Glory through Suffering The journey to glory follows the path of suffering


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Glory through Suffering

The journey to glory follows the path of suffering.

Php. 2:1-2 (ESV)“So if there is any encouragement in Christ,

any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,

complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

Php. 2:3-4 (ESV)“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Php. 2:5-6 (Paraphrase)“Adopt then this frame of mind in your community—which indeed [is proper for those who are] in Christ Jesus.Though he existed in the form of God, Christ took no advantage of his equality with God.

Php. 2:7-8 (Paraphrase)“Instead, he made himself nothing by assuming the form of a servant, that is, by becoming incarnate. And having appeared as a mere man, he further humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—and no less than the death of the cross.

Php. 2:9-11 (Paraphrase)“For this very reason God has exalted him above all things by granting to him as a gift the name that is above every name, so that the whole universe may bow in adoration before the name of Jesus— indeed, so that every tongue may confess that Jesus Christ is the divine Lord, for the glory of God the Father.”

Glory through Suffering

• Central problem for Philippian church: spiritual disunity.

Glory through Suffering

• Central problem for Philippian church: spiritual disunity.

• Humility —> unity —> perseverance & character —> gospel witness —> glory to God & joy to us!

Glory through Suffering

• “The true obstacle to unity is not the presence of legitimate differences of opinion but of self-centeredness” (M. Silva).

Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?

Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?• Willingly giving up our rights for the sake of


Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?• Willingly giving up our rights for the sake of

others.• Keeping our cool when bad things happen to


Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?• Willingly giving up our rights for the sake of

others.• Keeping our cool when bad things happen to

us.• Interested in others, not narcissistic!

Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?• Willingly giving up our rights for the sake of

others• Keeping our cool when bad things happen to

us• Interested in others, not narcissistic!• Leaving margin in our schedules

Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?• Willingly giving up our rights for the sake of

others• Keeping our cool when bad things happen to

us• Interested in others, not narcissistic!• Leaving margin in our schedules• Leaving margin in our finances

Glory through Suffering

• What does humility look like?• Living simply• Giving generously

Glory through Suffering

• The reward of humility:

Glory through Suffering

• The reward of humility: JOY!

Glory through Suffering

• The reward of humility: JOY!• The gift of the gospel: REST for our souls.
