Good Shepherd Sunday - Amazon S3We Seek Renewal in God’s Presence *Call to Confession God is...


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We Gather in the Presence of the Triune God

Gathering Music | Prelude and Fugue in F Major BWV 556 by J.S. Bach

Welcome + Announcements

Prelude | (8:30) A Wondrous Circle of Love by Terry D. Taylor

(11:00) Holy! Holy! Holy! setting by Michael Helman

*Call to Worship Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Blessing and honor is yours, O God. Glory to God forever. Alleluia!

*Gathering Hymn | All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name red hymnal, #601

Hymns + Songs | Lift Up Your Hearts (red hymnal) Bold Print | Speak or sing together in unison *Please rise in body or in spirit

Good Shepherd Sunday May 12, 2019 l 8:30 + 11:00 am

We Seek Renewal in God’s Presence

*Call to Confession God is present to guide our journey and eager to forgive us when we go astray; therefore, in humility and faith, let us confess our sins against God and neighbor.

*Prayer of Confession

Holy God, we confess that we have strayed from your paths of right relationship and peace, and we have dishonored you, ourselves, and your creation; we repent of these hurtful ways. Forgive us, we pray, as we learn to forgive others, and guide our feet into the way of peace. Amen.

*Declaration of Forgiveness God’s mercy overflows as a healing spring to cleanse us of our offenses; therefore, know that we are forgiven and receive new life in Christ.

*The Peace | time of greeting

The peace of the Lord be with you all. And also with you.

God Speaks Through His Word

Acts | Acts 9:36-43 Bible, pg. 894

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Psalm | Psalm 23 Bible, pg. 435

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Epistle Lesson | Revelation 7:9-17 Bible, pg. 999

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Time for Young Disciples | Heather Woodin, Director of Children’s & Family Ministry

Parents who would like to have their children (3 year old-Kindergarten) participate in Children’s Time are welcome to accompany their children downstairs during the congregational hymn.

Congregational Hymn | Psalm 23: The King of Love, My Shepherd Is red hymnal, #824

1. All, Harmony 2. Women & Children, Unison

3. All, Harmony

4. All, Unison

5. Men, Unison

6. All, Harmony

Gospel Lesson | John 10:22-30 Bible, pg. 893

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Message Rev. Dr. Danie deBeer

Today’s Leadership

SAPC Give Now

Responding to the Word

Worship with Tithes and Offerings Prayer requests may be written on a prayer card and placed in the offering plate.

Offertory | Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by J.S. Bach, setting by Colin Hand Through the way where hope is guiding, Hark, what peaceful music rings; Where the flock, in Thee confiding, Drink of joy from deathless springs.

*Doxology | Doxology with Alleluias Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Text: Thomas Ken, adapted by Gilbert Vierira

*Prayer of Dedication

The Lord’s Prayer + Prayers of the People Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


*Sending Hymn | Canto de esperanza/Song of Hope red hymnal, #941

*Charge + Blessing

*Postlude | Trumpet Tune in D Major by Jerry Westenkuehler

You are invited to remain for the postlude. Soli Deo Gloria! Glory to God Alone!

Matthew Penning, director of music Logos Choir Christopher Arp, music intern Resound!, Laura Kastens, director Grace Notes, Nelda Wittig, director; Bruna Marinho, piano (11:00) Karen Raynor, worship leader

Adult Education


Welcome! We are happy to have you here with us today. If you would like more information about St. Andrew, please indicate your interest on the Connection Card. Join us for a time of fellowship and refreshments after the

service. This is a wonderful way to meet the St. Andrew family.

All ages are welcomed in our worship services. Worship materials for children and adults, including large print hymnals, bibles, and bulletins are available on the shelves outside the north sanctuary doors. A T-Coil hearing

assist loop is also available for those with this feature on their hearing aids.

If needed, infant and toddler care (up to age 2) is provided downstairs in the Nursery. Children’s Time, for ages 3

years through Kindergarten, is also downstairs.

Prayer Requests may be written on a blue Prayer Request Card and placed in the offering plate.

QR Coding for Giving: The QR code in the Sunday bulletin is an electronic code that links to the giving page on our church website. In worship, we respond to God’s love with our offering. We hope that people who like

technology will use these prompts to connect their gifts to our worship.

Connection Cards are one way we can extend welcome and hospitality to our guests while also helping us consider steps we can take in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. We ask each person to fill out the card and place it in the offering plate. Members, once your contact information is correct, you only need to write your name.

I will…

Continue to ask questions about faith and God to continue to grow in faith.

Intentionally remind myself that Jesus promised that no one will snatch his followers out of his hands.

Live out of confidence and trust because I know I am safe in the hands of Jesus, and so become the

hands of Christ in the world.

The flowers are given by Gordon Hinz in memory of Marie.

“The Art of Neighboring”: St. Andrew is celebrating the music and message of the best-known and most beloved Presbyterian minister in U.S. history: Mister Fred Rogers. In order to learn from the many lessons the late children’s television icon taught over four decades, the Adult Ed will meet today between worship services in to focus on “the art of neighboring.” We will discuss how Mister Rogers answered the biblical question, “Who is my neighbor?”, and then figure how we — as individuals and as a congregation — should be answering that question in 2019. When: 9:45 am, May 12. Where: The Hub.

Per Capita 2019 Every dollar paid directly supports mission by freeing up funds for Mission, Outreach, and Service (MOS) to

distribute. The rate for 2019 is $38.

St. Andrew's Session generally meets at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of most months. Session meets next on May 16. We will provide Session Highlights from the previous month as a regular column in the Messenger. To look at the minutes from any Session meeting, follow this link:

St. Andrew Session Meetings

Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build

Building for the Interfaith IVHFH home began in mid-April. As a major supporter of this build, all St. Andrew members are encouraged to get out and build. To learn about specific volunteer opportunities, please either sign up at the volunteer counter in the Atrium or sign up at for work shifts every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 8 am to 12 pm or 1 pm to 5 pm. Becka Simpson will be building on May 17 (1-5 pm) and encourages everyone to join her! Questions? Email Jan Taylor at jantaylor-

Adopt-A-Tomato Plant

Lettuce Feed Others is hosting their annual adopt-a-tomato plant campaign. LFO will provide free tomato plants to those who sign up at the display in the Atrium. Adoptive families can pick up plants Sunday morning before, during, and after church service (May 12 or 19). Once plants start to produce fruit, you are invited to bring your tomatoes to St. Andrew and our delivery team will ensure that all produce is delivered to the Johnson County Food Bank. Keep the following in mind:

If your plant struggles and does not produce any tomatoes, that is COMPLETELY fine! Sometimes weather and Iowa growing conditions aren't very friendly. We do not hold you responsible for results!

No experience is necessary! If you want to TRY growing a plant, we encourage that! Please email if you drop off tomatoes or leave them at the church (other

than Sunday mornings on the collection cart). There are several refrigerators and places we have "discovered" produce, and we want to make sure our delivery team finds your goodies.

Thanks so much for helping us be part of the food insecurity solution in our community! Love and leafy greens from the LFO crew! If you have questions about the program, just email us!

Registration is open! Forms can be found on our website or in the Atrium document kiosk.

Youth Summer Programs

Women’s Catered Dinner May 21

FAITHS (Friends Acting In The Holy Spirit) is a

week-long summer mission day camp for students

entering grades 7-12. We work on service projects

each day in the Iowa City/Coralville area. Our days

begin at 8:30 am with devotions and directions.

Our work ends by early afternoon, generally

between 11:30 am to 2:00 pm. See our website for

more information or contact Randy Hausler at


deadline is

May 15!

Interim Senior Pastor.............................................................................................. Rev. Dr. Danie deBeer Associate Pastor ......................................................................................................... Rev. Kyle Otterbein Pastor Emeritus ............................................................................................................... Rev. Mark Martin Music Director ................................................................................................................ Matthew Penning Assistant Director of Instrumental Ministries .............................................................................. Lee Rabe Assistant Director of Children’s Vocal Ministries ..................................................................... Nelda Wittig Assistant Director of Handbell Ministries ............................................................................. Laura Kastens Music Intern ....................................................................................................................... Christopher Arp Children’s & Family Ministry Director ............................................................................... Heather Woodin Youth Ministries Director .................................................................................................... Randy Hausler Finance Administrator ........................................................................................................... John Benson Office & Communications Administrator .................................................................................. Sarah Dyck


May Birthdays

May Anniversaries

Addison Schmitz 05/01 Cole Garibay 05/02 Noah Heenan 05/02 Kaylnn Culver 05/03 Peter Van Voorhis 05/03 Marcia Murphy 05/04 Glen Schmitz 05/06 Samuel Tekoe 05/06 Erin Cook 05/06 William Stanford 05/06 Ethan Domke 05/07 Jared Benson 05/08 Ryan Benson 05/08 Woody Murphy 05/08 Mateo Anderson 05/09 Zander Junge 05/09 Helen Bryce 05/10 Pat Langley 05/10 Kara Wagenknecht 05/10 Theresa Strabala 05/11 Joe Cook 05/12 Natalie Dunlap 05/13 Ethan Jorgensen 05/13 Ron Kramer 05/13 Ellen Anne Yanik 05/13

Lisa Goodfellow-Mertens 05/14 Martin Goree 05/15 Steve Price 05/15 Harper Kannegieter 05/16 Crystal Markfort 05/16 Trenton Schmidt-Rundell 05/16 Gregs Thomopulos 05/16 Dave Dierks 05/17 Jackson Finer 05/17 Joyce Hunt 05/17 Michelle Juber 05/17 Scott Stroback 05/17 Janet Maas 05/17 Gene Dierking 05/18 Kerri Goers 05/18 Will Hoeft 05/18 Abigail Storm 05/19 Eric Tyler 05/19 Tess DeGrazia 05/20 Natalie Roetlin 05/20 Philip Markfort 05/22 David Randle 05/22 Helenipa Stephens 05/22 Kaya Dobesh 05/23 Lauren Dreusicke 05/23

Ellie Martinez 05/23 Channing Fisher 05/24 Lesanne Fliehler 05/24 Mark Hulsebus 05/25 Margaret Maassen 05/25 Gatwech Miak 05/25 Aiden Ohl 05/25 Megan Schneider 05/25 Delaine Tyler 05/25 Vaughn Tyler 05/25 Dana Vernon 05/25 Amy Nicholson 05/26 Alan Opheim 05/26 Brodie Young 05/26 Cheryl Johnson 05/27 Karna Wieck 05/27 Bruce Hudson 05/28 Cate Koeppen 05/28 LeAnn Otterbein 05/28 Eric Schultz 05/29 Vanessa Mebus 05/30 Jason Askins 05/31 Sally Knipfer 05/31

Jason & Jamie Powers ...................................................................................................................... 05/01 LuAnn & Terry Robinson ................................................................................................................... 05/19 Mary & Michael Nixon ........................................................................................................................ 05/21 Rick & Becky Graf.............................................................................................................................. 05/23 Kent & Cheryl Johnson ...................................................................................................................... 05/24 Pat Langley & David Morgan ............................................................................................................. 05/30 Emily & Alex Moraniec ....................................................................................................................... 05/31