GIRO Direct Credit


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  • 7/25/2019 GIRO Direct Credit



    This form is applicable to the Student of Nanyang Technological University and is the "Account Holder"

    designated below. Payment would be credited directly into the student's designated bank account stated below.

    The student has to complete Part I of the form andobtain his banker's certification in Part II. Any alteration must

    be initialed by the authorised signatory. This entire form and your reimbursement claim form must be returned to:

    Nanyang Technological University


    3rd Storey , Nanyang Auditorium

    50 Nanyang Avenue

    Singapore 639798 Stri ctly for Part Time SA

    PART 1 (To be completed by Student)

    Student's Name and Address Student's NRIC No /

    Mr / Ms FIN No ( For Foreigner )

    Matric No :

    Contact No :

    E-mail Add :

    (NTU's Intranet Account)

    Particulars of bank account

    (Bank No. & Branch No. can be found at the bottom of your bank cheque)

    Bank No. Branch No. Account No.

    Name of Account Holder

    I hereby authorise Nanyang Technological University to credit payments to me to the above account.

    Amounts so credited would constitute valid discharge of obligations due to me.

    This authorisation shall continue to be in force until I have expressly revoked it by notice in writing

    delivered to you.

    In the event of a change of bank account, I shall inform you in writing 30 days in advance before the change.

    Date Authorised Signature of the Account Holder (as in bank's record)

    PART II (To be completed by Student's Bank specified above)

    To: Nanyang Technological University

    We hereby certify that the signature affixed in Part I above is/are consistent with our records and the

    particulars of the account are correct.

    Name of Bank & Official Stamp Authorised Signature & Date

    Revised as at 24.01.2014
