Giving the punishment meaning



What is revenge, what is the value of a crime you did not commit, but have been convicted already; thus a victim in search of a meaning for his/her punishment.

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Revenge has more to do with honour after a personal humiliation or feeling of insult such as for example not taking threats seriously.

If you would punish a person, is it really revenge? Or is a punishment simply a delayed revenge?What use has your anger if you stumbled over a stone and got hurt. What intention would that stone have if it wasn't placed on purpose by another human, it is simplya stone being a stone laying on this specific spot - what to blame but your own feet and eyes. Can I take revenge upon a untrained dog who ate my bread after I had put it in front of its face and left the dog alone with it..? Or could I punish it to the extent of making the dog understand that it has its own food at another place from which he can eat. The dog is not my superior or equal that he can eat with me from my own personal made meals, though I might appreciate its presence and loyalty and during possible circumstances I might share my own meals in order to survive, both me and the dog.

Revenge.. Your daughter got raped and the court gave a sentence which you deem unjust.The System could be blamed for giving a maximum punishment in accordance with the crime; or the judges themselves who didn't gave the maximum penalty.You feel aggrieved; can you punish the convict yourself with own measures and would you avenge your daughter by punishing the judges; or the State - but what to attack regarding the State, it has so many layers, so many indirect faces, so many masks..

Regarding taking measures in own hands:

There is also a option of giving the punishment meaning.There might for example be individuals who have the intellect, understanding and experiences to give meaning to their own lives and that of their (possible future) families.They might not want to live in accordance with the System, they accept its presence and the reality that there will always be a Law and an ideal to which the masses should live up to, but the ideal is not destined for such an individual.

This particular man, or woman, simply wants to leave his/her economic purpose within the System, to live for example on a mountain top with a self made wooden home; taking care for his own existence by hunting by himself and to grow vegetables; maybe a partner with the same views and Will.What loss to society such an individual would be? What claim has any government on each piece of land? Why forbidding it..? Well, to integrate all within the Common and to exclude any other possibilities, so that from an individual exception will not grow a community with shared ideals opposing that of the current System. We get that.

But there might be a few who will try anyway and see reality for what it is, that you cannot escape''the West'' at all, not even in the East - but there are possible solutions which the System might accept as to live a less economical life.But even then, it might be in accordance with governmental approved certificates.This person might for example want to stay in another land which is not infected that much (yet) with Modern standards of ''normality''; by teaching a language for example.The person might have a greater understanding of this language than most other native speakers, but hasn't any ''offical'', government approved certificate to teach, or simply as a ''evidence'' that he/she has full control over such a particular language.

This particular kind of individual might feel entrapped within the current system; he/she might feel as if it is a punishment; but a punishment for what.. What has he or she done to deserve such a punishment..?This person might eventually give his/her punishment a meaning by means of counter-punishment to a certain degree, or as far as the circumstances allow. Or rather, becoming the actual criminal instead of remaining the victim..Or maybe such an individual simply wants to give back what it has been given, equally, as the current State prescribes.

