Global warming


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Life’s end

We have passed through tipping points but we haven’t passed yet through the point of no return



Jose Alberto Jimenez

Melting Ice

Frozen waterThe Earth's ice cover acts as a protective mirror, reflecting a

large share of the sun's heat back into space and keeping the planet cool.

Scientists suspect that the enhanced melting is among the first observable signs of human-induced global warming, caused by the unprecedented release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases

Melting Ice

The Earth's ice cover is melting in more places and at higher rates than at any time since record keeping began

Loss of the ice would not only affect the global climate, but would also raise sea levels

Wildlife is already suffering as a result of global ice melt-particularly at the poles, where marine mammals, seabirds, and other creatures depend on food found at the ice edge

Methane Gas

Methane (CH4) is a relatively potent greenhouse gas with a high global warming potential that remains in the atmosphere for approximately 9-15 years.

Methane is over 20 times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2)

It is emitted from a variety of natural and human-influenced sources (agricultural activities).

Methane Gas


Forests: The Earth’s lungs

It means the permanent destruction of forests and woodlands

Deforestation: Consequences

Forests: The Earth’s lungs

Alteration of local and global climates.

Extinction of species which depend on the forest for survival.

Forests contain more than half of all species on our planet - as the habitat of these species is destroyed, so the number of species declines.

Reduce the electric energy consume

Electricity does cause a large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2), which affect the



Global warming maybe is not causing the biggest effect right now, but in future we all will pay it`s punishment.

So the idea of all advices is to notify people what is going on with the environment with the purpose of change their minds taking care of nature and where we live.

My objective

There are too many actions which have an effect on our environment, and are difficult to eradicate at all. However, we can try to decrease their penalty on the earth, doing little things in order to change at least everything around us.

To reflect…

“The power of one is the power to do something, anything”

And consider

Thank you
