Global Citizenship Cohort



Think responsibly. Become a global citizen. Take the path less travelled. Map your academic pathway through our integrated liberal education cohort — preparation beyond your degree. Learn more about the the Faculty of Arts & Science’s innovative new program, visit:

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Faculty of Arts & ScienceGlobal Citizenship Cohort

Map your academic pathway through our integrated liberal education cohort — preparation beyond your degree.

Think responsibly. Become a global citizen.

Your journey. Your destination.Your university education is a journey. At the University of Lethbridge, we believe that a liberal education is the best route to develop relevant 21st century skills; you will learn to think critically, communicate thoughtfully, respect creativity, and act in ways that improve the world. You will also have flexibility to explore your interests, which may lead to exciting new opportunities and careers.

The uLethbridge Faculty of Arts and Science has developed a new opportunity for students that takes our liberal education philosophy one step further. Global Citizenship (GC) will bring together 40 intellectually curious students to form a cohort (or a small group of students banded together by a common thread) for a unique academic experience. Participants will take select courses specific to the theme — some of which will only be available to the Global Citizenship cohort — while completing their degree of choice. Students will work closely with their instructors, build friendships with like-minded students, develop leadership skills and learn how they can have a positive impact on the world around them.

The inaugural theme of the Global Citizenship cohort for Fall 2015 is Water, Sustainability and Social Justice. Students taking any Arts or Science major1 are eligible apply.

Preparation Beyond Your DegreeWe chose the theme Water, Sustainability and Social Justice because it is relevant in every part of the world, involves many interconnected issues and relates to the University of Lethbridge’s foundational commitment to liberal education. We live in a global society with complex problems that need to be addressed by people who can see the big picture and who want to create a better tomorrow. You’ll learn how to approach issues from many different perspectives, link course work to real-life situations and make thoughtful, evidence-based decisions.

The world needs people who think critically and act responsibly; so do employers. Follow the path to global citizenship and you will have an undeniable head start on fellow graduates on the passageway to your chosen career.

Put Your Knowledge to WorkStudents also have the opportunity to further enrich their experience by participating in experiential learning opportunities to gain practical work experience while at uLethbridge. Whether you’re looking for a more in-depth learning experience by assisting with research projects or by testing your knowledge in a real-life setting, we can help. Combined with your required coursework, the options outlined below will provide you with a solid foundation for further studies and an excellent framework for a challenging and rewarding career — whatever direction you decide to go.

Co-operative Education & InternshipsThe Faculty of Arts & Science is proud to offer you the chance to participate in our award-winning Co-op option — the only one of its kind in Alberta. Co-op allows you to gain work experience directly related to your studies and make invaluable contacts in the workforce, all while earning a competitive salary. Completion of the co-op requirements allows you to receive a Co-op designation on your degree and, most importantly, a kick-start to your career the minute you graduate.

For more information on Co-operative Education & Internships,

Applied StudiesApplied Studies is another special opportunity offered to all Arts & Science students as a way to earn course credit for career-related paid, volunteer or community service work experience. It is specially designed to allow you to integrate principles learned in the classroom in a practical work setting.

For more information on Applied Studies,

Research & Independent StudiesIn addition to your regular courses, you have the opportunity to participate in Independent Studies. You will be able to contribute to departmental activities by volunteering on research projects or through employment as a Research Assistant.

There are field school opportunities available in some disciplines, as well as many opportunities to study abroad.

For current Research or Independent Studies opportunities, speak to your professors directly.

1 We suggest that students seek advice from one of our Arts and Science academic advisors to determine how your program will work with the Global Citizenship cohort.

Your Global Citizenship RoadmapIn the first year, you and your cohort will take three courses based on the theme from the point of view of the sciences, social science, and humanities. You will also take two liberal education courses, designed to teach you to identify the interconnectedness of the theme, link varying points of view and hone your academic skills. Regular participation in group activities will help you succeed in your first year cohort experience as well as every aspect of your life and academic career.

One second year course is required, with the remaining courses left open for you to personalize based on your own interests and major. You will receive guidance from your instructors as to what courses fit into the theme, while given the flexibility and responsibility of choosing your own path.

As you progress through your degree you will be given the opportunity to participate in activities, including guided learning circles and mentoring. In addition, the GC cohort will help you track your professional and academic milestones, helping you to build an e-portfolio that has real meaning to employers. This system will illustrate how activities, both in your courses and beyond, contribute to learning and growth, and how these activities are valued by future employers. Many students have difficulty connecting the skills they have developed in their university career to those required for jobs — this rewards-based system will help students overcome that hurdle.

In the third year select students may be offered the chance to work with first year courses, leading discussion groups and acting as mentors to junior students. This is an excellent opportunity to build communication and leadership skills, as well as increase your own understanding of the theme through teaching. This, too, will contribute to participating students’ e-portfolios, as will independent and applied study opportunities.

Finally, in your fourth year of studies you will have the opportunity to participate in a capstone course. This is a course that you can tailor to your own interests, preparing and presenting a major paper or carrying out an in-depth research project that both builds on your interests and demonstrates the knowledge and points of view that your experiences have offered. This is a valuable opportunity to take a more self-directed approach to learning, and will allow you to reflect on and demonstrate how all of the pieces of your education fit together. If your GPA is high enough in your fourth year, you can opt to complete an Undergraduate Thesis course. This is an excellent opportunity for you to earn an “Honours Thesis” designation on your degree.

Our Faculty & Their ResearchFaculty members at the University of Lethbridge are happy to involve undergraduate students in their research projects. Our faculty members often collaborate with other departments, community members and employers on research projects — giving you the opportunity to get additional hands-on experience.

Global Citizenship instructors are engaging, dedicated to excellence and committed to your success. They are available to offer guidance and advice throughout your degree.

BenefitsThe Global Citizenship cohort will appeal to the self-starter, students motivated by more than just good grades, those who are drawn to environmental or social justice issues, or who want to make the world a better place to live. We believe that combining intellectual curiosity with attentive instructors, a support network of like-minded peers, and extraordinary opportunities will create the next generation of game-changers — people who understand the interconnectedness of the world around them, who find their own paths and who create growth opportunities for themselves and others.

Students who complete all aspects will be awarded the Certificate of Global Citizenship; they will demonstrate an ability to address problems from a variety of perspectives, critically assess information, integrate knowledge in a multitude of ways, and have the skills necessary to be a global citizen.

Learn more about the Global Citizenship cohort, visit:

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*This brochure should be used in conjunction with the University of Lethbridge calendar, which is the final authority regarding program requirements and academic regulations.
