Good Morning - A bit about myself


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Good Morning, Let me begin by telling a little bit about myself. I married my high school sweetheart; he is still my best friend. Together we raised six amazing adults, built our dream home, and enjoy all the blessings of living in the country. I love homemaking, gardening, quilting, reading, learning, working, and very much enjoy having guests. I began my career with Paragon Medical, Smithfield, Utah in February 2010 as a Quality I Inspector. Within my first couple of months there, I took and passed a “Blue Print Reading” class. My job as an inspector includes the inspection of medical instruments and implant devices, blue print reading, numerous inspection techniques for in-process and final inspections. With in a year, I had passed another class offered at Bridgerland Applied Technology entitled, “Introduction to GD&T”. Because of the skills that I had demonstrated as an inspector and also to my paperwork success, I was asked to be part of a team of four, which was put together to rectify a situation in relation to an unsatisfied customer. We were highly successful and garnered great benefits for the company. After the aforementioned success, I was asked to come to the day shift, effective immediately. My assignment was to be in charge of a “Corrective Action” the company had received concerning certification issues. I was asked to develop a system to correct the failures the company was experiencing with shipping packets and certifications being incomplete or incorrect. In addition to working long hours, including much required overtime, I was also given the opportunity to take evening classes, “Dimensional Quality Inspection” at Bridgerland Applied Technology for three semesters. This also included many math classes. I completed the classes and passed with the top students. A few months later I had passed and received my ASQ Certified Quality Inspector Certification. With this accomplishment, I had successfully met and passed the current qualifications to become a Quality II Inspector. While developing the system above, I needed to identify and analyze the problems, find available solutions, and implement new ideas. Then and now, I have the opportunity to work with the engineers on a daily basis going over routers, blueprints, specifications, inspection criteria, and customer purchase orders. This also includes creating certificates of compliance and updating shipping packet requirements for the inspectors to follow. I am involved with correcting and creating new criteria, writing work-flows and work instructions. I have become an expert on what each customer requires and expects. While identifying problems, I was also asked to critique many of the other quality inspectors’ work, as well as documenting failures and using them for training purposes. Though this was painful to all at times, it has proven to be highly successful. With in a year, I was asked to accept a new position as a Quality Technician. Though it was not required; I enrolled in a night class offered on the internet. Shortly after passing I took and received my ASQ Certified Quality Technician Certificate. I have continued to work with the engineers and within the quality department. I help the inspectors as needed, not only as an inspector but also for any certification/shipping packet issues. I am involved in Gage R&R’s and Capability Studies and assist in making PFMEA’s and Control Plans. I also create new criteria/inspection plans for prototypes and pilots. I have become the liaison between the engineers, quality department, and logistics in identifying and correcting the many issues daily. My current main focus is the inspection and creation of “First Article/PVE Inspection Submission Packets”. These are new products being introduced and designed for our customers. I verify all information being sent to the customer. I also type up forms and inspections. I verify all documentation is in compliance with the drawings and that purchase orders are being followed. I make sure that each of these First Article Packets is sent in a timely and uniform fashion. I have kept detailed records organized and refer to them daily, answering many of the questions and concerns of our customers, logistics, engineers, and the quality department. I feel I’ve had an important roll, and a positive track record, in the success of our team in creating long term, satisfied customers, while still meeting certification and regulatory requirements. In addition to the responsibilities stated above, for the past two and a half years, I have been the Customer and Vender contact for certification issues, including raw material certifications, understanding chemical analysis, mechanical properties, and ASTM requirements. This has truly been the highlight of my job, interacting with people all over the country. I understand it is important to create positive, trusting relationships with little or no opportunity for face-to-face interaction. Thank you so much for your time. Have a wonderful day. Holly G Sharp ASQ CQI CQT Certified Quality Inspector / Certified Quality Technician
