Girls Day Out Giving Project 2009


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Girls Day Out 2009…How it began.As most of you know, for the past 9 years I’ve worked with Iowa County Social Services as a youth mentor and I’m currently mentoring a 17 year-old girl from a very small town in a remote part of the county. Like most of the girls I work with, she is also from a disadvantaged background with not a lot of resources. Her birthday was in November and when I asked what she wanted, she was embarrassed to share that what she wanted most for her birthday was undergarments. Through continuing conversation, I learned that she had never been shopping at the mall, Old Navy, or even Target. So I planned a Sunday for us to go Madison and shop for the day.

What an experience! We started off going to church (she was amazed and loved the experience – her first of this kind!) and then a nice lunch at Biaggi’s. At lunch, I learned that she had never gotten anything new before so she really didn’t know her sizes. Through our shopping that day, I learned that the jeans she was wearing were 3 sizes too big and her shoes 4 sizes too small (shoes that once had wheels that she removed covering the hole with duct tape). She had never had a fitting room experience – go in, try it on, come out and show me, turn, turn, turn, etc. was all new for her. And at 17, she still gravitated to the girls section and was awed by Build A Bear – signs of a childhood that passed her by.

She’s a very humble girl and convincing her to accept these new things was a challenge. We ended up getting 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of shoes, 2 shirts, undergarments, and a winter coat all for just over $100! (I’m a bargain shopper!) At one point during our time together she said to me, “This is the best day of my life. No one has ever spent this much time on just me!” Although she needed the stuff, that wasn’t what was most important for her, it was the attention.

And when I dropped her off at home at the end of the day, the first thing she shared withher family wasn’t all the new items she got, but rather, her experience at church, “Jessica’s church is so cool, they have a rock band that sings about Jesus. And they’rereally good!”

Girls Day Out 2009…An idea takes shape...There’s no doubt that an experience like that is going to stick with you for quite some time. And who would have thought that shopping could be such a relational experience. An opportunity to lift this young girl up, dress her up to feel good about herself, to see herself in a different light.

Prior to this, my husband and I had set aside some money for holiday giving and were looking for something really special to give to (lots of crazy ideas came up but none made the cut). After reflecting on this experience and talking with a few others, the idea for Girls Day Out began to take shape.

I immediately called social services to see about the possibility of pulling together 7 girls in similar situations that could really benefit from a day of lunch and shopping in Madison. They loved the idea and began working on it right away! They were awesome and I still can’t believe they made it happen for us!

And then, through the generosity of friends and family – 8 women came forward to devote their Saturday before Christmas to shopping with teenage girls they had never met! And so many sent wonderful notes of encouragement and donation offers. Although this was something that my husband and I really wanted to fund – there were a handful of generous people who wouldn’t take no for an answer and donated. In fact, one person I never met sent a donation after he heard of this project from a friend. God Bless you all!!!!

So on Saturday, December 19, my friend Laura and I drove 7 girls into Madison to meet up with6 other friends (personal shoppers) for a day of lunch and shopping. Each volunteer(personal shopper) partnered with a girl (shopper) to get to know her, spend valuabletime with her, and most of all love on her and help her feel like the true princess that she is! Here are their stories…

Jessica Hermsen

Lunching with the girls at The Roman Candle…

During lunch, personal shoppers sat across from the shoppers and got to know them better. They then made a shopping list, a budget, and planned out their day.

Katie and KateriniKaterini and Katie turned out to be the perfect match! Katie is a very talented graphic designer with lots of energy and spunk! And equally matched, Katerini was a very energetic, kind and respectful shopper. Katerini found some good finds at Old Navy. She hunkered down in the fitting room while Katie ran off to get her what she needed – a true royalty experience! Although Katerini poo poo’d one item that Katie picked out by telling her, “That’s what old people like you wear!” Katie came back with, “Since when is 25 old?” and they found a number of other items that both generations could agree on….like black and white shoes and handbags!

At the start of the day, when Katerini waited in my car for the other girls, her mom tearfully thanked us for doing this project. She said Christmas wasn’t going to be much this year. Katie, thanks for giving your time and yourself. Katerini’s Christmas will be better than she could have ever imagined all because of you!

Kathryn and AreeanaAreeana is diabetic and recently learned that at age 14, she needs to eliminate gluten from her diet. What a drag! Well, most people don’t know this but before Kathryn landed at Lands’ End, she worked as a registered dietician. So this seemed like a natural fit! And it really was! When asked on the way home what Areeana thought of her day – she said it was beyond what she ever imagined it could be and that Kathryn was really cool!

The day prior to the event, Kathryn prepared a “swag bag” of personal care items for each girl. She also picked up healthy snack for not only Areeana knowing she would need it in the afternoon, but for the whole group. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness Kathryn – you made the day special for Areeana and all of us!

Mandy and KiahKiah turned out to be a bit of a challenge – but not for Mandy. After about 10 minutes with Mandy, Kiah forgot about her iPod and had a blast. Kiah lives in a house of all boys – brothers and a single dad. So Mandy did all things “girl” with her…haircut, make-up, and the massage chairs at the mall.

They even picked out hats for one another. And in the car on the way home, Kiah said Mandy is soooo awesome! It was Mandy this and Mandy that. Thanks Mandy for spending the day with Kiah – you were such a positive influence…in just a matter of hours!!!

Deb, Farrah, and LondonDeb and Farrah, the best mother/daughter duo I’ve ever encountered, did a phenomenal job of drawing out our youngest shopper, ten year-old, London. London comes from a very large family is sometimes lost in the shuffle. At first, hanging out with teenage girls was a bit intimidating, but thanks to Deb and Farrah, by the end of the day, she was laughing it up in the backseat with the older girls.

Being with older girls, it was only natural for her to want to seem older. Nice job Deb and Farrah deflecting London’s requests for high heels and make-up! And great job outfitting her in the most darling little sparkly ballet slippers!!! You guys did an excellent job caring for this little one. I’ve never seen someone carry a Gap bag with such pride!

Laura and BetsyBetsy is a little bit of a loner. It’s really hard when you want to wear junior’s style but wear women’s sizing. And I’ve never met anyone who can shop and accessorize like Laura – she didn’t even see it as a challenge! The best part of Betsy’s day was Laura choosing the same shoes as Betsy. She said that no one ever shares her taste.

She also said, “Laura is so awesome – everything she picked out for me was perfect!” Betsy thought the day was going to be spent with a bunch of ‘preppy people’ – boy was she surprised! She found herself chatting it up with everyone by the end of the day!

Amanda and AlliAlli was our hardest customer of the day. She told us right off the bat that she wasn’t going to shop for clothes because she hates clothes! Well, Amanda, a girl who just excludes sunshine struck a deal that she had to at least get a shirt. Well, she ended up getting a few more articles of clothing in addition to Pop Rocks, a New Moon poster, and the newest Harry Potter movie. Nice work Amanda!

By the end of the day, Alli completely adored Amanda. She even found her a button at Hot Topic (for free) that said something about “blowing sunshine.” A perfect match!

Jessica and JordanJordan is the oldest of 5 and the daughter of a single mom so she bears a lot of responsibility at home. She wasn’t picking out anything and I just thought she was picky. Turns out, she feels very uncomfortable spending money on herself. So after telling her by not letting me do this for her, she was stealing my joy and in effect, being very selfish, she let loose and we got down to some serious shopping. Jeans, boots, shirts, undergarments, lip gloss…there’s no doubt she’ll feel like a million bucks at school on Monday!

Many, many, many THANKS….…to Iowa County Social Services (Beth and all the other social workers) and Tracy V. at Lutheran Social Services for making this possible.

…to friends and family for your prayers and encouragement for this day as well as your support.

…to all of the personal shoppers for your time sacrifice the weekend before Christmas, devoting your personal resources, and most of all, for stepping outside your comfort zone to love on a teenage girl you’ve never met. You are all truly amazing!

I can’t fully express to all of you how wonderful this experience was for me and for my husband (who wasn’t even there). This idea became a reality because of all of you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Love, Josh and Jessica Hermsen
