Girls' Education: Case Study at Johns Hopkins School of Education


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  • 8/13/2019 Girls' Education: Case Study at Johns Hopkins School of Education



    Girls Education and the Millennium Development Goals: NGO Challenges

    855.716 Contemporary Approaches To Educational Problems

    SPRING, 2014

    Photo Credit: Fred Mednick

  • 8/13/2019 Girls' Education: Case Study at Johns Hopkins School of Education


  • 8/13/2019 Girls' Education: Case Study at Johns Hopkins School of Education


    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 3

    Efforts to stem malnutrition, remove barriers to

    school enrollment, curtail unsanitary conditions

    leading to child mortality, combat malaria and

    tuberculosis, and provide access to water have been

    impressive. Public-private partnerships have

    flourished. Unprecedented advances in technology

    have led to greater levels of access to vital resources

    and information exchange.

    As coordinated efforts have unfolded, research

    continues to strengthen the case that the education of

    girls serves as a catalyst for overall development.

    Educated mothers are 50% more women are likely

    to immunize their children than mothers with no

    schooling (Lewis & Lockheed, 2007).

    With an extra year of education, a girl can earn up to

    20% more as an adult and often reinvest 90% of her

    income into her family. A child born to a literate

    mother is 50% more likely to survive past the age of

    5 (UNESCO, 2012).

    Over the past 40 years (particularly from 2000 to the

    present), womens education has prevented more

    than 4 million child deaths. (UNGEI, 2012).

    The Millennium Development Goals also include a2015 expiration date. With fewer than 850 days to

    go, a vigorous and contentious post-2015 debate is well underway.

    Millennium Goal Challenges

    For many regions of the world, the Millennium Development Goal report card has been

    nothing short of tragic. Most poor countries will not meet MDG targets. Net aid

    disbursements have declined. Of the wildly discrepant global accounting of children who do

    not attend school, some regions have excluded approximately 70% of its girls. In the least

    developed countries, more than a third of young women (15-24 years old) cannot read (World

    Inequality Database, 2013). The 46 per cent increase in carbon emissions since 1990 and the

    rapid rate of climate change threaten environmental sustainability. 1 in 8 people go to bed

    hungry. In several regions of sub-Saharan Africa, the number of mobile phones outstrips the

    number of latrines or flush toilets.

    Photo Credit: UNDP

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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 4

    he MDGs themselves have faced withering criticism. Halving poverty has been considered

    ridiculously under ambitious (Pogge). Others claim that a one-size-fits-all approach

    undermines case-by-case capacity-building efforts in favor of global aid. The blogosphere is

    filled with questions about the accuracy of data from monitoring, evaluation, transparency,

    and accountability tools. Watchdog groups harbor deep suspicions toward the allure of

    privatization and influence peddling. Others decry the lack of a framework for the protection

    of human rights beyond a fleeting, tokenistic, or rhetorical embrace (Alston, 2004).

    The Millennium Development Goals have also faced criticism from claims that it reflects a

    negotiated, donor-driven agenda (2) MDG data design, collection methods, and reliability

    have been viewed as flawed (3) MDGs have been criticized for not having considered

    dependent variables enough most notably the meteoric rise in population, climate change,

    and the dominance of India and Chinas data thus skewing the results (4) MDGs have been

    called to task for its omissions.

    Girls education may have received a great deal of media attention. However, the progress

    report toward the realization of MDGs in these areas is mixed, particularly in the areas of

    education quality and equity, education and public health, and education in emergencies.

    !"#$%&'() +$$,-- %)" !.#'&/

    Targeted reading for teams working on this theme:

    United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. World Atlas of Gender Equality in

    Education. Retrieved from:

    gender-education-2012.pdfand corresponding interactive database, eAtlas of Gender Equality in

    Education. Retrieved from:

    Photo Credit: Human Rights Watch

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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 5

    Issues of gender equity have been central to the development of a gender sensitive lens designed

    to link social justice and gender equality with education for sustainable development (Enarson,

    2000). Researchers and NGO leaders have demanded publicly viewable data and accountabilitymeasures designed to ensure that policies governing and protecting gender equity and womens

    empowerment are enforced.

    The United Nations Millennium Development Goals 2013 Report states: persisting gender-

    based inequalities in decision-making continue to deny women a say in the decisions that affect

    their lives (UNMDG Report, 2013). According to the Global Campaign for Education, the

    existing MDG doesn't really do enough to provide a strong incentive to worry about the hard-to-

    reach groups." (Williams, 2013)

    While evidence can substantiate significant global development progress through the education of

    girls, progress toward those MDGs focusing explicitly on health, equity, and economicopportunities for girls and women has consistently fallen short. In several countries rated at the

    bottom of the United Nations Development Index, the pace of progress toward equity and human

    rights has not only slowed, but also gone backward.

    The issues are rarely understood from a single perspective. Sociological, psychological, and

    anthropological perspectives tend to focus on regional contexts and cultural memory. Girls may

    not attend school in a region of Pakistan because families may fear retribution by authorities, a

    human trafficking network, or sexual violence. They may have been told that religious doctrine

    forbids it. From an economic standpoint, those same families may not comprehend the longer-

    term financial benefits of removing girls from the task of carrying water, especially when requiredto pay school fees for uniforms or supplies.

    As the world becomes increasingly aware of educational and equity disparities, the momentum to

    build more schools has met with resistance from those who seek assurances that those schools are

    staffed with qualified teachers capable of promoting inclusion and fairness. In short, Malala has a

    right to attend agoodschool and learn from well-trainededucators.

    Global watchdog groups have exposed those governments that manipulate their dependence upon

    foreign aid to abdicate their primary responsibility of educating their citizens (Dambisa, 2009).

    Governments have been accused of deferring any national measures toward achieving MDGs until

    after World Bank loans have been approved or fabricating statistics in order to curry favor withlending agencies or the international donor community.

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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 8

    In 2000, when the Millennium Development Goals were formalized, the Inter-Agency Network for

    Education (INEE) was founded in order to create education clusters of NGOs and global agencies

    that coordinate interventions and establish standards based upon the UN Convention on the Rights

    of the Child and the Dakar 2000 Education for All goals.

    Some rogue states have kept their borders porous in order to ensure a steady stream of profits

    from the drug or arms trade. Human Rights Watch and UNESCO report numerous cases of

    education under attack, and schools as battlegrounds where teachers are attacked, girls and

    women are raped, and the school itself used as a storehouse of weapons (Human Rights

    Watch, 2010-11).

    The recent financial downturn and both large-scale natural and national disasters have

    disenfranchised millions, resulting in the largest number of refugees in history. In turn, crises

    expected to last months become protracted, seemingly intractable crises lasting years,

    compounded by the issues that emerge in overcrowded, unsanitary, refugee communities. In

    Syria alone, 4 million people are fighting for survival, and there is no end in sight. Over just a

    few months earlier this year, states bordering Syria faced the herculean, humanitarian task of

    absorbing 2.5 million displaced people into makeshift camps. In those same camps, polio

    once eradicated has returned and incidents of gender violence have soared. Often

    responsible for basic livelihoods, the carrying of water, and care for children, women suffer

    the most. Relegated to a lower rung on food, power, and housing hierarchies, women are

    subject to higher rates of infectious and water-borne diseases (IUCN).

    In natural and national disasters, girls are particularly at risk. During the Indonesian

    earthquake and tsunami in 2004, two-thirds of the casualties were women. Disasters

    reinforce, perpetuate and increase gender inequality, making bad situations worse for women

    (UNDRR, 2009). Natural and national emergencies have magnified existing social, political,

    and economic disparities. Sexual and domestic abuse increases. Care for displaced families

    falls squarely on womens shoulders, yet traditional power structures have not effectively

    mainstreamed a gender perspective (UNDRR, 2009).

    The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction has expressed concern that: existing

    approaches in disaster risk reduction are not only unable to address gender-based vulnerabilities,

    but also mask the skills and capabilities of women as individuals and as a group. (UNDRR)

    The InterAgency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) has drawn a considerable amount

    of attention to the instrumental role women have played in mitigating the effects of hazards in

    rescue and recovery, relief, and reconstruction (INEE, 2010). The Hyogo Framework for Action

    (HFA) 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters resolved to

    ensure that knowledge, prevention, and planning would be taken seriously in schools (UNISDR,


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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 9

    In 2009, The International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and the United Nations

    Development Programme published Making Disaster Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and

    Practical Guidelines, to ensure that gender mainstreaming is incorporated into disaster

    management initiatives; the science and technology of safety; communications, training and

    education; and disaster preparedness and planning, intervention, post-disaster relief, and

    reconstruction efforts (UNDP, 2009).

    Questions and Challenges

    The questions and challenges these NGOs face are not dissimilar to those faced by organizations


    How do we build the capacity necessary to evaluate our work and demonstrate impacts? What successful methodologies and best practices should we use to negotiate power

    relationships and stakeholder pressures?

    What are the processes by which successful gender mainstreaming practices in oneregion might be of valuable to, and take root in, in our region?

    Considering our environmental, political-economic, social, and cultural context, how dowe address threats to our work in girls education?

    What tools and resources have been successful in measuring the effects of girlseducation on a given community?

    How can our girls education efforts be sustained, replicated, communicated, andmeasured?

    How might we address the opportunities and challenges of communicating these impactsto policy makers, planners, field workers, and community organizations?

    How do we manage change? How do we cultivate leadership? How do we ensure community support?

    Required Readings and Media

    Additional readings are targeted to the themes (access and equality, public health, and

    emergencies), as well as readings provided by team members to support the paper.

    Video Girl Rising (2013). Remarkable stories of nine girls around the world - told bycelebrated writers and voiced by renowned actors.

    Instructors are in the process of obtaining permission from film producers to make

    the film available for students in this course

    Girl Shot in Head by Taliban Speaks at UN (2013): Malala Yousafzai United

    Nations Speech (2013).

    A 19:36 second video of Malala Yousafzai speaking on her 16th


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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 10

    Web Slides Educating Girls: Storify collection assembled by Fred Mednick. Retrieved from:

    Storify: to familiarize oneself with the issues through web resources

    UN Report Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women


    The formal document itself (about 10 pages, 30 Articles)


    DatabaseWorldwide Inequality Database on Education (2013). Education for All Global

    Monitoring Report

    Interactive database based upon Education for All monitoring data

    Global Case



    Exclusion, Gender and Education: Case studies from the developing world. Center

    for Global Development, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from:

    Preface, ix-xi; Social Exclusion, pgs. 1-27.

    These case studies by the authors ofInexcusable Absence: Why 60 Million Girls Still

    Arent In School and What to Do About It, examine the correlation between the lack of

    school attendance and social marginalization and how NGOs have achieved parity

    Theory of

    ChangeTheory of Change. Retrieved from: Center for Civic Partnerships. - !theory-of-change/c6i2

    Definitions for theories of change, along with an annotated list of references.

    The Spark Initiatives Theory of Change. Retrieved from:


    A two-page overview based upon change factors, transition strategies, outcomes and

    impact demonstrations, and scaling mechanisms developed by the W.K. Kellogg


    Recommended Readings

    Alston, Philip (2004). A human rights perspective on the millennium development goals. Special

    adviser to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the MDGs, for the

    millennium project task force on poverty and economic development. Retrieved from:

    Education from a Gender Equality Perspective. USAID. Retrieved from:

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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 11

    Fast Tracking Girls Education: A Progress Report by the Education for All Initiative:


    Enarson, Elaine (2000, May 3-5). Gender issues in natural disasters: Talking points and research

    needs. ILO inFocus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction.

    Human Rights Watch (2010). Schools as battlegrounds. Retrieved from:; Education Under Attack (UNESCO),

    retrieved from:

    Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies. Gender Task Team. Pocket guide to gender:. ; Pocket guide to gender

    Implementation tools.

    Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies. IUCN. International Union for Conservation of

    Nature. Disaster and Gender Statistics Retrieved from:

    Lewis, M. & Lockheed, M. (2007). Rich world poor world: A guide to global development. Center

    for Global Development. Education and the developing world: Why is education essential for

    development? Retrieved from:

    Mayo, Dambisa. (2009, Mar 21). Why foreign aid is hurting Africa, retrieved from: Wall Street


    Milanovic, Branko. (2012). "Global income inequality by the numbers: in history and now --an

    overview--," Policy Research Working Paper Series 6259, The World Bank.

    Pogge, T. Interview. ASAP: Academics stand against poverty. Retrieved from:

    Shapiro, Ilana (2005). Theories of Change. Retrieved from: Beyond Intractability. Retrieved from:

    Spark Initiatives Theory of Change. Buck Institute for Education. Retrieved from:

    Temin, M. & Levine, R. (2009). Start with a girl: A new agenda for global health. Center for Global

    Development. Retrieved from:

    United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. World Atlas of Gender Equality in

    Education. Retrieved from:

    gender-education-2012.pdfand corresponding interactive database:

    United Nations Development Program (2009). Making disaster risk reduction gender-sensitive:

    Policy and practical guidelines. ISDR (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UNDP).

    2009. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN

    Women). Retrieved from: Nations General Assembly (2012, Aug 6) accelerating progress towards the millennium

    development goals: options for sustained and inclusive growth and issues for advancing the UN

    development agenda beyond 2015. Annual Report of the Secretary-General, 65thsession.

    Retrieved from:

    United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI). Millennium Development Goals. Retrieved from

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    Girls Education Case Study: 855.716 Contemporary Approaches to Educational Problems 12

    United Nations Girls Education Initiative (2002). Engendering empowerment report, 2012: Global

    partnership for education. Retrieved from:

    United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (2005). Hyogo framework for action:

    2005-2015. Retrieved from:

    United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Resources for speakers on global issues. Retrieved


    United Nations Millennium Development Goals Report (2013). Retrieved from

    United Nations Secretary Generals Report (See Footnote 3), and UNAIDS Report on the Global

    AIDS Epidemic 2010, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) (Geneva,


    United Nations Women. (2012). How women and girls are faring: Charting progress on the

    millennium development goals. Retrieved from:

    Williams, R. (Mar 11 2013). Why girls in India are still missing out on the education they need.

    Retrieved from: The Guardian online:

