Google Apps – IT in the clouds IMAGINE IMAGINE, Croatia Marijan Juresic Member of: Association of...


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Google Apps – IT in the Google Apps – IT in the cloudsclouds


Marijan JuresicMarijan Juresic

Member of:Association of youth information centers Croatia &

The organization was established in May of year 2005 with a goal of promoting quality education for young people with disabilities.

The organization make people who work on projects for young people with disabilities and young individuals with disabilities between 15 and 29 as well, the organization operates all across Croatia.


Zamisli organization is an association for young people which is acting on promoting possibilities for young people with disabilities and influences on providing quality to their life and education through programs of educating, informing and counseling, technical support, international cooperation and pointing at different needs of young people with disabilities

The delegation of ZAMISLI organization

1. Technical support for young people with disabilities Organized transportation for educational needs of young people with disabilities

in Zagreb and its district Adaptation of literature for blind (or people with sight disability)people in

schooling Assistants for students with disabilities

2. Informing and counseling throughout the project Youth Information Center Office for young people with disabilities

3. Program of non-formal education through projects Club for young people with disabilities in Zagreb and Rijeka Summer camp for young people with disabilities Social actions of young people with disabilities

4. I listen, therefore I see is a program of adjusting drama art for blind people Adjustment of movie theater projections for blind people

5. Program of advocacy is being developed through social actions

We are developing through five programs:

Young organisation with motivated young people needed platform for developing projects, sharing informations, opportunities and collaborating.

The platform needed to be accessible for all, from everywhere 24/7

There was no fundings to implement expensive small bussiness systems


Mission impossible

Blind people are using Internet?

Professional platform free

of charge?

Without having IT


2008. we entered beta program Because of that we are allowed to have up to 200

accounts for free (normally 50 accounts) 2009. we started to actually use this platform Decisions that we made before we started to use

platform: Who will be administrator? Sharing policy Who will get account from the beginning? Do we understand how it works? Naming of accounts

Google Apps Beta program

This is one of the most important steps into implementing cloud applications

First rule: do not share if it is not necessary Second rule: Project documents are shared only to

people within that project, not everyone Third rule: do not share outside of organisation

domain General information about organisation are shared

with everyone (till now there are 3 documents that are shared with whole domain)

Sharing policy

Google Apps is a collection of web-based programs and file storage that run in a web browser, without requiring users to buy or install software.

Users can simply log in to the service to access their files and the tools to manipulate them.

What is it?

The offerings include communication tools Gmail, Google Talk, and Google Calendar

Productivity tools Google Docs: text files, spreadsheets, forms

and presentations, a customizable start page (iGoogle), Google Sites (to develop web pages)

What is it? (2)

All of the applications in Google Apps work through a web browser.

Users must have a Google account and, once logged in, can access familiar—if scaled-down—functionality for word-processing,calendaring, chat, and other tools.

How does it work?

Google Apps is significant particularly for non-profit organizations, and higher education, the notion of providing software as services rather than as products offers several key benefits.

Such an approach transfers responsibility for software updates and maintenance away from the institutional IT department, freeing IT staff from a considerable amount of software support.

Why is it significant?

Common question: „I have already Gmail, I do not need second gmail account”

Gmail Business also includes: chat/call inside organisation Sharing contacts Branding Available to have nicknames for and


There is availability to make allias for group of accounts, so the communicating would be easier

Mailing groups

Starting page (customizable)

Creating: private events, public events events visible to organisation members only

Inviting others (inside and outside of organisation) to some event and most important of all collect information if they accepted or not.


Calendar (creating event)

Reminders on events: Via e-mail Via SMS (free!) Via pop-up on screen


Calendar (creating event)

Allow basic formatting of text documents but without higher-level functions found in traditional software.

Spreadsheets support formulas and simple functions. Presentation allow to present directly to web, where it

is available to restrict presentation for organisation or make it public available

Forms are here to collect information and save it into spreadsheet

Each file has a creator/owner, who determines who is allowed to access the file either as a viewer (with read-only rights) or a collaborator (who can change the file).

Google Docs

Because Google stores all of the files and content centrally, collaboration and document management become far simpler than when distributing files to multiple people and keeping track of different versions.

For a text document, for example, the application maintains the file, allowing authorized users to see or edit the text while keeping track of all the changes and who makes them.

This version history is available and allows comparing any two versions of the document.

Google Docs

Google Docs

Collecting information





Collecting information (2)

Easy to create (aprox. 5-15 min) 7 types of questions available Storing dana into spreadhseets where we can

analyze data Notifications on collected dana

Notification when dana is entered Notification per analysis

Accessible for blind people!

Google Forms

Google Forms

Easy to make with WYSIWYG desing mode Available gadgeds like

Google Calendar, Google Docs, dynamic google spreadsheets…

We didn’t yet implemented into our projects google sites, planned for 2011.

Google Sites

Google Sites

Available on smarthphones Two way sync of:

contacts, private calendar and e-mail

Google Apps Mobile

The greatest concern about Google Apps and similar services is the loss of control

Because access rights are shared across the service, users rely—to some extent—on how carefully others protect their login credentials.

For users, the menus and tools are not consistent from one application to another, and applications running over the web do not work as smoothly and predictably as those running locally


To implement google apps as a second domain for working with: volonteers, youth workers not closely related to

organisation or people that won’t be in organisation for a long


Different approach

Movie time

Cloud computing

Thank You ! Questions?

UDRUGA ZAMISLI Ulica grada Vukovara 68 CRO-10000 Zagreb   e-mail:

Contact IMAGINE:
