God’s Ongoing Revelation God’s Ongoing Revelation


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“The Bethlehem Explosion” is a poem about how a common classroom science experiment can be a metaphor for the incarnation of Christ.

Madeleine L’Engle was a prolific 20th century American writer known for her children’s books, notably A Wrinkle in Time. She saw writing as a vocation from God.

“Where Love Is, God Is” is a story about how God has a special love for the poor, the lowly, and the oppressed.

Many consider 19th century Russian Leo Tolstoy to be the greatest novelist of all time. A Christian man, Tolstoy embraced a life of simple peasant-like poverty after achieving wealth and privilege.

The “Address to the Pontifical Science” is a discourse on the relationship between science and Divine Revelation on the occasion of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences examination of the Galileo case.

A deeply wise and learned man, Pope John Paul II reigned almost twenty-seven years. Pope John Paul II also had a keen interest in science among many other academic, social, and spiritual issues.

Crucifixion – Salvador Dali
