Globally Connected Learning Consulting- PD Sample Topics



Globally Connected Learning Consulting offers to move educators and schools into the 21st century. What will it mean to be educated for the class of 2024? Learn about 21st century skills, literacies and fluency for connected learning by exploring real world teaching and learning examples. Experience the exciting benefits of globally connected learning for your faculty and students. Potential Audience:• Classroom Teachers • Heads of School • Staff Developers • Curriculum Coordinators & Coaches • Technology Coordinators • University Professors of Education University Students in Teacher Education Programs

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Professional  Development  for  21st  Century  Schools  

Silvia  Rosenthal  Tolisano  is  available  for  national  and  international  conference  presentations,  consultations,  and  teacher  training  workshops.  She  is  able  to  work  with  you  and  present  in  English,  Spanish  and  German.  



Building  your  Personal  Learning  Network  This  concept  of  a  PLN  has  been  around  for  many  years.  What  changed  in  recent  years  though  is  the  reach,  the  size  and  the  availability  of  that  network.  From  your  colleagues  in  the  building  you  work  in,  a  cherished  personal  mentor,  professional  development  opportunities  offered  sporadically  throughout  the  year,  conferences  and  college  credit  classes  taken  for  re-­‐‑certification  to  blogs,  RSS  feeds,  Twitter,  Nings,  and  Skype  among  others.  

Digital  Storytelling  for  Educators  Storytelling  is  an  ancient  form  of  teaching  and  learning.  Digital  storytelling  combines  audio,  image  and  video  tools  that  harness  students’  and  teachers’  voices  to  tell,  present  and  distribute  their  stories  in  a  whole  new  way.  Digital  Storytelling  combines  technology  with  communication,  language  arts,  and  media  literacy  skills  by  encouraging  students  to  create  new  ways  of  communicating  a  story,  different  from  the  traditional  paper  and  pencil  linear  narrative.  

Globally  Connected  Learning  Let’s  explore  the  why  and  how  of  globally  connected  learning.  From  global  competencies,  connections,  collaborations  and  communication  to  tools  and  projects  designed  and  created  for  your  students  to  investigate  the  world,  bring  in  perspective,  knowledge,  skill  and  disposition.  

Around  the  World  with  Skype  The  world  we  live  in  requires  schools  to  address  new  kinds  of  literacies  in  addition  to  basic  literacy.  These  new  literacies  include  media,  information,  intercultural,  digital  citizenship,  ethical  and  network  literacies  in  addition  to  specific  skills  such  as  communication,  collaboration,  and  being  able  to  create  connections.  Modeling  and  creating  a  learning  network  for  and  with  your  students  can  include  peers  from  across  the  globe,  experts  on  subject  matter,  and  authors  of  books,  etc.    

Catapult  into  the  21st  Century  Are  you  still  teaching  in  isolation  or  at  best  parallel  to  your  students’  other  teachers?  How  do  you  take  your  lesson  plans,  connect  them  to  21st  century  skills,  infuse  new  literacies  and  get  students  motivated  and  engaged  for  their  present  and  future?  

Silvia  is  able  to  customize  any  session  to  meet  the  needs  of  your  faculty  and  staff.  Take  a  look  at  the  following  sample  topics  to  move  your  school  into  the  21st  century  and  support  your  teachers  as  life  long  learners.  



Social  Media  Channels  for  Schools  Are  weekly  folders  with  completed  student  worksheets,  a  typed  up  newsletter  or  a  copy  of  the  school  calendar  enough  for  parent-­‐‑school  communication  in  the  21st  century?  Learn  how  classroom  teachers  and  an  entire  school  can  take  advantage  of  social  media  tools  to  create  channels  that  open  up  new  ways  to  communicate  and  connect  to  your  parent  body  as  well  as  the  community  at  large.  Create  platforms  that  house  all  the  important  school  or  classroom  information,  embed  different  media  and  push  out  notification  to  your  intended  audience.  

Blogging  with  your  Students  Interested  in  finding  out  why  you  should  be  blogging  with  your  students?  Don’t  know  where  to  start?  Need  a  guide  which  platform  to  consider  and  the  logistics  of  setting  up  a  classroom  blog  or  individual  student  blogs?  Prepare  your  students  with  lessons  on  internet  safety,  digital  footprint,  blogging  and  commenting  etiquette.  Get  tips  and  resources  on  connecting  your  classroom  blog  with  others  around  the  world  for  collaborative  and  connected  learning.    

iPads  in  Education  Can  iPads  replace  laptops?  Are  they  just  a  toy  or  a  tool  that  can  improve  teaching,  student  learning  and  productivity?  How  do  you  find  the  best  educational  apps  for  educators  and  students?    Let'ʹs  talk  about  how  immediate  access  and  availability  to  information,  productivity  tools,  a  global  network,  assistive  technology  as  well  as  being  able  to  create  content  and  media,  all  on  one  device,  can  change  a  classroom'ʹs  learning  environment.

21st  Century  Skills  It’s  not  about  the  technology  tools,  but  it  is  about  21st  Century  Skills.  We  are  not  podcasting  in  order  to  teach  Garageband.  We  are  not  recording  students  for  the  fun  of  using  a  microphone,  nor  are  we  blogging,  so  we  can  practice  typing.  It  is  about  basic  literacy  skill,  curriculum  content,  engaging  and  motivating  students,  addressing,  integrating  and  embedding  21st  century  skills  and  literacies,  such  as  media,  information,  network  and  intercultural  literacy.  

Web  2.0  Tools  for  Educators  

There  are  an  overwhelming  amount  of  web  2.0  tools  available  for  teachers.  Which  ones  to  use?  What  is  possible?  Become  aware  of  tools  from  an  array  of  categories,  such  as  digital  storytelling,  podcasting,  images,  videos,  presentations,  chat  rooms,  productivity,  and  many  more.  

“Thank  you,  thank  you,  THANK  YOU  for  being  my  inspiration.    I  am  so  grateful  to  you  for  getting  me  started  on  this  wonderful  journey!    We  have  

come  a  long  way  just  this  past  year,  we  have  a  long  way  to  go,  but  the  momentum  is  building!  “  

Susan  Bearden,  Melbourne,  Florida  



Globally Connected Learning Consulting offers to move educators and schools into the 21st century. What will it mean to be educated for the class of 2024? Learn about 21st century skills, literacies and fluency for connected learning by exploring real world teaching and learning examples. Experience the exciting benefits of globally connected learning for your faculty and students.    

Silvia  Rosenthal  Tolisano  was  born  in  Germany,  raised  in  Argentina  and  currently  lives  in  the  United  States.  She  holds  a  Bachelor’s  Degree  in  Spanish  with  a  Minor  in  International  Studies  and  a  Masters  in  Education  with  an  emphasis  in  Instructional  Technology.  She  has  worked  as  a  World  Language  teacher,  Technology  Integration  Facilitator  and  21st  Century  Learning  Specialist.  

Silvia  has  presented  and  worked  with  educators  from  around  the  world  via  face  to  face  seminars,  workshops,  webinars  and  video  conference  consultations.  


Silvia  Tolisano  is  an  amazing,  creative,  and  thoughtful  educator  …her  work  allows  her  to  inspire  and  model  the  best  of  educational  practices  to  colleagues  and  progressive  educators  both  nationally  and  internationally.  Jean  Dodd,  Head  of  School  San  Jose  Episcopal  Day  School  

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Many  teachers  come  up  to  me  and  let  

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heard  in  your  session.  You  have  made  a  

difference  in  education  and  teaching  in  Alberta.  

Dave  Blemings,  Teacher2Teacher  conference  organizer  




Silvia  Rosenthal  Tolisano  

(424)  242-­‐‑4393    

Connect  with  me  to  book  your  next    professional  development  workshop  or  

consultation  now!  

Potential Audience

• Classroom Teachers • Heads of School • Staff Developers

• Curriculum Coordinators & Coaches • Technology Coordinators

• University Professors of Education • University Students in Teacher Education Programs

