Giovanni Da Verrazano



By: Angel G. Ramos. Giovanni Da Verrazano. Parts of My Report. Introduction I. Reasons why my explorer came to North America II. Obstacles my explorer faced during their journey III. When they arrived IV. His contributions to New York Conclusion Work Cited Any Question?. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Giovanni Da Verrazano

By: Angel G. Ramos

Parts of My Report

Introduction I.

Reasons why my explorer came to North America

II. Obstacles my explorer faced during their journey

III. When they arrived IV. His contributions to New York Conclusion Work Cited Any Question?


In this report I will be discussing the well known explorer, Giovanni da Verrazano. I will include why he traveled to North America, the obstacles he faced, the reactions from the Native Americans, and his contributions to New York State. There are many reasons as to why I chose to research this explorer. For example, I wanted to know about all about his life. Also I wanted to know what his contribution to NYS was. In addition, I wanted to know if all the information people wrote were true or made up. For example, if he actually stole a Native American girl and took all her stuff. Then, left her by herself somewhere she did not know. Furthermore, I’m interested to know if Native American really ate Giovanni da Verrazano. If not how did he die?

I. Reasons why my explorer came to North America

Giovanni Da Verrazano went to North America to find riches and he was responsible for mapping and exploring the Atlantic coast of North America. He found many places along the North American coast like Cape Cod & Nova Scotia

II. Obstacles my explorer faced during their journey

Giovanni explored the Atlantic coast of North America between South Carolina and Newfoundland in 1524. He also faced the Isthmus of Panama. Also he faced being killed by the native in 1528.

III. When they arrived

Giovanni Da Verrazano showed of a Native American girl he stole and took her stuff then left her. He showed his Claim sites and he showed the maps he had. Also he showed of the voyages.

IV. His contribution to New York

In New York Bay, they named their bridge after him (Verrazano-Narraws Bridge) he discovered Carolina banks. He also discovered many places in united states.


In conclusion, Giovanni da Verrazano died because the Native American ate him.

Work Cited

1. The Passage “Giovanni Da Verrazano”


Giovanni’s Voyage

The Verrazano Brigde

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