (PC)" habitations. (matching share 50:50)

Water Quality - 20%

To provide safe alternative sources of drinking water supply in quality affected habitations except for capital investment priority has been given for Fluoride affected habitations followed by Iron & salinity problems. (Matching share - 50:50)

Sustainability (Swajaladhara mode) - 10%

To encourage community participation for sustainability of water supply sources and systems, these schemes are implemented in broad Swajaladhara principle. (No matching share is required from State but contribution from village community is the essence.)

Support activities - 5%

Communication and capacity development (CCDU), Management Information System (MIS) and Computerisation are to be taken up on priority.

Water quality Monitoring & Surveillance –3%

Services of Asha, Angawandi workers, School Teachers, GP members, Social workers etc. will continue to be utilized for Surveillance programme. Monitoring is to be done by entering the test result of all sources tested by the Labs. The habitation and household data must be collected by two village level members i.e. VWSC members selected in the Gram Sabha and fully accountable to the Panchayat. They will also authenticate the test results of field test kits used in the village.

Operation and Maintenance - 15%

Government of India has provided 15% of funds to the State Govt. for operation and maintenance of existing rural water supply system. (matching State share - 50:50)

Rural Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance

Govt. has made significant interventions to improve the availability of drinking water in

rural areas. Activities relating to water quality were limited to testing of water sources at the

time of commissioning the PWS projects and provision of alternative water supply through

sub-mission projects for areas where occurrence of Fluoride, salinity and Iron in ground

water is beyond the permissible limit. The above programme would be implemented at three

levels consisting of the State level, District level and grass root level.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 14

Water Quality Problem Mitigation

A Mega Scheme covering all the Un-Covered habitations including Fluoride affected Habitations of Nuapada District is proposed to be taken up which is duly approved in the High Power Committee for RIDF Assistance. The approximate Cost of the project is `.752.45 Crore.

To overcome the chloride presence in the coastal district of Puri One Mega PWS Scheme covering 59 Villages of Bramhagiri Block with an estimated cost of `.19.20 Crore is under Progress

4 Projects ( Nuamalpada, Amodi, Koligaon, and Thelkodungri), at an estimated cost of `20.32 Crores are taken up under NRDWP.


Sanitation is an important aspect of human life. Absence of proper sanitation facilities hold back poverty reduction and economic growth, thus affecting the quality of life, particularly of women and children. Provision of good sanitation facilities and a clean environment are therefore vital to improve the health of the people and reduce incidence of disease and death. The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) & Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) are largely attributed to poor sanitation.

To improve the sanitation status of the country, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), a demand driven integrated National Flagship Programme on sanitation was came into force in the year 1999 with an objective to accelerate sanitation coverage by demand generation in rural areas and thereby bring about an improvement in the general quality of life of rural mass. The approach emphasized more on Information Education & Communication (IEC) and Capacity Building activities to increase awareness among the rural people about sanitation facilities. An innovative and incentive based scheme, “Nirmal Gram Puraskar” was introduced to encourage the PRIs for promotion of sanitation.

To boost the Campaign, Govt. of India renamed the campaign as Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan” (NBA) with effect from 1st April 2012. The campaign aimed to transform rural India into ‘Nirmal Bharat’ by adopting the ‘community led’ and ‘people centered’ strategies and community saturation approach. The provision of incentive under NBA for construction of IHHL was enhanced to `.10,000/- (NBA- `.4600/- + MGNREGA- `.4500/- + Beneficiary- `.900/-). Under NBA, the incentive for toilet construction was extended to Identified APL families too. However there were implementation difficulties in convergence of NBA with MGNREGA as funding from different sources created delays at the implementation mechanism.

So to accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage and to put focus on sanitation, Govt. of India launched “Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)” with effect from 2nd October 2014. It aims to achieve Swachh Bharat by 2019, as a fitting tribute to the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The National Flagship programme of GoI for

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 15

sanitation i.e. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan has been restructured and renamed as “Swachh Bharat Mission” (Gramin). The concept of Swachh Bharat encompasses ways to access every person with sanitation facilities including toilets, solid & liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness and provision of adequate drinking water. In line with the national goal, Govt. of Odisha has also taken strong initiatives and strives to make Odisha Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2019 by ensuring construction and use of Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) alongwith environmental cleanliness.

Major features of SBM

Swachh Bharat Mission will have two sub-missions- Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) for rural areas and Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) for urban areas.

The Unit cost of the Individual Household Latrine has been enhanced from `.10,000/- to `.12,000/- so as to provide water availability, including storing, hand washing and cleaning of toilets. However no fixed amount has been kept for beneficiary contribution but it is suggested that it should be encouraged to ensure ownership of the HH.

The entire funding for incentive for construction of IHL i.e. `.12,000/- will be met from Swachh Bharat Mission with share of both GoI & GoO.

The responsibility of construction of all School Toilets and Anganwadi Toilets which was rendered to R.D.Deptt. is transferred to S&ME and W&CD Deptt. respectively.

The strategy of implementation of the sanitation programme will focus on behavior change with regard to toilet construction as well as its use.

Emphasis on Solid & Liquid Waste Management for an amount of `.7.00 lakh to `.20.00 lakh as per HH (150- more than 500 HH).

Provision of Community Sanitary Complex with an estimated cost of `2.00 lakh with 10% public contribution

However, to ascertain the actual number of HHs to be benefitted by SBM (G), a state wide Base Line Survey has been conducted and on-line entry of the HHs has been completed. As per the Base line data, it is determined that:-

Total No. of HHs : 9020100

HHs having Toilet : 1038127

Toilets to be constructed : 7659231

Information, Education & Communication (IEC) is continued to be a very important component of the programme. It strives to bring about community wide behavior change and trigger demand for sanitation facilities in Household, School, AWC, as well as promote Community toilet and Solid & Liquid Waste Management through provision of information & awareness generation.

To generate critical mass awareness, intensive IEC activities from state to GP/village level with special focus on Inter-personal Communication (IPC) activities were implemented. A state wide IEC campaign was also organized from 2nd October to 19th November 2014 to sensitize rural mass about the importance of sanitation, construction and use of toilets, hand washing, safe drinking water etc. using different medias.

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To trigger the implementation process, a no. of Community led Total Sanitation (CLTS) trainings were organized and as a result, a cadre of motivators and resource persons are created who will in turn motivate the community to adopt correct hygiene practice, construct and use toilet and make their village/GP open defecation free.

Appropriate convergence has been made with SANJOG partner Depts. like: W&CD, H&FW, PR, S&ME to make the programme success. Current year it has been targeted to construct 12 lakh IHHLs by mobilizing community through individual as well as community approach.

Swachh Bharat Mission is gaining impetus and become a movement. The state is also striving to achieve the mission and determined to make Odisha Open Defecation Free as well as clean environment by the year 2019.

Rural Sanitation & Funding: In order to address the Rural Sanitary needs through community empowerment, the

centrally sponsored “Swachha Bharat Mission (Gramin)” [SBM (G)] is being implemented in

all the 30 districts of the State. Government of India directly releases funds to the State

Mission without being routed through State Budget and the State Government releases funds

as Matching State Share to the District Water & Sanitation Missions after making appropriate

provision in the State Budget. This year the Govt. of India has decided to root the fund under

State Plan of the State Govt. The entire operation under this campaign is being looked after

by “Odisha State Water & Sanitation Mission” (OSWSM) of R.D. Department and the

“District Water & Sanitation Missions” (DWSMs). State Government has made a budget

provision of `19493.70 lakh towards matching State Share for the year 2014-15. In the

Annual Plan for the year 2015-16 an amount of `16670.00 lakh was provided as Matching

State Share.

Nirmal Gram Puraskar In order to achieve desirable impact in disease prevention as well as for ensuring

minimum standard of living to the entire rural population, it is essential that every household

in any particular area has access to sanitation facilities and also to adopt hygienic practices.

To promote such full coverage as well as to ensure total stoppage of the practice of open

defecation and to maintain cleanliness, the Govt. of India have launched the Nirmal Gram

Puraskar (NGP) from October, 2003. The NGP is awarded to Gram Panchayat, Block and

Districts where there is no open defecation, access of toilets in all households as well as

institutions like Schools, Anganwadi centers etc. So far 287 Gram Panchayats of the State

have been bestowed with Nirmal Gram Puraskar at national level. During the year 2013 State

has submitted proposals of 32 G.Ps to GoI with recommendation for consideration of NGP


Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 17


Outcome Budget for 2015-16

The exercise is primarily meant for converting financial outlays into measurable and

monitorable outcome. It is a performance measurement tool that helps in better service

delivery, decision making, evaluating programme performance and results and improving

programme effectiveness.

The Outcome Budget is also aimed at changing the outlook of the agencies entrusted

with the responsibility of programme execution and implementation. The idea is to make the

programme implementing agencies more result oriented by shifting the focus from “Outlays”

to “Outcomes”.

It is a performance measurement tool that helps in better service delivery, decision–

making, evaluating programme performance and results, communicating programme goals

and improving program effectiveness.

The scheme-wise details, wherever necessary of the Outcome Budget for 2015-16 are

indicated in the attached statement.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 18


Sl. No

Name of the Schemes/


Financial Outlay

Broad objective Quantifiable/ Deliverable

Physical Outputs

Project Outcome Processes/ Timelines

Remarks/ Risk Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Construction of Non- Residential and Residential

buildings of R.D. Department


Construction of new and ongoing office

building and residential buildings

of Rural R.D. Department

147 Res. Buildings &

71 Non-Res.


Better working condition and

living condition for the officials

working in Rural Works


12 months Availability of

Land, Non response tenders


Capacity Building (Resources & Infrastructure Development)


Survey Expenses, Survey Equipment,

Tech. Training, Consultancy charges-

PMU & Quality Monitoring important

roads, bridges & building projects, DPR

preparation, Computerisation of offices, WAMIS,GIS exposure visit inside/ outside country etc.

Not quantifiable

Survey and investigation &

conducting technical seminars,

workshops, procurement of modern survey equipments for

capacity building

12 months ---


Minimum Needs Programme-

Constituency-Wise allocation (CWA)

284000 All-weather roads to rural habitations in

142 constituencies of the State.

Rural roads in 142

Assembly Constituency in the State

Improve critical roads in the rural

area for better connectivity to the rural habitations

12 months Implemented through Chief Engineer RW-

I and field functionaries.

The proposals are furnished by Hon'ble


4 Construction of

Bridges under Biju Setu Yojana


Construction of bridges on rural

roads Completion

of 50 bridges To improve of

rural connectivity

Through tender 9

months to 30 months

Land acquisition,

difficult site in some cases.

5 Improvement of existing R.D roads 570000 To improve rural

connectivity Completion of 42 nos of RD roads

Improving riding quality of roads 12 months ---


Completion of incomplete roads &

bridges under different tranches of

RIDF & other schemes

1200000 Completion of

incomplete roads & bridges

100 km. roads

To improve of rural connectivity

12 months Implemented through Chief Engineer RW-

I and field functionaries.

Time consuming

tender process.

7 Rural Infrastructure Development Fund

4500000 To improve road

infrastructure Completion

of 75 bridges & 18 roads

To improve of rural connectivity

11 months to 30 months

Limited no. of Bridge

contractors in the State.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 19


Road Work 1.(PMGSY) (5054-1077-37114) 2.Completion of incomplete roads & bridges

(1)18000000 (2)1000000

Construction of PMGSY Roads &

Bridges,State share for constn of

bridges,Tender Premimum, Labour

Escalation etc.

Construction of 3000 kms of roads &


To provide rural connectivity by

way of all-weather road

--- Large number

of non-response


9 Incentive to the


30000 Timely completion of projects

Not quantitiable

Completion of projects ahead of scheduled time


10 Payment of decretal


1000 To clear the liability of contractors as per

Court disposal Not

quantitiable --- --- ---

11 Land acquisition


5000 Completion of projects in time

Not quantitiable

To facilitate acquisition of

private land for completion of road & bridge


Complete Demand Driven

12 Special Programme

for KBK dists.

850000 Impvt of rural roads in KBK districts

Completion of roads

Improving riding quality of roads 12 months Improvement of

arterial roads

13 Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana

2500000 Impvt of rural roads

To start 500 km. road


Providing connectivity to unconnected

habitations upto population of 100 & above (which are not covered

under other schemes)

--- New scheme introduced

14 Development of

rural road connectivity

30000 Development of rural

roads --- --- ---

New scheme introduced &

the modalities of the scheme

are being finalized.

15 Construction of Bailey Bridges


Construction of bailey bridges

inaccessible area of IAP dist.

Completion of 85 nos

Bailey bridge To improve of

rural connectivity --- ---

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 20

Work list under D.No.28-4059-COL on Public works-SP-DS-01-Office buildings- 051-Constn/789-SCP for SC/796-TASP-2148-Constn of buildings of R.D.Deptt.-

37114-Public works for the year 2015-16 Sl. No.

Name of Scheme / Project / Work Name od the District

Financial outlay (` in TRS)

(including Normal, SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4 051-Constn.

1 Constn. of Addl. Room of R.W. Circle office at Angul Angul 2.50 2 Constn. of Addl. room of R.W.Section office at Boinda Angul 2.50 3 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Khantapada Balasore 2.50 4 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Remuna Balasore 2.50 5 Constn. of Conference Hall of Circle office at Balasore Balasore 2.50 6 Constn. of Computer Room at R.W. Division, Balasore-II Balasore 2.50

7 Constn. of Record room & additional room for J.E. N.H.M. at first floor of R.W. Division, Jaleswar

Balasore 4.00

8 Constn. of Computer Room at R.W. Sub-Division, Baliapal Balasore 2.00 9 Constn. of R.W. Section office-I at Attabira Bargarh 2.50 10 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Gaisilet Bargarh 2.00 11 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Bheden Bargarh 1.50 12 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Barpalli Bargarh 1.50 13 Renovation of R.W. Division office at Bargarh Bargarh 2.00 14 Renovation of R.W. Division office at Padampur Bargarh 2.00 15 Constn. of R.W. Section office I & II at Bijapur Bargarh 3.00 16 Constn. of R.W. Sub Division office at Padampur Bargarh 2.00 17 Constn. of Computer Room at R.W. Sub-Division office, Bonth Bhadrak 2.00 18 Constn. of Computer Room at R.W. Sub-Division office, Tihidi Bhadrak 2.00 19 Constn. of Computer Room at R.W. Sub-Division office, Bhadrak Bhadrak 2.00 20 Constn. of Addl. Room Ruarl Works Division-II office Building, Bhadrak Bhadrak 2.00 21 Conference hall at R.W. Division office, Bolangir Bolangir 2.00 22 Renovation of R.W. Sub-Division, Saintala Bolangir 2.00 23 Renovation of R.W. Sub-Division, Patnagarh Bolangir 2.00 24 Renovation of R.W. Sub Division office at Titilagarh Bolangir 2.00 25 Extension & renovation of R.W. Section office,Charichhaka Boudh 2.00 26 Renovation to old R.W. Sub-Division & Section office at Boudh Boudh 2.00 27 Renovation to R.W. Division Office at Boudh (Conference hall) Boudh 2.00 28 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Kotapada Cuttack 2.50 29 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Kasarda Cuttack 2.50 30 Constn. Of R.W. Mechanical Section office at Cuttack Cuttack 2.50 31 Constn.Of Watchman shed in R.E.O.Colony, Cuttack Cuttack 2.50 32 Constn. of Computer room to R.W. Sub-Division, Banki Cuttack 2.00 33 Constn. of Computer room to R.W. Sub-Division, Dampada Cuttack 2.00 34 Constn. of Computer room to R.W. Sub-Division, Baramba Cuttack 2.00 35 Constn. of Addl. Room R.W. Section office at Kalapathar Cuttack 2.00 36 Constn. of Addl. Room R.W. Section office at Baranga Cuttack 2.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 21

37 Renovation of R.W. Section office, Adaspur Cuttack 2.00 38 Conference hall at R.W. S.E. office, Cuttack Cuttack 2.00 39 Constn. of R.W.Section office building at Kishannagar Cuttack 2.00 40 Constn. of laboratory hall at Cuttack Cuttack 2.00 41 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Sub-Division, Cuttack Cuttack 3.00 42 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Section, Cuttack Cuttack 2.00 43 Constn. of Cycle stand at R.W. Division office, Cuttack Cuttack 1.50 44 Constn. of R.W. Section at Kalapathar Cuttack 2.00 45 Constn. of R.W. Section at Kanpur Cuttack 2.00 46 Constn. of R.W. Section at Baranga Cuttack 2.00 47 Constn. of R.W. Section at Gurudijhatia Cuttack 2.00 48 Extension of R.W. Division office building, Cuttack-II Cuttack 3.00 49 Extension & renovation of R.W. Sub Division office, Deogarh Deogarh 2.00 50 Constn. of Addl. Room of R.W. Division, Dhenkanal Dhenkanal 2.50 51 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Balikuda-II Jagatsinghpur 2.50 52 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Erasama-II Jagatsinghpur 2.50 53 Constn. Of 1st floor to R.W. Section office at Raghunathpur Jagatsinghpur 2.50 54 Constn. Of R.W. Section office-II at Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur 2.50 55 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Naugaon Jagatsinghpur 2.00 56 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Balikuda (Extension) Jagatsinghpur 2.00 57 Constn. of Addl. Room of R.W. Division office at Jajpur Jajpur 4.00 58 Constn. Of R.W. Section-III office at Jajpur Jajpur 2.50 59 Constn. Of R.W. Section-I office at Bari Jajpur 2.50 60 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Dasarathapur Jajpur 2.50 61 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Singhpur Jajpur 2.50 62 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at Mangalpur Jajpur 2.50 63 Constn. Of R.W. Section office at J.K. Road Jajpur 2.50 64 Constn. of Addl. Room of R.W. Division office Building at Jaraka Jajpur 4.00 65 Constn. of R.W. Rest shed at Chandikhol Jajpur 3.00 66 Constn. of R.W. Circle office at Bhawanipatna Kalahandi 4.00 67 Renovation of R.W. Section office, Jaipatna Kalahandi 2.00 68 Extension & renovation of R.W. Sub Division office, Dharmagarh Kalahandi 3.00 69 Constn. of R.W. Rest shed at Jaipatna Kalahandi 3.00 70 Constn. of R.W. Rest shed at Dharmagarh Kalahandi 3.00 71 Rural Works Division Office at Balliguda Kandhamal 3.00 72 Sub-Division office at Kotagarh Kandhamal 3.00 73 Sub-Division office at Daringibadi Kandhamal 3.00 74 Constn. of Addl Room at R.W Division, Kendrapara Kendrapara 2.00 75 Constn. of R.W Electrical Section Office, Kendrapara Kendrapara 2.50 76 Constn. of Computer room of R.W. Sub-Division, Rajnagar Kendrapara 2.00 77 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II, Mahakalpara Kendrapara 2.00 78 Constn. of R.W. Section office, Ramnagar Kendrapara 2.00 79 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Sub-Division, Keonjhar Keonjhar 2.00 80 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Section, Keonjhar Keonjhar 2.00 81 R.W. Section office, Telkoi Keonjhar 2.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 22

82 Extension & renovation of R.W. Sub Division office, Joda Keonjhar 2.00 83 Constn. of R.W.Sec-I office at Chandaka of R.W. Sub-Divn-II, BBSR Khurda 2.50 84 Constn. of R.W.Sec office at Jatani of R.W. Sub-Divn-II, Bhubaneswar Khurda 2.50 85 Constn. of R.W. Sec office at Bolagarh of R.W. Sub-Division, Khurda Khurda 2.50

86 Constn. of office of Rural Works,Bhubaneswar,Unit-IV, Madhusudannagar

Khurda 3.00

87 Impvt. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Khordha Khurda 2.00 88 Constn. of R.W. Section-II, Balipatna Khurda 3.00

89 Constn. of 4th floor & 5th floor of R.W. Division office, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar

Khurda 5.00

90 Constn. of 2nd floor of R.W. Sub-Division-I at Unit-IX, Bhubaneswar Khurda 3.00 91 Extension & renovation of R.W. Section office, Balugaon Khurda 2.00

92 Provision of lift of R.W. Division office at Chandrashekarpur, Bhubaneswar

Khurda 3.00

93 Renovation of R.W.S.E. Office, Bhubaneswar Khurda 2.00 94 External electrification for C.E. office at Unit-IV, BBSR Khurda 2.00 95 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Bhapur Nayagarh 2.50 96 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Odagaon Nayagarh 2.00 97 Constn. of R.W. Section office-I, Daspalla Nayagarh 2.00 98 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II, Daspalla Nayagarh 2.00 99 Constn. of R.W. Section office, Gania Nayagarh 2.00

100 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II, Nuagaon Nayagarh 2.00 101 Constn. of Computer Room for R.W. Division-II office, Nayagarh Nayagarh 2.00 102 Constn. of R.W. Division office at Nayagarh-II Nayagarh 3.00 103 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office building at Khandapada Nayagarh 3.00 104 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office building at Ranapur Nayagarh 3.00 105 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office building at Nuagaon Nayagarh 3.00 106 Constn. of Conference hall of R.W. Division, Nayagarh Nayagarh 2.00 107 Constn. of R.W. Division office at Khariar Nuapada 3.00 108 Constn. of Addl Room of R.W. Division office at Nimapara Puri 2.00 109 Constn. of Addl Room of R.W. Section office at Gop Puri 2.00 110 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Mandarabasta Puri 2.00 111 Provision of Lift & Lift room in R.W. Rest shed at Puri Puri 4.00 112 Renovation of R.W. existing building at Kakatpur Puri 2.00 113 Constn. of office building for R.W. Sub-Division, Kuchinda-II Sambalpur 3.00 114 Constn. of R.W. Section office Building at Fashimal Sambalpur 2.00 115 Constn. of R.W. Division office at Kuchinda Sambalpur 3.00 116 Constn. of R.W. Section office Tarva-II Subarnapur 3.00 117 Renovation of R.W. Division office, Sonepur Subarnapur 3.00 118 Renovation of R.W. Sub Division office, B.M. Pur Subarnapur 3.00 119 Consnt. Of Conference hall at Sundargarh Sundargarh 2.00 120 Completion of incomplete R.W. Office Buildings 13.00

Total : 300.00 789-SCP SC

1 Constn. of Sub Division office at Deogaon Bolangir 3.00 2 Constn. of Sub Division office at Loisingha Bolangir 3.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 23

3 Renovation of R.W. Sub-Division office at Tureikela Bolangir 1.50 4 Constn. of R.W. Seciton office at Tureikela-I & II Bolangir 1.50 5 Constn. of R.W. Seciton office at Muribahal Bolangir 1.50 6 Extension & renovation of R.W.Division office, Titilagarh Bolangir 1.50 7 Constn. of Addl. Room to R.W. Section office building at Manmunda Boudh 2.00

8 Constn. of Addl. Room to the existing old R.W. Section office building at Kantamal Boudh 2.00

9 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Rayagada Gajapati 3.00 10 Constn. of R.W. Division office, Mohana Gajapati 4.00 11 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at R.Udayagiri Gajapati 3.00 12 Constn. of R.W. Section-I office at R.Udayagiri Gajapati 2.00 13 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Junagarh Kalahandi 2.50 14 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Lanjigarh Kalahandi 2.50

15 Constn. of R.W. Section office building for J.E. R.W.Section-II, Jaipatna Kalahandi 2.50

16 Constn. of R.W. Section office building for J.E. R.W.Section-II, Golamunda Kalahandi 2.50

17 Installation & Electrification at R.W. Division office, Dharmagarh Kalahandi 2.50 18 Constn. of R.W. Division office at Kesinga Kalahandi 2.00 19 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Junagarh Kalahandi 2.00 20 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Narla Kalahandi 1.50 21 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at M. Rampur Kalahandi 1.50 22 Constn. of R.W. Section office at M. Rampur Kalahandi 1.50 23 Constn.of R.W.Sub-Division office for R.W.Sub-Division Phulbani-II Kandhamal 3.00 24 Constn. of R.W. Section-II office at Chakapad Kandhamal 2.00 25 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Banspal Keonjhar 2.00 26 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Sub-Division, Sunabeda Koraput 1.50 27 Constn. of Conference hall of R.W. Division, Sunabeda Koraput 1.50 28 Renovation & extension of R.W. Sub Division office, Laxmipur Koraput 1.50 29 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Narayanpatna Koraput 1.50 30 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Semeliguda Koraput 1.50 31 Constn. of R.W. Laboratory building at Sunabeda Koraput 1.50 32 Constn. of R.W. Section office Building at Tentulikhunti-II Nabarangapur 2.00 33 Constn. of R.W. Section office Building at Maidalpur Nabarangapur 2.00 34 Constn. of Internal Road & Drain for R.W. Division-II at Umerkote Nabarangapur 4.00 35 Constn. of Addl Room of R.W. Sub-Division office at Sonepur Subarnapur 2.00 36 Constn. of R.W. Section-II office at Ullunda Subarnapur 2.00 37 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Balisankara Sundargarh 2.00 38 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Sub-Division, Sundargarh Sundargarh 1.50 39 Constn. of R.W. (P.H.) Section, Sundargarh Sundargarh 1.50 40 Constn. of conference hall at R.W. Division, Rourkela Sundargarh 1.50 41 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Lathikata Sundargarh 1.50 Total : 85.00

796-TASP 1 Constn.of Addl.Room of R.W.Sub Division,Kantabanji Bolangir 2.00 2 Constn. of Addl. Room of R.W.Section Bangomunda Bolangir 2.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 24

3 Constn. of Addl. Room of R.W.Section Tureikela Bolangir 2.00 4 Constn. of R.W. Section office building at Sunki Koraput 3.00 5 Constn. of office building for J.E. Zonal Laboratory at Sunabeda Koraput 3.00 6 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Kotpad Koraput 3.00 7 Constn. of R.W. Section office-III at Kotpad Koraput 3.00 8 Constn. of R.W. Section office-III at Boriguma Koraput 3.00 9 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Boipariguda Koraput 3.00 10 Constn. of R.W. Section office-III at Boipariguda Koraput 3.00 11 Constn. of R.W.Sub-Division office at Dasmantapur Koraput 3.00 12 Constn. of R.W. Section office-III at Dasmantapur Koraput 3.00 13 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Mathili Malkangiri 3.00 14 Proposed S.E. office for R.W. Circle, Baripada (Administrative Block) Mayurbhanj 7.00 15 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Chitroda Mayurbhanj 2.50 16 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Samakhunta Mayurbhanj 2.50 17 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Manada Mayurbhanj 2.50 18 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Moronda Mayurbhanj 2.50 19 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Bijatala Mayurbhanj 2.50

20 Constn. of office buildings for R.W.Section, Bahalda-II at Bahalda (Over 1st floor of R.W.Section Bahalda-I Building) Mayurbhanj 2.50

21 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Patpur Mayurbhanj 2.50 22 Constn. of R.W. Section office at Gorumahisani Mayurbhanj 2.50 23 Constn. of R.W. Section office building at Baripada Mayurbhanj 3.00 24 Extension & renovation of R.W. Division office, Baripada Mayurbhanj 3.00 25 Constn. of Laboratory room at R.W. Division, Karanjia Mayurbhanj 2.00 26 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Jasipur Mayurbhanj 3.00 27 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Karanjia Mayurbhanj 3.00 28 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Raruan Mayurbhanj 3.00 29 Renovation of R.W.Division office at Karanjia including garage Mayurbhanj 3.00 30 Renovation of R.W. Store Building at Nabarangapur Nabarangpur 3.00 31 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office with garage at Komna Nuapada 4.00 32 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Komna Nuapada 2.50 33 Constn. of Section office at Padmapur-II Rayagada 2.50 34 Constn. of Section office at Ramanaguda-II Rayagada 2.50 35 Constn. of Section office at Kasipur-II Rayagada 2.50 36 Constn. of R.W.Division office at Gunupur Rayagada 3.00 37 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office at Ramanguda Rayagada 3.00 38 Constn. of R.W. Section office-II at Gunpur Rayagada 3.00 39 Constn. of R.W. Sub-Division office-II at Rayagada Rayagada 3.00 40 Constn. of R.W. Section office-III at Rayagada Rayagada 3.00 Total : 115.00 Grand Total 500.00

N.B. The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financial year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 25

Work list under D.No.28-4216-COL on Houshing-SP-DS-01-GRB-106-GPA/789-SCP for SC/796-TASP-2148-Constn of buildings of R.D.Deptt.-37114-Public works for the year 2015-16

Sl. No.

Name of Scheme / Project / Work Name of the District

Financial outlay (` in TRS)

(including Normal, SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4


1 Constn. of 2 Nos. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Athamallik Angul 4.00 2 Constn. of 2 Nos. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Boinda Angul 4.00 3 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtr. at Talcher Angul 2.50 4 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Angul Angul 4.00 5 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff at R.W. Division, Angul Angul 3.00 6 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff at R.W. Circle, Angul Angul 3.00 7 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Athamallik Angul 2.50 8 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Kishorenagar Angul 2.00 9 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Athamallik Angul 2.00 10 Constn. of 'D' type Qtr. for A.E.E. at Nilagiri Balasore 3.50 11 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section-II, Basta Balasore 3.00 12 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section, Khantapada Balasore 3.00 13 Constn. of 'D' type Qtr. for D.A.O. at Balasore Balasore 3.50 14 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section, Markona Balasore 3.00 15 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for Cashier of R.W. Sub-Division, Markona Balasore 3.00 16 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for Class-IV employees of R.W. Sub-Division,

Markona Balasore 2.50

17 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. at 1st floor for Staff of R.W. Division, Jaleswar Balasore 2.50 18 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtr. for Division Estimators of R.W.

Division,Jaleswar Balasore 5.00

19 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E.R.W.(P.H.) Sub-Division, Balasore Balasore 3.50 20 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtrs. for Electrical Staff at R.W. Division,

Balasore-I Balasore 2.00

21 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for D.A.O. of R.W. Division, Jaleswar Balasore 3.50 22 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Division, Jaleswar Balasore 3.00 23 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at Jaleswar Balasore 2.50 24 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section-I, Attabira Bargarh 2.50 25 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section-II, Sohela Bargarh 2.50 26 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. at Gaisilet Bargarh 2.50 27 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Gaisilet Bargarh 4.00 28 Constn. of Twin 'F' type Qtr. (1st floor) at R.W. Division office at

Padampur Bargarh 4.00

29 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. at Bheden-II at Bheden Bargarh 2.00 30 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. at Barpalli-II at Barpalli Bargarh 2.00 31 Constn.of 2 Nos.'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Bargarh Bargarh 3.00 32 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtrs. for P.H. at Bargarh Bargarh 2.00 33 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. at Padampur Bargarh 4.00 34 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Bijepur Bargarh 3.50 35 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Electrical Staff at R.W. Division,

Padampur Bargarh 3.50

36 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Section, Basudevpur-I (Block-2)

Bhadrak 5.00

37 Constn. of 'D' type Qtr. at R.W.Sub-Division, Kantabanji Bolangir 3.00 38 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. at R.W.Sub-Division, Kantabanji Bolangir 2.50

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 26

39 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for D.A.O-I of R.W Division, Boudh Boudh 4.00 40 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Boudh Boudh 2.00 41 Constn. of 1 No. E type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section-II Purunakatak at

Charichhak Boudh 2.50

42 Constn. of E & F type qtr. at R.W. Section, Kotapada Cuttack 5.00 43 Constn. of E type qtr. at R.W. Section-III, Salipur Cuttack 3.00 44 Constn. of 'E' type R.W.Section, Kishannagar Cuttack 2.50 45 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Section, Niali Cuttack 2.00 46 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at REO Colony (3rd floor) at Cuttack, Block-I (2

Nos.) Cuttack 5.00

47 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at REO Colony (triple storied) at Cuttack, Block-2 (6 Nos.)

Cuttack 10.00

48 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at REO Colony (3rd floor) at Cuttack, (2 Nos.) Cuttack 4.00 49 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. (1st floor, 2nd floor) in REO Colony, Cuttack Cuttack 5.00 50 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at R.W. Section, Choudwar Cuttack 2.50 51 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Section, Mahanga Cuttack 4.00 52 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Niali Cuttack 2.50 53 Constn. of 'F' type R.W. Section,Choudwar Cuttack 2.00 54 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Kanpur Cuttack 2.50 55 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Sub division, Baramba Cuttack 4.00 56 Constn. of 1 no.'E' type Qtrs.R.W. Section office at Baranga Cuttack 2.50 57 Constn. of 1 no.'F' type Qtrs.R.W. Section office at Baranga Cuttack 2.00 58 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Section, Gurudijhatia Cuttack 4.00 59 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs.R.W. Section at Tigiria Cuttack 2.50 60 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Kalapathar Cuttack 2.50 61 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Kalapathar Cuttack 2.00 62 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Kanpur Cuttack 2.00 63 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Gurudijhatia Cuttack 2.50 64 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtr. at Deogarh Deogarh 5.00 65 Constn. of 1 No. 'D' type Qtr. at Deogarh Deogarh 3.50 66 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. at Barkote Deogarh 3.00 67 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. at Odapada Dhenkanal 2.50 68 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Hindol Dhenkanal 4.00 69 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at Mahisapat Dhenkanal 5.00 70 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. at Hindol Dhenkanal 4.00 71 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Hindol Dhenkanal 2.00 72 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section Maidharpur Dhenkanal 2.50 73 Constn. of 2 Nos.'F' type R.W. Division,Mahisapat Dhenkanal 4.00 74 Constn.of 1 no. 'F' type Qtrs. at Joranda Dhenkanal 2.50 75 Constn. of 2 nos.'E' type Qtrs. at Kamakshyanagar Dhenkanal 5.00 76 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type R.W. Division, Dhenkanal-II Dhenkanal 4.00 77 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section, Bellaguntha Ganjam 3.00 78 Constn. of 'D' type Qtr. for S.D.O. at Bellaguntha Ganjam 3.50 79 Constn. of 'D' type Qtr. for S.D.O. at Bhanjanagar Ganjam 3.50 80 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Staff Qtrs. at Bhanjanagar Ganjam 4.00 81 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Sub-Division, Chhatrapur Ganjam 2.50 82 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Sub-Division, Ganjam Ganjam 2.50 83 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Sub-Division, Gopalpur Ganjam 2.50 84 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. at R.W. Sub-Division office, Digapahandi Ganjam 2.50 85 Constn.of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W.Sub-Division,Khallikote Ganjam 3.00 86 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Sub-Division, Khallikote Ganjam 4.00 87 Two nos. of 'F' type staff Qtr at Buguda Ganjam 2.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 27

88 E' Type Qtr for J.E., R.W.Section Bellaguntha Ganjam 3.00 89 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for SDO at Bellaguntha Ganjam 4.00 90 Constn. of 'D' Staff Qtr at Bhanajnagar(1No.) Ganjam 4.00 91 Constn.of 'F' Type Staff Qtr at Bhanjanagar (4 Nos.) Ganjam 2.50 92 Constn. of 'C' type Qtrs. for E.E. at Bhanajnagar Ganjam 4.00 93 Constn.of 'D' Type Qtr. for A.E.R.W.Khallikoe Ganjam 3.50 94 Constn.of 'D' Type Qtr. for A.E.R.W.Hinjili Ganjam 3.50 95 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtrs. at Hinjili Ganjam 3.00 96 Constn. of E type Qtr. For J.E. At Biridi Jagatsinghpur 2.50 97 Constn. of E type Qtr. For J.E. At Balikuda-II Jagatsinghpur 2.50 98 Constn. of E type Qtr. For J.E. At Erasama-II Jagatsinghpur 2.50 99 Constn. of Addl. Room of A.E.E. Qtr. R.W. Sub-Division, Tirtol Jagatsinghpur 3.00

100 Constn. of 2 nos.'D' type Qtrs. at Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur 6.00 101 Constn. of 4 nos.'E' type Qtrs. at Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur 8.00 102 Constn. of 1 No. 'C' type Qtrs. at Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur 5.00 103 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Naugaon Jagatsinghpur 3.00 104 Constn. Of 4 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur 8.00 105 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtrs. at Paradeepgarh Jagatsinghpur 3.00 106 Constn. of 2 nos.E type Qtrs. at R.W. Division,Jajpur Jajpur 5.00 107 Constn. of 2 nos.F type Qtrs. at R.W. Division,Jajpur Jajpur 4.00 108 Constn. of 1 no.D type Qtrs. at R.W.Division, Jajpur Jajpur 3.00 109 Constn. of E type qtr.for J.E. R.W.Section, Dasarathapur Jajpur 2.50 110 Constn. of Addl. Room of D type Qtr. At R.W. Sub-Division, Binjharpur Jajpur 2.00 111 Constn. of E type Qtr. For J.E. R.W. Section, J.K.Road Jajpur 2.50 112 Constn. of E type Qtr. For J.E. R.W. Section, Korei Jajpur 2.50 113 Constn. of E type Qtr. For J.E. R.W. Section,Sukinda Jajpur 2.50 114 Constn. of 'C' type Qtrs. for E.E.R.W. Division, Jajpur Jajpur 5.00 115 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E., R.W. Section Tamaka Jajpur 3.00 116 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at Jajpur Jajpur 5.00 117 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Binjharpur Jajpur 3.00 118 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Binjharpur Jajpur 2.50 119 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs.for JE at Kuakhia Jajpur 3.00 120 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for DAO, R.W. Division, Jajpur Jajpur 4.00 121 Constn.of 'E' type Qtrs.for J.E.R.W. Section,Golamunda Kalahandi 2.50 122 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Section, Kusumkhunti Kalahandi 2.50 123 Constn. of 'C' type Qtrs. for E.E. at Balliguda Kandhamal 5.00 124 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for D.A.O at Balliguda Kandhamal 4.00 125 Constn. of 'D' type Quarters at Kotagarh Kandhamal 4.00 126 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtrs. for Electrical Staff at R.W. Division,Phulbani Kandhamal 2.00 127 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at Baliguda Kandhamal 4.00 128 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Kotagarh Kandhamal 2.00 129 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E R.W Section-II, Mahakalpada Kendrapara 2.50 130 Constn. of 'E' type quarter for R.W Division, Kendrapara Kendrapara 2.50 131 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. at R.W. Sub-Division, Rajnagar Kendrapara 2.50 132 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. at R.W. Sub-Division, Rajnagar Kendrapara 2.00 133 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Section, Derabish Kendrapara 3.00 134 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Section, Mahakalpara Kendrapara 3.00 135 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at Kendrapara-I Kendrapara 2.50 136 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Section-II, Rajkanika Kendrapara 3.00 137 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for R.W. Sub-Division, Rajkanika Kendrapara 4.00 138 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. at Aul Section-II Kendrapara 3.00 139 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Panapentha Kendrapara 3.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 28

140 Twin 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. Estimator of R.W. Division, Keonjhar Keonjhar 5.00 141 Constn. of 2 Nos. F type Qtr. R.W. Section office at Balugaon (New) Khurda 4.00 142 Constn. of 1 No. D type Qtr. at Begunia Khurda 3.00 143 Constn. of 1 No. D type Qtr. at R.W. Section office, Bolagarh Khurda 3.00 144 Constn. of 1 No. F type Qtr. at R.W. Section office, Bolagarh Khurda 2.00 145 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Balianta Khurda 4.00 146 Constn. of 1 no. 'D' type Qtrs. at Balipatna Khurda 3.50 147 Constn. of 1 no. 'D' type Qtrs. at Balianta Khurda 3.50 148 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Balugaon Khurda 4.00 149 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Balipatna Khurda 4.00 150 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Begunia Khurda 4.00 151 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W.(P.H.) Section, Bhubaneswar Khurda 2.50 152 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Khordha Khurda 4.00 153 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Nirakarpur Khurda 4.00 154 Constn. of E type Qtrs. for R.W. J.E. at Semeliguda Koraput 2.50 155 Constn. of E type Qtrs. for R.W. J.E. at Narayanpatna Koraput 2.50 156 Constn. of E type Qtrs. at Laxmipur Koraput 2.50 157 Constn. of 2 Nos. of 'E' type Qtrs. of R.W. Division, Nayagarh Nayagarh 5.00 158 Constn. of 2 Nos. of 'F' type Qtrs. of R.W. Division, Nayagarh Nayagarh 4.00 159 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtr. at Khandapada Nayagarh 5.00 160 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. at Bhapur Nayagarh 2.50 161 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. at Ranpur Nayagarh 2.50 162 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtr. at Ranpur Nayagarh 2.00 163 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. at Odagaon Nayagarh 2.50 164 Constn. 'D' type Qtrs. of R.W. Division-II, Nayagarh Nayagarh 4.00 165 Constn. 'E' type Qtrs. (2 Nos.) of R.W. Division-II, Nayagarh Nayagarh 5.00 166 Constn. 'F' type Qtrs. (2 Nos.) for R.W. Division, Nayagarh Nayagarh 4.00 167 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. R.W. Section-I, Daspalla Nayagarh 2.50 168 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff of R.W. Division-II, Nayagarh Nayagarh 4.00 169 Constn. of 1 No.'C' type Qtrs. for Khariar Nuapada 5.00 170 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. & Estimator at Khariar Nuapada 6.00 171 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. & Staff at Khariar Nuapada 5.00 172 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff at Nuapada Nuapada 4.00 173 Constn. of 2 Nos. D type Qtrs. at R.W. Division office, Nimapara Puri 6.00 174 Constn. of 2 Nos. E type Qtrs. at R.W. Division office, Nimapara Puri 5.00 175 Constn. of 2 Nos. F type Qtrs. at R.W. Division office, Nimapara Puri 4.00 176 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. at Nimapara Puri 4.00 177 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for Staff of R.W. Division, Puri Puri 5.00 178 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff of R.W. Division, Puri Puri 4.00 179 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. at Fashimal for J.E. R.W. Section, Fashimal Sambalpur 2.50 180 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'D' type Qtr. for DAO & AE (Estimator) at Kuchinda Sambalpur 6.00 181 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtr. at Kuchinda for J.E. (Estimator) & Head

Clerk Sambalpur 5.00

182 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtr. for Class-IV Staff Sambalpur 4.00 183 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Keseibahal Sambalpur 2.50 184 Constn. of 1 no. 'F' type Qtrs. at Bamara Sambalpur 2.00 185 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Bhojpur Sambalpur 2.50 186 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Jujumura Sambalpur 2.50 187 Constn. of 1 no. 'C' type Qtrs. at Kuchinda Sambalpur 4.00 188 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtrs. at Dhama Sambalpur 2.50 189 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtrs. at Jamankira Sambalpur 2.50 190 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtrs. at Bamra Sambalpur 2.50 191 Cosntruction of D type quarter for Asst. Engineer (Estr) at Sonepur Subarnapur 3.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 29

192 Constn. of Twin 'E' type Class-III Staff Quarter at Sonepur Subarnapur 5.00 193 Cosntruction of Twin 'F' type Class-IV quarter at Sonepur Subarnapur 4.00 194 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. B.Mpur Subarnapur 3.50 195 Constn. of 4 Nos. 'E' type Staff Qtrs. for Clerical at Sonepur Subarnapur 6.00 196 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type R.W.Division, Sonepur Subarnapur 4.00 197 Constn. of 'C' type Qtrs. at Sonepur Subarnapur 4.00 198 Constn. of 1 no. 'C' type Qtrs. at Sundargarh Sundargarh 4.00 199 Constn. Of 4 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. at Sundargarh Sundargarh 5.50 200 Constn. of 1 no. 'D' type Qtrs. at Lefripada Sundargarh 3.50 201 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Lefripada Sundargarh 2.50 202 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Himgiri Sundargarh 2.50 203 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at Bargaon Sundargarh 5.00 204 Constn. of Twin 'E' type Qtrs. at R.W. Colony, Panposh (1st Floor) Sundargarh 5.00 205 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Sundargarh-II Sundargarh 4.00 206 Constn. of twin 'D' type Qtrs. at Panposh Sundargarh 6.00 207 Completion of incomplete Residential R.W. Buildings 8.50

Total : 720.00 789-SCP SC

1 Constn. of D type quarter for SDO R.W.Sub Division, Deogaon at Deogaon

Bolangir 3.00

2 Constn. of D type quarter for SDO R.W.Sub Division, Loisingha at Loisingha

Bolangir 3.00

3 Constn. of 1 no. D type quarater at Patnagarh Bolangir 3.00 4 Constn. of 2 nos E type quarter at Patnagarh Bolangir 5.00 5 Constn. of 2 nos F type quarter at Patnagarh Bolangir 4.00 6 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E.R.W.(P.H.) Sub-Division, Bolangir Bolangir 3.00 7 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W.(P.H.) Section, Bolangir Bolangir 3.00 8 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type R.W. Division, Bolangir Bolangir 2.00 9 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Circle, Bolangir Bolangir 3.00 10 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for P.A. to S.E. R.W. Circle, Bolangir Bolangir 3.00 11 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Harisankar (Khaprakhole Section-II) Bolangir 3.00 12 Renovation of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E.R.W. Sub Division, Patnagarh Bolangir 2.00 13 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. at R.W. Circle, Bolangir Bolangir 3.00 14 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Gudvella Bolangir 2.50 15 Constn. of 'D' type (2 Nos.) Qtrs. at Titilagarh Bolangir 4.00 16 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. at Tureikela Bolangir 3.00 17 Constn. of Twin 'E' type Qtrs. at Tureikela Bolangir 4.00 18 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at Titilagarh Bolangir 3.00 19 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Muribahal Bolangir 2.50 20 Cosntn. of 2 Nos. twin 'E' type Qtrs. R.W. Section-I & II, Titilagarh Bolangir 4.00 21 Constn. of 1 no. D type Qtr. at Rayagada Gajapati 3.00 22 Constn. of 1 no. E type Qtr. at Rayagada Gajapati 2.50 23 Constn. of 1 no. F type Qtr. at Rayagada Gajapati 2.50 24 Constn. of 1 no. 'D' type Qtr. for D.A.O. of R.W. Division, Mohana Gajapati 3.00 25 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for Estimators of R.W. Division, Mohana Gajapati 2.50 26 Constn. of 4 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff of R.W. Division, Mohana Gajapati 2.00 27 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. of R.W. Sub-Division, Chandragiri Gajapati 2.50 28 Constn. of D type Qtrs. for A.E.E.R.W. Sub-Division, Junagarh Kalahandi 3.00 29 Constn. of E type Qtr. for J.E. R.W. Section-II, Junagarh Kalahandi 2.50 30 Constn. of D type Qtr. for A.E.E. R.W. Sub-Division, Bhawanipatna Kalahandi 3.00 31 Constn. of 2 Nos. E type Qtrs. for R.W. Division office Staff at

Bhawanipatna Kalahandi 5.00

32 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. R.W. Section, Koksara Kalahandi 2.50

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 30

33 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. R.W. Section-II, Jaipatna Kalahandi 2.50 34 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Sub-Division, Mukhiguda Kalahandi 4.00 35 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtr. for R.W. Section-I & R.W. Section-II,

Dharmagarh Kalahandi 5.00

36 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E.E., R.W. Sub-Division-I & II, Dharmagarh

Kalahandi 6.00

37 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff of R.W. Sub-Division-I & II, Dharmagarh

Kalahandi 4.00

38 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section-II, Golamunda Kalahandi 2.50 39 Constn. of 1 No. 'C' type Qtrs. for E.E. at Kesinga Kalahandi 3.00 40 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. & Staff at Kesinga Kalahandi 4.00 41 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff at Kesinga Kalahandi 3.00 42 Constn. of 2 nos. 'D' type Qtrs. at Kesinga Kalahandi 4.00 43 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at Dharmagarh Kalahandi 3.00 44 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs.for J.E.R.W. Section,Ampani Kalahandi 2.50 45 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Mukhiguda at Jaipatna Kalahandi 2.50 46 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Class-III staff at Dharmagarh Kalahandi 3.00 47 Constn. of 1 No.'F' type Qtrs. at R.W.Division,Dharmagarh Kalahandi 2.50 48 Constn. of 'D' type Qtr. for R.W. Sub-Division-II, Phulbani Kandhamal 3.00 49 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section-II, Chakapad Kandhamal 2.50 50 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Section Bhanda Keonjhar 2.50 51 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Section, Joda Keonjhar 2.50 52 Constn. of 'F' type Qtr. for R.W. Section, Kaliahata Keonjhar 2.50 53 E type Qtrs. for J.E. R.W. Section, Turumunga Keonjhar 2.50 54 E type Qtrs. 1 No. for R.W. Section, Janghira Keonjhar 2.50 55 E type Qtrs. 1 No. for R.W. Section-II. Kaliahata Keonjhar 2.50 56 Constn. Of 'E' type Qtrs. for R.W. Section, Bhanda Keonjhar 2.50 57 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Jhumpura Keonjhar 2.50 58 Constn. of 1 No. 'F' type Qtrs. for Electrical Staff at R.W. Division, Koraput Koraput 2.50 59 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. at Tentulikhunti-II Nabarangpur 2.50 60 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E. at Kosagumuda-I Nabarangpur 2.50 61 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. at R.W. Division at Umerkote Nabarangpur 5.00 62 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for J.E. at R.W. Division at Umerkote Nabarangpur 4.00 63 Constn. of 1 No.'F' type Qtr. at R.W. Section,Dhodra Nabarangpur 2.00 64 Constn. of 1 No. 'D' type Qtr. at Sundargarh Sundargarh 3.00 65 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtr. at Subdega Sundargarh 2.50 66 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'D' type Qtr. at Rourkela Sundargarh 6.00 Total : 204.00


1 Constn. of 'E' type J.E. Qtr. at Sunki Koraput 2.50 2 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Clerical Qtr. at Sunabeda Koraput 5.00 3 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for D.A.O. Jeypore Koraput 4.00 4 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. Kotpad Koraput 4.00 5 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. Kotpad-III Koraput 3.00 6 Constn. of 1 No. 'E' type Qtrs. Boipariguda Koraput 3.00 7 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. Boipariguda Koraput 4.00 8 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. Dasmantapur Koraput 4.00 9 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs.for J.E.Dasmantapur-III Koraput 3.00 10 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtrs. at Borigumma Koraput 3.00 11 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Govindpalli Malkangiri 2.00 12 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Mathili-I Malkangiri 2.00 13 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. at Khairput Malkangiri 2.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 31

14 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtr.for Clerical at Malkangiri Malkangiri 5.00 15 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Peon Qtrs. at Malkangiri Malkangiri 4.00 16 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. Mathili-II Malkangiri 3.00 17 Constn. of 'C' type Qtrs. for E.E. Mlakangiri-I Malkangiri 4.00 18 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. Estimator at Malkangiri-I Malkangiri 3.00 19 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Malkangiri-I Malkangiri 4.00 20 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. for Staff at Malkangiri-II Malkangiri 5.00 21 Constn. of twin 'D' type Qtrs. for Staff at Malkangiri-II Malkangiri 6.00 22 Constn. of 'C' type Qtrs.for E.E. at Malkangiri-II Malkangiri 4.00 23 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'D' type Qtrs. for S.E.R.W. Circle, Baripada Mayurbhanj 6.00 24 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for S.E.R.W. Circle, Baripada Mayurbhanj 5.00 25 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for S.E.R.W. Circle, Baripada Mayurbhanj 4.00 26 Constn of ‘C’ type Qtrs. for SE,RW Circle,Baripada Mayurbhanj 5.50 27 Constn. of 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W.Section, Manada Mayurbhanj 2.50 28 Constn. of 1 no. 'F' type Qtr. for Peon of R.W. Sub-Division, Bahalda Mayurbhanj 2.00 29 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtr. for Cashier of R.W. Sub-Division, Bahalda Mayurbhanj 2.50 30 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section, Tiring Mayurbhanj 2.50 31 Constn. of 1 no. 'E' type Qtr. for J.E.R.W. Section, Bijatala Mayurbhanj 2.50 32 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Rairangpur Mayurbhanj 5.00 33 Constn. of 1 no. 'F' type Qtr. at R.W. Division, Rairangpur Mayurbhanj 2.00 34 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. R.W. Division, Baripada Mayurbhanj 3.00 35 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for P.A. of S.E.R.W. Circle, Baripada Mayurbhanj 4.00 36 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. for S.E.R.W. Circle, Baripada Mayurbhanj 4.00 37 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Samakhunta Mayurbhanj 3.00 38 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff R.W. Section, Samakhunta Mayurbhanj 2.00 39 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff R.W. Section, Jharpokharia Mayurbhanj 2.00 40 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E.R.W. Sub-Division, Betnoti Mayurbhanj 3.00 41 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff R.W. Sub-Division, Betnoti Mayurbhanj 2.50 42 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Betnoti-II Mayurbhanj 3.00 43 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Baisinga Mayurbhanj 3.00 44 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Kaptipada-II Mayurbhanj 3.00 45 Constn. of 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff of R.W. Section, Kaptipada-II Mayurbhanj 2.50 46 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Sarat Mayurbhanj 3.00 47 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. at Baripada (Block-2) Mayurbhanj 4.00 48 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section-II, Raruan Mayurbhanj 3.00 49 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E.R.W. Section, Thakurmunda Mayurbhanj 3.00 50 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for DAO at Karanjia Mayurbhanj 3.00 51 Constn.of 2 Nos.'E' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division, Karanjia Mayurbhanj 4.00 52 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Jasipur Mayurbhanj 3.00 53 Constn. of 3 Nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for Staff at R.W. Division, Rairangpur Mayurbhanj 6.00 54 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for Staff at R.W. Division, Rairangpur Mayurbhanj 3.50 55 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. at Nabarangapur Nabarangapur 5.00 56 Constn. of twin 'F' type Qtrs. at Nabarangapur Nabarangapur 4.00 57 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. for staff at Division-II, Umerkote Nabarangapur 5.00 58 Constn. of 2 Nos. 'F' type R.W. Division, Nabarangapur-II Nabarangapur 4.00 59 Constn. 'D' type Qtrs. at Umerkote Nabarangapur 3.50 60 Constn. of twin 'E' type Qtrs. at Raighar Nabarangapur 3.00 61 Constn. of 2 nos. 'D' type Qtrs. for D.A.O., Nuapada & S.D.O., Komna Nuapada 6.00 62 Constn. of 2 nos. 'E' type Qtrs. for Staff Nuapada & J.E.R.W. Section-II

Komna & Cashier R.W. Sub-Division, Komna Nuapada 5.00

63 Constn. of 2 nos. 'F' type Qtrs. for Staff Nuapada & R.W. Sub-Division, Komna

Nuapada 4.00

64 Constn. of 2 Nos. F Type Quarter for Staff at Gunupur Division. Rayagada 4.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 32

65 Constn. of E Type Quarter for Staff at Gunupur Sub-division. Rayagada 2.50 66 Constn. of E Type Quarter for Staff at Ramanaguda Sub-division. Rayagada 2.50 67 Constn. of 2 Nos. E Type Quarter for Staff at Rayagada Division. Rayagada 5.00 68 Constn. of 2 Nos. F Type Quarter for Staff at Rayagada Division. Rayagada 4.00 69 Constn. of E Type Quarter for Staff at Kasipur Sub-division. Rayagada 2.50 70 Constn. of E Type Quarter for Staff at B.Cuttack Sub-division. Rayagada 2.50 71 Constn. of 2 Nos. F Type Quarter for Staff at Kasipur Sub-division. Rayagada 4.00 72 Constn. of E Type Quarter for J.E.Muniguda Section Rayagada 3.00 73 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for D.A.O. Gunpur Rayagada 3.50 74 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. for A.E. at Rayagada-II Rayagada 3.00 75 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. for J.E. at Rayagada-III Rayagada 3.00 76 Constn. of 2 nos.'F' type Qtrs. at R.W. Division,Rayagada Rayagada 4.00 77 Constn. of 'D' type Qtrs. at Ramanguda Rayagada 3.50 78 Constn. of 'E' type Qtrs. at Gunupur Rayagada 3.00 Total : 276.00 Grand Total : 1200.00

N.B.: The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financial year.

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Work list under D.No.28-5054-COL on R&B-SP-DS-04-DOR-789-SCP for SC/ 796-TASP/800-OE-2161-RIDF-37107-Major work for the year 2015-16

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme / Project / Work Name of the District

Financial outlay (` in TRS) (including

Normal, SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4 80-General-789-SCP for SC

1 H.L. bridge over Chilanti nallah at 7th km. on Rengali-Kuluma via Nailu road Angul 1

2 H.L. bridge over Chilanti nallah at 8th km. on Bajrakote-Baliposi road 4 x 9.77m. Angul 1

3 H.L. bridge over Khairasahi nallah at 1st KM on Thakurgarh-Kantapal road Angul 1

4 Bridge over Singada Nallah on Kuskila Kosala via Barpada Chankundapal Road Angul 3500

5 Bridge on Nandira Nallah on Angul Kalamchhuin Road Angul 5000 6 HL. Bridge over river Gangahar nallah at 6th km. on Remuna-Palsia road Balasore 18000 7 Kasafal Chandanpalihari Chhak to Nuakundi via Sahu Chhak project Balasore 15000

8 Bridge over Khaparapada Nallah at 6.800 Km. on R.D.road to Sankarpada Via- Bagada, Alda Road. Balasore 12000

9 Constn. of bridge over Reba Nallah at 8th Km. on Bariha to Nuabaj road Balasore 8000 10 Talakurunia to Arhua bad via -Dolpur Balasore 25000 11 Anantapur to Bakeswarpur via Patimunda & Palapur Balasore 15000 12 Benuda- Nimapouhari to Kulida PMGSY road via Darhha Patrasahi road Balasore 10000

13 Mahagah PMGSY road to Kuliha via Kiagadia Kalyanpur Kaisa & Karihandu road Balasore 15000

14 Bada Mahisahi Chhak to S.R. College Road Balasore 2000

15 H.L. bridge over Jhainjore at 2nd km. on Kadobahal-Jhilminda road 5 x 30.63m. Baragarh 1

16 Bridge over river Jeera at 10th km. on PWD road-Kusanpur-Baramkela road Bargarh 1 17 Bridge over Jhainjore on Tope Pithapotala road Bargarh 15000 18 Bridge over Matuali jore on Lastala Dangarla road Bargarh 12000

19 H.L. bridge over river Genguti at 10/10 km. on Mangarajpur-Kampada-Iswarpur road 2x 0.63m. Bhadrak 5000

20 Manjuri Gobindapur Road (Phylin) Bhadrak 1

21 Bridge over Hansdia Nallah on Shyamsundarpur Upper Dumka to taladumka road Bhadrak 25000

22 Bridge over Kapali on RD Road to Khaparapada at Chainage 0/900Km Bhadrak 2500

23 H.L. bridge over river Reba near Patuli on Bhandaripokhari-Patuli road alongwith long approach Bhadrak 1

24 Hatapada Senyata road Bhadrak 2500 25 Tailu to Mahagupur via Gotsira Bhadrak 2500 26 Bridge over Ghesali nallah on Agalpur-Nuagaon-via Mahakhanda road. Bolangir 10 27 Bridge over Tendiapali nallah at 13th KM on Sonepur PWD road to Tendipali Bolangir 1

28 Bridge over Nibrutijore on Jaljodipali to Kulegarh road.(Span-8x10.77mtr)open Bolangir 15000

29 H.L. bridge over Laxmipur nallah at 21st km. on Boudh-Dhialpur road 3 x 25.35m Boudh 4000

30 H.L. bridge over river Bagh at 25th km. on Manmunda-Sagada road Boudh 5000 31 3 nos of bridge over Local Nahhal including approach on PGBM road Boudh 4000 32 H.L. bridge over Kapakhai nallah on 2nd km. on Baghiapada-Birigada road Boudh 100 33 Bridge over Karadakatha nallah on Kusanga-Mahalikpada-Talagaon road. Boudh 15000 34 Bridge over Meherruni nallah at 10th KM on Khaliapali-Lamsori road. Boudh 1

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35 H.L. bridge over river Kathjodi near Kaijanga at 18th km. on Jhinkiria-Bentaka-Chanduli road 21x30.63m Cuttack 1

36 Telengapentha-Sainda road (0/0 - 4/0 km.) Cuttack 12000 37 Panimando to Ratilo road Cuttack 15000 38 Majhikandei- Bilasuni Cuttack 10000 39 Karilo Panchgochia road Cuttack 8000 40 R.D. road to Oringabandi via Dandapadia Talupadia road Cuttack 15000 41 Dhaipur Kaitha Chhak to Kantol PWD road Cuttack 12000 42 Bridge over Lunibandha nallah at 8th KM on Bidharpur-Joranda -Kaluria road Dhenkanal 1

43 Bridge over Lingara Nallah on Khajuriakata-Sanjapada R.D road to Rakala P.S road Dhenkanal 3000

44 Bridge over Bhagiagoda Nallah at 3rd km. on Nadhar-Ramachandi road Dhenkanal 5000 45 Bridge over Kalabila nallah at 2nd KM on Kadua-Bhagirathipur road Dhenkanal 1

46 SB over Kaliamba Nallaha at 3/3 Km on Nunipada to Sanadodanga Road (SB (6 x 10.77 M) Ganjam 10057

47 Bridge over Kharkhari Nallah on Badarampalli Bilaspur Road Road Ganjam 20000 48 Golabandha-Buguda road (8.10 km.) Ganjam 1

49 Talasakara Antarpada Road ( Sankula to Manibandha to Pdpur Sasan from 0/0 to 2/100 km ) Ganjam 1

50 Dholpita Domuhani road Ganjam 18000 51 Chopra to Nada road Ganjam 15000 52 Purushottampur-Bhimpur via Kulasingh road Ganjam 1 53 Rambha Khandadeuli via Nimisola Ganjam 8000 54 Bridge over river Bahuda on Sonepur to Patisonepur road Ganjam 45000

55 H.L. bridge over Kharikhari nallah at 5th km. on Santoshpur-Umari-Barpali road Ganjam 30000

56 Sikharpur-Sahapur road Ganjam 1 57 Kaleswar-Pandia-Jaugada road Ganjam 1 58 9th Distribution Embankment road Ganjam 1 59 H.L. bridge over river Devi on Devidola connecting to Gada village Jagatsinghpur 1 60 Dhanipur Mandasahi Bhokanji road. Jagatsinghpur 20000 61 Chasikhanda-Gelpur road (7.80 km.) Jagatsinghpur 1 62 Bridge over river Devi at 3 Km on Bhokanji-Mundilo road (600m) Jagatsinghpur 70000 63 Bridge over Hansua on Alana - Rankei road Jagatsinghpur 15000 64 Tandikula to Champahat Jagatsinghpur 15000 65 Rahama Pandua ( R&B) road Purudi via Napanga Jagatsinghpur 15000 66 Bridge over river Hansua on Katra-Kutilo road Jagatsinghpur 1 67 Kamarpada-Gadama road Jagatsinghpur 1 68 H.L. bridge over river Nuanai at 2nd km. on Bari-Binjharpur road Jajpur 7000

69 S.B. over Benga nallah at 8th km. on B.C.J. High School-Badakunal-Naragochha road 4x10.77m Jajpur 1

70 Sasanpada Sayedpur road Jajpur 8000 71 Bridge over Tenta nallah on Kapila Barapada Chilapadia via Nagapura road Jajpur 7000 72 Bridge over Tenta nallah on Sayedpur-Sanpada road Jajpur 1 73 Sukinda Duburi mundapandu road Jajpur 6000 74 Bridge over Dudheinalla on MDR 14 to Dihasahi road for 2011-12 Jajpur 15000 75 Bridge over Banapur nallah on Bari Binjharpur road Jajpur 200 76 Bridge over Kuanria Nallah on Taranjia to Parikheta road Jajpur 500 77 NH5 to Kolha via Haridaspur Railway station from 0/750 km to 9.00 km Jajpur 100 78 R & B road to Budha Kendua Jajpur 5000 79 N.H.5 to Sidhipur Jajpur 5000 80 Kabatabandha-Rekhideipur road Jajpur 1 81 NH 200 to Hatibari road Jajpur 1

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82 Bridge over Bungaberna Nallah on Deopan Bhimjore Road. Jharsuguda 4000

83 H.L. bridge over river Udanti at 2nd km. on Udsurang-Kuhura road 7 x 30.63m Kalahandi 1

84 H.L Bridge over Udanti River on Artal to Dumeria Road Kalahandi 1

85 H.L.bridge over river Salki at 2nd. Km. on Kainjhar-Gutingia via-Katadi road 3x 30.63 m Kandhamal 500

86 Gochhapada-Balandapada-Malikikud road 14 km. Kandhamal 500 87 Pasina Linepada road Kandhamal 5000 88 Bridge over river Gobari on Pehenta-Pesta road Kendrapara 15000 89 Ayeba Nembura road Kendrapara 12000

90 H.L Bridge over river Gobari on Raghudeipur - Raitundi road (2span of 30.63mtr.) Kendrapara 5000

91 S.B. over Lamtaguda nallah at 3rd. km. on Kumarput Mathili road 3x8.77 m Malkanagiri 1 92 Bridge over river Turi at Ist Km on Kodinga Chatthandi Road Nabarangapur 8000 93 H.L. Bridge over river Kusumi on Baghuapalli-Boragaon Road Nayagarh 15000 94 H.L. Bridge over river Dahuka on Hatadwar-Dhenkena Road Nayagarh 5000 95 Khariar- Dumerjhor Nuapada 6000 96 S.B. over Gurmajore Nallah at 1st Km on Tikrapada-Reng Road Nuapada 2500

97 Box cell bridge over river Kadua at 8th km. on Roulpatana-Dhantri-Panichhatra road 6 x 8m x 3.91 Puri 1

98 H.L. bridge over Tangarjore nallah at 4th km. on Garposh-Nuapali road 3 x 25.35 m Sambalpur 500

99 H.L. Bridge over over Kularijore nallah at 2nd K.M. on Bhaliapali- Dalbi road 2x 24.75 m Sambalpur 1

100 H.L. bridge over Harada nallah on PWD road-Themra (extension to NH 6) Sambalpur 1 101 Bridge over Porpetta Nallah on Anladhipa Baliturei Road Sambalpur 10000 102 Bridge over Murmuri nallah at 18th KM on MDR 39 to Asuragarh road Sonepur 1 103 Bridge over Hariharjore at 3rd km on Mendhamal Barjhola road (13x10.77) Sonepur 25000

Total : 765000 80-General-796-TASP 104 Bridge over Baitali Nallah on Baitali-Adapani road Bargarh 1000 105 Bridge over Bousjore nallah at 3rd KM on Taranga-Tuhilmal road Deogarh 1 106 NH6 to Rengalbeda via Gohira road Deogarh 1 107 Saida-Purunapani road Deogarh 1 108 Joranda Vegibola road Dhenkanal 7000 109 Tilapada Nathua Chuli road Dhenkanal 8000

110 Bridge over Jamudihi nallah at 13th km. on Chandragiri-Antarabat-Chudangapur road Gajapati 100

111 Birikote Guluba Road Gajapati 10000 112 Bridge over Kukerma nallah on Laikera-Sahaspur-Bamra road Jharsuguda 1 113 Laikera-Sahaspur-Bamara road Jharsuguda 1 114 Sashapur - Malidihi Road Jharsuguda 6500

115 S.B. over Perencho nallah at 5th km. alongwith Talapada-Barbandha road (0/0 to 12.00 km) Kalahandi 1

116 Bridge over Ambaguda nallah on Lanjigarh-Bijepur road (30m) Kalahandi 1 117 Biswanathpur Bijepur road (27/0 to 38/0 Km.) Kalahandi 15000 118 Bridge over Local nallah on Temangi Sadingia road Kandhamal 5000

119 H.L. bridge over river Khadaga on Baliguda-Katikia-Sindhigam road 4x30.63 m Kandhamal 1

120 Tikabali-Chakapada-Nediguda-Badangi road Kandhamal 1 121 Bataguda Rutungia via Pusungia road. Kandhamal 3000 122 Raikia-Simanbadi road 4 km. Kandhamal 1 123 Daringabadi-Partmaha road (0 to 7 km.) Kandhamal 4000

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124 Baliguda-Budaguda road Kandhamal 20000 125 Raikia Badajahari road Kandhamal 20000 126 Masaripada-Kelapada-Sadingia-Balandapada road Kandhamal 1 127 Bridge over Ghagara nallah on Khadipala Kathakata road (60 m) Keonjhar 1 128 Bridge over Ghagara nallah on Anandapur-Goyalmunda road Keonjhar 1

129 Bridge over river Musala at 12th km. on Ghatagaon-Harichandanpur road (150m) Keonjhar 1

130 Batipal Talakanendi road Keonjhar 2000 131 H.L. bridge over river Baitarani at 6th km. on Childa-Rajnagar road Keonjhar 12000 132 Bridge over river Sunder Gouduni nallah on Arsala-Chauthia road (40m) Keonjhar 12000 133 Mangalpur-Bhimkund Road (10 to 15 Km.) Keonjhar 9000 134 Bridge over river Baitarani on Uchabali-Uttarposi road Keonjhar 25000 135 Bridge over Bhaluka nallah on Karanjia-Remuli road Keonjhar 13000

136 H.L. bridge over river Samakai nallah at 16th km Telkoi-Madhusudanpur-Talapada road ( 1x30.63 m) Keonjhar 8000

137 H.L. bridge over river Baitarani at 1st km. on Jamudalaka-Kankadapata-Kutraposi-Champua road Keonjhar 1

138 H.L. bridge over river Deogarh & Muran at 8th & 10th km. on Dasmantapur-Lulla road 2 x 24.75m & 4 x 30.63m Koraput 1

139 H.L. bridge over river Telingiri at 4th km. on Mundaguda-Somilaguda-Nakulguda road 4 x 30.63m Koraput 1

140 H.L. bridge over river Kurla at 4th km. on Kundra-Lima road Koraput 1 141 Bridge over river Kolab on Ramgiri-Raniguda road Koraput 10000 142 Koraput Mahadeiput-Panasaput ( 8.9 Km) Koraput 13000 143 Kotpad- Chirmandi ghat (5.8 km) Koraput 5000

144 Bridge over Putra Nallah on at 3/900 Km on Bada Kaudi to Sana Kaudi road (5 x 10.77) Koraput 9000

145 Bridge over Putra Nallah on Solpa-Dharanahandi -Khairimundi-Hadia road (12x10.77m) Koraput 20000

146 Bridge over Kurlu River on Jamakanadi-Bhejahandi Road Koraput 15000 147 Bridge over Local Nallah on Murkar-Autodora Road Koraput 16000 148 Bridge over Beda nallah at 5th KM on Subei-Kunduli road Koraput 1 149 Bridge over Bhitarli nallah at 2nd KM on Nandapur-Sarabati road Koraput 1

150 Bridge over Hanjaraguda nallah on Semiliguda Hanjaraguda road (P.S Road) 2 spans of 30.63mtr Koraput 16000

151 Bridge over local nallah on Dolaguda Mantriput Road Koraput 18000 152 Bridge over Madakapadar Nallah on PWD Road-Disariguda Malakangiri 10000 153 Bridge over Ambaguda Nallah on Amlabhatta-Ambaguda Road Malakangiri 10000 154 Bridge over Local Nallaha on Kukuguda- Biralaxmanpur Road Malakangiri 8000 155 Bridge over Tamasa nallah on MV 5 - MV44 via MV1 & MV4 at 3rd km. Malakangiri 1 156 H.L. bridge over river Kalo at 4th km. on Kaptipada-Podadiha road Mayurbhanj 6000

157 S.B. over river Kushabhadra at 3rd km. on Kaptipada-Padadiha via Kulialam-Sanadei Mayurbhanj 1400

158 Bridge over Budhabalanga on Khuntapal-Darkhuli road Mayurbhanj 28000 159 Bridge over river Jambhira on Kendudiha-Bhairangi-Ektaili road Mayurbhanj 28000 160 Jharpokharia-Sankhabhanga road Mayurbhanj 9000 161 Betnoti-Dahikoti-Merda Road (9.910 km) Mayurbhanj 11000 162 HL Bridge over river Sono Jeypur-Biaradihi-Debagaon road Mayurbhanj 1

163 H.L. bridge over Budhabalanga at 3rd km. on Golamundakata-Kanchhinda road Mayurbhanj 20000

164 Bridge over Ektali Nallah at 7.2 km. on Bisoi-Mahubhandar road (45m) Mayurbhanj 14000 165 Kadadihi-Mikdih-Thakumapatna road Mayurbhanj 7000 166 Bridge over Budhi Nallah at 4.59 km. on Rasamtala Hatibari road (80m) Mayurbhanj 14000

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167 Vegidiha to Surat road Mayurbhanj 20000 168 Jaldiha to Sadheikala Mayurbhanj 10000 169 Bridge over river Tentua ta 3rd KM on Anlabeni-Baunsanali road Mayurbhanj 1 170 Bridge over Brahmanmara nallah on Kosta-Kaduani-Nuajhalia road. Mayurbhanj 3000 171 Bridge over Handibhanga nallah on Suliapada-Chaksuliapada road. Mayurbhanj 6000 172 Bridge over Kanthala Nallah on Jamdiha-Badkhaman road. Mayurbhanj 7000 173 Bridge over Salandi on Jamda to Bagdafa road. Mayurbhanj 6000 174 Bridge over Local nallah at 2.01Km on Jamunalia-Kasiabeda road. Mayurbhanj 4 175 Bridge over river Bankabal on Bankati Bharandia road Mayurbhanj 7000 176 Bridge over river Khadakhai on Kumudasole Jonti road Mayurbhanj 8000 177 Bridge over Sim Nallah on Simdiha Boring road. Mayurbhanj 3 178 Bridge over Balisutra Nallah at 2nd km. on Jamada-Hensda road (45 m) Mayurbhanj 8000 179 S.B. over river Kanhu at 12th km. on Jamda- Hensada road 13x10.77m Mayurbhanj 1 180 Gorumahisiani to Chandipahandi Mayurbhanj 20000 181 Baghia Tanpur to Barakati Mayurbhanj 7000

182 H.L.Bridge over river Indrabati at 8th km. on Rajoda- Benia Nadighat road 9 x 30.63m Nabarangapur 5000

183 H.L. bridge over river Bhaskel at 2nd km. on RD road-Ghodakhunatia road 7x30.63 Nabarangapur 1

184 Bridge over Local nallah at 1 km. on Badaolama-Godegaon road Nabarangapur 1 185 Bridge over Turi nallah on Nabarangapur-Ambadola road. Nabarangapur 12000 186 SB Over Phatojodi Nallah at 10th KM on Chikili Phatakote Road Nabarangapur 5000 187 Bridge over Gunighat Nallah at 9th Km on Podalguda to Patraput Road Nabarangapur 7000 188 Bridge over Bellari Nallah on Junapani to Koilari Road Nabarangapur 12000 189 Bridge over Angi on B.M. Semla leading to Dabugaon road (200m) Nabarangapur 12000 190 Bridge over Kurubella Nallah at 13th K.M. of PL Road to Dumurimunda Road Nabarangapur 4000

191 S.B.over Udayapur nallah at 3rd km. on Pourabela-II to Udayapur road ( 4x10.77 m ) Nabarangapur 1

192 Bridge over Chitrangi nallah at 15th KM on Jharigaon-Dhamanguda road Nabarangapur 1 193 Bridge over Amrali nallah at 7th KM on Jharigaon-Dhamanguda road Nabarangapur 1 194 PL road to Kumuli, Chattibeda, Bharsundi to PL road. (18 Km) Nabarangapur 18955 195 Bridge over river Tel on Octasil-Nagalsis road Nabarangapur 9000

196 H.L. bridge over river Bansadhara on Dangosorada-Piskapanga road 4x30.63 m Rayagada 1

197 H.L. bridge over river Nagavali at 2nd k.m. on Jimidipeta-Pipalguda road 4 x 30.63m Rayagada 1500

198 H.L. bridge over river Nagabali on Kotapeta-K.Malegaon road Rayagada 15000

199 H.L. bridge over river Jhajabati at 1st km. on near Serikana on PWD road-Malipada-Tadama road alongwith long approach. Rayagada 8000

200 H.L. bridge over river Nagavali at 4th km. on Antamada-Denduli-Therubali road Rayagada 6000

201 H.L. bridge over Phalphalia nallah at 50th km. on Padmapur-Gudari-Raibiji road Rayagada 1

202 S.B. over Haduguda nallah at 1st km. on PWD road-Haduguda Rayagada 15000 203 Bridge over Bansadhara on Naira-Bainaguda road (350m) Rayagada 25000 204 Jimidipeta -Champikota road (11.25 km) Rayagada 12000 205 Bridge over river Nagabali on Rayagada-Baisingi via Chekaguda road Rayagada 15000 206 Bridge over Kanijodi nallah on B.Cuttack-Kutraguda road.(6 x 10.77mtr) Rayagada 12000

207 Bridge over river Sananai at 6th km on Khaira-Jhumpapur-Phulphuti road. ( 5 x 30.63mtr) Rayagada 20000

208 HL Bridge over river Jhanjabati at 1st km on P.W.D. Road to Halwa.( 3 Spans of 30.63mtr) Rayagada 10000

209 Junadihi-Laida road Sambalpur 7000

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210 H.L. bridge over river Tulub at 12th km. on Bhojapur-Jaminkera road 1 x 30m.+2 x 20m. Sambalpur 1

211 H.L. bridge over Surubalijore nallah at 1st km. on Tribenipur Chhaka-Badkhola via Bharatpur road. Sambalpur 1

212 Bridge over Kardapal Nallath at 13th km. on Padabalanda - Badmal road (60m) Sambalpur 8000

213 Bridge over Maltijore nallah on Padiabahal Tampergarh road Sambalpur 3500 214 Bridge over Champali nallah at 10th KM on PWD road to Rail road Sambalpur 1

215 H.L. bridge over river Mahanadi at 6th km. on Sambalpur-Sonepur to Chadheipanka-Binka road 24 x41.50+2 x 30.64m Sonepur 13000

216 HL bridge over river Ichha at 8th km on Mahulpali Surda Road Sundaragarh 3000 217 Bridge over Safei on Bargaon Bhoipali Kureiboga road (120m) Sundargarh 25000

218 Bridge over Basundhara Nallah at 7th km. on Duduka-Barapali via Kuisara road (60m) Sundargarh 15000

219 Rungaon Sahajbahal road Sundargarh 5000 220 Bridge over Safei Nallah at 3 rd Km. on Deuli-Bhalugard road. Sundargarh 25000 221 Bridge over river Safei on Sulei-Kantapali-Kinjirma road. Sundargarh 25000 222 Bridge over Ahida Nallah on Kanika Julumbahal road (4 spans of 10.77 mtr) . Sundargarh 1 223 Bridge over Tambu Nallah at 6th Km on Jouramunda Tarkera road. Sundargarh 8000 224 Bridge over Thinthin Nallah at 3rd Km on Nuadihi Pandiapali road. Sundargarh 15000 225 Bridge over Rukuda(Lima nallah) on RD road to Bhadimarah road (45m) Sundergarh 1 226 Hatibandha Dalakudar road Sundergarh 12000 227 Bridge over Brahmani nallah on Lathikata Timjore road Sundergarh 35000

228 S.B. over Chandiposh Nallah on Dumerjore-Kuarmunda Via Jagdishpur road 9x10.77mtr Sundergarh 1

229 Biramitrapur Pandrisila road Sundergarh 20000

230 Bridge over Laba Nallah at 7.23 on Jamudihi- Chordhara Road ( 4x10.77 Span ) Sundergarh 10000

231 Bridge over Suidihi Nallah on Dalakudar-Kankusuan Nallah Sundergarh 10000 232 H.L.bridge over river Safei at 2nd km. on Talsara-Bijadihi road 6x30.63 Sundergarh 1

Total : 1035000 04-DOR-800-Other Expr. 233 H.L.bridge over Lingara nallah at 3/00 km. on Jarapada-Purunakote rd Angul 1

234 Bridge over Hatigenja nallah at 16.20 km. on Sanahula-Paikasahi-Kantapada road 3x25.35 m Angul 1

235 Bridge over Aunli on Bagedia Sarpa road (150m) Angul 10000 236 Somanathpur Ankula Gopinathpur Road (5.520 Km) Angul 20000 237 Jharbeda Jambua Road (8.0 Km) Angul 4500 238 Boinda Makarmunda Road Angul 6000 239 Bridge over Himtira Nallah on Himtira-Sanjamura Road Angul 20000 240 Bridge over Nandira Nallah at 5th km on Sathapada-Lingrakata Road Angul 10000 241 Bridge over Angapada Nallah on Urukula Serenda-Khamara Angapada Road Angul 20000 242 Bridge over Local nallah at 1st km. on Gopinathapur-Mandarpur road Balasore 1

243 Bridge over Chetei Nallah-I&II at 0.4 & 0.03 km.on Bayanighat-Mohagab Via-Ramchandrapur Madhupur,Kusuti road (30m&30m) Balasore 10000

244 Bridge over river Sono on Sajanagarh-Ajodhya-Tindesh road Balasore 30000

245 Bridge over Prasanna Nallah at 1/100 Km. on Durgadevi R.D. Road to Gududa Road Balasore 1

246 Bridge over Andia Nallah at 1.000 Km. on Uttarpada-Namkana Road. Balasore 1 247 Kantapada Railway station to Srijanga Road. Balasore 1000 248 Bridge over Budhabalanga on Ambulkuda-Gandara road Balasore 15000 249 Bridge over Budhabalanga on Kasimpur-Haldia road Balasore 15000 250 Silda Mahadev Temple to Padabadagaon Rly gate road Balasore 15000

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251 Bridge over Local & Genguti Nallah at 4.5 Km & 5.6 km. on N.H.5 to Mulising (15m & 25m) Balasore 5000

252 Bridge over Chitei nallah with approach road at 7.7 km on Baharda-Bhutentuli-Laxmipatna road Balasore 100

253 H.L. Bridge over over river Ranj at 5th K.M. on Kainsir-Patkulunda road 5x30.63 Baragarh 1

254 H.L. bridge over river Kuliarijore nallah at 1.30 km. on Kaisira-Urduna via Beherapali road Baragarh 1

255 Bridge over Badmal Nallah-I&II at 14.1 & 14.375 Km on Ambabhona-Dunguri road (25m & 20m) Baragarh 15000

256 Bhatli-Nuagarh-Sulsulia road Baragarh 25000 257 Bridge over Burogarh Nallah at 2.7 Km on phulapali Bandhapali road Baragarh 11000 258 Bridge over Kuliarijore on Nuagarh-Urduna via Hatisar road Baragarh 1500 259 Bridge over Pandakipalli Nallah on Loharachoti Machimora Baragarh 1 260 Bridge over river Ong on PWD road to Brahmandihi via Koknara road Baragarh 8000

261 Bridge over river Uttali on Talpadar-Bijepur via Sanbaunsen, Barguda, Bandupali road Baragarh 1000

262 Bridge over Kukuri Nallah on Tumuripani-Nityanandpur road Baragarh 3000 263 Bridge over Jhitiki Nallah on Mandosil- Amethi road Baragarh 1000 264 Bridge over river Jeera on RD road-Launsara via Malipali road Baragarh 3000

265 H.L. Bridge over over river Ong at 2nd km. on P.W.D.road to Munikela road 5x25.35 Baragarh 1

266 Bridge over Hirapur nallah at 1 km. on Paikamal-Jhadabandha road Baragarh 1 267 Bridge over river Ranj on Barguda to Bhatigaon road Baragarh 10000 268 Bridge over Kumudi nallah on Kansar-Darliguda Padmapur road Baragarh 12000 269 Dolasahi Guamal Tihidi road from 0/0 km. to 3/700 km Bhadrak 8000

270 H.L. bridge over Mantei at 7.80 km. on BC road-Matiasahi road (Missing Link on Saya-Nandakandarpa PMGSY road OR-04-109) Bhadrak 10000

271 Manjuri-Govindapur Road.(RIDF) Bhadrak 1

272 Bridge over Palasahi & Chingadanashi nallah at 2nd Km & 5th km. on Doharasahi-Paramandapur via-Chingadanashi Palasahi rd (32m & 21m) Bhadrak 25000

273 Bridge over river Kapali at 0.7 Km on RD Road to CS Nandoor (50m) Bhadrak 15000 274 Ganijanga-Ramakrishnapur Bhadrak 1 275 Bridge over river Sanakapali on Aluti Ramapur road Bhadrak 3000 276 Bridge over River Salandi on Charigaon Chakrapadhi Road Bhadrak 20000 277 Bridge over River Sanaseulia jore on R.D Road to Hansapat Road Bhadrak 9000 278 S.B Bridge over River Gamei on Brahmanogaon to Pandasunighat Road. Bhadrak 4000 279 Bridge over River Kochila at 1.800 KM on PWD Road to Astak Road Bhadrak 1

280 HL Bridge over river Mantei at 4.800 km. on BC road to Bahabalapur with approaches Bhadrak 15000

281 Bridge over Baitarani connecting R.D.Road to Balipatna and Ahias Kamalpur road (300m) Bhadrak 25000

282 H.L. bridge over river Reba at 4th km. on Jhatiasahi-Mangalpur road 2 x 25.35m Bhadrak 1

283 Bridge over Kandia at 4th km. on Dhusuri-Nadigaon road Bhadrak 500 284 H.L. bridge over Lanth on Ampali-Belagaon road 11x30.63m Bolangir 1 285 Bridge over Katangi nallah on Khaprakhol-Juria road 9 x 10.77m Bolangir 1 286 H.L.bridge over river Sonegarh at 1st km. on Bandhapada-Tepren road Bolangir 100 287 H.L. bridge over Sonegarha at 2nd km. on Kuthurla-Silekani road Bolangir 1000 288 Bridge over river Lanth on Mandal-Madhyapur road Bolangir 20000 289 Salepali (PWD) road to Babejuri via Chakamal Bolangir 15000

290 S.B. over river Nuapali nallah at 10th km on Deogaon-Nuapalli road( Jarasingh Athagaon) Bolangir 1

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291 S.B. over Mayabati at 1st. Km. on Sarmuhana-Sunamudi road 4 x 30m. Bolangir 1

292 H.L. bridge over river Rahul at 1st km. near Gudvella on Gudvella-Jammut road 5 x 30.63m. Bolangir 500

293 H.L. bridge over river Baurijore nallah at 10th km. near Kudasingha on Singhkhaman-Kudasingh road Bolangir 1

294 S.B. over Lanth at 3rd km. on PWD road-Pallimal road 9 x 10.77m. Bolangir 1 295 S.B. over Sakam nallah at 2nd km. on Fasad-Fatabahal road Bolangir 1 296 Rajendra Chhaka-NH 201 via Women's College road Bolangir 1 297 Bridge over Suktel on Bagmud-Hirli to Luhasingha road Bolangir 100 298 SB over Bourijore nallah on Nuapada Sahajbahal road under BSY(6x10.77m) Bolangir 500

299 SB over Dhanpur nallah at 8th Km on Jamut Dhanpur road under BSY(Span-6x10.77mtr) Bolangir 3000

300 Bridge over Suktel on Tamia Mudalsar road. Bolangir 28000 301 S.B. over Ichhapada nallah at 0.500 km. on PWD road-Ichhapra road Bolangir 1 302 Bridge over Satabahani nallah on Titilagarh Muribahala road (40m) Bolangir 100

303 Bridge over Ghagarajore nallah at 3td km. on Turekela to Badabanki road (50m) Bolangir 12000

304 H.L. bridge over river Tel at 14th km. on Titilagarh-Lutharbandha road Bolangir 45000 305 Bridge over Tangjore nallah on Sindhekela Themra road Bolangir 15000 306 H.L. bridge over river Tel at 2.50 km. on Tarava-Kantamal road Boudh 50000 307 Bridge over local nallah on Baragaon - Kunasila road Boudh 3000 308 Bridge over Local Nallah ( 3 Nos) on Dahya - Talpadar - Sagada Road Boudh 15000

309 Bridge over Badajhar Nallah at 0/240 Km on Purumunda-Turuguda-Sagada rd Boudh 4000

310 Bridge over Sankulai nallah on RD road to MSG to Purunapalli road Boudh 12000 311 Chahapada-Kanpur road (3.795 - 9.60 km.) Cuttack 1

312 Bridge over Gobari Drainage cut at 1.250 km. on Lalitgiri-Haribhaktapur road 5 x 8.77m. Cuttack 1

313 H.L.bridge over river Birupa at 2nd km. near Jasarajpur on Bheda-Anandabazar road.11x30.63m Cuttack 2000

314 Bridge over Gobari on Baradiha-Jaleswarpur road (80m) Cuttack 10000

315 Bridge over River Badagenguti at 2nd Km on Basudevpur Madhupur Jayapur Via-Dobandia road (300m) Cuttack 60000

316 Alarpur - Kateni road (4.07 km) Cuttack 3000 317 Katikata - Tilanga Cuttack 18000 318 Sauri Ramaswar Cuttack 10000 319 Bridge over Sedhua nallah on Khurunti Khalarda road Cuttack 60000 320 Bridge over Teljdi nallah on Patsundarpur-Mahura road Cuttack 1 321 Bridge over Chindanala river at 3rd km on Patrakana village Road. Cuttack 5000 322 S.B. over Gobari on Chahapada Kanpur Road at Jankoti of Rs.276.00 lakhs. Cuttack 4000 323 S.B. over Gobari on Badheichhanda Manitri Road of Rs.290.00 lakhs. Cuttack 5000 324 Bridge over Chandipur nallah on Chandipur Rajib road. Cuttack 1 325 HL Bridge over Dhania nallah on Mitikapur Hatibari road Cuttack 10000 326 SB over river Finga on KaraKamal to Udayapur-Dal road. Cuttack 10000 327 SB over river Lesma on Danda padia-Ostapur-Santanibati road Cuttack 1 328 Godibandha Dasrathipur road Cuttack 15000 329 Bridge over Sapua nallah on Katakisahi-Balisahi road Cuttack 25000 330 S.B. over Maajhia Nallah on Tusula Phulpathar Road (4x10.77m) Deogarh 3500 331 S.B. over Badajore nallah at 2nd km. on Tarava-Sankulai road Dhenkanal 1

332 S.B.over Kuanria nallah at 9th km. Pingua-Laulai alongwith 6 km. approach road Dhenkanal 1

333 Bridge over Badajore nallah on Kalapani Banasingh road (45m) Dhenkanal 1 334 Bridge over Lingara nallah on Nuagaon-Kankalu road Dhenkanal 1500

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335 Bridge over Benga nallah at 5th KM on Bhapur-Abhimanpur road Dhenkanal 1 336 Bridge over Damasal nallah on NH-200 to patapur road Dhenkanal 5000 337 S.B over Batajanla nallah on Gelhikateni Saranga Road Dhenkanal 3000 338 S.B. over Pandra nallah at 12th km. on Anantapur-Balibo-Mahulpal road Dhenkanal 1 339 Bridge over river Ramial on Hatuary-Jagannathpur road Dhenkanal 25000 340 Bridge over river Ramial on Khatakhura-Bhairipur road Dhenkanal 25000 341 Bhuban Chandar Ektali road Dhenkanal 12000

342 H.L. bridge over river Mahendratanaya at 3/80 km. on Gosani-Gurandi-Lingipur-Upalada road. 4 x 30.63m Gajapati 3500

343 Gorabandha Kichling Kainpur road Gajapati 20000

344 HL Bridge over Baghua at 3/4Km on Polosara Bartini via Belaqgam Dimiria Road . (HL:4 x 30.63M) Ganjam 20000

345 Bridge over Makhana Nallah at 3/244 Km on Sorala to Sunapur Via: Krupanidhi Pentho road Ganjam 4500

346 Bridge over Dengapara Nallah at 3/500 Km & Khari Nallah at 4/600 Km on Bhismagiri RD road to Baramunduli road Ganjam 10000

347 SB over Kaliamba Nallaha at 3rd Km on Binchana Badaborsingi Road Ganjam 15000 348 Khajapalli-Satanalla via Kalimeghi Beruanbadi road (8.43 km.) Ganjam 1

349 S.B. over Bantadhara nallah at 19th km. on Belaguntha-Gereda-Lembhei road Ganjam 1

350 S.B.over river Bodanadi at 2nd km. on PWD Road to Malingi via Routi road (6x10.77 mtr ) Ganjam 1

351 S.B.over Banta nallah at 3rd km. on Gereda-Khetamundali road (6x10.77 mtr ) Ganjam 1

352 HL Bridge over river Baghua at 2nd km on PWD road to Bhagabanpur road 3 x 30.63m Ganjam 1

353 Bridge over Bada Nallah at 5.1 km. on NH-217 (NH-59) to Surekhadeipur road (45m) Ganjam 10000

354 Chakundapalli-Dhumakumpa Road (6KM) Ganjam 25000 355 Kodala Mardamekha road (5 km.) Ganjam 1

356 Talasakar-Antarapada road from Pump House-Sakaleswar Pitha-P.D.Pur Sasan Chhaka & Sanakulai Ganjam 500

357 Badagada Janivilli road Ganjam 35000 358 Bridge over Kokolaba nallah on Manapur-Tarasingi road Ganjam 10000 359 Bridge over Jarau nallah at 21st Km on Badgada - Mohana road. Ganjam 1500 360 Bridge over Jarau nallah at 31st Km on Badgada - Mohana road. Ganjam 1 361 Bridge over river Baghua on Mandar-Bellagam Via. Sodaka - Budhesuni road Ganjam 25000

362 S.B. over Kokolaba nallah near Manapur at 20th km. on Belaguntha-Gereda-Lambee road Ganjam 6000

363 Gundurisahi-Gayaganda road Ganjam 12000

364 H.L. bridge over river Badanadi at 10th km. on Dholpita-Domuhani road 3 x 30.63m Ganjam 1

365 H.L. bridge over river Padma at 7th km. on Baradi-Lokamari-Amrutulu road 3 x 30.63m Ganjam 10000

366 H.L. bridge over Loharakhandi nallah at 4th km. on SH 7 - Badakodanda road Ganjam 12000 367 Raipali to Gopinathpur road (7 km.) Ganjam 1000 368 H.L. bridge over Rushikulya connecting NH 217- Jagadei-Jahad road Ganjam 30000 369 Kendupadar-Pailipada road Ganjam 20000

370 Buguda, Polasara PWD road to Ganjam Border Via- Chirikipada & Maa singhasini Pitha Ganjam 20000

371 Jhadabhaumi-Kadapada Ganjam 15000 372 Kulangi K Banpur via Budhanta Ganjam 20000 373 Moritana Chilikhana Ganjam 10000

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374 Balia Aladigaon road Ganjam 8000

375 R.D. road Kudutei to Samaabandha via Badakhanda Tulasipalli & Narayanpalli road Ganjam 20000

376 Approch road to JN Sagar MIP Polsara via JN Pur Ganjam 5000

377 H.L. bridge over Kharkhari nallah at 2nd km. on Sama-Phasipada road 2 x 30.63m. Ganjam 1

378 Badamahuri-Samantaratnapalli via Bauribagadia road (6.90 km.) Ganjam 100 379 Sheragada-Kumarpani Karadakara road (0/0 to 7.80 km.) Ganjam 100

380 H.L. bridge over river Bahuda connected to village Parsambha (Chikiti block) to Badabaranga, Andra pradesh Chandrapur Sasan Ganjam 28000

381 H.L. bridge over river Bahuda connected to village Jagannathpur-Turibodi (Patrapur block) Ganjam 24000

382 H.L. bridge over river Bahuda connected to village Pandri (Chikiti block) to Chaitanya Chandrapur sasan Ganjam 24000

383 Bridge over Local Nallah at 0.8,0.9 & 1.2 Km on PWD road-Kusapada, Potanda Via,Kamapadia,Kedarpur (8m,24m&16m) Ganjam 12000

384 Sikiri MDR 64-P.Ramchandrapur Ganjam 18000 385 Berhampur Medical Chhaka-G.Jagannathpur via Bhabinipur road (5.30 km.) Ganjam 15000 386 Darubhadra-Gandala via Maruapali road Ganjam 10000 387 H.L. bridge over river Rushikulya on Talhara-Vetasingi road Ganjam 7000 388 R.Subani to Haripur via Jhatipadara Khuntapali from 0 km to 16 km Ganjam 1

389 H.L. bridge over Rangei nallah with approach road on Mandarajpur-Ekasingi road Ganjam 1

390 H.L. bridge over Nandini nallah at 3/6 km. on NH 36-Krushnachhai via Seranguda road Ganjam 500

391 Chaittanyapada-Dayapali via Godarapali & Drubandha Ganjam 10000 392 Dharampur-Gopalpur chhaka via Venkatrapur-New Boxpalli road Ganjam 3000 393 Khajipalli-Kanchuru via Mohanpali road Ganjam 1 394 Punarkhundi to Sasan Ambagaon via saru Ganjam 9000 395 PWD road ( Harina )to Pudomari Ganjam 4000 396 H.L. bridge over river Bahuda at 1st km. on K.Nuagaon-BSNL Pur road Ganjam 1 397 Hinjili-Khirida road (0/0 to 2.65 km.) Ganjam 1 398 Gandala-Sadasivpur-Chandipadar road (0/0 to 4.80 km.) Ganjam 1 399 Locha padi PWD road to Saktinagar via Lamanagar Merisahi Badasahi rd Ganjam 20000 400 Mahulipala- Boripadar raod Ganjam 3507 401 Jakari PWD road to Komaradi raod Ganjam 10000 402 Surangi-Nuapada via Rajapur-Pitigovindapur and Subalya (0/0 to 15/6 km.) Ganjam 25000

403 Digapahandi PWD road to Gokarnapur PWD road via Jakarpali, Sanaboreda, Bada Barada, Kankeri Ganjam 25000

404 Jarada-Sunakhala via Ghati Mukundapur (0/8 km.) Ganjam 20000 405 Nuapada Kabulpur road Jagatsinghpur 2000 406 Bridge over river Potanai Pokamul Devi Right Canal Embankment Jagatsinghpur 13000 407 Bridge over river Devi near Dahanikhia on Machhagaon Asilo road Jagatsinghpur 52932 408 Bridge over river Adsanga Nallah Erasama Pokhariapada Road Jagatsinghpur 1000

409 Expressway Kaijhar Chhaka to Ostapal Bramhanipal road from 0/0 Km to 6/300 Km Jajpur 4500

410 H.L. bridge over Balungapatia at 4th km. on Bari-Binjharpur road Jajpur 20000 411 H.L.bridge over river Budha at 5th km. on RD road-Uasahi road Jajpur 20000 412 Bridge over Kharastrota on Maheswarpur-Jahalaghata road (550m) Jajpur 30000

413 H.L. bridge at Namitikiri over HLC Range-II at 9th km. & Jamuna nallah at 7th km. on Ankula-Panikoili road 2 x 25.35m & 4 x 30.63m Jajpur 1

414 HL Bridge over river Baitarani at 8th km on Barundei-Mathurapur road 24 x 30.63m Jajpur 2000

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415 Bridge over Ganda Nallah at 2nd km. on Gobardhanpur Ostapla road (30m) Jajpur 6000 416 Bridge over river Birupa at 3rd km. on Bahujanga-Dhaudiapada road (150m) Jajpur 5000 417 Malaanandapur to Adanga Bridge (6.33Km) Jajpur 10000 418 NH-5 to Sunguda via Khosalpur Jajpur 100 419 Duburi Expressway to Patapur via Nakadei and Sorisiapada Jajpur 10000 420 Bridge over Ganda nallah on RD road-Baghabindha road Jajpur 12000 421 Bridge over Jamuna nallah on Beruda to Jalahara road Jajpur 20000 422 Bridge over Kaliapani nallah on Ranapur Odapada road Jajpur 20000 423 Bridge over Pandara nallah on Bambilo Kuhika road Jajpur 1 424 Bridge over Dappa Nallah on Haripur to Karjanga road Jajpur 400 425 Bridge over river Sanagenguti at 3rd km. on N.H-5 to Sakuntalapur Jajpur 18000 426 Paresnar pur Kutepur road Jajpur 2000 427 Achutapur- Badabarisahi road Jajpur 25000

428 H.L. bridge over river Badagenguti near Biramalpur at 3rd km. on Udayagiri-Majhipada road Jajpur 15000

429 H.L. bridge over Kelua on Udaya nagar Kadampal road Jajpur 22000 430 Bridge over river Utei on Karlamunda-Joradobra road Kalahandi 25000 431 Bridge over Perenchu nallah on Bhanpur-Upher road Kalahandi 6000 432 Bridge over river Sandul at Bramhanighat on Balipada-Ghodapokhari road Kalahandi 5000 433 Bridge over river Udanti (Tel) on Dokripada-Atigaon road (150m) Kalahandi 15000 434 Bridge over river Udanti on PWD road-Kanduljore road Kalahandi 5000 435 Bridge over river Mudra on Chiliguda-Phupgaon road Kalahandi 1500 436 Bridge over river Kamal on Badakutru-Sankutru road Kalahandi 10000 437 Bridge over River Hati Talmala Bainriguda Road Kalahandi 25000 438 S.B.over Kataki Nallah on Bhurtigarh - Kadamguda junction Road Kalahandi 2500

439 S.B.over Local Nallah Tajabaju Nallah at 4/0 Km on Pajibahal - Mohangiri Road Kalahandi 500

440 S.B.over Perenchu Nallah at 9/750Km on Tulapada - Panga Road Kalahandi 500 441 Bridge over Jampada Nallah on Kalampur -Dulkibandh Road. Kalahandi 1 442 Bridge over Local Nallah on Kalampur -Mandal Road. Kalahandi 10000 443 Bridge over Mudra on Gambhariguda-Chikili Road Kalahandi 12000 444 S.B.over Bhatrajore Nallah at 1/0Km on Kupagaon to Paduapada Road Kalahandi 7000 445 Bridge over Digiripada nallah at 9th km. on Nuagaon-Kudutuli-Sainipada rd Kandhamal 1 446 Bridge over Brahmani drainage cut at 8th km. on Dobandha-Ghagara road Kendrapara 10000 447 Bridge over river Gobari on Kupuni to Gandakhia road (1 x 30.63mtr.) Kendrapara 20000 448 Bridge over Sarumuhin Nallah on Adoi to Sarumuhin road (1 x 25.35mtr.) Kendrapara 12000 449 Bridge over Tantiapal Nallah on Gunthi-Tantiapal road (1span of 25.35mtr.) Kendrapara 15000

450 Bridge over Ambura Nallah on Belarpur High School to Laxmanjew Temple Office road. (3span of 10.77mtr.) Kendrapara 8000

451 HL Bridge over river Brahmani Creek on Kerdagarha to Chandanpur road (1 span of 25.35mt) Kendrapara 12000

452 Bridge over Luna nallah on Duhudipur to Badamohanpur road Kendrapara 12000 453 Kantilo Benabandha Kendrapara 10000

454 H.L. bridge over Guptagiri nallah at 4th km. on Gojabandha-Ramnagar road 2x30.63m Kendrapara 1

455 H.L. bridge over river Birupa at Benipur-Kampagarh on Laxminarayanpur-Balikuda road Kendrapara 1

456 Bridge over Khola nallah on Haranasi-Barakolikhala road (35m) Kendrapara 15000 457 Narayanpur to Ajgarpatia Kendrapara 5000

458 Bridge over Peta on Singhpur Rajkanika (R&B)road-Hatasahi via-Agaada Gahampal Batapada Kendrapara 500

459 H.L. bridge over river Kani at Kalamada on RD road-Padanipal Kendrapara 5000 460 H.L. bridge over river Kharasrota at 2nd km. on Nuabazar-Balitaraghat road Kendrapara 5000

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461 H.L. bridge over Babar Creek at 13th km. on Orat-Badhi road Kendrapara 5000 462 Nayadia ghat to Singhayada via krushnadaspur Kendrapara 10000 463 Gobindpur Thakur patna road Kendrapara 10000 464 Bridge over Dhenka Nallah on Bancho-Panchagochhia road. Keonjhar 1000

465 Bridge over Ghagara nallah at 11.4 Km. of Dadhibamanpur-Tartara-Kantipal road. Keonjhar 1

466 Bridge over Tel on Saharpada-Machhagarh road Keonjhar 12000 467 Bridge over Kachhimajodi Nallah at 0.775 Km. on Khajuridiha Beghna road. Keonjhar 12000 468 Bridge over Aradei on NH-215-Silisuan Via-Bishnupur road. Keonjhar 10000 469 Bridge over Tigiria Nallah on Nudurpada-Kaliahata road Keonjhar 1 470 Bridge over Purujoda nallah on Telkoi-Akula road. Keonjhar 1 471 Bridge over Aradei Nallah on Karanjia-Remuli road Keonjhar 5000 472 Gurujanga - Kajalaganda road Khurda 1 473 Gayabandha- Olasingh road Khurda 10000 474 Bridge over river Dhanua on Madhuban Darada road Khurda 25000 475 H.L. bridge over Dhanua at 5th km. on Narada-Dalaksati-Rajas rd 3x30.63m Khurda 1

476 S.B. over river Malaguni (Mandakini) & river Khatial on Kaipadar-Siko-Gadamantri road alongwith long approach Khurda 1

477 S.B. over Chatura (Bangiri) nallah at 3rd km. on Brahmagiri-Atri road Khurda 1

478 H.L. bridge over Kusabhadra at 14/990 km. connecting Sisu Ananata Pitha-Jayadev Pitha Khurda 5000

479 Hantuada-Dhumala road Khurda 1 480 Impvt. to NH 203 to Gangotri nagar Lane-I to Lane -III BBSR Khurda 100 481 Atri jakara road Khurda 10000 482 Bolagada Dalei sahi road Khurda 10000 483 Biribandha Retanga road Khurda 7000

484 Bridge over Mahujhara nallah (Kusumi nallah) on NH-5 to Pariorada Via Orada road Khurdha 5000

485 Bridge over river Gangua Nallah on N.H.203 to Mohavirnagar road Khurdha 700 486 Bridge over river Deo at 3rd Km.on Udala-Amadiha road. Mayurbhanj 4000 487 Bridge over river Baunsa Nallah on NH-5 Chhurunia-Mantapal road. Mayurbhanj 5000 488 Bridge over river on Gangahar on Deuli-Balichilima road. Mayurbhanj 12000 489 Bridge over Madhabi Nallah on Naupal-Rout Sahi road. Mayurbhanj 10000 490 Bridge over river Deo on Kundabai-Manikpur road. Mayurbhanj 2000 491 Bridge over Arikul Nallah on Mahibasa-Agnikumari road Mayurbhanj 9000 492 Bridge over Katra Nallah on N.H-5 Kuliana to Jagannathkhunta Road. Mayurbhanj 3000

493 H.L. bridge over river Dahuka at 4th km. on Tulasipur-Khadugaon rd ( 4x30.63 mtr) Nayagarh 22000

494 H.L. bridge over river Kusumi at 5th km. on Kadalibandha-Gunthasahi road Nayagarh 3000 495 Bridge over river Kuanria on PWD road-Dwarigaon road Nayagarh 3500 496 Bridge over Dahuka nallah at 3.90 km. on Krushnaprasad-Anlamada road Nayagarh 87 497 H.L. bridge over Lunijhar nallah at 2nd km. on Itamati-Khedapada road Nayagarh 10000 498 Nuagaon-Naitalia road Nayagarh 8000 499 H.L. bridge over Dahuka nallah at 1st km. on PWD road-Gateri Nayagarh 6500

500 H.L. bridge over river Brutanga at 10th km. on Andarikote-Ghugudupada road 3 x 30.63m Nayagarh 1

501 Bridge over Kusumi on Magarbandha - Gunduribadi road Nayagarh 18000 502 H.L. Bridge over river Duanto on Panchrida-Rohibanka-Banthapur Road Nayagarh 7000 503 H.L. Bridge over local Nallah on Sulia-Kantilo Road Nayagarh 7000 504 H.L. Bridge over river Malaguni on Natim-Mayurjhalia Road Nayagarh 10000 505 Bridge over river Kusumi on Bhadikila-Ostia Road Nayagarh 22000 506 Bhogar Tendabadi road Nayagarh 8000 507 Jamujhari to Golapokhari road Nayagarh 3000

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508 HL bridge over river Sunder at 5th km. on Khariar Dumerjore road 5 x 30.63m. Nuapada 1

509 Nuapada-Kuliabandha road 17.57 km. Nuapada 1 510 Bridge over river Dahanapali on Kulekela-Dahanapali road Nuapada 1

511 H.L.Bridge over River Sananadi at 2nd Km near Baghiharan on Tukla Plasakhanda Road Nuapada 25000

512 S.B. over Local (Dhobenjore) Nallah at 2 Km on Sindursil-Talakot Road Nuapada 1 513 H.L. bridge over river Sunder at 1st km. on Komana-Bhela road Nuapada 1 514 Bridge over river Sunder on Kutribahal-Kumutimunda road Nuapada 1 515 Dighalo Chhaka-Terundia via Musunupur road. Puri 1 516 Charichhak Gop road to Temple Chhak Puri 12000 517 Ottar Balikanda to Silei road Puri 2000 518 Bridge over Dhanua nallah on Bamanal-Balanga via-Baku road. Puri 18000

519 HL Bridge over river Balighai nallah I & II at 13/900 km & 14/300 Km on Jankia-Kanasa road Puri 12000

520 H.L. bridge over river Daya at 6th km. near Birakesarpur on Mandarbasta-Trilochanpur-Kalyanpur road Puri 1

521 Mandarbasta - Kalyanpur road Puri 1 522 Bridge over Ratnachira on Siruli Karamala road Puri 10000 523 Bridge over river Bhargavi on Balikera-Tinikudi near Rahadamala road Puri 1

524 H.L. Bridge over River Kadua on Palabasta Tellkud road under Biju Setu Yojana Puri 20000

525 H.L.Bridge over River Prachi on Somanathpur Tavagorada road under Biju Setu Yojana. Puri 20000

526 H.L.bridge over river Makara on Badakharad- Badal road at 5.7 Km road. Puri 15000

527 H.L. bridge over river Bhargavi at 4th Km. on Biswanathpur- Panibhandar - B.Gadadharpur. Puri 15000

528 Gorual to Balipada Sandhapur road Puri 5000 529 Danda Mukunda pur to Delanghat road Puri 10000 530 NH 203 to Basudevpur via Dubu Duba Puri 2000 531 Approach road to Bridge over river Daya on Kalyanpur- Mandarabasta Road Puri 10000 532 Bridge over Nuaburda Nallah on Falsabahal Padhanpali Road Sambalpur 2500 533 Bridge over Sialjore Nallah on Tamperkela Orampada Rengalpali Road Sambalpur 5000 534 Bridge over Surubali Nallah on Podabalanda Badmal Road Sambalpur 18000

535 H.L. bridge over Uttali nallah at 1st. Km. on Lachhipur-Kutasinga road 5x 30.63 mtr Sonepur 1

536 H.L. bridge over river Suktel at 1st km. on Pua-Deulapadar road Sonepur 12000 537 H.L. bridge over river Nibruti at 1st km. on Ghatkaintara-Maradiguchha road Sonepur 4000 538 Bridge over Nibrutijore on Sargaj Jurabandh road(7x10.77 Mtr) Sonepur 8000

539 Bridge over Chouki & Panikhai nallah at 9/7 km & 10/200 KM on MDR 39 to Nandanmal road (6x10.77 m) Sonepur 18000

Total : 2700000 Grand Total 4500000

N.B: The work /Scheme/ Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financioal year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 46


PMGSY programme, a Govt. of India sponsored scheme aims at providing all-

weather connectivity to all unconnected habitations in rural areas of the State upto population

500 and above for 12 Non-IAP districts and 250 and above in 18 IAP districts and population

100 and above in 38 blocks of IAP districts. Accordingly, GoI has so far sanctioned projects

worth `1781424.00 lakh for construction of 11649 roads with a length of 45190.14 Km. in

different phases with construction of 292 missing link bridges on PMGSY roads for

providing connectivity to 16392 habitations. Funds of `1194283.00 lakh has been received

from MoRD, GoI. till end of January’2015, `12572.71 crore has been utilised for

construction of 31320.02 Km. of roads including 96 missing link bridges for providing

connectivity to 10675 habitations. Excess fund utilized has been met from State’s

contribution and interest amount from the programme fund received from MoRD, GoI.

During the year 2014-15, State has programmed to utilize `180000.00 lakh for

construction of roads of 4500 Km. till date MoRD has provided funds of `.1051.50 Cr. By

end of January’2015, `122132.00 lakh has been incurred by constructing 2774.88 Km. of

roads for providing connectivity to 898 habitations.

During the year 2015-16, it has been programmed to utilize `190000.00 lakh for

construction of roads of 3000 Km. Out of `190000.00 Lakh, `.1800 lakh will be received

from MoRD, GoI and balance `10000.00 lakh will be provided by the State towards

construction of bridges & tender premium.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 47

Outcome budget for the year 2015-16 under PMGSY programme (Roads & Bridges)

Sl. No.

Name of the District

No. of road on-going/ to be takenup.

No. of bridges on-going/ to be takenup.

Expenditure to be made during 2014-15

1 2 3 4 5

1 Angul 44 8

`190000.00 Lakh*

2 Balasore 223 4 3 Baragarh 95 - 4 Bhadrak 100 6 5 Bolangir 171 2 6 Boudh 33 2 7 Cuttack 108 6 8 Deogarh 40 - 9 Dhenkanal 48 1 10 Gajapati 153 4 11 Ganjam 151 9 12 Jagatsinghpur 55 1 13 Jajpur 66 10 14 Jharsuguda 17 - 15 Kalahandi 213 15 16 Kendrapara 72 6 17 Keonjhar 180 13 18 Khurda 59 4 19 Koraput 181 5 20 Malkangiri 201 6 21 Mayurbhanj 184 17 22 Nawarangpur 100 4 23 Nayagarh 113 5 24 Nuapada 95 1 25 Phulbani 96 9 26 Puri 213 7 27 Rayagada 159 10 28 Sambalpur 109 9 29 Sonepur 92 3 30 Sundergarh 186 11 Total : 3557 178

* NB: `190000.00 Lakh includes `10000.00 lakh by the State for labour escalation, tender premium, State share of bridges

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 48

Work list under D.No.28-5054-COL on R&B-SP-SS-04-DOR/80-General-800-OE/ 789-SCP for SC/796-TASP-2161-RIDF-37257-Biju Setu Yojana for the year 2015-16

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme / Project / Work Name of the District

Financial outlay (`.in TRS)

(including Normal, SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4 80-General-789-SCP for SC

1 Bridge over Singada Nallah on Badatribida-Chandrabil-Soloda Road Angul 12000 2 H.L. bridge on Singada Nallah at 1st Km on Baghabaspur-Ranjagoda rd Angul 3000 3 Bridge over Ghagara nallah connecting Kesura-Ringpur road Balasore 1000 4 H.L. bridge over Dhali nallah on Baunsakhunti - Dhana road Balasore 1 5 Bridge over Chhapulia Nallah at 0.722 Km. on Kuruda to Ainiri road Balasore 5000 6 Bridge over Chikiti nallah on PWD road-Thalabartana road Balasore 1 7 Bridge over Local Nallah at 2nd km. on Khaira to Oupada Via- Kukudia rd Balasore 1000 8 H.L. Bridge over Coast canal at 2nd km on Kulhadnada-Badatalapada rd. Balasore 1000 9 H.L. bridge over river Uttali at 9th km. on Petupali - Saipali road Baragarh 1

10 H.L. bridge over river Ranj Nadi on Kumbhari G.P. To Patakulunda G.P. Bargarh 1000 11 Bridge over Kharmunda Jore on Kalangapali to main canal road Bargarh 1 12 H.L. bridge over river Danta on Kalmenda - Remenda road Bargarh 1 13 Bridge over Salandi River at 2.1 km on PWD Road to Bentala Road(55 m) Bhadrak 1000 14 Bridge over River Kochila at 1.42 KM. on RD Road to Balipatana road. Bhadrak 13000

15 Bridge over river Barakolimahara at Chiainage 3/100 Km on Dhamangar Falapur road Bhadrak 2000

16 Bridge over river Biruan Mahara at Chiainage 3.500 Km on Dhamangar Falapur road Bhadrak 2000

17 H.L. bridge over river Baitarani at Hasanabad-Pallhasahi uner Hasanabad G.P. Bhadrak 2000

18 H.L. Bridge over Chhatra jore nallah on Karanjamal to Bhuansul road Bhadrak 2000 19 H.L. bridge over river Mantei on Gadi - Panchutikiri road Bhadrak 1 20 Bridge over Chinched nallah on PWD road to Chinched road Bolangir 1 21 Bridge over Kusangi nallah on Bolangir-Chandanabhati road Bolangir 1 22 H.L. bridge over Lanth on Badimunda PMGSY road to Saintala Bolangir 1000 23 H.L. bridge over Kasangijore on Pandrani to Manhira Bolangir 3000 24 Bridge over Kusasinga Nallah on Jagannath R.D Road Boudh 6000 25 Bridge over Kutijhar Nallah on Bukasinga to Kutijhar Road Boudh 12000

26 Bridge over Somapaju nallah at 7/100 KM on Baghiapada-Somapaju-Panisal road Boudh 4500

27 Bridge over Somapaju nallah at 8/100 Km on Baghiapada-Somapaju-Panisal road. Boudh 6000

28 Bridge over Local Nallah at 15th on Baghiapada- Sagada road Boudh 1000

29 Bridge over Local Nallah at 3rd Km and at 4th Km on Narayan Prasad Landapalli road. Boudh 1000

30 Bridge over river Salki on PWD road to Olanda -Kamira road. Boudh 1000 31 Bridge over Arkhei Nallah at 4th Km on S.H to Jadagola road (8x10.77m) Deogarh 1 32 Bridge over Siaria nallah at 2nd KM on Basantapur-Gundiapali road Deogarh 1 33 S.B over Andhari Nallah at 5th Km on Santhapur-Marthapur road Dhenkanal 1

34 H.L. Bridge overDamsala nallah at Baruan on Badanali to Nuagaon road via Kolodiha,Jhinkargoda Dhenkanal 1

35 H.L. bridge over Kantei Nallah on Balsar to Sudhakantamila P.R.road Dhenkanal 1000 36 H.L. bridge over Regidi nallah on Badkalakote to Rigidi road Gajapati 1000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 49

37 Bridge over Angu Nallah on Sunathara - Angu - Hindula Road Ganjam 1

38 Bridge over Swapenaswar Nallah at 5th K.M. of Sadara - Golapada road (SB 4 X 10.77) Ganjam 1


Box cell Bridge over Natchuni Nallah at 2nd K.M. of Budurungu R.D. Road to Chellakhai PWD Road vide Sisunda Charichhaka road (Box cell 3 x 8m x 4 M)

Ganjam 1

40 SB over Loharkhandi Nallah at 3/6 Km on Mujagada to Rambhapalli Road SB (5 x 10.77 M) Ganjam 165

41 H.L. bridge over river Padma on Madhabapur-Dhanapur road Ganjam 1000 42 Bridge over Bandhaghatnallah on Kirtipur Hatipada Golabandha road Ganjam 20000 43 Bridge over Kela Nallah Erasama Champahat via Kothinimol Jagatsinghpur 1000

44 Bridge over river Biluakhai on Dhanipur-Gelapur road via Kantilo Well foundation Span 10 x 30.63 mtr Jagatsinghpur 30000

45 Bridge over river Alaka at 7th Km. on Salijanga PMGSY road Khaleri via-Agarpur, Alijanga, Tanduani and Godida road Jagatsinghpur 1000

46 Bridge over Canal at 0/00 Km on Dhanipur - Kantilo Road. Jagatsinghpur 1000 47 H.L. bridge on Deulisahihat to Dhaulikuda road Jagatsinghpur 1000 48 H.L. bridge on Hansra to Kalikuda road Jagatsinghpur 1000 49 Bridge over Adan nallah on 10th km on Bari Binjharpur road Jajpur 10000 50 Bridge over local nallah at 8th km on Bari Binjharpur road Jajpur 10000 51 Bridge over Safai at 4.400 KM on Katia Ahiyas Bainsipan Raod Jajpur 1

52 Bridge on River Kharasrota at 0.00 Km. on Kamalpurghat to Dhaudibandhaghat Jajpur 1000

53 Bridge over Kharasrota at 3rd Km. on Mainda Ghantiali road Jajpur 1000

54 Bridge over Gadagadi nallath at 2.15 Km and Nuamahara nallah at 5.10 Km on BCJ High School to Badakuanla road. Jajpur 1000

55 H.L. bridge over Jamuna nallaha on R.D. Road to Ghanashyampur Sasan road. Jajpur 1000

56 H.L. bridge over Ganda nallaha on R.D. Road (Mulasara) to Olala road. Jajpur 1000

57 H.L. bridge over Katha nallaha & Gadabandha nallaha on Gadabandha to Jundupur road Jajpur 1000

58 Bridge over Kainbila Nallah at 4th KM on NH-5 to Kantigadia via Sidhipur Road Jajpur 1000

59 Bridge over Gohira Tikira Nallah at 0.5 KM on Kabatabandha Rekhideipur Road Jajpur 1

60 Bridge over River Badagenguti at 11th KM on Nuahata to Khadianga Road Jajpur 28103

61 Bridge over Baunsa -Anta nallah on RD road to Panturi Road Jajpur 2 62 Bridge over Hatianallah on Ramachipidihi to Routbahal Road. Jharsuguda 3000 63 H.L. bridge over river Saraswati nallah on 1st km of NH 49 to Betajharam Jharsuguda 1000 64 H.L Bridge over Rahul River on PWD Road to Benaguda Road Kalahandi 1

65 S.B.over Local Nallah (Turupi ) at 7/0 Km on Maddingpadar - Singhjharan Road Kalahandi 1500

66 Minor Bridge over Bijepur nallah on Biswanathapur-Bijepur road at 37/300 KM Kalahandi 1

67 Bridge over Lakhabahali Nallah at 24 km. on Biswanathpur- Bijepur Road Kalahandi 1500 68 Bridge over Local Nallah at 17th km on Biswanathpur-Bijepur Road Kalahandi 1500 69 H.L. bridge over river Mangalijore nallah on Jogipala to Sahajpati Kalahandi 1000 70 H.L. bridge over river Pipal nallah on Kamthana to Ghusurigudi Kalahandi 1000 71 H.L. bridge over river Hati on Patrabasa - Badkutru G.P. Road Kalahandi 10000 72 Bridge over Kutrasingi nallah on SH-1 to Pankua Nuagaon road Kandhamal 1 73 Box cell bridge on Subarnagiri Budaguda road Kandhamal 200 74 H.L. bridge over Local nallah on Taladandikia-Akapratha road. Kandhamal 1000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 50

75 Bridge over Hansua Creek on Sidhamula Baunsanali road Kendrapara 8000

76 Bridge over Remal river on keshdurapal- Brahmanipal Road at R.D 14/800 km Keonjhar 1000

77 Bridge over Local Nallah on Santoshpur- Singnali Road, (Pkg No. OR-17-284) at R.D.4/600 km Keonjhar 1000

78 Bridge over Baitarani river on Ambo-Batto Road Keonjhar 1000

79 Bridge over Baunsa Nallah at 3rd Km on Banapur Ayatpur road in the Dist. of Khurda. Khurda 1

80 Bridge over Daya West Branch Canal on Nandankanan to Jaripatna Via Injana road Khurda 1

81 Bridge over Padmapur Nallaha on Pedakonda Sindhrimal Road Malakangiri 5000 82 Bridge over Boilapari Nallaha on Goudaguda Tamasa Road Malakangiri 3500

83 H.L. bridge over Kenduguda nallah at 2nd km on Kenduguda Darkajodi road Malakangiri 1000

84 Bridge over river Poteru on Old Chitapari -Balimela township road Malakangiri 1 85 Bridge over Potteru Nallah at 23rd km on Podia to Pusuguda road Malakangiri 1000 86 H.L. bridge over river Dahuka on Manipur Sampada road Nayagarh 1 87 H.L. bridge over river Kuanria on Sardhapur-Dholamara road. Nayagarh 1000

88 Bridge over Mugei Nallah on Ganeswarpur -Andhera-Ichhapur road at R.S.-4.95 KM Puri 1

89 Bridge over Balia Chatara Nallah at 0.50 km on Barimendei Sairi road Puri 1 90 Bridge over Local Nallah on Parakena-Padmapur road Puri 1

91 H.L. bridge over river Kadua on Mandupada Chitra to Gorual Panchana road Puri 1000

92 Bridge over river Bhargabi on RD road to Bindheibasta. Puri 1 93 Bridge over Basupali Nallah on Basupali Laumal Road Sambalpur 1000 94 Bridge over Ranjan nallah on Goudpali Saplat road Sambalpur 1 95 Bridge over Barhiasahi nallah on Charmal Khasua road at 4.40 Km Sambalpur 500 96 Bridge over Local Nallah at 9/05 km on Charmal Khasua road Sambalpur 500 97 Bridge over Amjhuri Nallah on Batagaon Salebhata road at 8.850 km Sambalpur 500 98 Bridge over Haradjore nallah at 4th km on Sadasinga to Nuapali road Sambalpur 500

99 H.L. bridge over Kerandijore nallah at 0.400 km on SH- 24 (Raikhol) to Purunagarh road Sambalpur 1000

100 Bridge over Local Nallah on Charmal Khasua Road Sambalpur 5000 101 Bridge over Maltijore Nallah on Padiabahal-Panposi Road Sambalpur 500 102 Bridge over Badkhol Nallah on Tribanpur Chhak to Badkhol Road Sambalpur 2500

103 S.Bridge over Cherupali nallah at 2nd km on Cherupali Agalpur road ( 3x10.77 Mtr) Sonepur 1

104 H.L. bridge over Chouki Jore on Jamchhapur-Bhramarapali road Sonepur 3000 Total : 255000

80-General-796-TASP 105 Bridge over river Ong on Jamala Khuntpali road Baragarh 500 106 Bridge over River Nalia on PWD Road to Bhatpur Bhadrak 1

107 Bridge over Hinjuli Nallah at 8th Km on NH 200 to Gadamal Road (6x10.77m) Deogarh 1

108 Bridge over Baliapita nallah at 1st KM on Suguda-Gunduriposi road Deogarh 1

109 Bridge over local nallah on Hadubhangi-Gaiba-Gumma road (1 span of 8.77 C/C ) Gajapati 1

110 Steel Bridge over Kamalpadar nallah on Kamalpadar Kendupadar road (Span 1x59.872 m) Gajapati 100

111 Box cell Bridge over Loba nallah on Anukurada-Labaguda road (2 x 8x 5 Mtr) Gajapati 500

112 Box Cell Bridge at 7/500 KM on Odasingi-Kinchilingi road Gajapati 1

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 51

113 Bridge on R.Udayagiri Sambalpur road at 2/260 Km Gajapati 500 114 Bridge over local nallah at 0/0 Km on Nuagada Keradanga road Gajapati 500

115 Bridge over Bariabandha nallah at 16th. Km on Chandragiri-Antaraba-Chudangapur road Gajapati 100

116 H.L. bridge over Mahendratanaya river on Laxmipur to Kinada PR road Gajapati 500 117 Bridge over Kalijharan nallah on Bhusenpali to Indarpada Road Jharsuguda 800 118 H.L. bridge over river Safei at 0/500 km. on Bhuara - Kinjirima road Jhasuguda 1 119 Bridge over Pipal Nallah on PWD Road to Bhikajharan Road Kalahandi 1 120 H.L Bridge over Sandul River on Balipada - Rupra Road Kalahandi 1 121 S.B over Bhatrajore at 2/00Km on Karlabeda to Kulihari Road Kalahandi 4000 122 Bridge over river Andrajore on Pipalbhadi-Kutingpadar road Kalahandi 1 123 H.L. bridge over river Ret on Bachaka Chhak to Kankutru ( Kankutru G.P) Kalahandi 500

124 H.L. bridge over river Khapaar Nallah on Kulihari to Budhidar via Brahmaniguda Kalahandi 500

125 Bridge over Local Nallah (Haridajore) on Kenduguda Sariguda Road. Kalahandi 1

126 H.L. bridge over river Tel near Badachergaon on Badachergaon - Tentelpada - Themra road Kalahandi 1

127 Bridge over Gadadi nallah on Raikia Simanbadi at 19th Km Kandhamal 3500 128 Bridge over Local nallah at 4th Km on Sombapadar Nuagaon road. Kandhamal 500 129 SB over Baibali nallah at 1st Km on Indragada to Baibali road Kandhamal 500

130 Bridge over local nallah at 3/480 Km on Pakangaon Balaskumpa Dutimendi Kerandimaska road Kandhamal 500


Bridge over Gadagadi nallah , Mankadachua nallah ,Lahabadi nallah,Kusupani nallah & Sirsingi nallahat 9/060Km ,6/760Km. 11/280Km, 12/630Km & 13/150Km on Pasara Linepada road

Kandhamal 1500

132 Bridge over local nallah at 2nd Km of Parampanga Gugurumaha road Kandhamal 500 133 H.L. bridge over Raula to Tumudibandha-Sirala road Kandhamal 500 134 H.L. bridge over local nallah at 1st Km on PWD road to Bakingia road Kandhamal 500 135 H.L. bridge over river Samarsingha at 2nd km. on Pithagola - Panga road Keonjhar 1

136 H.L. bridge over Binajodi nallah on Irrigation embankment - Sadanga road Keonjhar 1

137 Bridge over Sendhei on Bhandaridiha to Toranipal road. Keonjhar 1

138 Bridge over Bonda nallah on Badabandhapada -Nahuraniposi via Gudadhia road Keonjhar 500

139 Bridge over Aradei River on Raisuan-Sahadapur road at 3rd. km Keonjhar 500

140 Bridge over Sita Nallah at 5th km & Kasia Nallah at 7th. km on P.W.D.-Bhimkunda road Keonjhar 500

141 H.L.Bridge over Machhakandana on N.H.-215 to Ambuapada via Valiadiha Keonjhar 500

142 H.L.Bridge over Neulijodi nallah Putugaon to Chemna road Keonjhar 500 143 H.L.Bridge over Sita nallah on Kashibeda to Baghaghar road Keonjhar 500 144 Bridge over Kasia nallah at 9th KM on PWD road -Kumudabahal road. Keonjhar 500 145 Bridge over Local (Aradei) Nallah at 2nd Km. on Jamudiha-Bistapal road. Keonjhar 500 146 Bridge over Kukurkata Nallah on Ghatagaon to Chinamaliposhi road. Keonjhar 500 147 Bridge over Karrow on Lasarda to Dhanurjay road. Keonjhar 7500 148 Bridge over Aradei on Kalikaprasad-Urti via Gambharia road. Keonjhar 7000 149 Bridge over Goda nallah on Gumura-Amlaniguda road. Keonjhar 1 150 Bridge over Batanai on Raisuan to Samakuda road. Keonjhar 1 151 Bridge over Samantamundi nallah on Nudhurpada to Kaliahata road. Keonjhar 1

152 H.L.Bridge over river Baitarani at 1.50km on Patua Kandra-Basantapur road Keonjhar 100

153 H.L.Bridge over Katrajodi Nallah on Telkoi-Kaliahata road Keonjhar 100 154 Bridge over river Samarsinga nallah at 21st KM on Pithagola-Telkoi road Keonjhar 100

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 52

155 H.L. bridge over river Baitarani at 8th km. near Satighat on Bamebari-Jhumpura road Keonjhar 1

156 Bridge over Biriguda Nallah on Jeypore-Balia-Boipariguda Road (3.00 x 8.77mtr.) Koraput 1

157 Bridge over Brahmanajodi Nallah on Jamakanadi-Bhejahandi Road (4.00 x 10.77) Koraput 1500

158 Bridge over Local Nallah on at 11th Km on Dasmantapur-Murkar Road (4 x 10.77mtr.) Koraput 100

159 Bridge over Local nallah on Admunda-Lulla road Koraput 1

160 Bridge over Putra nallah on Ambaguda-Hadia -Putra -Telia -Jamunda road Koraput 1000

161 Bridge over Sindhigaon nallah on Ambaguda-Hadia-Putra-Telia-Jamunda road. Koraput 500

162 H.L. bridge over Teluguri River at 3rd km on Nuagam-Narigam road Koraput 500 163 H.L. bridge over Porli nallah at 1/700 km on Porli-Nandarla road Koraput 500

164 H.L. bridge over Kurli Nallah at 4th km on Kenduguda Baligam road under Boipariguda Block Koraput 500

165 Bridge over Local Nallah at 1st km on Umbel to Paliva Road Koraput 2500 166 Bridge over Champi Nallah on Champi Godagade road Koraput 1 167 H.L. bridge over Local nallah on Kadamguda to Phuldoba Koraput 500 168 H.L. bridge over Local nallah on Khalkona to Baghmari Koraput 500 169 Bridge Over Tamasa Nallah at 3rd Km on Korukonda to Kotapalli Road Malakangiri 500 170 Bridge over Dudhiasole Nallah on Jaibilla-Dudhiasole road. Mayurbhanj 1 171 Bridge over Jambhira nallah on Gadia-Bharbadi-Kendudiha road Mayurbhanj 25000 172 Bridge over Tangna on Udala-Mouda Pahanda Sasan road. Mayurbhanj 500 173 Bridge over Baunsha Nallah on N.H.-5 Dahria via Kathapal road. Mayurbhanj 5000 174 Bridge over Siltia Nallah on Dumurdiha-Nodhana Road. Mayurbhanj 5000 175 Bridge over Chhakakhala nallah on kalajhinei-Kuabuda road. Mayurbhanj 8000 176 Bridge over River Jarali on Station Bazar to Baghara Road. Mayurbhanj 10000 177 Bridge over River Nalua on S.H-19 to Nalua-Karkachia Road. Mayurbhanj 12000 178 Bridge over River Kalapani Nallah on Khunta-Bholagadia Road. Mayurbhanj 5000

179 Bridge over Gabadiha Kuchila Nallah on Jharpokharia-Sankhabhanga Road. Mayurbhanj 12000

180 Bridge over Panijia Nallah on Saraskona-Dighi Road Mayurbhanj 3500 181 Bridge over Rajabandha nallah on Jharpokharia-Sankhabhanga road. Mayurbhanj 100

182 Bridge over Panpik Nallah on Nachhipur-Kulialam Sandhei Road at 5th Km. Mayurbhanj 8000

183 Bridge over River Kalo on Nachhipur-Kulialam Sandhei Road at 5th Km. Mayurbhanj 9000 184 Bridge over River Jambhira on Kanimahuli-Jambhirapal Road at 2nd Km. Mayurbhanj 20000 185 Bridge over Seula Nallah at 5th km on Betnoti-Manatri Road Mayurbhanj 1500 186 Bridge over Mendhamundia Nallah at 13th km on Maitrapur-kuliana Road Mayurbhanj 1000 187 Bridge over Chepti Nallah at 14th on Maitrapur-kuliana Road Mayurbhanj 1000 188 Bridge over Suhagi Nallah at 5th km on Panasia-anla Road Mayurbhanj 500

189 Bridge over Dariakundi Nallah at 8th km on N.H-5 Bishrampur-patalipura Road Mayurbhanj 500

190 Bridge over Badjore Nallah at 4th km on paunsia- patrapada-silaghaty Road Mayurbhanj 1500

191 S.B over Chitat Nallah at 3rd km on N.H-5 to Jhinei Road Mayurbhanj 500 192 Bridge over ltajodi Nallah at 2nd km on Samakhunta-Ambaduvi Road Mayurbhanj 500 193 Bridge over Palpala Nallah on Padaastia to Lulung Road Mayurbhanj 500

194 Bridge over Sukhilakatra Nallah at 28th km on Jharpokharia-Sankhabhanga Road Mayurbhanj 500

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 53

195 Bridge over Local Nallah at 1st km on Gandipani-Nabinmundhakata- pahadour Road Mayurbhanj 500

196 Bridge over Kuchila Nallah. (Kuldiha Chhak) at 8th km on Jharpokharia- Sankhabhanga Road Mayurbhanj 500

197 S.B over river Hadagada at 22nd km on Kaptipada Sarat Road Mayurbhanj 500

198 Bridge over river Sono at 4th Km on Udala Teldehudi- Dimagadia R.D. Road Mayurbhanj 500

199 Bridge over Ranaposi Nallah at 0/400 th km on Kaptipada- Chuinposi Road Mayurbhanj 500

200 H.L. bridge over river Katra at 1st km on Upperbeda-Ambadiha road Mayurbhanj 500

201 H.L. bridge over river Gangahar & Arikul Junction at 9th km on PWD road to Gendagadia via Bhandagaon-Sinduria road Mayurbhanj 500

202 H.L. bridge over river Budhabalanga at 1st km on Bartana-Nischintapur road Mayurbhanj 500

203 H.L. bridge over river Jambhira on Musamari-Sanmandia road at 4th km Mayurbhanj 500

204 H.L. bridge over river Arikul Nallah on Tadiki-Kusagadia-Raigadi-Salbani road Mayurbhanj 500

205 H.L. bridge over river Budhabalanga at 3rd km on Itamundia to Paikabasa road Mayurbhanj 500

206 Bridge over Gobarjoda Nallah on Jarka-Jamunalia road. Mayurbhanj 459

207 Bridge over Fulcomp Nallah on Fulcomp to Panpataria road. (Balance Work) Mayurbhanj 1

208 Bridge over Local Nallah Dolaposi Naibhanga road. Mayurbhanj 1 209 Bridge over Local Nallah Hatabhadra-Kusumi road. Mayurbhanj 1 210 Bridge over Chautia nallah on Tingria-Purunia road. Mayurbhanj 5000 211 Bridge over Chautia Nallah on Raruan Naksara Road. Mayurbhanj 1 212 Bridge over Jamuti Nallah on Raruan Naksara Road. Mayurbhanj 2500 213 Bridge over Local Nallah on Parabeda Panpatria road. Mayurbhanj 8000

214 Bridge over Local Nallah at 2.275 km. 3.12 Km., 5.0 Km. on Sunaposi-Bisipur-Baliposi road. Mayurbhanj 15000

215 Bridge over local nallah on Bisipur approach road. Mayurbhanj 8000 216 Bridge over local nallah on Tato-Pichuli-Jhatiali road. Mayurbhanj 7000 217 Bridge over Budhi nallah at 2.5 Km. on Salarpada-Panaspal road. Mayurbhanj 15000 218 Bridge over Baunsadiha nallah on Bharandia-Baunsadiha road. Mayurbhanj 11000 219 Bridge over Sankarei Nallah on Shyamsundarpur-Pursoattampur Road. Mayurbhanj 10489 220 Bridge over SIM River on Talapada to Raipada Road Mayurbhanj 1 221 Bridge over Nitei Nallah on Mangod to Nitei Road Mayurbhanj 1 222 Bridge over Naujore nallah on Badada to Kusumi Road Mayurbhanj 1 223 Bridge over Joka Nallah on Jaldiha Masinabilla Road Mayurbhanj 1

224 Bridge over Dapani Nallah on Salabani Chhak to Taradapal Road at 3.90 km Mayurbhanj 500

225 Bridge over Kulgidihi Nallah on Bisoi Mohubhandar Road at 8.00 km Mayurbhanj 500 226 Bridge over Asana Nallha on Kasipani Approach Road at 1.45 km Mayurbhanj 500 227 Bridge over Local Nallah on Dhobadiha Jamuriposi Road at 0.90 km Mayurbhanj 500

228 Bridge over Jhadgosda Nallah on Tangia- Deuli- Jhadgosda Road at 3.00 km Mayurbhanj 500

229 Bridge over Dhodibahali Nallah on Satkosia Nada Road at 8.70 km Mayurbhanj 500 230 H.L.Bridge over Kanta Khairi nalla at 3rd km on RD road to Deuli Mayurbhanj 500 231 H.L.Bridge over Salandi at 2nd Km Nuagoan to Mulapal road Mayurbhanj 500 232 Bridge over Local Nallah on Jhardihi-Badkedam road. Mayurbhanj 1 233 Bridge over Chapal nallah on Jampani-Kuleisila road. Mayurbhanj 1 234 Bridge over local nallah at Lipighutu on Jamda-Rangamatia-Ulidihi road. Mayurbhanj 7000 235 H.L. bridge over Chhamdadihi Nallah on Kuleisila to Udayapur road Mayurbhanj 500

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 54

236 Bridge over Panditguda Nallah at 3rd KM on Dabugam to Maidalpur Road Nabarangapur 1 237 Bridge over Local Nallah Sanoloma to Chelipetha Road Nabarangapur 2500 238 Bridge over Mokiya Nallah on Mokiya to Sindhikaguda Road Nabarangapur 1

239 H.L. bridge over river Indrabati at 18th km. on Kodinga - Chirma - Nadighat RD road Nabarangapur 1

240 Bridge Over River Bhaskel at 2nd Km. on Dhodra to Telkonadi Road Nabarangapur 5000 241 H.L. Bridge over Bhandari Nallah on Sardhapur to Motigaon Road Nabarangapur 1000 242 Bridge over river Bhaskel on Umerkote-Badabasini road Nabarangapur 1

243 H.L. bridge over Tumuda Nallah at 2nd km of Pakhanaguda Jn. To Simuda Nabarangapur 500

244 H.L. bridge over Chitrangi Nallah at 1st Km of Mahuli to Khutuguda Nabarangapur 500 245 Bridge over local Nallah on Nuagaon-Naitaila Road Nayagarh 500 246 H.L. bridge over local nallah on NH-224 to Raita - Odasara Nayagarh 500 247 Box Cell Bridge on Nuapada-Kuliabandha Road Nuapada 1 248 H.L. bridge over Jonk at 1st Km Bhalwsar to C.G. Boarder (REWA) road Nuapada 500 249 H.L. bridge over River Udanti on Kopia to Hatibandha road Nuapada 500

250 Bridge over karanja nallah on Kutraguda-Jagadalpur-Anbodala. (5x 10.77mtr) Rayagada 500

251 Bridge over kamper Nallah at 1st km on PWD Road to Kamper ( 4x 9.77mtr) Rayagada 1

252 Bridge over local nallah on Telengapadar-Dangasorada-Chandrapur road.(Steel Decking Span 21.392m) Rayagada 2500

253 Bridge over local nallah on Munikhol-Sakata road. (Steel Decking Span 39.624mt) Rayagada 2500

254 Bridge over local nallah at 1st km on K.Dhamini-Bethiapada road. (Steel Decking Span 39.680mt) Rayagada 2500

255 Bridge over local nallah at 12th km on Ambodala-Dharanimaska road (Steel Decking Span 39.680m) Rayagada 2000

256 Bridge over Karanja Nallah on Jagadalpur-Janaballi road ( 6 Spans of 10.77mtr) Rayagada 7500

257 Bridge over local nallah 3rd km on Naira-Bainaguda road ( 1 Span of 8.77 mtr) Rayagada 3500

258 Bridge over local nallah on Gudari-Dhepaguda-Karlaghati road. (Steel Decking Span 21.39mt) Rayagada 2000

259 Bridge over local nallah at 4th km on Kulusingi-Engaraba road.( 6 Spans of 10.77mtr) Rayagada 3500

260 Bridge over local nallah at 3rd km on Putasingi-Sagada road. (Steel Decking Span 39.68mt) Rayagada 3500

261 Bridge over Polama Nallah at 1st KM on Rekahlaguda Papikona Road Rayagada 1 262 Bridge over Ambabadi nallah on Chalkamba-Bhimpur Titimiri Road. Rayagada 1 263 Bridge over Local nallah on Kasipur-Mandibisi-Sikarpai road Rayagada 1 264 Bridge over Baldia nallah at 1/200 KM on Sikarpai to Seriguma road Rayagada 1 265 H.L. bridge over Jhanjabati river on PWD road to Bhatakhal road Rayagada 500

266 H.L. bridge over Dimiriguda nallah on Dimiriguda to Kalahandi border road Rayagada 100

267 H.L. bridge over Gulusunda nallah on Ghotona to Gulusunda road Rayagada 100 268 Bridge over Bausen Nallah on Salad Thutikatarbaga Road Sambalpur 2000 269 Bridge over Bhalijore Nallah on Padiabahal Tampergarh Road Sambalpur 2500 270 Bridge over Budhakata Nallah on Batgaon Salebhata Road Sambalpur 300 271 H.L. Bridge over Veden nallah at 3rd km on Kuchinda to Satkama Sambalpur 1500 272 H.L. Bridge over Haradjore nallah on Durjantaila - Sarguna road Sonepur 1 273 H.L. Bridge over river Suktel on Kumunde - Bileisarda road Sonepur 1

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274 Sanbondajore nallah at 2nd km.of Subdega-Damkuda road (3.1km) (5 x10.77 mtr) Sundargarh 1

275 Bridge over Kenti Nallah on Khatkurbahal Amgova road. (5 spans of 10.77 mtr) Sundargarh 1

276 Bridge over Kukuda Nallah at 1 st K.m. on PWD road to Dhaniapunji. Sundargarh 1000 277 Bridge over Satabari Nallah on Kurumkel Deogaon road. Sundargarh 2500 278 Bridge over Local nallah at 9th. Km on Sundargarh-Gadiajore Road Sundargarh 500 279 Bridge over Kudaboga nallah on PWD road to Kudaboga Road Sundargarh 500 280 Bridge over Tambu nallah at 7th Km on Sanbarsa-Tarkera Road Sundargarh 500 281 Bridge over Sathi nallah at 5th. Km on Sahajbahal-Rungaon Road Sundargarh 500 282 Bridge over river IB at 7th. Km on Subdega-Rajpur Road Sundargarh 500

283 H.L. bridge over Iccha nallah on Surguda to Dalkijharan via Bargamal road Sundargarh 500

284 H.L. bridge over River Safei in Medha to Jarmal road Sundargarh 500 285 H.L. bridge over Deo at 1st km on Khuntgaon Lankoi road Sundargarh 500 286 H.L.bridge over Budhikudar nallah at 2nd km on R.D.road-Potobeda rd Sundargarh 500 287 H.L.bridge over Sapiata nallah at 1st km on Jamdhar-Dharaniprasad rd Sundargarh 500 288 Bridge over Amrudi Nallah on Gopana-Hatikucha Road ( 5x10.77 Span ) Sundergarh 1 289 Bridge over Propetta Nallah at Kello Road ( 4x10.77 Span ) Sundergarh 1 290 Bridge over Turturi Nallah at 0.350 Km Lathikata -Girjatola (3x10.77 Span) Sundergarh 1 291 Bridge over Chhinda Nallah on Sahajbahal Kulmindra Road ) Sundergarh 500 292 Bridge over Bagdiha Nallah on KBK Waterfall Road Sundergarh 5000 293 Bridge over Chandri Nallah of Tainsar-Musapali Road Sundergarh 5000 294 Bridge over Jamsara nallah on Bandhamunda-Jhiripani road Sundergarh 1 295 Bridge over Kacheru nallah at 4th km on Kuarmunda Kacharu Road Sundergarh 500 296 Bridge over Local nallah at 3/400 km on Kumakela Chandra Road Sundergarh 500

297 Bridge over Mundajore nallah at 2/000 km on Dilkudar-Bardhanmunda Road Sundergarh 500

298 Bridge over Samtha nallah on Jareikela Kopsingha Road at 0/500 km Sundergarh 500 299 Bridge over river Brahmani at 0/500 km on Bonei Jangara Road Sundergarh 500 300 H.L. bridge over river Lurgi on Raibaga - Kadabahal road Sundergarh 1

301 H.L. Bridge over Brahmani nallah at 1st km on Duduka - Barapali road via Kuisira Sundergarh 1

Total : 345000 04-DOR-800-Other Expr. 302 Bridge over Sanjamara Nallah on Raniakata-Sanjamara Road Angul 5000 303 Bridge over Samakoi Nallah on Injidi-Alluri Road Angul 25000 304 Bridge over Ulani Nallah at 4th km on Derenga-Ghantianali Road Angul 1500 305 Bridge over river Bauli on Khalgoan Talgarh Road Angul 4000 306 Bridge over Katrapali Nallah on Kantrapali-Naktideol Road Angul 2000 307 Bridge over Naktideol Nallah on Kantrapali-Naktideol Road Angul 2500 308 Bridge over Bauli Nallah at 2.700th KM on Sankhapur Kaleipada Road Angul 1 309 Bridge over Nadaka Nallah at 3.700 KM on Sankhapur Kaleipada Road Angul 1 310 Bridge over Rukuna Nallah at 0.750th KM on Kaleipada Maranda Road Angul 1

311 Bridge over Kumbharia Nallah at 2nd KM on Chhendipada Chhandipada(J) Road Angul 1

312 Bridge over Ghodadian nallah on Kumursingha-Inkarbandha-Pondapur road Angul 1000

313 H.L. bridge over Badajora Nallah at 2nd Km on Kurumtap- Gundurikhali- Similia road Angul 1000

314 S.B. over Balasingha Nallah at 5th Km on Kumursingha- Inkarbandha- Pondapur Road Angul 1000

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315 H.L. bridge over river Oreda Jore at 6/500 Km on Tusara-Oreda-Kadaligarh road Angul 1000

316 H.L. bridge over Aunli Nallah at 2nd km on Magarmuhan to Hansala via-Sandhamunda road Angul 1000

317 H.L. bridge over Lingara Nallah at 3rd km on Khandahata-Angarabandha-Barasingha road Angul 1000

318 H.L. bridge over river Badjura Nalla on the road from Podapada to Govindpur Angul 1

319 Bridge over Coast Canal on Tiakhia Gopinathpur Balasore 1

320 Bridge over Ghagara Nallah at 3rd Km. on R.D. Road (Tarini Chhack) to Malyani Via Kharadia Balasore 500

321 Bridge over Kamala Nallah at 10th Km. on Bhalukasuni Matiali Road Balasore 1 322 Bridge over river Jalaka on Badadhanadi to Koilisahi Road Balasore 500

323 Bridge over Dubdubi nallah on Lumnakhundi Kasafal Ghamagadia Via Sahu Chhak Ferry Ghat road Balasore 500

324 Bridge over Penjwara Nallah on Nalabhar to Sarthamuhan Road Balasore 5000 325 Bridge over Baharda on Baliapala -Ghungi road Balasore 1

326 Bridge over Palpala Nallah at 1.900 KM on Langeswar PWD Road at Balipati to Irda Road Balasore 1

327 Bridge over Baunsamukha Nallah at 0.260 KM on NH-60 (Gandhichhak) to Sadanandapur Road Balasore 1

328 Bridge over Sindhua Nallah at 1.600 KM on Ajodhya Baliapal Road Balasore 1 329 Bridge over Kudia nallah on PWD road to Basuchakari road Balasore 1 330 H.L. bridge over Sagakhanallah on P.W.D. Road to Bankisahi Balasore 1000 331 H.L. bridge over Bankatira nallah on NH-5 to Ambulakuda road Balasore 500 332 H.L. bridge over Kapasia nallah on Bhuabandha - Banabadi road Balasore 1

333 Bridge over Chhapulia (Chikidi) Nallah on N.H.5 to Mulising road (4 x 8.77m) Balasore 1

334 Bridge over Kanchudi Nallah at 8th Km. on Godipokhari to Andrei road (3 x 8.77m ) Balasore 100

335 Bridge over river Kansabansa Nallah on Agnipur- Amaria road (3 span of 8.77m each) Balasore 1

336 Bridge over Begunia nallah at 7th KM on Ojhapokhari-Saradanga road Balasore 1 337 Bridge over Andia nallah at 0/550 KM on Kalikapur-Chhotkanpur road Balasore 1

338 Bridge over Hanskura Nallah at 3rd km. on Anirudha Chhak to Chaulti Via- Kalsimuli road Balasore 1000

339 S.B. over Khalajodi Nallah at 11th km. on Nahara Balim to West Bengal Border road Balasore 5000

340 Bridge over Chitei nallah on Batagram Chitrarekha Pond-Putina Via- Chakaisab & Naradiha U.P. School Balasore 1

341 Bridge over Chitei nallah (Near Nilipura village ) at 7th KM on Baharda-Bhuatentuli & Nilipura via Chirkul road Balasore 1

342 Bridge over Subarnarekha river at 14th Km on Raibania O.T. road Balasore 1000

343 H.L. Bridge over Gobara Nallah at 1.5 km on Salsanda to Palsankasids road Balasore 1000

344 H.L. Bridge over Birlkiti nallah at 5.28 km on Kirtania to Basudevpur road Balasore 1000 345 H.L. bridge over river Koliari Jore connecting Haladipalli to Deula tunda Baragarh 1000 346 Bridg over Jeera river on Ruhunia to Khuntpali Baragarh 1000 347 Bridge over Jeera river on Jamdol to Dubenapali Baragarh 500 348 Bridge over Pathurimunda Nallah on NH6 to Bhoipura PMGSY road Baragarh 1 349 Bridge over Banjari nallah on Gudesira NH6 via Saiyan road Baragarh 1 350 Bridge over Arjunda nallah on Thuapalli-Arjunda PMGSY road Baragarh 1

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351 Bridge over river Ong on PWD road at Manlpada, to Bolangir Border via Dharol, Malpada, Chhindeikela, Patraguda, Temrimal, Menkamunda road Baragarh 500

352 Bridge over Kapati Nallah on R.D. road at Sargul chhak-Kapati Chhatishgarh border via- Bhainsadarah Baragarh 500

353 Const. of Bridge over river ONG from Lakhmara to Chardapali, Chhattishgarh Border at Ch..0/400Km Baragarh 500

354 Bridge over river Uttali on Patharla-Tuhilamal road Baragarh 30000 355 Bridge over Ong river at 3rd km. on SH13-Jamsesh-Chindukela road Baragarh 1 356 H.L. Bridge over Local nallah on Jatesira - Kumil road Baragarh 1

357 Bridge over Salandi River at 5.200 km on B.C. Road to Nuabandha Road(70 m) Bhadrak 15000

358 Bridge Over Khandia Nallah at 1.500 km on PWD Road to Goramati Road (35 m) Bhadrak 1

359 Bridge over River Dhala on Natiapal to Padmapur Birasa PWD Road via Mathurapur Bhadrak 1

360 Bridge Over Chhelia Nallah at 14th km on B.C. Road to Taladumuka Road (40 m) Bhadrak 4000

361 Bridge over Nalia Nallah at 0.400 km on T5 to Langudi Road (50m) Bhadrak 1

362 Bridge over River Dhala Nallah at 3/10 K.M. on Bounsbag to Sanandapur Road Bhadrak 5000

363 Bridge over River Kapali Nallah at 2/00 K.M. on Balabhadrapur Ultanga Road Bhadrak 8000

364 Bridge over River Sanakapali on Ramakrushnapur-Kenduapada Road Bhadrak 1 365 Bridge over Salandi on L54 to Deulipal (Pkg No. OR-04-222) at 2.40 K.M Bhadrak 1000 366 H.L. Bridge over Salandi river at 1st K.M. On P.W.D road to Srirampur Bhadrak 500

367 H.L.Bridge over Nua Mantei river at 3rd km on Nischintapur-Padmapur Birasa PWD road via Madhupur Bhadrak 1000

368 S.B over Janta Mahara nallah on Dhamnagar to Falapur Road Bhadrak 3500 369 Bridge over River Reba on Manjuri to Gobindpur Road. Bhadrak 1

370 Bridge over Hasnabad Nallah at 3.40 KM. on RD Road to Pangata Road Bhadrak 1

371 Bridge over River Genguti at 1st KM. on Biroli-Sathagaon Road Bhadrak 1 372 Bridge over Kapali Nallah at 5.500 KM on Jhatiasahi Mangalapur Road Bhadrak 1 373 Bridge over Galia nallah on B.C.Road (Kuansar) to Chardhia Bhadrak 1 374 Bridge over river Salandi on Motto-Aradi road Bhadrak 5000 375 Bridge over Sarta nallah at 2.200Km on Biroli Sathagaon Road Bhadrak 1000

376 H.L. Bridge over Dhanantori Nallah on R.D. Road to Jaguali Chhanda road Bhadrak 1000

377 SB over Kusangi nallah at 5th Km on Hirapur Keutipali road under BSY(Span-6x10.77mtr) Bolangir 1

378 Bridge over Kultapada nallah on PWD road to Kultapada via Kumuria Khairguda road.(4x8.77m) Bolangir 500

379 SB over Suktel nallah on Patrapali Baliabhata road. Bolangir 25000 380 Bridge over Luhurapali Nallah on Luisingha Badibahal road Bolangir 1 381 Bridge over Amaghat nallah on Ramachandrapur-Ghatuldunguri road Bolangir 1

382 H.L. bridge over Suktel nallah on Kubrimahul PMGSY road to Barghati road Bolangir 1000

383 H.L. bridge over Jamjore nallah on Dalapali PWD road to Khuntsamalie Bolangir 1000 384 H.L. bridge over river Sonegarh on Antarla - Pipalpadar road Bolangir 1 385 S.B.over Nehera Nallaha at 11 th K.M. on Bhatipada-Lebda road Bolangir 1 386 Bridge over Bagbahal nallah on PWD road to Bhuslad road Bolangir 1 387 Bridge over Tentulikhunti nallah on Haldi Muribahal via Tentulikhunti road Bolangir 1

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388 H.L. bridge over Suapada nallah on Suapada to Dumerbahal P.R. Deptt. road Bolangir 5000

389 Bridge over local nallah on Similijhore - Ambagaon via N. Prasad Road at 10th Km Boudh 100

390 Bridge over local nallah on Similijhore - Narayanprasad -Dedhenimal -Ambagaon Road Boudh 1

391 Bridge over Local Nallah at 0/900 Km on Sainipada - Sundhipadar Road Boudh 4000

392 Bridge over Nenon Nallah at 3rd Km on R.D. Road - Karadapadar via Pabulipada Barakoda road. Boudh 1000

393 Bridge over Sakusinga Nallah at 4th Km and Kusuma nallah at 5th. km on Dhalpur-Kharasankulei. Boudh 1000

394 Bridge over Bankamunda Nallah at 3rd Km and Kukupetswar Nallah at 5th km on R.D. road-Khandahata Boudh 1000

395 Bridge over Local Nallah at 1st Km on Boudh Dhalpur road. Boudh 1000 396 Bridge over Local Nallah at 7th Km on Rugudikanapada-Rd road. Boudh 1000

397 Bridge over Local Nallah at 6th Km on PWD road to Tundumal via Ratakhandi. Boudh 1000

398 Bridge over Local Nallah at 7th Km & 13th. Km on Similijhar Narayan Prasad road Boudh 1000

399 H.L. bridge over river Khadanga from Khunti Gura to Jamuta Boudh 500 400 Bridge on Kendrapara Canal at 4th Km. on Nandol Tentol Road Cuttack 500

401 Bridge over River Prachi at 1st Km. on Adaspur Kasarada Road to Banamalipur Cuttack 1000

402 H.L.bridge over Dead Paika at Raghunathpur on Hanuman Mandir Chhak-Kalarabanka via-Neutiakana road Cuttack 1000

403 H.L. bridge over river Kandal from Pahanga to Kalakha Cuttack 500

404 H.L. bridge over Local nallah at Purusottampur on Singhala to Purusottampur road Cuttack 500

405 Bridge over Jhaarana Nallah on Nuataila- Bangirisinga road at 3.00km Cuttack 1000 406 Bridge over Chatara nallah on Dhobani Nallah Karada Road at 0/500 Km. Cuttack 1000 407 Bridge over Kandal river at 3rd Km on Patasundarpur-Badamulei road Cuttack 55000 408 Bridge over Jahalnai on Chapada-Kanpur road Cuttack 100 409 Bridge over High Level Canal on Sanachancho Badachancho Road. Cuttack 4000 410 Bridge over Taladanda Canal on Alarpur Sidheswarpur Road. Cuttack 4000 411 Bridge over Sukanai on Triveniswar Mouda Road. Cuttack 4000 412 Bridge over Mendhakhai Jora on NH-5 to Champapur Anandabazar Road. Cuttack 12000 413 Bridge over Ganda Nallah on Agrahat Bisinahakani Road. Cuttack 5000 414 Bridge over Kendrapada Canal at Salipur PHC road. Cuttack 12000 415 H.L. Bridge over Pattamundai canal on Mahanga - Bagsarpur road Cuttack 1 416 H.L. bridge over high level canal on Alarpur - Dagarsahi road Cuttack 1 417 Bridge over Pokhara Nallah on Sunapal Mangarajpur road at 3/800 Km. Cuttack 1000

418 Bridge over Khajuripada Nallah at 15/00 Km. on Ramachadrapur- Kalapathar Road Cuttack 1000

419 Bridge over Local Nallah at 13th Km. on Damapada Haladia Road. Cuttack 1000 420 H.L. bridge over Siaria nallah on Deuli Bisambarpur road Cuttack 1000 421 H.L. bridge over Balichaturi nallah on R.D. Road to Berhampura Cuttack 1000 422 H.L. bridge over Nuabandha nallah on Mahuladhipa to Paikara road Cuttack 1000 423 Bridge over Junia nallah on Kalipoi- Balipahad road Cuttack 1

424 S.B. over Benga & Sapua at 0/825 Km. & 1/305 Km. on Achalakota Village to Old Cuttack & Sambalapur Road Cuttack 500

425 S.B. over River Sapua at 5/900 Km. on Jenapada Arakhapatana Road Cuttack 1 426 S.B. over Khaira nallah at 1st K.m on Ichhapur Jhajia road. Cuttack 1 427 Bridge over Puri main Cenal on Ratagarh Godisahi Road(6x10.77 mtr) Cuttack 1

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428 S.B. over Beluam Nallah at 4th Km on Tikilipada-Sodo road (5x10.77m) Deogarh 1 429 Bridge over Lambodara Nallah at 1st Km on Jharasahi to Ardabahal Road Deogarh 7000 430 Bridge over Baliapita nallah at 3rd KM on RD road to Kalanda road Deogarh 1 431 Bridge over Jautak nallah on Surubali -Madalia road Deogarh 1

432 H.L. Bridge over Mangalabuda nallah at village Lalaposi under Kaliapal GP, Block Barkote Deogarh 1

433 Bridge over Daunri Nallah at 1st Km on Santhapur-Raitala road Dhenkanal 1 434 S.B over Analei nallah at 1st km on Chandpur Gurujaguli road Dhenkanal 1 435 Bridge over Gotiadandi nallah at 2/0 km on Roda Renthapat Road Dhenkanal 1

436 H.L. bridge over Badajore nallah at 1st km on on P.W.D. road (Paribesha Vihar) to Tipeijharana via Madarangamunda road Dhenkanal 500

437 H.L. bridge over Badajore nallah on Govindpur -Hundisahi P.R.Road Dhenkanal 1000

438 HL Bridge over Mahendratanaya river Bagasala Badagam road at 5.4 Km of PWD road to Bagasala Agarkhandi road. Gajapati 25000

439 Bridge on Padmapur Jeeba RD road at 0/750Km Gajapati 1000

440 Bridge over Rutray nallah at 2nd KM on SH17 -Chhanameri (Nuasahi ) road Ganjam 1000

441 Bridge over Local Nallah (Patharabandha) at 3rd Km on Sasanpadar Mantridi road Ganjam 100

442 Bridge over Local Nallah on Sikharpur Sahapur (Khajapalli) road Ganjam 1 443 Bridge over Local Nallah on Chaitanapada to Dayapali Via: Godarapalli Ganjam 1 444 Bridge over Sagadia Nallah on Sundarpur Duanpalli road Ganjam 1 445 Bridge over Salt canal on NH-5 to Gokharakuda road Ganjam 7000 446 Bridge over Sulia Nallah on Moulabhanja to Khuludi Nuagada road Ganjam 5000 447 Bridge over Sulia Nallah on PWD road to Harina to Podamari Ganjam 5000 448 Bridge over river Bahuda on Sanakelajhali Dauni road Ganjam 3000

449 Bridge over Nandini Nallah at 2nd Km on Kurula chhaka to Gothagam via Mahurikana road Ganjam 5000

450 Bridge over Local Nallah or Kaliaballi Chaka to Madhabapur Ganjam 1000 451 Bridge over Badabandha Nallah on Burukudi to Phulta Dumudumi road Ganjam 1000 452 Bridge over Tota Nallah at 2nd Km Turuburai M.Jaganathapur road Ganjam 500 453 Bridge over Local Nallah on 1st Km Khirida to Hadachira Ganjam 500 454 Bridge over Local nallah on Dengapadar Indirabbas to Rohigam road. Ganjam 1 455 Bridge over Raoutray Nallah at 4/00 Km on Podamari Borigaon road Ganjam 1000

456 H.L. bridge over Padmatala nallah at 0/5 km on Chiripadi to Gudiapadar road & Iskapada nallah at 1/5 Km on Madarajpur-Dankalpada road Ganjam 500

457 H.L. bridge over Nandini nallah Raktapata to Gambhariguda road Ganjam 500

458 H.L. bridge over Rusikulya Canal at 4th Km on Bhaliajholo PWD road to Erenda PWD road via Patharapunji road Ganjam 500

459 H.L. bridge over Ramanadi at 9/3 km on Dengaosta PWD road to Kaithakhandi via N.K.Pintha. Ganjam 1

460 H.L. bridge over river Bodanadi at 3rd km. on Chamunda RD road to Nada road Ganjam 1

461 SB over Loharakhandi at 4/9 Km of Bhanjanagar PWD Road to Bhaliakhai PWD Road via Gamundi Ganjam 8000

462 Bridge over Jamakunda Nallah on Bhetanai - Badagada road Ganjam 1

463 Bridge over Renguti Nallah on Kodala - Renguti - Somma - Achuli Jn. Road Ganjam 1

464 Bridge over Sandhi Nallah at 5th Km. of PWD road-Bhagabanpur (Box cell 3 x 8m x 4m at 1st Km & 2 x 8m x 4m at 2nd Km.) Ganjam 1

465 Bridge over Rushikulya Tributarty on Ranjhalli - Hundata - Hottapur Road Ganjam 100

466 H.L. Bridge over Loharakhandi at 2nd K.M. of Bahadapadar - Nandinipalli via Gurabadi - Chadheyapalli road (3 X 25.35) Ganjam 500

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467 Box Cell Bridge over Kothia Nallah on MDR-62( NH-217)-Ghasibilli road Ganjam 100 468 Bridge over Kokalaba Nallah at 1/3 Km on Jadadhara - Masabadi Road Ganjam 1 469 Bridge over Kokalaba Nallah on Gayaganda - Nabagochha Road Ganjam 1

470 Box cell Bridge over Kadamba Nallah on Kodala - Mardamekha- Ghodapada Road Ganjam 1

471 Bridge over Sitamba Nallah at 10/650 Km on Janivilli - Sorada - Badagada Road Ganjam 1

472 Bridge over Satrusola Nallah at 6th K.M. of Katakala- Bhamasiali Road Ganjam 1 473 S.B. over Sara Nallah on K.Barapur - Ustia Road Ganjam 1 474 S.B. Bridge over Boda Nadi at 2nd K.M. of Adheigam - Nimapadar road Ganjam 1

475 Box Cell Bridge over Gahanju Nallah at 8/150 KM on Babanapur-Maharajpur Road Ganjam 4

476 SB over Sana nadi at 1/5 KM on PWD Road to Rangameru Road Ganjam 15000

477 Box cell Bridge over Boda nadi at 2nd Km on J.N.Prasad-Manikpatna-Alsu Road Ganjam 4000

478 H.L. Bridge over Rushikulya at 3/8 KM on NH-217 to Genja via B.Kotibadi Ganjam 4000 479 H.L. bridge over Badanadi at 1st. Km on Turumu - Berhambadi road Ganjam 1000

480 H.L. bridge over Badanadi at 1st. Km on Kulada - Dhananjaypur Sasan road Ganjam 500


H.L. bridge over Local nallah on Jholori to Manikpur road, Gorumatia nallah on Mala tentulia to Khajuria road & Pokosunga nallah on Bhabarada to Gopiapalli road

Ganjam 500


H.L. bridge over Chatura Nallah on RD road to Ranigaon via Baragaon road, Baragaon to Gothiali road,Jayamangala nallah on RD road to Kusapur road & Sunathara to Mahanandapur road

Ganjam 500

483 Bridge over Hansua (Ratanjodi) on Kaijanga Parabil Road Jagatsinghpur 500

484 Bridge over river Jatadhari near Baliamara on Manapur Kandha road to Gadakujnga via Bhuinpal Jagatsinghpur 25000

485 Bridge over river Brudhanallah on Rahama Sariki Nuapokhari Rosd Jagatsinghpur 2000 486 Bridge over river Hansua on Kaijanga Parabili road Jagatsinghpur 200

487 Bridge over Gobari on Biribati - Alipingal road connecting to Patasara road. Jagatsinghpur 200

488 Bridge over river Madhapur Safei (Hansua) at 4th Km on Sampur Nuapada Road . Jagatsinghpur 500

489 H.L. bridge on Bansa to Salijanga road Jagatsinghpur 500 490 H.L. bridge on Borikina-Sumuda road at Balisahi Jagatsinghpur 500 491 H.L. Bridge over Naka nallah on Tandra - Barei road Jahpur 1 492 Bridge over Kani nallaha at 0.35km on Ahiyas Kamalpur road for 2011-12 Jajpur 800 493 Bridge over Chingudia nallah on Bari Binjharpur road Jajpur 34500 494 Bridge over Kusi nallah on Panasa GP Jajpur block via Beleswar road Jajpur 5000 495 Bridge over Kantapal nallah on Sukinda Kuhika road Jajpur 1 496 Bridge over Ordapal nallah on TISCO gate to Deogaon road Jajpur 1 497 Bridge over river Bramhani near Chandanpur on Golakunda Indupur road Jajpur 35000 498 Bridge over Kani Nallah on Baulanga Patri Kamalpur road Jajpur 15000 499 Bridge over Kaliapola nallah on Kadamachhaka to Godarapal nallah Jajpur 15000 500 Bridge on River Sankhua at 6th Km.on Mangalpur Dandisahi road Jajpur 500 501 Bridge over Sankhua nallah at 3rd Km. on Boulanga Akhusahi road Jajpur 500

502 Bridge over Mainsipahara Nallah at 7th Km. on TISCO gate to Deogaon road Jajpur 500

503 Bridge over Dudhei nallah at 0.3 Km on Sujanpur- Rudrapur road. Jajpur 500

504 2 nos H.L. bridges over river Brahamni on Jhalpada Brahamabrada G.P. Routarpur G.P, Samantrapur G.P Jajpur 500

505 H.L. bridge over river Budha on Champa - Chanda road Jajpur 500

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 61

506 H.L. bridge over river Brahmani on Golkunda - Indupur road Jajpur 1 507 Bridge over Rasuna Nallah on Narasinghpur Sikchilabag Rasuna road Jajpur 1 508 Bridge over Kelua Nallah on Talua Musatikiri road Jajpur 1 509 Bridge over Anjiara Nallah on N.H-5 to Balangia road Jajpur 3000

510 Bridge over River Sanagenguti at 3rd KM on NH-5 Sukadeipur to Dihakaranda Jajpur 25000

511 Bridge over river Sagadia on Chakrada to Sundaria road Jajpur 1 512 Bridge over Charbatia nallah on Haridaspur to Kolha road Jajpur 1 513 Bridge over Gudipania Nallah at 3/500 Km.on Haripur to Karajanga road Jajpur 500 514 Bridge over river Dappa at 1/500Km.on Chandipur to Kolathala road Jajpur 500 515 Bridge over river Kuanria at 6/000 Km. on Rahadpur to Kampalu road Jajpur 500

516 H.L. bridge over Rahasola Nallah on the Nuasunguda Khetrapal road at 0.50 km Jajpur 1000

517 H.L. bridge over river Kelua from arabal to Rambhapur road. Jajpur 1000

518 H.L. Bridge over high level canal on Khaira - Dhanamandal via Sasan Purusottampur road Jajpur 1

519 Bridge Over Gudigaon Nallah on Patrapali - Gudigaon PMGSY Road. Jharsuguda 1000 520 Bridge over Local Nallah on Perifery - Sunary Road. Jharsuguda 100 521 H.L. bridge over river Bheden Hirma to Malda road Jharsuguda 500 522 Bridge over local nallah on PWD road to Siripur road Kalahandi 1000 523 Bridge over river Sandul on Balipada-Lupra road Kalahandi 1

524 Bridge over Kukudi nallah at 13th km. on Badakarkote-Badapujariguda road Kalahandi 1

525 Bridge over Nuapada nallah at 16th km. on Badakarlakote-Badapujariguda road Kalahandi 1

526 Bridge over Kumbherjori nallah on R.D. road to Ranipanga Kandhamal 7000 527 S.B. over Budhajore nallah at 10th Km on Chakapada Archangi road. Kandhamal 1000 528 HL bridge over Damdei nallah on Barakhama Sitapadi road Kandhamal 500 529 Bridge over Badabanga nallah at 16th Km on Raikia Simanbadi road. Kandhamal 4000

530 Bridge over Gandharaguda nallah at 8/6th km.on Subarnagiri Budaguda road. Kandhamal 500

531 Bridge over river Birupa at 1st KM on Chhoti-Mugabari road Kendrapada 100 532 Bridge over Gobari dead channel on Bagadia Dasipur PMGSY Road Kendrapara 500

533 H.L. bridge over Ashrunkhala Nallah at Mantei on Nuapada Antei R.D. Road to Manikpur Batira R.D. Road Kendrapara 500

534 H.L. bridge over Gobari on Khairbad Allijanga to Chakada Baranga Nagapura P.R. road Kendrapara 1000

535 Bridge over Machha Bandha Nallah on Gobara Chhak to - Chaulia - Bamara road. (Boxcell 4span of 6.14mtr.) Kendrapara 1

536 Bridge over Kharianga dead river on Podal to Jamdhar road. Kendrapara 10000 537 Bridge over Patanallah on Manikpur Batira road. Kendrapara 15000

538 Bridge over Chandal Patanallah Nallah on Cuttack Chandabali R & B Road (Ramachandi Thakurani) to R & B Ganeswarpur road. Kendrapara 7000

539 Bridge over river Gobari on Nagespur to Derabish road Kendrapara 1

540 Bridge over Seuladanda Nallah at 3rd Km.on Chandigadi- Mahasahani road Kendrapara 500

541 Bridge over Kolathia Nallah at 3rd Km on Penthapal Balikira road Kendrapara 500 542 HL Bridge over river Baitarani at 7th Km.on Pegarapada Manpur road Kendrapara 500

543 H.L. bridge over Kharasrota Sakha Nallah on Habalaganda Patna Chhal to Boulajodidia roat at 1st km Kendrapara 1000

544 H.L. bridge over river Patsala at Gupti-Jhunus nagar Kendrapara 500

545 HL Bridge over river Brahmani Creek on Angadaghat to Nangadaghat road (span of 30.63 mtr) Kendrapara 10000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 62

546 Bridge over Peta nallah at 5th km on Domunda to Kanpur road Kendrapara 15000 547 Bridge over Sarajori Nallah on Govindpur Thakurpatana road Kendrapara 6000

548 H.L. bridge over river Karandia to connect Sanakora - Hurasahi (RD road) to Naukar - Jalpok (RD road) Kendrapara 2

549 Bridge over Kusei on Daradipal-Jalasuan road. Keonjhar 7500 550 Bridge over Kusei-Salapada-Sarei-Madanpur road. Keonjhar 3689

551 Bridge over Bahutia Nallah on Badakhamandra-Mishramala Road at R.D. 4/648 km Keonjhar 500

552 Bridge over river Kusei on Irrigation embankment connecting PMGSY road Ghasipura Keonjhar 500

553 Bridge over Baghira nallah at 3/8 km on Sunapentha to Gopinathpur road Keonjhar 500 554 Bridge over river Remal at 5th KM on Harichandanpur-Daitary road Keonjhar 500

555 Bridge over Kuladhankuni nallah at 28th Km. on Nudurpada-Kaliahata road. Keonjhar 100

556 Bridge over Handibhanga nallah on Kalimati-Handibhanga road. Keonjhar 500

557 Gop Branch Canal at 4.660 Km on Athantar to Nuagaon ( up to Banamalipur) road Khurda 1

558 Bridge over Barabatia nallah on Prataprudrapur Kenduli road Khurda 1 559 Bridge over Kanheidanda nallah on Malipada-Hadapada road Khurda 1 560 Bridge over Hada nallah on Rajsunakhala - Dhalapathar road Khurda 1 561 Bridge over Balia nallah on RD road Parabola-Nimuna road Khurda 1000 562 Bridge over Hada nallah on Nayapatna - Belapadar road Khurda 2000 563 Bridge over river Prachi on Ramachandrapur Chitalpur road Khurda 30000

564 Bridge over Daya Canal on Nandankanan to Kendupatna via Padasahi road at 1/300 Km Khurda 4000

565 Bridge over river Kansari at 1st Km of N.H.5 (Bankiapalli) to Lambodarpur road Khurda 20000

566 Bridge over river Hada on PWD road to Asanapali Khurda 7000

567 Bridge over river Kusumi (Mahujharanallah) at 1st Km on Singarama to Panasapur. Khurda 15000

568 H.L. bridge over river Kushabhadra on Jhinkiridihi to Pratapnagar road. Khurda 1000 569 H.L. bridge over Gangua nallah on Bikipur to Kuha road. Khurda 1000 570 H.L. bridge over Satasankha nallah on NH-5 to Phulagarada road Khurda 100 571 H.L. bridge over Prachi on Bhanara to Kudapatna road. Khurda 1000 572 H.L. bridge over river Malaguni on Nirakarpur to Talapada road Khurda 500

573 H.L. bridge over Local nallah on Retang Railway station on Panchupalli village road Khurda 1000

574 H.L. bridge over river Hadanala from Bankoi to Binodpada via Kanteilo of Bolagarh Block. Khurda 1000

575 Bridge over river Kolab on Murtahandi-Ghodaghat-Gupteswar road Koraput 500 576 Bridge over Raju Shankar Nallah at 2nd km on Pukali Sambai Road Koraput 1

577 Bridge over Local Nallah on Mattamput P.W.D. Road to Udapada Road. (2 x 30.63mtr.) Koraput 1500

578 Bridge over Sobhaput nallah on Hataguda-Pantalung road Koraput 4000 579 H.L. bridge over river Turi on Bhatrasiuni - Bhatrasirsi road Nabarangapur 500 580 H.L. bridge over river Angi at 2nd Km on Badagumuda to Kottagam road Nabarangapur 500 581 Bridge over Bangiri Nallah on Nanda Dahana via Ekamba road Nabarangapur 500 582 H.L. Bridge over river Kusumi on Mardarajpur-Bodasa Road Nayagarh 25000 583 Bridge over Brutanga river on Banigochha to Dasanipada Road Nayagarh 17000 584 Bridge over Lunijhar nallah on Itamati-Balikudia Road Nayagarh 5000 585 Bridge over river Kusumi on Angisingi-Dhusuma Road Nayagarh 4000 586 Bridge over river Kusumi on Khandapada-Banamalipur road Nayagarh 5000 587 Bridge over Nagajhar nallah on 4th Km of Godipada Kakalaipalli road Nayagarh 100

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 63

588 H.L. bridge over river Duanto on Sanagorada to Bhaliadihi via. Bilagorada road Nayagarh 100

589 H.L. bridge over river Sulia on Udayapur Pallisasana road Nayagarh 500 590 Bridge over river Duanto on Nandighar-Laudaput road Nayagarh 1000 591 Bridge over local nallah (2nos ) on Banthapur-Rohibanka road Nayagarh 100 592 H.L. bridge over river Kusumi at 1st km on Pantikhari - Barapurikia road Nayagarh 1 593 S.B. over Kusumtala Nallah at 1st Km Budhikomna-Dhumabhata Road Nuapada 500

594 S.B over Kadua Branch Canel on Sukapokhari Santrash Via Kajalapatia road Puri 1

595 H.L. Bridge over River Devi at 0.00 Km on Talada - Dihakarada road Puri 59511 596 H.L. bridge over river Kushabhadra on Dalanai Balikapileswar road Puri 1000

597 Box Cell Bridge over Local Drainagecut at 1/00 Km. on Dandamakundapur Delanghat road Puri 1

598 Bridge over Dhanua on Sanapalli Podapada Road Puri 5000

599 Bridge over Ratnachira on N.H 203 to Biraramachandrapur(Kadua-Banapur) Road Puri 1

600 Bridge Over river Luna on Dandamakundapur to Delanghat Road Puri 500 601 Bridge over river Dhanua on Nalihana- Gaindol Road Puri 5000 602 H.L. bridge over local nallah at 1st Km on Maligaon Singhberhampur road Puri 500 603 H.L. bridge over local nallah on Brahmanpada Atheisa road Puri 500

604 H.L. bridge over river Bhargavi on NH-203 TO Kanchi Bridge approach road Puri 500

605 H.L. bridge over river Luna on Nikhila Govindpur Majhipaida Puri 100 606 Bridge over local nallah on Khirisahi -Berhampur road Puri 500

607 S.Bridge over Murmuri nallah at 7th km on Davla Akhidadar road ( 5 x10.77 Mtr) Sonepur 5000

608 Bridge over Dahukbed nallah on Cherupali Mahada road ( 3x8.77 Mtr) Sonepur 1 609 Bridge over river Tel at 4th km. on Hardakhole- Baidyanath road Sonepur 1000 610 H.L. bridge over Local Nallah at 1st km on Bandhapali-Jhulpiapali road Sonepur 1000 611 Bridge over Dalposh Nallah on Jhirpani - Dalposh Road Sundargarh 7500 612 H.L. bridge over Lamloi nallah at 2nd km on Lamloi to Luhakhan road Sundargarh 100

613 Bridge over Hutupani Nallah on 8th Km on Rouldega to Tangargaon road. Sundargarh 500

Total : 900000

Grand Total 1500000 N.B: The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with

the progress of work during the course of the financial year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 64

Work list under D.No.28-5054-COL on R&B-SP-SS-04-DOR/80-General-800-OE/789-SCP SC/ 796-TASP-1230-rural roads-37247-Impvt.of Existing R.D.Roads for the year 2015-16

Sl No Name of the Works Name of the District

Financial Outlay (` in Trs) (Including

Normal SCP,& TASP)

1 2 3 4

80-General-789-SCP -SC 1 Bargarh Bheden Canal Road Bargarh 1 2 Ganijang Manguli Chhaka via Ambagadia to Gopalpur Road Bhadrak 1 3 Bedpur-Padhani Road Bhadrak 1 4 Kanapada R.D.road to Mukundapur via-Ningadi and Gudupalu Bhadrak 1 5 PWD road to Poda Pada Via- Ganjamal road Bhadrak 4800 6 Kuleipada to Khatuapatana via Champa Sahi Parida Road Bhadrak 6400 7 Andola to Kuali Road Bhadrak 5300 8 BC road to Kuansar Bhadrak 1 9 Karanjiakata- Kitangpada road via Tilkup Boudh 7000

10 Mankadchuan PWD Road to MSG Project Road via Jogendrapur Road (From 5.00 Km to 10.00 Km) Boudh 1

11 Utarsasan to Allando road Jagatsinghpur 5000 12 Dhenkanal to Kalkala Boarder road Jajpur 5000 13 Indragada Sahajakhole road. Kandhamal 35000 14 Pakanguma Balaskumapa Dutimundi Karandimaska road Kandhamal 18500 15 Gobara chhak to Bamara via Diminia Chaulim road Kendrapara 9886 16 Manoharpur Pithagola Road Keonjhar 1 17 Chitroda-Godigan Road Mayurbhanj 1 18 Kostha Mohabilla Road Mayurbhanj 1 19 Batagaon Salebhata RD Road Sambalpur 1 20 Charmal Khasua road Sambalpur 1 21 Narayanpur to Mukundapur Road (From 0/00 to 5/00 Km) Sonepur 1

22 Putupali Chowk to Kapasira via Jagannathpalli Road (From 1/5 to 7/5 Km) Sonepur 1

23 Aienlachhat PWD road to Krushnapur via:Jaunra Bhaunra-Sujia Sonepur 1

Total : 96900

80-General-796-TASP 24 Dhamara Road to Luna Bandha Via Budhi Chhak Bhadrak 1

25 Bohira to Dumuduma road (From 5/200 to 7/600 Km and 10/500 Km to13/700 Km) Boudh 1

26 Chhagaon level crossing to Gobara Road Cuttack 1 27 Banki-Baideswar-Kalapathar road Cuttack 1 28 Chhatabar Khilei Road Deogarh 1 29 Bahalunda-Illirisinga Dhenkanal 1 30 Baunsapokhari Kantamila Road Dhenkanal 1 31 Bhutasarasingi Mathasarasingi Road Ganjam 1 32 PWD road to Kanabindha via Banjarasahi and Darapangia Ganjam 1

33 Dharamapur chaka to Podamari Khandadeuli Talapur Pendrakhalli Gokanaperipalli Padmapur touching to Podamari road Ganjam 1

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 65

34 Barada chhak to NH 215 via Taharpur Saintara raod Jajpur 1 35 Shergarh Barabandha road Kalahandi 1 36 Bhanpur Upher Kalahandi 1 37 Moter to Ladugaon Road Kalahandi 1 38 Phiringia Nuapadar road. Kandhamal 19000 39 Raikia Manikeswari Karada Road Kandhamal 12000 40 Ramachandrapur-Gadabandhagoda road Keonjhar 10000 41 Gadabandhagoda-Sapuasahi road Keonjhar 10000 42 Bidyadharpur to Kanpur via Soso Road Keonjhar 12500 43 NH 203 to Gangotrinagar (Lane-1 & Lane-2 ) Khurda 1 44 Banapur Main Canal Road to Antarakiari Kosarada Road Khurda 1 45 Daya West Branch Canal Road to padasahi Chhak to Bhatapada rd Khurda 1 46 Bhagabati Temple to Bhuskapada Khurda 10000 47 Pandripani to Pedakonda Road Malkangiri 13500 48 Malkangiri to Chatishgarh Border via Chalnguda road Malkangiri 1 49 Tarana to Vitaramda Road Mayurbhanj 1 50 Bankati to Khgandadera Road Mayurbhanj 1 51 Jahrigam to Dhamnaguda Road Nabarangapur 1 52 Umerkote Maligaon Road Nabarangapur 1 53 Jeeraguda to Podaguda Road Nabarangapur 1 54 Paika Sahi-Sankarpur Temple via Parbatipur Road Samanga GP. rd. Puri 20000 55 Naira - Bainaguda Road Rayagada 12500 56 Sundargarh to Gandiajore Sundargarh 11576 57 Tuniapali Balia Road Sundergarh 1 Total : 131100

80-General-800-Other Expr. 58 Badatribida Kaniha Road Angul 1 59 Ghosar to Angapada via Kardongbahal road Angul 20000 60 Mahatipur Golia Road (From 5.500 Km to 10.500 Km) Balasore 5000 61 Benuda to Kalyanpur Road Balasore 10000 62 Basta Bazar to Kusudiha Road Balasore 1

63 NH-5 Taharpur Road (From 0.200 Km to 0.900 Km, 2.400 to 4.500 km, and 4.600 Km to 6.800 km) Balasore 1

64 NH-5 to Podagaon road Balasore 1 65 Dandi to Kusida via Dunda Road Balasore 1 66 Simulia to Mandhata road Balasore 9000 67 Petuapalli to Saipai Road Bargarh 1

68 Padampur Gaisilet Road (From 5/30 Km to 10.00 Km) Bargarh 2000

69 Attabira-Paharsirgida road Bargarh 1 70 Bijepur to Luthurbandh Road Bolangir 1 71 Jhinkiria Bentakar Chanduli Road Cuttack 26000 72 Nukhapada Riverghat Via-Dhanipur Cuttack 18000 73 Nilaprasad Laulai Road Dhenkanal 1 74 Khatakhura to Bhairapur Road Dhenkanal 3000 75 Mohana Badagada Road Gajapati 9000 76 Bellaguntha Gereda Lembhei Road (From 4/0 to 18/0 Km) Ganjam 47000 77 PWD road to Paitagaon via Dadaralunda village Ganjam 10000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 66

78 Kamasaragada Chhaka to PWD Road Via-Jhadasi Ganjam 6000 79 Karapalli Golabandha Dhabaleswar Road Ganjam 5000 80 Tirtol Kolara Road Jagatsinghpur 40000 81 N.H.5A to Siju via Kodogola and Chunabelari road. Jagatsinghpur 700 82 Jagannathpur to Garam road Jagatsinghpur 8000 83 Pingala Hatibari Road Jajpur 1 84 Gadamadhupur Dankari Turanga Road Jajpur 40000 85 Aul - Bhuin Pur Road Kendrapara 1 86 Narayanpur to Ajgarpatia road Kendrapara 2000 87 Naradapur to Jodipada Road Keonjhar 1 88 Nandabar to Atta Road Keonjhar 15000 89 Bancho Panchagochhia Road Keonjhar 2600 90 Raisuan Sahadapur Road Keonjhar 9400 91 B.Singpur Gujuniguda Cheptemba Road Koraput 1 92 Subai Bhairaguda Road Koraput 1 93 Purunia Chhak to Jhipabandh Road Mayurbhanj 7000 94 Bariguda Mokiya Road Nabarangapur 1 95 Dabugaon to Kelia Nabarangapur 4300 96 Purosottampur Notar Road (From 6/0 Km to 10 Km) Nayagarh 1 97 Rajasunakhala Surkabadi road Nayagarh 5200 98 Paraskhole to Jamdharah Road Nuapada 1

99 Kushabhadra Bridge to GP Sadar via Benipur, Madhagadia, Ichhapur, Adangasahi, Ali and Madamatha Road Puri 1

100 Approach road to Beleswar Temple Puri 1 101 Kakatpur Konark road Puri 1 102 Puri Arakhakuda Road Puri 1

103 R.D.Road (Chotapur) to Haridasa via Rampur Bhoi Sahi, Bhubanpati adhaghai, Kusubenti road Puri 1

104 Teisipur to pidhapatna Road Puri 1 105 Sailo Niali Road Puri 15000 106 Balidokana to Kunjamatha road Puri 5774

107 Sailo-Niali road -Link road to Itapokhari via Sahupada & Satakapada road Puri 12000

108 Gopalpur-Muraripur road Puri 5000 109 Padmapur Gudari Raibiji Road (52 Km) From 0/00 to 12/00 Km) Rayagada 1 110 Chatikona to Kurli road Rayagada 1 111 Bargaon Sahajbahal Runugaon Road Sundargarh 1

Total : 342000

Grand Total 570000

N.B: The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financial year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 67

Budget Provision under D.No.28-5054-COL- on R&B-SP-SS-04-DOR/80-General-800-OE/789-SCPSC/796-TASP-1230-rural road-37158-completion of incomplete roads & bridges under

different tranches of RIDF & other schemes for the year 2015-16

Sl.No. Name of Scheme/ Project/work Name of the District

Financial outlay (` in TRS)

(including Normal, SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4

800-Other Expr 1 PWD road to Deulajhari road Angul 1 2 Bagdia Gadamandal Patrapada Road Angul 1 3 Saragaon Padmapur bankeswar Bardhanpur to Salt road Balasore 2000 4 Improvement to Jirtal to Shamsundurpur Road. Balasore 2000 5 PWD road to Mahisasuri via Manatri Balasore 1 6 Baliapal Choukukh (Dagara Sea Beach road) Balasore 10 7 Papanga Colony to Papanga village road Bargarh 1 8 Bargarh Bheden Canal Road (Asurgarh Chhack) Bargarh 2000 9 Ambabhona- Ruchida road. Bargarh 40000

10 Ganiapali-Kundakhai via Madamada road (Ganiapali to Charichhak road) Bargarh 25000

11 Improvement to R.D Road from Paikmal to Nrusinghnath Bargarh 10 12 Impvt. to PWD road to Kasati via Koru Bhadrak 25000 13 Madhab to Binishpur road Cuttack 1 14 Jenapada Arakhapatna Cuttack 1 15 Impvt to Olaba to Deondarjhara Cuttack 8000 16 Improvement to RD road to RamanathTemple Cuttack 2000 17 Improvement to R.D.Road to Ganeshkhol Dhenkanal 1 18 Bidharpur Joranda road Dhenkanal 1 19 Impvt. to PWD road to Dhouleswar temple Dhenkanal 10000 20 Impvt to Radhadeipur to Annakoteswar temple Dhenkanal 5000 21 NH 23 to Anatasayan Dhenkanal 10 22 Improvement to NH 217 to karanje temple Road Ganjam 10

23 Improvement to Sorada Kantipalli PWD road (ODR) to Panchanan Temple Ganjam 2000

24 Improvement to Budhamba-PolosaraPWD road (MDR-72) to Marda Temple Ganjam 4000

25 Taratarini Ring road Ganjam 5000 26 Buguda to Budhakhole Hill top road Ganjam 10 27 Sasanapadar to Mantridi road Ganjam 10 28 Vegiput to Pathara via Gorapali - Alarpur road. Ganjam 60000

29 Kabisurya nagar -Sialia- Osingh-Paikajamuna road connecting Sidheswar road Ganjam 30000

30 PWD road to Kuansha Mangala road Jajpur 10 31 Improvement to Chandimandir to Mahabinayak via Darpani Road Jajpur 12000

32 Khadagpur to Charinangala Alasahi Ambasouri via kalashree Gajendrapur road Jajpur 25000

33 Udayagiri Majhipada R.D road to P.W.D. road via Talachandia road Jajpur 10000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 68

34 Dalgaon Tilia road Jharsuguda 10 35 Bhatangpadar (R.D. Road)to Rabandhar Kalahandi 45000 36 Khajurpada Turkel via Kikia road Kalahandi 10 37 Hatadihi Podasingidi road Keonjhar 1000 38 NH-53 (Salabani Chhack) to Chakra tirtha via Kathakata Keonjhar 60000 39 Katrabeda - Sitabinjhi Road Keonjhar 10 40 Kasapada to Vimkund Keonjhar 12000 41 NH-215 (Katrabeda) to Sitabindi Keonjhar 20000 42 Melana to Dargudisila Keonjhar 20000 43 PWD road to Khandadhar Keonjhar 10000 44 Simor-Banki-Malipadar Road Khurda 1 45 Nirakarapur Bhusandapur road Khurda 12000 46 Banamalipur Jaydevpitha via Poijhari road Khurda 10 47 Kuliana Digarstia road Mayurbhanj 10 48 Pithabata to Sitakund Road Mayurbhanj 10 49 Nachhipur Kulialam Sandhei road Mayurbhanj 10 50 Dahana to Jagannathpur Road Nabarangpur 3000 51 B.M. Semla to P S. leading Dabugaon road Nabarangpur 20000 52 Dabugaon to Kelia road Nabarangpur 3000 53 Sulia Kantilo road Nayagarh 1 54 Impvt. To Gotisahi to Sarankul road Nayagarh 29000 55 Darpada - Odagaon Road (Ambarpur to Odagaon portion) Nayagarh 10 56 Sanagarh Baunsagarh road Nayagarh 10 57 PWD road to Jogi jogini pitha Nayagarh 8000 58 MDR -68 to Tarabala Nayagarh 30000 59 Sidhamula to Akurananda road connecting Gokulananda Nayagarh 20000 60 Gotma Bhainsmundi road Nuapada 1

61 H.L. bridge over Dhanua nallah near Boitabhanga on Subarnapur-Gabakunda road Puri 10000

62 Const. of extension of HL bridge over river Dhanua at 3rd km on Sanapali Podapada road in the district of Puri Puri 15000

63 B.Cuttack to Chatikona via Badamotokabadi Rayagada 10000 64 RD road to Minajhola Rayagada 3000 65 Sakata Ambodhani Rayagada 38800 66 Kalyansinghpur to Debagiri hill Rayagada 16000 67 Kuntura to Gudguda Sambalpur 4029 68 MDR 31 to Majhapara to Madheswar Shiva Temple temple Road Sundargarh 20000 69 Mohipani- Jareikela- Up to Kundaposh road Sundargarh 16000

70 Road and C.D. work of PWD road to Chatri Hill road under ACA in the Dist of Sundergarh Sundargarh 25000

0 Total : 720000 789-SCP for SC

71 H.L.bridge over Subarnarekha on OT road-Chaffla Balasore 25000 72 Mangarajpur to Kampada road (Upper Dumka to Taladumka portion) Bhadrak 1 73 Nalabanka to Nualunabandha via Gothadia Bhadrak 1 74 Bolangir- Arjunpur road to Rugudikhal via Mukundpur Bolangir 20000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 69

75 Mundpadar to Jharial road Bolangir 10 76 Const. of HL bridge over river Tikira on Kundheigola Nuapada road Deogarh 2000 77 Sahadabedi PMGSY road to Siali Via-Mathasahi Kalavedi Road Jagashingpur 30000 78 PWD Road (Gopalpur Chhak) to Nasik via pitting binala kutia Jagashingpur 12247 79 Gaineilo Bridge to Tanra Jagatsinghpur 12000 80 Nuapada to Chhapada via Ganello Jagatsinghpur 10000 81 Kujanga Balitutha road Jagatsinghpur 10 82 Sukala Mahakalapada road Jajpur 10 83 Majhipada Sidhagumpha to Nahakani via Manduka Jajpur 30000 84 Palei to Dangi Jajpur 12700

85 N.H.-5 to Bhalukhiai (via Deuli Hilltttop & kumari village(link Gokarneswar Temple) road Jajpur 20000

86 Barabati Rasulpur road Jajpur 10 87 Const of Hl bridg over river Kharasrota on Bari Binjharpur road Jajpur 2000

88 Cuttack Chandabali R&B road (Ramachandi Thakurani) to R&B Ganeshpur road via Ishandia Kendrapara canal near Sorisia connected to Gahanaga Narasinghpur RD road Danpur GP Office, Society Office Paniola

Kendrapara 5000

89 Const. of Hl bridge over river Tel at 17th km on Brundabahal Daspur Nandol road Kalahandi 2000

90 PWD road to Mukteswar temple Sambalpur 11000 91 Kusumi Badbahal gudguda road Sambalpur 1 92 Improvement to Malikunda to Baidynath road Sonepur 5000 93 Improvement to Chandili to Chandilpat Road Sonepur 5000 94 Papakhaya Charda road Sonepur 10 Total : 204000

796-TASP 95 Ramchandrapur to Ghatuldungri road Bolangir 10 96 Sindheikela - Themra road Bolangir 10 97 NH-57 (Harekrushnapur) to Shyamsundarpur via Pargalpur Boudh 20000

98 SB over Salki nallah 1st km on Baghia pada Sagada road 12x10.77 mtr Boudh 2000

99 Odasingi Kinchilingi road Gajapati 2000 100 PWD Road to Kadal Asurgarh via- Nunpur Kalahandi 30000 101 R.D Road to Mardiguda Kalahandi 10000 102 Siletpada to Kusurla Kalahandi 7000 103 R.D Road to Hello point Kalahandi 10

104 H.L.bridge over river Kusei at 16th km. on Harichandanpur-Daitary road Keonjhar 15000

105 Badel Attenda road Koraput 10 106 SH-19 to at Ganja Chhack to Gobindpur Mayurbhanj 40000 107 Maitripur to Kuliana Mayurbhanj 44300 108 NH-5 (Jharpokharia) to Rajaloka up to Simileswar Mahadevpitha Mayurbhanj 20000 109 Shyamsundarpur - Dhabanisol Road Mayurbhanj 10 110 MDR 45 to Simla Siva Temple Mayurbhanj 1000 111 Kendujuani to Bhimkund Road Mayurbhanj 10000 112 RD Road to Nedam Dam Mayurbhanj 7500

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 70

113 Mahiskudar to Suleipat Dam Site Mayurbhanj 10000 114 Samardafa - Kuldiha Road Mayurbhanj 10 115 Khandadera to Suleipat Road Mayurbhanj 10 116 Halda-Rairangpurgarh Road Mayurbhanj 10

117 PMGSY Road (Amsena) to Saliha upto Patparpali via Thelkobeda, Mahattamtora Nuapada 26100

118 Baloda chhak to Biromal with a link to Darlinuapada Nuapada 11000 119 PWD Road (Dunguripali) to Budhikomna Nuapada 5000 120 PMGSY Road(Bangomunda) to Bondkimahal Nuapada 15000 121 Kadodihi Budhabhuin Khandadhar road Sundargarh 10 122 Rajgangpur to Ghogar Sundargarh 10

Total : 276000 Grand Total 1200000

N.B.: The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financial year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 71

Work list under D.No.28-5054-COL on R&B-SP-DS-04-DOR-2526-SCA for special programme for KBK district-789-SCP SC/796 TASP/800-OE-37107-Major works for the year 2015-16

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme / Project / Work Name of the District

Financial outlay (` in TRS) (including

Normal,SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4

80-General-789-SCP -SC 1 PWD road to Nuniadhiba road Bolangir 2500 2 Bhoipali to Sadhupal road Bolangir 1000 3 Brahmani to Bahaduki road Bolangir 1000 4 Baldas road to Mangulipara road Bolangir 1000 5 L-37 to Rangabahali Bolangir 2000 6 Luthorbandha to Majhipada road Bolangir 1 7 Biswanathpur to Bijepur road Kalahandi 1 8 Bijepur to Kalyansinghpur Kalahandi 1 9 Bramhaniguda to Budidar Kalahandi 1

10 Gulujuba to Habaspur road Kalahandi 1 11 Madding to Singharan road Kalahandi 1 12 Kesinga to Joradobra road Kalahandi 1 13 Risida Tushra Gajabahal road Kalahandi 1 14 Siripali to Barabandha road Kalahandi 1 15 Biswanathpur Bijepur road Kalahandi 1 16 Bandhapari to Lanjigarh road Kalahandi 1 17 Tulapada Panga road Kalahandi 1 18 NH 201 to Bhatrajore road Kalahandi 1 19 Maddingpadar Singhjharan road Kalahandi 1 20 Kesinga Joradobra road Kalahandi 1 21 Karlamunda teresinga road Kalahandi 1 22 Kusurpada to Singjharam Kalahandi 6000 23 PWD Road to Khetupada Kalahandi 8000 24 Darlipada to Nuapada (Pujaharipada-II) Kalahandi 6000 25 Pradhaniput to Sundhiguda Road Koraput 5000 26 Nuagam to Kumudaguda road Koraput 500 27 Mundiguda to Doraguda Koraput 500 28 P.Khudi to K.Khudi Koraput 1000 29 M.D.R. to Muliaput road Koraput 4000 30 Mosigam to Dikasamguda Koraput 7000 31 R.D. road to Puspuri Koraput 7000 32 P.W.D. road to Batriput Koraput 1979 33 Abroda to Taraganput Koraput 8000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 72

34 Chitra to Ghurugam Koraput 13300 35 SH-4 to Totambaguda Koraput 7000 36 P.S Road to Taladekapadu Koraput 7000 37 PS Road to Mundiput Arlaput (P.S.Road to M Belgam) Koraput 10000 38 MM Road to BM Road (Constn of Bituminous Macadam) Malkangiri 1 39 Old MM Road Malkangiri 1 40 Malkangiri to MV.27 Road Malkangiri 1 41 Govdindapalli to High school road Malkangiri 500 42 RD Road to Nuaguda Malkangiri 500 43 Canal Bank to MV-49 (Constn of Bituminous Macadam) Malkangiri 500

44 Link Road from MV-15 to MV-46 via Singarajkonda (Constrcution of Bituminous Macadam) Malkangiri 1

45 BM Road to MV-32 (Constn of Bituminous Macadam) Malkangiri 1 46 MV-107 to MPV-63 Road Malkangiri 5000 47 Venketapalam to Panimetla Malkangiri 1000 48 RD Road to Durmaguda Malkangiri 4000 49 KP Road to Polluru Malkangiri 2000 50 Kumujhar to Purniguda Road Nabarangpur 200 51 Ambagaon to Bhaludangri Road Nabarangpur 4500 52 Saruguda to Bairagipadar Road Nabarangpur 1000 53 Hirapur to Nagjodi road Nabarangpur 2000 54 Saipala to Santoshpada Nuapada 5000 55 Mendatal to Chacharajharan Nuapada 8000 56 Algingiguda to Pradhaniguda Rayagada 5000 57 Bahirkhaman to Bandhapali Subarnapur 500 58 Kamsara Balikhamar to Kulthiapadar Subarnapur 5000

Total : 144500

80-General-796-TASP 59 PWD road to Damnimal road Bolangir 1000 60 Chikalbahal to Bankira road Bolangir 1000 61 Gambhariguda to Raxibhata road Bolangir 5000 62 RD road to Dhursamunda road Bolangir 1000 63 Pipalbandha to Jenapada road Bolangir 2000 64 Manigaon to Nanajore Bolangir 2000 65 MDR 40 to Suhagpur road Bolangir 2000 66 R.D. to Amthaguda Kalahandi 1000 67 Lakhabahahali to Sialjore Kalahandi 5000 68 P S Road to Tendapani Via Mimiri Kalahandi 5000 69 Patrabasa- Jhulenbar Kalahandi 8000 70 NH-201 Ampani to Kuturu Kalahandi 6000 71 P.W.D. Road to Brahmanaguda Koraput 2000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 73

72 R.D. Road (PMGSY) to Sorisapadar Koraput 6000 73 Jagannathpur to Padmapur Road Koraput 4000 74 Machara to Khaparaput Road Koraput 3000 75 R.D. Road to Podapadar Koraput 4000 76 PWD Road Raisil Koraput 8000 77 NH-43 to Chikalmari via Gangarajpur Koraput 8000 78 Sindhiguda to Chitapari Malkangiri 8000 79 Podulguda to Patraput road Nabarangpur 1 80 Dabugam to Maidalpur road Nabarangpur 1 81 Kosagumuda to Kontasariguda road Nabarangpur 1 82 Kosagumuda to MP Border road Nabarangpur 1 83 Nandahandi Dahana via Ekamba Nabarangpur 1 84 Jatabal to Nukote road Nabarangpur 1 85 Dabugaon to Maidalpur Nabarangpur 1 86 Kondagam Road to Sankarada Silati Nabarangpur 1 87 Silati to Rajpur via Benora Nabarangpur 1 88 Hardoli to Budaguda Road Nabarangpur 5000 89 Gopiguda to Chhotaguda Road Nabarangpur 3000 90 Chichibai to Bandhakona Road Nabarangpur 5000 91 RD road Jn to Bagniguda Road Nabarangpur 3079 92 Motigam to Dhepaguda Road Nabarangpur 1 93 Phupugam to Dengaguda road Nabarangpur 1 94 Chattiguda to Baunsabeda Road Nabarangpur 5200 95 Barada to Haladipakhana Road Nabarangpur 5000 96 RD Road to Morali Road Nabarangpur 6000 97 RD Road to Baunsiaguda Road Nabarangpur 4000 98 Chandrapur to Pandripani Road Nabarangpur 8000 99 Project road (T-0901) to Dangasil Road Nabarangpur 2000 100 Lakhna Thakpali Road to Rohinipadar Nuapada 6000 101 Brahamaniguda to Kuliharibahal Nuapada 3000 102 PWD Road to Salepada Nuapada 5000 103 Larka to Palenbasa Nuapada 5000 104 RD Road to Karlapada Nuapada 4000 105 NH-217 to Sanmula Nuapada 3000 106 Dabri Uparpita to Belpada Nuapada 4000 107 MDR121 to Darlipada Nuapada 3000 108 Naira-Bainaguda road Rayagada 1 109 Majhiguda-Jaganathapur Rayagada 1 110 Hatamuniguda- Nirgundi Rayagada 1 111 Telengapadar-Sardhapur Rayagada 1 112 Kereda Bilesu road Rayagada 1

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 74

113 Kolnara Munisingi Khedapada Rayagada 1 114 B.Cuttack Dukum road Rayagada 1 115 Jimidipeta Champikota road Rayagada 1 116 Rayagada to Baisingi via Chekaguda Rayagada 1 117 PWD Road to Royalpadar Biripadar Rayagada 1 118 Dangasorada to Nauduguda Rayagada 7000 119 PWD Road to Ghodabadi Rayagada 7000 120 RD Road to Umerbali Rayagada 7000 121 PS Road to Podaghati ( Kodaghati) Rayagada 7000 122 PWD road to Krushnapali Subarnapur 3000 123 Jujistipur chowk to Basudevpur Subarnapur 1000 124 NK RD road to Chuhanpali Subarnapur 200 125 BARD road to Bajikhol Subarnapur 2000

Total : 195500

80-General-800-Other Expr. 126 Badibahal to Bilsalpali road Bolangir 4000 127 SH 42 to Haripali road Bolangir 6000 128 T 05 to Budekpali road Bolangir 3000 129 Budula Chhak to Dengiuri road Bolangir 3000 130 Jemapali Chhak to Badipali road Bolangir 3000 131 NH 201 to Raipali road Bolangir 3000 132 Belgaon Ampali RD road to Chilbahal road Bolangir 6000 133 Belgaon Amapali RD road to Chandanpada road Bolangir 8000 134 Ainlatunga to Jalpali road Bolangir 3000 135 Admunda to Bahabal Bolangir 4000 136 PWD road to Kacharabhadi road Bolangir 3000 137 SH16 to Sindhimunda Bolangir 3000 138 Sireikella Goudtola RD road to Guhirapadar Bolangir 2000 139 NH 217 to Chandutora Bolangir 6000 140 Kushkela to Barbeta Bolangir 3000 141 Katarkela to Matikhalpada Bolangir 2000 142 RD road to Colonypara Bolangir 3000 143 Khagsa to Lajhara road Bolangir 3000 144 RD road to Magurjungal road Bolangir 4000 145 Salemurunga to Arjani road Bolangir 3000 146 Mahimunda Talpali road Bolangir 1 147 Duduka Kutasingha via Rampur road Bolangir 1 148 Jarasingha Salepali via Baddunguri road Bolangir 1 149 PWD raod to Kultapada via Khairguda , Kumuria Bolangir 1 150 Ghungi Dunguripali raod Bolangir 1 151 Duduka Kutasingha via Rampur Bakti road Bolangir 1

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 75

152 Batharla Gohirmunda road Bolangir 1 153 Jogimunda dhandadadar road Bolangir 1 154 Kansapala Matikhai road Bolangir 1 155 Mandal Madhyapur via Kenkeba road Bolangir 1 156 Patnagarh Kantabanji PWD raod to Patnagarh Tikrapada PWD raod Bolangir 1 157 Sireikela to Goudtola RD road Bolangir 1 158 Haldi to Muribahal RD road Bolangir 1 159 Nunahad to Tureikela RD road Bolangir 1 160 PWD road to Bhuslad Bolangir 1 161 Haldi to Muribahal Bolangir 1 162 Sireikela to Goudtula Bolangir 1 163 Loisingha Badibahal road Bolangir 1 164 Patnagarh PWD raod to Dunguripali raod Bolangir 1 165 Talgaj RD road to Kundeigad road Bolangir 3000 166 Badtika to Ghunatipali road Bolangir 5000 167 Belgaon Ampali RD road to Deuli road Bolangir 2000 168 Saintala Block Boarder to Gudvella Block Boarder Bolangir 4000 169 NH 201 to Ghuchinerpali road Bolangir 5000 170 Kudasingha to Siris road Bolangir 5000 171 Amthimunda chhok to Karnapali road Bolangir 1000 172 Bhadra Badipara RD road to Dedhel road Bolangir 4000 173 Barlapali to Sargipali road Bolangir 1 174 Jharphatamunda to Satchun road Bolangir 5000 175 PWD road to Khiarpali via Bagalabandh Bolangir 5000 176 L95 to Gailmara Bolangir 10000 177 Ingsa to Nagraj road Bolangir 5000 178 Maharapadar Kandarbhata Bolangir 8000 179 PWD road to Bijmal Bolangir 1000 180 NH 217 to Paraskuni road Bolangir 2000 181 Sireikella Goudtola RD road to Khalipara road Bolangir 2000 182 Kapilabhata to Malpada road Bolangir 4000 183 Dhumamal to Kharjuri Bolangir 4000 184 Burdipara to Kumbhipada road Bolangir 1 185 PWD road to Bagbel road Bolangir 3000 186 Rigdol Lutherbandh RD road to Ghisirmal Bolangir 1 187 Kumkhal to Damsulim Kalahandi 6000 188 PWD Road to Kalapadar Kalahandi 10000 189 Bankapalas to Ratanpada Kalahandi 8000 190 PWD road to Siletpada Kalahandi 3000 191 Gajabahal to Dangermunda Kalahandi 3000 192 NH201 to Herataka Kalahandi 5000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 76

193 Dharanipada to Agadhpur Kalahandi 5000 194 PWD Road(Pojen) to G.Kenduguda Kalahandi 4000 195 RD Road to Dhekenapada Kalahandi 6000 196 Sialjodi to Purunapali Kalahandi 6000 197 RD Road to Belguda Kalahandi 3000 198 Siuni NH201 to Syamlapada Kalahandi 3000 199 Musapali to Saradhapur Kalahandi 5000 200 Chilipamal to Gointapada Kalahandi 8000 201 R D Road to Kadobhata Kalahandi 8000 202 Hati Bridge to Attigaon road Kalahandi 1 203 Rishida to Pourkela road Kalahandi 1 204 Dhanarpur to Khuntia road Kalahandi 1 205 Dharamgarh to Charbahal road Kalahandi 1 206 Kegaon to Badcherigaon Kalahandi 1 207 R.D. Road to Kanagaon Kalahandi 500 208 RD Road to Chokobahali Kalahandi 6000 209 R.D Road to Kutenpadar Kalahandi 1 210 R.D. Road to Sarlanji Kalahandi 6000 211 NH201 to Suruguda Kalahandi 8000 212 Rahul bridge to Sargipada Kalahandi 8000 213 PWD Road to Gundri Kalahandi 8000 214 jaipatana to Chhatapadar (Nuapada) Kalahandi 8000 215 RD Road to Hernapada Kalahandi 1000 216 RD Road to Latabanji Kalahandi 6000 217 Kotagaon to Bindhaniguda Kalahandi 6000 218 Jeypore Gheuri Phampuni road Koraput 1 219 Umuri to Chappar road Koraput 1 220 Padwa Underguda road Koraput 1 221 Hardali Nuagam road Koraput 1 222 Ambaguda Hadia Putra Telia Jamunda Koraput 1 223 Guneipada Godihanjar Kitchabeda Jallaput Koraput 1 224 Deoghati Bogeipadar Koraput 1 225 Hardali Nuagaon raod Koraput 1 226 Kosagua to Dahadapalla Road Koraput 1000 227 P.W.D road to Malidambaput Koraput 500 228 PWD Road to Machapadar Koraput 2000 229 Badel to Sukriput Road Koraput 1000 230 Umbel to Dumuriput Road Koraput 4000 231 P.W.D. Road Tarliput Koraput 500 232 Phulapalli to Gandhiguda Malkangiri 2000 233 PWD Road to Kandhaguda Malkangiri 2000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 77

234 Mathili Kaliaguda Road Malkangiri 1 235 MM Road to Zonal Hospital Road Malkangiri 1 236 RD Road to Mashaguda Malkangiri 1 237 MV.2 to MV.1 Road Malkangiri 1 238 GB Road to Talagudaput Malkangiri 500 239 MV-86 to Padmapur Malkangiri 3000 240 Gotijodi to Gajuguda Malkangiri 8000 241 BM road to Mahulput Malkangiri 1000 242 Underukonda to Similibancha roads Malkangiri 1000 243 Podia to MV 66 road Malkangiri 1000 244 Kiang to Tentuligumma road Malkangiri 1000 245 Mv 10 to Mv09 road Malkangiri 1500 246 MV-31 to Palmeta Road Malkangiri 940 247 Umergaon to Saraguda road Nabarangapur 3000 248 PL road to Pendimunda Nabarangapur 6000 249 RD Road to Dhupkote Nabarangapur 3000 250 Phupugam to Haridaguda road Nabarangapur 2000 251 L10024 to Majhiguda Nabarangapur 3000 252 Karagaon to Pujariguda Nabarangapur 3000 253 Mendra to Tapaguda Road Nabarangpur 3000 254 B. Debtaguda to Podapala Road Nabarangpur 8000 255 Bharanpur jn (T-0907) to Bhimaguda Road Nabarangpur 5000 256 Umuri Jn (T-0905) to Kandhaguda Road Nabarangpur 1 257 Silati Rajpur via Benora raod Nabarangpur 1 258 Tohra to Keripadar Nabarangpur 500 259 Nirundi to Dabriguda road Nabarangpur 1 260 Chalanpara to Handikadara Road Nabarangpur 1000 261 Gharachapara jn to Bijilipara Road Nabarangpur 1000 262 PL road to Landibeda Road Nabarangpur 1000 263 Sana Temera to Mundkhaguda road Nabarangpur 5000 264 Paraskhol to Jamdarha Road Nuapada 1 265 Nuapada to Kuliabandha Road Nuapada 1 266 Sialati to Kotenchuan Road Nuapada 1 267 Komna to Bhella Road Nuapada 1 268 PWD road to Latkanpada road Nuapada 1 269 Budhapada to Lanji Road Nuapada 1 270 Damjhar to Karlakote Road Nuapada 1 271 Hatibandha to Bharuamunda rod Nuapada 1 272 Karangamal to Boden via Kerapadar Nuapada 1 273 SH-3 to Padampuri Road Nuapada 8000 274 Sialati to Tengnabasa via Sunarital Nuapada 8000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 78

275 SH-3 Saipala to Gundrijhar Nuapada 5000 276 Lakhna Thakpali Road to Tankapani Nuapada 1000 277 Kandetara to Bharuamunda Nuapada 8000 278 PS Road to Haldikhol Nuapada 2000 279 Jimidipeda Pipalguda road Rayagada 1 280 PS Road to Sikajhila Rayagada 8000 281 Butingi Jn. To Alamguda Rayagada 5000 282 132 KVLine Road to Patuguda Rayagada 5000 283 RD Road to Chiligudi Rayagada 8000 284 Lakhani chowck to Teleimal(Balance length) Subarnapur 4000 285 Beheramal to Rabanbuda Subarnapur 5000 286 P.S.road to Deuli Subarnapur 4000 287 BARD road to Goelberna Subarnapur 2000 288 Baidyanath to Narsinghagarh Subarnapur 4000 289 Tarva Panimara RD road to Chirgunmuhan Subarnapur 10000 290 Kamsara Balikhamar RD road to Saidol Subarnapur 3000 291 PWD road to Singhapali Subarnapur 8000 292 Kamsara to Charvata Singhari Via: Khairvadi road Subarnapur 1 293 Binika to Papakhaya road Subarnapur 1 294 Cherupali Agalpur road (10/2 to 12/0 Km.) Subarnapur 1 295 Kamsara Surda (0/0 to 1/2 Km.) Subarnapur 1 296 Mursundi Subalaya via Khandahata (3/0 to 7/0 Km.) Subarnapur 1 297 Narayanpur High School chowk to Teleimal road Subarnapur 1 298 NH 224 to Janmura via Patabhadi Subarnapur 1 299 RD road to Indiranagar Subarnapur 5000 300 T.L.RD road to Pipilipali Subarnapur 5000 301 Kamsara Balikhamar to Basasankar Subarnapur 5000 302 Khuntulapali to Kulhapara Subarnapur 4000 303 Padhanpali to Silijuri Subarnapur 3000 304 Lakhani chowck to Teleimal Subarnapur 5000 305 Pankel to Jogipara Subarnapur 500 306 PWD road (Gumurdala )to Nachipadar Subarnapur 5000 307 RD road to Fakirmunda Subarnapur 1000 308 Khuntulapali to Kulhapara (Balance length) Subarnapur 4000 309 B.A.RD road to Purusotampur Subarnapur 500 310 Kartang to Gariapali Subarnapur 5000

Total : 510000

Grand Total 850000 N.B : The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the

progress of work during the course of the financial year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 79

Work list under D.No.28-5054-COL on Roads & Bridges-SP-DS-04-DOR-101- bridges/789-SCP for SC/ 796-TASP-1230-rural roads-37281-Constn. of Bailey bridges

for the year 2015-16 Sl. No.

Name of project Name of the District

Financial outlay (` in TRs

including General, SCP & TASP

1 2 3 4

789-SCP for SC 1 Analaguda -Mohana , G.P.- Mohana, Block- Mohana. Gajapati 9360 2 Balipanka - Chandiput , G.P.- Mohana, Block- Mohana. Gajapati 3766 3 Hundipadar - Pinkidi , G.P.- Mohana, Block- Mohana. Gajapati 4184 4 Ramchandrapur - Luhagudi , G.P.- Mohana, Block- Mohana. Gajapati 2675 5 Binjiri - Deopur Road, G.P.- Gosani, Block- Gosani. Gajapati 4565 6 Padursingh-Sulsulada , G.P.- Gumma, Block- Gumma. Gajapati 6099 7 Anukundaguda - Jeeba, G.P.- Gumma, Block- Gumma. Gajapati 2774 8 Anukundaguda - Radhakantpur , G.P.- Gumma, Block- Gumma. Gajapati 3060 9 Majhiguda -Kusumi road, G.P.- Chitra, Block- Kotpad. Koraput 9570 10 Raikundra - Kenduguda road, G.P.- Kundra, Block- Kundra. Koraput 7809 11 P.Mundiguda - Bhusangaguda road,G.P.- Kusumi, Block- Kotpad. Koraput 4210 12 Basuaput - Purimunda road, G.P.- Dasamantpur, Block- Dasamantpur. Koraput 7550 13 Dasamantpur-angipur road,G.P.- Dasamantpur, Block- Dasamantpur. Koraput 11719 14 Kiramba - Jamuru road,G.P.- Dasamantpur, Block- Dasamantpur. Koraput 11044 15 Tamaksil -Tamaksil road, G.P.- Dasamantpur, Block- Dasamantpur. Koraput 9980 16 Gadikhal- Kalijhola road,G.P.- Laxmipur, Block- Laxmipur. Koraput 9877 17 Kedupati - Bagmari road,G.P.- Laxmipur, Block- Laxmipur. Koraput 9959 18 Odiapentha - Bisampur road, G.P.- Laxmipur, Block- Laxmipur. Koraput 9860 19 Girliput - Jogiput road, G.P.- Nandapur, Block- Nandapur Koraput 12557 20 Sipurijholla - Kugum road, G.P.- Nandapur, Block- Nandapur Koraput 11939 21 Tema - Kirajholla road, G.P.- Pottangi, Block- Pottangi. Koraput 8258 22 Hataguda - Gadikhamara road, G.P.- Similiguda, Block-Similiguda Koraput 12314

23 Bridge over Local nallah on B.K.ltamana-Labs road,GP-Dambosara,Block-Gunupur Rayagada 17340

24 Bridge over Local nallah on Elrnanguda-Bada Barida road GP-Golholpadar, Block-Gunupur Rayagada 27840

25 Bridge over Local nallah on Buvalkul-Anjarbaising road, GP-Kulusing, Block-Gunupur Rayagada 41840

26 Bridge over Local nallah on Kadasi-Ajingtal road, GP-Kulusing, Block-Gunupur Rayagada 41840 27 Bridge over Local nallah on Saisingi-Gudi road, GP-Kutusing, Block-Gunupur Rayagada 31340 28 Plolour over Local nallah on Nalls-Borel road, GP-Puttasing, Block-Gunupur Rayagada 20840

29 Bridge over Local nallah Kimjhola- Deriguda road, GP-Deriwun, Block-Padmapur Rayagada 70831

Total : 425000 796-TASP

30 Bridge over Local nallah on Perigaon junction to Kalingi, GP-Tadama, Block-Rayagada. Rayagada 71992

31 Bridge over Local nallah on Pendili to Kerikhal, GP-Tadama, Block-Rayagada. Rayagada 60503

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 80

32 Bridge over Local nallah on RD Road to Deranja, GP-Mandibisi, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 32503

33 Bridge over Local nallah on Khamanpada to Royalpeta, GP-Manusgaon, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 74503

34 Bridge over Local nallah on PWD Road to Champadora GP-Kudipari, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 46503

35 Bridge over Local nallah on Badalijharana to Dhadapas, GP-Dongasil, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 60503

36 Bridge over Local nallah on Uapuchi to Nundruguda, GP-Hanumanthpur, Block-BissamCuttack Rayagada 95504

37 Bridge over Local nallah on RD Road to Kutinga under GP-Godipali, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 53663

38 Bridge over Local nallah on PWD Road to Kukudagad GP-Manusgaon,Block-Kasipur Rayagada 60663

39 Bridge over Local nallah on Kumbharsila to Katali, GP-Kashipur, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 18663 Total : 575000

800-Other Expr

40 Bridge over Local nallah on Oreepul-Rayalpadu road, GP-Sagada, Block-Gunupur Rayagada 37177

41 Bridge over Local nallah on lswarguda-Bahpanga road, GP-Kadama, Block-Padmapur Rayagada 46686

42 Bridge over Local nallah on Kutradhar-Chakunde road, GP-M.K.Rai, Block-Padmapur Rayagada 124677

43 Bridge over Local nallah on Sriramnagar-Binishpur road, GP-Pujariguda, Block-K.Singhpur Rayagada 93177

44 Bridge over Local nallah on Mautiguda-Jamedaipentha road,GP-Jamedaipentha, Block-Rayagada Rayagada 24577

45 Bridge over Local nallah on Mardipuda-Kumbhikota road, GP-Kumbhikota, Block-Rayagada Rayagada 26677

46 Bridge over Local nallah on Badamanadhar-Kutuli road, GP-Kutuli, Block-Rayagada Rayagada 54677

47 Bridge over Local nallah on Gumjiguda-Adajor road, GP-Adajor, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 51177 48 Bridge over Local nallah on Kisankedi-Adajor road, GP-Adajor, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 51177

49 Bridge over Local nallah on Kabatsil-Gumudisupel road, GP-Manusgaon, Block-Kasipur Rayagada 51177

50 Bridge over Local nallah on Tobhapedar-Kauguda road, GP-Muniguda, Block-B.Cuttack Rayagada 83840

51 Bridge over Local nallah on Dumriguda-Khedapada road, GP-Khedapada, Block-Kolnara Rayagada 23351

52 Bridge over Local nallah on Kantrabali-Kamalabadi road, GP-Muniguda, Block-B.Cuttack Rayagada 41840

53 Bridge over Local nallah on Sutaruruni-Sakata road, GP-Mlmiguda, Block-B.Cuttack Rayagada 34840

54 Bridge over Local nallah on Halam-Kaju road, GP-Kariaghati, Block-Gudari Rayagada 27840

55 Bridge over Local nallah on Kandapendili-Gurutha road, GP-Khariguda, Block-Gudari Rayagada 27840

56 Bridge over Local nallah on Antapali - Kukudapli road, G.P.-Batemura, Block-Maneswar Sambalpur 31499

57 Bridge over Kalpa nallah, G.P.-Nuabarangamal, Block-Jujumura Sambalpur 13999

58 Bridge over Local nallah on Luhapank to Gadmunda road, G.P.-Luhapank, Block-Rairakhol Sambalpur 18899

59 Bridge over Kandhel nallah on Sadhudahali - Dhauragodh road, G.P.-Salebhata, Block-Naktideul Sambalpur 20999

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 81

60 Bridge over Cuttack nallah on Badmal to Brahmani road, G.P.-Ghosaramal, Block-Naktideul Sambalpur 13999

61 Bridge over Local nallah on Betghar to Kusumkhol road, G.P.-Luhapank, Block-Jamankira Sambalpur 19599

62 Bridge over Pitha nallah, G.P.-Luhapank, Block-Rairakhol Sambalpur 20999 63 Bridge over Kendukupali nallah, G.P.-Luhapank, Block-Rairakhol Sambalpur 20999

64 Bridge over Local nallah on Betghat to Kosali road, G.P.-Luhapank, Block-Rairakhol Sambalpur 19599

65 Bridge over Local nallah on Bijaguda to Damagaon road, G.P.-Kenadhipa, Block-Jamankira Sambalpur 16799

66 Bridge over Local nallah at Fulchangudi , G.P.-Kenadhipa, Block-Jamankira Sambalpur 22399

67 Bridge over Tileising nallah on Landimal to Dhatukimal road, G.P.-Ghosaramal, Block-Naktideul Sambalpur 20999

68 Bridge over Ranja nallah on Mura to Kanibandhali road, G.P.-Nuatihura, Block-Maneswar Sambalpur 29399

69 Bridge over Mahulpali nallah, G.P.-Tabla, Block-Maneswar Sambalpur 20999 70 Bridge over Gantab nallah, G.P.-Badrama, Block-Jamankira Sambalpur 34999

71 Bridge over Chandraposi river on Kausipal - Daneimunda road, G.P.-Panimura, Block-Naktideula Sambalpur 27999

72 Bridge over Jarasinga nallah at Gidmal, G.P.-Kesapali, Block-Jujumara Sambalpur 35000 73 Bridge over Bhalukhol nallah, G.P.-Kisinda, Block-Naktideula Sambalpur 21000 74 Bridge over Rantal nallah, G.P.-Meghpal, Block-Jujumara Sambalpur 18900 75 Bridge over Chigunikhol nallah, G.P.-Badrama, Block-Jamankira Sambalpur 28000 76 Bridge over Marangabahal nallah, G.P.-Meghpal, Block-Jujumara Sambalpur 14700 77 Bridge over Mayapal nallah at Gidmal, G.P.-Kesapali, Block-Jujumara Sambalpur 14000 78 Bridge on Bingipali to Khurabola, G.P.-Mahada, Block-Jamankira (1) Sambalpur 14700

79 Bridge over Local nallah at 2nd km on PWD road to Kanika road, Block - Hemagiri Sundargarh 20998

80 Bridge over Local nallah on Kankutura to Latakhandi road, Block - Hemagiri Sundargarh 20999

81 Bridge over Sonal nallah on Sargigarh to Badindupur road under Malda G.P., Block - Koida Sundargarh 34997

82 Bridge over Tetrabahal nallah on Tetrabahal to Linetoli road under Undali G.P., Block - Kuanramunda Sundargarh 38498

83 Bridge over Sundar nallah on Ratakhandi to Surli road under Kukundubahal G.P., Block - Kuanramunda Sundargarh 26598

84 Bridge over Sundar nallah on Kukundubahal to Nandatoli road under Kukundubahal G.P., Block - Kuanramunda Sundargarh 31498

85 Bridge over Kuanramunda - Kacharu nallah on Sukhabandha road under Putrikhaman G.P., Block - Kuanramunda Sundargarh 25198

Total : 1500000 Grand Total 2500000

N.B.: The work / Scheme / Project wise allocation is tentative & may be varied in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financial year.

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 82

Work list under D.No.28-5054-State Plan-State Sector-04-District & Other Roads / 80-

General-800-O.E/789-SCP for SC/796-TASP-2161-RIDF-37286 Mukhy Mantri Sadak Yojana for the year 2015-16

Sl. No.

Name of Project Name of the District

Financial outlay (` in TRS)

(including Normal, SCP & TASP)

1 2 3 4

796-TASP 1 Mangalmunda Chhak to Benubahal Bolangir 1000 2 PWD Road to Talijharan Bolangir 3800 3 Ramsingha to Simulia Road Bolangir 1500 4 PWD Road to Khairatikita via Purunapani Bolangir 3900 5 Jogimara to Karlakhaman Bolangir 3900 6 RD Road to Bhalupali Bolangir 1000 7 RD Road to Jhankarpalli Bolangir 1000 8 Mundpadar to Goduramunda Bolangir 6000 9 Haldi to Pudisara Bolangir 4600

10 Kariapita to Malisira via:- Dangarbanji Bolangir 5800 11 L-58 to Sagunamunda Bolangir 2000 12 MDR-40 to Gudguda Bolangir 2000 13 PWD Road to Gundichadihi Bolangir 7800 14 Rd road To Jhaptupali Bolangir 1800 15 Tendapadar to Colonypara-2 Bolangir 4900 16 Jamupadan to Sirigida Deogarh 2500 17 Tabada to Bijaberini Deogarh 3500 18 R.D. Road to Nikitimal Deogarh 5800 19 R.D. Road to Adharijhola chintapalli Gajapati 4000 20 R.D. Road to Dalimbapur Gajapati 1900 21 PWD Road to Chandrarao Peta Gajapati 3100 22 DIHAPAL TO METRASENPUR Jajpur 4700 23 Parmanandapur to Mendha Kusabata Jajpur 11000 24 MDR-14 TO RAMPA HARIJANSAHI Jajpur 3000 25 KANTIPUR TO NARANPUR Jajpur 20000 26 PWD ROAD TO KARANDIPUR Jajpur 9600 27 PWD ROAD TO BOTALTANGI Jajpur 9000 28 Arua to Naranpata Jajpur 6000 29 ANKULA-PANIKOILI RD ROAD TO BAJRAPADA Jajpur 4800 30 GOHIRAGADIA TO MANDAPADA Jajpur 2500 31 PWD Road to Karlapada Kalahandi 2000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 83

32 PWD Road to Paramanandpur Kalahandi 3800 33 NH-201 to Kasakendu Kalahandi 4900 34 Charbahal To Ghumerguda Kalahandi 7500 35 Maichala to Limpada Kalahandi 4600 36 Mundraguda To Kandripadar Kalahandi 5000 37 PWD Road to Karlapat Kalahandi 10000 38 RD Road to Bijapada Kalahandi 3000 39 Dulkibandh to Dokelpada Kalahandi 8800 40 Panigaon Barchi Chhak to Barchi Kalahandi 6000 41 Chirliguda NH-201 to Gadramal Kalahandi 3500 42 Pipalbhadi to Kutingpadar Kalahandi 3900 43 Harlang to Khaliamunda Kalahandi 3000 44 NH-217 to Nagjhari Kalahandi 10000 45 Nunpur to Ulrupi Kalahandi 2800 46 PWD Road to Cherka JN. Via Baligam Koraput 11000 47 PWD Road to Kushpar Koraput 11000 48 Kumuli to Semla Koraput 8800 49 Marchiguda to Tikarpada Koraput 9000 50 RD Road(Kodikipadar) to Haridaput Koraput 3900 51 RD Road to Punjhariput Koraput 2500 52 SH-4(Dangri) to Haridiput via Bandalitiguda Koraput 10000 53 Kotpad to Sadarnga-Sutipadar Koraput 19700 54 Gadapadar to Hardali Koraput 2700 55 Jiraguda to Dangarpaunsi Koraput 9000 56 PWD Road to Haradaput Koraput 2600 57 Jalahanjar to Gelaguda via Chapadi Koraput 9000 58 NH-26 TO KHIRAJHOLA Koraput 4000 59 KOTIYA TO TADIVALSA Koraput 24000 60 P.W.D ROAD TO MATHALAMBA Koraput 15600 61 BM Road to Goudaguda Malkangiri 7000 62 PWD Road to Batrital Malkangiri 2000 63 BM Road to Tentuliguda Malkangiri 9000 64 Maliguda to Bheluaguda Nabarangpur 2800 65 Pikaddhanua to Limaguda Nabarangpur 1500 66 Mudinayakguda to Pakhna dongriguda Nabarangpur 3700 67 Bhattra to Durkiguda Nabarangpur 4000 68 Gadavakatara to Checheraguda Nabarangpur 4000 69 Hirmimunda to Jhadiaguda Nabarangpur 3000 70 Ankabeda to Ghungutipada Nabarangpur 2000 71 Pujariguda to Rautoguda Nabarangpur 8000 72 Kusumi to Jamuguda Nabarangpur 3000 73 L-10024 to Dangabahal Nabarangpur 2800 74 Chandiabeda to Naikguda Nabarangpur 2000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 84

75 Durkaguda to Maripara Nabarangpur 5000 76 Gandamer to Babupalli Nuapada 6800 77 PWD Road to Damjola Nuapada 4900 78 SH-3 to Salebhata Nuapada 5000 79 NH-217 to Kumjori via Bendrabahal and Bargaon Nuapada 6900 80 Nilzee PWD Road to Karlakhamar Nuapada 5900 81 khalna to Tileimal Nuapada 13000 82 RD ROAD TO MAKAGUDA Rayagada 6000 83 PMGSY ROAD (SITAPUR) TO SIDDHAMGUDA Rayagada 6000 84 PS ROAD TO BAJRAGUDA Rayagada 3000 85 P.S. ROAD TO BASANGAMALI Rayagada 17000 86 P.W.D. ROAD TO TIKIRAPADAR Rayagada 8000 87 PWD ROAD TO RELIBADIGAN Rayagada 10000 88 RD ROAD TO KINAM Rayagada 10600 89 PS ROAD TO MANDARA Rayagada 14000 90 132 KV LINE ROAD TO GUNJIGUDA Rayagada 11000 91 MDR 39 to Gadgadbahal Sonepur 4600 92 MJRD road to Masinapali Sonepur 2000 93 Kendupali to Borghat Sonepur 4500 94 Tarva-Brahmani RD road Tentulimunda Sonepur 4500 95 Balipatha(Rugudipali) to Jadapal Sonepur 4000 96 Tarva-Brahmani RD road to Tentulikhunti Sonepur 3500 96 Total 575000 789-SCP for SC 1 Sarupata to Badapichhula road Keonjhar 14000 2 Kathababausuli to Fakirpur Road Keonjhar 4800 3 Kenduposi to Narasinghpur Road Keonjhar 5000 4 N.H.215 to Nischintpur Road Keonjhar 3000 5 Muktapur to Raghunathapur road Keonjhar 2800 6 Damahuda to Sunaposi road Keonjhar 4000 7 Goras to Kucheibeda road Keonjhar 4000 8 Road(B) RD Road to Rangamatia Keonjhar 4000 9 Sananai to Barabalia Sahi Road Keonjhar 3700

10 Jamunaposi(Satighat) to Gurutuan Road Keonjhar 7000 11 Panasadiha to Andharajhari Keonjhar 4000 12 Tartara to Mathianendi Keonjhar 3800 13 Panasadiha to Asanbani Keonjhar 6000 14 NH-215 to Jatrakusuma Keonjhar 10000 15 Asanbahali to Batasahi Keonjhar 33600 16 RD. Road to Palabani Keonjhar 12000 17 Mishramal to Gopinathpur Keonjhar 2000 18 RD Road (Khutabandha) to Tonkajoda Keonjhar 7000 19 PWD road (Jadida Chack) to Dumuria Bhuduria Mayurbhanja 5000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 85

20 PWD Road To Uchhabali Mayurbhanja 5000 21 MDR Road to Tadkisole Mayurbhanja 2000 22 Badbrahmanamara to Sanbrahmanmara Mayurbhanja 4000 23 MDR-4 Road to Basantpur Mayurbhanja 4000 24 NH 5 to Khairbani to Kainfulia Mayurbhanja 4000 25 RD Road to Sanjunpal Mayurbhanja 5000 26 Golagadia to Baghabasa Mayurbhanja 9500 27 Nuagaon to Tampada Mayurbhanja 1600 28 KATHRUMA TO BARUDIHI Mayurbhanja 3800 29 PWD Road to Khajuria Mayurbhanja 3000 30 Kuchiasol To Khadisol Mayurbhanja 4000 31 Kanthi (PWD Road) To Narangbaz Mayurbhanja 6000 32 RD Road to Akhirsole Mayurbhanja 3000 33 Brahmanbose-Pithakutuni Tangorjoda-Via-Bhaludihi-Tangorjoda Mayurbhanja 10000 34 Bramhanbose to Kantasola Mayurbhanja 4900 35 Merudihi to Arjunpani Mayurbhanja 3000 36 Kuldiha to Bheludihi Road Mayurbhanja 2800 37 Sorisapal to Chakdi from 0/0km to 3/0km (Reach-I) Mayurbhanja 4000 38 Sorisapal to Chakdi from 3/00km to 9/700km (Reach-II) Mayurbhanja 9500 39 NH6 to Bhudrukela road Mayurbhanja 1000 40 NH6 to Chadripahadi road Mayurbhanja 2500 41 Ramsahi to Mandam Mayurbhanja 6500 42 S.H-49 to Tuntuna Mayurbhanja 7900 43 S.H-53 to Hatisalbeda Mayurbhanja 4800 44 P.W.D Road to Bhanraposi Mayurbhanja 3000 45 Neduapal to Madarangajodi Mayurbhanja 3500 46 R.D Road to Guhalchatua Mayurbhanja 4000 47 NH-42 TO BISITIKRA Sambalpur 1000 48 PWD ROAD TO AINLAJHARAN (UP TO KESAPALI ) Sambalpur 5000 49 PADUAKHOL CHOWK TO PANDUAKHOL Sambalpur 3700 50 RD ROAD TO MANIKMUNDA Sambalpur 2800 51 PWD ROAD TO THEPAPALI Sambalpur 3800 52 SALAD TO TURITIKRA Sambalpur 1600 53 Kuturachuan to Kuleigarh Sambalpur 2600 54 PMGSY Road to Kharsanmal Sambalpur 4000 55 Tainsar to K-jamankira Sambalpur 6000 56 Kinjirikela to kerajore Sundragarh 8000 57 KANIKA TO KUSUMEL Sundragarh 3000 58 RD ROAD TO DARUPISA Sundragarh 4800 59 Musabira to Surulata Via-Budapahar Sundragarh 10600 60 ODR ROAD AT KIRALAGA TO TEDIKAHA Sundragarh 10500 61 RD ROAD TO BEJIDIHI(DAUDPARA,GHANTIABUD) Sundragarh 8000 62 RD ROAD TO CHURICHAUKA Sundragarh 8500

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 86

63 RD ROAD TO BHUYANPARA ROAD Sundragarh 2500 64 MDR-27 MAHULAPALI TO KADALIMUNDA Sundragarh 5000 65 NH-23 to SANJHARAN Sundragarh 13500 66 PWD road to Kadalikucha Sundragarh 9900 67 Kacharu-Harpali (Barkatola) Sundragarh 2000 68 Baghiajore to Girjapada Sundragarh 5000 69 Kalosaria to Sagabeda Sundragarh 15500 70 NH-23 to BADSAHAJBAHAL Sundragarh 7500 71 AMJHARAN TO BETJHARAN Sundragarh 9700 72 NH-143 TO TURIBARNA Sundragarh 2700 73 RD ROAD TO POTOBEDA Sundragarh 9800 73 Total 425000

800-OE 1 Bantala to Badakanjini Angul 7500 2 Bandhupali Digpadar road Angul 5000 3 Talmul to Similichuini Angul 3000 4 Budhapanka to Apartipur Angul 9600 5 BAKAL (DURGAPUR CHHAK) TO BADAMUL Angul 19000 6 Kamasala to Mandua Via Haribereni Angul 11000 7 Badabereni to Kankurapal Angul 5000 8 HARICHANDANPUR to BARIHAPUR Angul 11000 9 Anlabereni to Khandabar road Angul 8700

10 NH 42 to Pitabaliagaruda road Angul 8700 11 R.D.Road (jumpei nallah) to Panihara Angul 8000 12 Khandbeda to Jharkilinda Angul 9900 13 R.D.Road to Jharalo Angul 2000 14 Gopalprasad to Malibandha Road Angul 6000 15 Dharampur to Khairipal Angul 4500 16 Jauria ( RD road ) To Kalabudhi Balasore 4600 17 NH-60 To Dubri Balasore 6000 18 NH-60 (Narsingpur vis Palasia) to Jhinkiria Balasore 5000 19 RD Road To Bedei Balasore 8000 20 R.D.road to Narasinghdiha Balasore 3000 21 Basta Baliapal PWD Road to Rajuapada to Naikudi Balasore 6900 22 Dandkut to Tentula Balasore 3000 23 Janakipal to Pandua Balasore 5500 24 Gangpur to Badahata Balasore 4800 25 RD Road ( Remuna Palasia) to Mahantipada Balasore 3800 26 Barunsingh to Uttarachaka Balasore 6500 27 NH-5 to Bhagatpur Balasore 7000 28 ITR ROAD ( Rupakhanda ) to Brajadeuli Balasore 3000 29 Nandoor to Sunguda Balasore 2500 30 Jhatia to Nuasahi Balasore 2000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 87

31 Betada , Haripur to Maliberhampur Balasore 4000 32 Thaneswar to Uchhabpur Balasore 2000 33 Hensaguda To Sarupada Balasore 3500 34 Simulia Mandhata Road to Nanchinda Balasore 4000 35 PWD Road to Matikhana Balasore 3600 36 Kachuadi to Dakhinanadbani Balasore 6000 37 Raniguda to Demuria Balasore 1500 38 Ulinda to Jaleswarpur Balasore 2000 39 Salikotha to Mahishamunda Balasore 3000 40 Kandpala to Jampali Bargarh 4000 41 Bargarh Main Canal to Godgoddalla Bargarh 9000 42 SH-54 to Kujapali Bargarh 1700 43 NH-06 to Sastupali (Via Kalanga Pali) Bargarh 5000 44 NH6 (Chakarkend Chhak) to Sallepali & Link Road to Rangatikra Bargarh 4500 45 Bargarh Bheden Canal Road to Mataritikira Via SaharaPali Bargarh 5500 46 RD Road to Sardhapali & Link road Jhulpiapali Bargarh 12000 47 Kumbhari to Badipali Bargarh 2600 48 Jarmunda Chhak to San Amlipali Bargarh 5500 49 Gandturum Brahmanturum Bargarh 1900 50 Jhar to Jhagadjhal Bargarh 3000 51 Turcha to Saidunguripali Bargarh 5000 52 Kurlupali to Beheradubri Bargarh 6700 53 Luharpali to Kabibarpur Bargarh 6000 54 PWD Road at Mithapali to Laudmal via Manbhang, Kudhariphasa Bargarh 7000 55 Chunida Balabhadrapur PMGSY Raod to Ultunga Bhadrak 3000 56 PWD Road (Barapada) to Katuni Bhadrak 2800 57 RD Road to Belagadia Bhadrak 1900 58 RD Road to Erjhatia Bhadrak 2900 59 Nayananda chhabhgia sasan to Tarinichhak Via Ramanujavidyapith

& Biranchinarayan Temple Bhadrak 11000

60 T2 to Mahamadpur Bhadrak 5600 61 Defence Road to Gokulpur Bhadrak 10000 62 PWD Road to Kanjikhia Bhadrak 4000 63 Defence Road to Kansaripur Bhadrak 10000 64 Ranital Rly station to NH5 via. Baragadia Bhadrak 1000 65 T6 to Palatpur Bhadrak 8700 66 BC Road to Chalunia Bhadrak 10000 67 BC Road to Chhatrapada Bhadrak 7600 68 RD Road to Dharmagatpur Bhadrak 4900 69 RD Road to Ghothina Bhadrak 3000 70 Telibandha Barapugoda RD Road Tulasipur to Gochhapada Road Boudh 2000 71 NH-224 to Tatarkela Road Boudh 3000 72 Balakaira Bridge Chhak to Jaloei Road Boudh 2700

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 88

73 Butapali to Narayanpur Road Boudh 3800 74 NH-224 to Pipalkata Road Boudh 2000 75 NH-224 to Bhurkipada Road Boudh 3000 76 RD Road (Sabalpur) to Tailipada. Cuttack 6000 77 Kakatapur Branch Canal to Arada. Cuttack 6600 78 Gobindapur to Simalada Cuttack 12000 79 Adikundi to Netakundi Cuttack 8000 80 Govindapur to Sahanajpur Cuttack 7800 81 Nurtanga to Inda Cuttack 6800 82 Sarakor to Sutinda Cuttack 7900 83 T2 to Kulagaon Isalo to Santhakana Karandia Branch Canal from

Sahadevpur Cuttack 8000

84 Bandhupur to Dudum (0/00km to 7/00km) (Reach-I) Cuttack 12000 85 Bandhupur to Dudum (7/00km to 15/00km) (Reach-II) Cuttack 13000 86 Salipur Chhatia PWD Road to Madhanga. Cuttack 5000 87 Pattamundai Canal embankment to Mukundpur. Cuttack 5000 88 R.D. Road to Bodhasara. Cuttack 3800 89 Mahishalanda to Banto Cuttack 7600 90 PWD Road to Nakhara Cuttack 7700 91 Cuttack Sambalpur Road to Nuapatna Cuttack 2600 92 NH-55 to Indranipatna Cuttack 3000 93 Naimalia to Balipur Cuttack 2800 94 PWD Road to Nuabandh Cuttack 2500 95 (R.D. road to Dengamba) Cuttack 6900 96 RD road to Manipur Cuttack 4000 97 PWD Road to Sukhuakhala Cuttack 6900 98 RD Road (Alara) To Nandakishorpur Via:- Lembo & Mahurakhia Cuttack 9900 99 PWD Road (Guhalsahi) to Kathaukhoja, Mathurapur Ransinghpur Cuttack 9000 100 P.W.D Road (Baselihata) To Kimbhiritala Cuttack 5000 101 Barada to Bhojadeipur Dhenkanal 2000 102 RD Road to Goradapal Road Dhenkanal 3000 103 L-22 to Badapokharia Dhenkanal 2500 104 Biswanathpur to Jondaposi Dhenkanal 1900 105 Kantamila to Gobardhanpur Dhenkanal 5800 106 L-43 to Bachhuribanka Dhenkanal 3500 107 T-2 to PASASINGHA Dhenkanal 1800 108 Kansaragoda to Maluagoda Dhenkanal 2000 109 PWD Road to Jamujhara Dhenkanal 2000 110 PWD Road to Tampei Dhenkanal 3600 111 NH-200 to Jautukapasi Dhenkanal 5000 112 NH-23 to Raghunathpur via jharanbahal(Patra Sahi) Dhenkanal 4000 113 SH-7 to K. Sindurapalli via Landajuali road Ganjam 4600 114 RD Road to K. Raisingipur via Titipali Road Ganjam 3800

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 89

115 SH-7 to Rankuda - Ramanapalli Ganjam 4400 116 Ghodapada - Padapada - Nuasahi - Dhobabania Road Ganjam 8900 117 PWD Road to Barabara - Jokalundi Road Ganjam 10000 118 PWD Road to Bankaladi via Sana Borasingi Road Ganjam 7000 119 PWD Road to Purunapani via Budiamba Ganjam 11000 120 Talasakar - Pangidi via Belapur - Chakarapalli road Ganjam 5700 121 NH-59 to Hirakhandi Ganjam 2500 122 SH-7 to Badanaikenal to Badula Road Ganjam 8000 123 PWD Road to Baradanda Road Ganjam 6000 124 PWD Road to Kalingapadar Road Ganjam 7800 125 Jemadeipur to Bhatakhali Road Ganjam 5800 126 PWD Road to Jilunda - Bileijhuri Road Ganjam 4900 127 RD Road to Sitarampalli Ganjam 4000 128 RD Road to Hukuma Road Ganjam 5000 129 Kullada Chhak NH-59 via Bhagabanpur - Padarsuni - Maniakathi &

Govindapur village road Ganjam 14000

130 PMGSY Road (Tentuliapalli) to Chillipoi via. Singadapalli. Ganjam 5000 131 RD Road to Laxmipur Ganjam 2900 132 PWD Road to Danapur via Gopinathpur - Hinjiligaon of Chikiti Block Ganjam 8000 133 PWD Road to Katuru via Aruasunapur - Aladpur of Katuru GP of

Chikiti Block Ganjam 5900

134 P.W.D. Road to Patrapada Ganjam 6500 135 RD. Road to Arakhapada Ganjam 22000 136 NH-5 TO RAULIBANDHA(PORTION FROM BORODA TO

ROURIBANDHA) Ganjam 4500

137 Mayurapada to Niladripur Ganjam 6000 138 Badapalli to Mareinuagaon Ganjam 7000 139 Badapalli to B.Bhaliapadar Ganjam 4000 140 Dengapadara to Nuapada road Ganjam 3000 141 PWD Road to Khadanga Rajendrapur (Tutipur to Khadanga

Rajendrapur) Ganjam 6900


Ganjam 5900



145 PWD Road (P. Jagannathpur) to Sunaripalli via Bhalupalli - Harichandanpur - Krushnapur

Ganjam 20000

146 Alarigada to Khairabethi Road Ganjam 5800 147 PWD IB to Harikrushnapur Road Ganjam 2000 148 Badapahada to Kirtipur via Chatradhepa Dhabalapur Road Ganjam 7000 149 Alabole to Kanti Jagatsinghpur 3700 150 Nuadhana to Mahatola Jagatsinghpur 4500 151 Paladhuabandha Gadahirispur RD road to Gateswarpur Jagatsinghpur 11000 152 Ersama Chatua RD road Palikanta Via Dhuansahi Jagatsinghpur 8000 153 Odisagarh Puran Jagatsinghpur 12000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 90

154 Jankoti Korakora Jagatsinghpur 5600 155 Pandua Ibrisingh to Alukholanga Jagatsinghpur 4800 156 Baulanga to Balipari Jagatsinghpur 5000 157 Cuttack Paradeep road to Chhotibar via Totasahi Jagatsinghpur 4000 158 Arakhakud to Pohal Jagatsinghpur 5700 159 Gopalpur to Saralapur road Jagatsinghpur 12000 160 SH-12 to Dharadharpur road Jagatsinghpur 11000 161 KHAPURIAPADA TO BRAHMANGAON Jajpur 2000 162 SH-56 TO MATABAJ Jajpur 5800 163 SANKHACHILA TO JANAHA Jajpur 6000 164 NH-5 to Khajuripur Jajpur 5500 165 KUHIKA TO BAMBILO Jajpur 3500 166 RD road to Giridhari dahi Jajpur 3600 167 RD Road to Jhatiapada Jajpur 3900 168 N.H-5 A to Rukutipata via Patrajpur, Nanpur Jajpur 8500 169 Kalakala Dhenkanal Border road to Purnachandrapur Jajpur 20000 170 Utarapratap to Rakhipatana Jajpur 2600 171 RD Road to Satamana Jajpur 2500 172 RD Road to Totakana Jajpur 5600 173 LOISING to THARKASPUR Jharsuguda 3000 174 RD ROAD TO DUMERMUNDA Jharsuguda 2000 175 NINDRIMAL TO TALCHANKI Jharsuguda 4800 176 NH-200 to Kuturapali Jharsuguda 8000 177 RD Road to Gopipali Jharsuguda 3800 178 Dudulsingha to Vejikud Jharsuguda 6600 179 NH 5A BALABHADRAPUR CHHAK TO SATABATIA Kendrapara 4900 180 CHANDOL VILLAGE TO ANANTPUR Kendrapara 3000 181 KABILPUR TO TIRINIA Kendrapara 6600 182 SH-9A TO KOLTIRA Kendrapara 6700 183 SH-9A TO POIPATA Kendrapara 5500 184 HARIABANKA TO BARANAMBER Kendrapara 5800 185 Bhopal to Ostariya Kendrapara 4700 186 RD ROAD TO SANKHAPADA Kendrapara 5000 187 MALIPUR TO UDAYAPUR Kendrapara 3000 188 PALAPATNA TO KADAMDANDI Kendrapara 6000 189 PWD ROAD (BALIKUDA) TO GOPALPUR VIA-POKHARIKUL Kendrapara 4000 190 R&B road to Dakhinaveda Kendrapara 7700 191 EKTAL TO BADHA Kendrapara 2000 192 PANASAGANDA TO FAZILPUR Kendrapara 5000 193 PWD ROAD TO BALIBHANDA Kendrapara 3000 194 RD road at Kuradhilo to Chiramaru Khurda 10000 195 Sanakadaba to Bagalpur Khurda 10000 196 Bankoi to Sahajpur Khurda 10000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 91

197 Khanata to Dikhitpada Khurda 2000 198 Bheseri to Dolamundai Khurda 6700 199 N.H-5 to Rahanabeli Khurda 6000 200 PWD road to Budhangara Khurda 5000 201 RD road to Alkar Khurda 2600 202 PWD road Kapilaswarpur to chandapur Khurda 3800 203 Puranpradhan to Puransasan Khurda 5000 204 Narada to Indolkusiary Khurda 11700 205 Basantamala to Badalapachimakhanda Khurda 8500 206 Pariorad - Kandagadia to Naramanabi Khurda 11700 207 RD road KaIpadar to Madhapur Via-Saanta Khurda 4800 208 PWD road to Gudabadi Khurda 6000 209 R D road to Krushnasapur Khurda 8000 210 MDR-68 (BAHAPUR) TO Kainfulia Nayagarh 6000 211 MDR-68(Gadia Sahi) to Kadua Nayagarh 4600 212 ODR (Singhibadi) to Pathara via Pankhal Nayagarh 8900 213 Karadbani to Biradisahi Nayagarh 5000 214 PWD Road to Piasalia Nayagarh 5000 215 Jaymangalaprasad to Dhuanurjayapur Nayagarh 4800 216 Badakutuni to Simili Nayagarh 9000

217 PWD Road to Bilagadia via Sankhamula Nayagarh 9000 218 RD Road (Brajarajpur)-Bamada-Gadabanikila Road Nayagarh 11600 219 MDR 18 to Madanpur Nayagarh 10000 220 Kaptapalli to Makarapalli Nayagarh 18700 221 PWD road to Dimiripadar Nayagarh 3600 222 Ratingia to Sarusingia Road Phulbani 3500 223 Bhatalpadar (T4) to Kanibali road Phulbani 11000 224 SH-1 (T3) to Jhadapadar road Phulbani 9000 225 Bandhagada Chhak to Dalibadi road Phulbani 12800 226 Kainjhar to Nuasahi Road Phulbani 5700 227 RD Road (T-4) to Malansuga road Phulbani 3800 228 Belghar to Gurlimaska road Phulbani 13500 229 Desughati to Sanjhiripani road Phulbani 8000 230 Jalaspeta to Birimela road Phulbani 13800 231 L-63 to Janala Puri 6900 232 Ola to Jatipur Puri 3000 233 T-4 to Buali Puri 8000 234 PWD Road to Uthanikuda Puri 8700 235 L-45 to Manijipur Puri 2700 236 N.J Sadak to Botalma Puri 2600 237 Subudhipada to Paikapada Puri 2500 238 T-5 to Paripotali Puri 4600 239 East Kania Paikasahi,K.Harichandrapur Puri 3200

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 92

240 Satipur to Bagha Puri 5000 241 T-1 to Garailo Puri 6000 242 PWD Road to Baulasahi Puri 4000 243 Chhurina to Daluakani Puri 5000 244 Kaniha to Bania Puri 4000 245 Tentulia to Bandalo Puri 3000 246 Bhuan to Baulapada via Sunogoradi Puri 8000 247 FNM Road to Basantapur Puri 10000 248 MB ROAD - LUNAHAR Puri 8900 248 Total 1500000 417 Grand Total 2500000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 93

STATE PLAN (2015-16)

Rural Water Supply & Sanitation

` in TRS

Sl. No

Name of the Schemes/Programme

Financial Outlay

Broad objective


Physical Outputs

Project Outcome



Remarks/Risk Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


National Rural

Drinking Water

Programme (NRDWP) Piped water supply spot

surces & sustainability etc. and Sate



Providing safe drinking water to rural public

Availability of safe drinking water / Coverage of 11000 rural habitations, through 33000 spot sources & 1300 PWS Schemes & 3000 Solar Powered PWS Schemes

Providing drinking water to rural habs

through Water Supply

Projects under NRDWP

12 months

Committee recommends for sinking more and more new

tubewells in the State.

Availability of potential Source with

quality water, electricity and

Govt. land.

2 Rural Water



Providing safe drinking water to rural public

Construction of 1000 OHTs in existing PWS Schemes

Constructions of Water Supply

Projects not covered under


12 months

3 State Plan –

Capacity Building


Survey, training, computerisation etc.

Survey & Investigation work including Source finding of 1254 PWS schemes proposed to be taken up in 2015-16

Survey and investigation

& conductiing technical seminars,

workshops,procurement of

modem survey equipments for

capacity building.

12 months


Rural infrastructur

e development fund(RIDF)


Installation of mega water supply projects in cluoride/ fluoride affected areas

Construction and completion of Departmental Office Building and Residential Building (Including `1.00 crore for Improvement of IGTC Palasuni)

Providing safe drinking water

in fluoride affected areas of Nuapada

District through Mega Water Supply


12 months

5 State plan Building

programme 150000

Constn. of res/non-res Govt. buildings.

Better working and living

condition for the officials working in RWS&S


12 months

Grant Total 7421062 7421062

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 94


S.No. District Division Target for the Year 2015-16









Total 33000

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 95


Sl.No. Name of the Division

Nos.of Building

Budget Provision


1 2 3 4 5 1 Balasore 4 66.20

2 Sonepur 2 17.34

3 Angul 11 157.00

4 Jharsuguda 10 105.00

5 Sambalpur 3 33.21

6 Rairangpur 8 70.00

7 Jagatsinghpur 6 91.54

8 Dhenkanal 9 70.00

9 Baripada 4 50.00

10 Bhadrak 2 40.00

11 Koraput 2 29.03

12 Cuttack 3 22.48

13 Bhanjanagar 7 52.87

14 Kendrapara 1 13.64

15 Malkangiri 4 30.00

16 Rayagada 4 30.00

17 Phulbani 5 30.00

18 Boudh 1 16.18

19 Nuapada 5 20.00

20 Kalahandi 1 15.07

21 Bolangir 1 40.44

TOTAL : 93 1000.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 96


`.in lakhs Sl.No. Name of the

Division Nos.of

Building Budget

Provision Remarks.

1 2 3 4 5 1 Rourkela 1 40.61

2 Balasore 11 50.00

3 Jharsuguda 3 50.00

4 Sasmbalpur 4 50.00

5 Cuttack 1 40.00

6 Rairangpur 6 36.75

7 Bhubaneswar 1 75.00

8 Athagarh 1 50.00

9 Dhenkanal 2 8.57

10 Baripada 4 50.00

11 Bolangir 1 49.07

TOTAL : 35 500.00

Outcome Budget: DoRD for 2015-16 Page 97


Sl No

Division Target For 15-16

1 Anandapur 34 2 Angul 41 3 Balangir 68 4 Balasore 54 5 Bargarh 41 6 Baripada 84 7 BBSR 35 8 Berhampur 63 9 Bhadrak 54

10 Bhanjanagar 67 11 Boudh 16 12 Cuttack 53 13 Deogarh 10 14 Dhenkanal 22 15 Gajapati 19 16 Jajpur 61 17 Jharsuguda 17 18 Jspur 19 19 Kalahandi 22 20 Kendrapara 63 21 Keonjhar 30 22 Koraput 25 23 Malkangiri 25 24 Nabarangpur 28 25 Nayagarh 20 26 Nuapada 24 27 Phulbani 67 28 Puri 36 29 Rairangpur 49 30 Rayagada 41 31 Rourkela 36 32 Sambalpur 31 33 Sonepur 22 34 Sundargarh 21 Total 1300

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 98

NON PLAN (2015-16) Sl. No.

Name of the Schemes/Programme

with Budget Head

Financial Outlay/ Non-

Salary (Deliverable

outputs) ` in lakh

Broad objective of the Scheme


Physical Outputs

Project Outcome Processes/ Timelines

Remarks/Risk Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2059-Repair,

Maintenance of Non-Residential Building


Improve the working condition of officials

in Rural areas.

Can not be assessed

being repair work

Maintenance of Office Buildings in Rural Areas

12 months Physical output could not be quantified as these are operation and maintenance



2059-Repair and renovation of old Govt.

High School and College Buildings

(i)21159-above 20 years (ii) 21159-above 30 years (iii) 21145-above 50 years


(ii)1500.00 (iii)50.00

Improvement of Educational


Can not be assessed

being repair work

i. To maintain approx. 1025 nos. old High School & College

Buildings which are 30 years

ii. Maintenance of E.I. & PH works of 506 nos.

of High School Buildings

12 months -

3 2216-Repair and maintenance of

Residential buildings


Improvement of living condition of officials

working in rural areas.

Can not be assessed

being repair work

Maintenance of Government Residential


12 months Physical output could not be quantified as these are operation and maintenance


4 3054-Repair and

Maintenance of Rural Roads and Bridges

52648.23 Up keeping the rural road infrastructure

Can not be assessed

being repair nature of


Maintenance of Rural Roads and Bridges. 12 months

Physical output could not be quantified as these are operation and maintenance


5. 3054-2582-Maintenance of roads & bridges under

13th FC Award 11800.00 Up keeping the rural

road infrastructure 2289 Km. Repair & Maintenance of RD & PMGSY roads

& CD works

12 months Subject to modification as per

the recommendation of 14th FC.

6 3054-1230-198-Grant –

in-Aid General (Non-salary)

5300.00 Up keeping the rural road infrastructure

Can not be assessed

being repair work

Maintenance of PMGSY Roads.

12 months Physical output could not be quantified as these are operation and maintenance


TOTAL 95807.87

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 99

NON PLAN (2015-16) Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Sl. No.

Name of the Schemes/Programme with Budget Head

Financial Outlay/ Non-

Salary (Deliverable

outputs) (Provisional)

Quantifiable/Deliverable Physical


Financial Target

Remarks/Risk Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6


28-2059 Repair, Maintenance of Non-Residential Building


Maintenance Ext W/S & S/I of Govt Office Buildings in

Rural Areas


Physical output could not be quantified as

these are operation and maintenance



28-2216 Repair and maintenance of Residential buildings


Maintenance Ext W/S & S/I of Govt

residential Buildings in Rural Areas


Physical output could not be quantified as

these are operation and maintenance



28-2215 Repair and Carriage Machinery & Equipment including Vehicles and Rigs of RWSS


Repair and maintenance a

nd POL for running of Machinery &

Equipment including Vehicles and Rigs


Physical output could not be quantified as these are for

maintenance and running of vehicles.


28-2215 Repair and maintenance of Rural Water Supply System including tube well and sanitary wells


Maintenance and upkeep of existing

402590 Spot Sources, 9752 rural piped water supply



Physical output could not be quantified as

these are operation and maintenance

works. Total 378420 378420

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 100


` in TRS Sl No Name of the Scheme / Programme Financial Outlay

(Provisional) Physical Outputs / Number

of Beneficiaries 1 National Rural Drinking Water Programme

(NRDWP) Piped water supply, sopt sources, sustainability etc.


2 Rural Water Supply 1000000 3 State Plan – Capacity Building 80000 4 State Plan – Building Programme 150000 Rural infrastructure Development fund

(RIDF) 1500000

Total social service sector 7421062

NON PLAN 1 Repair, Maintenance of Non- Residential

Building 55000

2 Repair and maintenance of Residential buildings 36000

3 Repair and Carriage Machinery & Equipment including Vehicles and Rigs of

RWSS 7000

4 Repair and maintenance of Rural Water Supply System including tube well and

sanitary wells 280420

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 101


Reform Measures and Policy Initiatives R.D. Department has taken many e-initiatives to monitor and maintain transparency in the works being implemented by the Department. The provision of basic public services being provided through electronic mode are:

(i) Department Website:

The information relating to R.D. Department is being uploaded to the State Govt. website i.e. The website of the department acts as an index of all activities relating to R.D. Department. Links have been provided to all other e-activities undertaken by this Department. The information on important schemes undertaken by this Department like Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Mikhya Mantri Sadak Yojana (MMSY), Drinking Water Supply and Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is being updated in the website. The letters dispatched through e-Dispatch by the Department are also being webhosted.

(ii) Online RTI

The applications being recived under Right to Information Act are being updated in the online RTI application, developed by I&PR Department.

(iii) e-Desptch:

Starting from the R.D. Department at Secretariat, an webbased integrated platform ( for dispatching and receiving letters is in use up to Division level since 2009. All letters are being despatched through the e-Despatch system and placed in the Department Website for public view for transparency, quick transmission and easy access.

(iv) Integrated Management Information System (IMIS):

A web-based system ( for management & monitoring of drinking water supply system has come into force with effect from 1st April, 2009. Officials as well as public can know every detail of drinking water sources available in their habitation, the cost of the project, year of installation etc.

(v) Online Monitoring and Management of Accounts System (OMMAS):

To make it transparent and proper monitoring of both physical and financial progress,of PMGSY work, C-DAC, Govt. of India have developed a web-based software for online monitoring and management namely OMMAS. The URL of OMMAS site is By accessing this site, the public can see the details of roads taken up under PMGSY, it's executing agency, the cost of the roads, the length of roads and it's physical & financial progress.

(vi) Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin):

The information on NBA is also being monitored online. The URL of the SBM website is The details of Individual Household Latrines, Anganwadi Toilets, Village Sanitary Complex constructed are available in the website. OSWSM the executing agency has its own website as

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 102

(vii) Integrated Grievance Redressal System (IGRS):

An IGRS named as Sanjog Helpline ( is an IT solution which informs about the grievance of a common man to the right authority in real time via SMS and email. A toll-free number i.e. 155335/18003456770 has been provided for the public to register their complaints. IGRS is activated and operated towards the goal for smooth redressal of public grievances on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).

(viii) e-Procurement: It is carrying out traditional tendering process in an electronic form (through internet). It connects the procuring organization with the bidders through electronic exchange of tender. It is a management and reform program in the procurement field.

e-Procurement and iOTMS/iFMS is done with a software application that includes features for supplier management and complex auctions. Here in the electronic tendering process both the Govt. and the contractors will be benefited.

(ix) WAMIS: Works and Accounts Management Information System (WAMIS), a web-based application (, is being developed by C-DAC, Pune. It is a Division Automation System integrated with MIS features. WAMIS has 4 modules such as : 1) Accounting Management System (AMS) 2) Works and Billing Module (WBM) 3) Budget Management System (BMS), 4) Integration with iFMS/iOTMS and AG Accounting Sysem.

By using this application, Divisions are generating their Monthly Accounts and submitting these to AG online. Not only R.D. Deptt, but also all engineering departments of the State like Works, Water Resources and H&UD Departments are now using WAMIS. For better monitoring of physical progress of works, it provision has been made for uploading geo-tagged photographs of the works through mobile application.

(x) Web GIS-based Asset Management System (WGAMS)- It has been decided in a high level meeting to Develop a Comprehensive State-wide Web GIS based Asset Management System (WGAMS) focusing on long term assets managed by R.D. Departments. This will have a realtime integration with WAMIS for monitoring, management and planning of departmental works.

(xi) CPSMS Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System, an web application for online management information and decision support system for the Plan Schemes of Government of India has been in use in the Department. The Central Sponsored Schemes like PMGSY, NRDWP and TSC have been registered in this system.

(xii) OSWAS Odisha Secretariat Workflow Automation System, an e-fileing system has been implemented in Rural Development Department since January, 2012. Now all files are being processed through OSWAS, which not only eases the movement of files but also tracking of Daks and files has become much easier. This makes the Department a Less Paper Office.

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 103

New schemes introduced. 1. From the year 2007-08 the State Govt. have provided funds (major head-5054)

under State Plan for grant to Odisha State Rural Road Agency (OSRRA) towards high tender premium and construction of bridge beyond 50 under PMGSY work (major head-3054) under Non-Plan sector towards routine maintenance of the PMGSY work which have already been completed earlier.

2. MMSY-There is a proposal for introducing a new scheme named Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana to provide connectivity to all habitations having more than 100 population. In IAP districts, the connectivity to the habitations, not covered under PMGSY i.e. habitations having less than 500 habitations and in Non-IAP it is less than 250 population.

3. NBM (Gramin)- The Centrally sponsored programme iearlier known as TSC is renamed as Nirmal Bharat Mission (Gramin). This will not have convergence with PRIs like Total Sanitation Campaign.

Change in internal processes of the Department in relation to administration of the scheme. No internal processes of the Department in relation to administration of the scheme have

been changed.

Policy reform if any RD Department is providing potable drinking water to rural habitations by installing

PWS projects, Tube Well & Sanitary Wells. After execution of the projects, the same has been transferred to P.R. Department (Gram Panchayats) for maintenance of projects. Now dedicated JEs have been posted in each block for Operation &Maintenance and sanitation work. It has been proposed to go for EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) based procurement and slowly go for zero stock & store.

PMGSY programme aims at providing all weather connectivity to all unconnected habitation in the rural areas of the State having more than of equal to 1000 habitations in plain areas and 500 or more in schedule area which has been relaxed by GoI from 500 to 250 habitations for selection of PMGSY road projects in such areas.

Internal Audit of PMGSY works Works and accounts of PMGSY works are normally audited by A.G. & empanelled

Chartered Accountant firms as statutory audit. In order to ensure both accuracy in accounts and efficiency in the operation of financing of State agencies, MoRD in GoI has decided to make internal audit of SRRDAs and PIUs under PMGSY mandatory SRRDA will appoint internal auditors as a management aid to ensure the true and fair record of account. Accordingly, internal audit of PMGSY work in the State is being operationalised by OSRRA with effect from 2012-13 for which a Steering Committee is constituted at Govt. level. Internal audit is to be conducted half yearly basis. The audit report will be uploaded in OMMAS site.

Change in the composition of beneficiaries, if any Not required.

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 104


Past performance of programmes and schemes

The performance of DoRD at a glance is as follow

Statement of Expenditure – 2014-15 State Plan (` in TRS)

C.O. Budget Provision 2014-15

Expenditure upto March’2015


Budget 2015-16

EIC,RW 29339604 17903598 33050000 CERW-I 250000 163112 170000 RWSS 5287800 5287800 7421062 OSWSM 7797670 1375550 6667000

Total 42675074 24730060 47308062


` in TRS

C.O. Budget Provision 2014-15

Expenditure upto March’2015

Budget 2015-16

EIC,RW 7713845 3284058 8245106 CERW-I 2451361 1231399 2696599 RWSS 1312221 1187679 1462165 Sectt. Estt. 58224 46497 57744

Total 11535651 5749633 12461614

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 105

CHAPTER-IV Past performance of programmes and schemes



Sl. No.

Scheme Total Budget

provision 2013-14

Expenditure till 3/2014

Target for 2013-14 Achievement till 3/2014


Roads (Nos./Km)

Bridges/ Buildings


Roads (Nos./Km)

Bridges/ Buildings


State Plan

1 NABARD assisted RIDF scheme for Constn of roads & bridges 2100000 2075344 3 35 2 26

2 Completion of incomplete roads & bridges 490000 447794 151 19 48 8

3 Constituency wise allotment 284000 280241

4 PMGSY bridges (RIDF Missing Link) 1 Nil 34 31

5 Biju Setu Yojana 1750000 1721019 125 107

6 Impvt of Existing RD roads 781700 773046 87 12

7 Special programme for KBK districts 475904 351588 64 32

8 One Time ACA 744900 708249 55 10

9 Bailey bridges 275100 268024

10 Constn of RD Deptt. buildings 225000 214549 345 264


11 Repair & Maint. of Non-Res buildings 1311047 1301929 Operation &

maintenance 3001

12 Repair of 30 years old Govt school buildings 280000 280000 -do- 750

13 Repair of 50 years old Govt school buildings 20000 19999 -do- 506

14 Repair & Maint. of Res buildings 447731 432021 -do- 1042

15 Repair & Maint. of rural roads including 13th FCA 5196888 5015165 -do- 4176 km.

16 Grant to OSRRA (PMGSY road maintenance which 5 years of completion)

414000 414000 -do- 2135 nos

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 106


Sl. No.

Scheme Total Budget provision 2014-15

Expenditure till


Target for 2014-15 Achievement till Feb.’2015


Roads (Nos./Km)

Bridges/ Buildings


Roads (Nos./Km)

Bridges/ Buildings


State Plan

1 NABARD assisted RIDF scheme for Constn of roads & bridges

4100000 2892654 Roads-13 Nos

Bridges-40 Nos

Roads-3 Nos

Bridges-5 Nos

2 Completion of incomplete roads & bridges

700000 503879 100 14 nos

3 Constituency wise allotment 284000 112413

4 Road works (PMGSY) 18000001 11515001 Constn of 4500 km of roads

& bridges


5 Biju Setu Yojana 1630000 1449039 Bridges-120 Nos

Bridges-11 Nos

6 Impvt of Existing RD roads 570000 467299 42 45 nos

7 Special programme for KBK districts 967300 499594 90 88 nos

8 One Time ACA 1043300 289429 40 15 nos

9 Bailey bridges 440000 139671 54

10 Constn of RD Deptt. buildings 250000 163112 228 Res 114 NR

122 Res 67 NR


11 Repair & Maint. of Non-Res buildings 1502704 693956 3288 3288

12 Repair of 30 years old Govt school buildings

340000 318670 1775 1225

13 Repair of 50 years old Govt school buildings

1000 9993 506 506

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 107




Sl. No.

Name of the Scheme / Programme

Financial outlay

2013-14 Flow to SCSP

Flow to TASP

Physical Target 201-13

Expenditure up to March 2014

(State Plan)

Physical Achievement

2013-14. Remarks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 State matchin contribution of NRDWP 2959900 692390 723910

PWS-1074 (Coverage- 380

Water Quality - 107 Solar Powered in IAP

districts-130 Deposit-373)

Spot Sources - 30000


PWS-1074 (Coverage- 380

Water Quality - 107 Solar Powered in IAP

districts-130 Deposit-373)

Spot Sources - 30326

2 Rural infrastructure development

fund(RIDF) 100000 25000 25000 -

3 Machinary & Equipment 10000 - - 7800 4 Survey and investigation 50000 8670 11670 49664 5 Construction of Office Building 30000 5100 6900 16610 6 Construction Res. Building 10000 1700 2300 7245

Grant Total 3159900 732860 769780 2610460


7 Jalmani 6935 - - Completion of balance work under Jalamani - - 100% funded

by GOI

8 MIS and Computerisation 847 Procurement of Computers and peripherals

291 - 100% funded by GOI

Total 7782 0 0 2291

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 108


9 Office Building - M/R 51087

Maintenance Ext W/S & S/I of Govt Office Buildings in Rural Areas


10 M & E 122289

Repair and maintenance and POL for running of Machinery & Equipment including Vehicles and Rigs


11 M/R of Rural Water Supply 513318

Maintenance and upkeep of existing 316281 Spot Sources, 7693rural piped water supply schemes.


12 Decretal Dues 525 Payment of Decretal dues to staff -

13 Residential Building - M/R 30955

Maintenance Ext W/S & S/I of Govt Office Buildings in Rural Areas


14 Direction & Administration 457448 Salaries & Allowances of Staff 430345

15 Others 901 802 Total 1176523 1060487

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 109


(` In TRS)

Sl Name of the Programme

Budget Provision 2013-14

Physical target/works proposed to be

executed in 2013-14

Actual expenditure for each scheme/works upto March 2014

Physical achievement on each scheme/work under Normal, TASP and SCSP

IHHL School AWC toilets

1 Nirmal Bharat


559900 IHL 900000 60457 Total 33759 373 45

School 1471 TASP 7471

AWC 1840 SCSP 5570

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 110




Sl. No.

Name of the Scheme / Programme

Financial outlay

2014-15 Flow to SCSP

Flow to TASP

Physical Target 2014-2015

Expenditure upto March 2015 (Prov.)

Physical Achievement



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 NRDWP- Piped water supply, spot sources & sustainability etc 4407800 749326 1013794

PWS and Solar PWS-2795

Spot Sources - 32450

4271964 PWS and

Solar PWS-1789 Spot Sources - 32450

2 Capacity Building, Resources and infrastructure development 70000 - - 68500

3 Rural infrastructure development fund (RIDF) 100000 17000



4 Works PWS 600000 125000 115000

511998 5 Construction of Office Building 50000 8500 11500


6 Construction Res. Building 60000 10200 13800


7 Management information system and computariasation 556 - -


Grant Total 5288356 910026 1177094

4948215 CSP NIL

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 111


8 Office Building - M/R 56587

Maintenance Ext W/S & S/I of Govt Office Buildings in Rural Areas


9 M & E 133845

Repair and maintenance and POL for running of Machinery & Equipment including Vehicles and Rigs


10 M/R of Rural Water Supply 578172

Maintenance and upkeep of existing 296512 Spot Sources, 7383 rural piped water supply schemes.


11 Decretal Dues 550 Payment of Decretal dues to staff 82

12 Residential Building - M/R 35510

Maintenance Ext W/S & S/I of Govt Office Buildings in Rural Areas


13 Direction & Administration 506456 Salaries & Allowances of Staff 482037

14 Others 1101 1066 Total 1312221 1187679

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 112


(` In TRS) Sl. Name of

the Programme

Budget Provision 2014-15

Physical target/works

proposed to be executed in


Actual expenditure for each

scheme/works upto March 2015

Physical achievement on each scheme/work under Normal, TASP and

SCSP IHHL School AWC toilets

1 Swachha Bharat Mission


7797670 IHL 700200 1375550 Total 102673 SCS 181 TASP 22721

SCSP 16941

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 113

CHAPTER-V Financial Review

In this chapter actual of the Financial Year 2013-14, Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates for the year 2014-15 and shown Budget Estimates for the year 2015-16 are detailed in tabular form for better assessment of Financial Outlay and review of schemes implemented through R.D. Department.



Sl.No Head of Account Name of the Scheme

Actual Expenditure

2013-14 B.E

2014-15 RE

2014-15 Proposal

for 2015-16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 4059-2148 Construction of RD Deptt.

Buildings(Non Residential) 114785 130000 130000 50000

2 4216-2148 Construction of RD Deptt. Buildings (Residential) 99764 120000 120000 120000

3 5054-1230 Completion of Incomplete Roads & Bridges 447794 700000 700000 1200000

4 5054-2161 RIDF (NABARD) 2075344 4100000 4100000 4500000 5 5054-0906 CWA 280241 284000 284000 284000 6 5054-1077 Tender Premium 747300 - -

7 5054-1077 Grant to OSRRA for completion of bridges on PMGSY roads 0 - -

8 5054-1077 Road works (PMGSY) 0 18000001 18000001 18000000

9 5054-1230 Completion of Incomplete Roads & Bridges -PMGSY (State Share) 0 - - 1000000

10 5054-2373 Survey Expenses 19064 - - 0 11 5054-2373 Technical Training 1477 - - 0 12 5054-2373 Land Acquisition Charges 1893 5000 5000 5000 13 5054-2373 Survey Equipement 250 - - 0 14 5054-2373 Decreetal Dues 13935 5000 5000 1000 15 5054-1230 Incentives to Contractor 0 5000 5000 30000 16 5054-1230 Impvt. To existing R.D Roads 773046 570000 570000 570000 17 5054-1230 Construction of Bailey Bridges 268024 440000 440000 2500000 18 5054-1230 Biju Setu Yojana 1721019 1630000 1630000 0 19 5054-2161 Biju Setu Yojana 0 0 3 1500000

19 5054-2526 SCA for Special Programme for KBK dist. 351588 850000 967300 850000

20 5054-1230 One time ACA 708249 700000 1043300 0

21 5054-1230 Capacity Building (Resource & Infrastructure Development) 0 80000 80000 80000

22 5054-2161 Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana 0 1500000 1500000 2500000

23 5054-1230 Development of Rural Road Connectvity 0 10000 10000 10000

Total 7623773 29129001 29589604 33220000

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 114


(` In TRS)

Sl. No Head of Account Name of the Scheme

Actual Expenditure

2013-14 B.E

2014-15 RE

2014-15 Provision for


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2059 Salaries (Direction & Administration) 530102 788561 812522 971535

2 2059 M&E repair & carriage 16553 10000 10000 15000

3 2059 Work Charged/Wages Salaries (M&E) 40351 51683 54739 57969

4 2059 New Supply 0 500 500 1

5 3054 Maintenance Works 1022772 1200000 1200000 400000

6 3054 Maintenance of Critical Roads 301142 350000 350000 385000

7 3054 Improvement / Widening & Completion of Roads, Bridges & nallahs 304285 350000 350000 385000

8 3054 Maintenance of Roads constructed under plan schemes 476511 560000 560000 610000

9 3054 Special Repair to Roads & Bridges 148749 180000 180000 200000

10 3054 Periodical Maintenance 148640 180000 180000 1200000

11 3054 Maintenance of Roads & Bridges 1768307 1968021 1968021 2084823

12 3054 13th F.C Award (Road) 844759 1361444 1361444 1180000

13 3054 Grant to OSRRA 414000 0 0 0

14 3054 Grant-in-Aid-Genral(Non Salary) 0 480000 480000 530000

15 3054 Work Charged/Wages Salaries 161028 192397 204819 223778

16 2230 Labour & Employment 1431 1800 1800 2000

17 2059 Maintenance of Non Residential Building 1301929 1502704 1502704 1653634

18 2059 Maintenance of 30 years old school Building 280000 340000 340000 150000

19 2059 Maintenance of 20 years old school Building 0 0 0 230000

20 2059 Maintenance of 50 years School Building 19999 10000 10000 5000

21 2059 Wages /Work Charged Salaries (Non Res Buildings) 40874 60496 64148 69657

22 2216 Maintenance of Residential Buildings 432021 515062 515062 567330

23 2216 Municipality Tax 149 150 150 200

24 2216 Wages /Work Charged Salaries (Residential Buildings) 14798 18152 19297 20778

Total 8268400 10120970 10165206 10941705

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 115





Sl. No Name of the Scheme 2013-14

(Actuals) B.E.

2014-15 R.E.

2014-15 B.E.

2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 MIS Computerisation – OE-OC 291 - - -

2 Jalamani - - - -

3 NRDWP (Outside Budget) 2916673 - - -

Grand Total 2916964 - - -

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 116





Sl. No Name of the Scheme 2013-14 (Actuals)

B.E. 2014-15

R.E. 2014-15

B.E. 2015-16

1 2 3 4 5

1 4059-Office Building 16610 50000 50000 50000

2 4216 – Residential Building 7245 60000 60000 100000

3 2215 – ME – R/C 7800 - - -

4 2215 – Survey & Investigation, 2215- Rural water supply Capacity Building

49664 70000 70000 80000

5 State Matchin contribution of NRDWP 2529141 4407800 4407800 4691062

6 Rural Water Supply - 500000 600000 1000000

7 RIDF – Rural PWS schemes - 100000 100000 1500000

G. Total 2610460 5187800 5287800 7421062

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 117




Sl. No Name of the Scheme 2013-14 (Actuals)

B.E. 2014-15

R.E. 2014-15

B.E. 2015-16

1 2 3 6

1 2059 MR to Govt. Office Bldg 44079 56587 56587 61193

2 2215 – Dir & Admn 430345 505543 505593 553843

3 2215 – Machinery and Equipment 111092 131795 133845 151970

4 2215 Maintenance and Repair 448178 566546 578172 654421

5 Decretal Dues - 550 550 550 5 2215 - Suspense - 1 1 1

6 2215 Sanitary Tech Estt 449 863 863 969

7 2216 – MR to Res Bldg 25991 35510 35510 38118

8 2230-Labour & Employment - Stipend 802 1000 1100 1100

Grand Total 1060487 1298395 1312221 1462165

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 118





(` in lakh) Sl.No Scheme BE 2013-14 RE 2013-14 Surrender/

Savings (-)

Non Plan Controlling Officer-I

1 2059-Salaries (Direction & Administration) 5828.15 5828.16 527.14

2 2059-M&E repair & carriage 174.33 174.33 8.80 3 2059-Work Charged/Wages Salaries 509.62 509.63 106.12 4 2059-New Supply 0.01 0.01 0.01 5 3054-Maintenance of Roads & Bridges 10018.88 10018.88 6 3054-Maintenance of Critical Roads 3000.00 3000.00 7 3054-Improvement / Widening & Completion of Roads, Bridges & nallahs 3000.00 3000.00 8 3054-Maintenance of Roads constructed under plan schemes 4830.00 4830.00 64.89 9 3054-Special Repair to Roads & Bridges 1500.00 1500.00 12.51 10 3054-Periodical Maintenance 1500.00 1500.00 13.60 11 3054-Maintenance of Roads & Bridges 17820.00 17820.00 136.93 12 3054-13th F.C Award (Road) 10300.00 10300.00 1852.41 13 3054-Grant to OSRRA (PMGSY Maint.) 4140.00 4140.00 0.00 14 3054-Work Charged/Wages Salaries 1892.72 1892.73 282.45 15 40008-Labour & Employment 14.00 16.00 1.69 Total 64527.71 64529.74 3006.55

Controlling Officer-II 1 2059-Maintenance of Non Residential Building 13110.47 13110.47 91.18

2 2059-30 yrs School Building 2800.00 2800.00 0.00

3 2059-50 yrs School Building 200.00 200.00 0.01

4 2059-Wages /Work Charged Salaries 498.67 538.03 129.29

5 2216-Maintenance of Residential Buildings 4477.31 4477.31 157.10

6 2216-Municipality Tax 1.50 1.50 0.01

7 2216-Wages /Work Charged Salaries 170.67 170.67 22.69

Total 21258.62 21297.98 400.28

Grand Total 85786.33 85827.72 3406.83

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Plan (SP/CP/CSP) Controlling Officer-I

1 5054-Completion of Incomplete Roads & Bridges 6700.00 4900.00 422.06

2 5054-RIDF (NABARD) 21000.00 21000.00 246.56

3 5054-CWA 2840.00 2840.00 37.59

4 5054-Tender Premium (PMGSY Works) 4000.00 7473.00 0.00

5 5054-Grant to OSRRA for completion of bridges on PMGSY roads 0.01 0.01 0.01

6 5054-Survey Expenses 400.00 200.00 9.36

7 5054-Technical Training 50.00 15.00 0.23

8 5054-Land Acquisition Charges 79.99 18.99 0.06

9 5054-Survey Equipement 30.00 3.00 0.50

10 5054-Decreetal Dues 320.00 320.00 180.65

11 5054-Incentives to Contractor 50.00 0.00 0.00

12 5054-Impvt. To existing R.D Roads 12000.00 7817.00 86.54

13 5054-Biju Setu Yojana 15000.00 17500.00 289.81

14 5054-One Time ACA 7067.00 7449.00 366.51

15 5054-SCA for KBK 2181.00 4759.04 1243.16

16 5054-PMGSY Labour Escalation 250.00 250.00

17 5054-Beily Bridges 2751.00 70.76

Total 71718.00 77296.04 3203.80

Controlling Officer-II

1 4059-Construction of RD Deptt. Buildings 1250.00 1250.00 102.15

2 4216-Construction of RD Deptt. Buildings 1000.00 1000.00 2.36

Total 2250.00 2250.00 104.51

Grand Total 73968.00 79546.04 3308.31

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Sl. No. Scheme Budget

Estimate Revised Estimate

Surrender/Savings (-)

STATE PLAN 1 4059-Office Buildings 30000 30000 13390 2 4216-Residential Buildings 10000 10000 2755 3 2215-ME-Repairs & Carreges 10000 10000 2200 4 2215-Survey and Investigation 50000 50000 336 5 2215- NRDWP 2400000 2959900 140390 6 2215-RIDF-PWS Secheme 100000 100000 100000

TOTAL 2600000 3159900 259071


7 2215-MIS Computerisation 0 847 556 8 2215-Jalamani Project - 6935 6935 TOTAL - 7782 7491

NON-PLAN 9 2059-M/R of Office Buidlings 50692 51087 7008

10 2215-Direction and Administration 440661 456718 25832 11 2215-Machinery and Equipment 122288 122289 11197 12 2215-Maintenance and Repair 506958 513318 65140 13 2215-Decretal Dues 525 525 525 14 2215-Suspence 1 1 1 15 2215-Sanitary Technicians 730 730 281 16 2216-M/R of Residential Buildings 30955 30955 4964 17 2230-Labour and Employment 800 900 98

TOTAL 1153610 1176523 115046 Grand Total 73968.00 79546.04 3308.31


Sl. No. Scheme Budget

Estimate Revised Estimate

Ammount Surrendered

1 Rural Development Deptt-Secretariat Establishment 48720 48721 15284

Ooutcome Budget : DoRD for 2015-16 Page 121


Gender and SC/ST Budgeting

As per the Plan ceiling furnished by the P&C Department, during the financial year

2015-16, the provision made under Transport Sector Schemes having General,TASP & SCP-SC

components (rural roads and bridges) is `1393.40 crore out of which TASP provision is `320.48

crore and `236.88 crore for SCSP component for implementation of schemes in scheduled areas.

Accordingly, the Department has formulated project list for construction of the roads and bridges

in the scheduled areas to provide good all-weather roads.

(` in TRS) Sector Major Head/Minor

Head of Development

Resource Head

Proposed Outlay/Plan Ceiling of Annual Plan 2015-16 District Sector

State Sector

Total TASP out of Total

SCSP out of Total

Transport 1.Rural Roads & Bridges (5054-2161-37107)

RIDF 4500000 - 4500000 1035000 765000

Social Service

2. Water Supply & Sanitation a) Rural Water Supply



Others NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (b) Rural Sanitation SS of CSP NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL

Transort (5054-0906-37107) Others (CWA) 284000 - 284000 65320 48280 Non-Res Building

4059-2148-37114 Others 50000 - 50000 11500 8500

Res. Building

4216-2148-37114 Others 120000 - 120000 27600 20400

Transport 5054-1230-37158 Completion of incomplete Roads & bridges under RIDF

1200000 1200000 276000 204000

Transport 5054-1230-37247 Improvement of existing RD roads

570000 570000 131100 96900

Transport 5054-1230-37257 Biju Setu Yojana

1500000 1500000 345000 255000

Transport 5054-2526-37107 SCA for KBK 850000 850000 195500 144500 Transport 5054-2161-37286 Others

(Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana)

2500000 2500000 575000 425000

Transport 5054-1230-37281 Others (Bailey Bridges)

2500000 2500000 575000 425000

Transport 5054-1230-37287 Others(Development of rural road connectivity)

30000 30000 6900 5100

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Hon'ble CM inaugurates a bridge constructed under Biju Setu Yojana

WAMIS- Geotagged photograph of a bridge and its details
