Glad Tidings | November 14, 2010



Glad Tidings | November 14, 2010

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The Official Publication of Las Pinas Baptist Church

33 Years

Dear LPBC Family,

The theme for this year, “Following Hard After God”, comes from Psalm 63:8.

King David, a man after God’s own heart, was resolved to follow the Lord his

Shepherd wherever He may lead: through green pasture and still waters or in

the valley of the shadow of death.

Like David, we do not follow blindly. We know who it is that we follow. He is

the Lord our God and we walk in His footsteps though we know it may lead us

to hardships and sacrifice.

Often, we find that it is not hard to follow God, and that it is even harder for us not to. Obedience does not

always call for sacrifice, and that it is better to simply obey rather than sacrifice. However, as in the life of

our Savior, we see that ultimate obedience involves sacrifice. And when it gets difficult, many simply stop

following God. We must go beyond obeying and following after God. We must pursue Him, whatever the

cost maybe. It takes commitment to follow after God when it is hard.

I believe we can do more for God if we are willing to commit ourselves to Him. We must accept the reality

that things are going to get more difficult as days pass by. It is however when we go against the winds of

adversity that we soar farther and higher. When we draw closer to him, his right hand upholds us and gives

us the strength to follow after Him. Then we are able to pray, give and serve Christ more and more because

of the grace he gives us.

We pray for another good year ahead for all of us

Blessed Anniversary!

Pastor Jun, Gonzales and family

From the Pastor’s Desk

Novermber 14, 2010 | Volume 6 Issue 33 | PAGE 2

Dear Pastor and Church,

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of through-

out the whole world. Romans 1:8

I want to wish you a Happy Anniversary to a wonderful group of believers. The Lord by His

Grace has sustained this ministry for thirty Three years. All praise to Our Omniscient, Om-

nipotent, and Omnipresent God. We have seen the Long suffering and a loving God over-

looking this ministry without slumbering. There may have been times of lukewarmness in the church, but still we

see the loving-kindness of our God. I want to thank each and every loyal member of Las Pinas Baptist church. I pray

for you many times a week and thank God for your loyalty and faithfulness. I am thankful for every man that has

pastored this church. They all have exceeded the first pastor that started this ministry.

I am grateful for every wife who has stood with her husband because they have sacrificially shared much of their

husband’s time with many others. I have prayed daily for your pastor now, as well as all previous pastors. I know

you love and respect your pastor since he is there under the providence of God. These verses describe my heart-

felt love to you all.

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with

joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this very thing, that he which

hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:3-6

I Love you all in the Lord,

You Brother in Christ,

Terry Spears

Bill Brinkworth

“Oh, I’ve heard that before,” replied Gail.

“You did? When was that?” I had just spent 45 minutes

telling her how to be saved; how she must know that

the she is a sinner, how she needed to believe that

Jesus died on the Cross for her sins, and that she

needed to ask Him to save her from a deserved hell.

“Well, let’s see. I’m 38 years old now, so I was about 30

when someone else told me I must ask Jesus to save me.

But there just wasn’t time then, with raising the family

and all. When I was 25, I heard on the radio how I needed

to trust the Lord for my salvation. I felt that I really

needed to ask Jesus to save me, but I guess I just put it


“Oh, yes,” she continued, “When I was about 12, someone

took me to Sunday School. I remember the teacher

showed me how I could be saved. All the other kids got

saved, but, well, I guess I felt I could do it some other time.”

“Well, Gail, you’ve heard the message before. God loves you so

much that He hasn’t given up on you. He keeps trying. How about right now asking the Lord to save

you?” I pleaded.

“I, I … just can’t. Maybe some other time. I’m just not ready yet!” She again evaded the invitation.

That night, I learned quite a bit about how God works in people’s lives. It was clear He keeps trying,

again and again. Most people have heard the Gospel message many times, and each time they tell

God no, by not obeying, their heart gets harder and colder to the things of God.

Probably, when Gail first heard the Good News, she was tempted to make the most important deci-

sion for her eternity. For whatever the reason she said, “No.”

Her heart stiffened against the calling of the Holy Spirit in her life. It got hardened even more the

second time. By the time she heard the message the third time, it was rock hard, and by all appear-

ances, it looked like it would never be softened again. She said “no” to God, just one time too many.

Since that night, I have observed that most of the people I have talked to about the Lord, have also

“heard it before.” Maybe they heard it from their grandmother, parent, friend, Sunday school

teacher or even read it from a Bible tract left in a public bathroom. Many that have put their salva-

tion off before will still make excuses to put it off again.

I marvel at the way God keeps on trying. He never quits on us – if there is an interest on our part.

What matchless love and compassion God has for us. How sad it is to hear one, who has heard the

story before, say “no”, one more time.

One time, it will be their last opportunity. They will not have that “next chance.” Many hope that

they can get saved on their deathbed. It has happened. However, there is no guarantee that they will

have that opportunity. Even if they have that last chance, there is no telling that their hardened

heart may say “some other time” to God’s invitation.

Novermber 14, 2010 | Volume 6 Issue 33 | PAGE 3

Tam, Jose B. 4-Nov

Bagadiong, Herico T. 5-Nov

Tubanza, Julius R. 7-Nov

Bajar, Emmylou O. 10-Nov

Manalo, Remy L. 12-Nov

Espinol, Juanito E. 12-Nov

Mitiam, Natalia H. 14-Nov

Serafico, Leodie L. 19-Nov

Diaz, Wendy P. 19-Nov

Nuñez, Illuminada R. 30-Nov


Worship Service 8:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Fellowships 4:00 pm Gospel Hour 6:30 pm


Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm & Bible Study SATURDAY

Church Visitation 4:00 pm “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is: but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

002 Marcos Alvarez Avenue, Talon, Las Piñas City 1747

Rev. Jun P. Gonzales – Pastor

The Official Publication of Las Piñas Baptist Church (02) 8016789

“The most important question concerning any man living is this: Is

he a saved soul or not? Is he a child of God or an heir of

wrath?” – Spurgeon

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Evening Celebration

Opening Song

Opening Prayer

Opening Remarks Pstr. Jun Gonzales

Welcome and Greetings


Member’s Testimonies

Congregational Song


Offering Prayer


Message Pastor Carl Gormley

Calvary Baptist Church

SJDM, Bulacan

Closing Remarks


Closing Song

Closing Prayer