Going Global



14 tips from leading experts and bold entrepreneurs will help you expand internationally.

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id you know that 95 percent of the world’s population livesoutside the United States? That going global isn’t really allthat difficult? That when you determine your business isready to go global, you are well on your way? That resourcesare aplenty on the Internet to help you expand overseas?Chances are, you’re one of the many business owners toobusy to pay attention to anything other than running yourcompany. Our goal here is to help you get your arms arounda host of issues to help you expand your business globally—

if that is, in fact, the right thing for your business.We consulted with leading experts in the field of international business

and picked the brains of a new breed of young, bold international entre-preneurs to learn the basics of global expansion. We came up with 14 solidtips for getting started in the global marketplace. Read on to find out whichadvice suits you.

Tip1 Determine how much you can afford to invest in your interna-tional expansion efforts. Will it be based on 10 percent of your

domestic business profits, on a pay-as-you-can-afford process or on gutinstincts? “Early on, I just wasn’t ready financially, emotionally or intellec-tually to go global,” says 37-year-old Greg Bernstein, president of Dallas-based Global Outdoor Services, Inc., an outdoor advertising media buyingservice that assists clients in buying outdoor media both domestically andin Europe. “But years later, I was. It went great only because I learned howto overcome language barriers, manage time differences and lock in onexchange-rate contracts.”

Tip2Plan at least a two-year lead time for world market penetration.It takes time and patience to build a great, enduring global

enterprise, so be patient and plan for the long haul. Nobody knows this bet-ter than 29-year-old Javae Wright Sr., CEO and chair of Leadaz InternationalSportswear, Inc., an athletic footwear and apparel company in Champaign,Illinois. Wright’s company relies on strengthening the mentality of athletesabroad by promoting all that the company stands for: leadership.

In his company’s early days, after its launch in 2002, Wright’s biggest chal-lenge in crossing borders was the long lead time for orders. “We would placeorders with our Chinese manufacturer and then expect delivery within aweek. We would forget that the goods—thousands of miles away—movedslowly by vessel to the port of entry and then by truck. An international ship-ment also required customs clearance, a factor that adds even more time on


by laurel delaney





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to the delivery schedule,” says Wright. “The lesson we learnedand caution others on is to establish a grace period of about aweek if you want to meet customer deadlines.”

Tip3Pick a product or service to take or source overseas.You can’t be all things to all people. Decide on

something, then stick with it. “And don’t take no for an answer,”says Wright. “Persistence is more important than all else.”

Tip4Conduct market research to identify your primetarget markets. Find out where in the world your

product will be in greatest demand. Market research is a pow-erful tool for exploring and identifying the fastest-growing,most penetrable market for your product.

Take the case of Gregor Sokalski, a 31-year-old Americanand an MBA graduate of the University of Chicago. Sokalskidid a stint in London as an investment banker for a yearbefore switching to an Internet B2B startup. He then startedLondon-based Moxie, a high-quality takeaway food retailerthat was grounded on the principals of highly successful U.S.business models. Had Sokalski conducted more extensivemarket research, worked at a similar business for a while orused a London food retailer business model instead ofU.S.–based model, he may have saved himself a lot of dough.

“Everything worked for Moxie but its location. We hadgreat press and loyal customers, but just not enough of themwere there at breakfast,” says Sokalski. “You need to be partic-ularly sensitive to cultural issues in your foreign markets. Thismay require a year or two of experience working with an estab-lished local company before you forge out on your own.”

Tip5Research the data to predict how your productwill sell in a specific geographic location. Doing

your homework will enable you to find out how much you willbe able to sell over a specific period of time. “Attracting andretaining sophisticated local talent will enable you to under-stand the local market and the industry much faster than any-thing else,” says Sokalski. “In the end, you need to be runninga business that is local, not simply an American outpost in aforeign land.”

Tip6 Find cross-border customers. There is no busi-ness overseas for you unless you locate customers

first. The solution is to focus on a free resource such as the U.S.Commercial Service, which provides customized marketresearch, general insights (including cultural), and marketreports on various industries in almost any market in the worldwith export potential. “Most of our services are of little or nocost to companies,” says Mary Joyce, network director, U.S.

Department of Commerce, Upper Midwest Export AssistanceCenters. “One of our key services, the Gold Key, actually setsup appointments with potential buyers, agents and distributorsfor a company, making a business trip for any size companymuch more efficient and cost-effective.”

Sokalski advises never to stop developing your own foreignnetwork of customers and professionals at the top of your indus-try. “Call them up. These people can be helpful to you in moreways than you can imagine. If they see that you know your stuff,you will be surprised at how forthcoming they can be.”

Tip7 Establish a direct or indirect method of export. Itall boils down to export strategy and how much

control you wish to exercise over your ventures. On the otherhand, readiness to seize an opportunity is more important thanhaving your whole strategy nailed down beforehand. “You sim-ply must believe in yourself, your idea and your strategy,” saysSokalski. “Seven out of 10 will tell you it won’t work. It maynot, but if you don’t try, someone else will.”

Tip8Hire a good lawyer, a savvy banker, a knowl-edgeable accountant and a seasoned transport

specialist, each of whom specializes in international transactions.You may feel that you can’t afford these professional services,

but you can’t afford to do without them. Listen to their advicewithout bias. Says Sokalski, “If you haven’t made it happen yet,there is a lot to learn from these individuals who have.”

Tip9 Prepare pricing, and determine landed costs. Beready to test out your price on your customer,

and then negotiate from there. For Leadaz, quotas—a specificunit or dollar limit applied to a particular type of good—on cot-ton and polyester fabrics used to manufacture its productsbecame a pricing problem. Luckily, the quotas were lifted inJanuary; if they had not been, Leadaz would have been forcedto source elsewhere or pay a 50 percent premium on the priceof the products. Customers would have balked.

The next logical place to source was Mexico, where thetransportation distance was shorter but pricing was still high-er, even without quotas. “It nearly became a wash,” saysWright, “but we are relieved to continue with our Asian man-ufacturer, because they offer remarkable efficiency.”

Tip10Set up terms, conditions and other financingoptions. Agree on terms of payment in

advance, and never, ever sell on open account to a brand-newcustomer. Many young exporting companies fear dealing witheither how to get paid or how to finance their transactions.

Tess Morrison, director of the International Trade Center


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at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, notes thatthe U.S. government has programs to help exporters withsuch issues, with a minimum of requirements: A companymust be in business for at least one year (although it may notbe exporting), and it must be profitable. Three critical ques-tions to ask yourself: Can I sell a product? Can I collectmoney on the transaction? Can I generate a profit? If theanswers are a resounding yes to all, then look into the SBA’spre-export line of credit, which has several variations.

“The government will guarantee to your bank 90 percent ofthe loaned amount,” says Morrison. “You can then borrowagainst an international order to fulfill that order.” Check withthe nearest international SBA office or your state’s interna-tional trade office for help with the application paperwork.

Tip11Brush up on documentation and export licensingprocedures. If you find this too time-consuming,

hire a freight forwarder. Use their expertise to your advantage.As in the case of Leadaz, a fierce conversation about how longit takes to move product from one country to another wouldhave saved them from a lot of frustration, not to mention earn-ing and preserving the trust of local buyers.

getting help

� Need some additional help going global? Checkout these resources:

1. Center for International Business Education andResearch (CIBER), at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: www.ciber.uiuc.edu

2. Country Watch: www.countrywatch.com

3. The Federation of International TradeAssociations: www.fita.org/index.html

4. globalEDGE, from Michigan State University:globaledge.msu.edu

5. GlobeTrade: www.globetrade.com

6. International Trade Administration, U.S.Department of Commerce:www.ita.doc.gov/index.html

7. MyExports, a public-private partnership of theU.S. Department of Commerce and Global PublishersLLC: www.myexports.com/resource_links/index.html

8. Office of International Trade, U.S. Small BusinessAdministration: www.sbaonline.sba.gov/OIT

9. Stat-USA/Internet, from the U.S. Department ofCommerce: www.stat-usa.gov

10. U.S. government export portal: www.export.gov

11. U.S. Commercial Service: www.buyusa.gov/home

Tip12Make personal contact with your new targets.Arm yourself with culture-specific informa-

tion, courtesies, professionalism and consistency. Your goalshould be to enter a different culture, adapt to it and make ityour own. “Visit on a regular basis,” says Ray Smilor, an inter-nationally recognized expert in entrepreneurship and executivedirector of the Beyster Institute, which promotes global entre-preneurship at the Rady School of Management at Universityof California, San Diego.

Yet finding good, trustworthy people with whom you canhave a great business relationship is not easy. Wright indicatesit is best to find someone who is eager to help and enthusiasticabout working together: “I found my key overseas manufactur-er through an 85-year-old person who later became a friend andmentor to me. Sharing my story opened all sorts of possibilitiesand taught me not to limit myself in terms of whom I sold to orwhere I sourced my product.”

Tip13Explore cross-border alliances and partnerships.In charting your global strategy, consider join-

ing forces with another company of similar size and marketpresence that is located in a foreign country where you arealready doing business, or would like to. Gauge your readinessto take on a 50/50 partnership. “Establish a foothold by work-ing with a credible organization in the country where you wishto do business,” says Smilor. “But also identify a trusted andknowledgeable on-site person. You might find this person—who has a good personal network, knows how to work in thedomestic system, and can make introductions and connectionsfor you—via references or previous experience.”

Consider Sokalski, who is doing just that by helping foreignbusinesses bring their operations to the U.K. as a partner inEUROPstart, a business development consultancy with specialists in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the U.K.

Tip14Enjoy the journey. Never forget that you arethe most valuable business asset you have.

“Take a chance. If you fail, you will have learned an importantlesson: You can get back up and do it a different way,” saysWright. If he had to do it all over again, would he have goneglobal, and so soon? “Most definitely. The relationships havebeen personally and professionally rewarding.”

Sokalski feels the same. “You will never take the first stepout of your comfort zone unless you acknowledge that failurein the mechanics of creation is a possibility. Had Moxieworked, I would not have as many interesting London-basedopportunities, nor would I have amassed the valuable experi-ence that global business executives acknowledge. I am moreprepared for next time—and there will be a next time.”

Now that you have determined your business is poised fornew growth, get your arms around the world and expandyour business globally.

Laurel Delaney runs GlobeTrade.com and LaurelDelaney.com, bothChicago-based firms that specialize in international entrepreneurship.She is also the creator of “The Global Small Business Blog” (border-buster.blogspot.com), which is highly regarded for its coverage on glob-al small business. You can reach Delaney at ldelaney@globetrade.com.

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