Glengarry glen ross




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By Andrew Stewart


Setting – Chinese restaurant and real estate office, present day

Major Characters – Ricky Roma, Shelley Levene, James Lingk, John Williamson, Dave Moss

Mood – Drama, serious Basic Situation – right at the beginning of

the play, there is an intense discussion between two men about a deal to sell out two leads.

Inciting Incident

Levene wants leads from Williamson but he will not give any prime leads without cash in advance.


Two different groups of people are trying to steal the Glengarry leads and sell them to a different real estate agency.

Rising Action

The burglary has been discovered and now police detectives are on the case. Williamson then begins to suspect that Moss and Levine are the criminals at hand.


Shelley is told that he must make his own partnership as opposed to being with Roma, and the detective calls out his name.

Falling Action/Denouement

Roma tells Williamson to give Levene the worst possible leads to sabotage him. Roma also said that he had been paying for the Glengarry leads.

Identify a Genre

Glengarry Glen Ross is labeled as a drama because it is a very serious play that focuses around the secrecy and lying that can happen with larger companies, in this case a real estate company.


By Andrew Stewart
