Glenbard West 1971 Yearbook


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glc nba rd west h igh school gle n e ll yn , illi nois

table of contents introduct ion 2 fun and games 18 organi zations 84 administration , faculty, s ta ff 114 stud e nts 162 ind ex 228

glenbarcl was a time and place . . . for tradition . .. for change ...

2introduction introduction :1

for participation . ..

4introduct ion

for competit ion . ..

introduction5 --- ----------------'---------------------~=

a time and pl ace whe re w e felt success ...

6 introduct ion

and disappointme nt.

introduction 7

a Lim e 1rnd place for Leaching . . . and learning . ..

Kintrodu t: t iun in lrod uction9

glenbard was a time and place .. . for fun.

lOi nlroduction inlroduct ion 11

stud e nts e a rn se meste r 's credit th ro ugh ne w summ e r school plan

In o Summe r School 1e wingcluss. Mrs. Brown helps Freshmun Mury M urphy (ii hur dress Sophomore L)•nnDoczekuloirons herdreu

12 su m mer school

Mr. Dlu,(l.opolski posus os u mmld for (h onl rowl /Jun Kmb.iu. /mm Wdcfor. /mm Sullivan. and Kolhy l.o rucco (hat k row) /Jule Pnrh:r. llurb llock­mun. Lee Doyle. on.I firm/ Munhull t/urinJI usummt:r ~i;hool skd ch m11 dun

sum mcrschool 13

stud e nts fo rego vaca ti o n to e a rn prec ious cred it

Kornn llnherts checks fo r mlslakes in her lyping; Work ing1.mhe r d reuin/-lomeEco­nomics is /1111 Uvin,11ston ; Anneue J.ieblich wuu a fashionable 1ummer hal while $he drows: Concenlral lng onthe model for her sketch is Hobin King: llorb Horgrove keeps her eyeon her1esson osshelype,,

14 summc r sc:::'.ho.:::_ol _ ____________________________________________ ,_um• m• e•"c• h•on•l 1•5--~

16rcg istra ti on

2100 s tu de nts e nroll fo r th e '70 sch ool ye a r

re~1s tration 17

fun and games

run and gam es 19

hilltoppers take four, lose four in tough season

WhDBlonCen1ral . RlvenideBrooli:field Maine East ..... DowneuGroveNorlh

m~;;,~;t:i .

20 vars ityfootba ll


vars it y foo1ba ll 21

comic strip characters highlight traditional parade

22 homecoming

homecoming 23

24 homecoming

varsity, sophs beat the dukes on homecoming

Ledby averytoug h cldc nsc and a s lro ng runninggamc. lhe Varsity I litters clo bbered Yo rk for a solid 29-8 1-l omecomi ngvictory

Greg Dase p rovided most of the scori ngwi thth reeto uchdownruns. and Cary ln,l.lold scored his s ixth touchd ow n of the year in th e Top­pers' best offe nsive e ffort of th e year. The defe nse shone, inter­cep ting lwo passes and preventi ng York from reach ing the encl zone unti lthefi nalsecondsof thcga mc

The Sophomores had a rouj.! he r lime . nipp ing the Dukes lfl- 12. All sixtee n poi nl s ca me in th e fou r th period as th e Bardl c ts ove rcame a s ix po int de ri cit to co me from be­hi nd and win the ir fourth gam e in

homecoming 25

peanu t gallery, '70 dance, ends successful day

The half-limt! s how inclu d ed the hnnd a nd th e Toppc re tt cs, w ho co mbin ed lo give an or ig in a l pre­sen tation o r "Th e Pink Panther" The band then pl;1yed '' Josh ua ,'' fcatur ingNatOi li bc rtoonthe1rum­pet. They ended their s how wit h the production numbe r "So u lful Drums," which feat u red drumme rs Brod Binks, Mi ke Li c ht e nwa lt er, Paul Redmond, and Alan Vovolka

A fter a successfu l duy on l hc fie ld came the d a nce, Pe anut Ca l­lery. Amid co lo r h il pic tures of Andy Cap p and Snoopy. Pat ty El­liott w os c rowned by football cap­tainSteveMillcr. Pa t\ y'scourt co n­s isted o f fres hman Ka ryn Glawe, sophomo re Laurie Eavey, junior Ingrid S pcl\nes. and senio rs Chris Li eblichand jea nn cManJ.! ion

26 homecoming

homecoming 27

sophs ta ke 2nd stra ight titl e; fr eshm e n undefea ted Thcst1p homoregridm en.coachC1 I

byMr. Ric hnrdNordmeycr,carried afi-·1-1 ove r;d l record 10 a con ­fere nce c hampionsh ip for th e sec­oml conscc ut iveyear. ProvisoWes1 adm inisl c re d the lone defeat in a :n -:IO hea rtbre ak e r . CoinJ.l into the fimt\ gam e o f the season. agains t Hi nsdal e Cenlral. the Sop homo res found lh c ms e lvcs ticcl with the Red

28 fres hman-so phomore footba ll

Dev ils forfir s tplace - holht ea ms showing a 4-1-·1 confere nce record. llyshell nckin,1:llin sd a lc 19-7, th e Soph omore Top pers muint;iined the ir pos itio n as Kings of th e rough a nd tou gh West Suburba n Con­fere nce

The Freshm an A tea m racked up aclazzling7-0recorclin 1970 tnrun awaywiththeWcstSuburban Co n-

freshman-sop homore football 29

despite the ra in te nnis team has a grea t season

30 gir\s' tennis

prac ti ce le ads to improve m e nt in fall se;1son

girl s' <1rchery31


socials , auction , and slave dav break routines

socia ll ife33

cross country ha rri e rs take fourth in wsc

34 cross country

1970 CrouCount ry Scoreboard

Hinsd ale Central , , Rl vflulde Brooldle lit Maine Eas t . . Provi50 Wesl .. Oowners Nor1h .. ~~~~s Townsh l11 .

Note: Low scorewlns ln croucoun1 ry.

36crosscou ntry

senior don ellis captures fourth place in illinois

Sen ior Don Ellis fin ished an oul- Ex1r11m11l11f1 lop·h••ffCoxon<lRrionCooper

~~~;~"~i:!:' ~·~:,:~; 11~;'.~~::;~~!~ ~;~;~~l~!~; iti~1~~{~~~~l~ On th e wa y lo the Sta le Meet.

Don broke course reco rds in both thcconforencc and clislrict con­tests. His final run proved he was th e fourlhbestrunn er inlllinois

38 male an im al

all school play brings thurbe r comedy to life

male anima l 39

faculty beate n by cubs in afs­sponsored bout

40 facu lty-c uhga me

/\majority or C uh fans and a hand hil orracult ysu ppor te rsmad e up 1he rull hou se in 13ies lc r ,i.:ym on Ja nuary 21sl to watch lhe Cubs whip th e facu lty '!02-86 . Chi e f enterta ine r for the eve n ing was

Fe rgie Je nkins w ho d e liRhtc d fan s w ilh his antics on and off th e co ur t. The gam e was sponsored by thcAmcricanFic ld Se rvi<:e lo mak c mnney lo bri ng future fo reign ex­c ha nges1uclcnls toGlenhardWest.


exchange off e rs comparison of schools , people

42 harriso n excha nge ha rr iso n exchnnge 43

vars i1 v basket hall

hilltoppc]rs go lo region <il fin(ll: finish fourth in tough con l'c!rc!nce

44varsit ybasketbal\ va rsit ybaskelba\145

sophs, frosh "a" finish season in winning column

46 sophomore basketball freshmanbasketball 47

ch r is o'br ie n is crowned q uee n a t g-tee n dance

48 hearlhop

hca rthop-19

one hundred and thirty-first play marks las t in old west auditorium

Beth Schw11nkc. l'am Kndkc, Vicki Selden Si11ly Shnmlmrgcr. Mnikn Will . Llghllng:

all -schoolp\ay51

52 all-school p l a~·

thespians up-d ate shakespeare's "a midsumme r night 's dream"

all-school plny53

gymn as ts h ave outs ta nd ing 15-2 ove ra ll r ecord

54 gymn astics gym nas tics 55

J.lVmnas l ii:s

four CLUGlify for stat e : ladik ge ts fourth on horse

~~~~~~~!~~~ slmwsrhf'51r1·ngth necessuryruperformnn 1h1!rin,11s

gymnastics :i7

ingold, hubbard, disn ey advance to state f inals

" T his yc:ir's wrcs1lin,1.t season was llw hcsl one that C lcnhnrd Wcst hascvcrlwd," d cclnrcd! lcad Wrestlin~ Co;u:h John Beis ne r. li e was r ighl. and the records prove it. T h e Fres h men had a 7-4 record; the Sophomores, 8-2-2: th e Juniors. 8-2 andlhc Va rsity, 10-3-1

The va rs il ysquad was l1:d by Cu­Cap tains Cary Ingo ld (25- 1-2) and M;irk Disney (22-1): seniors l~ic:k ll uhbard(22-:il. LinSlact!y(12-4- ll. IJ rad ltjorth fHi-51. Ken l.imlhcrg (rn-fi], Frank Fi lippi (!J-H-1). and Mike Co riga n (6-3-2): Ju nior Dill Cars ten s {13-fi-'I]: and Sophs Pe te Doerr ics and'J'oddluhnson

The v;i rsi l v malme n defended their 1-linsdafc Tournamen t Ch;1m­piuns hi 11.tooksecond inl hc0ist 1·ic1 Tourname nt, won second in the Sectional Tournam e nt. and place d 20th in 1he State Tournament. :r hc lunior Va rsil y won the Juni or Va r­s il ~' Qundran).lu lar and li e d for lhe Conference Championsh ip.

Al the Hinsda le Tou rney, five C lenbardians were crowned cha m­pions: Slacc y, Mark Disney, Rick llubbartl. Co1ry ln).lo ld. and Bi ll Ca rste ns. Five Clenhard ).l rap­p lers also qualifi ed for the Sec­tio nal Tou rn <iment Ma rk Disney. Ca ry Ingo ld . Brad Hj orlh . Rick Hubbard, a nd llill Ca rs te ns. Mark Dis ney. Ri ck Hub bard. a nd Gary ln,l.loldall won Sect iona l Champion­ships 1111d com peted in the State Tourname nt, w here Cary Ingo ld wo n thi rd place and Rick Hubbard six lh .

"This squad ," Mr. Beis ne r sa id "was the mos1 highl y skill ed. high­ly mo1 ivat ed J.(roup of young men r vewo rkedwitha1C lcnhard West. They wnrked hard. set h igh goa ls, and se t man y in d ividual and learn records. We worked a longtime to haveaseniorsquadl iketh is . a nd Wt! hope lo have grea1 sen ior sq uadsqu iteofte ninthefu lure."

58 va rs ilyw restli ng

_ VarsityWrestBngScore hoard ~

II Wheaton North .. U Wheaton Cenl ral za Barrington

~! ~i:~b~rd E~.i : . . . .

'[m~~:: . ••. 11

.... Z3

..•. 9 ..••• 13 ..

- - - - ---- ---------------- va rs itywrest li ng :i9

individu als and tea ms e njoy the best se ason ye t

60 \•vrestling w res tling 61

g-c\u h-racultyga me

le tterme n lose to the teachers in annu al game

62 g-c lub-fucuh ygamc

al\-schoo l pla v

audiences kept in suspe nse by,, " the pl ayroom

fi4 all -schoolplay

66 varsit y baseball

toppers slump, lose wsc lead in final games

~ Vars it y 8aseba 11 Scorehoa rd ~

vars it yhasc ball r, ;-

fn)sh -so11h ]Jasehall

sophs e ncl year in fifth: rioux leads fr eshm en

68 has•~ ha 11 fros h-soph baseba ll 69

okl a h om a ta kes c rowds h ack to turn of ce ntury

70 all -schoolmus ical

pr ichard and fosdick lake first in distri ct clouhles

tennis 73

74 golr


coach e nds fin e ca ree r with a winning se ason

Coach Geo r~e Haascappcd his3-I year coac h i n~ car1:c r al Gtcn hard wi1h annthcr win n ing season. The Va rs ity Golf team won five. Josi onl y two. a nti took 1hi rd pl ace in the West Su hu rhan Conference

Glen bard 's li nks1crs d id wd l in both the La ke Park a nd lhe Cham­pa ig n lnv ita1iona l To urn ame nts T he Va rs ity won it all at Lake Pa rk agn inst 19 tea ms. w ith a fou r man total of 317. Brian Recd was lhc Tourney Mcdnlis t wilh a round of 72. At Cha mpa ign. compe ting w ith 34 teams, th e tea m plact)d sevc nlh with ascorcof410.

Bria n Recd. M ike Kovac h. Bill An de rson . Dave Dutch. and Bi ll Kovach mad e u p thcGle nbarcl go lf squ ad 1hnt co mpetcd in the Dis tri ct Tou rnament at the Wood ri dge Country Club . Taking 1hi rd . lh e team q ua li f ied fo r the Sect iona l Tou rn ame nt held a t th e Fo x Be nd Cou ntry Clu b. whe re they fin ished fifth wi th a te am tota l of 318. T h is yen r 's varsit y team had great po­te nt ial, accord ing to Coach l !aas . bu t lhcv never achievedlhccon­sis tc ncynecessa ry to bechampi ons

J\ llh ough th t.! Sophomores (7-2) lost their first two non -confere nce ma tches to Lake Pa rkund Whea ton, they we re u nd efea1cd for lh c ba l­anceof1hcscason nnd caplure d the Sophomore Co nfere nce crow n with an cxce \1 e nt 7-0 Co nfere nce reco rd .

In th e Co nfe re nce To urn ame nl. the Sophs outst roked th e ir oppo­ne nts and fini shed w i1 h a team tola l of 342. Bill And1! rson took individ ual honorswith a lowrnund of78.

Ler1 : SeniorBrion RemJ. nwdulis1011he Luke Park /nvilalionu/Tournomenr. follows lhroughonuproc1icedri11e

golf 75

" brigacloon .. sets a scoltish mood for the 71 prom

76 juninr-sen iorprom

jun ior-seniorprom 77

trackm en win little four; ellis fifth in country

I lead Coach Jim Arnold' s coach­ing techn iq ues brought about a rnarkedimprovcmen1inlhcq11ality or Glc nhartl's running. The learn did well in rnnny meets. and in­dividuals se t seve ral records

Led bydistanccrunnerDon Ellis. Clenbard West's track 1cnm took fifth in the tcn-1 co1m fi eld at lhc Mor ion West Inv it ational. Don Ellis broke lh c meet record by 23 secondsandtheficldhousc rccord by "18 in an cxce ll c nl 9:22.2 time. The climax of the indoor track seasonwas thctcam'ssccond place fi n ish at the te n-learn Morton East Rclayshchind Proviso

At the Littl e "4" In vitationa l Tra ck Meet. th e Varsity took first place with 93 points w h ile the second place tea m scorud only 73 Thn !rnckmen placed fourth in th e con ference tournament.

At th1! Distr ict. the Varsity came in fifth against 23 teams. Fi ve in­dividuals (Don Ellis. Lorry Doyle, Glen Gardne r . Jim Clegg. a nd Gt!rry Crossle yl nm! the mile rela y team (Tim Cranny, Mike Patterson, Randy Schlachter. and Dan Ellis) qua li fied for the Slate. Gardner. Clegg. Gross ley. and lhe mil e re lay team~,did not make it past the pre­li1mi naries in Cha mp aign but Ell is went on to tak e third in the two mil e a nd Doyle look e ighth in the hi~h hurd les

The h iR hlight or the season wos Don Elli s' ni ne-m inute two mil e run . Don 's mark was th e 5th fastest tim e for a high schoo l s lude nt in the U nited S ta tes.

Sen ior Gerry Cross ley set o new long-jump reco rd (22feet.5inches] tobreakthevarsityrecordof 21 feet. 11 inches. set in 1967. O the r lrackmen with high poi nt s in their res pect ive cale8o r ies were Don Ellis (distance runsl. Larry Doyle (hurd les and re lays!, G le n Gardner (hurdl es. po le va ul t), Gerry Cross­ley fhu rd les. longjumpandre la ysl. and Greg Rcuhs (rel a ys and sp rint s).

78 vars ity track

80 rrosh-soph lrack

bill frit z hre;1ks frosh record in di s tance runs

frnsh-sophtrack Bl

82 graduat ion

:J82 seniors gt! l dipl omas al '7 -1 co mm e nce m e nt

~rilduation 83

organ il".at ions

84 organiza t ions



s tud e nt 's leagu e aids gle n bare\ and co mmunity

86 orga ni zati ons

for e ig n s tud e nts spe nd th e yea r in gle n e ll yn

ThcAnwricnn Field St!rvicc wel­comed fourexchnngestudenrs thi s year : Rcrnzi Su/Ju from Turk e}' . hosled hy Senio r Dave F;1Jls; Ed,i.:n rd o Hern andez from Chile, hos!ed hy Jun ior Phil Sheldon ; /Jri>: ille Wil di from Swi lze rl a nd , hosted hy Ju n io r Carol Sinden: an d Wil nise Senecal from 1-! aili. hos ted by Mrs. Judy Sodin i. Brigil!e c;mie for the yea r on the Youl/1 for Un­d ers landing progr;1m and Wilnise came through lh c or,i.Finb:alion Op portunit y for Equal Employ­ment. employed as a molhe r 's he lper.

Both Riche ll e Nauer! and J\ nne De rse qunlifi ecl to beco me Glen. bard AFSers abroad . Ri ckey left al !he second semes ter to live wit h hcr Sou lh Afr icanfami lyforayear, andAnnedepartedin j un e tospend the s umm e r in Sccaux. France.

Among th e club's :i c li vil ies were anopenhouseforthei:i1izcnsor G le n Ell yn lo met:t !he exclrnnge slu d e nts. an AF'S weeke nd with stude rll s from1h esu rrou ndingarea, and AFSdayfo rthcsludc nl bod y to become familiar w i1h lh e AFSe rs from1heChicagoarca

The bi~es l eventoftheyearwas the C hicago Cubs vs. !he G le nbard Wes! fac ul! y hasket ball,Llame. Th e profil of lhe .srnme he lped lo hring Remzi and Ed he re nnd send the American candida1es Rickey a nd Ann e a broad . Th e money raised from co ncess io ns we nt to a id 31 Fre nch s tud en ts in coming 10 G len Ell yn for Spring Vaca tion. In the fa ll.1heclubentcrcd a fJoatin1 he a nnu a l !-lomuco ming pnrade. lhe firs l e nlry in AFS hislory

organizo!l ions 87

ho norary cl ubs recogn ize m a ny s tu d e nt ta le nts

88 organizat ions o r~aniza li ons 89

gle n h a rd w ins awards, seco nd h es t in county

of type. g ra p hs we r e n um erou s, wi: re placed so as to add ba la nce a nd pe rspect ive lo the pages. T he Glen Bord edi to rs we re es pecia ll y proud of the 1wos ix-pai.:c edi tions puhli sh1:d , a foa1 c quallcdonly hy the '19ti7- f\8 s1a rr i n recent li mes

Gle n Bord al so had things to offe r in conte nt o f these we re the exclusive v iews wi th Dea n Stoakes. Ma rga ret Pa pand rcou (daughte r-in-low o f a former Greek Prime Mi n is1crL

90 orga niza tions

addition of new studio prom otes radi o lis te ne rs

organi :t.<1 tion s 91

th es pian troupe prese nts four studi o pla ys

92 org1 1ni :1.oti ons

organi z11 l ions 93

se rvi ce clubs d e mons trate soc ia l co nce rn

tocolll!CI moneyfnrn lachia

The G-Tee ns e xt e nd ed the ir se r­vices lo more than just lhcstudcnt body this year. They pres~m l ed thei r annual Candlclighl Serv ice for G len Ell vn c iti zens. colluctc d o lilclothcsr'rornsl ud cn lsfur1he Treasur e !louse. so ld peanuts (or Ki wa nis Da y, and a ided the Red C ross Youth in stu ffing stockings for Viel Na m se rviceme n

The ir schoo l aclivitics we re th e 1-i t:a rl I/op . a Hom ecoming fl oat. a nd a Moth er- Dau~htc r Tea whe re awa rds wcrci.: iven;mdncwcounci\ me mbers an n uun c1~d. G-Tce ns also mvardedascholars hiptoase n io1 member

Afte r a barhccuc for prospeclive me mbers at Uarb McM01stc r 's, the Fut ure Nurses d e voted th ei r lime lo raisin).l money for their field trips. The y so ld porn -pons and hrownies.a nd w ilh thismoneyt hcy were ahl e to vis it the Crea l Lakes Naval llosp ital. Su nn yr idgc Chil­d ren ·s l lomu. the Re habi lit at ion Ins tit ut e, and Hadley Sc hoo l for the Blind. To. close th e ye ar, a part y was he ld for a ll FNC memhe rs.

94 organizations

kev cl uh raises monev for th e leukemi <1 fund

or~rn n izat ions 95

gle nhmd choir highlights ye ar wilh 3-day lrip

!Iii organizations

or).lanizalions 97

band me mbe rs combine humor with programs

98 organizut ions

orches tra has mus ic and fun th ro ughout ye;ir

IOll u r)rn ni zal ions o r~<m1 z o lt i o ns 101

102 or}lani za lions

chee rl ead e rs and lop pe re t.le.s rai se pe p , spirit

104 ur)!aniz;il ions

populm musi c sets mood for orchesis dance

Or)!ani z;ilions '!OS

IOI\ or1rn nizations

g.a.a. workshop held here for all illinois girls

orwmizat ions 107

language clubs raise funds for scholarships

108 orµ an izations

Top: French Clu h OHic1Ju: Fronl RoW·

~kg~~_:~i£Yie~u~~l~~~~~~· l~;n~'.~h!r:i~~~: rndcr.andMarlh11Lyons

or,aniz<it ions ·109

gle nbard h <1s spec ial inte rest clubs for man y

110 or).(ani;1.alions

spec ial inte res t needs prov id ed by sma ll clubs

organizat ions 111

vica and office occupations win state contests

Gle nbard's chaple r 0£ lhe Voca­tional Industrial Club of America {V ICA) sta rted out the schoo l vear suc:cessfull y hy winning a second pince f11r the ir homecoming floa1 As fund rai s ing proj ccl s, VICA held a Ro ad Hall y, two 1:a rwashes, apape rdr ivc, and snldPoll y Fluffs. Mike Sal1 zmnnn recei ved s2n.110 forsc ll ingthcmosl Poll y Flu ff s In Ma v. the members of V IC A tra veled to S prin~fi c l d for 1hc VICA S ta te Con ve nti o n. At 1lrn con vent io n tw0 C lc nbar11i nns we re el1!cled as s ta te offi ce rs: Di!l1hie Vinachi wo n th e office of Parli ;1-mentarian and Ginge r Chinva ri won tlw oHi c:c of Secrelarv. The Glc nbard Wes t VICA recciv1~d a fi rs t p\ ;1ce for th1!irdis pla y and Laura Napcl won sm:ond place in th e Cosmetology \.ont csL To e nd lht?yearthey he lda han c1ue1fo r allthe irme mhers.

Beg inning th e y11;1r wi th a fie ld trip to lh e ofrices o f Eas te rn Air­lines a nd Eas tman Kmh1k in Oak­brook. Office Occupations la te r a!le nded th e Are a Slud e nt Lead e r­ship confere nce he ld a t the Vi ll a• Olivia Countrv Cluh in Decembe r Severa l studcn ls part it:ipalcdinthe West Suhurba n Arna Offi ce Occu­pations Co nt1~s ts held at Downers Grove South 1 ligh Schoo l: Dd1bie Ge hringe r wvn f irst pl;1ce in th e Account ing Contest and SucY;iege r wns awarded the titl e of Miss Of­fice Occu pa tions. In March these two girls participated in the State Contests in Springfie ld. w he re each placed fifth in her area. The club alsosold can dy andcalendarsto rai se mone y fo r th e Employe r­Employce Banque t in May. Th e bant1 uet . the final duh acli vit y. was held at the Holida y Inn to hon or oil the em ployers who had participated in th e' OfficeOcr:upa­tionsthi sycar

112 organiza tions

distribut ive ed. places first in illinois contest

Di1trlbu1 ive Education Club did ve ry we ll in co u n t ~ and s tat e com­petiti on this yea r. Do n Olse n was e lected pres id e nt of th~ ! DuPage

fcn:ncc . and Le if Espe land wo n lh1:s hal1:nt of the Y•~ilraward .

The Office Aides were a wor ki ng force that ke pi sc hool ro11tincJ.minJ.l throug hout th ti year. Tlw stude nts rlail y c:h t!ckecland helpcd with1he rei:o rd ingofahsc nl ees, dc li ve recl passes a nd m e mos to the fa c:u ll y. hel ped the counst:lors <ind nurse wi!h lhe ir work


administration, faculty, and staff

ndminis1ration. facu ltv and .~l;1fl

supe rinte nd e nt p il ots distric t to successfu l ye a r

l lli dislrictofri cc clisl r icl offi ce 117

three he lp the principal direc t school affa irs

118 admin istrat ion

john d . shea ha n res igns afte r 10 yea rs a t west

adminislration 119

exhi b its prov ide showcase for stude nt ar tis ts

Top: Mr~ . Mar11nm1 Tat:1kb: Mr. Eclward D l u11op ul ~ ki, Ar1 Dc 1111r1mo 11l Cha irman

Right: \ Ir. l.ur ryChild wuiches Kim /ohnson ussheworksrmuprnjflCl111duss

conce rts, tou rs highlights for mus ic s tude nts

pupils h_endil from us ing new shor thand lab

122 bus inesscdu ca1i o n busi ness edu cati on

11:~~~~~~~-----------------------------------------------------------.... mr. sl<1rk slec rs n. c. (~V<1luati o n at w cs l campus

12-1 COJ,llish

e n•li s h 125

juniors to choose from new one-se mes te r co urses

121i c ngl ish cn,lll ish 127



visiting fr e nch stud ents enjoy am e rican lour



130 fo rc i~n l anguage

foreignla n 111 ;i i.w

pupil s 01 w rating nurse !!'\ ' school gai n insight

13'.! hom1: ecnnom ics

irn l11slr i.1l etlui:o1tit111

new <!qu ipm c! nt l t)<lds to l argc! r stud ent c! nrollm ent

intlustri al educalioll 13:1


\ 'lit es <ind haas I' (~s i g n : hl oxam l <1kcs s< il 1h ;1ti c< il

1:i4 rlllllhunwlics

compute r math co urse off e rs new e xpe ri e nce

malhcmal ics 137

ho\'s' ph\'sical e ducalio n

fitness program ge are d lo bovs' spor ts <rnd gilm es

13R boys' ph ~·s i ca l edu cat ion boys· ph ysic;d cd uco1tio n 139

rev ised co urse] st ru cture prov id es fun <incl lea rning

1411 )(irls' ph ys ical1!ducation j.lir\s' ph ys ical educat ion 141

sc ience students r ece ive aw<1rds for a c hic~vc m c nls

Sci t ~ ll C(] 143

team leaching alters science closses. labs

mrs . ;indc!rson is llppoinl<!cl ;1c ting ch;1irm;111

soc i a l sch~ nc" socia l scie nce 147

14H soci alsciencc

ex pe rim<~nt < il tex tbook alters histor y cours<~

sucial scie nce ·149

new teaching mc~lhocls tri l) d in speech class

150 sp1:er. h

dri vers'i :d1u:.1t ion

more than :JOO dri ve rs trnin c~ d during 'T I yea r

d r i vc rs· 1 ~ c1 u c, 1 I i un I :; l

sluc\ c) nl s prol'il from av <rncl library se rv ices

ta:! a udiov isual library 153

gu ;d~' "r' r introduces S l tl II \ J( ' be tter co ~g ~ , lv '1sorv aids dC , •

paraprof1:ss ion a ls

parn-pros he lp school mo nitors shag strnggle rs

I 5fi pa r; l I 1rn f 1 ~SS i 0 n ii JS

s taff m e mbe rs offe r stud e nts the ir assistance

specia l he lp 157


secretaries aid teachers with eve ryday tasks

158 staff

staff 159

esse nti a l tas ks pe rform ed by building s taffs

160 cafc tc riastaff

custodia1 sta rr 161


162 sl ud ents

Judith Ahart I.auri c Albe rt

De borah All en Evan Almd alc

Dav id K. Anderson

Dav id P. A nde rson

Lynn And e rso n Barba ra Ange ll

Me lan ie Anth ony Roy Augc nsc n

Patricia Auman Pc tc r Aus ili

Wi lli am Bacon Thncl eous Bal assie

Consl:rn cc Ba ll

Dav id Ball

matt roudane is president of class of '71

Thomas Danks R ichard Barge r

Kevin Barnh art M ichae l OarscnH1

Joanne nart le tt San dra Ba lc k

C raig Dau er

Lou ise Dauer

Daniel Ucag ley Ca ll! Becker luhn Becke r Wi lliam Becker

Norm an IJendicsen Robert Benedict Mary Bcrgs li en Laure l Be rgstrom

Tom Berowski

Mary Be rqu is t

Na ncy Bertrand

Elizabeth Besore

Jam es Be tti sworth Mau rine Bibe ns Ric hard Binder S teve n Bl a ke ly

Ric h a rd Blanto n Suzanne Blanton

K atrin a Boedecker Je ffe ry Bogdansk i

scnio rs165

W illiam 13onckford Dinnc Bosa rt

Cnt hcri ne 13os t Kendra Bower

Sa nd r n Bower M ike Boyle

Roy 13 rads trum Jack Breme r

Mau reen Brenna n M ic h <:ie l Br icr lon

Dani e l Brigh t Rebecca Br is tol

Debora h Brown Ja ni ce Brown Di a ne Brunk e Jnne t Budzicz

Ru ssell Bud z icz Jacq ue lyn Bun trock

G ary Bu s h Na ncy Bus h

Mar y Bu ssm a n Jo na th a n Butt e rs

Dave Cad e m art o ri Rich ard Cam p be ll

Daw n Capez io Joa nne Caputo Sandra Ca rey Don ald Ca rlo

Mark Ca rlt on Mary Carm ichae l John Caron Gregory Ca rr

Mich ne l Cn ruso John Casey Li nda Ce leschi John Cha lupa

Lynn Chambers Susa n Ch iod o T im o th y C hris te nson

Lnwre nce C hris ti a n

Steve n Chris ti a nse n Joa nn e C hurchill Ed wa rd Clator Thomas C lay Ion

upperclassmen represe nted in student league

lam es Clegg Rohe rt Clegg

Pat ric ia Coll ey Frances Coll ard

Rober t Condon Micha e l Co rr iga n

Will iam R. Cox Willi am W. Cox

Deborah Craf t T imoth y Cra nn y

Ma rga ret Cray ton Ge rald Cross ley

Chris ti e Crow He le nCsukor

Sa ndra Cufaude Jud y C uff

fiv e are named national m erit semi-finalists

Pam e la Cu lp Cla udi a O'Addio Ann e Da il ing Daw n Only

Ba rbar a O'Anlonio Greggory Dase Julia De aver Kare n De legge

James De tme r Judith Deve ry Robe rt Di ckinson Carol Dicos ta nzo

Cath y Di Dom e nico Jean ine Di ebold Kare n Die rking Nat Diliber to

Dian e Di Pe ntino Mar k Disn ey Sharron Dix

Luann Dombrosk y

Jam es Dornfe ld M<lry Douglas Je an Down ing

Lawrnnce Doyle

Diane Due ns ing Robe rt Duke

Elizabe th Dye r Dav id Ozwonkoski

Je ff rey Earl l Cat he rine Earl y Omit Eas tman Christ ophe r Eastwood

Jam es Eaton Ma rc ia Eldridge Palr icia Elliott Donald Ellis

Eli zabeth Ellison Les lie Eq u i Ga ry Erickson Joa nne Eri ckso n

Nancy Erickson Sandra Fa ll o n Da ve Fal ls Don Farre ll

Chris tine Parr is M ich ae l Fe ld e Mnri Fe lke r Kev in Fe nzau

Cat he rine Fe rgus Eil een Fi ala Frank Fili ppi Joseph Fill

Vicki Finke Ja nice Fi tzge rald Barbara Flans burg Dehm Fle m ing

Mary Foley Daniel Forster

1 loward Fosd ick

Joh n Foster

Margaret Fo t1 lcr Carolyn Fow ler

Ra ymond Frank

Randa ll Frenc h

Scott Freyma rk David Frost

Linda Ga ba Pa ul Ga ll aher

Joan Gamb ini G lenn Gardn er

June Carney

Jonat han Gar tz

Peggy Gay nor

David Ge hr inger

Debbi e Ge hringe r Diane Gehrke

Rae Giese l Cy nthia C i\\

Josep hine G iun la De borah Givan

joy Give n T hom as Gle nn

!Jonn ie Goodrich Bonnie Gore

Rodger Cott h.-irdt Ju dy Graham T rudy C raves Geoff Green

Gay le Gregg Gwe nn G regg

Kat hl ee n G rif f iths Sh nron Gris ha m

D<1 vid Cross Mary Cue bard

Stephen Hagar Rob in Hahs

joy Ha ll Ma rk Ha lter Lori Hankinson

Ric h a rd H a nn asch

senio rs 173

Bet h I Jansen Ma ry l lonse n

S usan I larm o n S he ila I l arri ngton

M ork l la rri s Sa lly I l;ir r iso n

Wa rre n I lart wc ll D;d c I louge r

George I louge r T e resa I la uglancl

Richard Hnyes Ro he r! I lazc nf ie ld

Ka rl I lc id cma n Ernest I le id c n

Dan I lc id orn Ross I lc ise

Barba ra I le jcl oneck S tephe n He nd e rso n Sha ro n He nd r ic kson Robert I le ns haw

Ma ry l lc pn c r Ed He rn a nd ez Mau reen l-l e r rit y Will ia m Herzog

Na ncy l lesz Eliza he lh He tzle r Che r yl I lilcl e bra nd Richa rd Hill

Ja ne ll e l lirc he rl Joy Hoffer Douglas Hoffm a n Alan Holle nbeck

De nnis 1-l ols tee n Les l ie Hooper M ark Hora n Ma r issa Hough ton

Marcy Howell Bruce Hoyer Richard Hu bbard Law re nce Hughes

Eli zabe th Hunt Gary Ingold Lynn Ingram M ichae l In nes

Na ncy Irw in

M ar tha Jacobson

He bccca jnques

Laure l Je nsen

Ma rtin Jeschk e

C laud ia Johnson

G regory Johnso n

Kathr yne Joh nson

Richard Johnso n

David Johns to n Da ni e l Jonas

Jill jo ncs

N ancy Jordan V irg inia Ju dd

Pa lr icin jur ic h

Steve Ka fb

Ja nice Ka jiwa ra

Gar y Ka llm aye r

Joa n Ka ng Barbara Kant

Robe r! Karum

Sharon Ke mme r Robe rt Ke m pkes

Edwnrd Ke ndall

Mass ie Ke nn ard Sh awn Ke rns

Edward King M ichae!Klackle

Ga ry Kle inschmidt

Elaine Kle nk

Cyn thia Knous

Ch a rles Ka linge r

Marc ia Ko p e l

Thomas Kotovs ky Michae l Ko vach

Wi lli a m Kovach

Robe rt Kranz

Tho mas Kraus S teve Krauth

Na ncy Kru ege r

Wa yn e Kruse n

Wi lli am Kull Nancy Kurkji a n

De bora h Kwas ins ki

Douglas Ladd S teve n Lad ik

N adine Lambrecht The odore I .a ngred e r

Lind a Lannin Danie l La Po int e Thomas Lri Po r le

San d rn Lawson

Charles Le Fevrc Lesl ie Leghorn

Jan Le ider Mnry l.e ist

Cu rl is Le mi ng Carol Le n tz

Lyn da Leslie Robe rt Les li e

Jam es Leyland Peggy Li ebig

Chris tin e Li e blich Chris t ine Lind

Ke nne th Lindbe rg Ma rcia Li vesay

S usa n Ll oyd Charl es Lor ang

Marc ia Lu tt re ll Martha Lyon

Mauree n Madel Marlin Madon ia

jan kaj iwara ranks first at semester's e nd

Cynt hi a Maisc h Joyce Majo r Je an Mal ecek Geo rgann M al e tich

Ton y Mal e tich Jea nn e Ma ngion Donn a Ma nning Susan Ma rge tt s

Mark Marquardt Rose Marsala James Marsh Bra d Marshall


Amy Martin Ann Mason

Ka re n Massardo Kathy McAfee

udi McDonnell J Todd McG ee

Mark McHugh Coll ee n McKay

Davis McK'.nney

War;~~~~~:~~~ Barbara McMaste r

Glen na McPh.erson Mike McWil l ~oms Ste phen Mea Ernest Mennecke

Douglas Meye Kent Meyer Michael Michaels Victor Mickelsen

Darcy M ignin Kris tie M ille r Stephe n Mil le r Ste ve Milligan

John M ill e n john Molin . . Willi am Molinari David Molito r


~ ich ae l Nichols J<me Nico lls Noe l Nie ting Je ffr ey Nixon

Cla r e Nova k Ch ri st ine O'B .· Joan O'Conne1l; e n

De ni se O 'Con nor

~onna O'Connor athy Ogdon

Dian e Olsen Do n O lse n

Barba ra Osborn Ke nn e th Dito e

~aymond Paddock colt Padgitt

Na ncy Patte rso n Norma Paveglio

Diane Pec in a Philip Peck

Donald Pe hla Ca rol Pe nnington

Michael Pe rry Karen Petersen

Kim Peterson Ronald Pe te rson Steven Pete rso n

Susa n Pfei ff e r

John Phi ll abaum Hal Phipps

Je ffrey Pienkos Stephen Pie rce

RobertPitra Lesli e Pitts

David Plumb Lind a Pohovey

John Pope Dale Porter Dea n Porter

Elizabeth Porter

Margare t Paloma Susan Prescott

David Prichard Richard Prasek

MarkQuiln o Roxa nne Radice Roberl Raha l Re nee Raschke

Gle nn Ray Raymond Raz Paul Re dmond Brian Reed

john Reed Ke nt Regnie r William Re hm Bud Re in

John Re inert M ichae l Re iner t Kim Rhe ingrover Jan Richardson

se niors185

Charles Richt e r Elizabe lh Riebe r

I lugh Rill e r Joa n Rober tso n

Ruth Robertson Sarnh Robinson

Sha ron Robinson Linda Rodge rs

Na ncy Rongre n Suza nne Rose

Jonat han Ros kam Jane l Rossman

Ma tth ew Roudan e Stephe n Roye r

Lore tta Rude Susan Rudrud

Raymond Ru opp Donald Ru schm an

Debra Rust Ma ry Ryan

Bob Salter Chris tin a Sampson

Todd Sche ffler Elizabeth Schmidt

John Schre ibe r Kare n Schultz

Mary Schult Gregory Schwab

Robert Schwander Ei lee n Se ife rt Brenda Self Maril yn Sexton

Diana Shallcross Sall y Shamburger William Shanks Cra ig Shaw

Dianne Sh e idy Call y Short Na ncy Sindelar Michael Slager


Kathryn Sla ter Jo Ann Sleckman

Steven Smith Susan Smith

Willi am Sobie Pamela Solari

Chris Spears Lindley S tacey

Jim Steele Mary Steele

Victor ia Steve nson Richard Stoll

Charles Stoltz Connie Stone

Mark Stonesifer James Strand

Larry Stra in e r Remzi Sullu John Svendsen Kather in e Swett

Ted Szal Kenaan Tab ikh Ja mes Tarmicha e l David Thomas

Marcia Thompson Mary Thompson Margare t Thrall Sall y Tie rney

De nn is T illotson Kenneth Till ou Donald Timmons Scott Trojan

Rob in Tu rner Susan U lrich David Va n Corder Lesli e Va n Proyen

Katherine Varche tto Greg Voight Ja mes Vo ight Vic tor ia Vo lkman

Rich ard Wagner Ke nne th Walker Paula Walke r Richard Walker

senio rs189

Gail Wandke Elle n Ward

Nancy Warner Ba rbara Waters

Dav id Wn tk ins Robe rt Weaver

Re nee Weber Ric hard We tze l

Ronald We lze l Ronald Wilcox

Brigitt e W il di Scott Willi ams

Cha rl es Winge Richard Winte rmute Mar il yn Wittke Kimbe rl y Wood

Mnrk Woodwa rd Barb Wright Ell en Wr ight Linda Yack ley

Susan Yaeger Diane Young

Ma rgaret Younquist jackZ il is


class of '72 makes money for brigadoon

Mar)0~rneA~~~ JoanAJCthelm

oit°b~~i~~~ Ju lieBagans


~~;~hi~~i!~s Vir~iniaChlovari lohnCihulku k111hCilloy

juni ors193


K~a~:~:!ka) OiaOeKrnfl

Diane Kramer l.11rry Krup11 Nancy Kruse

juniors 197

college bound students take variety of tes ts

fir e destroys duane stree t student union

After working long and hard to make the house on Duane Street a usable stu d ent center. C lc nbard's stu d e nt s saw th eir hopes. dreams. nm\ hard work go up in smoke. A fircgultedthcin lc rioroflheUnion, and the house was rui ned. Fund raisingdrivcsforanothcrl Jnion followed lh c fate ful fire. but. a yea r lat e r, the original building s till s loml.condcmnccl

jun iors199


t~~~:~~~~m 011veRice


Cu rl Simon C;irol Sindcn RMemarieSimek Robert Sisk

t1i~~ :~n~:fass

Tome Sokol Gai l Solch


jun iors201

jun iors203

Pam Buscher

~:J~~tYi~g~ ]eftCallarman

204 sophomores

sophs combine work and fun to raise money

Increas ing seniorit y sei::ms lo in· crease a cluss' invo lvement a nd respo ns ibilities in lhe schoo l. The Sophomore cl ass has followed this pattern, combin ing the right amuun lsof fu n and work .Themak­ingof th ei rHomecoming fl oat ca me easie r wit h hi st yea r's expe ri ence as di d the fund raising. The Class of'73wasalsoresponsiblefo r sc ll · in14 hot dogs at footba ll games. and toendl heyearwi!hfunthcy plan­nedaclasslriplotheDunes

sophomores 205

206 solhomo res sophomores 207


Car1He nnin11er M1ir)luerlteHenry

Ril~~~e~~~~ TimHerril y Jane Herron

Terrill ih

r.:~1i,~~~s~~ AnnHoyl

Sue Humphroys

sophomores 209

class officers show interest in many areas

Su~nn O'Ro11rk David Orlow CindyP;ilmersheim


sophomores 211

2 so homores sophomo res 213

sophomores 215

class of '74 is introduced to new activities

T he closs of '74 was q uickly in­trod uced to school activ it ies thei r firstyearatG\e nbard.Bcsidesncw friends. new teachers, and new ex pe riences,t heywcrcca \l ed upon lo bu ild u floal for com pe tilion in the llomecomin).l Purade. By the end oft hc70-71schoolyear, many of the "frcshi cs .. looked forwa rd toheing"uppcrlowcrs:·

218 freshmen

freshmen 219

220 freshm e n

Kurt K111lm ~1n K11thleen

Dave Keele r


KarenKoll il r Connle Konrn1h

~~~1r~~1ko~?;~~ek K111h y Kow11l Pete rKren11e l

freshm e n 221

222 rr eshmen

rreshmen 223


conn ie colson m oves on to slate contest

Connie Co lso n (lcftl took to mak­ing cheese. and ve ry successfull y too! She w as awarded rirs l place for the nalural chedd a r cheese she mude for the school scie nce fair Connie fo ll owed a hasic manufac­turing recipe invo lving five steps. and likcthc"sto rehought '' kincl it was pressed a nd waxed . From the schoo l fair she wcnl on to th e re­gional science fair where her proj­ect was rated ··exce ll ent.'' which q ual ified her for th e State Science ExposilionatChampnign

freshmen 227

it's academic team loses in final round of contest Glenbard's It 's Aca­

demic Team competed against other Illinois Hii;ih Schools for recog­nition in the academic £ield and a scholarship for their school. The

three co ntes tants for the TV production on WM­AQ TV were Dave Dzwonkoski , Don Pe hta . and Clare Novak, chose n by Mr. Sloan. Alterna tes for the,i;croup were Steve

Smith.MarkQuilno,and Joan Kang. In their only contest, th e Glenbard team finished w ith a scoreor19sagainst230 for Niles Nort h, and 295 for Main East.

index 2-"9

organizations work toge ther with president's council

Pres ide nt's Council. a group formed or !he leade rs of th e ex istin~ clubsinCle nha rd ,hegar funct ion ing ea rl y in th e seco nd semester. Thev worked to estab lish ~1 const itu li on, an e mer­ge ncy fund forgroupsin need of finan ces,. and

230 index

priorities for club sa les w ithin the sd10ol. Each o r.wa niza li on received pointsforbidding. lfa confli ct would arise, lh c hi,'lhestb idderwould ob­lain the right to sales. All decisions we re open to debate and we re mad e totally by the students

Theya lsosta rteda poli cy which sa id that if a duh wasinactiveitwouldlose official school recogni­tion. Mr. Sheahan acted asadvisorforthePresi­dent's Council. but th e re was no faculty interven­tion .


index 231

350 take part in year­round intramural sports

Approximately 350 boys participated in Glenbard West's intra­muralprogramunderthe direction of Mr. Don Loveall.

In the fall. Captain Pat Pasqua's Bears won the flaR football cham­pionship with a 5-1 rec­ord.Later Dean Wellman beat Dave Dutch for the junior-senior badminton title, and Mark Bromann eliminated Pele Fries to takethefreshman-sopho­moredivisioncrown

More than 90 boys took part in the basket­ball program and several records were set. Sopho­more Jim Molinari scored 271 points during the season and Jeff Roberts ' totalled 226 tallies. The Warriors. captained by Senior Doug Hoffman. won the junior-senior division and the Lakers, led by Jeff Roberts. won the frcish-soph division Gymnastics and open gymwerealsopartoflhe latefall sission

Archery and bowlin,q were offered in the win­ter. Jim Voight's team won lhe bowling c~am­pionship <!nd Dave Ba-

tek had the best ayerage with Steve Bittinger rol­ling a 208 to lake high game honors. Tom Acer­rano scored 1053 points to edge Mike Kurkjian's 1048 points and win the Robin Hood award in intramural archery.

Sprin.s;!sportsinc\udecl softball and volleyball . The voll eyball champs were captained by senior Jim Strand and the soft­ball title was won bv Bruce Yurgil"s learn Both first place teams played a faculty team and the volleyball cham­pions lost two close games, 15-12 and 15-13. The student softball team tookanearly3-0leadbut the faculty came alive forastunning19-8vic: tory.


spo rts app lied ice packs, p ro­vided wa te r and towe ls during .i{a mes, took in­ve nt ory of all eq uipm e nt and gene rally he lped couches.

in·ct ex 235

dare novak, marty jacobson named merit scholars O f th e fi ve Na tiona l

Merit se mi-finalists from Glenbard,twowentonto win scholarships to be used towards th ei r col­le,1o1e education. Marty


Jacobso n and Claru Novak werea lsoactivelv involved in schoo l af­fairs. Marty, who was secreta ry of Band , sa id she pl a nned lo major in

Coll ege, w he re shi· wou ld major in Ame ri can Studies.


£ ',1 •

• Jiil 1

"' .. 1971 pinnacle staff puts ot1t J)iggest J)ook in history

Four sonior gi rls and lh1Jir slaff sel o ut in S1•p1e mhe r In prod uce lh1! higgnsl ~·c;1rho11k in <;lenbard's his tory. 'fhe\ a lso hop1!d lhat it wnu lcl h 1? lhe hes!. 'fhe rnaclcr \\'ill hn,·n lo decid n if the y have s11c­ce1! dcd. 'fhos1• \vho he lp1H I and de­ser\·ecl thanks in cl11d e d \!l ark Gul­brandsen. Don Ruschn1an. Lin Stacey . Kov in Rirn nr . Pat nnrl M r. John Mitche ll.

Brach" • photog-

240 yearbook staff

rnphers: Mrs. Peg Klang and \ lrs. C1:raldi11t! C1·nnn. s1?cre la ries: \ lrs. Peg Thon. s\\·i1ch l111ard opcralo r: M1·s. Onrolh \ Sheaha n and \ frs. V1·rla Finke. honkkce pnrs: ~ Ir . RolH? rl l)ink111eyer . !J ig and l.i ltle f; ;11:kl e1na n. ()1?l mar Pr inling <:on1-pn11 y. S. K. Srn ilh Cornpany. \\la l­in.t!t?r Studios. a nd Mr. Rona ld Hi hi e . Y1!arbook Ad,·isor.

Top: I.~ nn ln11rnm. Salh I larrison. Co-Edi. 101·: Bnrh Fl1111s h11r11. Co-Editor: a nd Dohh i1• All t:n. Above : Ycnrhool.. Slaff: Front row: fnno1 Burlzicz. Jean O'Noill. / i•n H;1ll . Sco11 Wllssel. Maiku \•Vi ii . Cinch· amcs. Second row: Diane Kram .. r. C.1ri>I Sinden. Pall\ Mnrsh. Knthy Frazi,.r. M.1r~ r\rc:nher11. Back row: D1:hhio t\ 11 011. Sa ll\· I l;1rr ison . Bnrh Fl .1 nshur11. anti Lynn I n11r.1in.

This hook ~vas printed h~ Dolinar Prin1in11 Con1pan, on lln pou nd . Royal \ fount~ Mil llt' pnper. J lendli ncs \\'t!re Sl'I in :!~ poin t \ ·l nli­or: hod, cop~ . kicl..nrs .• ind foli os \\"ere sci in 10 point \ lc lior: ancl irlenti ficnlin ns ;i ncl cutlines \\'e re sci in 8 point M1•1ior. :\ lhr<:t> column. modulnr ln,·our d esi11n 1\·.is us.,cl lhro11gh1111 1 m11s1 of th{: hook .
