Global Studies Regents Review Packet K. Fusaro,...


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Global Studies Regents Review Packet K. Fusaro, 2017

First, some basic social studies terms to be familiar with: I. Social Scientists The people who study the world in which humans live are known as social scientists:

• Historians- Study written records of past events • Geographers- Study the Earth’s surface and its impact on humans- land features, weather,

movement of people. They study: o Political Maps- Show countries, their borders, and capital cities. � o Physical Maps- Show topography (land features such as mountains, rivers, � deserts,

lakes, etc.). • Economists- Study how societies use available resources. • Anthropologists- Study past and present human cultures. They study artifacts. •

II. Historical Sources Historians are concerned with the examination of written records from the past. There are two types of sources that historians study:

1. Primary Source- a firsthand record of a historical event created by an eyewitness who actually experienced the event (Examples- Diaries, photographs, artifacts, autobiographies).

2. Secondary Source- a secondhand record of a historical event created by a person who did NOT actually experience the event (Examples- Textbooks, encyclopedias, biographies).


1.The Neolithic Revolution I. Neolithic Revolution (8000-3000 BC)- Neo = NEW Key developments of this period:

1. Humans first discovered how to farm and domesticate (raise) animals for food. 2. Humans switched from being nomads to being settled farmers who lived in permanent

villages. 3. Farming created a steady food supply (called a food surplus). This makes population growth

possible. 4. The permanent villages created during the Neolithic Age eventually turned

into� civilizations 5. The ability to farm leads to the development of social classes- when resources were scarce,

people would fight. Leaders and warriors earned power and important social status.

2. Ancient Civilizations I. Civilization

• A civilization is a complex and highly organized society that includes a government, social classes, job specialization, a food surplus, writing, and religious beliefs.

• Civilizations developed soon after humans discovered farming and settled down in permanent villages during the Neolithic Age.

• The first civilizations developed around 3000 B.C. in areas of land known as river valleys. The reason civilizations developed in river valleys is because these areas had favorable geography:

o The flooding of rivers deposited silt on nearby lands that created fertile soil for farming. o People irrigated (watered) their crops with water from the nearby rivers. � o Rivers provided a source of transportation.

Can you recall the rivers in which the biggest/most significant civilizations developed?

o Egypt: ________________________________

o The Middle East: __________________________

o India: _________________________________

o China: _________________________________

Neolithic: __________________________________________________ Nomad: ____________________________________________________ Civilization: _________________________________________________

II. Ancient River Valley Civilizations (c. 3000 – 1000 B.C.) 1. Egypt�

• Location: Northeastern Africa� • Major River: Nile River� • Characteristics and achievements:

o Developed hieroglyphics- Writing using picture symbols. o Constructed pyramids- Massive structures used to bury Egyptian Pharaohs (kings).

2. Mesopotamia/The Fertile Crescent- “The land between the rivers”

• Location: Middle East� (modern day Iraq) • Major Rivers: Tigris River and Euphrates River • Characteristics and achievements:

o Several different civilizations were established here: § Sumer: first civilization of Mesopotamia. Developed ziggurats, irrigation for

crops, canals to protect from flooding, the first wheeled vehicles, a metal plow, a 12-month lunar calendar, a number system based on 60 (our timekeeping method is based off of this), developed cuneiform- Writing system using wedge-shaped symbols. �

§ Babylon: established an empire (groups governed by one ruler). Code of Hammurabi- Oldest written set of laws in the world that is known for its strict (harsh) punishments of crimes (i.e.- “an eye for an eye”).

§ Assyria: a military empire known for burning and conquering other cities 3. Harappa Civilization

• Location: India� • Major River: Indus River� • Achievements: The urban (city) areas of Harappa civilization were organized and well planned.

o NOTE: very affected by seasonal monsoons- Winds that brought rain needed to farm (but too much rain caused dangerous flooding).

4. China

• Major Rivers- Yellow (Huang He) River and Yangtze River • Early Chinese societies were very isolated from other civilizations because China is surrounded

by natural boundaries (i.e.- mountains and deserts). • The Chinese believed their civilization was the center of the Earth; called it the Middle

Kingdom • Run by dynasties- ruling families • Established a written system of Chinese

Common Features: Many ancient societies had important traits in common:

• They existed in river valley regions. • They were all polytheistic- People believed in many gods associated with nature (i.e.- Sun God,

Rain God, Wind God, etc.). • They often had traditional economic systems with the following characteristics:

o Barter- Trade without using money o Subsistence agriculture- Farming in which the crops are used only to feed the farmer

and his family. Food is not usually sold for a profit o People have the same occupation (job) as their parents (usually related to


How did trade, warfare, and migration spread ideas among early civilization?

Key People and terms: state the significance of these key people and terms

1. Nomad

2. Cultural diffusion

3. Neolithic

4. Technology

5. Civilization

6. Polytheistic

In Your Own Words… In a complete sentence or two, describe why ancient civilizations settled near rivers. Then, describe one ancient civilization that flourished near a river valley. ________________________________________________________________________________________






7. Fertile Crescent

8. Dynasty

How did the Neolithic Revolution Change people’s lives? Code of Hammurabi: What is its significance? How did trade, warfare, and migration spread ideas among early civilization? 3. CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS I. Introduction to Classical Civilizations

A) Classical civilizations are the societies that were more advanced and more recent than the ancient civilizations discussed in the previous section.

B) Most classical civilizations had a Golden Age- A period of great achievements in art, literature, math, and science.

Below is a brief outline regarding the classical civilizations:

II. Classical Civilizations (c. 1000 BC-500 AD)

1) China

• Isolated by long distances and geography

• During the classical period, China was also ruled by two main dynasties (families of � rulers): o Shang Dynasty: first dynasty to unite China o Zhou Dynasty: overthrew the Shang Dynasty and established the concept of The

Mandate of Heaven: A God-given right to rule. Leads to the idea of the Dynastic Cycle:

o Qin Dynasty

§ � Lasted only 15 years. � § Qin rulers based their government on the philosophy of Legalism- Believes that � humans are evil and that harsh punishments are needed to keep order in society.

§ NOTE: Legalism was similar to the Code of Hammurabi in ancient Mesopotamia � since both noted that harsh punishments were necessary in society.

o Han Dynasty § Lasted 400 years § Key Features and Achievements

§ Trade and Transportation Networks- As with the Roman Empire, the Han Dynasty grew wealthy through trade because of the system of roads that was developed throughout the region.

§ Civil Service System- influenced similar systems around the world, including America

• The Silk Road: o The Silk Road was a long trade route that extended about 4,000 miles from China in the � East to the Mediterranean Sea in the West. The Silk Road connected the different � classical civilizations (and later civilizations as well). Lead to Cultural Diffusion

2) Greece:

• Geography: located on a peninsula with an irregular coastline in southeastern Europe. Lots of mountains separated Greece into many city-states (polis). Many islands; the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas helped to make the Greeks skilled sea traders.

• Because Greece has a very mountainous geography, it was not one united civilization. � Instead, Greece was divided into many independent (separate) city-states. Each city- state (or polis) had its own government and land.

The two most famous city-states were Athens and Sparta. They were very different societies.

• Monarchywithtwokings• Militarysociety

• Notradeortravel• Militarytrainingforall

boys• Girlstrainedtoraise

soldiers• Womencouldownproperty

• Limiteddemocracy• Lawsmadebyassembly• Onlymalecitizensin

Assembly• Tradewithother

city-states• Educationforboys• Womenwereinferior






Isolated: ________________________________________________________

Golden Age: _____________________________________________________

Mandate of Heaven: ________________________________________________

Dynasty: ________________________________________________________

• Dynastic Cycle: _______________________________________________

Civil Service System: _______________________________________________

Cultural Diffusion: _________________________________________________

Greek Contributions:

• Lifelike paintings and sculptures, architectural columns (most famous Greek building = the Parthenon), philosophy and literature, the discovery that Earth rotates on its axis, the lever and pulley system, medicine, the Pythagorean theorem.

3) Rome

• Located on the peninsula of Italy. • Rome began as a small city-state but eventually created a large empire by conquering the � regions that surrounded the Mediterranean Sea (i.e.- Western Europe, coast of Northern � Africa, Greece, Anatolia, and Western Asia).

• Established a new form of government called a republic, where officials were chosen by the people. The Roman Republic was governed by The Senate, made up of land-holding upperclassmen (patricians) who supervised business, government and military needs. The Plebeians (farmers, merchants, traders) made up most of the population but had little power.

Key Features and Achievements of the Roman Empire:

• Trade and Transportation Networks- The Romans were able to unite the areas of their empire and grow wealthy from trade because of the roads they built on land and because the Mediterranean Sea connected areas within their empire.

• Art and architecture: borrowed style from the Greeks- many Greek-style statues, grand and elaborate buildings, improved upon the arch and the dome.

• Twelve Tables of Rome- Written set of laws that stated the rules of behavior for members of Roman society. Although the laws favored the wealthy, these laws created stability (order) since they were displayed in public for all to see.

Key Terms:

Polis: ___________________________________________________________________________

Democracy: _______________________________________________________________________

• Direct Democracy: _____________________________________________________________

Famous philosophers/writers from Athens:

• Socrates: ___________________________________________________________________

• Plato: ______________________________________________________________________

• Aristotle: ___________________________________________________________________

• Homer: _____________________________________________________________________

Polytheism: _______________________________________________________________________

Olympic games: ____________________________________________________________________

Alexander the Great: _________________________________________________________

Hellenistic: _________________________________________________________________

o Ideas about Law- Romans developed important legal ideas that we still use today (such as “innocent until proven guilty”).

o Pox Romana- Means “Roman Peace.” This was the 200-year Golden Age of Rome in which there was extensive trade and great achievements in art, literature, math, and science. This began under the rule of Augustus, Caesar’s grandnephew, who ruled with absolute power (thus ending the Roman Republic).

3) India

• Geography: a subcontinent of Asia with three major geographic regions: fertile plains in the north (Indus and Ganges Rivers), Deccan Plateau (dry, unpopulated), and coastal plains in the east and west (farming, fishing, trading).

• During the classical period, India was ruled by two successful dynasties (families of � rulers):

o Maurya Dynasty § Chandragupta Maurya- harsh ruler, corrupt, suspicious of his enemies. § Bureaucracy: a system of managing government through departments run by

appointed officials. § Asoka- Chandragupta’s grandson; famous ruler of India who wrote the laws of

India on tall rock pillars (columns) that were displayed throughout India. Asoka converted to Buddhism during his reign and is known for his kind treatment of people and animals.

§ Contributions: trade flourished, education was a primary focus, established libraries, known for spreading Buddhism through missionary work.

o Gupta Dynasty § The Gupta Dynasty is considered the Golden Age of India since there were many

achievements in art, literature, math, and science. Some of the achievements include the invention of zero in mathematics, the development of Sanskrit writing, and beautiful Buddhist paintings.

THINK ABOUT IT: In a few complete sentences, describe how Rome impacted later political systems. ______________________________________________________________







China India Rome Greece


Significant Contribution

Key Peoples and Terms

1. Mandate of Heaven

2. Bureaucracy

3. Asoka

4. Polis

5. Aristocracy

6. Direct democracy

7. Hellenistic

8. Republic

9. Senate

10. Patrician

11. Plebian

12. Pax Romana

13. Laws of the Twelve Tables

14. Aqueduct

15. Silk Road

China (BC 1027-AD220) Geographic Setting: Zhou Dynasty (1027 BC-221BC)

• How does a dynasty lose the Mandate of Heaven?

• Contributions Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC)

• How did Shi Huangdi centralize his power?

The Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220)

• Government: How did Wudi strengthen the government?

• Describe the effect of Confucianism on Han Society

• What were their contributions? India (1500 BC – 185 BC)

• Geographic Setting: 3 major geographic regions and describe them 1. 2. 3.

What was the Aryans impact on India?

Maurya Empire (321 BC – 185 BC)

• How did the Mauryans organize their government?

• Who was Asoka? Why is he important?

• List the Contributions of the Mauryan Empire

Greece (1750 BC – 133 BC) How did the geography of Greece affect both its economic activity and its political divisions? What effect did Alexander the Great’s conquests have on the Mediterranean world? List and describe Greek and Hellenistic Contributions in the following areas: • Philosophy: • Literature:

• Art and Architecture:

• Science: • Mathematics: How does Greek civilization affect us today? List at least three. Rome (509 B.C. – A.D 476) How did the geography of Rome contribute to its development as a power?


**Monotheism: ___________________________________________________________

** Polytheism: ___________________________________________________________

I. The Monotheistic Religions

• Monotheistic religions believe in only one God. • The 3 main monotheistic religions are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

o Codes of Conduct (Behavior)- All 3 monotheistic religions have codes of behavior issued by God that state the religious and moral/ethical obligations (duties) of followers:

§ Ten Commandments- Code of behavior for Jews and Christians (i.e.- Do not kill, do not steal, do not worship false gods, etc.)

§ Five Pillars- Code of behavior for Muslims (i.e.- Make a pilgrimage to Mecca, pray five times daily, etc.).

• Judaism:

o Hebrews- nomadic group from the Fertile Crescent. Enslaved in Egypt until God helped them escape. Around 1000BC, they established a kingdom of Israel. The capital city was Jerusalem.

o Judaism beliefs: monotheism, sacred scripture- Torah. The Old Testament of the Bible includes the Torah, made up of five books. The Ten Commandments describe how people should behave toward God and each other.

• Christianity:

o Began in Palestine around 40AD through Jesus’ teachings. Eventually became the official religion of the Roman Empire. According to tradition, Jesus would be the Messiah, or savior sent by God. Jesus was viewed as dangerous by many Romans. He was arrested, tried and executed by crucifixion. His followers continued to spread his teachings, despite being persecuted for their beliefs. In 392AD Emperor Constantine called an end to the persecution and made Christianity the official Roman religion.

o Christian Beliefs: Monotheistic, sacred text is the Bible, which has two parts. The Old Testament includes books of Hebrew law, prophetic writings and poetry. The New Testament includes Gospels and letters written by Christians that explain Jesus and his teachings.

Compare and Contrast: How are Judaism and Christianity similar? How are they different?

Similar Different

• Islam:

o Began in Arabia in 622AD. An Arab named Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570AD and, according to tradition, was commanded by an angel named Gabriel to spread the message against idol worship to others. People tried to kill him in Mecca, but he was welcomed in Medina, where the religion grew. Followers of Islam are called Muslims, who live by the Five Pillars:

§ ______________________________________________________

§ ______________________________________________________

§ ______________________________________________________

§ ______________________________________________________

§ ______________________________________________________

o Beliefs: Sacred text is the Qur’an, which is a guide to life as a Muslim. Muslim scholars also developed a complex system of religious law known as Sharia.

II. Religions and Philosophies of India

A. Hinduism

• Reincarnation- The idea that after humans die, their souls are reborn into another body. o Hindus believe that humans go through many rounds of reincarnation (death and


• Karma- Karma refers to all of the good and bad deeds that one does during their lifetime. o Those who do good deeds develop good karma and are reborn at a higher level in the

next life. o Those who do bad deeds develop bad karma and are reborn at a lower level in the next

life. Hindus follow the Caste System and believe that the social class that they are born into in this life is a reflection of the karma they developed in a previous life.

• The goal of Hindus is to achieve Moksha- Ending reincarnation and stopping the cycle of death and rebirth.

• Caste System� o The caste system was the social hierarchy

of India in which people were born into a social class (called a caste) and remained in that class for the remainder of their lives.

o Since people could not move up or down in the caste system, it provided order and structure to society.

B. Buddhism

• Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (also called the Buddha). • Buddhism is very similar to Hinduism. Both religions believe in Reincarnation and Karma. • The goal of Buddhists is to achieve Nirvana- Ending reincarnation and stopping the cycle of

death and rebirth (similar to Hindu concept of Moksha). • Buddhists believe that Nirvana can be achieved when people accept the Four Noble Truths:

o 1. __________________________________________________________

o 2. __________________________________________________________

o 3. __________________________________________________________

o 4. __________________________________________________________

o The Eightfold Path: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

III. Philosophies of China

A. Legalism

• Philosophy based on the idea that humans are evil and that harsh punishments are needed in order to prevent crime and keep order in society.

B. Confucianism

• Major philosophy of China. Its main teachings include: o The Five Relationships- The idea that every single person has specific roles and

obligations that must be followed in order to keep order and stability (calmness) in society. For example, subjects must obey their ruler, wives must obey their husbands, and children must obey their parents.

o Filial Piety- The idea that people must honor and respect the elders of their family (i.e.- children must be loyal and obedient to their parents).

C. Nature Religions

• Nature religions believe that both living and non-living things in nature (i.e.- trees, mountains, rivers, rain, rocks, animals, etc.) have a spirit.

• NOTE: The two most common nature religions are Shinto (practiced in Japan) and Animism (practiced in Africa).

Key People and Terms:

1. Animism

2. Brahman

3. Reincarnation

4. Karma

5. Dharma

6. Upanishads

THINK ABOUT IT: In what ways were religions spread in the early world? __________________________________________________________



7. Buddha

8. Nirvana

9. Monotheistic

10. Torah

11. Messiah

12. Bible

13. Hijra

14. Quran

15. Sharia

16. Missionary

17. Diaspora

Hinduism: Explain how the caste system is an important part of the Hindu religious experience.


• Founder:

• All life is…: • What are the Four Noble Truths?

1. 2. 3. 4.

• How does one achieve salvation?

• How did this religion spread?

Two Philosophies of China:

Confucianism- key ideas:


• Goal:

• How do you achieve salvation?

• What is the importance of the yin and yang?

• What are the sacred texts?

Judaism • List the important aspects of Judaism

• How did this religion spread?

Islam • Who was the Founder?

Major Beliefs

• Rules of conduct are called the ____________________






• Sacred Text:

• How did this religion spread?


I. Byzantine Empire (c. 500-1453 AD)

• After the western area of the Roman Empire was conquered by invading Germanic tribes in the year 476 AD, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire survived and became known as the Byzantine Empire.

• Key features and achievements of the Byzantine Empire: �

o The people of the Byzantine Empire were mainly Greek in language and culture. � o Constantinople- The capital city of the Byzantine Empire. It was a great location for

trade because it was located along major waterways and it was a crossroads of (link between) Europe and Asia. �

o Eastern Orthodox Religion- This was the branch of Christianity that was practiced by the people of the Byzantine Empire (the Hagia Sophia was a famous church in Constantinople- name meant “Holy Wisdom”). It was founded on differences between the Church in Rome and the Byzantine Church (including use of idols, using Greek instead of Latin, different practices for priests, etc.…) In 1054, there was a permanent schism (split) from the Roman Catholic Church in the west.

o � Justinian Code- Written system of laws created by Emperor Justinian that was later adopted by various European civilizations. It was largely based on laws of the Roman Empire. �

o Preservation of Greek and Roman Culture- The Byzantines preserved (saved) and passed on important texts created by the Greeks and Romans. �

o Art: well known for icons (holy images) and mosaics • Cultural Diffusion- The Byzantine Empire had a major influence on the neighboring

civilization of Russia. Through contact with the Byzantine Empire, Russia received: � o The Eastern Orthodox Religion (which is still practiced in Russia today) o The Cyrillic Alphabet (writing system still used in Russia today)

Key Vocabulary: Cultural Diffusion: __________________________________



I. Legal Systems

• Legal systems you’ve already reviewed: o Code of Hammurabi- Written set of laws used in ancient Mesopotamia. It is known for

its harsh punishment of crimes (i.e.- “an eye for an eye”). o Twelve Tables of Rome- Written set of laws used in Roman Empire. Laws favored the


o Justinian Code- Written set of laws used in the Byzantine Empire. It was based on old Roman laws and was later adopted by many countries in Europe.


I. Islam

• Monotheistic religion that believes in one God (called Allah). � • Followers of Islam are Muslims. � • Koran (Qur’an)- The Holy Book of Islam. � • Five Pillars- Religious and moral/ethical duties and obligations that are required of all

Muslims (i.e.- Make a pilgrimage to Mecca, pray five times daily, etc.). • Muhammad (lived 570-632 AD)- The founder of Islam who was born in Mecca (the holiest city

of Islam). He is believed by Muslims to be the last of God’s prophets (messengers to the people).

II. Golden Age of Islam (c. 700-1200 AD)

• After Muhammad- Shortly after the death of Muhammad, Muslim armies swept out of the Arabian Peninsula and conquered vast areas of land that included much of the Middle East, the northern coast of Africa, and even southern Spain.

• A division within Islam: o After Muhammad’s death, followers disagreed with who his successor (caliph) should

be. These differences lead to two different Muslim groups, which still exist today: § The Sunnis: Believed the successor should be chosen by Muslim leaders, did

not view the position as a religious authority. § The Shiites: Believed that only descendants of Muhammad should be his

successor • Muslim Empires: Islam spread significantly under the Umayyad Dynasty- from the

Atlantic Coast to the Indus Valley, and was based out of Damascus rather than Mecca. By 750, the Abbassid Dynasty captured Damascus and relocated the center of the Islam world to Baghdad, which was significantly greater in size and wealth than Constantinople.

• During this period, the Islamic (or Muslim) world experienced a Golden Age- There were amazing achievements in math, science, medicine, philosophy, and art. Some of the key achievements of this period include: �

o The creation of medical encyclopedias, skills assessments for doctors, hospitals o Improvements in math (developed algebra), the study of the Earth’s circumference, and

translations of Greek philosophers o Artwork that included calligraphy, woolen carpets, and textiles, adaptations of

Byzantine arches and domes, non-religious paintings

What do all of these legal systems have in common? 1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

o Established a large trade network across the empire; responsible for spreading not only goods, but ideas, religion, culture and technology

• List the lands and peoples that came under Muslim rule:

• Why was trade important in the Muslim empire?


I. Introduction to the Middle Ages (400-1400 AD)

The Middle Ages: _______________________________________________


• Geography: Europe is positioned on the western edge of Eurasia- included parts of Great Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and other areas of Eastern Europe. Forests and fertile soil provided resources for timber and growth of crops; seas and rivers allowed for trade, travel, transportation and fishing.

The collapse of the Roman Empire left no unifying (central) government in Western Europe. Kings could not protect their kingdoms. As a result, people fled cities and united together in the country-sides for protection and survival. Two main social systems emerged:

• Feudalism: o Political system of the Middle Ages in which kings throughout Europe gave land away to � lords (nobles) in return for their loyalty and military service. The land was known as an estate.

o Lesser nobles known as vassals would receive portions of the estate (called fiefs) and would pledge their military support to the King. These knights (warriors on horseback)

SUMMARIZE: How did the Islamic world experience a golden age? Explain. ____________________________________________________________




trained to defend the estate� and followed a strict code of conduct known as chivalry (a code of behavior that stressed � loyalty and bravery).

o Feudalism is considered to be a decentralized political system because kings gave away � much of their power to nobles, who each controlled their own local areas.

o In the feudal system, land was the basis of wealth and power. Those with more land were � considered to be more wealthy and powerful.

o Feudalism brought social stability, order, and structure to the Middle Ages.

• Manorialism� o During the Middle Ages, most people lived on manors (areas of land owned by a noble). o Each manor had homes, farmland, artisans, water, and serfs (peasants that could not

leave the land and who performed farm labor for the noble). � o Since each manor was mostly self-sufficient (provided for its own needs), trade

decreased during the Middle Ages. o Religion- During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church (especially the Pope) was

very wealthy and influential in Western Europe. Harsh life for peasants; most didn’t live past 35. They worked long hours doing hard labor.

II. The Frankish Empire

• From around 400-700, many groups across Europe fought for control over various lands. The Franks proved to be the most powerful of these groups, from Gaul (present-day France). The most famous Frankish leader was Clovis, best known for converting to Christianity and gaining the support of the Christian Church.

• Charlemagne: Frankish king who built an empire during the 800s that stretched across modern-day France, Germany and parts of Italy as part of the rise of the Frankish Empire.

o Helped Pope Leo III defeat rebellious Roman nobles in 800 and was rewarded by being crowned as the “Holy Roman Emperor”. He worked hard to spread Christianity and create a united Europe under the Church.

o Charlemagne died in 814 and within a few years his empire fell apart. His grandsons signed the Treaty of Verdun, which divided his empire into three parts (one for each of them).

Draw a depiction of a medieval manor below.

III. The Church in Medieval Europe

• Two different churches- The Orthodox Christian Church (in the east) and the Roman Catholic Church (in the west). The Roman Catholic Church was the main influence of power and stability in Western Europe.

o Head of the Roman Catholic Church = the Pope. Followers believed he was the spiritual representative of Jesus on Earth. Below the Pope = archbishops, bishops, local priests. Everyday life was closely tied to the local priest and the village church- provided spiritual guidance and education, ran schools, offered housing and hospitals for the sick and poor, etc.…

• The church provided spiritual guidance in Medieval Europe, but also maintained a lot of economic and political power. The Church was the largest landholder in Europe; collected a tax from Christians that helped make the Church very wealthy. The Church also had its own set of laws, which resulted in power struggles between monarchs and religious leaders.

o Popes believed they had authority over kings and could excommunicate, or exclude (kick out) rulers who challenged them.

• Jews in Medieval Europe: tolerated in Muslim Spain, persecuted most everywhere else in Europe. The Christian Church barred Jews from from many jobs and from land ownership. The foundations of anti-Semitism were laid during the Middle Ages.

III. Cultural Achievements:

• Early medieval times focused many on survival and daily needs. By the mid-to-late Middle Ages, more contributions to society were seen:

o Authors like Dante and Chaucer wrote stories about courage and morality

o Art focused on glorifying God and the Church

o Architecture showed a Roman influence with fortress-like towers; Gothic style also emerged as buildings soared higher and included impressive stained glass windows, often in Churches that depicted religious stories

IV. Crusades (1100-1300)

Define: The Crusades were ___________________________________________________




• Causes of (reasons for) the Crusades: o In the 1050s, Seljuk Turks (Muslims) invaded the Byzantine Empire, including

Palestine. Pope Urban II encouraged French and German bishops to recover Palestine because it was considered the Holy Land to Christians. They believed it was where Jesus lived and taught and did not believe Muslims should control it.

o European Christians believed they would be forgiven for their sins if they fought for God. Those who fought were called crusaders.

o Non-religious reasons: Many poor Europeans wanted to escape from feudalism- joining the Crusades allowed them to leave their lands. Pope Urban also believed that war would increase his power and unite Eastern and Western Europe under his rule. Nobles hoped to conquer new lands and expand their rule through war.

o Many Europeans hoped to gain wealth from the Middle East. o A series of many wars were fought all across Europe over 200 years

• Effects (results) of the Crusades: �

o After years of fighting, trade between Europe and the Middle East increased (Italian cities such as Venice gained control over much of this trade since they had a central location in the Mediterranean Sea). �

o Europeans learned about the many achievements that Muslims had made during their Golden Age (i.e.- achievements in math, science, medicine, philosophy, and art).

o Feudalism in Europe began to decline as many nobles had been killed and many serfs had escaped.

o What began as a war between Christians and Muslims eventually turned into a war between Muslims and rival Christian groups as well.

o Christians never regained control of Palestine.

Key people and Terms 1. Medieval

2. Charlemagne

3. Chivalry

4. Manorialism

5. Serf

Summarize: Describe the significance of the Church during the Medieval Ages.







6. Secular

7. Excommunicate

8. Pope Innocent III

9. Monastery

10. Anti-Semitism

11. Gothic

What is the significance of the reign of Charlemagne? Why did the feudal system develop? Describe the manor system and how it provided for people’s basic needs. The Church: What spiritual role did the Church play in the Middle Ages? What were the secular powers of the Church? Describe the relationship between religion and art in medieval Europe

List the reasons for the Crusades List two ways in which the Crusades had an impact on each of the aspects of medieval life

Global Economy 1. 2.

European interest in learning 1. 2. Christian Church 1. 2.

How did the Crusades affect the feudal system?


I. Golden Age of China: The Tang and Song Dynasties (600s-1200s)

• Like all Golden Ages, this was a period of tremendous achievements in the arts, science, math, and literature. �

o Key achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasties: § Invented gunpowder (which was later adopted by civilizations in Europe and the

Middle East). § Invented the compass (which improved sailing/navigation by sea). § Invented block printing (a method of printing in which ink is placed on � carved

wooden blocks that are pressed onto paper). § Created works of art using porcelain (beautiful clay).

• The Chinese conducted long distance trade with other civilizations on land (Silk Road) and by sea (from their coastal port city of Canton).

• Cultural Diffusion- Buddhism became popular in China during this period as the ideas of � this religion entered China due to trade using the Silk Road.

• The Chinese continued to use civil service exams to select highly qualified people to work � in their government.


I. Geography

• Japan is located in East Asia and is considered to be an archipelago- A country that consists of a group of islands (Japan is made up of 4 main islands)

• Japan has a long and irregular (unsmooth/rough) coastline • Japan is made up mostly of mountains, which has made farming difficult.

o Terrace Farming- In order to farm in the mountains, the Japanese had to dig and carve flat areas (called terraces) into the sides of mountains. NOTE: The Inca of Peru (in South America) used the same technique.

II. Religion

• Shintoism is the religion of Japan. It is a religion (similar to Animism in Africa) that believes all living and non-living things in nature (such as trees, mountains, rivers, animals, etc.) have a spirit.

• Later in Japan’s history, Buddhism became popular as well. Today, most Japanese practice both Shinto and Buddhism.

III. Influence of China on Japan

• Cultural Diffusion- Early Japan was GREATLY influenced by contact with the neighboring Asian civilization of China. Through contact with China, Japan received many important things:

o Writing- Japan’s first form of writing was influenced by Chinese writing. o Buddhism- The Japanese learned about the Buddhist religion from the Chinese. o Confucianism- the Japanese were very influenced by the Confucian philosophies

regarding proper behavior and social order o Tea- The Japanese first learned how to cultivate (grow) tea from the Chinese.

o Music, art, dancing, garden design = all influenced by Chinese culture

IV. Japanese Feudalism

Similar to Europe during the Middle Ages, Japan developed a system of feudalism early in its history. The feudal system worked like this:

• Emperor: __________________________________________________________ • Shogun (military generals)- ______________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ • Daimyo- __________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ • Samurai- __________________________________________________________


• Other classes included: _________________________________________________

• Japanese feudalism was very similar to European feudalism: o Japanese samurai and European knights both followed a code of behavior. Bushido

was � the code of the Samurai and Chivalry was the code of the knights. Both codes � emphasized loyalty and bravery.

o Japanese and European feudalism were both decentralized, which means that power was � given to many different local leaders instead of being concentrated in the hands of a � single ruler.

o Because people in each society had a clear role to follow, feudalism brought structure, � order, and stability (calmness) to society.

• The Tokugawa Shogunate (1603): The Tokugawa shoguns came to power and brought peace and stability to Japan for 300 years.

o Created a centralized feudal government, focused on developing new seeds and technologies that helped grow more food (which meant growing the population), built roads to connect towns and increase trade, which lead to a growth of merchant wealth. Enforced a strict isolationist policy, barring foreigners to increase Japanese wealth. Zen Buddhist practices flourished, including tea ceremonies and landscape gardens, kabuki theatre and a focus on literature (haikus).

The Big Ideas: What can you say for each big idea below, based on the summary above?

Geography China Feudalism Stability and Strength


I. Introduction to Africa

• Geography o The second largest continent in the word; Africa has a very diverse (varied) geography

that includes deserts (i.e.- the Sahara � Desert), savannah (grasslands), and rain forests. o Due to its many geographic features, Africa is a very diverse continent with many � different cultures. No two societies are alike.

o NOTE: Africa is currently having problems with desertification (the spreading of desert � lands). The Sahara continues to grow, which reduces the amount of available farmland.

• Religion o Animism is the traditional religion that is native to (began in) Africa. It is a religion

(similar to Shinto in Japan) that believes all living and non-living things in nature (such as trees, mountains, rivers, animals, etc.) have a spirit.

• Bantu Migrations (500 BC- 1500 AD) o This is one of the largest migrations (movements) of people in history. � o Due to a shortage of land, the Bantu People scattered throughout southern Africa over

the course of 1,000 years. o Major effects (results) of the migration- As the Bantu people moved, they spread 3

things: § The Bantu language� § Iron technology� § Agricultural (farming) techniques

• Traditional Culture:

o Most African communities survived by shared power rather than singular rulers

o Families with common ancestors often formed clans, which shaped the values and rituals of the group.

II. West African Civilizations (300-1400s)

Several of Africa’s greatest civilizations all developed in West Africa. They are:

• Ghana- heavily influenced by Muslim missionaries, but still many maintained a traditional African way of life

• Mali- ruled by powerful kings called mansas: o Mansa Musa- He was the most famous ruler of Mali. He is important for several

reasons: § He was a devoted Muslim who helped spread Islam in West Africa. � § He made a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. § He turned the city of Timbuktu into a center of trade and Islamic learning. § He protected the city with a large army and extended its borders

• Songhai- another large empire, eventually took over Timbuktu and expanded trade to Europe and Asia. It collapsed after civil war in the 1500s.

• Axum- located near the Red Sea, which helped to facilitate trade between Africa, India and the Mediterranean world. Consisted of merged cultures from African farmers, Jewish and Christian traders,

NOTE: Ghana, Mali, Songhai and Axum all grew very wealthy for the same reason: They were located along the Trans-Saharan trade routes and participated in the Gold-Salt trade (i.e.- they traded their gold for the salt that they needed to survive).

• Contributions:

o African art: utilized ivory, wood and bronze. Was decorative but also religious. African patterns and designs were often unique to a particular clan.

o Education: Elders were responsible for teaching children about their roles in a society, both through oral traditions and written history (typically Arabic, influenced by Islam).


I. The Mongols (1100s-1400s)

A. Introduction�

• The Mongol people originated on the steppes (grassy plains) of Central Asia. � • The Mongols lived in a harsh physical environment and survived as nomadic pastoralists-They

raised animals and migrated frequently in search of grazing lands for their animals.

• Mongols were skilled riders, fighters and raisers.

B. Empire

• Under the skilled military leadership of Genghis Khan (b. 1100s in Asia, took a name meaning “World Emperor”), the Mongols conquered so much � land that they established the LARGEST EMPIRE in all of history.

• They were able to conquer so much because of their military skills, horsemanship, bowmen skills and military technology

• At its height, the Mongol empire included China, Central Asia, Russia, and much of the � Middle East

C. Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta

• Marco Polo was an Italian merchant who visited the Mongols in China and remained there for almost 20 years.

• After returning to Italy, Polo wrote down extensive information about his experiences in China with the Mongols. The writings of Marco Polo are important for several reasons: �

o They are valuable primary sources that teach us about China during this period. o They increased the desire of Europeans to trade with China to obtain valuable goods.

• Ibn Battuta- scholar from Monaco- traveled around the same time as Marco Polo and wrote about Mecca, Persia, India, China and others.

D. The Mongols are important for several reasons:

• Trade and travel between Europe and Asia increased TREMENDOUSLY during Mongol � rule since the Mongols kept peace and prevented violence along trade routes (like the Silk Road). This period became known as Pax Mongolia.

• Mongol warriors generally ruled with tolerance and respect regarding politics, but also spread terror and destruction over the areas they reigned (Mongol warriors destroyed Sichuan in China and Kiev in Russia).

• Influence on Russia:

o After they conquered Russia, the Mongols kept Russia isolated (separate) from developments that were taking place in Western Europe.

o The Mongols taught the Russians how to have a centralized government- a strong government with one ruler in firm control.

• The Mongols were the first foreign group to completely conquer China. • The Mongols developed a tribute system- Areas taken over by the Mongols were required � to

give the Mongols money each year. • � The Mongolian Empire declined as a result of their massive size. It was too much land for

one power to control, despite their military skill. The Mongols lacked real governing skills and many conquered lands were resentful of the Mongols.


I. The Black Death/The Plague (1347-1351)

Outbreak: ______________________________________________________________

• The Black Death refers to the major disease (called bubonic plague) that killed 25 million people in Europe (almost 1/3 of the population) during the late Middle Ages.

• It was highly contagious and spread by fleas and rats, which were common in cities. It quickly became an outbreak.

• The disease started in East Asia (maybe China) and spread to Europe over trade routes such as the Silk Road. The interaction of different groups of people helped spread the disease.

• Major effects (results) of the Black Death: �

o ____________________________________________________________

o ____________________________________________________________

o ____________________________________________________________

o ____________________________________________________________

Key Concept: Support the following statement- The Mongol Empire both brought

together and cut off groups of people from one another.




II. The Renaissance (1400-1600)

• First, the Commercial Revolution (about 1000AD- 1300AD): increased trade led to an importance on money. New social classes emerged with the growth of towns and cities. The middle class exists between the old feudal classes of nobles and peasants. Capitalism merges. The new middle class gathered together in various types of organizations- guilds (trade associations), partnerships and joint stock companies (ways for individuals to pool their resources together for business ventures). Banking also developed; first as a way for people to borrow money for business ventures, and then also as a way to exchange currency.

o Capitalism: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

• The Renaissance: ____________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ The Renaissance had the following characteristics:

o Like all Golden Ages, there were amazing achievements in the arts, literature, and science.

o Renaissance scholars studied art and books from ancient Greece and Rome. o Humanism- There was a focus on humans and life on earth instead of on God and � Heaven.

• The Renaissance began in Italy because: o The Italian city-states (like Venice and Florence) had great economies. These areas

controlled Mediterranean trade and grew very wealthy. Much of this wealth was used to support artists.

o Famous artists of the Renaissance include Donatello (painter, sculptor), Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa, flying machine), Michelangelo (statue of David, St. Peter’s Basilica), and Raphael (the Madonna)

o Famous authors: Dante (The Divine Comedy- pre-Renaissance), Shakespeare, Machiavelli • Niccolo Machiavelli- wrote a book called “The Prince,” which is a guide for

government leaders. Key ideas of this book include: o Rulers must have absolute power and do whatever is necessary to stay in

power (even if that means dishonest and cruel behavior). o “The end justifies the means”- Leaders must do whatever is necessary to help

their nation. o “It is better to be feared than loved”

III. The Printing Press- 1456

• Invented by Johannes Gutenberg. First book printed: The Bible. � • The printing press was important for several reasons:

o It helped spread new ideas quickly. o It helped spread the Protestant Reformation since people like Martin Luther were able

to print copies of their writings for others to read. � o It increased literacy (the ability of people to read and write) since books were now easier

and cheaper to obtain.

IV. The Protestant Reformation (1500s)

Reform = change

The Protestant Reformation was the religious revolution that challenged the Catholic Church and led to the further division of Christianity.

• Causes of (reasons for) the Protestant Reformation: o Europeans were angry that the Catholic Church was too concerned with worldly issues � (i.e.- money and power). Humanism had shifted the focus from the Church to having faith in human reason.

o Europeans were angry about indulgences- Reductions in punishment that were sold by � the Catholic Church. They were essentially selling pardons for sins.

• Key leaders of the Protestant Reformation:

Leader Details

Martin Luther

Henry VIII

John Calvin

• Effects (results) of the Protestant Reformation: o � The power of the Catholic Church (and the Pope) decreased. � o The power of monarchs (kings) increased since they gained power over religion. � o Religious unity in Europe came to an end- Before the Protestant Reformation, almost � everyone in Western Europe was Catholic. Now there were large numbers of Protestants too. For over 100 years, many wars were fought throughout Europe over religion (including the Thirty Years’ War)

o Anti-Semitism grew o The Counter-Reformation (also known as the Catholic Reformation)- an

attempt to fix problems and corruption in the Catholic Church to prevent people from leaving for the Protestant Church. Led by Ignatius Loyola and the Society of Jesus, known as the Jesuits.

o The Inquisition: A court made up of Church officials, intended to root out heresy (any belief that disagrees with the principles of a religion). Trials were held and people were often tortured if they were suspected of heresy.

o Witch hunts- hysterical religious fervor lead to people accusing others, mainly women, of witchcraft.

o Rise of nation-states: with feudalism on the decline and kings becoming more powerful, changes in England and France led to a feeling of nationalism- pride and devotion to one’s country.


I. Pre-Columbian Civilizations (c. 300-1500s AD)

A. Introduction�

• The pre-Columbian civilizations are the societies that developed in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans. � (pre = before, Columbian = Columbus)

• The 3 main pre-Columbian societies were the Maya, the Aztec, and the Inca. They were all very organized, developed, and advanced civilizations.

B. The Maya

• They lived in the lowland region of Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America) along the Yucatan Peninsula

• Abandoned their cities around 900AD; historians speculate that war and overpopulation may have affected agriculture and they were no longer able to sustain themselves.

• Achievements: o They developed a calendar and a form of writing. � o Math- they invented the use of zero in math (like the Gupta of India).

C) The Aztec�

• They lived in Mesoamerica (Mexico) and established a large empire through conquering other tribes

• Tenochtitlan- Capital city of the Aztec Empire. � Grand and elaborate. • Achievements:

o They used a calendar and a form of writing. o Chinampas- these were “floating gardens” that the Aztecs built in lakes in order to farm

since there was a shortage of fertile land.

D) The Inca�

• They lived in the Andes Mountains of Peru (in South America) and established a large empire. �

• Machu Picchu- Most famous site of the Inca. • Achievements:

o In order to improve trade and transportation, the Inca developed a vast (large) network of roads (like the Romans) and footbridges in the Andes Mountains. �

o Terrace Farming- Since the Inca lived in the mountains, they learned to farm by cutting flat areas (called terraces) into the sides of mountains. The Japanese used a similar technique in order to farm.

Comparing: both the Aztecs and the Inca used creative agricultural techniques (chinampas and terrace farming) in order to adapt to their geographic environments.

E. The Aztecs and the Inca were both conquered by the Spanish when they arrived in the 1500s:

• The Aztecs- Conquered by Hernan Cortez in 1521. � • The Inca- Conquered by Francisco Pizarro in 1532.

Key People and Terms

1. Olmecs

2. Mayas

3. Aztecs

4. Incas

5. Terraces

Mesoamerican Civilizations Mayas Incas Aztecs

Geographic Location


Social Structure



I. Introduction

• The Age of Exploration and Encounter was the period in history when the Europeans began sea voyages of exploration. During this period, Europeans reached the Americas and began to colonize (take over) areas in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

• The two European countries that first began voyages of exploration were Spain and Portugal.

II. The Age of Exploration and Discovery (1400s-1600s)

A. Causes of (reasons for) the Age of Exploration: �

• Europeans wanted greater access to the spices, silks and other products of Asia. � • Europeans wanted to find sea routes to Asia since Muslims controlled land routes. • Europeans were curious about the world around them, especially as information becomes more

accessible through books (result of the printing press)

• Improvements in navigational (sailing) technology made long sea voyages possible. These improvements include the compass and astrolabe, cartography (the science of making maps), and the lateen sail for ships.

• Key Explorers include: � o Bartholomeu Dias- First explorer to round the Cape of Good Hope (southern tip of

Africa). o Vasco da Gama- First explorer to reach India by going around Cape of Good Hope. � o Christopher Columbus- First explorer to reach the Americas. � o Ferdinand Magellan- First explorer to circumnavigate (sail around) the globe.

B. Effects (results) of the Age of Exploration:

• The Americas o The Spanish and Portuguese colonized (took over) land in the Americas. Lands

controlled by the Spanish and Portuguese were called colonies. § Encomienda System- a labor system in which the Native Americans were forced

to work on Spanish farming plantations (growing sugar) and in Spanish mines (getting gold and silver). Spanish landowners had total control over the Native Americans.

§ Millions of Native Americans died due to the diseases (such as smallpox) brought over by the Europeans.

• Africa o Europeans took slaves from Africa to the Americas to work on farming plantations. o The voyage of slaves from Africa to the Americas was called the Middle Passage.

• Mercantilism� o Mercantilism is the idea that colonies exist only to make the Mother Country (i.e.- Spain

and Portugal) wealthy. � o Spain and Portugal tightly controlled trade with their colonies in the Americas in order

to make money. Europeans would take raw materials (like cotton) from their American colonies and sell finished products (like clothing) back to the colonies.

• Triangular Trade - This was the trade route taken by Europeans in the Atlantic Ocean. Europeans traveled to Africa to get slaves, brought the slaves to their colonies in the Americas, and then returned to Europe with goods from the Americas.

• Columbian Exchange- This is the term used to describe the exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas and technology between the “Old World” (Europe) and the “New World” (North and South America) that took place as a result of exploration and colonization.

o Items sent from Europe to the Americas include: Wheat, sugar, bananas, horses, chickens and diseases (like smallpox and measles).

o Items sent from the Americas to Europe include: Maize (corn), potatoes, beans, squash, chili peppers, cocoa, and tobacco.

The Columbian Exchange is the ultimate example of cultural diffusion.

See more under Imperialism.

III. Commercial Revolution continued… (1500s-1600s)

The term Commercial Revolution refers to the new forms of business that were introduced during the Age of Exploration. These new forms of business included:

• Joint-stock companies- Investors would combine money to help pay for trading projects. • The expansion (growth) of banking.

• Capitalism- Form of business in which profits from one project are reinvested in other � projects in order to make more money. �


I. Important Travelers- 3 specific travelers are often discussed on the Regents:

o Marco Polo- Italian merchant who traveled to China (over the Silk Road) when it was ruled by the Mongols.

o Ibn Battuta- Arab/Muslim explorer who traveled a total of 75,000 miles and visited lands in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

o Zheng He- Chinese explorer of the Ming Dynasty who sailed the Indian and Pacific Oceans to lands that included Southeast Asia, India, the western coast of Africa.

o These three individuals are important for several reasons: � § They wrote extensively about their travels. These writings are valuable primary

sources that teach us about lands that they visited. § The contacts they made with other lands helped stimulate (increase) trade

between different regions of the world.


Columbian exchange



List the reasons for Spanish expansion in the Americas List the reasons why the Spanish were so successful in the Americas Social Structure of the Spanish Colonies: describe Peninsulares: Creoles

Mestizos Mulattoes Triangular Trade and Slavery

• What is triangular trade?

• What is the Middle passage?

• What were the causes of the slave trade? What were the effects of the slave trade?


I. The Age of Absolutism (1600s-1700s)

The Age of Absolutism was the period in European history when nations were governed (ruled) by absolute monarchs.

• The term “monarch” means “king.” Absolute monarchs were kings who had total control over the nations that they ruled.

• Key characteristics/features of absolute monarchs: o Absolute monarchs centralized political control- they did not share � power with

anyone else. o Absolute monarchs believed in Divine Right, which was the idea that kings received � their power to rule directly from God.

o Absolute monarchs believed that their power was unlimited. They made laws without � the consent (approval) of the people.

• Some important absolute monarchs include:

o Peter the Great- Russia. He also westernized Russia, which means that he imitated the customs and traditions of countries in Western Europe in order to strengthen his nation.

o Louis XIV- France o Philip II- Spain o Henry VIII- England o Suleiman the Magnificent- Ottoman Empire o Peter the Great, Louis XIV, and Suleiman the Magnificent helped expand (enlarge) the

territory of their nations by taking over neighboring lands. �


I. Scientific Revolution (1500s-1600s)

The Scientific Revolution was a sudden and dramatic change in how people viewed the world.

• During the Scientific Revolution, science and reason (logic) were used to explain how the world � worked. People no longer turned only to the Bible and the Catholic Church for answers.

• Key people of the Scientific Revolution: o Copernicus- Astronomer who developed the Heliocentric Theory- The idea that the

planets revolve around the sun. o Galileo Galilei- Astronomer who proved that Copernicus was correct. He was put on trial

by the Catholic Church because his ideas contradicted (went against) its teachings. o Sir Isaac Newton- Mathematician and astronomer who developed calculus and the

theory of gravity. o Johannes Kepler- Astronomer who helped discover how planets move. o Descartes- Mathematician, scientist, and philosopher.

• Key effects (results) of the Scientific Revolution:

o It resulted in the spread of new ideas throughout Europe. o It challenged the traditional authority (power) of the Catholic Church since European � scientists proved that many Church teachings were incorrect.

o The new ideas of this period directly led to the Enlightenment.

Key People and Terms • Scientific Revolution

• Scientific Method

• Heliocentric

• Enlightenment

• Natural law

In what ways was the Scientific Revolution a rejection of traditional authority?

Explain how each of the following changed traditional authority

• Copernicus

• Galileo

• Newton

• Descartes Science and the Enlightenment

• How did individuals seek to use the ideas of the Scientific Revolution in order to solve the problems of society?

II. Agrarian Revolution (1750s-1800s)

• In the mid-1700s, most people still lived in small villages- made their own clothes, tools, etc.… • New technology improved farming methods: dikes (a wall-like barrier to protect farmland from

the sea), fertilizer, the seed drill, etc.… • The Agrarian Revolution led to rapid (fast) population growth- better farming = more food =

healthier people = longer lives and more people • This is the precursor to (came before, and helped to cause) the Industrial Revolution.

II. The Enlightenment (1700s)

The Enlightenment was the period in European history when reason (logic) was used to understand and improve society. In fact, the Enlightenment is often called “The Age of Reason.”

• Key ideas of the Enlightenment: o Enlightenment philosophers believed that society could be improved by using reason � (logic) and natural law (universal rules that are always true).

o Enlightenment philosophers believed that governments receive their authority (power) � from the people (NOT from God).

o Enlightenment philosophers believed in democracy (a gov’t where the people have a say).

§ The Scientific Revolution and the � Enlightenment both encouraged the spread of new ideas and the use of reason.

• Key people of the Enlightenment: o John Locke- He believed that all people have natural rights (the right to life, liberty, and

property). He also said that people have the right to overthrow governments that fail to protect these rights.

o Baron de Montesquieu- In order to prevent kings from being too strong, he believed that power in government should be divided into three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) so that there is a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances.

o Voltaire- He believed that everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

o Rousseau- He believed that society is a social contract (an agreement in which all people agree to work for the common good of society).

• Key effects (results) of the Enlightenment:

o Since Enlightenment philosophers believed that people can overthrow unfair � governments, the Enlightenment helped cause political revolutions in France, Latin � America, and the United States

o Enlightened Despots- These were European kings and queens who believed in � Enlightenment ideas and ruled using Enlightenment principles (ideas).

• Thomas Hobbes

• John Locke

• Baron de Montesquieu

• Jean-Jacques Rousseau How did the ideas of the Enlightenment impact Europe? How did governments respond to the spread of Enlightenment ideas? What is an Enlightened Despot?

Give examples of how each ruler was considered an Enlightened Despot

• Maria Theresa (Austria)

• Joseph II (Austria

• Catherine the Great (Russia)


I. Introduction to Political Revolutions

A) The term “political” means “government.” A political revolution is an event in which the people of a country overthrow an existing government and create a new government.

II. The English Revolution/Glorious Revolution (1689)

The English Revolution (also called the Glorious Revolution) is the event in which the people of England successfully limited the power of their monarchs (kings).

• The English Revolution took place because people in England believed that the absolute monarchs of England were unfair and had too much power.

• • Key effects (results) of the English Revolution/Glorious Revolution:

o England’s government became a limited (or constitutional) monarchy- this is a form of � government in which the power of monarchs (kings) is limited (decreased) by written � laws.

o Below is a list of laws that each limited the power of the English king in some way: � § The Magna Carta- the first document that recognized individual rights and

limited the power of rulers § The Petition of Right § The English Bill of Rights- a set of acts passed by Parliament for the purpose of § Writ of Habeas Corpus- a person cannot be jailed without first being charged

with a crime

o As a result of these laws, English kings had to share power with � Parliament (the lawmaking body of the English government that represents the people).

III. The American Revolution (1776)

• In 1776, British colonists in America declared their independence from Great Britain. • Colonists were inspired by Enlightenment ideals and used many philosophies of

Enlightenment thinkers in the framework of their new government • The new nation was based on representative government and included a guarantee of rights

and freedoms for the people.

o Impact: § The American republic symbolized freedom and inspired revolutions in other

countries § The U.S. Constitution was the most liberal of its time

IV. The French Revolution and Napoleon (1789-1815)

• The French Revolution was the event in which the people of France overthrew their king (Louis XVI) and fought for more rights.

• Key causes of (reasons for) the French Revolution: o French society was divided into three estates (social classes). The people of the Third � Estate were mostly peasants. They were angry that they had very few rights and paid the � highest taxes (even though they had the least money).

o France was ruled by absolute monarchs. The French people believed that these kings � abused their power and denied (took away) the rights of the people.

o The ideas of the Enlightenment inspired the French people to overthrow their unfair � kings and to create a new government that protected their rights.

o France was in an economic crisis- kings spent too much money and put France in � debt.

• Key events of the French Revolution:

o Declaration of the Rights of Man- This was a document written during the French Revolution that gave equal rights to the men of France and created a fair system of taxation. It was modeled after the American Declaration of Independence.

o Reign of Terror- This was an event where the leaders of the French Revolution executed thousands of people that they believed were loyal to the king. The Jacobins were the radical (extreme) group leading this event and Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobins.

• Key effects (results) of the French Revolution: � o King Louis XVI of France was executed by Robespierre and the Jacobins. o The middle class of France gained more power and rights.

• Napoleon Bonaparte

o Napoleon Bonaparte was the ruler who came to power at the end of the French � Revolution. He gained prominence (importance) through many successful military campaigns and eventually participated in a coup d’état (overthrow) of the government.

o He expanded (enlarged) French territory by conquering neighboring lands in Europe. o He established a government-supervised public school system o By � doing so, he made French people feel a sense of nationalism (pride in their

country). § Napoleon’s empire begins to fall for two reasons: 1- many of his conquered lands

do not want to be part of a French Empire; they see France as oppressive and rise up to revolt. Secondly, Napoleon makes the mistake of trying to invade Russia in 1812. It is a mistake because He invaded Russia during the winter and the freezing climate (weather) of Russia killed thousands of his soldiers. Hitler later made the same mistake during WWII.

§ This is a more “modern” example of how geography impacted world events in a thematic essay

IV. The Latin American Revolutions (1800-1830)

While this topic fits here in the review because of political revolutions, to make the most sense of it please read the section on Imperialism first and then come back to this.

• The Latin American Revolutions were the events where the colonies of Latin America (Central America, South America, and the Caribbean) fought to gain independence (self-government) from Spain, Portugal, and France.

• Key causes of (reasons for) the Latin American Revolutions: o The governments of Latin America were controlled by Peninsulares (people born in

Spain � and Portugal) who treated the people of Latin America poorly. Creoles (Europeans born in Latin America), Mestizos (mixed Europeans/Native Americans), Native Americans, and African slaves demanded more rights.

o The ideas of the Enlightenment inspired the Latin Americans to fight for independence (self-government) and overthrow their unfair governments.

o The American Revolution and the French Revolution inspired Latin Americans to fight for independence (self-government) and overthrow their unfair governments.

Below is a list of leaders that helped gain independence (self-government) for the colonies of Latin America:

1. Simon Bolivar- “The Liberator”- led resistance movements against the Spanish in South America

2. Jose de San Martin- led revolutions against the Spanish in Argentina and Chile 3. Miguel Hidalgo- leader of the Mexican Revolution. 4. Toussaint L’Ouverture- self-educated former slave who led a revolt against the French on the

island if Haiti 5. NOTE: All of these men are considered nationalists since they loved their nations and wanted

to free them from European control. �

Connection to geography: After gaining independence, attempts were made to unify (combine) the different areas of Latin America in order to form one country. These attempts failed because Latin America has many natural boundaries (i.e.- Andes Mountains, Amazon Rainforest, etc.) that prevent communication between regions.

The American Revolution: • How did the political traditions of Great Britain influence the American Revolution?

• Describe some Enlightenment ideas that inspired the American Revolution and influenced the founders of the United States of America

• Why was the American Revolution an important turning point in global history?

The French Revolution: Describe each of the following causes of the French Revolution and label hem political, social or economic

• Absolute Monarchy:

• Social Inequality:

• Economic Injustices:

• Enlightenment: Latin American Independence Movements • Describe the effects of the American and French Revolutions on independence movements in

South America • How did each of the following leaders effect the Independence movements in their country? Toussaint L’Overture Simon Bolivar


I. The Industrial Revolution (1700s-1800s)

• The Industrial Revolution was the change from producing goods by hand to producing goods with machines in factories.

• The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain (England) because it had many natural resources (i.e.- coal, iron, tin, lead, waterways) that are necessary to produce and transport goods. In other words, Great Britain had favorable geography.

• By the mid-1800s it had moved beyond Great Britain

• Key effects (results) of the Industrial Revolution: o � Industrialization- Machines were used to produce goods in factories. � o Development of the factory system and mass production: bringing machines and

workers together in one place for efficient work and fast production. o Urbanization- The growth of cities. People came to urban (city) areas to get jobs in � factories. They needed to live near where they worked; cities grew. Many cities had severe pollution from the smoke that came out of factories and were overcrowded and dirty. Factories were first built by fast-moving streams for waterpower, before the use of coal.

o Bad working conditions- Workers in factories worked in dangerous conditions for long � hours and low pay. Young children were frequently hired and abused in these factories. Laws did not yet exist to protect workers’ rights.

o Formation of Labor Unions- Workers formed labor unions (organizations of workers) � that fought to improve the pay and working conditions of workers.

§ Legislation- Governments eventually passed laws to set minimum wage, end child labor, improve working conditions and shorten the work day

o Rise of big business o New class structure: industrialization added more depth and complexity to the middle

class which had only first emerged in the 1600s o Migration: people were more likely to move to a place with better work opportunities;

patterns of migration develop over time to and from certain industrial areas

• Laissez Faire Capitalism (Market Economy)- “Hands off” economic policy- this was the economic system that was used during � the Industrial Revolution (and that is still used in most of the world today). It was based on the following ideas:

o First proposed by Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations o Businesses and factories should be owned by individuals (NOT the government). o Business decisions should be made by Individuals (the government should NOT � interfere).

o Prices should be set by individuals (NOT the government) based on supply and demand. o Essentially it is the opposite of a mercantile system.

• Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

o These two men believed that laissez faire capitalism was bad. They argued that it allowed � greedy factory owners to exploit (take advantage) of poor factory workers. They wrote a book called the “Communist Manifesto” that said the following: �

§ All of history has been about class struggles (“Haves” vs. “Have-Nots”). § During the Industrial Revolution, wealthy and greedy factory owners � (Bourgeoisie) were taking advantage of the poor factory workers (the Proletariat) � to earn money. �

§ The Proletariat should rise up, overthrow the bourgeoisie in a violent revolution, � and eliminate laissez faire capitalism. �

§ The Proletariat could then create a new kind of society where work and wealth � was shared equally be everyone (and where social classes no longer existed).

§ The ideas of Marx and Engels eventually became the foundation (basis) of � Communism. Countries that became Communist (like the Soviet Union and China) were inspired by the writings of Marx and Engels. �

Key People and Terms: • Agrarian Revolution

• Enclosure

• Industrial Revolution

• Factory

• Laissez-faire

• Adam Smith

• Thomas Malthus

• Socialism

• Karl Marx

• Suffrage The Agrarian Revolution

• In 1750, how did most people live?

• How did each of the following help cause the Industrial Revolution? o Agrarian Revolution

o Enclosure

o Population Explosion

o Energy Revolution

o Geography

o Capital Factory System and Mass Production

• Before the Industrial Revolution, where was the primary location for industry?

• Why were the first factories created?

• How were the new machines powered?

• What is mass production? Effects of the Industrial Revolution:

• Describe Laissez-faire economics

• Why do you think that this was a popular philosophy amongst the manufacturing class?

• How are corporations created

• What led to their creation? How did the Industrial revolution change the following classes?

• Upper

• Middle

• Lower

What is urbanization? How did the Industrial Revolution lead to urbanization? Describe the working conditions of a 19th century factory How did the Industrial Revolution change the following Social Roles?

• The workplace

• Role of women

• Family life How did the Industrial Revolution improve transportation?

• Social Darwinism: o Define

o How was this philosophy applicable to the business world?

• Socialism o Define

o What happens to private property under socialism?

Reform Legislation: Governments began to play a greater role in protecting people from some of the excesses of Industrialism: List the laws that did the following:

• Increased people’s right to vote (Suffrage)

• Rights for workers

• Improving education for all Global Impact of Industrialization:

• How did the Industrial Revolution effect the migration of people throughout the world?

• How did British policy contribute to mass starvation in Ireland?

• How did Industrialism lead to a global marketplace? Write a paragraph that supports this thesis statement: The Industrial Revolution changed the political, social and economic systems of the world.


I. Introduction to Nationalism

• Nationalism is a feeling of love, loyalty, and devotion to one’s country. Someone who feels this love, loyalty, and devotion is known as a nationalist.

• Nationalism usually develops in areas where people share a common language, culture, and history.

II. Unification of Italy and Germany (1870-1871)

• Up until 1870, both Italy and Germany were NOT yet countries. Instead, they were areas that were divided up into many different states, each with its own government.

• Due to feelings of nationalism, the Italian-speaking people of Italy wanted to combine their separate states to form one united nation with one government. Similarly, the German-speaking people of Germany wanted to combine their separate states to form one united nation with one government.

• Unification of Italy- Italy successfully combined its separate states to form one united nation in 1870. This was achieved due to the efforts of 3 devoted nationalists: �

o Giuseppe Garibaldi� o Giuseppe Mazzini� o Count Camillo di Cavour

• Unification of Germany- Germany successfully combined its separate states to form one united nation in 1871 due to the efforts of one man:

o Otto von Bismarck (1862)- Chancellor of Prussia. He used a “blood and iron” policy- warfare to force together German-speaking states under one leader, the King of Prussia. Fought 3 wars in 7 years and ultimately united Germany.

III. Nationalism in Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

• Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were both large empires that ruled over many diverse (different) ethnic groups.

• Due to feelings of nationalism, the ethnic minorities of these lands wanted to gain independence (self-government) and form their own nations.

• Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were eventually broken up due to nationalist movements by these different ethnic groups.

IV. Nationalism in Ireland

In 1801, Great Britain (England) took over Ireland.

• Potato Famine o 1845-1850- About 1 million Irish people died of famine (starvation) when the potato

crop failed to grow. o Over 1 million Irish people migrated (moved) to the United States to escape the famine

and find more opportunities. It was also largely blamed on the British, who forced over-farming of the land and exported most crops out of Ireland, leaving only the potato for the Irish to rely on

• Nationalism o Due to feelings of nationalism, many people in Ireland did not want to be ruled by Great � Britain. They wanted independence (self-government).

o 1921- Southern Ireland (mostly Catholic) gained independence from Great Britain. � Northern Ireland (mostly Protestant) remained part of Great Britain. �


I. Introduction to Imperialism

Imperialism (also called colonization) is when a strong country conquers and takes over a weaker country. The area that is taken over is known as a colony.

• During the 19th century (1800s), many European nations (also called Western nations) such as Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy took over lands throughout Africa and Asia.

• Causes of (reasons for) imperialism- The European nations imperialized/colonized lands in Africa and Asia for several important reasons:

o Europeans wanted raw materials/natural resources (like coal, tin, iron) in order to make goods in their factories. Colonies were essentially a place to harvest these materials

o Europeans needed new markets, more land to settle their growing populations and places to establish military bases around the world

o “White Man’s Burden”- This was a racist poem by Rudyard Kipling that encouraged Europeans to civilize (help improve) the people that they took over by teaching them European customs and religious beliefs (like Christianity). The poem referred to the people of Asia and Africa as “half devil” and “half child.”

o Social Darwinism- This was the idea that it was natural for strong countries (like the European nations) to take over weaker countries (like nations in Africa and Asia).

§ Comes from Charles Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest” in nature- it is natural for the fittest nations (strongest, wealthiest) to survive by dominating weaker nations.

II. Imperialism in India, China, and Africa (1800s-1914)

• Effects (results) of imperialism- The Europeans generally had a very negative impact on the regions that they colonized (took over) in India, China, and Africa:

o “Scramble for Africa”- Over 90% of Africa was taken over by European countries that

scrambled (raced) to take over the continent. § European leaders met to discuss dividing up Africa and had very little regard

(concern for) the African people. Existing social and political boundaries were abolished for new European boundaries, which caused conflict among the African people.

o China- After the British began smuggling opium (an addictive drug) into China, the Chinese fought back in the famous Opium Wars. After being quickly defeated, China was carved up into spheres of influence (areas where trade was controlled exclusively (solely) by different European nations).

§ Taiping Rebellion (1850-64): Chinese peasants revolted against the corrupt Qing officials. It lead to millions of Chinese deaths and weakened China.

§ Boxer Rebellion (1900)- Rebellion in which China tried (but failed) to gain independence from the various European (Western) nations that controlled them.

§ Sun Yat-Sen/Sun Yixian: a reformer who led the movement to replace the Qing Dynasty. His goals: end foreign domination in China, form a representative government and create economic security in China. He successfully ended dynasties and became the president of the Chinese Republic in 1911.

o India- India was taken over by Great Britain (England) and ruled for almost 200 years.

§ Great Britain established the British East India Company to secure trading rights in the early 1600s; by the 1800s it controlled over three-fifths of India

§ Sepoy Mutiny/Sepoy Rebellion- Sepoys = Indian soldiers. Fought against British rule when they were forced to follow British rules that were against their religious beliefs. India tried (but failed) to gain independence from Great Britain (England).

o Affects of Imperialism: positive, negative, long term and short term

§ Local people came under foreign rule and dependent on industrialized nations § Most groups resisted foreign control § Western culture spread to new areas § Traditional political units were destroyed (especially in tribal Africa) § Transportation, medicine and education improved around the world § Many countries became dependent on single cash crops for survival § Competition for colonies caused conflict among powerful nations

Causes of Imperialism: How did each of the following lead to the new Imperialism?

• Nationalism

• Social Darwinism

• Military Motives

• Economic motives

• Science

• The “White Man’s Burden” • What was the Sepoy Rebellion? • How is this a turning point in Indian-British relations?

The Scramble for Africa • Why did Europeans meet in Berlin in 1884?

• Southern Africa o What African tribe controlled S. Africa before Europeans arrived?

o Who were the Boers?

o What was the outcome of the Boer War?

Imperialism in China

• Why was the Opium War fought?

• What were the terms of the Treaty of Nanjing?

• What are Spheres of Influence?

• Describe each of the following responses to European Imperialism in China o The Taiping Rebellion

o The Boxer Rebellion

o Sun Yet-sen and the Chinese Revolution Effects on the Colonies Short Term: Some effects were immediate Long Term: Other effects took longer

Effects on Europe and the World: How the West changed because of Imperialism Write a paragraph in which you support this thesis statement: Imperialism had both a positive and negative effect on those who were ruled and those who did the ruling: III. Imperialism in Japan

From 1600-1854, Japan was largely isolated (secluded) and wanted little contact with the rest of the world.

• 1854- Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States sailed into Japan in order to open up the � country to trade. We wanted to do business with Japan. This ended a 200-year period of isolation.

• Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) o � This is the period in Japanese history when Japan was ruled by Emperor Meiji.

During this period, Japan began a rapid (fast) period of modernization and � westernization.

§ Modernization- Japan industrialized (built factories, machines, roads, communications).

§ Westernization- Japan adopted the customs and techniques of Western countries (i.e.- � Europe and the United States). Japan changed its government, military, education � system, and technology to make it more like those of Europe and the United States.

§ In order to protect itself against colonization from Western nations, and in order to compete against them, the Japanese government developed a banking system, a postal system, built many roads, railroads and factories, and improved education. The population grew, and many people migrated (moved) to cities in search of jobs.

§ As result of the changes made during the Meiji Period, Japan became a powerful and � modern industrial country. Instead of being taken over by Europeans or the United States (the way India, China, and Africa were), Japan actually started to take over (imperialize) other countries.

§ Japan built a strong, modern army and navy and required military service of all men. This ended the days of the samurai being the warriors of Japan.

• Japanese Imperialism o Now that Japan had factories, it needed natural resources/raw materials (like coal, tin, � iron, and lead) to make products.

o Since Japan had very few natural resources of its own, Japan took over Korea and part of � China to gain these resources. � They also defeated Russian troops in Manchuria- this was the first time in history that an Asian nation defeated a European nation

Prior to 1853, why was Japan isolated from the rest of the world? Describe how Japan was finally opened for world trade What was the Treaty of Kanagawa? What impact did it have on Japan? 1) 2) 3) How did Japan seek to overcome it lack of natural resources?


I. World War I (1914-1918)

World War I was a global military conflict that was fought mainly in Europe. �

• Causes of (reasons for) World War I- the war took place for several important reasons. You can remember the causes by just thinking of the acronym “MANIA”:

o Militarism- Countries in Europe (especially Germany and Britain) built up their armies � and their supply of weapons in the late 1800s.

o Alliances- Countries in Europe divided themselves into two military alliances (the Triple � Alliance and Triple Entente) in order to prepare for war. This alliance system increased � tension in Europe. The purpose of an alliance is to help protect one another.

o Nationalism- A sense of pride and loyalty to one’s nation; ethnic groups in the Balkans (Southeastern Europe) wanted to gain � independence (self-government) from Austria-Hungary and they were willing to fight for it

o Imperialism- Countries in Europe competed with each other to take over lands in Africa, � Asia, and the Balkans (Southeastern Europe). This competition increased tension

o Assassination- The assassination (killing) of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, was the official “spark” that ignited WWI. He was killed by Slavic nationalists in the Balkans. It is the immediate cause of the war.

• Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

• Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, and Russia (later joined by Italy and the U.S.)

• Total war: all of a nation’s resources go to warfare. It is fought at home and on a battle field

• Propaganda: spreading ideas to promote a cause or opinion; often exaggerated

• New technology for war: Automatic machine gun, tanks, submarines (U-boats), airplanes equipped with machine guns, poison gas, gas masks

• Trench warfare: a style of combat (fighting) where troops dug trenches, like ditches, along the front for cover and protection during battle. Very little ground was gained; it was labor intensive and many soldiers were killed. Trenches were often filled with rats, lice and disease.

• Treaty of Versailles- This was the Treaty that ended World War I. o Key idea: Germany is severely punished for WWI:

§ Germany was forced to accept blame (guilt) for causing World War I. § Germany was forced to pay 30 billion dollars in war reparations (money for

damages � caused during the war). § Germany had to reduce (decrease) the size of its military. § Germany was forced to give up some of its lands. § The Treaty of Versailles was so harsh on Germany that it eventually helped bring � Hitler (and the Nazis) to power and it helped cause World War II.

§ The Treaty formed The League of Nations, an organization of more than 40 countries who promised to work cooperatively to solve problems and avoid war. Although it was Woodrow Wilson’s idea, the U.S. never joined.

• Key effects (results) of World War I:

o In order to provide the people of Eastern Europe with self-determination (the right of ethnic groups to create their own governments), Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were broken apart and much of the land was used to create new nations in Eastern Europe (such as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia).

o Armenian Massacre - During World War I, the Turks of the Ottoman Empire attempted to kill all of the Armenians that lived in their territory.

§ NOTE: This event is an example of genocide- the attempted extermination of an entire ethnic group. Genocide is considered to be the ultimate violation of human rights.

o Women in Europe eventually gained suffrage (the right to vote) since they had helped out during World War I by working in factories.

Key Terms. Describe: 1. Militarism 2. Bosnia

3. Total War

4. Propaganda

5. Trench Warfare

6. Neutral

7. Armistice

8. Reparations

Using the list below, describe how each concept helped cause World War I:

1. Militarism 2. Alliances 3. Nationalism 4. Imperialism

What was the Balkan crisis and how did it lead to the start of World War I? Who were the Central Powers? Who were the Allied Powers?

Name two new war technologies and describe how it changed warfare? 1. 2. Why did the United States enter World War I and why is the entry of the United States a turning point? Describe 3 major effects the war had from a human and economic perspective: 1. 2. 3.


I. Reasons for revolts in Russia:

• Czarist rule was harsh; as western ideas came into Russia, so did the idea of reforming government and giving people a bigger voice

• Peasants were growing tired of the inequalities that existed between them and the upper class • 1905: Peaceful protesters calling for reforms after Russia’s defeat in the Russo-Japanese War

(1904) were shot down by the czar’s troops. It became known as “Bloody Sunday”, sparking strikes and revolts across the country. Czar Nicholas promised to make some changes, but he did little to relieve the concerns of the people.

• 1917: Food shortages, military defeats of WWI and a housing crisis sparked another revolt. Soldiers sympathized with (related to) the protestors and refused to fire on them. As a result, Czar Nicholas II had no control over his troops or country. In March of 1917 he abdicated (gave up) his throne and a provisional (temporary) government was set up. However, they were slow to bring about any real change, and people continued to grow tired.

The Russian Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) of 1917

The Russian Revolution was an event where the people of Russia overthrew their Czar (king) and created a new government.

• The new provisional (temporary) government established soviets, or councils of workers and soldiers, in Russian cities.

• Bolsheviks: � o The radical (extreme) group that was leading the Russian Revolution- The Socialist

Party. � o The leader of the Bolsheviks was a man named Vladimir Lenin. � o Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained the support of the Russian people by promising to

provide them with “Peace, Land, and Bread.” This slogan meant that they would take

Russia out of WWI, give land to peasants, and feed everyone. Lenin eventually became the leader of Communist Russia

• Effects (results) of the Russian/Bolshevik Revolution: o Czar Nicholas II was executed. � o Lenin and the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. o Russia became a Communist nation.

Key Terms. Describe: 1. Soviet 2. Bolshevik

3. New Economic Policy

4. Totalitarian State

5. Command Economy

6. Five – year plan

7. Collective

Describe how each of the factors listed below is considered a long-term cause of the Revolution:

1. Czarist Rule 2. Peasant unrest 3. Problems of Urban Workers 4. Diversity & Nationalism

Describe the events of the Revolution of 1905? Who was Vladimir Lenin and describe his role in the Russian Revolution?

For each policy listed, describe how Lenin ruled Russia: Withdrawal from World War I

Russia’s Civil War

One – Party Government

New Economic Policy

The Soviet Union

Who was Joseph Stalin and what type of government did he establish in Russia? Describe five specific ways in which Stalin failed to respect the human rights of Russians and minority national groups in the Soviet Union: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe Stalin’s economic system for each policy listed below:

1. Industrialization 2. Collectivization 3. Forced Famine

What were two goals or practices that Lenin and Stalin held in common? 1. 2. How did Stalin’s chief goal differ from Lenin’s?


I. Nationalism Between World Wars (1919-1939)

Remember: nationalism = a sense of pride in and loyalty to one’s country

• Turkey o After World War I, the Ottoman Empire was broken apart. All that remained of

Ottoman � land was the country of Turkey. o Kemal Ataturk- He was the first president of Turkey. He is considered a nationalist � because he made many changes in order to strengthen Turkey:

§ Westernization- He imitated the customs and traditions of European countries (for example, people in Turkey were required to dress like Europeans).

§ Democracy- He helped establish democracy in Turkey by giving people a voice in government (even women were given the right to vote).

§ Many Muslims resented (disliked) Kemal Ataturk since he eliminated Islamic laws and created secular (non-religious) laws.

• Zionism o Zionism is the name for the nationalist movement of Jews. o Since Jews did not yet have their own country, the goal of Zionists after World War I

was � to create an official nation for Jews in the Holy Land (a region of the Middle East that � includes the sacred city of Jerusalem).

o Jews and Palestinians (Arab Muslims) were fighting for the same territory. o Allied Powers had pledged the Holy Land to Palestinians and Jews, so it was a

complicated and tense issue

• India o By the time World War I ended in 1919, India had been a colony of Great Britain � (England) for almost 200 years. After World War I, India began to increase its demands � for independence (self-government).

o Mohandas Gandhi § He is the famous nationalist leader of India who fought for independence from

Britain using only non-violent methods (also called civil disobedience or passive resistance). Examples: protests, boycotts (to not buy), peaceful demonstrations

§ Salt March- Famous event where Gandhi protested British taxes on salt by leading a peaceful march to the sea to make his own salt.

• China o After Sun Yat-sen’s death, a new leader named Chiang Kai-shek took over. His

government, the Kuomintang, supported the businessmen and middle class and largely ignored the peasants. As a result, many peasants were drawn to Mao Zedong, leader of the Communist Party.


I. Introduction to Totalitarian Dictatorships

Totalitarian dictatorships are governments where one ruler has complete control over ALL aspects of life within a country. They control the political, social, and economic features of a nation.

• After World War I, totalitarian dictatorships were established in 3 countries under 3 men: o The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. � o Italy under Benito Mussolini.� o Germany under Adolf Hitler.

• All 3 totalitarian dictatorships had a number of characteristics (traits) in common:

o Censorship- they ended freedom of speech in their countries. The governments strictly � controlled the media (i.e.- newspapers, radio, and television) of their nation.

o One political party- only the political party of the dictators was allowed to exist. Stalin’s � political party was called the Communists. Mussolini’s political party was called the � Fascists. Hitler’s political party was called the Nazis.

o People were expected to put the needs of the state (their country) before their own needs.

o They eliminated opposition (people against them) by using a secret police force. o They used propaganda- Messages that were meant to influence the way people thought

o Both Hitler and Mussolini were able to come to power because Germany and Italy were facing severe economic problems such as inflation (rising prices) and unemployment (many people had no jobs). The people of Germany and Italy believed that Hitler and Mussolini could solve these problems

II. Totalitarianism under Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was the totalitarian dictator of the Soviet Union (Russia) after Lenin’s death:

• He established a Command (or Communist) economy- an economic system where the government (instead of individuals) owns businesses, makes business decisions, and sets prices. (“The commander ‘commands’ the economy”- a little memory trick to remember)

o Ruled with violence, terror and brutality o The Great Purge: accused thousands of people of crimes against the government;

people were executed, exiled or jailed o Russification: forced nationalism by promoting Russian literature, language and culture

• Five-Year Plans- Stalin tried to modernize (update) the industry (factories) and agriculture

(farms) of the Soviet Union by setting economic goals every five years. • Collectivization- Stalin took over the individual farms that people owned and forced people to

live on large government farms (called collective farms) that were owned by the government.

o Stalin took away food from the people of the Ukraine (an area of the Soviet Union) when they resisted (fought against) his program of collectivization. Millions of peasants in the Ukraine died of forced starvation. �

III. Benito Mussolini of Italy

Fascism is the rule of a people by a dictatorial government that is nationalistic and imperialistic. Fascists are anti-communist.

• Fascist Party: o Gained support of veterans and other unhappy Italians o Promised more jobs and land, and to outlaw rebellion and communism o In actuality:

§ Used violence and terror to control people § Forced extreme nationalism on Italians § Ended free elections, prohibited freedom of speech

IV. Adolf Hitler of Germany

• Germany was in chaos after WWI. The new democratic government, The Weimar Republic, was blamed for accepting the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.

• Hitler promised to fix Germany’s problems with the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party).

o Hitler’s Germany was called the Third Reich- totalitarian o Ended civil rights, used force and violence to silence enemies, took control of most

businesses and rebuilt the German military (against the Treaty of Versailles) o Used Jews as a scapegoat for Germany’s problems and, through propaganda, spread

severe anti-Semitic policies and ideas

Describe how each caused the worldwide economic depression: Less Demand for Raw Materials

Overproduction of Manufactured Goods

The Stock Market Crash

How did war and economic depression lead to the rise of fascism?

Describe how each of the individuals listed below used fascism to gain control and rule their nations:

1. Benito Mussolini 2. Adolf Hitler

What economic problems led to the rise of militarism in Japan?


I. Introduction to World War II (1939-1945)

World War II was the second major global conflict of the twentieth century. It was fought mainly in Europe and on the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

II. Events leading up to World War II

• Japanese Aggression: o Japan militarized (built up their military) in the 1930s: people were unhappy with the

loss of cultural traditions and foreign markers, rising unemployment and poverty. Their sense of nationalism grew and they demanded an expansion of the Japanese Empire

o Japan took over Korea, Manchuria (northeastern China), and much of Southeast Asia in � order to gain natural resources/raw materials (like coal and iron). Shortly after, they withdrew from the League of Nations

o Rape of Nanjing- Brutal event in which the Japanese raped and killed Chinese civilians � (non-soldiers) in the city of Nanjing. It was a major human rights violation.

• Italian Aggression: o Benito Mussolini of Italy invaded and took over Ethiopia (country in Africa). o The League of Nations decided to stop selling arms (weapons) to Italy, but not all

countries held up their end of the deal.

• German Aggression o Adolf Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles in a number of ways:

§ Built up the German military and drafted soldiers into the army. § Placed soldiers in the Rhineland (an area between Germany and France). § Took over the neighboring country of Austria. § Took over an area of the neighboring country of Czechoslovakia called The

Sudetenland because it had a large German population

** World War II took place mainly because very little was done early on to stop Hitler, Mussolini, or Japan. For example:

• The League of Nations was an international organization created after World War I in order to prevent war. It failed to stop Hitler, Mussolini, or Japan from being aggressive.

• Appeasement:

o This is a policy where an aggressive nation is given what they want by other nations in order to avoid war. At the Munich Conference in Germany, Great Britain appeased Hitler by giving him control over Czechoslovakia. This led Hitler to demand even more land.

• World War II started when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Three days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany

III. Key Events and Turning Points of World War II

Axis Powers = Germany, Italy and Japan. Allied Powers = France and Great Britain (and later, the Soviet Union, China and the United States)

• Invasion of Poland o This event started WWII. Poland was quickly defeated by Germany because Poland

lacks natural boundaries (i.e.- it has very flat plains that were easy to conquer).

• Pearl Harbor- December 7, 1941 (Hawaii) o Japan launched a surprise attack against the United States, even though the US was

neutral. This event brought us into World War II.

• Battle of Stalingrad- 1942-43 o Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1942 o He failed to conquer Russia (the Soviet Union) at the Battle of Stalingrad because of

the harsh climate (severe winter) and large size of the nation. The same was true of Napoleon Bonaparte 130 years earlier. Geography has always been Russia’s best defense.

• Normandy: D-Day Invasion o This was the beginning of the final Allied push against Germany. o Allied forces invaded France on June 6, 1944 and broke through the German defenses

on the beaches of Normandy. They then marched into Paris and freed the city, heading next toward Germany

o It led to the eventual surrender of Germany on May 7, 1945, effectively ending the war in Europe.

• Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki o This was the final event of World War II- The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan,

first on the city of Hiroshima and next on Nagasaki. A combined 110,000 people were killed. Japan surrendered soon after.

• The Holocaust o This was the event during World War II in which Hitler and the Nazis tried to kill all

Jews in Europe as a way to create a “superior race” of Germans. 6 million Jews and 6 million non-Jews were killed during this event.

§ Jews were shipped to concentration camps (also known as death camps) where they were starved, shot and gassed to death.

§ The Holocaust is an example of genocide- the attempt to exterminate (kill off) an entire group of people. All genocides are considered human rights violations.

IV. Effects (Results) of World War II

• More than 75 million people died; 22 million in the Soviet Union alone • Many major cities as well as the countryside in cities across Europe and Asia were completely

destroyed • Germany and Japan are occupied by Western nations in order to prevent continued war and to

build democratic governments • Formation of the United Nations

o The United Nations is the organization that was created after World War II in order to � solve international problems (like poverty and disease) and prevent future wars.

o 191 nations (almost the entire world) currently belong to the United Nations. o The United Nations is made of 6 main bodies. 4 of them are: �

§ The Security Council- Keeps peace between nations. § International Court of Justice- Settles disputes between countries. � § General Assembly- Votes on key policies of the United Nations. � § Secretariat- Responsible for day-to-day administration of the United Nations.

o Declaration of Human Rights § This was a document created by the United Nations that lists the rights that ALL

people should have within their nations. This includes the right to freedom of speech, the right to life, and the right to participate in government.

• Nuremberg Trials o This is the court case where the surviving Nazis who helped Hitler carry out the � Holocaust were put on trial.

o 19 Nazi leaders were executed or sentenced to imprisonment as a result of “crimes against � humanity” (i.e.- genocide).

o The Nuremberg Trials are important because they demonstrated that individuals � in government could be held accountable (responsible) for their actions. �

Key Terms. Describe: 1. Appeasement 2. Pearl Harbor 3. Blitz

4. Genocide

5. Concentration camp

How did each event help cause World War II: Japan Invades China

Italy Attacks Ethiopia

German Aggression in Europe


Describe the two sides when World War II began: 1. 2. Describe the importance of each of the following turning points of the war:

1. Entry of the United States 2. Battle of Stalingrad (1942 – 1943)

3. Invasion of Italy (1943)

4. Invasion of Normandy (D-Day, 1944) Describe how each event listed below contributed to the end of World War II:

1. Yalta Conference 2. Victory in the Pacific 3. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

How did civilians contribute to the war effort?

What was the Holocaust? Describe how Hitler and Nazi treatment of Jewish people became increasingly more atrocious as World War II progressed? Describe each of the following impacts of World War II: Human Losses

Economic Losses

War Crime Trials

Occupied Nations

The United Nations

Literature & the Arts


I. The Cold War (1945-1991)

The Cold War was a 50-year struggle between the United States (a democratic nation) and the Soviet Union (a communist nation) after World War II. It is called a “cold” war because the United States and the Soviet Union never directly fought each other.

• Key events and characteristics/features of the Cold War:

o After World War II, the U.S. and Great Britain helped to restore or build democracy in many Western European nations. However, the Soviet Union took over the small nations of Eastern Europe and � turned them into communist satellites (nations dominated by the Soviet Union).

o “Iron Curtain”- This was a term used by Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister) to describe the imaginary line � dividing the democratic countries of Western Europe from the communist countries of � Eastern Europe.

o Containment- the U.S. policy intended to stop (contain) the spread of communism. Two examples of containment were:

§ Truman Doctrine- The United States gave $400 million in economic and military � aid to Greece and Turkey to help them defeat communist groups within their � countries.

§ Marshall Plan- The United States gave $13 billion to the countries of Western � Europe to help them rebuild after World War II.

The idea was that these nations would, in turn, “owe” the U.S. and choose democracy over communism. If they received what they needed, they wouldn’t turn to the Soviet Union for help.

o Crisis in Germany § After World War II, Germany was divided into 2 nations: West Germany became

a democratic nation. East Germany became a communist nation controlled by the Soviet Union.

§ Berlin Wall- Concrete wall built by the Communists around the city of West Berlin to prevent people in East Germany from fleeing to West Germany.

§ Berlin Airlift- Event in which the United States, Britain, and France flew in supplies to the people of West Berlin after Stalin set up a blockade.

o Military alliances § Both the United States and Soviet Union formed their own military alliances in

order to be prepared for a possible war: • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)- This was a military alliance

between the United States, Canada, and the democratic nations of Western Europe. The nations of this alliance agreed than an attack on one nation in the alliance was considered to be an attack on all of the nations of the alliance. (collective security)

• Warsaw Pact- This was a military alliance between the Soviet Union and the other Communist nations of Eastern Europe.

o Hungarian Revolution of 1956 § When Hungary (a communist satellite controlled by the Soviet Union) tried to

break away from Soviet control, the Soviet Union sent in the army and repressed (ended) the rebellion.

o Arms Race- The United States and Soviet Union competed to build up the largest supply of nuclear weapons. It was a period of intense panic and tension for 40 years.

o Space Race: The Soviet Union and the U.S. competed to be the first nation in space. Both nations achieved victories over the other along the way: The Soviets launched the first satellite (Sputnik), but the Americans land the first men on the moon

o Cuban Missile Crisis § Began when the United States discovered that the Soviet Union was building � missile bases in Cuba (a new Communist nation) and pointing nuclear missiles at � the United States.

§ The crisis ended when the Soviet Union agreed to remove the missiles. § This event is the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war between � countries.

o Additional Cold War conflicts: Korea and Vietnam (two nations in East Asia) were each � divided into 2 separate countries. One side of each country became communist and the other side became democratic. The Korean War and the Vietnam War were the result of this situation. Today, North Korea is still communist and South Korea is still

democratic. The 39th Parallel separates North Korea from South Korea. After the Vietnam War, all of Vietnam became one united communist nation. �


After 1945, developing nations formed either a market economy, a command economy or a mixed economy.

I. Economic Cooperation

• After World War II, various regions of the world started to create organizations that were designed to increase trade and promote economic prosperity (wealth). Two of these organizations include:

o European Union (E.U.)- This is an organization that now includes 27 countries in Europe. They have decreased tariffs (taxes) and now use a single form of currency (money) called “The Euro.”

o North American Free Trade Agreement (N.A.F.T.A.)- This is an organization that includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico. By decreasing tariffs (taxes), this organization has increased trade between the 3 main countries of North America.

o These 2 organizations are examples of economic cooperation and interdependence (countries working together and relying on each other).

II. Japan as an Economic Superpower

• Japan rebounded (bounced back from) its devastation after WWII because it exported (sent out) many goods to the rest of the world. When a nation exports more than it imports (brings in), it is known as a favorable balance of trade.

o In addition, Japan had a very well educated and skilled work force, poured money into infrastructure and the economy and adapted to modern Western technology

o Japan quickly became an ally instead of an enemy

II. Oil Politics

• Oil (also called petroleum) is among the world’s most important natural resources. � • Most of the world’s oil is located in the Middle East. Oil is the main reason why the Middle

East has developed wealth and influence. �

• Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (O.P.E.C.) o This is an organization that was created by the main oil-producing countries of the

world. Together, the member countries of O.P.E.C. determine the price of oil as well as production levels (i.e.- the amount of oil available to other countries).

§ In 1973, OPEC nations halted exports of oil to countries that supported Israel (Egypt and Israel were at war). This included the United States. Oil prices skyrocketed.

31. COMMUNISM IN CHINA I. Communism in China (1949-Present)

In 1949, after 22 years of civil war (war within China), China became the second country in the world (after the Soviet Union) to adopt communism.

• Mao Zedong o He was the first Communist dictator of China- established The People’s Republic of

China (PRC) § He gained the support of peasants because he promised to provide them with

their own land once the Communists were brought to power. § The Long March: 1934- Mao and 100,000 followers fled the Kuomintang

government. They traveled 6,000 miles to northern China and set up a base. He gained control over the country in 1949 after Chinese civil war pushed Chiang Kai-shek out to Taiwan.

o Great Leap Forward- 1958 § This was the attempt by Mao to modernize (update) the industrial (factory) and

agricultural (farm) production of China. § Peasants in China were forced to move onto large government farms called

communes. Communes had production quotas to meet. § This program was very similar to the Five Year Plans and

Collectivization � that took place in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Both Mao and Stalin had a command (or communist) economy in which � the government owned businesses and farms and made all economic decisions.

o Cultural Revolution (1966)- This was a period in China where Mao used violent young Communist soldiers (known as Red Guards) to eliminate all of the opposition (enemies) that he had within China.

o The U.S. officially recognized the People’s Republic of China in 1979

• Deng Xiaoping o Mao Zedong died in 1976- Deng Xiaoping ruled China after Mao Zedong. � o He changed the economic policies of Mao Zedong but not the political policies:

§ Deng changed the economy of China from a command/communist economy (in which the government owns businesses) to a market/capitalist/free enterprise economy (in which individuals own businesses). This is the system that is largely used in China today.

§ Promoted foreign trade, introduced the Four Modernizations (farming, industry, science/technology, defense)

o Tiananmen Square Protests/Massacre (1989) § This was a series of protests where the Chinese peacefully demanded democratic

reforms (changes)- They wanted more rights and a say in government. § Deng Xiaoping called in the army to repress (end) the protests. Hundreds of

Chinese protesters were killed or arrested- many were young college students § This proved that China’s government was not willing to make democratic

changes- order was more important than personal rights

• Current issues in China o China controls the Buddhist region of Tibet. The people of Tibet want independence � (self-government).

o China denies its people human rights (such as freedom of speech and the right to vote). o Hong Kong, formerly under British rule, was returned to Chinese rule in 1997. China

has promised not to change Hong Kong’s social or economic system for 50 years and to allow the island some degree of self-rule.

o In order to prevent overpopulation (China has 1.3 billion people), the government of � China only allows each family to have one child. �


I. Intro to Decolonization

• Decolonization is the period after World War II in which the nations of Africa and Asia finally gained independence (self-government) from the European (Western) nations that controlled them.

II. Decolonization in India (1948)

• After World War II, India gained independence (self-government) from Great Britain. This was largely due to the efforts of Mohandas Gandhi

• India’s first prime minister = Jawaharal Nehru • In order to prevent conflict (war) between Hindus and Muslims, the region that was controlled

by Great Britain was divided into two separate countries: � o India- Nation created for the Hindus of the region. o Pakistan- Nation created for the Muslims of the region. o Creating two separate nations did not prevent conflict; Muslims fled India and Hindus

fled Pakistan, causing mass migrations and clashes at the boarders with a lot of violence. There is still ethnic tension between � Hindus and Muslims in the region. Kashmir is an area near India and Pakistan that both nations claim to control.

• India after independence: �

o India established a democratic government. � o India followed a policy of nonalignment (or neutrality) during the Cold War, which � means that it did not take sides. It remained neutral.

o Industrial growth continues to be difficult because of a lack of oil and natural gas o Rapid population growth has caused food shortages o Caste System- Although India’s constitution prevents discrimination against the lowest

social classes (or castes) in India, there continues to be discrimination in rural (farming) areas since tradition remains strong there. Discrimination against untouchables (the lowest class/caste) is especially severe.

III. Decolonization in Africa (1945-1980)

A movement known as Pan-Africanism helped to achieve African decolonization and independence- it emphasized unity of Africans all over the world.

• Between 1945 and 1980, the many nations of Africa finally gained independence (self- government) from the European (or Western) nations that controlled them.

• Independence was achieved largely due to the efforts of nationalist leaders who led movements to gain self-government. Two leaders that fought to gain independence from Great Britain (England) include:

o Jomo Kenyatta- Gained independence for Kenya. o Kwame Nkrumah- Gained independence for Ghana (formerly the Gold Coast).

• South Africa after independence: o After independence, white Europeans still controlled the government of South Africa.

They established the racist system known as apartheid- a separation of the races. § Apartheid was the system of racial segregation that was used in South Africa from

1948 until 1990. Black South Africans were required to use separate bathrooms, attend separate schools, carry identification passbooks, and even go to separate beaches.

o Nelson Mandela�

§ Black South African nationalist leader who fought against Apartheid. � § He was imprisoned for 27 years by the white South African government when the

African National Congress (ANC- the anti-apartheid political party) was outlawed in South Africa

§ Desmond Tutu, a bishop, helped to encourage foreign nations to limit trade with South Africa in order to hurt the nation economically and influence policy. �

§ Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa after apartheid � officially came to an end in 1990.

• Rwanda after independence: o During the 1990s, there was serious ethnic conflict between two groups in the African

nation of Rwanda: The Hutus and the Tutsis. o The Hutus slaughtered 800,000 Tutsis in only a few months. This was an example of

genocide (the attempt to exterminate a group of people) and it was a major human rights violation.

IV. Decolonization in Southeast Asia (Cambodia and Vietnam)

Between 1953 and 1954, Cambodia and Vietnam both gained independence (self-government) from France.

• Ho Chi Minh o Nationalist leader who led an 8-year war against France to gain independence for

Vietnam. After gaining independence: § Vietnam was divided into 2 countries: communist North Vietnam and democratic

South Vietnam § Ho Chi Minh, leader of communist North Vietnam, supported rebels called the

Vietcong who attempted to invade and overthrow the government in democratic South Vietnam.

§ The U.S. sent troops to help South Vietnam. Even with the help, though, the South Vietnamese couldn’t defeat the Vietcong. A growing anti-war sentiment (feeling) in the U.S. forced President Nixon to pull out troops in 1975 (more than 500,000 U.S. troops were in Vietnam).

§ In 1975, the capital city of South Vietnam (Saigon), fell to the Vietcong. o After the Vietnam War, all of Vietnam was reunited to form one communist nation. � Vietnam is still communist today.

• Cambodia after independence � o During the Vietnam war, the Vietcong used Cambodia as a supply route

§ The U.S. bombed Cambodia to destroy the route § Soon after, a communist group of guerillas known as the Khmer Rouge took

control of the government. They were led by Pol Pot. o Pol Pot �

§ He was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and ruler of Cambodia from 1976-1979. � § He was a brutal dictator who denied his people of human rights. � § Genocide- Pol Pot executed 2 million people within his nation (almost 20% of the � population) during a time known as the Killing Fields.


I. Creation of Israel

• After World War II, the UN divided Palestine (then under British rule) in order to make a Jewish state and an Arab state.

o Israel developed quickly and its population also grew rapidly

• Palestinians (Arab Muslims that live in the Holy Land) claim that they should have control over the region since they have lived there for hundreds of years.

• Between 1948 and 1973, 4 major wars were fought between Israel and the Arab nations of the Middle East. Israel won each war.

o The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) was formed and led by Yasir Arafat in the 1960s in order to terrorize and destroy Israel

o In 1987, young Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank began widespread acts of disobedience known as intifada, or “uprising”.

o Many attempts at peace have been made by other nations, including the Camp David Accords and the Oslo Peace Accords

• Palestinians are still fighting to gain control of the Holy Land and frequently use terrorism (i.e.- suicide bombings) to achieve their goals.

II. Islamic Fundamentalism

• Islamic Fundamentalism is the belief that governments should create societies that are based firmly on the rules of Islam and reject westernization. Two countries that have established such societies in recent decades are Iran and Afghanistan.

• Iranian Revolution (1979) o This event brought Ayatollah Khomeini (an Islamic religious leader) to power. o Iran is still a theocracy- a country that is ruled by religious leaders.

§ Results of the Iranian Revolution include: increased hostility toward western nations (especially the U.S.), limited rights for women, and a militant takeover of an American embassy in Tehran

• Taliban o The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001. o It created laws that were strictly based on Sharia (Islamic law). o In countries that are based on Islamic Fundamentalism, women have very few rights.

They cannot vote and are required to dress very conservatively (modestly) in public. • Other nations that have experienced Islamic fundamentalism, to varying degrees, include

Libya, Algeria and Turkey III. Saddam Hussein and Iraq

• Saddam Hussein- dictator of Iraq. Involved in several disputes during his leadership: o Iran-Iraq War (1980): Iraq took over borderlands between Iraq and Iran. Both sides

attacked oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and the U.S. had to send the Navy to protect ships

o Persian Gulf War (1990): Iraq invaded Kuwait and seized oil fields. Peace talks and trade embargoes failed; soon the U.S. And other nations went to war with Iraq and quickly defeated them. Hussein continued to be viewed as a threat to most western and Middle Eastern nations for many more years.


I. The Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union (1991)

Between 1989 and 1991, the Cold War ended and Communism disappeared from Europe.

• Détente: a period of lessening tensions toward the end of the cold war (1970s). Organized by Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev to begin ending the Cold War. It involved:

o Arms control talks and treaties o Cultural exchanges o Trade agreements

• Détente essentially ended in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in order to keep a communist government in power. This act showed the western world that the Soviet Union was still an aggressor.

• Mikhail Gorbachev- 1985 o Soviet leader who helped bring an end to Communism in the Soviet Union. Pulled

troops out of Afghanistan and reformed the government and economy: § Perestroika: a program in which Gorbachev changed the economy of the Soviet

Union from a communist/command economy (where the government owns and operates businesses) to a market/capitalist/free enterprise economy (where individuals own and operate businesses.

o Glasnost: meaning “openness”. This was a program in which Gorbachev allowed freedom of speech within the � Soviet Union. It was a major step towards democracy in the Soviet Union.

o With the ability to speak freely again, many Soviets voiced their nationalism to their home country (remember, the Soviet Union was a multinational state made up of countries other than Russia). One by one the soviet republics declared their independence and the Soviet Union collapsed.

• Boris Yeltsin� o He was the first democratically elected president in the history of Russia

II. The Collapse of Communism in Germany (1989)

• Throughout the Cold War, Germany had been divided into two nations: West Germany (a democratic country) and East Germany (a communist country controlled by the Soviet Union).

• 1989- The Berlin Wall (the symbol of the Cold War) was finally torn down. This symbolized the end of the Cold War and the end of Communism.

• 1990- West Germany and East Germany were reunited to form one democratic country o It was a welcomed reunification (bringing together), but not easy: West Germans had to

pay higher taxes to finance rebuilding East Germany and unemployment skyrocketed


I. Human Rights Violations

• Human rights are the basic rights that all human beings are supposed to have. Basic human rights include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to vote, and the right to live.

• Genocide- Genocide is an attempt to exterminate (kill off) a group of people. It is the ultimate violation of human rights. Examples include:

o Armenian Massacre- The Turks of the Ottoman Empire murdered about one million Armenians during World War I.

o Ukrainian Famine- Joseph Stalin (dictator of the Soviet Union) took away food from the people of the Ukraine, which resulted in the death of millions of people.

o Holocaust- Hitler and the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews during World War II. o Rwanda- The Hutus killed almost one million Tutsis in 1994. o Cambodia- Pol Pot was the ruler of Cambodia who killed 2 million people within his � nation.

o Yugoslavia- Slobodan Milosevic was the Serbian ruler of Yugoslavia who violently � attacked non-Serbs (especially Albanians) living in his lands.

• Women’s rights: Many developing nations have limited the rights of women to different degrees:

o In Japan, many women gained more rights but traditional cultural ideals have prevented them from moving up to higher level positions in the workforce

o In the Middle East, it varies greatly:

§ Israel- women have full equality in all parts of society

§ Turkey, Syria, Egypt: many women in urban areas gave up traditional practices

§ Iran: much more traditional

§ Saudi Arabia: women have the right to vote but not to get a driver’s license


I. Economic Systems

• An economic system is the way that a society produces, distributes, and uses goods and services. There are three main types of economic systems:

o Traditional Economy § A traditional economy is based on barter (trade without using money) and

subsistence � agriculture (farming in which the crops are used only to feed the farmer and his family).

§ People have the same occupation (job) as their parents (usually related to farming).

§ Economic decisions are often influenced by tradition and religious beliefs.

o Market Economy o Individuals (NOT the government) own businesses and make economic

decisions. o Individuals (NOT the government) determine the price of goods based on

supply and � demand. o The terms capitalism, laissez-faire, and free enterprise have the

same meaning � as market economy. Most of the world today (including the United States) uses a market economy.

• Command Economy�

§ The government (NOT individuals) own businesses and make economic decisions.

§ The government (NOT individuals) determines the price of goods. � § Communist countries like the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and

China � under Mao Zedong used a command economy. �


I. Ethnic Conflicts

• Currently, there are many areas of the world where there is tension between ethnic groups. Some examples include the following:

o Palestinians are fighting the Jews for more control over the Holy Land in the Middle East.

o Tibet is a Buddhist region that wants independence (self-government) from China. o Catholics and Protestants have fought for control of Northern Ireland. o Muslims in Pakistan and Hindus in India both claim control over the region called � Kashmir.

o Serbs, Croatians, and Muslims have battled for control over the Balkans (southeastern � Europe).

o The Kurds are a group of people who are scattered throughout areas of Turkey, Iraq, and � and Iran. They want to create their own nation called Kurdistan.

o Chechnya is a Muslim region that has used terrorism to gain independence (self- � government) from Russia.

II. Environmental Problems

Pollution = the contamination of the environment, including air, water and soil.

• Ozone Layer o Small layer of gases in the atmosphere that absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet rays and � protects us from skin cancer.

o Currently being destroyed by chemicals due to pollution. o Demonstrates a need for stricter pollution laws throughout the world.

• Acid Rain� o Rain falls through air polluted with fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). o Factories, cars and other sources release fossil fuels o Demonstrates a need for stricter pollution laws throughout the world.

• Deforestation o Elimination of rainforests in Brazil (Amazon Basin), Costa Rica, and the Congo (in � Central Africa).

• Desertification o Change from arable (fertile) land to desert. o Causes include deforestation and � overgrazing. o Especially a concern in the Sahel (region south of the Sahara Desert in Africa).

• Chernobyl� o Nuclear disaster in Ukraine (a republic of the Soviet Union) in 1986. o Thousands exposed to radiation/cancer.

• Greenhouse Effect� o Trapping of warm air in the atmosphere (leads to global warming). o Caused by chemicals (like carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. � o Could lead to flooding of coastal areas.

• Endangered species o The population of various species of animals being greatly reduced or eliminated by way

of land clearing, damming waterways, and pollution o If a species is lost, the balance of the eco-system could be severely damaged and

resources disappear o International agreements have been made to cooperate and protect endangered species

• Solutions o Kyoto Protocol (1997)- International agreement calling for a decrease in carbon dioxide � and other greenhouse gasses from the 1990 levels. All of the problems listed above demonstrate that international cooperation is � needed to improve the earth’s environment.

III. Science and Technology

• Green Revolution o The term Green Revolution refers to the use of technology to increase the food supply � (began in the 1960s).

o Methods included improved irrigation, machinery, fertilizer, pesticides, and better seeds � and livestock.

o The Green Revolution has helped increase food production and decrease hunger in areas � of Asia, Latin America, and Africa. The Green Revolution has been especially � successful in India (doubled food output)

• Nuclear Proliferation o Nuclear proliferation refers to the spread of nuclear technology to countries that do not

currently posses them. o Although nuclear technology can be used to develop energy (i.e.- electricity), the same

technology can also be used to create nuclear weapons. § North Korea (a communist nation) recently developed nuclear weapons and Iran

may be in the process of developing nuclear weapons o Nuclear waste is radioactive and has extreme long term dangers

• Medical Technology o Since 1945: people are living longer, infant mortality (death) is down and quality of life

is greater: § Antibiotics developed by scientists to treat diseases § Vaccines wiped out diseases such as smallpox and prevent the spread of others § Organ transplant procedures have improved to save lives § Lasers used for surgical procedures have made surgery safer

• The Space Age

o Space exploration began in the 1950s as part of the Cold War Space Race o Humans have walked on the moon and space probes have explored Mars and other

planets o Space satellites are used to map and forecast weather, navigate travel, monitor changes

in the environment and transmit rapid communication

• The Information Age o The Information Revolution: the rapid spread of information, which began in the 1950s

and increases with each passing year. o The development of the computer could be arguably the most significant invention of

the mid-1900s. o Social Media has changed human interaction, shopping, researching, gaming o Other technologies that spread information and communication include the cell phone,

e-readers, tablets, etc.…

Thematic Essay Review- Common Topics Belief Systems: Belief systems = religion. The established, orderly ways in which groups or individuals look at religious faith or philosophical tenets.

• Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Animism

Change Change means basic alterations in things, events or ideas. Throughout global history, major changes have had significant and lasting impacts on human development:

• Neolithic Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Chinese Communist Revolution, The Crusades, The Renaissance, The Enlightenment, The Scientific Revolution, The Reformation

Choice- Choice means the right or power to select from a range of alternatives. Typically, it is asked in the context of the choices that leaders make and how it impacts a group of people Conflict- Conflict is disagreement or opposition between ideas or groups; it can lead to an armed struggle.

• The Crusades, World War I, World War I, any war or battle Culture Culture is a way of life developed by a group of people. It is learned; you are not born with it. It includes ideas, beliefs, values, artifacts and ways of making a living, thinking, etc.…. It is passed down from generation to generation

• Typically, it is asked in the context of how culture affects a group of people, or how it compares to another culture. Think of the ancient and classical civilizations.

Turning Points- Turning points are times when decisive (major) changes occur. Turning points often have political, economic and social impacts:

• Fall of Constantinople, Voyages of Columbus, French Revolution, Collapse of Communism (Soviet Union), The American Revolution (from a European perspective), Latin American independence movements, Russian Revolution

Geography and the Environment How people use their surroundings:

• Early River Civilizations, Chinese influence on Japan, Industrialization (Great Britain), Industrial Revolution/Environmental impact, Ancient river valley civilizations, The Middle East as a crossroads, Desertification

Economic Systems All economic systems address the same three basic questions: What goods and services are to be produced, and how much? How shall these goods and services be produced? For whom shall these goods and services be produced?

• Traditional Economy, Mercantilism, Manor system, Capitalism/Market Economy, Marxist

Socialism (Command Economy), Laissez-faire economics, Imperialism Political Systems- A system of government that answers the questions: Who should have the power, and, what should the government have the power to do?

• Monarch, Feudalism, Democracy, Totalitarianism, Militarism, Communism, Fascism Apartheid:

Technology/Inventions: What technology/inventions have changed the world, and how?

• Early farming tools, the printing press, submarines, airplanes, the telephone, the computer, the internet
