Global Nav to Beta Requirements REALLY FINAL Version 2.1 4/25/2006 Author: Tom Cona



Global Nav to Beta Requirements REALLY FINAL Version 2.1 4/25/2006 Author: Tom Cona. Table of Contents Page Items Affecting All Internal Pages2 All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav 11 My Neighborhood Pages 31 TV Pages 33 News Pages35 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Global Nav to Beta RequirementsREALLY FINAL Version 2.1 4/25/2006

Author: Tom Cona

Table of Contents Page

Items Affecting All Internal Pages 2

All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav 11

My Neighborhood Pages 31

TV Pages 33

News Pages 35

All Internal Pages w/o Primary Nav 36

List of All Page Types 37

Seasonal Color Palette 42

Local Severe 43

Family Welcome Re-directs 44

Channel Welcome Pages’ Module label changes 45and Multiple ZIP box specs

Page that will Lose Secondary Nav 46

Document Amendment Record 47

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Items Affecting All Internal Pages: Links and the Hat general notes

LINKS Unless specified otherwise, Text Links will appear

o blue and underlined when the link appears on a light colored background (like the Hat) o onMouseOver, the underlined status of a Text Link will change (links will become non-underlined)

Video icon is a link that goes to the same destination as the text that corresponds to the graphic (e.g., the Video Clip or Video Category title) … there is no onMouseOver event for the Video icon

If user clicks on a Video Clip or Video Category title, then the Video Player appears in a separate

window, but the main browser window remains unchanged HugMe Icon and Temperature are links that go to the PIF for the corresponding Location THE HAT The Hat appears on all Internal pages except those that lack Primary and Secondary Nav (see P. 33) Modes

o The same components will be displayed for the various Mode combinations of Hugged, Customized, and Registered

See P. 5 for a table containing logic for how components appear for different Mode combinations

o The Hat will include HugMe promo OR data, as well as the Desktop promo o Beginning on P. 7, Hat images are shown for the various combinations of a user being

Hugged, Customized, and/or Registered. Sign In flow

o Before Signing in to Registered Products area, the label is “Sign In” which leads to a PopHat area that provides fields for User Name and Password, a Sign In button, and links to forgotPassword (goes to Forgot Password page), Help (goes to main Sign In page), and Close (makes PopHat invisible)

o After successful sign in to Registered Products area the Hat includes a PopHat area containing Registered Products the PopHat can be made invisible or visible by clicking Hide Products (when

visible) and the Show Products link (when not visible) the Sign In link is labeled “Sign Out”

o If errors occur during Sign In, we will navigate the user to the current Sign In page to present error messages

o See Sign In flow diagram on P. 6 Hat tracking strings are found on P. 4

(See P. 36)

• We will not indicate a link’s visited state

o the “Sign In” link has an ALT tag of “Sign In to Registered Products Area”, and the “Sign Out” link has an ALT tag of “Sign Out of Registered Products Area

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: the Hat general notes

The Desktop promotional labels "Weather on your desktop” and “Get this on your desktop" should be easily edit-able through a content management tool.

HugMe data in Hat must match that in PIF (if Location = HugMe Location) and that in PopHat … they

should follow the same cache and frequency business rules truncation rules:

o If First Name > 8 characters, then present first five characters followed by ellipses (“…”); for example:

• “Mary Ann” is shown as “Mary Ann” • “Elizabeth” is shown as “Eliza…”

o If Location Name > 20 characters, then present first seventeen characters followed by ellipses (“…”); for example: • “San Francisco123, CA” is shown as “San Francisco123, CA” • “San Francisco123456, CA” is shown as “San Francisco1234…”

[NOTE: it is undetermined whether HugMe or other Hat content might be removed from the Hat during Severe conditions.]

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: the Hat tracking strings

Link Label Tracking String

“Local Weather in 1-click” ?from=hugset&refer=hugset

“Get this on your desktop” ?from=dt_header&refer=dt_header

“Weather on your desktop” ?from=dt_nohug&refer=dt_nohug

“Customize” ?from=hat_customize&refer=hat_customize

“Sign In” ?from=hat_signin&refer=hat_signin

User’s First Name ?from=hat_name&refer=hat_name

HugMe icon and temperature ?from_hugme&refer=hugme

“My Wedding Weather” If not registered -- ?from=wed_hat&refer=wed_hat

If registered -- ?from=wed_hat

“My Profile” If not registered -- ?from=hat_myprofile&refer=hat_myprofile

If registered -- ?from=hat_myprofile

“ Gold” If not registered -- ?from=hat_gold&refer=hat_gold

If registered -- ?from=hat_gold

“Notify!” If not registered -- ?from=hat_notify&refer=hat_notify

If registered -- ?from=hat_notify

“My Page” If not registered -- ?from=hat_mp&refer=hat_mp

If registered -- ?from=hat_gotomp

“Forgot password?” ?from=hat_password&refer=hat_password

“Hide Products” ?from=hidePop&refer=hidePop

“Show Products” ?from=showPop&refer=showPop

[NOTE: we want action tracking included on PopHat, so that if the from strings do not work, we can use action tracking as an alternative. ]

Table of Tracking Strings for Hat and PopHat

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued : the Hat Modes’ logic

Portion of Hat or PopHat


lefthand portion of Hat IF we do NOT know First Name (due to Non-Registered user or Registration via URS 5.0), THEN "Welcome." ELSE "Welcome, First Name (links to My Profile)." END IF

center portion of Hat

IF user is Hugged, THEN show Hugged Location (links to PIF), Edit (links to change Hugged Location), and "Current Conditions' Temperature and Icon | Get this on your desktop" ELSE "Local weather in 1-click | Weather on your desktop" END IF

righthand portion of Hat

IF user is Customized, THEN "My Page" ELSE "Customize" END IF

links in PopHat

NEVER MORE THAN TWO PRODUCTS IN TOP ROW OF POPHAT IF user has one or two Products THEN show Product Name and "More…" link that links to the current site's Weather Tools page ELSE IF user has more than two and less than five Products, list the Products they have followed by a "More…" link AND IF user is Hugged AND user is signed up for My Weddings THEN show My Weddings in top row END IF AND IF user is Hugged AND user is signed up for My Page THEN show My Page in bottom row END IF AND IF user is Hugged AND user is signed up for Gold THEN show Gold in bottom row END IF ELSE show all five Products AND IF user is Hugged AND user is signed up for My Weddings THEN show My Weddings in top row END IF AND IF user is Hugged AND user is signed up for My Page THEN show My Page in bottom row END IF AND IF user is Hugged AND user is signed up for Gold THEN show Gold in bottom row END IF END IF AND IF user is Hugged, THEN show Hugged Location (links to PIF), Edit (links to change Hugged Location), and Current Conditions' Temperature and Icon followed by a vertical separator bar ELSE show nothing in this area END IF

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Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: the Hat’s Sign In flow

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no Cookies

Registered, not Hugged or Customized

Customized, not Hugged or Registered

Hugged, not Registered or Customized

Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: Hat screenshots

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Registered and Customized, but not Hugged

Hugged and Customized, but not Registered

Registered and Hugged, but not Customized

Hugged, Registered, and Customized

Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: Hat screenshots

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


After clicking Sign In

After successful Sign In … in this image, user is Registered for Weddings, My Profile, with a More… link to go to Weather Tools page for info on other products

Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: Hat screenshots

After successful Sign In … in first image, user is Registered for all products … in second, user is not Hugged and is registered for all products

PLEASE NOTE: in second image, Product Names should be aligned left (not aligned to horizontal center as shown in image)

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After clicking Hide Products in PopHat in order to make PopHat invisible … user clicks Show Products link in Hat to make PopHat visible again

Items Affecting All Internal Pages, continued: Hat screenshots

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Page Description: This type of page includes all pages on the site EXCEPT the Home Page and except any page that lacks the Primary Nav component. This latter page type includes all Registration pages (e.g., Register on, 1-click Access, My Profile, Customize, and various product registrations), Store, and Jobs (see P. 36).

Breadcrumbs: Please see P. 20

Tracking Strings: Certain internal page types will have distinct tracking strings for Global Nav, and the remaining internal pages will share a common tracking string. For the page components listed on the following page, tracking strings will follow this format: ?from=[component type]_[optional page type indicator]. Internal page types with distinct tracking strings are Channel Welcome, Channel Weather, and PIF/City pages (independent of Timeframe).

“In Season” tracking strings will be defined based on the particular items in that menu, and these strings should be unique when a particular Channel can be accessed from more than one Secondary Nav item. For example, In Season might include a link to Cold & Flu during the winter months, which can also be accessed via the Stay Healthy Primary Nav category. In such a case, the In Season tracking string for Cold & Flu’s Secondary Nav might be “?from= SeasCold_gn_welcome”, while the Stay Healthy string might be “?from=gn_welcome” … “In Season” tracking strings will be defined when each version of this dynamic menu is defined.

Maintenance of the In Season Secondary Nav items will not be done through an auto-publish, and we still need to identify who will maintain this list of items. Such maintenance will be defined in the Home Page to Beta project.

In Season could include links to any page on the site. In Season’s Secondary Nav will require content management software back end to define Presentation Name (of link), URL, order of items. This could be changed as often as daily.

The table on the next page defines tracking strings to distinguish between redundant access points.

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Page Component Channel Welcome Deep Vertical PIF or City All Other Internal Pages

[1] Site Logo ?from=gn_logo_welcome ?from=gn_logo_deep ?from=gn_logo_city ?from=gn_logo

[4] Six Links area ?from=gn_six_welcome ?from=gn_six_deep ?from=gn_six_city ?from=gn_six

[5] Hat see tracking strings for Hat Module on P. 4

[11] Secondary Nav’s In Season items

will vary w/in this format:


will vary w/in this format:


will vary w/in this format:


will vary w/in this format:


[11] Secondary Nav’s “Vacation & Travel Guide” item under “Plan Ahead” Category

?from=gn_planvacay_welcome ?from=gn_planvacay_deep ?from=gn_planvacay_city ?from=gn_planvacay

[11] All Other Secondary Nav items

?from=gn_welcome ?from=gn_deep ?from=gn_city ?from=gn

[7] Footer’s In Season’s Secondary Nav items

will vary w/in this format:


will vary w/in this format:


will vary w/in this format:


will vary w/in this format:


[7] Footer’s “Vacation & Travel Guide” item under “Plan Ahead” Category

?from=foot_planvacay_welcome ?from=gn_foot_planvacay_deep ?from=gn_foot_planvacay_city ?from=gn_foot_planvacay

[7] All Other Footer items

?from=foot_welcome ?from=gn_foot_deep ?from=gn_foot_city ?from=gn_foot

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued: Tracking Strings

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Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued: SEO Requirements for City/PIF Page

SEO Requirements for City/PIF page

Breadcrumbs• [Family Name]:[Channel Name] > [Timeframe] Weather for [City, State, (Zip)]• Stay Healthy: Air Quality & Pollution > Weekend Weather for Athens, GA (30306)

SEO Requirements for the following components will not change from those on the live site:• Title tag: (IE blue bar) • Description• Keywords

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Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[1] Site Logo


BEHAVIORonMouseOver: no effectonClick: same as live site … link to

[2] Header Spon[NOTE: this is missing from the sample image]

APPEARANCEAd-served image

BEHAVIORdefined by Ad Unit



Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[3] Local ZIPAPPEARANCE•default text "Enter zip or US/Intl city"•width and max chars are same as live site[NOTE: in image to left, there are several typos (e.g., “Kansa” and “Natinal…”); this would never occur because Search Requests that led to erroneous or zero Results should not appear in Recent Searches]BEHAVIOR•onMouseOver: no effect•onClick:

–if user clicks in text box, text box caption is set to blank –if user clicks in text box, a Recent Searches menu matching the width of the Location text box appears below the text box that lists recent resolved searches the user performed in multiple prior sessions, shown in reverse chronological order, as well as My Page info. The Recent Search’s width will be validated during HTML. Recent Searches menu should appear on top of Timeframe (e.g. ,higher z-index)–Bookmarks and third party searches are not included in list

•If the user is Customized (has a My Page), also include their “My City” Location and the list of “My Watchlist” Locations from My Page … the combination of My Page content and Recent Searches will add up to no more than six items•Format as follows:

Recent SearchesAthens, GA (30606)Kansas City International…

My Favorites[this next one is My City]

Wilmington, DE (19801)[the

next three are My Watchlist] Golden Gate National Rec … Monument, CO (99999) David C. Barrow Elementa…

•Include most Recent Searches so that the list can be no longer than six links in total •Truncate all items longer than 26 characters, replacing characters 23 - 26 with ellipses (“…”)•If user does not have previous searches for the current or prior sessions AND they do not have a My City Location or any My Watchlist Locations, then do not display the small Recent Searches menu • If a Location appears in both the Recent Searches and My Favorites, then remove it from Recent Searches and only show it in My Favorites

-- user can close Recent Searches menu by clicking Close Box on menu, or by clicking again in LocalZIP box, or by typing into the LocalZIP box, or by Mousing Out of the Recent Searches Menu … additional clicks in LocalZIP will not display Recent Searches menu for the current page view-- if page is refreshed, then Recent Searches will appear on the next click in LocalZIP box and will behave as described above


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Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[3] Local ZIP, continued

BEHAVIOR, continued• if the user clicks on My City, a My Watchlist item, or a Recent Search Location, then do NOT process as a search, but instead link directly to the PIF page for that item• if user clicks Go OR if user presses Enter key after having typed a ZIP most recently into the Local ZIP text box, then system submits text in text box

•if submitted text is five numeric digits, then process it as a ZIP Code

–If matching ZIP found, go to Declared PIF or Undeclared City Page

»If User is Declared, go to Declared PIF»If User is not Declared, go to Undeclared City Page

–If ZIP not found, go to Enhanced Search with “No items found” (e.g.,

•If submitted text is not five numeric digits, then process it as a City Name

–If matching City Name(s) found, go to Enhanced Search to select a City

»If User is Declared, go to Declared PIF if user clicks a City on Enhanced Search»If User is not Declared, go to Undeclared City Page if user clicks a City on Enhanced Search

–If matching City Name not found, go to Enhanced Search with “No items found” (e.g.,


Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[4] Six Links Area

APPEARANCE•text links•[NOTE that “Downloads” links to a new page emphasizing CAS Products … this will be defined in a separate project.]


–Maps link to Map Room (–Video link to Video on Demand (–News link to Breaking News (–TV link to On-Air (–Mobile link to Take the Weather with You (–Downloads link to Weather Tools (

SELECTED STATE•when the user is within a particular Six Links area (e.g., they are under TV on the Program Schedule page), then make the current link (e.g., TV) bold and black, but the link should remain enabled/active (see P. 33)

[5] HatSee Hat section, beginning on P. 2

[6] Links and labels in the main content area of the page

•update labels below the Timeframe Nav and above the Footer to reflect the new Primary/Secondary Nav labels,

–many Deep Vertical Article pages (such as and Channel Weather pages have a link such as “Back to Allergies Welcome” that we need to change to “Back to Allergies, Mold & Pollen Welcome”–Map Collection names on Map Page–Map Nav Headers on Local Maps pages (see “Around the Home Maps” in image on left–Enhanced Search link and section labels–HugMe flow Channel labels





Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[7] Footer

APPEARANCE•the Footer labels should match the Secondary Navigation, Primary Navigation, and What menu labels, as well as portions of the <TITLE> tag and Breadcrumbs labels •the Footer will change in presentation format and will reflect new groupings and labels.

[NOTE: In Season could change frequently, even daily. The Footer should reflect these changes and update when In Season updates.]

[NOTE: there will be no changes to the Bottommost Footer (“Home, Site Map … RSS Feeds”]

[NOTE: the Site Map page ( will need to be updated to match these new groupings and labels]

[NOTE: Derek’s CQ submitted in late 26January2006 added Big Cities and Current Events to the Footer … this CQ is not reflected in these Requirements.]

[NOTE: order of last six links under Travel Smart is -- Auto Advice & Safety , Flights & Business Travel, Hybrid & Green Car Guide , Interstate Driving Forecast, Rush Hour Traffic, Scenic Drive Ideas, Vacation & Travel GuideTravel Videos … final Channels for Travel Smart is pending final call by Ad Products, and resulting Channel Welcome pages will be specified at that point via Bugzilla]

[NOTE: order of links under Downloads is -- Downloads Center, Desktop Weather, Desktop Weather Platinum, My Page , Gold , Screensaver, Weather on My Site, Email, Alerts, RSS Feeds, My Wedding Weather, Weather in Your Car, More Products. PLEASE NOTE that this set of links will likely change during HTML.]

[NOTE: see other final order, groupings, and labels for Footer on Pp. 25 – 28)

BEHAVIOR• onClick: same as live site, go to respective destination page• all of these links go to the same pages as they do on the current site, but please note the following changes:

• “Map Room” is a new entry in the Footer and links to the main Maps Page for the current vertical (e.g.,•“On-Air” is a new label and goes to the first page of the TV section, see P. 33• “Take the Weather with You” is a new label and goes to

Downloads CenterDesktop WeatherDesktop Weather PlatinumMy Page Gold ScreensaverWeather on My SiteEmailAlertsRSS FeedsMy Wedding WeatherWeather in Your CarMore Products

Auto Advice & Safety Flights & Business TravelHybrid & Green Car Guide Interstate Driving ForecastRush Hour TrafficScenic Drive IdeasVacation & Travel GuideTravel Videos

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[8] What menu

[NOTE: the label “Weather for your life” should be easily change-able, maybe through content management software.]

APPEARANCE•This will only appear on PIF and City Pages• for both Declared PIFs and Undeclared City pages, What menu should default to the menu item corresponding to the current Channel … NOTE that image to left should show What menu defaulting to “Boat, Beach & Tides”•The current site’s HiRad dropdown list and label will be replaced by the What menu dropdown list and label• the What menu labels should match the Secondary Navigation, Primary Navigation, and Footer labels, as well as portions of the <TITLE> tag and Breadcrumbs labels •the label for the What menu and the order and labels of the menu items will be dynamic, and the menu's location might also change

–This menu list control should be coded to allow easy changes to its <SELECT> items, both labeling and order via Bugzilla–We might need to change the <TOP> and <LEFT> attributes of this control to allow for easy re-positioning during Beta testing

•We will need a “plug-n-play” capability for the location of the What menu dropdown list•Alternate locations include the Breadcrumbs row to the left of RSS icon and somewhere in the Header area

–We do not anticipate changing the Location after Beta, and the menu items will likely change no more than monthly


–standard dropdown behavior, but this control cannot bleed through if an Out-of-Banner ad displays on top of the What menu–If any user picks an item off the list, the system responds by Declaring the user and displaying the Declared PIF page for the current ZIP Code and current Timeframe (e.g., “Hour by Hour”) for the Channel Category selected from the list


Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[9] Breadcrumbs

[NOTE: Breadcrumbs need to be added to several types of pages, as indicated in List of All Page Types on P. 38.]

Breadcrumbs will no longer include a link to the Home Page or the Family Welcome page.

The topmost hierarchical link in Breadcrumbs will link to the landing page for the current Secondary Nav area or Six Links area. The topmost link will combine the Primary Nav and Secondary Nav labels and will be formatted based on the following examples:• Around the Home: Pets > Weekend Weather for Athens, GA (30606)• Mobile: Take the Weather with You > Downloads

APPEARANCEFor 36 Hour pages (PIF and City pages), Breadcrumbs format is [Family Name]:[Channel Name] > [Timeframe] Weather for [City, State, (Zip)]

For example, see

•Current Breadcrumbs are “Home > Travel > Business Travel > Business Travel Forecast > Weekend Weather for Athens, GA”•New Breadcrumbs will be “Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > Weekend Weather for Athens, GA (30306) ”

–Note that ZIP Code isn’t always available, in which case “ (99999)” is not displayed

•Channel Welcome pages’ Page Title will match their corresponding Primary and Secondary Navigation label, e.g. “Get Out & Play: Golf Conditions”•Channel Weather pages will mirror the PIF/City Format, only there will be no Timeframe … i.e., [Family Name]: [Channel Name] > Weather for [City, State] ([ZIP])

•For example, “Stay Healthy: Aches & Pains > Weather for Athens, GA (30606)”


Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued: Breadcrumbs notes

• With the exception of PIF/City, Channel Welcome, and Channel Weather pages, all other pages that have Breadcrumbs on the current site will still have Breadcrumbs, but their Primary Nav and Secondary Nav labels will change:

– • Current Breadcrumbs are “Home > Mobile Welcome > Wireless Internet” • New Breadcrumbs will be “Mobile: Take the Weather with You > Wireless Internet”

– • Current Breadcrumbs are “Home > Health > Cold & Flu > Flu Reports ” and Page Title will

be “Flu Reports” • New Breadcrumbs are “Stay Healty: Cold & Flu > Flu Reports ”

• Breadcrumbs will use “book title” (i.e., capitalize keywords but not prepositions, conjunctions, etc.) capitalization, with the exception of City/PIF pages only … the Timeframe portion of the City/PIF pages’ Breadcrumbs will be all caps as follows:

Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > YESTERDAY’S WEATHER for Athens, GA (30606) Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > TODAY’S WEATHER for Athens, GA (30606) Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > HOUR-BY-HOUR WEATHER for Athens, GA (30606) Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > WEEKEND WEATHER for Athens, GA (30606) Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > 10-DAY WEATHER for Athens, GA (30606) Travel Smart: Flights & Business Travel > MONTHLY WEATHER for Athens, GA (30606)

• Breadcrumbs will wrap to two rows when necessary but should only word wrap after a “>” • Breadcrumbs should be vertically centered within the Breadcrumb row … i.e., a one-row Breadcrumb will have

the same vertical center as does a two-row Breadcrumb • An exhaustive list of all Page Types is shown on Pp. 38 to 42. • Several types of pages do not have Breadcrumbs on the current site. These pages will need to have a Page

Title added to match all other pages on the site. The list on Pp. 38 to 42 indicates which Page Types require a new Page Title.

• [NOTE: First Module Titles might change during HTML.]

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[10] Primary Nav

Please note that the target area for MouseOver and MouseOut should be easy to change so that we can adjust these targets to improve the users’ ability to control the cursor as they select a desired Secondary Nav item. This will be determined through informal usability testing in HTML/Development stage after the product is interactive enough to evaluate ease-of-use

APPEARANCE •the order and labels of the menu items are dynamic and could change as often as monthly through a Bugzilla with a QC test involved•We will need the ability to change the labels, grouping, and order of Primary and Secondary Nav items … though this won’t happen often, it will likely require an content management software back-end, and these new groupings, labels, and orders will affect the following page components:

– <TITLE> tag (e.g., Internet Explorer’s blue Title Bar at the top of every window)–Page Title–Footer–Secondary Nav–Primary Nav–What menu

•There are new Channel Category groupings for Primary and Secondary Nav (see Pp. 25 - 28)•When the page first draws, one Category will appear as default (see the following NOTE for exceptions), but that Category's secondary menu will NOT be visible.

-- [NOTE: there are pages on which no Primary Nav Tab will be highlighted. See the topmost image to the left. This is when the page does not fit under the Secondary Nav categories. Example page types are Maps, Video, Registration, Sign In, Notify, and Undeclared City pages. In such cases, no Tab is highlighted. See comprehensive list of Page Types on Pp. 38 to 42.]

•In Season -- the items falling under In Season are dynamic and are intended to be used to promote calendar-based content or other content supporting a short-term high-priority business need -- should have a content management back end to allow easy updates as often as dailiy

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[10] Primary Nav, continued

BEHAVIOR•onMouseOver: when user mouses over a new Category, the current Category remains highlighted … the new Category is also highlighted and its corresponding secondary menu appears, while the previously highlighted Category's secondary menu becomes invisible.

o add tracking strings to detect MouseOver event, specified, respectively, as: ?from=mohome, ?from=moseason, ?from=moplan, ?from=mohood, ?from=motravel, ?from=mohealth, ?from=moaroundhome, ?from=moplay,

•onClick: no effect [this is different from the current site's behavior]• onMouseOut: when user mouses outside the currently highlighted Tab, the highlight goes away unless the user moused on to the corresponding Secondary Nav menu

SELECTED STATE•when users are under a particular Secondary Nav category (e.g., Stay Healthy), then highlight the current Secondary Nav category 's Tab

PRIMARY NAV TECHNICAL NOTES• The Fall Foliage Channel will only be available through In Season during the autumn season.• Channel names should be identical in portions of labels in Footer, Site Map page, Primary Nav, Secondary Nav, and What menu

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued

[11] Secondary Nav

APPEARANCE•font matches the Seasonal Palette (see P. 42) and not underlined• there can be no more than 10 Channels per Category• Secondary Nav labels can be no longer than 27 characters• In Season Secondary Nav items will be dynamic and will be maintained by the Product Manager• the following pages contain tables defining the Channel Category labels, the labels of Channels per Category, and the destination URLs per Channel link

BEHAVIOR• onMouseOver:underline the currently moused over menu item … do not underline other menu items

• onClick: for the clicked Channel, go to corresponding Channel Welcome page … for PIF, City, Channel Weather and other pages on which there is a current Location, the Locator textbox on the Channel Welcome page should be pre-populated with the current Location’s ZIP • onMouseOut: when user mouses outside the currently displayed Secondary Nav menu, the menu becomes invisible unless the user mouses on to the corresponding Primary Nav Tab

SELECTED STATE• when users are under a particular Channel (e.g., Aches & Pains), then when the current Family's Secondary Nav menu is visible, the current Channel should be highlighted (Golf Course Weather should be highlighted in image to left).• if current page’s Secondary Nav is visible, and the user is on a Channel Welcome page, highlight the current Secondary Nav label and DISABLE that link• if current page’s Secondary Nav is visible, and the user is NOT on a Channel Welcome page, then continue to highlight the current Secondary Nav label and ENABLE that link


Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Primary Nav label Secondary Nav label Destination URL for Secondary Nav

Home Home

My Page Gold if Registered for Gold, links to

if not Registered for Gold, links to

World Forecasts

In Season the items falling under In Season are dynamic and are intended to be used to promote calendar-based content or other content supporting a short-term high-priority business need

We should consider content management software as a means to define the contents of In Season’s Secondary Nav as well as the destination URLs and tracking strings for each Secondary Nav item

In Season is allowed to contain any links – unlike other Primary Nav Categories, these do not necessarily lead to

Channel Welcome or a Video Page

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued: Primary/Secondary Nav Organization

Please note that the following table indicates Category organization, labeling, and destination URLs.

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Primary Nav label, continued Secondary Nav label Destination URL for Secondary Nav

Plan Ahead Holiday Helper

Vacation & Travel Guide

Wedding Planner

Vacation Planning Videos [icon]

My Neighborhood Airports in My Area TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Event Venues Near Me TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Local Golf Courses TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Nearby Intersections TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Parks in My Area TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Local Schools TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Ski Areas Near Me TBD, but depends on if we know user’s current Location

Travel Smart

[NOTE: labels w/ asterisks will likely change during HTML]

*** Auto Advice & Safety TBD

Flights & Business Travel

*** Hybrid & Green Car Guide TBD

*** Interstate Driving Forecast TBD

*** Rush Hour Traffic TBD

Scenic Drive Ideas

Vacation & Travel Guide

*** Vehicle Safety Ratings

Travel Videos [icon]

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav: Primary/Secondary Nav Organization, continued

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Primary Nav label, continued Secondary Nav label Destination URL for Secondary Nav

Stay Healthy Aches & Pains

Air Quality & Pollution

Allergies & Pollen

Cold & Flu

Fitness & Exercise

Mosquito Activity

Skin Protection

Health Videos [icon]

Around the Home Holiday Helper

Grilling Planner

Home Improvement

Lawn & Garden


Picnic Planner

Schoolday Weather

Wedding Planner Wedding Planner Welcome (URL pending)

Home & Garden Videos [icon]

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav: Primary/Secondary Nav Organization, continued

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Primary Nav label, continued Secondary Nav label Destination URL for Secondary Nav

Get Out & Play Boat & Beach

Golf Conditions

MLB Stats & Schedule

Outdoor Recreation

Picnic Planner

Ski Conditions

Special Events Calendar

Sporting Events

Recreation Videos [icon] (URL pending)

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav: Primary/Secondary Nav Organization, continued

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1



• We cannot break the underlying Channel file hierarchy (it’s a pure hierarchy … each Vertical appears under exactly one Category) … if Channels appear under more than one Primary Nav area, then how can we highlight the Tab for the right Primary Nav area when the Channel could have been accessed from more than one Primary Nav area? Both In Season and Plan Ahead Categories could include Channels that are redundantly available, and within the underlying Channel file hierarchy, we should think of such Channels being located under Categories besides In Season and Plan Ahead

– We must assume ads and the rest of page Bodies are the same on Channel Welcome pages representing the same Channel but accessible from more than one Channel Category. For example, page Bodies are identical for these two Channel Welcome pages:

• In Season > Allergies & Pollen • Stay Healthy > Allergies & Pollen                                                  

– the only difference between InSeason>Allergies&Pollen and StayHealthy>Allergies&Pollen is purely limited to highlighting Tabs and presenting the corresponding Breadcrumbs … if the user navigated via InSeason, then In Season Tab should be highlighted on the resulting Channel Welcome page, and the Breadcrumbs would read “In Season: Allergies & Pollen … similarly, if they came via Stay Healthy, then the Stay Healthy Tab will be highlighted on the resulting Channel Welcome page, and the Breadcrumbs would read “Stay Healthy: Allergies & Pollen

– Note that if the user links beyond the Channel Welcome page, then the In Season Tab will NOT be highlighted and the Channels’ “permanent location” will be highlighted, and the Breadcrumbs will reflect the “permanent location” (in the case of Allergies&Pollen, Stay Healthy Tab is highlighted, and the Breadcrumbs read “Stay Healthy: Allergies & Pollen > xxx)

– Same rules apply for the following Plan Ahead Secondary Nav item “Vacation & Travel Guide”• We must assume ads and the rest of page Bodies are the same on Channel Welcome pages representing the same Channel but accessible

from more than one Channel Category. For example, page Bodies are identical for these two Channel Welcome pages: – Plan Ahead > Vacation & Travel Guide – Travel Smart > Vacation & Travel Guide                                                   

• the only difference between PlanAhead>Vacation&TravelGuide and TravelSmart>Vacation&TravelGuide is purely limited to highlighting Tabs and presenting the corresponding Breadcrumbs … if the user navigated via Plan Ahead, then Plan Ahead Tab should be highlighted on the resulting Channel Welcome page, and the Breadcrumbs would read “Plan Ahead: Vacation & Travel Guide” … similarly, if they came via Travel Smart, then the Travel Smart Tab will be highlighted on the resulting Channel Welcome page and the Breadcrumbs would read “Travel Smart: Vacation & Travel Guide”

• Note that if the user links beyond the Channel Welcome page, then Plan Ahead will NOT be highlighted and the Channels’ “permanent location” will be highlighted (in the case of Vacation&TravelGuide, Travel Smart is highlighted)

– PLEASE NOTE: Similar logic applies to any Six Links items that are accessed via In Season … in this case, the In Season Tab should be highlighted on the landing page of the clicked Six Links item, and Breadcrumbs will read “In Season: [Six Links Title]” (e.g., “In Season: News > Hurricane Central”) … again in this case, if the user links beyond the Six Links landing page, then In Season will NOT be highlighted and the areas’ “permanent location” will be highlighted (in the case of Hurricane Central, the Six Links item “News” is highlighted)

Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav, continued: Secondary Nav notes

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• Can we retain the user's current ZIP/location so they don't need to re-enter it when going from PIF/City to a Channel Welcome, HiRad, or other pages for that ZIP/location? 

– Examples include • going from PIF/City to HiRad … if Location is known, then go straight to a list of HiRad Locations (e.g., for that HiRad Category and the current Location/ZIP – Typically, Secondary Nav would lead to Channel Welcome … in the case of HiRad, this would be something like

“Parks in Your Area Welcome” (see P. 31)– if we know the Location, when the user goes via Secondary Nav to HiRad, then we would go straight to a list of Parks for

that Location (see P. 32) and bypass Parks in Your Area Welcome– If we do not know the Location (as when the user is on Home, Channel Welcome, or Deep Vertical Article), when the user

goes via Secondary Nav to HiRad, then we would go to Parks in Your Area Welcome with no Location in context• Going from PIF/City to Channel Welcome … pre-populate the Locator text box on Channel Welcome to reflect the ZIP Code of the

current Location

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for My Neighborhood Welcome Page

On the current site, the user can only access HiRad content from the PIF page, in which case we know the users’ Location and canImmediately present a list of HiRad Locations for the current Location and HiRad Category.

In the new Global Nav, users can use the My Neighborhood Primary Navigation to go to My Neighborhood when there is no Location in context (e.g., from the Home Page, Channel Welcome, or Article pages).

In such cases, they would view this page.

This page includes the Footer and includes promotional text (pending) to promote not only the current HiRad Category, but it also promotes TWC HiRad in general.

[1] Users enter a City, ZIP, or other Location Type relevant to the current HiRad Category … they click Go to view the My Neighborhood Listing page (see P. 32).

[2] link brings up our standard Help popup to be controlled by a content-management system, in which the following text appears: “HiRADTM  (High Resolution Aggregated Data) technology.  This groundbreaking advance in the synthesis of weather information will enable The Weather Channel to deliver a comprehensive and accurate weather report for 1,000 times more locations than previously available.  For the first time, you can easily view neighborhood weather information for locations throughout the country that are most important to you, such as local schools, parks, golf courses and shopping malls.  By delivering weather information for landmarks within a city (such as shopping malls, parks, schools and intersections) The Weather Channel fills a void left by traditional weather reports, which may be generated from stations separated by a distance of up to 50 miles.  The new HiRAD technology was developed by a team of expert scientists from The Weather Channel.  It carefully aggregates weather information from existing sensors (such as National Weather Service stations and others) and satellite and radar images and applies proprietary formulas to create an exclusive report that will reflect the actual conditions less than one mile away from any point of interest in the U.S.”



Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Requirements for My Neighborhood Listing Page

This page is the same as it is on the current site, only now we allow the user to choose a new HiRad Category from this page, and we will use the “without Primary/Secondary Nav” format for the banner area.

This page does not have a Footer.

[1] dropdown list and Go button

APPEARANCEAs shown, only change the default value to “Other Locations in your Neighborhood”

BEHAVIORChoose a Category and click Go to go straight to another My Neighborhoods Listing page (like this one) for the new Category, bypassing My Neighborhoods Welcome.

[2] “Top” link scrolls to the top of the page

[3] “New Search” links to -- this resulting page should have Primary/Secondary Navigation, Six Links, and Local ZIP … and its Page Title should be “Weather for Local Parks in Your Area” and should pre-populate the ZIP box with the current Location

[4] Location link will go to the PIF page for that Location

[5] Search text box and Go button

APPEARANCEIn image to right, remove “Don’t see your Golf Course?” and change following label to “Enter a different location to search for Local Parks in other areas”.

BEHAVIOREnter a City or ZIP and click Go to go to the My Neighborhoods Listing page for the current HiRad Category, using the new Location the user just entered.

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Requirements for TV Landing Page

Marketing needs an easy way to change the content on this page to meet their ever-changing promotional needs. We will require an content management tool front end to populate all attributes (e.g., Headline, Instruction, link labels and destinations) for items [2] and [7], and items [3] and [4] should be populated in an automatic fashion.

[NOTE: any time a Program’s title or thumbnail appear, the user can click them to go to a “detailed page” for that Program. If we have a clip for a program in the Video Player, then the user views this clip in Video Player. If there is no Video Player clip for the Program but there is a short clip viewable on the Schedule & Programs page, then the user views this clip in Schedule&Programs.]

[1] Secondary NavAPPEARANCEdisable “What’s On” link and highlight it with a distinct border and background color … News pages will have this presentation of Secondary Nav added BEHAVIORonClick: • go to TV page that corresponds to link clicked • disable and highlight the link for the destination page • enable and remove highlight for On-Air page

[2] Promotion areaAPPEARANCERotates through three possible images, highlighting and disabling the “1”, “2”, or “3” that corresponds to the current image … while rotating, the “Pause” button is presented

BEHAVIORonClick• Click 1, 2, or 3 to skip animation to that image … animation will continue to rotate• Click Pause to stop the animation• Click Play to restart the animation• Click image to go to a detailed page for that Program

[3] onNow and onNextImage showing what is on immediately after onNext … this works like it does on the City Page … click the thumbnail to go to a detailed page for that Program

[4] onLaterImage showing a program that is on in some time in the future … click the thumbnail to go to a detailed page for that Program

[5] ZIP and Go buttonUser enters ZIP to get TWC Channels in that ZIP code area

[6] link to Program Scheduleclick to go to TV’s Program Schedule page

[7] text links and dropdown/Go within Programs, Personalities, Blog, and Music areas: link to the page that corresponds to the label

[8] promoted videos’ information








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Requirements for TV Pages’ Secondary Nav

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Appearance Requirements for News Pages’ Secondary Nav

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Requirements for All Internal Pages w/o Primary Nav

Several types of pages on the current site do not have Primary and Secondary Nav, and they lack the Footer. Examples of these types of pages are Registration (e.g., Register on, 1-click Access, My Profile, Customize, and various product registrations) and Third Party Header pages such as Jobs, Store, and Centerpost.

For this new design, the site logo is interactive and links to the Home Page (, and the visual presentation of the header changes.

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List of All Page Types

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List of All Page Types, continued

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List of All Page Types, continued


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List of All Page Types, continued


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List of All Page Types, continued


Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


The business requirements for the Seasonal Color Palette are the same as they are for the current site, with the following exceptions.

The following page attributes will now change each season:• All Channel Welcome header images

– all Channel Welcomes will have their own header image, even those Channel Welcome pages on the current site that inherit their header from their Family (e.g., Allergies and Cold&Flu currently share the same “Health” banner)

• TV’s and News’ Secondary Nav background color (both selected and unselected)• All Six Links items should have their own header image (Maps, Video, News, TV, Mobile, Downloads)

Seasonal Color Palette

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Requirements for Local Severe and Site Severe

Business requirements for Local Severe and Site Severe remain unchanged, with the following exception regarding Local Severe. On the current site, storm types other than Hurricanes (i.e., Thunderstorm, Tornado, Tropical, and Winter) have distinct header images depending on whether the storm is in Warning or Watch Mode. In the new design, header images for a storm type will be constant, and the storm Mode (Warning or Watch) will be distinguished using HTML text that floats on top of the shared header image.

There is no Headerspon in Alert Mode.

[NOTE: it is undetermined whether HugMe or other Hat content might be removed from the Hat during Severe conditions.]

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Family Welcome Re-directs

Health Family Welcome Allergies & Pollen Channel Welcome

Travel Family Welcome Flights & Business Travel Channel Welcome

Driving Family Welcome Interstate Driving Channel Welcome

Events Family Welcome Sporting Events Channel Welcome

Recreation Family Welcome Golf Course Weather Channel Welcome

Home & Garden Family Welcome Lawn & Garden Channel Welcome

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Channel Welcome Pages’ Features Module label changes and Multiple ZIP box specs

Current Channel Welcome Page Change Features Module to Match

New Secondary Nav Labels?

If Current Location Known, Populate Both Location Search Boxes with Location’s ZIP?

Allergies X X

Skin Protection X

Air Quality X

Aches & Pains

Cold & Flu

Fitness X X

Business Travel X

Vacation Planner X

Aviation X

Rush Hour X

Interstate X

Scenic Drives

Sporting Events X

Special Events X X

Wedding Planner

Golf X

Boat & Beach X

Outdoors X

Ski X

Home Planner X X

Lawn & Garden



Your Holiday Helper X

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1


Pages that will Lose Secondary Nav

Pages falling under About Us, Education, and Interact currently have Secondary Navigation on the live site. These pages will need to be updated in the new design to replace Secondary Nav with text links back to the main page for each section.

ABOUT US PAGES• Remove Television and Weather Tools links from the underlying file structure for Secondary Nav• Replace Secondary Nav with links labeled “Back to About Us Welcome”, located in current standard position for Back to Welcome links, as seen


EDUCATION PAGES• Replace Secondary Nav with links labeled “Back to Education Tools”, located in current standard position for Back to Welcome links, as seen at

INTERACT PAGES• Replace Secondary Nav with links labeled “Back to Interaction Central”, located in current standard position for Back to Welcome links, as seen at

[NOTE: CQs were submitted in 2005 to update a TV pages: Schedule & Programs. This CQ should go live before Global Nav.]

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1.1 3feb2006 updated page number references throughout

P. 1: Table of Contents• added pages

P. 2: Technical Issues• added “Same rules apply to have appropriate Tab highlighted whether user reaches World Forecasts through the Home or Travel Smart Tabs”• added World Forecasts to list of redundant access points via Secondary Nav

P. 4: Requirements Highlights• added “The Fall Foliage Channel will only be available through Seasonal Spotlight during the autumn season.”• added “Channel names should be identical in portions of labels in Site Map Footer, Site Map page, Primary Nav, and Secondary Nav”• removed requirement that PopHat auto-hides upon any mouse click• refined tracking strings for the Hat• documented errors in the Hat images in the Requirements doc

P. 6: Hat – changes to images in this document• added the entire page

P. 10: Requirements for All Internal Pages w/ Primary Nav• described in general how Seasonal Spotlight will be maintained

P. 11: Tracking Strings• refined list of tracking strings

P. 12: SEO Requirements• re-wrote entire page

P. 17: Site Map Footer• clarified vertical alignment rules for Category vs. SubCategory labels• mentioned pending CQ for adding Big Cities and Current Events to Site Map Footer

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1.1 3feb2006 P. 19: [8] What menu• added “Alternate locations include the Page Title row to the left of RSS icon and somewhere in the Header area” • stated What menu should be a custom control that would not bleed through when covered by an Out of Banner ad

P. 20: [9] Page Title• added page types requiring a new Page Title

P. 21: [10] Primary Nav• added requirements for flexible MouseOver and MouseOut target area

P. 23: [11] Secondary Nav• added “ == [TODD needs to approve the rest of this BEHAVIOR/onClick section … from here…] == if Location is not based on ZIP, then pre-populate the Locator textbox on the destination page with the Presentation Name shown on the PIF or Welcome page … run the search from the Locator based on ZIP, but show the Presentation Name == if Location is general and could refer to more than one ZIP (e.g., “Atlanta”), then pre-populate the Locator textbox on the destination page with the Presentation Name shown on the PIF or Welcome page … run the search from the Locator based on the default ZIP for that ambiguous Presentation Name == who will maintain the Seasonal Secondary list … Laurel? == […to here]”

P. 29: My Neighborhood Welcome• added HiRad Definition popup content

P. 30: My Neighborhood Listing• added “ Remove “Don’t see your Golf Course?” and change following label to “Enter a different location to search for Local Parks in other areas”. “• corrected requirement to state “[4] Location link will go to the PIF page for that Location”

P. 31: TV Welcome• re-wrote entire page

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1.1 3feb2006 P. 33: Seasonal Color Palette• refined requirements for header images and added TV pages’ requirements

P. 35: Severe• added “TODD – am I saying enough on this and the following page?”

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1.2 14feb2006 updated page number references throughout

P.1: updated Table of Contents

P. 3: brand new page

P. 9: changed to “lacks the Primary Nav component”

P. 13: re-wrote Behavior requirements

P. 14: added “if the user clicks on My City, a My Watchlist item, or a Recent Search Location, populate the ZIP text box with the selected item”

P. 15: added last three bullets

Pp. 17, 22, 25: added Technical Notes

Pp. 19 - 20: added list of page types

P. 23: added Behavior requirements from “[TODD]” to “[…to here]”

P. 32:• added “We will require an ORCA front end to populate items [2], [4], and [7], and item [3] should be populated in an automatic fashion. “• added “News and possibly About Us pages will have this presentation of Secondary Nav added “

P. 34 and 36: re-wrote entire page

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FINAL17feb 17feb2006 updated page number references and titles at top of Requirements pages throughout

P. 1: Table of Contents• added pages

P. 2: Links• added three primary bullets – Video icon, Video links, and HugMe icon

Pp. 2 – 6: Hat • reformatted requirements • added requirements for Sign In button, forgotPassword, Help, and Close on P. 2• based truncation rules on Location Name instead of City Name on P. 3• clarified open issue remains for HugMe presence during Severe on P. 3• added tracking string for “Weather on your desktop” (Desktop promo if not Hugged) on P. 4• refined Flow logic on P. 5• added flow diagram on P. 6

P. 9: PopHat• changed destination of “More…” link to be Weather Tools

P. 15: Recent Searches menu• included My City in menu and limited total number of links to seven• specified width of menu to be 116 pixels• added “ [NOTE: in image to left, Villa Rica should be followed by “, GA”] ”

P. 17: Six Links• changed image to show Maps as highlighted• changed text to specify the current Six Links label should be highlighted but “should remain enabled/active”

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FINAL17feb 17feb2006 P. 18: Site Map Footer

Changed first two bullets to – “

== the Site Map Footer labels should match the Secondary Navigation, Primary Navigation, and What menu labels, as well as portions of the <TITLE> tag and Page Title labels == the Site Map Footer will change in presentation format and will reflect new groupings and labels:“

P. 19: What menu• removed “What Menu Technical Notes” from V 1.2• added “for both Declared PIFs and Undeclared City pages, What menu should default to the menu item corresponding to the current Channel … NOTE that image to left should show What menu defaulting to “Boat, Beach & Tides”• added “the What menu labels should match the Secondary Navigation, Primary Navigation, and Site Map Footer labels, as well as portions of the <TITLE> tag and Page Title labels”

P. 20: Page Title• eliminated word wrap rules and redefined truncation rules• added “[NOTE: Page Titles need to be added to several types of pages, as indicated in List of All Page Types on P. 38.]”

P. 21: Page Title notes• after first bullet, changed remainder of page to read –“

== An exhaustive list of all Page Types is shown on Pp. 38 to 42.

== Several types of pages do not have Breadcrumbs on the current site. These pages will need to have a Page Title added to match all other pages on the site. The list on Pp. 38 to 42 indicates which Page Types require a new Page Title.

== [NOTE: First Module Titles might change during HTML.]“

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FINAL17feb 17feb2006 P. 22: Primary Nav• added “[NOTE: there are pages on which no Primary Nav Tab will be highlighted. See the topmost image to the left. This is when the page does not fit under the Channel Families. Example page types are Maps, Video, Registration, Sign In, Notify, and Undeclared City pages. In such cases, no Tab is highlighted. See exhaustive list of Page Types on Pp. 38 to 42.]”• added final bullet, “should have a content management back end to allow easy updates as often as dailiy”

P. 23: Primary Nav• added MouseOut behavior

P. 24: Secondary Nav• added MouseOut behavior and max characters per link• changed requirement to no more than eight Channels per Category/Family• changed requirement to be Channel Welcome Locators are pre-populated with ZIP Code when Location is known prior to clicking on Secondary Nav• refined requirements for Secondary Nav link label corresponding to current page – if current page is Channel Welcome, then disable the link, otherwise enable it• added “Seasonal Spotlight Secondary Nav items will be dynamic and will be maintained by the Product Manager”

P. 26: Primary/Secondary Nav organization• changed two labels to now be “Parks in Your Area” and “Local Schools”• added Weddings URL

P. 28: Primary/Secondary Nav organization• corrected label for “Rush Hour, Traffic & Driving”

P. 30: Secondary Nav presentation• changed order of items under My Neighborhood

P. 32: My Neighborhood Listing• for [5], removed “New” from V 1.2, so component is now called “Search text box”

P. 33: TV Landing page• added reference to TV Flow page

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FINAL17feb 17feb2006 Pp. 34 – 36: TV and News Secondary Nav• these are all new Requirements pages

P. 37: Internal Pages w/o Primary Nav• simplified statement of requirements

Pp. 38 – 42: List of all page types• this replaces Pp. 19 – 20 in V 1.2 … many more page types are included in the latest version

P. 43: Seasonal Color Palette• added “TV’s and News’ Secondary Nav background color (both selected and unselected)”

P. 44: Severe• removed reference to Promotional Demo, which was on P. 35 of V 1.2added “For Hurricanes, the header images are distinct for Alert vs. Severe.” and “There is no Headerspon in Alert Mode.”

Pp. 45 – 48: miscellaneous• all new Requirements pages

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20feb2006 change “ORCA” to “content-management system” throughout

updated page number references throughout

P. 2: changed to “lack Primary and Secondary Nav (see P. 37)”

P. 5: changed to “links to the current site’s Weather Tools page”

P. 11: changed part of several paragraphs RE: Seasonal Spotlight’s tracking strings to – • “In such a case, the Seasonal Spotlight tracking string for Cold & Flu’s Secondary Nav might be “?from= SeasCold_gn_welcome”, while the Stay Healthy string might be “?from=gn_welcome” … “Seasonal Spotlight” tracking strings will be defined when each version of this dynamic menu is defined.”• “Maintenance of the Seasonal Spotlight Secondary Nav items will not be done through an auto-publish, and we still need to identify who will maintain this list of items. Such maintenance will be defined in the Home Page to Beta project. “

P. 15: • removed reference to green font … not relevant for this version• change second bullet under onClick to -- “if user clicks in text box, a 116 pixel-wide Recent Searches menu appears below the text box that lists recent resolved searches the user performed in multiple prior sessions, shown in reverse chronological order, as well as My Page info. This 116 pixel width will be validated during HTML.”• changed “Ad Sales” to “Ad Products”• changed sample content to “[this next one is My City] … Wilmington, DE (19801) … [the next four are My Watchlist]• last bullet, change both instances of “My Watchlist” to “My Location”

P. 16: remove first and third bullets … cut-n-paste error

P. 17: • change Page Titles under onClick to be “Video on Demand”, “Breaking News”, “On-Air”, “Take the Weather with You” … add the URL for Downloads to be• change “Hats” to “Hat”

P. 18: • change “Weather on Your Site” to “RSS Feeds”• remove first bullet under Behavior … remove reference to onMouseOver … update Six Links’ labels in last three bullets

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FINAL20feb 20feb2006 P. 20: added “ [NOTE: Page Title row height for PIF/City might change during HTML.] ”

P. 22: • added What menu to list of components that will be affected by new labels for Secondary Nav• change “P. 25” to “Pp. 25 to 28”• remove references to Home Page … delete “[This is different … separate project.]

P. 23:• change to “highlight goes away, unless the user moused on to the corresponding Secondary Nav menu”• last bullet -- add What menu to list of components that will be affected by new labels for Secondary Nav

P. 24: • change to “becomes invisible, unless the user mouses on to the corresponding Primary Nav Tab”• typo … should be “(Golf Course Weather should be highlighted.)”

P. 29:• remove World Forecasts bullet• typo … should be “Area Welcome”• change to “to reflect the ZIP Code of the current Location”• remove last two bullets on page

P. 38: add page reference after mentioning Bugzilla Request

P. 43: remove third bullet on the page, “Some Live site pages are not … Seasonal header image”

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22feb2006 change “Site Map Footer” to “Footer” throughout

updated page number references throughout

throughout, changed RushHour’s “Rush Hour, Traffic & Driving” to “Trafffic for Rush Hour Commute”, and changed InterstateForecast’s “Road & Interstate Weather” to “Interstate Driving & Road Conditions”

throughout, change Seasonal Spotlight’s “You” to “My”

P. 5:• added “NEVER MORE THAN TWO PRODUCTS IN TOP ROW OF POPHAT”• added “IF user has more than two Products” and bumped up each reference to number of Products

P. 15: • instead of specifying the width of Recent Searches menu, stated its width equals that of the Locator text box• changed “might be” to “should be”• changed “the last five” to “recent”• remove “Searches from prior sessions will be tracked using current Cookies, some of which might be made available from Ad Sales”

P. 18: added “ [NOTE: order of links under Downloads is -- Downloads Center, Desktop Weather, Desktop Weather Platinum, My Page , Gold , Screensaver, Weather on My Site, Email, Alerts, RSS Feeds, My Wedding Weather, Weather in Your Car, More Products. PLEASE NOTE that this set of links will likely change during HTML.] ”

P. 19: added “via Bugzilla”

P. 20: removed font size requirement

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22feb2006 P. 22: • added “This will be determined through informal usability testing in HTML/Development stage after the product is interactive enough to evaluate ease-of-use”• changed “exhaustive” to “comprehensive”• removed requirement for maximum number of Primary Nav categories• changed “Channel Families” to “Primary Nav categories”• under Appearance, added “through a Bugzilla with a QC test involved”• reworded to say “there can be no more than 8 Categories on Internal Pages”• removed reference to Home Page to Beta project

P. 23:• changed “Channel Family” to “Primary Nav category”• changed wording under Selected State

P. 24: removed first Note and first bullet under Appearance

Pp. 26 and 28: swapped Travel Smart w/ Plan Ahead and updated the Travel Smart Secondary Nav items list

P. 28: added “[NOTE: labels w/ asterisks will likely change during HTML]” and updated links under Travel Smart

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22feb2006 P. 30: updated Travel Smart Secondary Nav items listswap locations of Plan Ahead and Travel Smart

P. 31: changed “Definition” to “Help” and added “to be controlled by a content-management system”

P. 33: • removed first paragraph (was redundant), and re-worded second paragraph as a result• changed “What’s On” to “On-Air”• remove reference to Secondary Nav on About Us• re-write requirements for [4]onLater • removed “ [NOTE: see details of TV pages’ Flow on P. 35] ”• reworded to say “We will require an content management tool front end to populate items [2] and [7], and items [3] and [4] should be populated in an automatic fashion.”

P. 35: removed prior page titled “TV Section Flow”

P. 36: added “and the visual presentation of the header changes”

Pp. 37 – 42: added page number references and completed all First Module Title requirements

P. 37: changed NOTE at top of page

P. 40: add General Aviation to the list of page types that have Breadcrumbs on live site

P. 42: • removed “Some Live site pages are not currently “Channel Welcome” per se (like Mosquito and Picnic) … in this new design, all Secondary Nav items (except maybe Seasonal Spotlight) except the Video links will go to a Channel Welcome page with a unique Seasonal header image”• removed “For Hurricanes, the header images are distinct for Alert vs. Severe.”

P. 43: added “[NOTE: it is undetermined whether HugMe or other Hat content might be removed from the Hat during Severe conditions.]”

P. 44: removed Beta page

P. 46: changed title of this Requirements page and added an introductory sentence

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1




FINAL3march 3 mar 2006 P. 1: updated date

P. 15: • based on early draft of HTML page, updated maximum links allowed in RecentSearches menu to be six (was seven previously)• added the following “-- user can close Recent Searches menu by clicking Close Box on menu, or by clicking again in LocalZIP box, or by typing into the LocalZIP box … additional clicks in LocalZIP will not display Recent Searches menu for the current page view -- if page is refreshed, then Recent Searches will appear on the next click in LocalZIP box and will behave as described above”

P. 18: • changed wording to “Seasonal Spotlight could change frequently”• updated image and supporting text to reflect the correct Secondary Nav items under Travel Smart

P. 30: added corresponding images and new text to describe “If items change under each Primary Nav category, use the following tables as a layout guide for the links in Secondary Nav, where one=first link, two = second link, etc…”

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1




FINAL V 2.0 25 apr 2006 GLOBAL: replace label “Seasonal Spotlight” with “In Season”

GLOBAL: updated many screenshots to reflect Bottom Up design

GLOBAL: RE: Recent Searches Menu (see P. 15), changed label “My Watchlist” to “My Favorites”

GLOBAL: updated several Secondary Nav labels

QUASI-GLOBAL: when appropriate, replaced references to “Page Titles” with “Breadcrumbs”

P. 1: changed title and date

P. 2: added “We will not indicate a link’s visited state” and “the “Sign In” link has an ALT tag of “Sign In to Registered Products Area”, and the “Sign Out” link has an ALT tag of “Sign Out of Registered Products Area”

P. 9: added “PLEASE NOTE: in second image, Product Names should be aligned left (not aligned to horizontal center as shown in image)”

P. 12: added special tracking strings for Vacation & Travel Guide when accessed via Plan Ahead or Footer

P. 13: stated SEO requirements based on Breadcrumbs

P. 14: added “[NOTE: this is missing from the sample image]”

P. 15:• mentioned typos in the image• defined z-index rules, max number of links, format• defined events that would close Recent Searches menu

P. 18: • regarding Derek’s late January Footer CQ, removed sentence “If the CQ goes live, then we will include those links in the Footer.”• clarified labels under Travel Smart

Global Nav to Beta Reqts: REALLY Final Version 2.1




FINAL V 2.0 25 apr 2006 P. 20: • rewrote most of this page to address Breadcrumbs instead of Page Titles• removed “The Page Title replaces Breadcrumbs”• removed “ Some Category labels include the word “Weather” (e.g., Golf Course Weather) … in such cases, do not repeat “Weather” “• removed “Truncate all Page Titles longer than 110 characters, replacing characters 108 - 110 with ellipses (“…”) “

P. 23: added tracking strings for MouseOver event for Primary Nav

P. 25: removed “See P. 30 for order of Channels per Category, how to distribute the Channels across rows and columns within Secondary Nav, and the location of the Secondary Nav compared to each Primary Nav Tab.”

P. 29, 33, and 37 thru 41: rewrote most of these pages


P. 37: removed “[NOTE: In addition to adding Page Titles to About Us, Education, and Interact pages through the Global Nav to Beta project, these site sections will have navigation updates. See P. 46.]”

P. 43: bolded “[NOTE: it is undetermined whether HugMe or other Hat content might be removed from the Hat during Severe conditions.]”

P. 46: final note now refers to one TV page’s CQ, not two
