GKIC - CopyDoodles


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GKIC Webinar Transcript 1 of 70

NOTE: The following is a transcript from a recent live webinar with Mike Capuzzi and

Bill Glazer, founder of Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle. Bill: Well, hello everyone, this is Bill Glazer. Welcome to all of our Glazer-Kennedy

members. We’re doing a very special webinar today, just for Glazer-Kennedy folks. You’ve been invited, either as a member or you’re on the Glazer-Kennedy list.

As you know, what I want to talk about sort of my #1 that is a big response booster for me that if somebody, as I said in the invitations that went out to invite you all, if somebody put a gun to my head and said, “What’s the number one thing that’s your response booster?” That’s the thing we’re going to talk about today.

I actually have on the phone with me, my fairly longtime Titanium Mastermind member, Mike Capuzzi -- Mike, are you there?

Mike: I’m here, Bill, thank you. Bill: Great. How many years have you been in Titanium Mastermind?

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Mike: Four. Bill: Four? OK, well, I said it was a long time. You’ve been a Glazer-Kennedy

member for what? Mike: Five, so yeah, relative to my overall term, it’s a long time. Yep. Bill: You’re also one our independent business advisors in the Philadelphia area as

well. We’re going to be talking today about the number one thing that when I write copy is the biggest thing that’s increasing my response. I’ve been writing copy for a long time. I’ve written -- the last time I stopped counting I was up to 21 campaigns that had created over a million dollars. I just stopped counting after that point.

When I added this thing, which I actually had gotten from you, Mike, which is why I’m having you on this call… this is the thing that really was a game changer for me, which was adding what you now call CopyDoodles. I know you’ll get a lot more into that in the call, but right now I’m going to turn it over to you, because the topic of this call is Three Steps to Boosting Response in All Your Marketing -- so this isn’t just about writing sales letters, or things like that, this is really all of your marketing.

So, Mike, I’m going to turn it over to you. I’ll be right here with you. If I want to interject -- I’ll interrupt you.

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Mike: That sounds good, Bill. As a matter of fact I want to already change it on you, I’m

going to actually change it so that it’s actually Three Steps to Quickly and Easily Boosting Response, because what I’m going to show today, Bill -- A.) This is a brand new presentation, so this is something I created specifically for today’s webinar. It’s something that everybody who’s on today’s webinar can use. That’s what I love about this particular presentation.

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So, I want to welcome everybody. That was a picture of Bill a couple of years back, but over the next 60 minutes what Bill and I are going to do is we’re going to show you several unique ways that you can create more profitable marketing, plus show you real world examples of how others, like you guys, are doing this.

I really believe that one of the best ways to learn, which is why I have been in your mastermind group for four years, is to find out what other smart people are doing, figure out how to apply those strategies to my business, and that’s what today’s webinar is. It’s going to be a big show and tell.

I highly recommend get a pencil, whatever you do -- I use pen and paper still. But, you’re going to want to take notes on this, because there’s some specific strategies that everybody is going to be able use.

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As a matter of fact, I guarantee if you apply the strategies that I’m going to share with you today your marketing response will improve. And that’s a big, bold guarantee, but I believe so much, Bill, in these strategies that we’re going to talk about that I can put that out there. But before we do I’d like to just take a quick tangent and tell you -- because there might be some folks from here, probably a fair number that have never even heard from me, or know who I am. My background -- I come from the corporate marketing environment, years ago, in the ‘90s and late ‘80s. I worked in a corporate environment, I worked in a software company that was very small, it got very large. I kind of grew up with what I now affectionately call ‘big, dumb marketing’. That’s all about branding and marketing that really doesn’t know the numbers, if you will.

In 1998 I left the corporate world to go start my own marketing consulting business, and did very well for a number of years. But it wasn’t until I met Dan Kennedy, and Bill Glazer, and what is affectionately Planet Dan did my business really change. Since then I’ve literately been able to help thousands of business owners improve their marketing by some very fundamental strategies, which I’m going to share with you today.

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Mike: So, you mentioned about -- well, speaking of Dan Kennedy, up there at the top,

and you and my wife -- you said that was a better picture than you and me standing there. But, these are some of my larger -- I run the Philadelphia chapter for Glazer-Kennedy. In that role I’ve been able to help -- gosh at the last count there was over 11,000 local entrepreneurs that have come through our door over the last five years.

Dan came out and spoke. We had over 300 people. When you came out and spoke we had over 200. Why is that important to the people on today’s webinar? Because, again, I live and breath helping real entrepreneurs, real business owners, improve their marketing. I don’t live in some ivory tower where I’m out there preaching something I don’t do. I live and breathe this.

I’ve written a couple of books and published a couple of books. I live and breathe to help people -- business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, improve their marketing. What we’re going to talk about today are some very -- I mean it’s almost like it’s almost -- I hate to say it, but it’s almost old school, because what I’m going to share with you today is so fundamental, yet so few people do it, and that’s why I wanted to share this with you.

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So, let me share three facts regarding marketing in 2011. You’ll notice throughout my presentation -- I love using cartoons and comics in my presentations and my marketing, but if this is what your marketing is doing to people, then there’s a problem.

So, let me share these three facts with you, and keep these in mind.

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Fact #1 is -- and this is a picture, I was up in Times Square not too long ago. If you’ve ever been to Times Square you know it’s an overload of noise, and lights, and messages, and advertisement. I mean it’s just a huge bombardment of information, and yet this is what each of us as business owners is up against. I mean we’re all trying to get our message out there. We’re all trying to be heard. We’re all trying to be seen.

So, I think this picture of Times Square, I kind of want to imprint this. This is what, Bill, you’re up against, I’m up against, everybody on this webinar is up against in some form or fashion, breaking through what I call this noise of Time Square.

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Fact #2, even though we have that challenge most of our marketing, especially within a specific industry, kind of all looks the same. I call this -- everything is sameness. There’s a sameness about all the marketing out there. In this particular picture you can’t really discern any one individual. I thought it was good visual representation of this sameness of marketing.

Bill, I know you’re a huge fan of what you call outrageous advertising, which I’m going to talk about in a little bit, but the whole point of outrageous advertising is to stand out and get attention and break through the sameness.

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Fact #3, which outrageous advertising also fixes, is that those of us who are doing marketing, unfortunately a lot of it is very plain vanilla. In this day and age when you’re fighting Times Square, when you’re fighting sameness, when you’re fighting this over-stimuli of messages that are out there, if you’re plain vanilla marketing, you’re not getting the response you want.

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So, these are the facts that each of us are facing. What I want to offer today are strategies which are going to help you overcome these realities and connect with your target market in unique and powerful ways!

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And, just in case you’re sitting there thinking that this isn’t for you, or you’re really not sure that you’re on the right webinar I want to put that to rest, because I don’t think there’s anybody that cannot benefit from what I’m about to share. So, if you’re an aggressive entrepreneur, someone who’s really success-oriented, I have some good information for you today. If you’re a B2B manufacturer, service provider, B2B is my background, this stuff is going to work. If you’re a professional practice owner, doctors, lawyers, CPA, it’s going to work for you. Service businesses, if you’re an online internet marketer, it’s especially important for you guys. If you’re an author, a speaker, a consultant, info-marketer, again, these strategies are going to work. I want everyone to believe that and think about what I’m sharing and how you can use it in your business.

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Bill: Great, and I think it’s a really important point that you’re making, the fact that so

many people always thinking about the fact that, “My business is different,” or, “This won’t apply to me,” and I can tell you, from what you teach, this will apply to every business and will give every business, if you apply this, a real boost in response. That’s what we’re all out to do, get a boost in response, because to spend the time to create our marketing, whether we create it ourselves or we have somebody else create it for us, there’s time and there’s money involved. So, we might as well get the kind of response that we’re looking for.

So, yeah, Mike, why don’t you continue?

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Mike: So, here’s Step #1, remember we’re talking three steps. So, Step #1 is to make it

personal -- make your marketing personal.

I have a story that I want to tell you. Bill, I don’t even know if you know this, but back in my freshman year of college -- I live in Pennsylvania, but I got the bright idea to go to school on a island off the coast of Texas, Galveston Island. It was Texas A&M University, it was a branch for marine engineering. It definitely wasn’t the typical college atmosphere.

It was on this island, this was before the internet, and my grandmother, God love her, she would literally write to me every week.

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This is a picture, you can see that the postage is from 1984. The only way that I was able to communicate with back home was trough mail and phone calls, which had timed to the minute, because it was like $5 a minute back then.

My grandmother would write to me, and no matter what I was doing, Bill, if I was in the middle of exams, if I was really stressed out because of what was going on with school, when I got her letter, and this what it looked like. She didn’t have the greatest handwriting, but when I got that letter my day stopped. I literally opened it up and was just able to emotionally connect with her from 2,000 miles away.

This -- this feeling of connection and this personalized -- it’s coming to me from my grandmother, this is what I want people to think about when I talk about making their marketing personal, and having that emotional connection so that when people receive your marketing, whether it’s online or offline, they want to read it, they want to engage with it.

The way you do that is by mimicking kind of what my grandmother did here.

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So, what you’re going to do -- I’m going to talk about each of these, we’re going to talk about personalizing “the who”; personalizing your copy; personalizing your email sequences; personalizing your guarantee; and personalizing the look of your marketing. These are all specific strategies to break through that noise of Time Square.

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So, let’s talk about the first, personalizing “the who.” Bill, as you know, I did a workshop a few years back, you were kind enough to speak at it. One of the things that we gave to all of the attendees was a custom picture frame. Now, it didn’t have anyone’s picture in it, but this is one of the attendees, Cathy, and I put the famous W.I.I.F.M., which stands for “what’s in it for me?” And what I taught folks from that workshop, I said, “Listen, when you are creating marketing,” and this was meant to be a tool, you want to put a picture of your target market and you want to put a picture of that person, your ideal target market, put it in the picture frame, put that picture frame -- this is a picture of my desk, and you see I’m writing a letter or an email there. And I’m not writing to the thousands of people of my list. I’m writing to this -- in this case Cathy. I’ll go as far, Bill, as actually putting, as you can see in the picture there, I’ll actually put Cathy’s name as I’m writing this and then I’ll take it out before we put it into our auto-responder sequence. But, this changes the frame of reference. It makes -- I’m writing to one person. It’s a totally different feel when you write to a person, much like my grandmother writing to me, than when I just kind of write to a faceless -- remember that picture of all those -- those masses. So, a challenge that I would give everybody is next time you create any kind of campaign, personalize “the who.”

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After you’ve personalized that “who,” who’s the target market, here’s some other strategies you can use. Obviously, inserting the name, in this day and age it’s very simple to do with offline marketing, online marketing. It’s a breeze, but I’m still amazed how much off-line direct mail type marketing comes across my desk that doesn’t even have my name in it. It’s just mass marketing. So, you always -- at a minimum inserting their name, inserting known facts. So, if you’re collecting data -- so, if I’m writing a letter to Bill, “Hey, Bill! It’s been three months, since you were last in our store. I know your birthday is coming up.” This creates a much more personal connection and is much more likely to get Bill engaged with my piece and respond positively.

I have two cool techniques to share, I do both of these. A very smart strategy, and I’m a big fan of running surveys from my list, is to survey your list, and ask specific questions. What you want to do with that data, besides analysis it and change business strategies if you must, but you want to look at the language people are using. Have open ended questions about your product or your service and then use the language that your customers are using in your marketing. Again, that’s a way of personalizing it. So, you may be saying one thing, but you may be seeing that your customers and clients are saying it a different way.

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You can use this same strategy on Amazon.com, so let’s say -- let’s use for example copywriting, I can go onto copywriting, look at the different books and read the reviews of those books. And by reading those reviews a lot of times you will find little nuggets of information; why people read a book, “Oh, I read this book because it makes copywriting a cinch.” Well, that might be a phrase I might decide to use in my marketing. If real people are saying that, I might want to use that.

These are ways -- does that make sense, Bill?

Bill: Listen, it makes a lot of sense, as a matter of fact. When we write copy the more

that somebody says to themselves, “This person is speaking directly to me,” always you will get a better response with that strategy. So, it’s exactly what you’re suggesting.

Mike: Absolutely.

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So, let’s talk about email, because I know most of us are using email in some form or fashion. Hopefully a few of you are using auto-responders and automated email sequences. A couple of strategies that I’d recommend, without a doubt, and again, I’m still blown away -- I’m sure you are too, Bill, how many times I’ll get an email from a “business” owner and it’s coming from a yahoo account or a gmail account. I mean that’s -- come on, folks, keep it real. Again, you can insert names.

I won’t get into in this presentation, but there’s a technique out there called personal URLS, where you can put unique links, again, it creates a more personalized marketing experience.

Here’s a very cool strategy, two very cool strategies, this is one I’m going to be talking about in the future blog article, but one of the key things to get people to open up your email without a doubt is the subject. Alright? So often, as marketers, when we’re in that marketing mindset and we’re writing copy and we’re writing subject lines we have a different mindset than if I was, again, my grandmother writing to me. So, what I would challenge you to do is look at your emails that you’ve sent to your friends, not your business emails that you’re sending out, but emails that you’re sending to your friends and look how you’re writing those subjects, how do they look, how do they sound, and try to mimic that when you’re

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writing your email subject lines for your business emails. Again, it’s a different way of thinking about it, but it’s a very specific strategy everybody can use.

Look, at the emails that you write to your friends, even how they’re lowercase/uppercase, whatever, and mimic that.

The other strategy, which hopefully a lot of you saw on our reminder email, our first one, was the use of personalized cartoons. I love using cartoons in my marketing, people like them, they’re attention-grabbers. It’s a neat little technique, to use cartoons.

I know, Bill, you guys are using cartoons in your marketing.

Bill: Listen, I love using them because I really think that it makes somebody stop and

look, especially when you put the caption underneath. I believe you teach people to be doing that all the time, if not most of the time, right? When you put the caption underneath it’s one of the most read parts of any kind of marketing piece, is the caption underneath the photo, or a cartoon.

Yeah, I love using them. It really is sort of a thing that, as I said, it makes somebody stop and look.

Mike: Yep, and if you put the person’s name in the caption, I mean who can resist,

again, hopefully everybody got the reminder that looked like that right there in the lower right, and we put, in your case, Bill, it was a little reminder that said, “Hey, Bill, don’t forget to set a timer.”

Again, all of those little hinges swing this big door of response. Every little thing is important in this day and age.

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This is a very cool technique. I use this for clients for years. It can be an offline technique, it can be an online technique, but the idea is, again, we don’t have time to talk about the importance of risk reversal and guarantees, but another very cool strategy, if you have some sort of guarantee, which we all should have, is to personalize it.

When we used to do shock and awe boxes for our clients and stuff like that, we would actually put the person’s or the company’s name in the guarantee. We’d actually print up a nice looking certificate because when the person got that thing, again, it made it feel like this was from Bill to Mike and not just some mass thing that we put out there.

You can do it online too by putting people’s names in, after they opt in or what have you.

So, a very unique strategy.

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I want to focus now on the look of our marketing because that’s really kind of what I’m known for. Bill, I know you know this, but I want to share it with everybody else, that if you’re doing direct mail, and I do a lot of consulting with folks, and if they say, “Hey, Mike, I’ve really got to make sure this piece gets opened and read,” one of the things that I will tell them is that is that if you can make that step in a direct mail campaign look like a greeting card, or again like my grandmother sending me that card, those notes every week, something that looks like it’s coming from, in this case, Mike Capuzzi to Lisa Smith, but it looks like a greeting card or some sort of very personal correspondence, your open rate will be through the roof. The people will open it, which is the biggest number one challenge is just getting the envelope opened.

So, here’s an example, and I would challenge everybody, if you’re looking for a direct mail strategy that practically gets every piece opened, and there’s a lot of little techniques that you’ve got to do, first class stamp, hand-writing, making it look real, not bulk rate, it will get opened. Now, once it’s opened the letter, or the card, or whatever you have in has to pull its weight, but again, this is like one of the key strategies of getting direct mail open.

I’m sure in your day with the retail stuff you probably did a lot of this kind of thing, didn’t you?

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Bill: Not only did I do it then, but I do it today. Right, I mean a basic principle of direct response marketing, if it doesn’t get opened it will never get read. The very first place you have to fight the battle is in the inbox, or in the mailbox. So, there’s no question.

Mike: Now, again, I will tell you, if you’re going to have this kind of look and feel the

context of what’s in it has to fit, so don’t all of a sudden do this about face and now you’re slamming them. There’s got to be a card in there, there’s got to be some reason why it looks like this. You want to continue that story when they open the envelope.

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Testimonials -- another cool testimonial strategy, again, hopefully everybody is using testimonials, right? We’re all using testimonials but most of the time our testimonials look like everyone else’s testimonials, Times New Roman, 12 pt. Well, I love making my testimonials look even more -- they’re real, but you want to make them look real too. So, having a hand-written font, putting them on a little piece of paper.

Here’s a gentleman from Florida talking about CopyDoodles. He sent this to me, and this is how he sent it to me. He knew that it would grab my attention, and it was just a very cool technique and it’s one that I use often.

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Again, in the context of handwriting, which I think is a huge response booster, this is a gentleman, Bill, who runs an auto repair shop, a big Glazer-Kennedy member in Delaware. He was using these graphics, and of all things, Bill, he was telling a story using these handwritten graphics, handwritten notes on Facebook. So, he’s posting these up on Facebook to kind of get people engaging. It tells a story about a spouse talking to their spouse. I just thought it was, again, a great example, of all people an auto repair shop owner.

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In the context of handwriting I had to show one of your letters, but you put a -- I’m not sure how long ago this was. This was your Copy Confidential, and you did a two page letter, all handwriting, CopyDoodles on it, cross-outs, I mean you did this because you were trying to create a different look and feel, and connect with people in a different way.

Do you remember this piece, by the way?

Bill: Sure, I remember everything. Mike: You didn’t know I was going to be interviewing you, did you? Bill: No, but I certainly remember. Again, when you look at it, which is kind of

interesting right now, just looking at it on the screen here, you can just see that there are specific places that your eye goes to because of all the cosmetic enhancements that are on here, plus the important point, which I think you would agree with what I’m about to say, Mike, is that you can also overdo cosmetics enhancements, where now your eye doesn’t know where to go to. So, if you look at this there’s specific things that are pulled out of here and there’s a lot of strategy that goes into it.

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Mike: Here’s an example of a dentist, our good friend, Brian Berg, who I know you

know. Again, personalizing the look, Bryan’s a -- I think he’s an orthodontist, so I apologize, Bryan, if you’re on. But, he always has fun in his marketing. He’s using photos of himself and his staff. This was obviously probably a Thanksgiving card he sent me. But, it’s just different.

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Here is Steve Sipress, out in Chicago, used one of our copy templates to create a very personalized mailing that looks a check. You can see it’s made out to Bill McNeely. Again, the key here is when that arrived, when Steve sent it out, you can see his return there, he’s got a huge return because he uses it to get new mastermind members, and these are his numbers, these aren’t my numbers, but by creating this very personalized mailing, it got it opened, it got people engaged, and in his case he made a lot of money off of it.

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So, that’s personalizing the look, now Step #2 is to make your marketing distinctive; make it look distinctive. I’m going to show a bunch of examples.

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But what do I mean by that. Well, what I mean is you want to create something called pattern interrupts, I mean again, if everything is plain vanilla, if people are typically bored throughout their day -- when something comes across their desk or their inbox from you, you want them to have a little bit of a jolt, and you want to make it look different than what everybody else in your industry is doing.

So, if you’re an auto repair shop owner and you’re using handwritten notes on Facebook, that’s different. Not too many other auto repair shop owners are doing that. A little plug, Bill, if you don’t mind, obviously your book, Outrageous Advertising, is sort of a bible of examples on how to do this type of what I call distinctive marketing, so I’m sure everybody has that book, but if not you want to check out Bill’s Outrageous Advertising book.

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So, let me show a couple of examples here, again, going back to Dr. Brian Berg, he sends out a newsletter to all his customers and people on his list. He uses our cartoons. He personalizes them with his pictures and his website. You see that there.

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Karen Phelps, who is a very sharp marketer for the direct sales industry, she uses our comics, our CopyComics in her emails, so you see the comic right there in the middle. You see a CopyDoodle there. But she tells me over and over again, she’s always putting these cartoons in her HTML emails because people like to see them. It’s different. It just gets the eyeballs -- it gets people to stop and engage.

Bill: Can I stop you for just one second, Mike? Let’s just go back to Karen’s email.

The interesting thing about that is that if Karen would see somebody anywhere who were getting her emails they would walk up to her and the first thing they would say to her, “Oh, you’re the person that put the cartoons in the emails.”

Just think about that, how powerful that is, think about all the emails that we get everyday. You showed the photo of Times Square with all the advertising, that’s nothing compared to how much email we’re getting everyday. And, we’re not remembering email, but something like that, that you put into an email where you now become memorable is a, once again, is a game changer in anybody’s business. Now, they’re looking forward to getting your emails and will actually open them up. Your open rate will go up a lot because of the fact in there you want to go see what’s the comic this week.

It’s a good point.

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Mike: It is. Bill: Actually, I have never seen that before. Mike: She uses them all the time. You know, Karen, she’s a -- by the way, I’m

showcasing a lot of -- it’s not all Glazer-Kennedy members, because this is a Glazer-Kennedy webinar, but Karen has sent me testimonials just telling me that her folks love her emails. Not too many people say that. But, she’s --

Bill: Mike, are you suggesting that not everybody is a Glazer-Kennedy member? Mike: There are probably one or two business owners out there that haven’t seen the


Anyway, again, just to kind of -- I could probably do a whole webinar on just the use of cartoons, but I just want to show people this. This stuff works, folks.

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I’ve heard from so many different types of business owners, but a very cool strategy, direct mail strategy, if you’re doing direct mail, again, you notice I’m using a 6”x 9” envelope here. This is one of my pieces. I put a cartoon on the envelope, but here’s what is key, Bill, is it went to Gina, but look, I put Gina’s name -- I’m printing Gina’s name here on the envelope to mail it anyway, why not put Gina’s name on the outside of the envelope under the caption? Who can resist opening up a personalized cartoon envelope?

I’ve heard story after story with folks doing this little simple strategy and it working, doing amazing things.

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And, it works Down Under. I was at the SuperConference and one of your members Alistair Cooke came up to me and handed this to me. He said, “Hey, Mike, I sent this out,” and he showed it to me. It had some of our stamps on it. You see the red stamp, the comic, he had the handwriting on it, I probably let the air out of his bag a little bit because I told him he should have personalized the caption, because again, you’re printing anyway, you can still print Eric’s name, in this case, right in the caption there. It makes people engage that much more.

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I wanted to show another example. This actually -- a gentleman from Peak Performers, way back when, Bill, had sent this to me. And, he’s using our handwritten fonts, using our coffee stain, you see a CopyDoodle there. I mean you get this in your mail, you’re like, “Why is there a coffee stain?” “What is this note about?” And, then you open it up and you read that he was up late working. There’s that context, but this is what I mean about making it distinctive.

It might not be right for everything you’re doing, but there might be opportunities where you can use something like this that really stands out.

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Our good friend, Charlie McDermott -- here’s an example of one of his direct mail -- actually a post card. What I thought was cool, he uses one of our CopyStamps, “Final Notice,” I love using simulated stamps. You just see that on the outside of his postcard, again, just to get the attention.

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Here’s an example of a young boy, I don’t want to just share names, because he’s obviously a child, but he’s the son of one of our customers. He had a school project, Bill. It was kind of like a science project. He did a -- a good direct response marketer at that age. He’s telling people to sign up, right? And at the last second, this is a sign sort of like in a little kid trade show, science fair-type thing, at his school, he put this sign up here with the arrow. He just -- this is the child doing this. I thought it was a very cool example of how to make -- he could have just had a sign, but by adding that little handwriting and the arrow down, it just makes it that much more distinctive.

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A couple more examples, just to share, again, a show and tell. This one on the left, again, I was at the SuperConference this year, and Jacquelyn Stanfield, who’s a dentist, gave me her card, it’s got CopyDoodles all over it. I mean you get that card there on the left, Bill, I mean how could you not engage with that? There’s handwriting, there’s arrows, I mean who’s card looks like that?

Dan Dunsky, he owns a restaurant in Michigan. You see the handwriting, a double-sided card, very smart strategy, the handwriting, making it look more personal.

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We send out a new way for our members to get customers each month, we call the CopyTemplates, and we just sent this out, Bill, like a week and a half ago. We’ve got people already using it and sending us examples. This was a telegram CopyTemplate, it looks like an old school telegram. We send it out and people can edit it. Michael Carroll already sent it out for his insurance business, and you can see it there. It’s a postcard. So, I mean, again, when somebody gets this, I mean there’s not too often you get something in the mail that looks like a old telegram from the 1940s.

Bill: I like it. The biggest challenge you have is people being old enough to remember

telegrams, but I think it’s very, very cool. Mike: Well, for his market it’s probably very appropriate, and again, even if you haven’t

seen it, when we were creating this and I was showing my daughters it, they didn’t know what it was, but they thought it was cool-looking.

Bill: I like it.

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We also did recently a passport. As you know, I was in Europe for a couple of weeks and it got me thinking, I’m going through Europe and stamping my passport in customs and I came back, I created our passport copy template. A non-profit that I do a lot of work with, we’re using it for their big 15-year anniversary next year. They’ve already created this thing. They took our template, edited it, and here you see a non-profit using -- I mean this is going to be a direct mail piece that goes out, how can you not engage with that?

Bill: So, Mike, I’m assuming that opens up and there’s a message inside? Mike: Yep, actually this one here -- so, we’re giving out the passport at the event and

they’re going to go around and get it stamped. This is a postcard, so this is just a two-sided postcard, so they’re carrying this theme through a direct mail campaign and using it at the event. But, this is a post card right, here.

But, the way I use it, Bill, it’s a booklet, absolutely.

Bill: This could also be a self-mailer as well. Mike: Yes, either way. Bill: Yeah, I like it a lot.

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I mentioned Michael Carroll, he did that telegram, here’s his opt-in page for his website. He’s an insurance agent, a very astute marketer, and you see him using -- what’s cool about this is he’s using hand writing, “Free Bonus,” the arrows, circling the button, because not too many people are using handwriting on their website. It’s that pattern interrupt, and it gets people to stop, and it gets people to engage long enough that they’ll opt in.

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The same with Facebook. You can actually use -- everyone’s Facebook posts -- you’re probably not even on Facebook, Bill, but if you go on Facebook everybody’s kind of looks the same, well, if you want to kind of stand out you can use handwriting on Facebook, just to make it look different, and get people to read your posts. So, you see a couple there where we added some to our Facebook posts.

Bill: I don’t know why you would think I’m not on Facebook, but I’m on Facebook

and I’m on Twitter -- Mike: And LinkedIn. You’re probably on it right now as we’re speaking, right? You’re

updating your Facebook. Bill: I’m Tweeting all over the place. Mike: Thank-you, I appreciate the attention.

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Here’s a couple of examples, Weston Lyon, he’s a great Glazer-Kennedy member. I think he’s the IBA now in Pittsburgh, or assistant IBA. Here’s some real world data, he tested two different opt-in pages, Bill, the one on the left, which is kind of a funky graphic, and then he put a comic, just to show you the difference, and the one with the comic on the right there saw a 23% improvement in conversion, meaning everything else was the same, but the one with the comic had a higher response rate.

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Another Glazer-Kennedy member, Mike Humphries, he actually has software that split tests and measures everything. He had an opt-in page, you see it here, it’s for a product that he had that helped people who own physical therapy type places, without the CopyDoodle, if you can see it here, he had, when he was testing this he had 271 people look at the page, but only 48 people opted in. He added one CopyDoodle, Bill, “Grab your copy now,” with the little arrow there, and he went from -- he had 255 views, which is actually a little less, but 134 opted in, which was a -- I think it was like 179% increase in opt-ins by adding just that one CopyDoodle.

When you were talking about a game changer, I mean this is what -- these little tweaks like that can have huge bumps in response.

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Step #3, this is the last step and in a lot of ways it’s something that I think is just as important as the first two, if not even more. The idea, folks, is to make your marketing what I call “me to you!”

Just, again, if you remember back when my grandmother sent me those cards and letters every week that was from her to me, it was me to you -- that one to one connection with your primary target market.

Let me show you some examples of what I mean.

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Now, here is a letter from an owner of a tax preparation company. There’s the before.

Now, Bill, look at that and then look at the after. Now, if you were to get one versus the other crossing your desk, which one do you think is going to grab someone’s attention a bit more?

Bill: Well, I mean it’s too soft ball of a question for me. It’s just obvious. Mike: It’s huge, I mean just these little -- and we’re not talking about rewriting the letter,

folks, we’re talking about taking something that works and adding a few of the techniques I’m showing you today to get that other bump in response, that next bump in response, without a doubt --

Bill: Did this person actually send out the with and without? Or they only sent it with

CopyDoodles? Mike: No, this particular person -- it was before and after, yes. We don’t have data on

this, but I just wanted to show you the before and after. I will show you a couple here in a second with some data.

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Another smart strategy, anytime somebody requests something from your business and you have to send it in mail, you should always remind them that they requested that information, so putting a little handwritten note like this, this CopyDoodle here, “You Asked For This,” on the outside. You know, people don’t remember what they ask for. That note will get that envelope opened, even though you may assume they’re going to remember they asked for something, put something like that on the outside of your envelope.

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Here’s a dentist who uses a special report for her dental practice, again, “me to you,” she’s making this look very unique, very personal, she’s calling out specific things in her report.

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This was a $20-$25 million information technology company who used these techniques. I mean, Bill, you know that’s a big company. They’re sending out a “Happy Halloween” business-to-business mailer and look what it looks like. There’s doodles on it, there’s “Over Please,” there’s some fun stuff, there’s arrows. It looks different. It’s going to get folks to engage.

Bill: Oh my gosh, I thought this stuff didn’t work B2B, I mean with B2B you’ve got to

be real corporate-looking, boring, because B2B responds differently, right? Mike: That’s right, that’s exactly right. B2B, like I said before I call it big, dumb

marketing, because we’re all people, right? The CEO is a person, regardless of what you may think you learned in college, or you think your peers know more than you know, if you want to be like everybody else, and you’re happy with your response rates, keep doing what you’re doing, but if you’re looking to get those bumps, you’ve got to stand out and be different -- and I come from B2B. So, that’s how CopyDoodles were born, they were born in a B2B environment, because I was looking for ways to break through.

Bill: Again, what’s really important for everybody to pay close attention to here is

we’re showing you, the techniques that -- actually, Mike is teaching you techniques to get an increase in response, but don’t lose the fact that all the diversity of all the different businesses he’s showing you now. So, B2B, he’s

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showing you dental. He’s showing you auto repair. I mean there’s so many different examples. This will really work in every industry that there is. As a matter of fact, if you’re the kind of person doing this in your business or your industry, you’re probably in the minority, not the majority, so you’re stuff will stand out even more so. It’s a very important point.

Mike: It is. Bill: I mean, again, you can see why -- this is like the one thing, if I had just one thing

to boost my response, this is the thing that I would have.

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Mike: Since you like data so much, and I think you probably know Joe, here’s some real

world data from some recent marketing campaigns. This an auto tire center. This is -- he said, “Before CopyDoodles he would have been fortunate to get a 1.5% response rate,” here he got a 5.9% response rate by just adding the doodles and the handwriting, not changing anything else but that.

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We haven’t mentioned a veterinarian, so here’s a veterinarian; Dr. Keith Webb. He saw a 12% increase in response rate since adding CopyDoodles, which in his case translated to $21,000+ a year. Here’s a veterinarian sending out notices, so even though the people are expecting it for their dog and cat, or whatever it might be, he’s still adding doodles, because he knows you never assume readership. He’s doing everything in his power to make sure they get this thing and read and respond.

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Going back to auto repair, using our coffee stain, here you go, Jerri Downes, she sent out a thousand of these, 43 came back, it cost her $90 and it resulted in $18,821 net to her from this particular piece.

Bill: Isn’t that disreputable to be using a fake coffee stain on your marketing? Mike: Here’s what is cool about her, she talks about it -- you can’t see here, folks, but

she talks -- again, it goes back to that context, Bill, just slapping a coffee stain, but she’s talking about it, so --

Bill: You’ve got to explain the reason for it being there. Mike: Yeah, if you really want the connection to be made, because yeah, the last thing

you want to do is someone to say, “What the heck,” and then totally disregard it. So, she’s talking about it.

Bill: By the way, anybody who’s not familiar with my sarcastic poor sense of humor, I

first use the coffee stain on my dinner placemat, back in the late 1990s, and again, I did the exact same thing that you said, I put the coffee stain on there and I wrote a story about I was sitting in a diner drinking my coffee and decided to write you this letter. So, it’s a kind of thing that people will take notice of because how else is sending something in your mailbox that’s got a coffee stain on it?

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Mike: You, of course, to give credit where credit is due, much of what I’ve learned and

figured out with this, you definitely inspired me and we just created something that made it drop-dead simple, because I know back in the day when you doing a lot of this in your retail business it was not -- it was costly, it was time-consuming. Now, we’ve kind of made it drop-dead simple for folks.

As a matter of fact, I’m going to show everyone here in a second, one more example --

Bill: It’s actually crazy how much easier it is today than it was back then. Mike: Yeah, it is. Bill: I mean, I actually go back when you would actually have to go to the printer and

look at the -- when they created whatever the thing was, the form before they were to print. Now everything is done on the computer. It’s just so much simpler.

Mike: We have some folks who have been doing it for years, I mean we have

professional printing companies using our stuff, because it makes it so much easier.

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Last example and then I’ll show you some demo here. Here’s another auto repair, 8% response rate. The same exact letter, Bill. That was going to her list, so they were expecting it, but she went from an 8% up to almost 31%, same exact letter, Bill, just the addition of doodles there. She saw a huge bump in response because it just looks different.

These are numbers that people send to us. We’re always kind of polling our customers on what they’re doing.

Bill: I’m going to make a sin on a webinar right now, Mike, I hope you don’t get upset

with me, but people obviously realize by now that if you’re not using Mike’s tool, which is creating these types of doodles and other types of things, such as stamps, and also cartoons, and personalizations, if you’re not using it you’re just giving away so much money.

In a few moments Mike is going to actually give you an opportunity to be able to use that in your own business. He’s also doing it, Mike and I battle of this, because he’s always way too cheap with what he offers this stuff for, he’s going to do it at an unbelievably low investment for everybody listening on this.

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This is probably the biggest no-brainer thing that we’ve ever offered to people, because the return on -- I mean you just showed the example, 8 percent to 30-some percent. Just imagine the different in dollars that generates for a business.

So again, Mike, I apologize --

Mike: No, no, jump in. I could use the break. Also, just to add even a little more salt to

the injury, not only do we have a very fair offer for everybody, and that’s an understatement, we’ve added some very unique bonuses because I want to make Glazer-Kennedy members get some of the best of the best.

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Listen, folks, the most important marketing strategy, we could also is to increase the feeling that I’m talking directly to you and only you. I can see there’s Steve and Lisa on this webinar, and if I was talking directly to Steve and Lisa and they felt like I was talking directly to them, their response rates would go up.

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And the fastest, the easiest, the most effective and fun way, because this can get pretty fun, to accomplish this, these three steps is with what Bill called his #1 secret weapon, which is CopyDoodles.

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CopyDoodles, I’ve had the good fortune of having CopyDoodles featured not only in Bill’s Outrageous Advertising book, but in Dan Kennedy’s 20th Anniversary Edition, The Fourth Edition of his The Ultimate Sales Letter book, which was the book that introduced me to Dan years ago. He actually asked me to write a nice little section of that book on these specific strategies, and in the Robert Skrob and Bob Regnerus book, CopyDoodles is mentioned in there.

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Folks, it’s a fact, everybody -- it’s so cool to have been able to create a product that I created originally, Bill, for myself. I don’t know if you remember back in 2007 you and I had the opportunity to have a dinner, because we were at an event together, I don’t know if you remember that, but we had a dinner together and I mentioned CopyDoodles, I said, “Hey, I’ve got this thing I use in my own business,” and I’ll never forget, you said, “Just make sure that Julie sees it.”

I don’t know if you remember that, but this was something I had created, I was using it in my own consulting business and ever since then it’s just been -- as a matter of fact, back when you first saw it and actually took the time, because I know a lot of people probably come up to with ideas and cool things, but after you saw it and really Glazer-Kennedy just adopted, if you will.

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This was a couple of years ago that you sent this, but this is one of my best testimonials, you called it, “The best enhancement in the last ten years for bumping the response and making it look more interesting.” You guys still use it extensively in your marketing.

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Bill: I don’t think there’s anything we do today where we don’t use it in some form,

because, again, it’s all about getting people to pay attention to your message.

When I’m not a Glazer-Kennedy webinar and then I reference this, “Don’t do what Glazer-Kennedy because they don’t make any money, they don’t know how to market,” as a matter of fact when I showed it to Dan Kennedy, which was actually a couple of months after I showed it to you, and you gave me that nudge to get this thing to market, Dan Kennedy, who doesn’t do a lot of testimonials sent me a fax, and you probably can’t read it there, but he called them, “Brilliant,” and Dan knew what it was like to have to do this the old way. When he saw how simple it was he said he liked it the minute he saw it.

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A couple of real testimonials -- Susan Berkley, who’s a well-known Glazer-Kennedy member, she uses them everywhere in her marketing, she can’t imagine not using them. She says it, “Defines a tool like Xerox, Kleenex, or Scotch tape,” CopyDoodles defines attention-grabbing marketing.

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You haven’t seen this, Bill, but this is a gentleman up in my chapter, Jeff Giagnocavo, and he has them on his truck. He just opened up a retail, furniture store, and if you can see them there, he’s got them on the sides, he’s got them on the back, the handwriting, not too many people you have handwriting on the sides of their delivery trucks, and Jeff is a huge fan.

Bill: It’s great. Mike: It’s amazing where we have seen them. We have been out at -- even our local

hospital here where I live, Bill, I don’t know how, but we go in there, but there’s a poster with CopyDoodles, like our CopyDoodles, I don’t know how it got there, but it’s just very cool.

Bill: Can you imagine, like, you’re on the operating table and the people have the

scalpel with a CopyDoodle -- Mike: “Cut here,” or something like that?

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For the last couple of years we have really been able to revolutionize the marketing for over 3,800 business owners and entrepreneurs in more than 30 countries, at last count. We have people using them all over the world.

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But, I want to share, Bill, a story. I just had a consulting day with Dan. And we talked CopyDoodles for a good part of the day. Dan and the way -- and he does it so well -- he said, “You know, Mike, it’s almost like a microwave oven, CopyDoodles are.” I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “Well, everyone has a regular oven in their house, and it works fine, but everyone also has a microwave oven in their house. We don’t really need it, but it’s faster, it’s more efficient, it’s quick and simple to use and everybody uses a microwave to get things done fast.” He said, “That’s what CopyDoodles are like, it’s like a microwave. Yeah, sure you could do it yourself and spend hours trying to figure all of that, but you make it so fast and simple.” I thought, “Well, the next webinar I do I’ve got to put that microwave story in there.”

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Bill, that is it. I want to thank you very much, and you’ve been a very gracious host.

Bill: You’re very welcome. There’s no need to thank me. I’m going to thank you,

Mike, because one of the things that one of my mentors always taught me is you can’t give away good. In this particular case people getting access to CopyDoodles is really giving away good, because the results that you will get by using this is just so staggering compared to what you’d get without it. So, the fact that you make this available to folks, that you put it together, and you obviously put a tremendous amount of time and money in creating this unbelievable tool. So, I want to thank you, and I want to thank you for making it available to all of our members.
