GLC BASIC DOCTRINES 2 · BASIC DOCTRINES 2: SESSION 4 Pay close attention to yourself and to your...


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Ptr. Jonathan Bradford


BASIC DOCTRINES 2: SESSION 4Copyright © 2016 by Global Leadership Center

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Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these

things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for

those who hear you.

1 T I M O T H Y 4 : 1 6


I. The Purpose of Eschatology (Revelation 1:1).

The word “Revelation” is Latin, a translation of the word

“Apocalypse” in the Greek. It simply means “_______________” or


A. The Purpose of eschatology is to unveil the Lord Jesus Christ, and

to reveal Him in all Glory.

B. He is no longer the humiliated Suffering Servant He has defeated

death and risen to the right hand of His Father in Heaven.

C. He is now exalted as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will return

as a ruling King, destroy the wicked and establish His Kingdom.

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices

in heaven, saying, The Kingdom of this world are become the

kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and He shall reign for ever

and ever.”

R E V E L A T I O N 1 1 : 1 5


The Exaltation of Jesus Christ

1. Jesus Christ _______________ His Church. (Revelation 1-3)

2. Jesus Christ _______________ as God. (Revelation 4-5)

3. Jesus Christ _______________ the Wicked. (Revelation 6-18)

4. Jesus Christ _____________ the Righteous. (Revelation 19-22)

II. The Progression of Eschatology (Revelation 1:19).

A. Things _______________ (Revelation 1)

John’s vision of the Lord Jesus.

B. Things _______________ (Revelation 2-3)

1. Three Views on how to interpret the seven letters:

a. They were written for the Church of that time. (Historic)

b. They are symbolic of different kinds of Churches and how

Christ views them. (Symbolic)

c. The Churches as seven periods of Church History which

make up the Church Age or the Age of Grace. (Prophetic)

A. Things to _______________ (Revelation 4-22)

Awesome and terrifying events yet to come!


III. The Promise of Eschatology (Revelation 1:3).

A. The Return of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ returns to the __________________ for His

Church. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

1. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian Church is very clear that

Jesus Christ will first return to the air and that all believers

both death and alive will be caught up and then remain forever

with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

a. We call this even the rapture. The word rapture comes

from the Latin word “rapiemur”, which is used in the Latin

Vulgate and means to “_______________”.

b. Luke 17:26-37, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

c. Revelation 19:7-21

2. Three things we can look forward to when the Lord Jesus returns

for His church. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

a. The _______________

It will be quick and unexpected. We will be snatched away

and never again separated from our Lord.

(1 Corinthians 15:52)

b. The _______________

It will be a time when we are reunited with the Lord Jesus

and all those that have gone before us.

c. The _______________

It will be a time where our work for Him will be tested and

rewarded. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15)


“Do you think Jesus Christ will return today? No, not today. Then,

my friend, you had better be ready; for He is coming at such an

hour as ye think not.”

R O B E R T M U R R A Y M C C H E Y N E , L U K E 1 2 : 4 0

Small Group Discussion: Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 in what ways

can you comfort yourself and others using this passage?

B. The Great Tribulation – the tribulation period (Romans 11:25-27)

1. We believe that the tribulation will be a 7 year period that will

occur after the Body of Christ has been removed from the earth.

a. This period is also referred to as the 70th week and the

time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble.

b. Daniel 9:24-27, Jeremiah 30:7


70 Weeks

Daniel 9:24-27StartDate

The Church



7 Weeks(49 years)

Jerusalem Built

1 Week(7 years)

Great Tribulation

62 Weeks(434 years)

Till Messiah enters

Jerusalem as their Prince.

14th March 445 BC

69 x 7 = 483 years

Decree to rebuild the City14th March 445 B.C.

Palm Sunday6th April A.D. 32

Antichristturns on Israel

1260 1260

DAYS483 x 360 = 173,880

6th April 32 AD ?

d. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

2. The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals are the first of three groups of judgments

from God. The judgments get progressively worse and more

devastating as the end times progress. (Revelation 6:1-17; 8:1-5)

a. The Four Horsemen

i. 1st seal – White Horse – is a picture of the antichrist

who will come in peace and conquer the whole earth.

(Revelation 6:1-2, 13:7)

ii. 2nd seal – Fiery Red Horse – portrays great warfare

on the earth. Peace will dissolve and there will be great

bloodshed. (Revelation 6:3-4)

iii. 3rd seal – Black Horse – talks about famine throughout

the earth. (Revelation 6:5-6)

c. The prophetic year was based on the Lunar Calendar and

lasted 360 days.


iv. 4th seal – Pale Horse – speaks of death itself. Over

25% of the earth’s population will die during this

judgment through war, famine and even at the hands

of the animals of the earth. (Revelation 6:6-8)

b. 5th – 7th Seals

i. 5th seal – The Martyrs Cry for Justice – shows us

those who will be killed for following the Lord Jesus

during the tribulation. (Revelation 6:9-11)

ii. 6th seal – The Heavens and the Earth are struck –

God hears the cry of the martyrs and pours out His

righteous fury upon the heavens and the earth.

Earthquakes and awesome cosmic events will occur

and those that persecuted God’s people will run fear.

(Revelation 6:12-17)

iii. 7th seal – The Seven Trumpets – The seventh seal is

made up of the seven trumpets. (Revelation 8:1-6)

c. The Seven Trumpets – Revelation 8-11

i. One third of the vegetation destroyed.

ii. One third of the sea life and ships are destroyed.

iii. One third of the earth’s drinking water is destroyed.

iv. One third of daylight and moonlight is destroyed.

v. A demonic plague will attack and torture mankind.

vi. One third of mankind will die.

vii. Calls for the 7 bowls to be poured out.

d. The Seven Bowls – Revelation 16

i. Sores upon all who bear the mark of the beast.

ii. The sea turned to blood and every sea creature dies.

iii. The rivers and springs are turned to blood.

iv. The sun is given the power to scorch mankind with

great heat.

v. Darkness and pain is poured out on mankind.


vi. The River Euphrates dries up and the armies of

the Beast are gathered together for the Battle of


vii. The worst earthquake in history occurs and is followed

by a plague of giant hailstones.

Small Group Discussion: These are terrifying passages of

scripture to read. Should the Lord Jesus come today any

relative, friend or co-worker we have that does not believe

will experience these things.

Does this motivate you to share the gospel? Are there

people in your life that you still haven’t clearly shared the

gospel with? List them down and take a few minutes to

pray for an opportunity to witness to them.

e. Many other events

i. The Throne Room of God (Revelation 4-5)

ii. The 144,000 Israelites. (Revelation 7)

iii. The Tribulation Saints. (Revelation 7)

iv. The Two Witnesses. (Revelation 11)

v. The Woman, the Child and the Dragon. (Revelation 12)

vi. The Beast and the False Prophet. (Revelation 13)

vii. The Scarlet Woman. (Revelation 17)

viii. The Fall of Babylon. (Revelation 18)

ix. The Bride of Christ. (Revelation 19)


C. The Battle of Armageddon

Jesus Christ returns to the _______________ with His Church.

(Revelation 19:7-21)

1. The battle of Armageddon will occur at the very end of the

tribulation period.

a. As the 6th bowl is poured out the Antichrist will gather the

armies of the earth and surround Jerusalem.

b. Zechariah 14:1-4, Revelation 16:12-16, Revelation 19:17-21

2. The Nations judged – the sheep and the goats.

a. The Sheep are true _______________ that survive the

tribulation and are alive on the earth when the Lord Jesus

returns. They will enter into Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.

b. The Goats are _______________ that survive the

tribulation and are alive on the earth when the Lord Jesus

returns. They will be sent away to await the “everlasting fire

prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:31-46)

D. The Millennial Kingdom – the promised kingdom of the Old


1. Revelation 20:1-6

2. The Millennial Kingdom refers to a future time when the Lord

Jesus Christ will rule physically on earth for 1000 years.


3. Isaiah 2:1-5, 60:19-22, 66:18-21

E. The Last Battle – the end of time.

After the 1000 years have passed the devil will be released and

mankind will be given one final chance to choose their side.

1. The devil will raise a great army and lead them against

Jerusalem and all remaining believers.

2. God Himself will intervene and destroy them all with fire from


F. The Great White Throne – Eternity future.

God will raise all the unsaved from Hades and they will join all the

unbelieving living on the earth at that time. They will stand before

Him and be judged for their sin.

1. Revelation 20:14-15

G. The New Heaven and Earth – Eternity Future

1. The Apostle Peter tells us that the earth in it will be consumed

by fire.

2. Revelation 21-22

Small Group Discussion: Consider what Peter is saying in 2 Peter

3:10-13. How should knowledge of the destruction of this world

effect our behaviour on a daily basis? What does Peter mean by

“hasten the coming?”


