Glorious by Father Bur€¦ · 2017-09-01  · It is a word that describes my relationship with...


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Something “weird” has happened to me – for the first time a single word

has been speaking to me in a very real way over the past twelve months.

The word is ‘glorious’.

There are many words whose meaning can be influenced by the

speaker’s tone and inflection. ‘Glorious’ is not one of those words.

Glorious is glorious. On most Sundays, we pray about the ‘glorious

resurrection’ in the Eucharistic prayer, but it wasn’t until recently that I

began to experience the word ‘glorious’ all around me.

Glorious played a pivotal part of the movie The Greatest Showman when

the cast dramatically sang “This is Me.” The characters in the movie

were mostly sideshow artists, outcasts all their lives. A portion of the

lyrics they sang are:

But I won't let them break me down to dust

I know that there's a place for us

For we are glorious1

As I heard this song being sung, I could almost hear God’s voice and

imagine God looking at each of us and saying, “You are Glorious!”

Shortly after that, I was listening to the radio and heard a rap artist

singing his hit titled “Glorious”. The chorus of the song has these lyrics:

I feel glorious, glorious

got a chance to start again.

I was born for this, born for this

It’s who I am, how could I forget?

I made it through the darkest part of the night

and now I see the sunrise

Now I feel glorious, glorious

I feel glorious, glorious2

Glorious by Father Bur

Once again, ‘glorious’ was appearing to affirm God’s love for me and for you. Just hearing the

word ‘glorious’ in both of these instances caused me to smile and feel loved.

(continued on next page)

Then ‘glorious’ started appearing in the scriptures I’ve read many times without ever noticing

the word. More than 80 instances of a form of ‘glorious’ appear through the Bible.

Glorious are you, more majestic than the everlasting mountains. (Psalm 76:4)

….a land flowing with milk and honey, the most glorious of all lands. (Ezekiel 20:6)

May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power.

(Colossians 1:11)

In each instance, I was hearing the word of God in new and incredible ways.

I started noticing ‘glorious’ in our prayer book – specifically in the Eucharistic Prayer:

“Through Jesus Christ our Lord; who on the first day of the week overcame death and the

grave, and by his glorious resurrection opened to us the way of everlasting life.” Now ‘glorious’

is showing up in my personal prayers and thanksgivings – “I feel glorious, glorious!”

Let me know if you have a word like ‘glorious’. If not, I want to share ‘glorious’ with you to have

and to use however you wish. For me, it is a word that immediately fills my soul with joy and

hope. It is a word that describes my relationship with God. It is a word that describes God’s

love for every single one of us on this planet. We are glorious!


1. ‘This Is Me’, written by Keala Settle, in The Greatest Showman

2. ‘Glorious’ from the album Gemini by Maclemore, performed by Skylar Grey

(Continued from the first page)

Front row: Kirsten Whitworth, Dana Hudson, Deanne Moellering, Barbara Salinas, Amy Stehling

Back Row: Laurie Wilson, Katrina Galeano, JoAnn Duecker, Cynthia Prado, Courtney Hudson, Stephaney Burns

MMO is Back Pictured below are this year’s teach-

The Sewing Saints Father Jeff sent this message to the Sewing Saints, ”Proud of your

group!” after getting this note from Marthe Curry, Director of World

Missions for our diocese:

I want to commend the ladies at St. Barnabas who so faithfully

keep us stocked in Rag Dolls 2 Love. We send them out with

mission teams and they are loved by boys and girls alike—many

of them have no other toys. I’ve also given them to women in trauma therapy

who cherish the cuddly symbols of love coming from other people of faith.

In addition to the Rag Dolls 2 Love, this group has been making items that bring comfort

to patients in our local hospital.

The Sewing Saints will meet at the church on September 11th at 10 a.m. to make plans

for the coming year. If you are interested in joining the Sewing Saints, contact Pat Sadd at

830-990-4980 or

Starting on October 4 In October, the Kitchen Table Bible Study Group will embark on an

adventure with he Bible using The Path: A Journey Through the Bible.

The Path, which was endorsed by our Bishops at Council this past

February, is the story of the Bible, excerpted and condensed so that it

is easy to read. Reading the Path, the group will experience the

stories of men and women who have struggled to follow God’s call.

The Path’s selected texts cover most of the ‘great landmarks’ of the Bible, within their

context as parts of the sweeping story of God’s great love for us. Additional notes,

summaries, and questions provide various ways to engage with the stories. The Path is

published by Forward Movement and edited by Melody Wilson Shobe and David Creech.

The Kitchen Table Bible Study meets weekly on Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at

members’ homes. Call Bernadine Swanzy at 830-997-3263 or Marti Davis at 830-997-

1947 for more information and to join the group on this exciting journey.


Say “Yes!” to our Youth

The young people of St Barnabas are starting many new endeavors this September. Sunday

School classes are beginning, as well as classes for First Communion and Confirmation.

Along with these purposeful events, we are putting together some special activities for our

teens. Information will follow this newsletter asking for parishioners to share their talents

and time throughout the school year in a wide range of activities. We want to schedule at

least eight special events from now until May to give our youth service opportunities and fun

ways to grow in relationships with each other. Some ideas already in the works are having

the teens participate in our church’s Sunday Suppers and traveling to San Antonio for a

Taking it to the Streets evening to feed the homeless. We can host movie nights, a trip to

the bowling alley or hikes to Enchanted Rock.

We need some adults to say “yes!” to leading these excursions. This is an easy way to get to

know our teens better and to let them know how much they mean to our church. An idea

sharing meeting will take place on Sept. 30 at 10am.

Sunday School Begins September 9 at 10 a.m.

Confirmation Class—Fr. Jeff will meet with youth and their parents.

First Communion Class—Fr. Bur will meet with the children and their parents.

Third to fifth grade students and Middle School kids will start Sunday School.

Youth Ministries

In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, a BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS will be held

on October 7th at 4:00 p.m. at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.

All humans are welcome and all animals are welcome (on leash or in a cage).

This annual event is filled with blessings and fellowship.

We hope to see you there.

There is a great deal of good news to report this month at St Barnabas. We are excited to

have installed Karen Young as our new Youth Program Coordinator on August 26th at the 11

a.m. service. Karen will be organizing and directing our youth programming from the little

tikes up to the high school kids. Karen has hit the ground running getting programs and

volunteers lined out for this Fall. Youth Sunday school starts back during the 10:00 hour

beginning Sept 9th. I hear there is a first communion class and a confirmation class as well

as regular Sunday School planned so far for this Fall. If you are interested in having your

child participate in any of these programs, please contact the church office or come Sept 9th

at 10 a.m..

Another exiting event currently unfolding at St. Barnabas—One of our parishioners has made

a very generous monetary gift to our parish. The gift comes in three parts. $50,000 is to be

spent on operating and any maintenance items the church might need. $50,000 is to be

used to hire speakers and presenters to visit and give programs at St. Barnabas. Lastly,

$400,000 is to be spent on a “Big Project or Program” of our choosing as long it is not used

for operations. It could be anything from campus improvements to starting a new mission

program. This is a fantastic and very exiting gift –We should all prayerfully consider how best

to serve God’s Kingdom with this bounty.

Fr. Jeff and I have created a gift steering committee this past month to brainstorm and

investigate options for the gift project or program. They will be vetting these ideas and

passing along recommendations to the Vestry. This committee will meet regularly starting

this month and will be welcoming ideas from the parish. Jane Good, Francis Money, Bud

Parish, Pris Williams, and Kirsten Dickerson will be serving us on that committee. If you have

a great idea, please grab one of them for a visit!

The gift benefactor is anonymous to us, but I that shouldn’t stop us from saying a big “Thank

You!” to that person for their incredibly generosity. I know all of St Barnabas looks forward to

creating something great with these funds. I look forward to hearing about all the ideas the

parish and the committee come up with.

It is hard to top a fresh restart to our youth ministries and such a generous gift. August has

been an exciting month, and I look forward to seeing what the rest of Fall has in store for St.

Barnabas! John Sumners, Sr. Warden

From the Senior Warden


Bob Bates

Tim Bowyer

Cindy Scroggins


Shelly Kothman

Ken Smith

John Youngblood


Julie Alvarez

Frances Money

John Sumners

Sr. Warden—John Sumners • Jr. Warden—Bill Snyder • Treasurer—Ric McCormick


‘I am the Alpha

and the Omega,’

says the Lord God,

‘who is and who was

and who is to come,

the Almighty.’

Revelation 1:8


Sun Mon Tues Wed Fri Sat 8 p.m. in the CEB

6:30 p.m. on Monday and Friday

Thurs, Closed Meeting (Women) 7 p.m. in the CEB


Monday—6:30 p.m. in the CEB

Friday—6:30 p.m. in the CEB


Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., Resumes September 12


Monday—7 a.m. in the Library


Tuesday—6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall


Sunday—5:30 to 6:30 the Parish Hall


Wednesday—7:30 p.m., Resumes soon


2nd Saturday, 9:30 a.m., resumes September 8


Begins Aug. 31, Friday, at 1 p.m. in the CEB


Thursday—10-11:45 a.m., resumes in October


Wednesday—3 p.m. in the CEB


3rd Thursday—11:45 a.m. at the Herb Farm


1st Thursday — 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.—Library


Thursday—7 a.m. in the Parish Hall


Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m.—2 p.m. (except

on school holidays)


3rd Monday of the month at 5 p.m.

WISDOM SCHOOL Living Presence: Tuesday, 11:30 a.m.—Library

Contemplative Prayer: 5:45 p.m., Thursday, Sanctuary

Heart of Christianity: Thursday, 6:15 p.m.—Parish Hall

Being Mortal: Thursday, 6:15 p.m.—Parish Hall

Meetings & Ministries

September Anniversaries

September Birthdays

2nd Melanie Nesbit

Aviya York

3rd Maggie Gillespie

4th Linda Bates

5th Lorri Kendrick

8th Norma Shepard

9th Luke Mullen

Elizabeth Loggie

Ann Rea

10th Jessica Davis

Barbara Johnson

Helen McDonald

11th Gina Seracen

13th Ann Shult

13th Corbin Yonke

Jim Yuhn

14th Will Cross

15th Diane Matthews

16th Robin Cowsar

Pat Hammond

Molly Martin

17th Denese Gibson

Dick Welch

18th Kelly Albrecht

Karen Brune

Amanda Marschall

Pat McCormick

19th Tom Christofferson

19th Jeff Smith

21st Doug Kimbrell

23rd Sam Cowsar

Louis Roos

24th Tom Luck

25th Fred Crooks

Jim Hatchett

26th Ella Money

27th Ralph Greenlee

29th Vicki Arnold

Terry Henderson

Marti Spruiell

3rd Julie & Chuck Alvarez

4th Sandie & Bill Smallwood

7th Jana & Steve Neale

8th Sue & Jack Thompson

19th Shirley & Fred Crooks

19th Mary & Jim Hatchett

21st Maggie & Mike Gillespie

24th Vicki & Bud Arnold

27th Stirling & Ralph Greenlee

29th Shannon & Chuck Ramsey

30th Mary & Lloyd Easterling


7:45 AM—Holy Eucharist Rite I

9 AM—Holy Eucharist Rite II

11 AM—Holy Eucharist Rite II


6 PM WEDNESDAY—Holy Eucharist Rite II

12 PM THURSDAY—Holy Eucharist /

Healing Service (Chapel)


10 AM SUNDAY—Adult Classes

Living the Question


Lost and Found


First Communion


Middle School Sunday School

Grades 3—5 Sunday School

Worship and Christian Education Schedules


Rector: The Rev. Jeff Hammond

Assistant Rector: The Rev. Bur Dobbins

Lay Pastoral Minister: Morey Weldon

Clergy Associate: The Rev. Dr. Dyana Orrin

Clergy Associate: The Rev. Anne Finn

Clergy Associate: The Rev. Tom Luck

Parish Administrator: Rachael Cole

Office Assistant: Carol Schreider

Youth Ministry Coordinator: Karen Young

Director of Music: Hazel Hanson

Lay Ministry Coordinator: Steve Neale

Mom’s Morning Off Director: Deanne Moellering

Nursery Director: Kathleen Meurer

Housekeeper: Patty Ramirez

Return Service Requested

Stewardship Sunday—October 14

Two Services—7:45 and 10 a.m. The 10 a.m. service will be in the Parish Hall.

Following worship, there will be a

Potluck Lunch. Meat will be provided.

Bring your best dish to share.