Global Citizenship Project and Tip Sheet


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Colorado State University, U.S Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating.  Colorado State University Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. To simplify technical terminology, trade names

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Global Citizenship

Project units 1-2 are designedfor members 8-18 years old.

Investigate a chosen countryParticipate in a pen pal programAttend international festivalsHost foreign guestsMake and exhibit a notebookillustrating what you learned fromthis experience

Unit 1 - Study of a Country Inspiring youth to:

Live with a host family or families inanother country as a representativefrom a standard internationalprogramMake and exhibit a notebookillustrating what you learned fromthe experience

Unit 4 - Exchange Delegate Inspiring youth to:

Project units 3-4 are designedfor members 11-18 years old

Host an incoming delegate fromanother country or cultureMake and exhibit a notebookillustrating what you learned fromthe experience

Unit 2 - Hosting an Exchange Delegate Inspiring youth to:

Serve as a youth councilor for theinbound international delegationcoming to the Colorado 4-HProgramMake and exhibit a notebookillustrating what you learned fromthe experience

Unit 3 - Youth Counselor Inspiring youth to:

Global Citizenship

Resources:Exhibit & Judging


Record Books

Manual Information

Located at:

Tips:In your manual identify the Life Skills you developed andhow you developed themFor every unit explain:

How your attitude changed before and after thelearning experienceHow you shared what you learned with othersWhat resources you used

For Unit 2 - Hosting an Exchange Delegate also includeHow you prepared for your exchange delegate’s arrivalHow you welcomed them

For Unit 3 - Youth Counselor for Inbound InternationalDelegation also include:

All that you did during the orientation of exchangedelegations to ColoradoA log of your contactsHow you promoted the program

For Unit 4 - Exchange Delegate to Another Country alsoinclude:

How you prepared yourself for this experience What your attitude was before leaving about thecountry and how it changed after your return