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Global Inventures

Presentation to The IMTC

Board of Directors

October 15, 2001

Jim PolizottoGlobal Inventures, Inc.

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Inventures Communities

An IMTC Opportunity

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Inventures Communities An IMTC Marketing


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Inventures CommunitiesAn IMTC Promo Opportunity

MPEG-4 IndustryForum

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Inventures Services


IMTCBoard of Directors --- Officers --- WG/AG

• Executive Director• End to End Service

•Project Management•Business Operations•Events/Meetings•Web Management•Member Services

BH (PR Firm)

Gray Cary(Legal)RINA (Acctg)



Web Host

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Inventures Services/OrganizationExecutive Director

Jim Polizotto

Event MgmtJennifer Fletcher

Web DevMerlin T

Jennifer G

Member Services

Kelli Palkoner

FinanceGreg Lintz


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Jim Polizotto Executive Director


Jennifer Fletcher

Events Manager (925) 275-6670

Greg Lintz Finance (925) 275-6673

Kelli Palkoner Member ServicesEmail,Web access

(925) 275-6685

Merlin TriplettJennifer Garrison

Web Development Services

(925) 275-6672

Marketing Programs

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Things We DoWhat happens Daily?

• Finance– Invoicing & renewals - fax, email, phone 25/month– Payables/cash receipts/collections 30/month– Financial reports, deposits & reconciliation 20/month

• Information management– Membership application processing 3-5/month– Database, acctg, web access, reflectors 100/month– Member/prospect e-mail, phone inquiries 200+/month

• Web Site 40-70/month

– Functionality upgrades, site maintenance, archiving– On-line forms and registrations– Member links, content changes & postings

• Events management– Hotel & location selection, catering, AV

50+/month– Member / vendor inquiries & communications 50/month

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IMTC Avg. Monthly Hours 2001 (Not including

SuperOp!)Catergory of Service Avg.Deepak Kamlani 14Jim Polizotto 90Operations Mgt. 3Web Implementation 49Information Management 74Events Management 61Financial Mgmt & Admin 60Total Hours 351Full Time Equivalents 2.2

Special ProgramsMarketing 0Web Development 0Total Hours 351Full Time Equivalents 2.2

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Inventures Charges to IMTC

• Fixed Contracted rate - $29,500/mo.– SuperOp! charged separately - $150/attendee

• Reduced fees Oct – Dec to $23,500/mo.– Membership losses – revised budget in August– Help to reduce expenses in critical financial

year– Negotiated significantly reduced penalty fees

for Spring Forum cancellation, SuperOp! attendance

• Value – Inventures fees at 2001 rates would be $37,800

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Inventures View of Industry

• Conferencing resurgence due to reduced travel

• For one reason or another - hasn’t been a more fortuitous time for IMTC visibility

• IMTC member companies can all benefit from increased market awareness

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IMTC Focus – Next 6 mo.

• DRIVE IMTC awareness/visibility via Marketing– Create white papers, business model, vertical collateral

– Map & implement media & analyst education program

– Map & implement conference and speaking opportunities

– Dedicated marketing support to augment Marketing AG

• Increase membership and member engagement

• IMPROVE web site with technical content, etc.

• INCREASE and MAINTAIN Liaisons with related organizations

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Key Focus Areas

• Message Creation (“Value of Conferencing”)

• Proactive PR (Make News)• Industry and .org presence (Consistency)• Horizontal/Vertical/Developer Content for

Web and Other (Creation)• Member Communication (Newsletters

etc.)• Member Engagement (Traction with key


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Issue:• IMTC needs clear, concise statements

on what it is and why it is important

Solution:• Develop a core messaging platform

– Communicate IMTC’s Value to the industry – Communicate IMTC’s Leadership in Testing

(Interoperability Testing, SuperOp!)

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Public Relations

Issue:• Proactive vs. Reactive/Sporadic Public

RelationsSolution:• Create news • Issue bi-monthly press releases• Conduct private ‘market influencer’ briefings• Build awareness within other consortiums by

actively pursuing speaking opportunities at their events

• Deliver content through PR agency (BH)

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Issue: • IMTC needs enhanced collateral to

assist in educating the market, increasing awareness, and building community

Solution:• Create Collateral to demonstrate

IMTC’s neutral position with related standards

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Issues: • Requires updating on a regular basis.• Content must be created as site

expands and new sections are created.Solution:• Create content internally– provide a

reason for repeat visits• Manage & support Developer


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Member Communication

Issues: • Need constant activity pings.• Need to generate IMTC Member

IdentitySolution:• Quarterly Newsletter, Monthly

Updates• IMTC Reach - Market Managers, • IMTC Material - Plaques, Web Cross

links, Logo Display, etc.

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• Recognize need for positive traction next 6-9 months

• Recognize leadership flux• Recognize committee volunteers are well

intentioned but priority and time conflicted• Continue decision thread with Technology• 0,5 FTE for 4 – 6 mo. at Inventures to make

things happen.– Cost = $7500/mo.– If no significant engagement at that time, we will

discontinue effort.

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We are committed to providing superior service to IMTC

Thank You!
