Global Competency Model Guide


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  • 7/29/2019 Global Competency Model Guide


    Global CompetencyModel GuideHow to implement the Global Competency

    Model in your LC

    AIESEC Germany

  • 7/29/2019 Global Competency Model Guide




    I. Introduction How does a GCM-LC look like? ........................................ 4

    II. Timeline for Implementation..................................................................... 5

    III. TM processes and the GCM................................................................... 6

    1. Talent Planning and the Global Competency Model ................................ 6

    1.1.What is Talent Planning...................................................................... 6

    1.2. Importance of Talent Planning........................................................... 6

    1.3. Talent Planning and the Global Competency Model ......................... 6

    2. Talent Marketing and the Global Competency Model .............................. 9

    2.1. What is Talent Marketing................................................................... 9

    2.2. Talent Marketing and the GCM.......................................................... 9

    2.3. Additional Advice ............................................................................. 10

    3. Talent Selection and the Global Competency Model ............................. 12

    3.1. Why competency based Selection?................................................. 12

    3.2. Talent Selection and the Global Competency Model....................... 12

    4. Talent Induction and the Competency Model......................................... 14

    4.1. Introduction...................................................................................... 14

    4.2. Contributing to Induction Goals by using the Global........................ 14

    Competency Model................................................................................. 14

    4.3. How to do GCM Induction in your LC .............................................. 15

    4.4. Responsible for the process and possible timeline for the .............. 16

    TM team.................................................................................................. 16

    5. Talent Allocation and the Global Competency Model ............................ 18

    5.1. Introduction...................................................................................... 18

    5.2. Competency Based Talent Allocation.............................................. 18

    5.3. Benefits and challenges .................................................................. 20

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    6. Performance Assessment and the Global Competency Model.............. 21

    6.1. Introduction...................................................................................... 21

    6.2. Usage of the GCM for Development Assessment in Teamwork ..... 22

    6.3. Potential Obstacles.......................................................................... 22

    7. Talent Review and the Global Competency Model ................................ 23

    7.1. Introduction...................................................................................... 23

    7.2. Usage of Competency Assessment Tool for PDTs ......................... 23

    7.3. Additional questions in the PDT....................................................... 24

    8. Leadership Development and the Competency Model .......................... 26

    8.1. Introduction...................................................................................... 26

    8.2. Leadership Development and the Global Competency Model......... 26

    8.3. Leadership Development and Conferences .................................... 27

    IV. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 29


    Critical: Innovation, Resilience

    Supporting: Commitment toResults, Stakeholder Focus,Effective Communication, Flexible


    Socially Responsible

    Critical: Stakeholder Focus,Commitement to Results

    Supporting: Self Awareness,Inclusiveness, Developing Others,

    Awareness of Others

    Culturally Sensitive

    Critical: Inclusiveness,Awareness of Others

    Supporting:Self Awareness, Flexible

    Thinking, Effective Communication

    Active Learner

    Critical: Self Awarness, FlexibleThinking, Developing Others

    Supporting: EffectiveCommunication, Personal

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    I. Introduction How does a GCM-LC look like?To implement the Global Competency Model in your LC you have to ensurefour aspects. First, every member (including the EB) is aware of the GCM and

    how to use it for their personal development. Then you have to ensure that itIS really used as part of the daily work in your LC within teamwork andwithin specific TM-processes. Only by using it members will realize their

    development in the competencies. And lastly you have to ensure that thewhole EB also knows about how to use the GCM as a tool for managing theLC.

    These four steps cannot be tackled individually. Information without practice is

    worthless, but how can you ensure the LC is practicing the GCM if the EBdoes not see its relevance? It is therefore crucial to have a strategy in placethat allows you to implement all aspects of the GCM at once. This document

    provides you with a proposal of a flow that should enable you to implementthe GCM within one semester.

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    II. Timeline for Implementation

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    III. TM processes and the GCM1. Talent Planning and the Global Competency Model

    1.1.What is Talent Planning

    AIESEC Germany TM processes - Talent Planning:

    AIESEC International - Talent Planning and Targeting:

    Related topic:

    1.2. Importance of Talent Planning

    Refer to the previously mentioned links, as well as the following file:

    1.3. Talent Planning and the GlobalCompetency Model

    Talent Planning is the process of creating a clear target

    profile of the people you need, to ensure attracting theright people to AIESEC and to maintain your pipeline. Forthat it is important to take into account the profile of theperson needed, as well as the opportunities available forthe development of the future-member.

    More information under Talent Definition:

    Talent Planning focuses on looking for the right people for the right position inAIESEC.

    Each of the Talent Planning four critical questions has then a relation with theGCM:

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    1. How many members do we have right now?At this point it is important not only to identify the number itself, but if eachof the members has or has not a clear role within your LC, with a proper

    job descriptions. If not, before actually stepping into recruitment you haveto re-allocate your members and develop appropriate job descriptions for

    each of them. Not doing this may imply an unnecessary recruitment anddemotivation of people without a proper role.

    You also need to know more about the LC's overall competency analysis!That is to get to know what are the missing competencies in the LC that

    you need to focus on during the next recruitment. You can get your LC`soverall competency analysis in the CAT. Additionally an analysis, of whatis missing is necessary.

    2. What kind of members do we have right now?To be able to answer this question, you will need to knowthe goals of your members, and the gap between yourcurrent membership and your memberships needs. Sincethe development of your members is aligned to the GCM, tobe able to identify the gap, you need to analyse thecompetency development in your membership anddetermine the need.

    AIESEC International Pipeline:

    3. How many members should we recruit?To be able to recruit, you need to identify what kind of skills,competencies, or knowledge is missing from your LC currently! Thismissing profile is the profile that needs to be recruited. For that reason, itis once again important to create Job Descriptions based on the GCM aswell as take into account the LCs Pipeline for each stage.

    Competency Based Selection:

    4. What kind of members should we recruit?The specific number of people to be recruited are the product of the

    aboved questions/answers. In conclusion, for a successful recruitment,you need to synergize your processes as ONE PROCESS CHAIN underthe GCM umbrella.

    In order to have an overview of your LCs members and all important

    data you need for Talent Planning, you can use the Talent Planning Tool

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    1. Do an LC-reality analysis and create a will-skill-matrix of yourmembers. Be as detailed as possible in the profile-description of yourmembers, and the profile-description of the gaps. Take a look at your

    JDs. Which ones are taken? This first step will answer the questionWhat do you have?

    2. Review the LC Planning for the next period as well as organizationalgoals. Take a look at your JDs again. Which ones are available?Determine What do you need? by looking at this information and theprevious analysis of 1. Dont forget your pipeline!

    3. Sit down and think How do you get it?. Take into account yourrecruitment profiles and determine a strategy on how to get that taking

    into account the current status of your LC.

    Thats it! You created a GCM-based Talent Planning that will help you, notonly in the recruitment of new members, but also in any other Talent Process

    or Selection in any AIESEC stage!

    1.4. Next Steps

    A GCM-based Talent Planning will facilitate your work in all the other TalentProcesses. Here some ideas how this will connect:

    Talent Marketing - Automatically after creating the Talent Planning, youll

    have created the profile to be used to develop the material for a successfultargeted Talent Marketing

    Talent Selection By having a GCM-based Talent Planning you ensure torecruit the exact number and profile of people needed.

    Talent Induction With a GCM-based Talent Planning it is easy to identify

    the knowledge, competencies and attitudes that need to be developed inadvance to introduce adequately the member into AIESEC.

    Talent Allocation Only a GCM-based Talent Planning can ensure the right

    people in the right position policy.

    Talent Review By having a before-profile on each recruited and currentmember you can easily review state of results and state of development ofeach member.

    Performance Assessment As in the previous case, this allows an easyassessment by using the Global Competency Assessment Tool.

    Talent Education and Training By identifying the members developmentand needs, it is easy to determine next steps in TE&T.

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    2. Talent Marketing and the Global Competency Model

    2.1. What is Talent Marketing

    Talent Marketing aims on motivating people with the right competencies andthe will to join AIESEC. Students need to get the right impression of the workwithin AIESEC. In combination with the Global Competency Model this meansthat Talent Marketing is connected to the development of the 11Competencies of the GCM.

    Talent Marketing is most efficient, if you are aware of which Talents you needin your LC.

    More information under Talent Planning:

    2.2. Talent Marketing and the GCM

    2.2.1 Get the results of your Talent Planning

    Through your Talent Planning you already have created the needed profiles to

    be used to develop the material for a successful Talent Marketing.

    2.2.2. Create the Talent Marketing material

    a) Create I am an AIESECer case studies and stories that refer to developparticular competencies. Choose case studies that represent the missingprofiles of your Talent Planning. Look at the competencies needed displayedin the JDs!


    Hello, my name is John Doe,

    In AIESEC I developed competencies such as effective communicationand stakeholder focus while organizing a workshop about EmergingMarkets with external partners for students.

    While leading a team of 5 members I increased my level of personaleffectiveness.

    Through my engagement in AIESEC I got self-aware of my strengthsand areas of development and know how to improve these.

    I am an AIESECer. What about you?

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    b) Advertise Job Descriptions and mention requirements as well as

    competencies that can be developed.


    What about leading the finance department of a student organization?

    Become Vice-President Finance of the Local Committee XY of AIESEC!!

    Role overall:Background and competencies required:

    Competencies, skills and knowledge developed:

    Apply now!! Contact details..

    Be as creative as you can but have a clear JD!

    2.2.3 Attracting Talents

    Before executing your marketing campaign think about the following points

    and find the answers for your realities:

    What: What message would appeal to your target group of people?Where: Where would you find these people? Consider what they study,

    read, watch, listen to, where they go, etc.How: How can you ensure your message is reaching them? How can

    you use the I am an AIESECer campaign (more than just a poster!) toreach them?

    2.3. Additional Advice

    a) Its more than just a poster!

    Use YOUR story when you explain AIESEC and how you developTelling stories at an info pointProfiling members and your experiences in the media and web 2.0Showcasing our brand through the diverse experiences and

    opportunities we offer

    Showcase our product of exchange and leadership: through the AIESECExperience

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    b) Talent Marketing for Exchange

    Consider the following aspects:

    Job Descriptionso Need from our TN takers for specific backgrounds

    Duration of internshipso Need for a more flexible pool of talent to meet diverse

    demands from stakeholderso Need for more extensive academic and working experience

    for our EPso Need from young people to have longer experiences that

    enable them to launch their career

    Our ImpactSocietal needs

    o Different needs of society can be met through people withdifferent technical backgrounds

    Market needso Labour market is requiring specific technical skills combined

    with valuable soft skillsCompetencies required/developed

    o Take a look at the following graphic to see the level of eachcompetency during exchange. Almost every competency hasits highest development during the X stage!

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    3. Talent Selection and the Global Competency Model

    3.1. Why competency based Selection?

    There are many reasons why we should implementcompetency based selection:

    It is easier for us to assess the student and his/her predispositions moreprecisely.

    It assures greater alignment between knowledge, skills, interests, needsof the candidate and AIESEC

    It helps us to track members development since the very beginning, sowe will be able to measure the impact and development in the nextstages.

    It will let us to make the connection between personal and organizationalgoals.

    It makes it easier to identify the attributes of the candidate and suit whatwe can offer with his/her further development

    3.2. Talent Selection and the Global Competency Model

    In Order to find the Top Talents and the right person for vacant positions, it isnecessary to execute a selection process. In AIESEC there are differentselection processes at all stages: I2A, TR, LR and X.


    I2A: Newie selection

    TR: OC selectionLR: EB selection

    X: EP selection

    For any selection process you need to evaluate both Competencies andSkills. Think about what are the main competencies and skills that areneeded for the position. You are free to define asmany critical competencies and skills as you want.

    We advice you to build a complete profile by

    evaluating most of the competencies based on theGlobal Competency Model and technical skills(e.g. leadership, team management, delegation)

    respectively functional AIESEC knowledge (e.g. ER,FIN, ICX, OGX, TM).

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    You should also consider member selection in case members do not want to

    develop themselves further or show a lack of commitment regarding theirtasks and goals.


    1. Create a profile of the needed person (refer to Talent Planning and JDs).2. Define your selection criteria on the competencies by using question

    guides for interviews and behaviours in assessment centers3. Define the score that qualifies candidates for acceptance (Dont

    compromise on quality because of lack of members!).4. Select Top Talents!

    You can find the national proposed selection process for new members andexamples of competency based interview questions in the Selection Guide.Or

    contact the pilot LCs Augsburg, Bochum, Karlsruhe, Kln and Mnster, whichexecuted Newie selection in the summer semester 2009.

    More information on Germany TM processes Talent Selection:

    And Talent Selection in the TMU wiki:

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    4. Talent Induction and the Competency Model

    How to optimize the induction of new members with theGlobal Competency Model

    4.1. Introduction

    What is Talent Induction?

    The selected students have to be prepared for taking over responsibility. Wehave to provide them with all relevant information on the organization and theactivites offered in order to ensure a fast integration. Therefore we can usethe Induction process as a flow to ensure that new members gain the

    knowledge and preparation they need. Induction Flow

    4.2. Contributing to Induction Goals by using the Global

    Competency Model

    4.2.1 Gaining Knowledge:

    By introducing the Global Competency Model to new member they gain

    knowledge about a psychological model to control and assess their owndevelopment in a way that has a positive impact on the person. Its also moreobvious in which areas a new member can develop him/herself, so that youcan decide whether to continue in AIESEC or not. You can implement theGlobal Competency Model in three different stages, so that new members getto know it.

    1. During NICO:

    Its the earliest occasion to introduce the GCM to your new members. While

    NICO there are many ways to get to know the Global Competency Model. Youcould make a connection with a session about the change agent. Somemembers are blaming the NICO to be too abstract. You can change that byexplaining the development of a Change Agent with the Global Competency


    2. During workshop:

    During a workshop you can introduce theGlobal competency Model and directly show the usagewithin using the CAT.

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    3. Linkage of both:

    You can also link both alternatives by introducing the Global CompetencyModel during NICO and afterwards integrating the operational part of theCompetency Assessment Tool within a my@.networkshop!!!

    4.2.2. Experience AIESEC

    By using the Global Competency Model, new members are very early able toexperience our feedback culture. They learn to reflect about their personaldevelopment and in a second run they learn how they can contribute to othersdevelopment by using the assessment and 360 feedback tool.

    Tip: Do the self assessment part within your induction process by using it inorientation talks or Newie-PDTs.

    4.2.3. Me and AIESEC

    Every new member could make the competency assessment when he gets toTR stage in The results can be the base for his goal setting. Thenew member searches for opportunities, which contribute to his/her strengthsand help managing their weaknesses.

    4.2.4. Selection and Allocation

    Acknowledge strengths and weaknesses of your Newies and allocate themwith help of that information. Show them jobs, which are directly contributingto their goals of development!

    4.3. How to do GCM Induction in your LC

    First of all its important, that everyone who is concerned with the inductionprocess knows about the Global Competency Model and can use it before

    you induct your new members.

    The most Important groups are: the EB, the Buddy Coordinator, Buddies. Agood startup could be a short workshop at the beginning of semester. You

    could also integrate the Global Competency Model into Buddy workshops oryou make a kick-off during NICO (Newies and Buddies get in contact at thesame time)

    Concentrate on both: active AIESECers and newmembers. Active AIESECer, especially Buddies have to

    know the Global Competency Model and theCompetency Assessment Tool. They used the

    competency assessment at least once and they got a360 feedback through the CAT. Then you can be sure,

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    that they know what it is, when new members are asking for.

    New Members: Plan carefully when they are introduced with GCM and whenthey can first use it. Dont wait too long (more than two weeks) it s not veryreliable to tell people a tool is important and then nobody can use it.

    Do your NICO trainers know enough about the GCM? Are they able to hold asession about that topic?

    4.4. Responsible for the process and possible timeline for the

    TM team

    4.4.1 Responsible

    The VP TM is responsible for the knowledge within the LC and for deeperunderstanding of the Global Competency Model in the EB.

    The TM Team is responsible for planning and organizing required workshopscontinuously throughout the semester.

    4.4.2 Possible Timeline

    Within Semester (in preparation for the next):

    You can do a LCM to the topic of GCM

    During Semester holidays:

    1. Make a workshop with your EB and plan the implementation of the GCMModel. Make a 360 Assessment through my@.netand sit together and

    discuss the results.

    2. Every VP makes a CA with his/her team (could be virtually when they arentthere) and discusses the result within his/her team3. Search for trainers who could train your buddies4. Implement competencies in your local Job Descriptions( )

    First week of semester:

    Recruitment TimeNICO:

    Buddy Workshop (With GCM) Workshop for New Member

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    One week after NICO: with Competency Assessment ToolDuring induction:

    Buddy supports new member to start his/her work within AIESEC andrelates the things we are doing with competencies he can gain through


    At the End of Induction:

    Heres an example for further usage of the GCM:

    The new member is doing the CAT at least once and afterwards he/she is

    giving the results (2 main strengths and two main weaknesses) to his/herbuddy. With this information the TM Team is able to match a job for the newmember. Buddy is giving an orientation talk to his Newie and has a Job-Descriptions to show his/her possibilities in AIESEC.

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    5. Talent Allocation and the Global Competency


    5.1. Introduction

    Why is Talent Allocation relevant?

    AIESEC gives its members a lot of opportunities To make sure that people choose the opportunity that fits best for

    them,YOU must find the right position for them!

    Member allocated to the wrong position Big frustration for the member, who is not further developing his

    potential, EB cant reach their goals

    Member allocated to the right position Higher individual and overall performance, better mood and working

    atmosphere in the LC and a satisfied and further developing member

    How can Talent Allocation contribute to improve the number of rightperson-job matches?

    Clear Talent Allocation processes helps you find out if a person might fitto a job already BEFORE the member starts in this position. Instead ofusing your energy for bringing back motivation to a member who isunhappy with his job, you can use it for a sophisticated allocation andavoid respective situations. Thats a WIN-WIN situation!

    5.2. Competency Based Talent Allocation

    You should possess:

    A good overview about every new member and its preferences Objective information from Talent Selection (Letter of

    motivation, Interview questions,)

    Information about how many and which people you need for whichposition ( from Talent Planning)

    Feedback from trainers from induction conference Results of CAT Competency based job descriptions which can be found here:

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    These results should now be used to reach the best possible talentallocation!Here are some thoughts how you can arrange this:

    When it now comes to the decision which team might fit best to therespective competencies and skills of the new member it isimportant to balance the wishes of the new members and theneeds of every single team and the LC as a whole!

    One way to deal with this complication is as follows:1. Your team and you present the respective competency

    based job descriptions, which are available for the differentteams to the new members.

    2. You describe them which set of competencies would be veryadvantageous to feel comfortable in the respective team andthat they should take this serious.

    3. In a personal orientation talk the new member needs toshare the results of his competency assessment test withone of your team members and/or you.

    4. Together they compare the test results with the differentcompetency based job descriptions.

    5. Based on this comparison and the other documents aboutthe new member, your team member and/or you give advice

    which job might fit best to the new member.

    6. Finally the new member will be allocated to his new job.Some potential complications need to be considered as follows:

    ! If the new member is not willing to share his test results withanybody, you have to respect this. In this case you can only askhim to run the comparison for himself and tell him that he shouldmake his choice sophisticatedly. He should also choose analternative besides his top priority. You still have his competencyassessment of the interview.

    ! The new member and you dont come to a common decision(i.e. problem of balancing wish and needs and suitability!!):

    After you properly discussed the different possible positions (makesure that you have at least discussed one alternative) it turns out to

    be very difficult to find a solution that is ideal. In this case youshould very sensitively tell him that your proposal is based on your

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    large experience and that he should anyway try out one of the

    proposed opportunities! In this special case an experienced TM team member is a

    must!! Next steps listed below is very important for the further

    screening of this job-person match!! If the new member doesnt want to follow this solution and

    still insists upon his wish, you should discuss this within the

    TM team. Maybe the person doesnt fit to AIESEC.

    Next steps:Evaluate your talent allocation

    Keep an eye on how the respective newmember fits in and develops in the first weeks

    Make use of upcoming PDTs! Gather feedback from your EB (and/or team

    leaders) and the OCPs React on apparently wrong person-job matches! Make sure that team members in every team contribute to the 360

    degree competency assessment!

    5.3. Benefits and challenges

    + Member who enter the organisation learn from the very beginningthat the GCM is an essential part of AIESEC and needs to beused

    + Besides the JDs and improving a common GCM session theprocedure needs relatively marginal extra effort

    + Possibility to decrease the amount of wrong choices respectivelyjob-person matches

    + Bottom up instead of top down, since your members are betterinvolved in the allocation process. A common decision is made!

    + Trust in and understanding of the advantages of the GCM+ Acceptance of the use of the GCM towards the whole LC+ Your team is strongly involved in the whole allocation process!Member Driven Organisation!

    + Proper Talent allocation guarantees higher overall andindividual performance!

    ? GCM awareness building from the first moment (especially a highlevel of integrity in the LC is needed during implementation of thenew process)

    ? Its not assured that people will be true to themselves when makingtheir choice. Make them aware of the importance of taking theassessment test results serious!

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    6. Performance Assessment and the Global

    Competency Model

    How to use the individual Assessment Tool in teamwork

    6.1. Introduction

    What is Performance Assessment?

    Performance assessment is the process of assessing thecompetency development of each member by her-/himself, her

    team members and team leader by using the GlobalCompetency Assessment Tool in Then using

    the state of development for Talent Review and TalentPlanning.

    For more see:

    What is the individual Assessment Tool?

    It is a tool provided by for each member to measure and trackthe development of the personal competencies. You can evaluate the

    competencies by yourself or ask your team members to give feedback on yourdevelopment.

    For more information see:

    For the tool see:

    How to use the Global Competency Model in Performance Assessment?

    By using the Global Competency Model it is possible to evaluate the progress

    of our members in developing the competencies AIESEC identifies as the onesour organization wants to bring forward. This can happen as a self-driven action(if a member uses the GCM to personally evaluate his or her progress) or in a

    more structured way. This document shows how to implement performanceassessment (that should here be understood as development assessment) inteamwork, as this is the most common working style within AIESEC.

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    6.2. Usage of the GCM for Development Assessment inTeamwork

    Why to use it in teamwork?

    Teamwork is part of the global learning environment we provide our memberswith. The GCM gives us the opportunity to enhance the team-experience byworking actively on our competencies. It provides a method that can be usedfor structured team-feedback, which allows every individual to see his or her

    progress in developing certain competencies.

    How to use it in teamwork?

    Once the team starts working, every member should create an owncompetency profile by using the Assessment Tool on At the endof a certain period (i.e. at the end of the semester) every member evaluateshim- or herself again and also should receive 360-feedback from his or her

    colleagues. This is a good input for further PDTs (see: Talent Review and theCompetency Model) or self-driven reflection.

    Role of the VPThe VP has to ensure every team member knows about the Competency Modeland the tool. Additionally he has to ensure that every member has an account /

    profile and that every member receives feedback by his colleagues at the endof the working period.

    6.3. Potential Obstacles

    o Members are not motivated to use the GCM Show the members the benefits of being aware of own strengths &


    Link tasks you delegate to the development of certain competencies

    Take time to explain how the tool works!

    o Too few people in the team (the 360-feedback-function worksonly with 5 or more feedback-givers)

    Use the Competency structure as a guideline for physical 360-

    feedback within the team

    In case you do not have any 360-feedback at all make sure the

    member evaluates his development by him- or herself. Then use this

    assessment as an input for your PDT with him.

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    7. Talent Review and the Global Competency Model

    How to use the Competency Assessment Tool for PDTs

    7.1. Introduction

    What is Talent Review?It is the TM process in which we aim at having an overview of the state of

    results and state of development of each member. Then we identify furthersteps of involvement in the organization and accordingly the next steps ofpersonal development.

    Personal Development Talks (PDTs) are the crucial tool for Talent Review.Each member of the LC should have one at least once per semester. The VP isresponsible for having these talks with each of his team members. The EB can

    use the new Talent Planning Tool for documentation of the outputs.

    For more see:

    How to implement the Competency Model in Talent Review?

    Make your members use the Competency Assessment Tool before having aPDT with them. Then when asking questions on the personal development ofyour member while the PDT refer to the results of the assessment with the tool.(It is not necessary that the results are handed out to you. Just make sure themember prints out the results, brings them to the PDT to talk as much aboutthem as he/she wants.) Then, you can firstly professionally support yourmember in her/his personal development and secondly, use that knowledge to

    identify further steps of involvement in the organization.

    7.2. Usage of Competency Assessment Tool for PDTs

    Why to use it for PDTs?

    Generally, the results of the Competency Assessment Toolcan be used individually by the member for reflection andchoosing actions for improvement. Or they can be discussed

    by the member with her/his mentor. Thirdly, the member canapproach her/his team leader for support in the personaldevelopment.Therefore, the personal development talk is a good occasion to support yourmember in her/his personal development and capitalize on the knowledge

    about her/his competencies to allocate him within the LC, distribute roles andtasks.

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    How to use it for PDTs?

    Before the talk:Self-assessment:

    Before having the PDT with your member, tell her/him to measure hiscompetencies by himself by using the assessment tool. Tell her/him to print outthe results of the test and bring it to the PDT.

    Assessment by team members:Tell the member that there is also the possibility to get an evaluation of theteam members/ other AIESECers about the development in the competencies.The member then has to invite those other AIESECers within the assessmenttool, give them some time to make their assessment. As soon as five otherpeople have given their opinion, the member can see the average results, print

    them out again and bring them to the PDT.

    Within the talk:

    Ask additional questions (see below) while doing the PDT referring to theresults of the assessment.

    You can use the individual results of the test for discussing the self-reflection of

    the member on her/his personal development. The results of the assessmentby team members can be used when discussing the performance of the

    member in the past and giving/discussing feedback for the member.

    The results include the three super strengths of the member. Make sure thatshe/he will be distributed to a role or given a task where she/he can use those

    strengths to make the most out of them. But also use the results on thedevelopment areas of the member to choose a task or action that the membercan do in the future to improve on that skill.

    7.3. Additional questions in the PDT

    Choose from this selection of questions when talking in the PDT about thedevelopment of your members competencies:

    o How was it for you using the Individual Assessment Tool?o How high did you rate yourself in the single competencies?o Have a look at the results: which are your three super strengths?o How did you use those strengths in the last semester for your work in

    AIESEC?o Which roles, activities or tasks could you do to use your strengths in the

    future to improve them even more?o Have a look at the results: which are your areas of improvement?

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    o While doing which activities did you realize that you need to improve inthese improvement areas? Which competencies were lacking for beingvery successful?

    o Which activities or tasks could you do in the future to improve in theseareas of improvement?

    o Which results did surprise you? And why?o Who could support you when working on your further development?

    Additionally, when using the assessment of team members:o Which other AIESECers did you ask for an evaluation?o Are the results similar to the results that you got in your self-

    assessment? Or is there a blind spot?o How do you feel when seeing the results and feedback of the others?o How does the assessment of the others fit to other feedback that you

    got previously?

    o According to the strengths that others attribute to you, which roles,activities, tasks should you choose to do in the future?

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    8. Leadership Development and the Competency


    8.1. Introduction

    Developing talents is a central goal of AIESEC. Finding the leader in each andevery one of your members is a progress that cannot be assigned to aspecific stage. Still, there are a few easy steps that can make developing

    leaders much easier for you.

    8.2. Leadership Development and the Global CompetencyModel

    First of all, think abut the Leadership Positions available in your LC. Everyposition should have its Job Description. Define individually which

    competencies are critical and/ or supporting for your Leadership Role, so thatyou can look for the right person more specifically.

    Now it is time to really market your Leadership Positions (targeted TalentMarketing). Discuss them on your LCM or mention them in the newsletter. Tellthem about competencies and skills that you can develop while performing

    the Leadership Role. If you already have members in mind, talk to them

    directly or in PDTs.

    If some of your members are reluctant to take over a Leadership Role you canencourage them to use the Competency Assessment Tool (CAT). It can showthem exactly where their strengths and areas of development are. Use the TRstage to prepare your members for LR and X by offering the right jobs and



    1. Use the TR stage to prepare your members for a LR or X.2. Have a talk with the member, who you think are ready to take over aLeadership Role.

    3. Find out if they want to take on leadership, and if not, why they arehesitating to do so.

    4. Motivate them to use the CAT to explore and develop their leadershippotential.

    5. Match the right person with the right position by comparing the JobDescriptions for the Leadership Positions to the results of the CAT.Also make sure what your member can gain from the job.

    6. Let the member use the CAT after his Leadership Role to check if andwhere he or she has improved.

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    There are two possible scenarios:

    1. You have a member who wants a specific Leadership Position, but youare not sure if he or she has the competencies you have previously

    defined as critical yet. Arrange a meeting with the member and discuss his or her

    motivation for the job. Openly discuss the critical competencies

    and encourage the member to use the CAT to define hisstrengths and areas of development.

    If your member does not have the critical competencies make aplan with your member what he or she can do to develop thecompetencies, which are deficient. Offer them the right trainingsto achieve their goal and give him or her tasks where he or she

    can develop the competencies. E.g. organizing a team buildingfor your LC or being OCP for smaller projects like workshops.Learning by doing! Check what your LC needs and adapt yourplans accordingly, there is always room for experiencing!

    2. You have a member who is reluctant to take over a role, although his orher competency results show that he or she has all the critical/supporting competencies needed to do so: Encourage your member by pointing out how well he or she fits for

    the job. Offer your member assistance in his role by e.g. mentoring

    him or her by a third person or having a more experiencedAIESECer on his team in order to challenge him.

    Encourage your LC to use the 360 Feedback. The 360Feedback gives the people around you the chance to evaluateyour behaviour and to give you a different view of yourself.

    It can be used to encourage members by showing them how others see them.They can gain some interesting insights!

    8.3. Leadership Development and Conferences

    There are many conferences, national and international, that focus onLeadership Development. You can give your members an unique experienceby sending them to conferences like NaLDS or WeNaLDS. They can take timeto reflect on their values and take part in workshops, which are specificallybuilt to improve the competencies a Leader needs. Check for

    conferences, which appeal to your needs and be sure to inform your LC about

    the possibilities!

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    There might also be regional conferences, which have a Leadership

    Development track!

    Be sure to also look for workshops, that mightgive your members confidence to work as a

    Leader. Maybe workshops like projectmanagement or time management can help todevelop skills and will give your members


    Use the NICO already to assess the competencies of your Newies and keepan eye on the competencies they already have. Think of yourPipelinemanagement and use the TR stage to prepare your members for aspecific role. It is also the basis for a successful Talent Planning!

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    IV. ConclusionThe Competency Model should be used primarily as a development tool formembers to enhance their performance and competencies. Members canchoose which competencies they want to develop further at each stage basedon the report received from taking the assessment tool after every stage ofthe AIESEC eXperience according to the different circles of influence.

    In order to implement the GCM as a development and management tool inyour LC you have to use competencies from the very beginning since newmembers join AIESEC. The usage of the competency model makes onlysense when it is used in all Talent Management processes that are in the LC.

    This means we plan profiles of members and define competencies which wewant to see in our members. Based on these profiles we create targeted

    Talent Marketing campaigns. We then measure level of competencies amongcandidates to join AIESEC and based on the profile select high potentialstudents who suit to AIESEC. Later on we are using competencies during

    allocation and division of responsibilities so we match members with certaincompetencies with job descriptions of positions that are available. OurEducation Cycle is created in such way so that you can develop differentcompetencies. Moreover you can use coaching/mentoring to supportdevelopment of competencies. You can do regularly performance checks andassess what progress you have made and what areas you should focus on.

    We measure our competencies when you want to take a leadership role or goon exchange to check if you suit to the profile. At the end of your engagementin AIESEC you can capture all the experience and competencies you havegained.

    Created by Christina Jger, TM NST 2009/2010, October 2009

    Any questions? Contact your TM NST:
