Goodson The Ins and Outs of Working with the Female Athlete · Whey protein is a quick digesting...


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Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Ben Hogan Sports Medicine Sports DietitianTCU Sports Dietitian

Dallas Cowboys Sports Dietitian

Texas Rangers Sports Dietitian

FC Dallas Sports Dietitian


The Ins and Outs of

Working with the

Female Athlete


� Macronutrient recommendations

� Carbohydrate, protein and fat needs for exercisers and


� Pre, during and post-exercise recommendations

� Easy, moderate and hard training days

� The Female Athlete Triad

� Three issues of concern with the female athlete

� Case studies

� High school, college and adult female athlete


Carbohydrate Needs of Athletes

� No real % recommendations for

carbohydrate intake for athletes

� General recommendation: 50-60% of total daily

energy should come from CHO for normal

people, but not for athletes

� Carbohydrate Recommendations

� 3-5 g CHO/kg BW for athletes in off-season &

attempting to lean out

� 5-7 g CHO/kg BW for general training needs

� 7-10 g CHO/kg BW for endurance athletes

� 11+ g CHO/kg BW for ultra-endurance athletes

Carbohydrate Goals

� Pre-Workout Goal:

� Provide long-lasting energy to start and sustain

beginning part of exercise

� Bagels, oatmeal, brown rice, pasta, whole grains

� During-Workout Goal:

� Maintain energy levels

� Provide carbohydrate to spare glycogen stores

� Energy bars, gus, energy chews, sports drinks

� Post-Workout Goal:

� Replenish glycogen stores

� Provide body with energy

� Quick digesting carbohydrate

� Sports drinks, fruit, milk, flavored milk, honey, etc.


Protein Needs� 0.8 gm/kg BW per day

� Sedentary individuals

� 1.0 gm/kg BW per day

� “Workout” people

� 1.2-1.4 gm/kg BW per day

� Endurance athletes, cycling

� 1.4-1.7 gm/kg BW per day

� Basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis, swimming, track

� 1.6-1.7 gm/kg BW per day

� Strength athletes

� Baseball, football

� 2.0 gm/kg BW per day

� Extreme exercise & heavy weight lifting

Protein: Best Choices

� Animal proteins are better absorbed

� Chicken, turkey, lean ham, lean red meat, fish, tuna, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, etc.

� Eggs and egg whites

� Low-fat dairy products

� Whey protein powders

� Good for smoothies/shakes

� Whey protein is a quick digesting protein

� Plant proteins are not absorbed as well so vegetarian/vegan athletes might need more protein than their exercise level

� Quinoa, oats, other whole grains

� Nuts, seeds, nut butters

� Beans and lentils


Fat Recommendations for Athletes

� 20-35% of total calories

� Anything less than 20% does not show

performance enhancement

� Essential Fatty Acids

� Consume at least 3-5% of dietary fat from food

sources such as fish and plant oils

� Consequences of low-fat diets in athletes

� Low-fat diets may not meet energy demands for

growth & development in young athletes

� Low-fat diets over time could cause deficiencies in

fat-soluble vitamins & essential fatty acids

� In females, low-fat diets can contribute to menstrual

dysfunction due to insufficient calories

Pre-Exercise Eating

� Pre-exercise meal

� 2-4 hours before a workout/game

� High carbohydrate

� Low in fat & fiber

� These slow down digestion

� Moderate protein

� Combine protein + carbohydrate

� Plenty of fluids (16-20 oz)

� Immediate Pre-exercise Snack

� 30 minutes before workout/game

� High carbohydrate, small amount of protein to

provide you with a boost of energy

� 5-10 oz water or sports drink


The Athlete’s Plates are a collaboration between the United States Olympic Committee Sport

Dietitians and the University of Colorado (UCCS) Sport Nutrition Graduate Program.

The Athlete’s Plates are a collaboration between the United States Olympic Committee Sport

Dietitians and the University of Colorado (UCCS) Sport Nutrition Graduate Program.


The Athlete’s Plates are a collaboration between the United States Olympic Committee Sport

Dietitians and the University of Colorado (UCCS) Sport Nutrition Graduate Program.

Morning Training

� Athletes that train early cannot always eat 2-4

hours prior workout

� Recommend quick carbohydrate snack

� Moderate to high GI goods

� Food or drink with ~25-50 gm carbohydrate

� Granola bar, banana, baggie of dry whole grain

cereal with a few nuts, slice of bread with smear of

peanut butter, etc.

� Bland, easy-to-digest carbohydrate likely best

� Some protein recommended for those clients

training harder, specifically strength training

� Protein bar, pack of peanut butter crackers, peanut

butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread, etc.


During Workouts

� Carbohydrate-rich foods/drinks

� Carbohydrates digest the quickest & thus provide

energy faster!

� Avoid fat and fiber when exercise

� Slows digestion and increases time in which energy

is available to be used

� 100-300 calories of carbohydrates per hour,

after the first hour of exercise

� 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour

� 1 gram carbohydrate/kg body weight/per hour

� Fluid losses – match sweat losses

� Consume 5-10 oz fluid every 15-20 minutes

Mid-Practice/Workout Snacks

� Carbohydrates, some protein, little fat

� Energy bars and a fruit

� Granola bars and nuts

� Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

� Peanut butter crackers

� Dry cereal/trail mix with small amount of nuts

� Banana and beef jerky

� Sports drink with snack

� Athletes unintentionally losing weight

� Need to eat snack(s) during practice

� Constantly drink sports drink


Post-Exercise Nutrition

� The three R’s to post-workout recovery:

� Replenish carbohydrate burned during exercise

� Repbuild damage done to lean muscle mass

� Rehydrate the body to euhydration

Post-Exercise 2-Hour Window

� 2-Hour Window of Recovery

� Your body has a specific time period, post-exercise,

when you are able to more effectively take up nutrients

� Blood flow to muscles is greater

� Muscle cell is more likely to take up glucose

� Muscle cells more sensitive to the effects of insulin

during this time

� 0-45 minutes

� Best time to eat at least a snack…muscles more sensitive

to absorb nutrients!

� 45 minutes – 2 hours

� Try to get a nice-size meal or larger snack

� The window is the most important time to consume plenty

of carbohydrate, protein, & fluids to replenish & refuel

� Essential if participating in twice a day training


Post-Exercise Fueling Goals

� Carbohydrate - Replenish

� Body NEEDS lots of carbohydrate post-exercise to

replace energy stores

� Simple carbs are best: milk, sports drink, fruit,


� Protein - Rebuild

� Body needs some protein to start repairing tiny

muscle tears

� Ideally 20 gm protein immediately post-workout

� 10 gm seems to show benefit to athletes who need

less calories post-workout

� Whey protein is the highest in BCAAs, specifically

leucine which has been shown to re-synthesize

muscle the fastest after a workout

Whey Protein








Whey 26% 14%

Egg 20% 9%

Soy 18% 8%

Wheat 15% 7%

Join the Conversation: #BeyondLI


Post-Exercise Eating

� Carb-Protein Combo Food Examples

� If you have products available:

� Carb-Protein Replacement Shake

� Muscle Milk, Rockin’ Refuel or EAS

� Energy bar & Gatorade

� Smoothie made with 1-2 cups low-fat milk, fruit,

cold water, ice, and 1 scoop NSF Certified whey

protein powder

� If you are on a budget:

� 16-20 oz low-fat chocolate milk

� Granola bar and 12 oz low-fat milk

� Yoplait Greek 2x Protein Yogurt and a string cheese

Post-Exercise Eating

� Refuel with post-workout chocolate milk!

� 90% water which helps replace fluids and

rehydrate the body

� Contains calcium, Vitamin D and phosphorus to

help promote, maintain and build strong bones

� Contains protein to reduce muscle breakdown

� Contains carbohydrate to fuel muscles during

exercise and help muscles recover after exercise

� Contains potassium which helps with fluid and

mineral balance and muscle contraction

� Contains B vitamins that help convert food to

energy to fuel working muscles


Why chocolate milk works!

� Athletes love the taste

� It is inexpensive

� It is found everywhere

� School cafeterias

� Fast food restaurants

� Restaurants

� Convenience stores

� Grocery stores

Fueling Summary for

Female Athletes

� Sports Nutrition

� Pre-workout

� Meal of complex carbohydrate and protein 2-4 hours

before workout and carbohydrate snack 30 minutes prior

� 16-20 oz fluid with meal and 5-10 oz with snack

� During-workout

� Consume electrolyte-rich fluids consistently throughout

workout; 5-10 oz every 15-20 mins

� Carbohydrate foods like sports drinks, energy bars, gus,

fruit, etc. are needed during workouts over 1 hour long

� Post-workout

� Replenish with carbohydrate

� Rebuild with protein

� Rehydrate with fluid


Female Athlete Triad

� Syndrome that comprises 3 medical disorders:

� Disordered eating

� Amenorrhea

� Osteoporosis

ACSM’s Position Stand Paper

Female Athlete Triad

� Low energy availability – key piece of the

metabolic and health consequences

� Energy availability = Energy intake –

Energy expenditure/kg of fat-free mass

� Need to identify reason for low energy


� Result of disordered eating OR because an

athlete does not meet exercise energy

requirements due to lack of nutrition

knowledge, time constraints, and/or food

availability issues


Disordered Eating

� General term used to describe the spectrum of

abnormal and harmful eating behaviors that are

used to lose weight or maintain a lower than

normal body weight

� Examples:

� Excessive dieting

� Excessive exercise

� Fat and sugar phobias

� Patterns of alternating starvation & overeating

� Excessive supplementation with vitamins,

minerals and/or herbs

� Inability to eat adequately in public

� Laxative abuse

Signs and Symptoms of

Disordered Eating

� Physical� Chronic fatigue

� Orthostatic hypotension

� Anemia

� Noticeable weight loss or


� Alopecia (hair loss)

� Callused fingers

� Cold intolerance

� Frequent GI

problems/complaints (such

as excessive gas,

constipation, ulcers, or

abdominal bloating)

� Lanugo (fine hair on face

and body)

� Brittle nails

� Tooth erosion or excessive

dental caries

� Dry skin and hair

� Frequent or prolonged


� Irregular or absent

menstrual cycles (in


� Delayed or prolonged

wound or injury healing

� Cardiovascular

abnormalities (such as

palpitations, prolonged QT

intervals, or bradycardia)

� Frequent musculoskeletal

injuries (such as stress



Signs and Symptoms of

Disordered Eating

� Behavioral� Depression

� Social withdrawal

� Bathroom visits after eating

� Excessive use of diuretics,

laxatives, or diet pills

� Secretly eating or stealing


� Excessive criticism of

one’s body weight or shape

� Compulsive, excessive


� Mood swings, irritability

� Preoccupation with the

dietary patterns and eating

behaviors of other people

� Avoiding food-related

social activities

� Preoccupation with food,

calories, or weight

� Excessive fear of being

overweight or becoming fat

that does not diminish as

weight loss continues

� Consumption of large

amounts of food

inconsistent with the

athlete’s weight

� Lack of concern for

excessive weight loss or

extremely low body weight


� Difference between Amenorrhea,

Oligomenorrhea, and Eumenorrhea

� Primary Amenorrhea

� Never had a menstrual cycle by age 15

� Secondary Amenorrhea

� Started menstrual cycle and has had menstrual

cycle cease for at least 3 months

� Oligomenorrhea – menstrual cycles at intervals

longer than 35 days

� Luteal deficiency and anovulation do not have

detectable symptoms

� Eumenorrhea – menstrual cycles at intervals near

the median interval for young adult women



� Osteoporosis – skeletal disorder

characterized by compromised bone

strength predisposing an individual to an

increased risk of fracture

� Bone strength and fracture risk are based on

� Internal structure of the bone mineral

� Density of the bone mineral

� Quality of bone protein

� Cause is not always a result of increased bone

mineral loss in adulthood, but may also be

related to not obtaining an ideal bone mineral

density during childhood and adolescence


Bone Mineral Density

� Athletes participating in weight-bearing

sports typically show a 5-15% higher BMD

compared to nonathletes

� ACSM’s definition of low BMD includes:

� History of nutritional deficiencies

� Hypoestrogenism

� Stress fractures

� Other secondary clinical factors for fracture

� Along with a BMD Z-score between -1.0 and -2.0

� ACSM’s definition of osteoporosis includes:

� Secondary clinical risk factors for fracture with

BMD Z-scores ≤ -2.0


Female Athlete Triad

� Source of problem is two-fold:

� Burdened by sociocultural demands placed

on women to be thin

� Expected to meet weight standards and/or

body size expectations for sports

� Without a normal menstrual cycle female

athletes might experience declines in bone

mineral density

Warning Signs

� Excessive dieting for weight loss, large

fluctuations in body weight, or too much

weight loss

� Irregular or absent menstrual periods

� Stress fractures, especially recurrent stress


� Self-esteem and mood that appear to be

dictated by body weight and shape

� Compulsive over-exercising


Sports Putting Females at Risk

� Sports emphasizing leanness:

� Sports having subjective performance

scoring (i.e. dance, skating, diving, and


� Endurance sports

� Sports that require an athlete to wear body-

contouring or body-revealing clothing

� Sports that require weigh-ins or specific


� Sports that emphasize a preadolescent body

build for success

Effects on Health

� Macronutrient


� Micronutrient


� Anemia

� Chronic fatigue

� Increased risk of

injury, infections,

and illnesses

� Reduced basal

metabolic rate

� Cardiovascular and

GI disorders

� Depression

� BMD decreases

� Menstrual

dysfunction in


� Potential decreases

in testosterone for



Effects on Performance

� Chronic/severe energy restriction can be

detrimental to performance, and is due to

one or more of the following:

� Frequent infection, illness, and/or injuries

� Anemia

� Fatigue

� Nutrient deficiencies

� Decreased cardiovascular function

Female Athlete Triad Treatment

� First goal is to increase energy availability

� Through an increase in energy intake or a

reduction in energy expenditure

� Discuss that increases in body weight might

be needed to increase BMD

� Treatment for eating disorders and

disordered eating includes:

� Nutritional counseling

� Individual psychotherapy

� Cognitive-behavioral, group, family, and

behavioral therapy may also be utilized


Treatment for Eating Disorders

� Multidisciplinary approach:

� Sports medicine team

� Nutritionist/Dietitian

� Exercise physiologist

� Psychologist

� Coach

� Trainer

� Parents

� Friends

Eating Disorder Prevention

� Focus on the environmental risk factors

� Sociocultural emphasis on thinness

� Unrealistic body weight ideals

� Unhealthful eating and weight control practices

� For the younger athlete – education should

also focus on the parents

� Focus on dispelling myths and

misconceptions related to nutrition, body

weight and composition, weight loss, and

the affect of these factors on the individual’s

athletic performance


Issues of Concern with

Female Athletes

� Micronutrients of concern

� Calcium and Vitamin D

� Iron

� Fads with females

� Communicating with female athletes

Issues of Concern with

Female Athletes� Micronutrients of concern

� Calcium and Vitamin D

� Essential to bone health; bone is fully developed by about

age 25 in females with 90% by age 17

� Inadequate intake of calcium coupled with heavy intense

training can have detrimental effect on bone health in

maturing children

� Recommendation: 1000-1300 mg/day of calcium

� Best choice is low-fat dairy: milk, cheese and yogurt

� Ideally 3 servings per day

� Iron

� Puberty increases the requirements for iron due to

increase in hemoglobin mass, tissue deposition, growth

spurts and onset on menstruation in females

� Best choices: lean red meat, whole eggs, green leafy

vegetables, nuts and peanut butter


Issues of Concern with

Female Athletes

� Fads with female athletes

� Lack of understanding how many calories and

carbohydrates they actually need to train

� Cutting out entire food groups like dairy, grains,

processed foods, etc.

� Jumping on fad diets they see celebrities or their

friends go on and thinking that can fuel their body


� Orthorexia: Obsession with healthy eating

� Filling up on nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods

� Thinking that amenorrhea is a good thing and a

sign of adequate training

� Lack of concern with health issues

Issues of Concern with

Female Athletes

� How to communicate with female athletes

� Most don’t want to hear they need to eat more, gain

weight, eat higher calorie foods, etc.

� Don’t use the term disordered eating, eating

disorder, etc. as many will become defensive

� Educate about nutrition needs under the umbrella

of energy versus calories and fueling versus eating

� When talking about the Female Athlete Triad,

communicate about energy availability

� Understand that you likely will have to build them

up to the macronutrients and calories they need

� Most will not increase calories by large amounts

over night and be okay with it


Case Study:

High School Athlete

� Age: 16 – Height: 5’11” – Weight: 175 lbs

� Goal: Weight loss

� Lost 30 lbs but gained most of it back

� Weight went up upon upon switching schools and a

medication change

� Training

� Cross country: 5 miles a morning daily

� Lifts weights 3x/week

� Switches to soccer in cross country off-season

� Plays golf

� Amenorrhea for 1 year and 2 months

� Calorie needs: 2600-2800 for weight

maintenance with current exercise

Case Study:

High School Athlete

� Currently eating 800-1000 calories

� 7:00 am: Run

� 8:00 am: Breakfast of 2 egg whites, 1 cup

melons, 1 slice pita bread

� 8:30 am: 600 crunches, 600 heel touches, some

light dumbbell work, no cardio

� 12:15 pm: Lunch of bagel thin with little turkey,

lots of lettuce and mustard, 1 serving pretzels,

celery, 6 oz low-fat Greek yogurt OR ½

grapefruit and a rice cake with cottage cheese

� 6:00 pm: Dinner of grilled chicken, roasted

vegetables and quinoa

� Water to drink at all meals


Case Study:

High School Athlete

� First meal plan goal: 1600-1800 calories

� 8:00 am: Breakfast of ½ cup (measured dry) oats

with 1 Tbs. peanut butter, 6 oz low-fat Greek yogurt,

1 fruit

� 10:00 am: Snack of KIND Bar

� 12:15 pm: Lunch of 1 serving whole wheat crackers,

2 oz deli meat, 2% string cheese, ½ cup cottage

cheese and a fruit

� 4:00 pm: 8 oz low-fat chocolate milk post-run then 1

serving whole wheat pita chips and ¼ cup hummus

� 6:30 pm: Dinner of 3 oz lean meat, veggies, 1 cup

carbohydrate, 8 oz low-fat milk

� 9:00 pm: Snack of 1 apple with 1 Tbs. Justin’s cocoa

almond butter

Case Study:

High School Athlete

� Goal 1 month later

� Increase to 2000 calories

� Training had increased due to soccer and cross

country and workouts moved to afternoon

� Goal of adding another afternoon snack as she felt



Case Study:

College Athlete

� Age: 21 – Height: 5’4” – Weight: 98 lbs

� Goal: Weight gain; goal of 108

� 125# in high school; lost weight for running down to

110-115; then continued to lose

� Training

� Cross country: 40 miles a week

� Lifts weights 2x/week with core training

� Amenorrhea for 1 year; taking birth control

� RMR: 1095 calories

� RMR + daily activity: 1434 calories

� Maintenance calories with exercise: 2070 calories

� Weight gain calorie goal: 2500-2600 calories

Case Study:

College Athlete

� Currently eating 2300-2400 calories

� 8:30 am: ¾ cup oatmeal made w/ ¼ cup egg whites,

½ scoop protein powder, 1 Tbs. peanut butter and a


� 1:00-1:30pm: Sandwich w/turkey, avocado and

veggies, laughing cow cheese with pretzels and an


� Pre-workout: Protein bar or Greek yogurt w/ granola

� Post-workout: 1 scoop whey protein in water or

protein bar

� 7:30pm: Chicken, vegetables, large sweet potato with

1 Tbs. peanut butter

� 9:00pm: Greek yogurt with 1 scoop casein protein

powder and a Lara bar crumbled in


Case Study:

College Athlete

� Goals

� Add mid-morning snack around 11:00am

� Energy bar, fruit, string cheese

� ½ cup trail mix, 6 oz Greek yogurt, fruit

� 2 Kashi cookies with 8-12 oz low-fat milk

� Add 100-ish calories to each meal and snack

� 1 Tbs. peanut butter or 3 Tbs. nuts

� ½ avocado

� 1/3-1/2 cup hummus

� 2-3 Tbs. granola

� Eat a meal/dessert out with friends that she did

not prepare, look-up or subtract calories for

earlier in the day

Case Study:

Adult Exerciser

� Age: 53 – Height: 5’2” – Weight: 91 lbs

� Goal: Gain muscle

� Normally around 94-95 pounds

� Training

� 3 d/week run 3-4 miles and abs

� 3 d/week group resistance training for 1 hour

� Osteopenia

� Lactose intolerant and severe GI issues

� RMR: 971 calories

� RMR + daily activity: 1165 calories

� Maintenance calories with exercise: 1700 calories

� Weight gain calorie goal: 2200-2300 calories


Case Study:

Adult Exerciser

� Currently eating 1100-1200 calories

� 7:30 am: 2 egg whites, English muffin, 8-12 oz

Lactaid milk

� 10:00 am: Homemade protein bar 125 calories (15 c,

10 p, 3 f)

� 12:00-1:00 pm: Sandwich thin with lunch meat and

maybe nuts

� 3:30pm: 8-12 oz Lactaid and 1 Tbs. peanut butter

� 7:00pm: 4-5 oz lean protein, vegetables (used to eat


Case Study:

Adult Exerciser

� Goal of 2000-2200 calories

� 7:30 am: ½ cup oats w/1 Tbs. peanut butter, 6 oz

low-fat Greek yogurt and 8-12 Lactaid milk

� 10:00 am: Homemade protein bar 125 calories (15 c,

10 p, 3 f) with 8-12 oz Lataid milk

� 12:00-1:00 pm: Whole wheat pita with 2 oz chicken,

¼ cup 2% cheese, veggies and 1/3 avocado, salad

with balsamic vinaigrette and banana

� 3:30pm: 1 Kashi cookie with 1 Tbs. peanut butter and

a 2% string cheese

� 7:00pm: 4-5 oz lean protein, vegetables, 1 cup Barilla

Pasta Plus and salad with balsamic vinaigrette

� 1 hard-boiled egg and a fruit


Case Study:

Adult Exerciser

� Follow-up

� Would barely eat 1500 calories

� When she would eat more in one place, she would

subtract it another place

� Frustrated and confused why she could not gain


� Seemed unwilling to try to add more nutrient dense


� Recommended adding Boost Plus or Ensure Plus a

few times a day to help get calories in


� American Dietetic Association, Dietitians

of Canada, and the American College of

Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic

Performance Position Stand. Medicine &

Science in Sports & Exercise: March 2009;

Volume 41, Issue 3: 709-731.

� Dunford M and Coleman EJ. Sports

Nutrition: A Practice Manual for

Professionals, 5th ed.



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